Roswell s02e20 Episode Script

Off the Menu

let's talk about Brody: self-made millionaire and owner of the UFO center.
Larek: an alien living on a faraway planet and also a good buddy of our friend Max Brody/Larek notice any similarities? See, when Larek -- who lives all the way up here .
wants to talk to his good buddy Max -- who lives all the way down here he finds the commute a little inconvenient, so he takes over Brody's body, like possessing him or something, and, uh, uses him as a human cell phone.
If you think about it, why couldn't they invent like an alien cell phone, I mean, they're aliens? No? Basically, the aliens are ready to go back to their home planet.
Michael, Liz and I have found Alex? killer, or did we? Something happened a few weeks ago -- before Max started to remember Tess and Liz started to get closer to Sean and before Alex died -- before any of this.
I just, I didn't think it was important to tell you at the time, but if you watch closely, it contains the key to everything.
Brody? Brody, you in there? Max, Hi! Hey.
You wanted me to reorganize your crop circle files tonight? I did? Oh, right, uh--well forget about that.
You go off home.
Home? I still have three hours left on the clock.
Oh, work, work, work.
Don't you have a life? O.
, I?l tell you what, uh, why don't you fix the weather balloon? OK.
Computer, run abduction simulation 1.
I was home, minding my own business.
Suddenly I'm gone for three days.
Where did I go? Computer, run simulation 1.
Yes, something like this.
I remember being in a room like this, but, but this doesn't look very alien, more like a warehouse.
And there were other people here.
Computer, add human forms to program, Yes, I was here, doing something.
I was talking! If I could just remember what I was- Override, continue simulation.
Yes, I was sitting here.
And to my left I remember a boy.
Nicolas! And at the end of the table was-Oh, my god, Max! How could Max be in? It't not a fuse, the lights are out all over town, the streetlights and everything.
this is for you What is it? you have to open it to find out.
What? the occasion? Does there have to be an occasion, Max? It's just a gift.
You know, I saw a black sweater on sale, v-neck, and I thought of you.
If you don't want it I can just give it to Kyle.
Tess What? Sorry.
Thank you.
This was, uh, very thoughtful.
I'll turn on the emergency power.
Why did you lie to me? Brody, what's wrong? You're an alien, aren't you? I don't know what you're talking about.
Yes you do.
New York City.
We were all there.
You and You and me.
We were there with the other aliens.
Larek? There! That's an alien name.
That makes you an alien.
How else could you know that? Brody, just put the gun down.
I am not an alien and neither is Tess.
So how do you explain that? .
[ µç¿ÏÂÔØ»ùµØ .]
Ó¢ÎÄ×ÖÄ»ÖÆ×÷£ºmarksman Roswell [2x20.]
Off The Menu Security cameras are on backup power.
It's all on disk.
Brody, please, what do you want? I want you to tell me who I really am.
Am I Brody, or am I Larek? What am I? Oh my god, mom.
No offense, but nobody is going to be clamoring through a black-out to buy one of your George W.
is an alien T-shirts.
Not even if you were giving them away.
Oh come on! It's called an entrepreneurial spirit, people Puts food on the table and gas in the Jetta.
These T-shirts are hot off the presses; I want them on the market right now or later! Uh, Come on kids? Nobody? going anywhere.
Hey sheriff.
How you doing tonight? Good, what can I do for you dep-Sheriff? Well, we kind of have a situation brewing Turns out this power outage is pretty serious; an entire grid was somehow taken out.
Entire towng totally dark.
New Mexico DWP.
a little stumped, so I was thinking that this may be this is what you call a F-E-M-A situation? Call Ralph.
Electriciang Big guy who rewired the station last spring.
He'll know what to do.
Thanks, Sheriff.
not the sheriff anymore.
Right, sorry.
Thanks Jim.
I have memories of things I'm not supposed to know, but I do know them.
I know that you're Max Evans and I also know you're Zan.
None of it makes any sense.
All I know is that you're been lying to me.
