Iron Man: Armored Adventures (2008) s02e20 Episode Script


2x20 - Doomsday He's a man on a mission in armor of high-tech ammunition trapped on the edge of an endless game his teenage life will never be the same in a dangerous world he does all he can he's Iron Man Iron Man.
This is it, Gene.
This is the last time I help you, then you let me go.
You know more about Maklaun technology than anyone, and your knowledge of the temple riddles is unparalleled.
You'll do what I say, and you'll help me if you ever want to see your son again.
You know, you could've just teleported us in.
This country belongs to him.
His technology might pick up any large amounts of Maklaun energy.
I need to be careful.
So what does this satellite thingy have to do with Gene Khan? It detects Maklaun energy anytime Mandarin uses the rings in a big way.
You know, when he teleports huge distances or blasts something with one of the stronger rings.
Then we can pinpoint that little jerk and be on him so fast his helmet will spin.
Well, unless he's in like Japan.
But if he's anywhere we can get to quickly enough we'll have him.
Ok, programming now.
The satellite will be online in exactly nine hours.
Finally, the ninth Maklaun temple! So are you gonna tell me a little about the temple guardian, or do I have to guess? It's called the Gray Gargoyle.
If it touches you, you turn to stone.
Maybe you should go first.
No! The ring is gone! The statue guardian, it's been destroyed! Then that means only one thing.
He found it.
He knows.
Doom, knows everything.
Sorry! Check me out.
Yes! See, Tony, I told you I was getting the hang of this.
I just needed a little more practice time.
Try a lot more.
Maybe you should stick to controlling the armor through remote control, Pepper.
What? No way.
Give me another day or two and I'll Whoa! Pep, are you ok? I'm totally cool.
I Ugh.
Just hit a cloud? Uh-huh.
Most be one of those new hard billboard looking clouds.
Look on the bright side.
At least I'm not hitting anymore buildings.
Or pedestrians.
Ok, there was that one plane.
Mayday! Mayday! I'm going down! Need a little help? Thanks, man.
And you, Iron Jerk, watch where your flying! War Machine! Sorry.
Thought it would be a good idea to keep an eye on you just in case.
All right, Pepper, that's enough for today.
Bring it back in.
Ok, fine.
But it's not my fault.
He came out of nowhere.
There really needs to be like stoplights in the sky now of days.
Hey, you coming back to base, Rhodey? Actually, I'm gonna keep flying War Machine around a while longer.
Tony installed some updated software I'm still getting used to.
Suit yourself.
Later! Everything checks out fine.
New target lock.
Multi-range scanner.
Weapons upgrade from Whoa! Where did that thing come from? Oh, no.
Tony, come in! Your never gonna believe this.
- Already on it, Rhodey.
- This is unbelievable.
The ocean and the skies are turning red.
There are like asteroids and weird weather stuff happening all over the planet.
- And this is just normal? - Looks like it.
It has to be some kind of natural phenomena.
Natural? Looks more like Doomsday.
No way.
Everything has a logical explanation, Pep, even if it's completely weird.
Satellite is saying this energy is Maklaun in origin.
- Gene? - Mandarin! Doom No! The rings! So you're finally awake, huh? How did you find us? I know all, Stark.
Now, give me back the rings.
Or I'm gonna Gene, you're still hurt.
Lie back down.
You need rest.
I don't need rest.
- I need the rings.
- Forget it! You're not getting them back not now, not ever! Fine, if I don't get all eight then you'll never get your father back.
Enough with the, "My father's alive routine.
" Ok? I'm sick of your Turn that thing off, Gene.
You're starting to irritate me Dad? You You monster! Now, Tony, relax.
You want this guy on his feet if you're gonna get your Dad back.
Just be calm.
Gene, how could you do that! I I had to, Pepper.
I need his expertise.
I couldn't do it alone.
You weren't doing it alone! You had us! Listen to me, Stark.
Doom captured me and your Dad and took us to his castle in Latveria.
You have to give me back the rings so we can save him! You don't care about my father.
