The Haunted Hathaways (2013) s02e20 Episode Script

Haunted Swamp

One for the cupcake one for me.
One for the cupcake one for me.
What did I tell you about doing that? That what happens in the kitchen stays in the kitchen? No.
It's very unsanitary.
Now I have to wash this.
Hmm What? You already contaminated it.
Mom, have I told you how pretty you look today? Aw, thank you.
What do you want? So, ever since they put in the new bus stop down the block, business has been way up.
I know! It's been crazy.
I really need to hire extra help.
And I know the perfect person.
Yay! - It's not a bad idea.
- Really? It's a terrible one! Not only is it not smart to work with your boyfriend, but I need someone with experience.
Otherwise you get this.
I'm doing the dishes.
But I'm with Mom on this one.
The idea of having to watch Scott and Taylor being all lovey-dovey and calling themselves "Scaylor.
" It's gross! People eat here, you know.
But, Mom, Scott is looking for a job and if he works somewhere else, I'll never get to see him.
I'll forget what he looks like.
His head is shaped like a block of wood.
Mom, you know Scott.
He's trustworthy, great with people, and more importantly, I'm not gonna stop talking until he's hired.
- Please, please, please - All right! All right, I will give him a shot.
- Yay! - What a nightmare.
Taylor, but if this doesn't work out, it's all on you.
Thank you so much, Mom! I can't wait to tell him! Hey, Miss H! We're running low on chocolate croissants.
So, I may have already hired him.
Not to brag, but I just crushed that level two exam.
Who wants to see my victory dance? Hey, Preston, let's see some of those level two skills.
And that dance doesn't count.
You got it.
One super scary snow monster coming up.
Get ready for my yeti.
Hey! Quit it! That tickles.
Hey, what's going on? Hey you, stop licking up my brother.
You okay? Of course I'm okay.
I'm about to advance a ghost level.
How'd you do on your exam? Eh, I don't really care.
This whole idea of levels creates an atmosphere of anxiety and unhealthy competition.
You are an embarrassment to ghosts everywhere.
You were a puddle! I know.
That dog drank my foot.
Students, gather around.
I have exciting news.
The test results are in.
Good luck! Ha, level two here I come! Uh, Miles.
Is there any chance they misspelled two? Sorry, Louie.
What? Come on! I thought I finally passed this time! Louie, come here a sec.
I know you're disappointed, but I don't want you to give up hope.
You keep trying, okay? Miles aren't you going to open your envelope? Eh Yeah, I guess.
Level six.
Now can we talk about my clean water initiative? Congratulations, Miles.
You leveled up and you don't even care? All I care about is you seeing me as a level ten brother.
Get off of me.
The customers are loving the scones, Miss H.
You're a super baker and a super boss.
Scott gets it.
He really gets it.
Ah, it's so nice having a hardworking young person around here for a change.
- Hey! - That's fair.
Just so you know, you're doing a really great job.
Well that's because I have a really great coworker.
Make it stop! I have to take a piece of pie to that kid over there.
I'll miss you.
I'll miss you more.
Hey, bud.
Having trouble with state capitals? Lucky for you, that's my thing.
Isn't he the sweetest? By the hammer of Thor I will end this myself.
Thank you, everyone.
This is all very nice.
But let's remember, moving up a ghost level doesn't make you a better person.
No, it makes you a better ghost! Hey.
Everything okay? I don't get it, Dad.
Miles doesn't even care about haunting.
So why does he get all the talent? You know, Louie, all ghosts develop at a different pace.
Just be patient.
You always say that.
I say it because it's true.
Now come on! Cheer up.
Look, I'm gonna go give a toast to Miles now.
That doesn't mean I love you any less.
This isn't that big of a deal.
We're good? Yeah.
Miles! This is such a big deal! I love you.
You hanging in there, Louie? Barely.
Look, you're not the first person to fail a level two test.
It took me three tries.
Some of us are just late bloomers.
Time for a toast! Uh, Dad, I don't really want all this Don't worry! It's gonna be short and tasteful.
Listen up, everybody.
I'm so proud of my wonderful boy! Ha-ha! To Miles! Hey! Bra-vo.
Level six, huh? Pretty impressive.
I'm still a one, but I'm not bitter.
I've always enjoyed watching Miles be good at ghosting.
Without even trying.
Without even caring.
Amazing ghost powers wasted on a guy who doesn't even like to haunt.
Louie No! It's unfair! Unfair! Unfair! Unfair! Miles opened the door! Seriously? Uh, Taylor, the people on the couch are still waiting for their orders.