And now I want the truth or this is going to the FBI.
What the hell is this guy talking about? Too much time at the UFO center.
Stop talking over there! Ok look.
Look, I can help.
Yeah, well you better.
I want these aliens out of my head.
Maybe it would be better if we left you aliens alone.
Tie them up.
Brody, we're close.
We're friends.
I'm not close to anyone right now.
What happened to you? Don't point that gun at my daughter I should get it.
No way.
I always pick up my cell phone, if I don't pick it up whoever is calling will know something is wrong.
They're probably going to try to come and find me.
You tell them you're busy and they're not to come looking for you.
Maria! You will never believe what happened to me in bio today Yeah, I bet I won't.
Listen, I'm a little tied up right now so I think I'm going to be late for my shift.
Actually, um, I don't think I'm going to make it to work at all.
what? the matter, is everything Ok? Yeah, I've been thinking about the menu lately and you know the Galaxy Sub with Pepper Jack it's not selling all that well, so maybe we should take it off the menu.
Off the menu?? That's enough.
What was that about? It was just shoptalk.
It's nothing.
That was weird.
What was? Maria just hung up on me.
Happens to me all the time.
This burger isn't cooked.
The cheese isn't even melted.
Don't! That makes it taste like crap.
I want it cooked.
It's fine this way because you still get the taste of the grill.
Yeah, and the possibility of contracting E-coli or Mad Cow disease.
No, thank you.
I think it's time we used my Mind Warp on Brody.
We'll walk right out of here.
Do it.
Just be careful.
Don't try your mind games on me.
His mind it's too crowded.
I can't get in.
You really want to help me Max, or Zan, or whatever your name is? Tell me why I have all this information in my head.
Tell me why I know that this thing is called a trithium amplification generator and that when I turn it like this? you can't use your powers anymore.
How do I know that, I don't know what you're talking about.
I really don't.
He's right.
My powers aren't working.
Mom, don't worry.
I gave Liz a coded message.
Any minute now 50 cops will be busting down that door and getting us all out of here.
What coded message? The Galaxy Sub with Pepper Jack, it's what Brody always orders.
And? Liz is my best friend, we have our own language.
She'll understand.
Trust me.
Galaxy Sub with Pepper Jack.
Does that mean anything to you? I don't really listen to Maria when she's talking.
I'm probably the wrong person to ask.
Michael? I don't really listen either.
I'm outta here.
No, wait, we're still on duty.
We don't close for another four hours.
Come on Liz, there's no power.
There's no customers.
There's nothing to do.
But the power could come back any time.
I'm sure you can handle the dinner rush.
Come on, Is, let's go get Max.
You were right, this is really bad.
It probably locked when the power went out.
See, I told you, the cavalry was on the way.
I think Vegas loosened him up.
Michael, the guy irons his jeans.
Get Down! Go, Go, Go! Are you OK? Yeah.
Why didn't your powers work? I don't know.
Oh god, Max is down there.
So is Maria.
You guys-were those gunshot.
What's going on? We gotta get Valenti.
You try to contact your alien friends again, you? l only make it worse for them.
My god, he is crazy.
What?! Brody, that you? I don't know.
It might be Larek Larek? OK, - this is Jim Valenti.
- So? I understand you've having a bit of a problem down there tonight.
And you're going to solve it? Well, I'm gonna try.
What do you mean, what I'm after? What I'm after? What do you mean, What I'm after Well, as I understand it, you're holding some people hostage.
There's usually a reason, you know? List of demands? Demands?! He wants a list of demands.
I could use a burger.
Yeah, yeah, right.
We got a bunch of hungry people down here, and we want burgers all around.
And fries.
And fries.
Right, listen um- couldn't we at least talk about- No! No talking until we get our food.
And when it's delivered, I don't want to see any cops.
And no aliens either, I can tell.
Nobody comes in, and nobody goes out.
We'll all just stay here together.
Like one big, happy family.
Excuse me, love.
