Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. (2013) s02e17 Episode Script

Banner Day

That's right, Hulksters.
We're here in the Big Apple to collect a citation from the UN for all the good we been doing lately.
You know, saving Greece from Pluto, saving Russia from the Red Ghost and his abominates, saving New York from Devil Dinosaur Okay, that last one was our fault.
Anyway, now that folks know we're heroes, we can hobnob here at the Central Park Zoo just like normal tourists.
- Huh? - Oh, great.
Now what in the green is that thing? Chill out, people.
Hero here.
I got this! No, correction! It's got me.
Not now! Not on my day off! I got 'em.
Oh, no, now there's three of them! No! No! Skaar feeling stressed! Hulk, it's got us! Do something already, Greenie! I'm comin', smashers! Ah! Oh! Skaar sword stuck to ball like magnet! Where have we seen this tech before? The Collector, maybe? Ah-ooh! Who can keep 'em straight? Every other week, some bad guy sends a robo-probe our way.
Just smash it! Easier said than done.
Figures these beach balls have an automated defense.
Yo, big guy! Dial it back before you fry us all! Whoa! What are you starin' at? Loser.
Incoming! It's raining hulks! It's raining hulks! Alien threat, smashed.
You're welcome.
Hulk tired! Hulk big! Punching like animal! Man, I really don't like him when he's this angry.
I can't do it.
Can't be the rampaging monster.
Not anymore.
Not ever again.
Been avoiding this too long.
I know what I need to do.
I locked in your coordinates.
Want to tell me where we're going? If I told you, you might not want to take me there.
You're not thinking of doing something stupid, are you, big guy? Just the opposite.
I'm going to see an old friend.
So spill, Greenie.
Who you taking us to see? Hopefully, Bruce Banner.
Who him? Okay, rewind time for Hulk newbies.
Hulk wasn't always the jolly green giant we know and love Once the brilliant scientist, Bruce Banner, he was turned into the Hulk after he got caught in a gamma blast saving my life.
As you'll see in the army's archival footage.
That footage is classified, Jones.
But I brung you this dramatized reenactment I personally supervised.
You! Get out of there! Cool it, man.
It's a free country, right? Quick, you fool, into the protective trench - before the bomb goes off! - Bomb? I didn't know! There.
You're safe.
Ahh! - Really? - What? That's the way I remember it.
This team has tons of brawn.
What we need as brain, you know, science-y knowledge.
That can predict these alien threats before they happen.
That's why I've decided to change back to Bruce Banner Permanently.
But I thought you could never change back? There might be one way.
The day Banner saved your life, someone saw something I never did.
A hero.
Thought she could stop Greenie with science, instead of guns.
She? We're going to see her? - Who her? - My daughter.
Betty Ross.
I knew you'd come back, Bruce.
Betty! Hey! Jen! Oh, my gosh! It's been ages! Heyah, Bett Whoa! You look terrific! I like your new look too, Rick.
And I love the web cast.
You must be Skaar.
Elizabeth Ross.
But you can call me Betty.
Heh, Skaar like Betty.
Estranged father-daughter reunion.
We ain't exactly been close.
Something about her thinking I'm, uh An obnoxious overbearing tyrant, who cares more about weapons than people.
And that was before he turned himself into a hulk.
Did she mention she was dating Banner/Greenie behind my back? Yeah.
While General Ross, "My father," was hunting him down like an animal, or trying to turn him into a weapon.
I'm never having kids.
Now that the awkward introductions are out of the way, let's get down to business.
This binder contains every scrap of information on reversing the effect the gamma had on you from top scientists.
Like Tony Stark and Reed Richards.
As well as some interesting theories from The Leader and Victor Von Doom.
No mystery why those creeps wouldn't want me around.
I distilled all this research down, and created an effective serum of gamma inhibitors.
The long and short of it is, the Hulk can be Bruce Banner once again, if he chooses to be.
Whoa, time out! I thought you liked being the Hulk.
Most days, yeah.
Decision made.
Let's go home.
Being Hulk is fine, but Banner can do just as much good for the world.
Banner never had any guts.
That's why he needed me! To order him around! And look where that got him.
You don't need big fists and tough skin to save the world, Bruce.
You can do it the way you were always meant to.
With science.
Let's do this.
We'll need to generate a tremendous force to administer the serum into Hulk's gamma-enhanced system.
Let me know when it's over.
Just the thought of getting a shot gives me the willies.
Injection in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
It didn't work.
He's still the monster.
And the big guy doesn't look too happy about it.
Lay one pinkie on my kid, Greenie, you're in for a world of smash.
I can take care of myself! I'll be the judge of that.
We need to stop him before he smashes the whole world! He just needs to bring the gamma level up in his cells for the serum to take effect! Betty? Easy, kiddo.
Daddy's got ya.
It's working! Bruce! I don't believe it! - You did it, Betty.
- No, Bruce.
You did it.
Hope you finally found the peace you want, cousin.
Well, congrats, buddy.
I'm still gonna miss the big guy.
Guess that makes me the boss.
Ah Who puny human? This is gonna take some getting used to.
Ah, Rick, that's cold! Why on Earth would you do that? Just checkin' to see if you'd get mad enough to change back.
Quit whimpering for Hulk, Devil.
He's right there! This isn't a twist-off.
Puny man not Hulk.
Hulk green.
Got that right, shaggy.
Banner here's nothing but a milksop.
Who happens to be dating your daughter again.
Nobody's staring at me.
I'd forgotten what that's like.
Well, things can go back to normal now, Bruce.