Kinda got my hands full here.
Look, not sure if you've noticed but blockhead's been helping that kid with his homework for an hour.
He's just being sweet.
Yeah, and leaving all the work for us.
Um, hello! Does anybody work here? You're right.
We need help.
I'll go talk to him.
Be right with you.
Hey, Scott, um, whatcha doing? Helping Austin with his state capitals.
What's the capital of Texas? Me! 'Cause his name is Austin! What's the capital of Florida? Me! This might take a while.
Um, we actually have a lot going on so would you mind helping those people at the counter? You got it.
Afternoon, ma'am.
How can I help you? Problem solved.
Talked to him and he's going to get back to work.
Then why is he leaving? Uh, Scott, what are you doing? Just sold Mrs.
Johnson a biscuit.
Now I'm gonna make sure she gets home safe.
Shouldn't be more than 20 minutes.
Maybe 30.
He's taking customer service to a weird new level.
Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to hire him.
I know the last thing you want to hear is me telling you, "I told you so.
" So I texted you! Oh! Maybe Mom can help with the customers until Scott gets back.
Close the pass-through! She's busy.
What are you gonna do? I practically begged Mom to hire Scott but he is averaging only one sale an hour.
He's gotta go.
Uh, if you want, I'd be happy to eliminate the problem.
I'll just try talking to him again.
You'll be back.
Uh, Scott? Can I talk to you for a second? Sure.
What's up? So we have a lot of fun when we're together.
We do, don't we? That's why it's been so great working here.
It barely even feels like a job when I'm with you.
Sorry! You were saying? Just Have a good time helping Mrs.
Johnson home.
On it, coworker.
Okay, Frankie.
I need you to help me figure out how to get rid of Scott.
I need two fake beards and a four-wheeler.
We meet by the river.
Louie? Louie? He's not up here either.
We searched the entire house.
I'm really worried.
Me too.
This is why I hate these ghost levels.
They make people feel bad about themselves.
Well it didn't help that I heaped all that praise on you.
Dad, look.
It's a note.
"I have run away to Ghost World "and I'm never coming back.
Louie, your level one son.
" Run away? This is not good.
We gotta hurry and find him.
We'll cover more ground if we split up.
Lucky for us, I won a scouting award for being the best tracker in our troop.
I'll have no problem sniffing Louie down.
I just need his scent.
His sock! Oh, my, those are ripe! I bet no one will even notice I ran away.
Nobody cares about a good for nothing, level one ghost.
Hey! How'd I end up in the dark swamp? Wait a second! This isn't a compass! It's a cookie! Ah! What's a little boy doing here? This is no place for children.
Good! I wanted to go somewhere where no one would find me.
Then you're in the right place.
Nobody's going to find you here.
Ah! What's wrong? Never seen a talking tree before? Man! You guys do not skimp on the creepy around here.
So I'll fit right in.
Now, where can I plug in my night light? Mom, I have to say, you handled that rush of new customers very well.
Aw, thank you, lamb chop.
It's called being a pro.
We're almost sold out.
What? Ah, I'm exhausted.
I'll just pick up some donuts at the grocery store.
I set up a series of disgusting jobs for Scott.
By the time I'm done with him, he'll be begging to quit.
Why are you wearing a welder's mask? Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to.
Scott's back! Let's light this candle.
- Hey, Frankie.
- No time for small talk.
The fryer exploded in the kitchen.
Can you get in there and clean it up? No problem.
I'm on it.
- Oh - Hey.
Did the fryer really explode? Yep! Cleaned up all the grease! And saved a little for my 'do! Uh, thanks, Scott.
So bad news toilet just overflowed.
Better get to it.
Unless you're sick of this job.
Nope! I'm on it! Oh, and I couldn't find the rubber gloves so you'll have to use your bare hands.
Not a problem! What did you clog the toilet with? Rubber gloves.
I should be the one with the ghosting talent.
Not Miles! - Life is just so un - Unfair? How'd you know I was gonna say that? In the last hour, you've said it 19 times.
If I had even an ounce of Miles' talent, I'd treasure it, not waste it.
I hate my stupid brother.
So bored.
Louie! Thank goodness you're okay! Louie's not here! Louie, I see you right there.
And you spoke to me.
Ha! Well, I guess a level six ghost knows everything.
Dad and I have been worried sick about you.
We need to leave now.
Not a chance! I'm staying.
These guys are my family now.
Eh I'm not leaving without you.
Come on! Come on Louie! Five bucks on Kerchief! Stop it! Good news! Found the rubber gloves.