What's in it for you? I didn't have to come here, Stark.
I could have left him for good.
Now, give me the rings and I'll teleport us there.
How could I ever trust you? If Dad's in trouble, I'll save him on my own.
Hmm, that's new.
Stark, listen to me.
I couldn't do anything against Doom with eight rings.
What could you do to him alone? He has a point, Tony.
Maybe you do need Gene's help.
- You know we can't trust him.
- You have to! Because you'll never make it there in time, Stark.
He's doomed, literally.
Tony, my gut's telling me Gene's right.
Your dad's in deep trouble.
If we do this, you only get one ring.
The teleportation ring.
You can beam us there, but that's it.
Just give it to me.
Get ready, Iron Man.
We may not make it back.
Pepper, suit up and help Rhodey.
I have a feeling that it's Doom behind this phenomenon not Doomsday.
We're here? This is Doom's castle? The entrance hall, yes.
I can't teleport us in any further.
Doom's tech scrambles teleportation.
Let's move then.
Take me to my father.
Uh, that can't be good.
Ok, now we're in the extremely bad category.
And we just reached horribly worse Mandarin, you have to teleport us out of here! It's not working.
Doom's scrambler, remember? You have to give me more rings to increase its power! No way.
Not happening.
Push on the other one.
Come on! It's no use.
Give me the rings! Worth a shot! Mandarin, we got to put everything we got into it and bash that door down.
- You ready? - What choice do I have? Computer, full power to servos.
That was close.
Let's move.
I have to find Dad.
Pepper! I owed you one.
Call us even.
Finally, I think this crazy meteor shower stopped.
Um, Rhodey? What is that? Looks like a portal? They're like alien Christmas tree decorations or something.
They seem harmless enough.
I think they're other dimensional creatures.
Easy, big fella.
We're not gonna I think they're a tinsy bit upset.
Welcome to Castle Doom.
Truly it must be the will of the cosmos to bring you back Mandarin and with an old enemy.
The lords of chaos smile favorably upon Doom this day.
At least, you're not anymore megalomaniacal than last time.
Where is Howard Stark, Doom? You came for Stark? Foolish.
There must be a reason you would risk your very life.
Are you his lackey? Or something more? The ring.
Is that what I think it is? Doom has the ninth ring? No wonder you wanted my help.
You little liar.
Doom, I want Howard Stark back right now! You dare make demands in my kingdom? In my throne room? This is Latveria! Doom's word is law! Relinquish the rings and your end should be painful, yet swift.
As you can see, Dr.
Doom, I've lost them.
Iron Man, I can't fight Doom without more rings.
No way, Mandarin.
You're on your own if you can weasel your way out again.
Insolent, do you not recall, your weapons are useless.
Kneel! Kneel before Doom! Iron Man, you dare trespass and make demands of Dr.
Ha! Tell me where the rings are! Or I will tear off your hands and hang them as trophies from my belt.
Iron Man, we don't have a choice.
Give me at least one! Don't even ask, Gene.
Forget it! I lead you this far.
You have to trust me.
Mandarin, I swear if you stab me in the back Just give them to me.
It's working! Firing Uni-beam! We did it.
Doom's down.
Wait a minute.
This isn't Doom at all.
It's some kind of Doombot.
No wonder he didn't use the ring, it's a complete fake.
That means Doom's still here somewhere with the real ring.
And my father.
But there are no doors leading from this room.
We have to circle back.
I'm picking up some tech beneath that wall.
- Look for a fulcrum.
- A what? A lever.
A release.
So old school.
I can't believe it.
Howard Stark! Don't worry, I'm here to save you.
This could be a trap.
Look what you did.
Welcome back, Gene.
I almost missed you.
Howard Stark, I'm, uh Iron Man.
And I'm here to rescue you.
Rescue me? Who's gonna rescue you? Fools.
You fell into my trap like flies into a spider web.
And Doom barely had to lift a finger.
The ring's real, which means this is the real Doom.
Let us out, Doom, and I promise I'll go easy on you.
I might even let you keep Mandarin here.