Have you thought about returning to your research? Does designing a new lab count? "Anti-alien defense system.
" "Sustainable clean energy source.
" You drew these up in one night? It's like the scientist in me is waking up again.
It feels so good to be creating and not smashing.
Why Red spy on puny man? You need to knock off the over-protective dad routine.
Besides, I already got cameras on them.
You can zoom and everything.
Jones! Okay, I get it! You're mad! You don't have to shake the whole town! That wasn't me.
Attention, people of Earth.
You are harboring a fugitive, guilty of crimes against the Kree Empire.
What's he doing here? I demand the Hulk.
- But the Hulk doesn't exist anymore! - Ronan doesn't know that.
So those space balls we smashed in New York Ronan's sentries.
Scouting for us.
Okay, the dude with the big hammer is Ronan the Accuser.
One-man judge, jury and executioner for the super-advanced alien Kree Empire.
We kind of ticked him off when we saved Ego and Galactus.
It's a long story.
But the short version is He wants to punish us for our "crimes.
" Jones, shaggy, weapon up.
Shulkie, get this bird in the air, stat.
Starting the party without me? Why puny man on jet? Took the words right out of my mouth, nature boy.
I'm still the leader of this team.
Uh, in case you haven't noticed, you've, uh, lost a little muscle mass.
You can't take on Ronan.
Just because I quit being the Hulk doesn't mean I quit being a hero.
I suspected we'd have to deal with the Kree eventually.
So I've been working on tech to use against them.
Here's what we're gonna do.
Ha-ha! I ain't takin' orders from no 98-pound weakling.
You're a liability, Banner, and you know it.
So what's your plan of attack, General? We don't need no stinkin' plan.
We go in and smash, like always.
Wouldn't it make more sense to go in cloaked? I coulda done that, smarty-pants.
Gonna cloak yourself from Ronan, too? In a manner of speaking, yeah.
Impact in 3, 2, 1 All right, maybe the egghead ain't such a liability.
But I still say, leave the smashing to the pros! I brought my own brand of smashing.
Nice one, big guy! Uh, Doctor What should I call you now? Call me the man in charge.
Now, let's smash Ronan's power grid.
Subdue those intruders, at once.
Fire in the hole! You may be in charge, Banner, but Hammer Man is mine! Huh? I demanded the Hulk, not his underlings.
Where is the Hulk? Skaar keep asking same question.
I'm right here, Ronan.
You dare mock Ronan? A mere human? A mere human who adapted this armor to absorb your weapons' energy.
Now, it's my turn! Oh! I gave up being the Hulk to return to human form.
Your fugitive no longer exists, Ronan.
Liar! If you will not bring me the Hulk, then I will destroy everything on Earth.
Beginning with you.
Bruce! Told ya he was a liability! Since you refuse to surrender the Hulk to me, your planet will answer for his crimes.
You recall my ship is equipped with a gravity bomb? The one that'll create a black hole big enough to swallow the entire solar system? I remember.
Could you truly have been the Hulk? Would it change anything if I was? No.
Man or monster, Hulk must pay.
Deploy the weapon.
Oh, no! He's started the countdown! Justice will be served! Wait.
Is it justice to wipe out an entire planet to punish one man? One monster, who, by your own admission, no longer exists.
What if I could bring you the Hulk? Go on.
If I bring him to you, will you spare the Earth and my friends? Very well.
You have one hour.
Uh, dude.
Are you out of your recently-restored mind? Trust me.
- I got your message.
- I need you to turn me back.
You barely had any time, Bruce.
But I knew you wouldn't stay this way for long.
So I came prepared.
Being Banner doesn't erase what the Hulk did For better or worse.
We'll never know, because once you've been injected, your body will be immune to gamma inhibitors.
And I can't ever go back to being human, I know.
But this time, I'm choosing to be the Hulk.
Daddy's wrong.
You always had guts.
Sometimes, we risk losing our humanity to protect those we love.
I learned that from your father.
You'll need to get angry for the transformation to kick in.
That won't be a problem.
And Betty, I Go! "Trust me," he says.
Like a pat on the shoulder's gonna break us out? Oh! Good one, Doc.
Why blue men go to sleep? That would be me! With some help from this widget Dr.
Banner slipped me.
We could really use his smarts To dismantle this gravity bomb.
Who needs smarts? We got smash! Insolent whelps! You will be punished for your defiance.
Ronan! I have what you want.
You have nothing, human.
I assure you, the Hulk is within me.
When my anger rises, he will emerge.
I believe you, but justice must still be served.
Deploy the weapon, and prepare for hyperspace jump.
Punishing the innocent isn't justice it's slaughter! I do what is necessary to make an example of you monsters! You want a monster? You've got one! Oh, puny man is Hulk! Skaar get it now.
Go! Stop bomb! Hulk! You face your accuser at last.
Hang on, boys.
There she blows.
Grappling cables locked and loaded.
Now, heave! Put your backs into it! No! Justice must be served! Ronan not know justice! Ronan only use power to punish! Let your punishment be swift, monster.
Hulk not I'm not the monster here.
Hyper drive initiating in five Four Three Two One.
can take 'em from here.
The Kree Empire will not let this insolence go unavenged.
Bruce, wait! Bruce, I'm so sorry.
You did the right thing, kiddo.
He's too proud to want you seein' him like that.
Pride can get in the way of a lot of relationships.
Especially daughters, too stubborn to see the sacrifices their fathers make.
'Course you're stubborn! You're my kid, ain't ya? Couldn't face Betty 'cause I'm not sorry.
This was no different from the first time I became the Hulk.
Even then, it happened because I made a choice to save someone.
And I been making that same choice ever since.
Hulk out.

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