Scott, of course I love you working here, but if you weren't liking it, I'd completely understand.
You kidding? I don't mind a little work.
Because Taylor lost the bakery keys and thinks they ended up in the dumpster out back.
Uh, the one we share with the seafood restaurant and cheese shop.
Sure thing! K While I'm looking for the keys, I can collect all the recyclable items that people accidentally threw away.
Ugh! I can't break him! He's so upbeat and nice.
What do you see in that guy? He's a great boyfriend! But he's a terrible employee! He waited on two people in eight hours.
He's gotta go.
Fine, but I'll take care of it myself.
But I have so much more planned for him! Uh, scraping burnt cookie sheets, peeling gum off tables.
Wait, there was one more, but I just can't remember.
Oh, that's right! Exploding cake.
Classic Frankie.
I can't find him anywhere! I gotta smell this sock.
Ah! R Oh, Mama! I'm coming for you, son.
Miles! I'm sinking and I can't snap! My hands are covered in tar.
Bird, you've gotta help Miles! What do you care? You said you hated him.
I didn't mean it.
He's my brother! I love him! Louie, you have to do something.
Me? But I'm just a level one ghost! You have to try! Scott, there is no easy way to put this, so I'm just going to say it.
No more stalling.
No more beating around the bush.
The hemming and hawing stops now Uh, Taylor Let me finish.
I'm going to rip off this bandage.
Lay it on the line.
Cut to the chase.
Taylor, something's burning.
And I feel that, too, but No, fire! Oh.
Forgot to cancel "Operation Burnt Cookie Sheet.
" Don't worry, I've got everything under control.
What on Earth happened in here? Yeah! We want answers.
Right, Mom? Sorry, I guess we burned some cookies.
Taylor, you know you're in charge when I'm gone.
You could've burned down the whole bakery.
Hold on, Miss H.
This wasn't Taylor's fault.
It was mine.
Blame me.
Scott, what are you doing? The cookies were my responsibility, so if you're going to be mad at someone, it should be me.
No, me! Well, clearly I had nothing to do with this.
Right, Mom? Scott, I thought you were much more dependable than that.
I'm sorry.
And I completely understand if you want to fire me.
We want to! Right, Mom? Scott, this is a pretty huge mess up.
I guess you leave me no choice but No! It was my fault.
Scott's taking the blame to protect me.
You can't fire him.
What are you doing? You fool! I'm just telling the truth.
Don't listen to her, Miss H.
She's lying.
I'm at fault here.
Scott, what are you talking about? You had nothing to do with this.
Yes, I did! Please fire me.
You have to fire me! I need you to fire me! Scott, is there something you'd like to share? I have to confess.
I don't like working here.
I realize that working for a paycheck isn't half as rewarding as doing charitable work.
Oh, you're serious.
Anyway, I wanted to quit.
I just didn't know how.
I mean, how do you tell someone you care about that you don't work with them anymore.
Trust me, it's not easy.
What do you mean? I was trying to get you to quit.
I'm sorry.
I should've just talked to you.
I think we make a better boyfriend/girlfriend than coworkers.
I guess none of this would've happened if Scaylor was better at communicating.
Don't worry.
I'll clean up this mess.
We'll clean up this mess.
Okay! But I'm not paying you.
So it's more rewarding.
Hurry! The tar's almost to my kerchief! Well, kid, just gonna sit there? I don't know what to do! I can't save him! Louie, you may not believe in yourself, but I do.
Ah, the kid's got nothing.
Nothing? You think I've got nothing? Does this look like nothing? Hang on, brother.
I'll save you.
You can do it, Louie.
This ghost tar is strong stuff.
S Louie, you did it! You saved me! I'm just glad you're okay.
You're my only brother.
I don't know what I'd do without you.
I don't know what I would do without you either.
Aw, I got a little sap in my eye.
Hey, that was some advanced possession.
Real level two ghosting! It was, wasn't it? Too bad nobody was here to see it.
I was here.
Dean Shadow! You've been here the whole time? I followed you here after you stormed out of Miles' party.
Louie! You're okay! Ah! Dad, Louie saved me from the tar pit.
It was incredible! It certainly was.
When things are at their worst, it often brings out a person's best.
And you know what I saw today? Louie Preston becoming a level two ghost! You mean I'm a two, babies! I could not be more proud of you, son.
Whatchu gonna do, level two? Thanks, Dad.
Congratulations, Louie.
Aw, my little guy's growing up.
I knew you'd make it one day, big guy.
Did that sound sincere? Eh.
Yup! It's a brand new day! Louie Preston is a level two now!
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