Just need to borrow your cousin for a while.
That's it! What? Dimaras rock.
I couldn't remember before but the name just came to me.
Dimaras, after the third moon.
That's where you two first met.
You must remember? Dimaras rock, it it juts out over the water.
Ah, I can see it so clearly.
The moon hanging over the horizon, And the color of the water? Crimson red.
I was there with you before you were king.
We were swimming, and you looked up, and saw her on a rock.
You said she was the most beautiful girl you? ever seen.
But of course you were too afraid to go talk to her.
I offered to make the approach on your behalf, but you told me not to.
Back then you were always so nervous and quiet But lucky for you I was neither shy nor obedient.
So I went and met her and introduced you two the same night? It a party.
That's a nice story.
It's not a story.
It's the truth.
Don't you remember? Please, Zan, I have to know that what's in my head is real.
I'm sorry, Brody.
But none of that is real.
None of that happened.
But you do love her.
I know you do.
I was there when you met! You're wrong.
We're not in love.
We never have been.
Damn it, it's Hanson.
Hello? Step away from the door.
Sheriff? Where are you? there you are.
I had Ralph look into the power outage.
Turns out the surge that cause all this emanated from the UFO center here.
Figured I check it out.
Turn your flashlight off and get up here.
This could be alien related, you shouldn't have invited him into this.
It's safer having him up here then going in there with his gun, stirring things up.
The UFO center is an old fallout shelter.
So it only has one set of doors and they automatically lock whenever the power goes out.
Now I think there might be some people trapped in there.
You need any help? Sure, sure, but, uh -- with traffic lights out all over town, I think you're going to have your hands full.
Right, traffic control.
I should probably take care of that one first.
Good, good.
Yeah I got this one covered I think.
Thank you, Sheriff.
Watch yourself, now.
You know, it's faster if I just did it.
Yeah, but they wouldn't taste as good.
What about the fries? I'll be able to see whatever you see.
And I'll be -- watching the whole time.
All I want you to do is deliver the food.
Let me get a good look at the layout of the room, what's going on down there, who is positioned where.
- And then I want you -- - -To get right out, you told me.
Sheriff-Sheriff I'm OK.
I can do this.
I wanna do this.
Hey, how's the food comin? Done! Ah, supper's here.
I'll buzz her in.
Yeah, yeah, come down.
I'll, uh, I'll move some of this stuff.
Mind your head there.
Here, I'll give you a hand.
So, what have we got here? Oh, we have got, uh, 6 burgers and 6 fries.
Great, lovely, uh? Now, great.
Oh, oh no.
It's it's on the house.
Oh, no, no.
I insist, please.
And, uh, keep the change.
I think I'm rich.
So, um, is that it? Can can I get you something else? No, no that's fine.
You can go.
And thanks for the food.
Is there a new cook at the Crashdown? Excuse me? These burgers, they taste different.
Oh, oh well see there? no power over there either so we had to use a little butane grill.
So how did you cook the fries? The same way.
No, no, you didn't.
You used alien power to cook this food.
You're one of them! Come on-get! Brody, let her go.
Larek! Get down That was a stupid thing to do.
She's not an alien.
She's just an innocent girl.
Leave her alone.
What!? Hey, I just wanted to make sure you got the food, and that everything was OK.
OK? No, everything is pretty far from OK.
Reach into my coat pocket.
Why? Just do it.
You talk to me about trust, then you send aliens in here.
What do you think I am? An idiot? You'll be lucky if anyone comes out of here alive, ever! Sean, no! Sean! Oh, my god, Sean, are you OK? Yeah.
Max, heal him.
I can't Why? It's your fault he got stabbed.
Heal him! I can't use my powers.
Brody activated that device.
Brody's a good man.
This isn't his fault.
Sean might've killed him.
But it's OK for Sean to get stabbed? Of course not.
Are you OK? I wish I could see that wound better.
We gotta get in there.
- What's going on up here? - Nothing! You know, I was down on 3rd directing traffic when I started to think about it.