You are an anomaly, Mandarin.
Only you can wield the rings.
But I have tapped into the ninth and discovered its dark force powers.
It can do many things, indeed.
It can even create portals, windows, into other worlds.
That's why this crazy phenomenon is happening all over the world.
Doom is messing with worm holes.
Yogthulu, hear me! Hear the words of Victor Von Doom and reveal thyself.
What's he doing? Trust me, you don't want to know.
Victor Von Doom, so have you upheld are bargain? - Yes? - I have.
You return to me the souls of my family alive and intact, and I give you three pure souls.
He's trading the return of his slain family for us? Trading with a demon.
A deal is set.
Send them to me.
Finally, Victor Von Doom will be reunited with his family once more.
And the sacrifice was minimal.
Where are we? One of the seven evil realms? No, calm down.
We're in an alien dimension.
Doom used his tech to teleport us here.
There's nothing magical about this place, trust me.
Iron Man's right.
There was a logical way in, there has to be a logical way out.
Doom trapped me in a similar dimension once.
Come on, our only hope is to find another worm hole.
You are in Yogthulu's dimension now.
And you shall never escape.
No, Doom has tricked me.
You are not a pure soul, little one.
Quick, give me the rings, Iron Man.
All eight will make me strong enough to teleport us out.
No way! Forget it.
You'll just leave us here! I got to say, Pepper, I'm impressed.
When it comes down to the wire, you are really good in that armor.
Danger makes me focus.
You better tell Tony how awesome I'm doing.
I definitely will.
I'll Rhodey! The deal was for three pure souls, Doom.
You gave me one that was impure.
Foul, retched, lying creature! Give me back my family or I shall tear apart your entire realm, so sayth Doom! The deal is forfeit.
No way, Gene.
I won't do it.
You have another plan? Give me the rings so I can teleport us out.
You'll leave us, I know it.
Iron Man, we don't have a choice.
- What? - There is no other way out.
And I know Gene will make good on his promise.
- Won't you, Gene? - I won't leave you.
I need you to help get the ninth ring back from Doom.
Don't make me regret this.
We are all one again! What's this? Mr.
Stark, get to safety.
We'll handle this.
You had the rings hidden from Doom all along, impossible! Radiation proof, high density, lead line, storage facility.
In other words, super pockets.
But no matter.
The dark force not only opens worlds of evil, but it can unleash pure evil as well.
I will take the rest of the rings, now.
Let's see you try, Vic.
So much for all those rings.
Retched worm, you dare strike Von Doom! As much as I love watching Mandarin get slapped around - You will never learn.
- Teach me, old man.
You don't get it, child.
I posses the most powerful of all the rings.
There is nothing you can I've had enough of your surreptitious tactics.
Let's see what the non-super powered guy can do.
Oh, great.
Not sure who's worse.
My ring! No! Whoa.
Didn't think that would happen.
Uh, sorry, Doom? Thought I was down for the count, Iron Man? - Think again.
- No! At last, only one ring left! Can't get up! What exactly is going on? The portal's closing.
Tony did it! I have closed every single portal Doom opened when he tapped the dark force's power.
So do you still see me as a monster? Are you ok? I don't know how I survived it, but I'm in one piece.
So can I offer you a lift? Oh, Howard, I can't believe it.
I'm I'm just speechless.
You have to tell me everything.
Dad, I can't believe it! I just I thought you were gone forever.
I thought so, too.
You wouldn't believe the things I've seen, son.
I don't know about that.
Try me.
Right now, I just wanna look at you.
My boy, you've actually grown at least two inches.
The same with you, Rhodey.
You kids look so different.
I was thinking about grown a beard, but Mom said no.
Dad, I missed you.
Why aren't you furious you were kidnapped? All I can think about, is getting revenge on Gene Khan! I'm just happy I have you back, Tony.
All I wanna do now is celebrate family, old friends and new.
I feel all like emotional and stuff.
I'm just glad to have you back, Dad.
Today we celebrate and tomorrow we take back Stark International.

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