Why did you call me on my cell phone to warn me off from the UFO center? - I told you, people are- - I know.
People are down there.
But there? gotta be more to it.
Why do you have the department's laptop? We use that for surveillance.
Deputy- I'm not the deputy anymore, remember? I'm the sheriff.
Now tell me what's going on, Jim.
Why did you warn me off? Are the people stuck down there being held against their will? Okay, now.
Don't jump to conclusions.
There's no reason to believe that this -- is a hostage situation? Hanson.
Even if it is a hostage situation, what are you going to do? You going to march in there with guns blazing Going to risk killing innocent people? Come on! I gotta do something.
Hanson? Hanson! You're still in love with her, aren't you? It's hard to describe what I feel for Liz.
I know.
It's what you and I used to have.
Tess? You know, everything Brody said is true.
I know it is.
When this is all over do you wanna grab dinner? How can you be wounded and on the make at the same time? Are you serious? I'm bleeding here.
Doesn't get much more serious than that.
Yeah, let me think about it.
Hey, aren't you involved with someone? I have to do something before more people get hurt.
Way to change the subject.
I'm gonna talk to Brody.
And what are you gonna tell him? The truth.
Dad! Dad! Kyle! What are you doin?here? I heard over the scanner that the cops are getting ready to storm the UFO center.
They called sharpshooters in from the state police.
Damn it.
Those guys will shoot anything that moves.
What? going on down there? Hey, I think we're about to find out.
I thought Brody got rid of that thing.
What is that? You see that panel? That controls the fallout shelter lockdown mechanism.
You think it still works? I don't know.
If it does, it could be a way to keep the cavalry out long enough to end this thing without anybody getting killed.
Well, great.
How do we get to it? It's too risky to try to get inside.
There might me a way to activate it from the outside.
Kyle! You think you can get me the blueprints for that place? Where am I supposed to get those? Library, third floor, in the back.
The library? closed.
Kick the window in! Go! Everything you're been saying tonight is true.
I am an alien.
I'm the king of another planet.
Tess is my wife So these memories I have are real? Reverse psychology, it's the oldest trick in the book.
Yes, all of them.
But if I'm Larek, an alien,.
and you're Zan, also an alien, w-what are we doing here? Surviving.
Biding our time until we return.
So we're going back to our home planet, someday? Yes.
You, Me, Tess.
And the others? All of us.
It's incredible Now I think it's time you put down the gun.
Yeah What's that? What have- What's that?! She's wearing a camera! I'm going to kill you! You want to shoot someone, shoot me.
This is my fault.
Don't tempt me Cops.
Get in the office! All of you! Go! Move now! Go! Get in there! Strait! Move! I want sharpshooters on both sides of the exit.
And bring in the battering ram.
I can't get the video feedback.
They gotta be in trouble.
They're gonna be in even more trouble if the cops get in there and start shooting the place up.
This is bad.
This is really bad.
They always put you in the back room before they shoot you.
Stop it.
We're gonna be fine.
We are all gonna get out of here, I promise.
Look at this.
It looks like it short-circuited or or overloaded or something.
If Brody was wearing this when it short-circuited- A powerful jolt of electricity might have been sent right to his brain.
That must be how he's accessing Larek's memories.
Ahem, alien 101 for the rest of us not in the know.
Humans only use a small percentage of their brains at any given time.
Aliens, when they use humans as vessels, tap into this unutilized portion.
The shock may have somehow given Brody access to a part of his brain only Larek uses.
And all of Larek's memories.
So if this was caused by some sort of injury? That means I can heal him.
But you can?.
The pentagon.
We're gotta get him to turn it off.
I'm gonna go talk to him.
I've got'em.
I was right.
There's another control panel in the back alleyway.
that's no problem.
I can get back there.
WE can get back there.
It's gonna be pretty dangerous.
We can take care of ourselves.
I knowm.
Inside the control panel, there's a lever that activates a set of steel doors.
But it hasn't been activated in years.
We'll activate it.
All right.
Be quick about it.
We're running outta time.
Let's move that thing in there.
Let's go! Move it! I deliver lunch to you almost every day.
I bet I enjoy that.
You do.
I do, too.
There's just so much in my head right now.
I can't figure out who I am anymore.
You're Brody Davis.
You're smart, you're funny, you're sensitive and you? actually make a damn good boyfriend for someone.
I sound pretty good.
You are.
Really, you are.
Your daughter is so lucky to have you as a father.
I'm a father? You don't remember? It's like my whole life has been stolen from me.
Her name is Sydney.
I know you keep a picture of her in here somewhere.
This is her.
I don't remember her.
That's simple.
Damn it.
We gotta get this thing working fast.
Oh, he's gonna kill her.
Oh, my god, my baby! He's gonna kill her.
We need to get outta here now! I don't think that he? Oh! I have had enough out of you for one day, Max Evans.
My nephew is gonna get us out of here so I can save my precious daughter.
And what is taking you so long? Are you a criminal or not? I'm trying! We gotta break that door down! Police are coming.
No, no, no.
Don't worry about that.
We have to focus here.
Can you do that for me? You have to trust me, OK? I can get you your daughter back, Brody, but you have to deactivate that pentagon thing, all right? And let Max heal you.
Go, boys! Solid steel.
We gotta get in there.
Still got the touch.
No, you don't.
Come with me.
Move! Where's Maria? Where's-Hey.
Hey! Brody, please.
Turn it off.
Trust me.
Do it.
Wha-What's this? You were abducted.
But now you're back.
Uh, why are the lights off? We don't have a lot of time let's go.
Everything's fine.
This is all just a big misunderstanding.
Nothing happened down here today.
My ass, this guy needs to be put away.
Sean? Are you OK? Yes, I'm Ok.
Oh, I'm so glad.
Listen, mom.
We can't let Brody go to jail Excuse me? Ok, look, listen.
He is a single parent, just like you.
This is-This is his daughter.
She's cute as a button, intelligent as ever, and now imagine how devastated she would be if Brody went to jail, mom.
Think about that for, like, two seconds.
I thought about it, and that man is a danger to his family, his neighbors, his whole community.
And I am not gonna be part of a cover-up.
Give me one reason why I wouldn't tell the cops.
Because I'll go out with you.
Ok, so, I fell down the stairs.
Here, put this on.
He's through! Get in position! Un-uh.
I refuse to lie about what happened down here tonight.
Do you think they're ever gonna get this power back on? I've got other T-shirt deliveries to make.
Don't worry.
She won't remember any of it.
Oh! Deputy Hanson, thank god! I thought we were gonna be trapped in here for days.
Trapped? What about those bullet holes and that pile of stuff blocking the steps? We were just doing some remodeling.
We are? Wow! Place is a mess.
Oh, Jim! Hi! Hi.
So, you got everything under control here, Hanson? Where did this come from? Michael, I downloaded that band off Napster for you.
Who wants a cup of tea? I can get you one.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Sorry to bother you.
I only have, like, a minute break but I just wanted to give this back to you.
- Oh, did I lend this to you? - Sort of.
Sorry, I've been feeling a bit out of sorts.
More missing time.
Yeah, I kinda had that figured.
Yeah, but this time, I kinda have vague memories.
Like a dream I can't quite remember.
The details are hazy, but I remember how it felt.
Really? How did it feel? No, it's just sound weird.
Heh! What? Well, I felt kind of like I do now.
Like, you were somehow there helping me.
I wish I knew where they took me.
Well, wherever you went, Brody, I'm glad that you're back.
Max? Max, what is it? Well, when I healed Brody I saw these -- these flashes, Brody, Larek, but also? but also what? I remember you.
Ó¢ÎÄ×ÖÄ»ÖÆ×÷£ºmarksman µç¿ÏÂÔØ»ùµØ µÚ20¼¯Íê
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