Beauty and the Beast (1987) s02e21 Episode Script

Ceremony of Innocence

Vincent: This is where the wealthy and the powerful rule.
It is her world, A world apart from mine.
Her name Is catherine.
From the moment I saw her, she captured my heart With her beauty, Her warmth and her courage.
I knew then, as I know now, She would change my life Forever.
Catherine: He comes from a secret place, far below the city streets, Hiding his face from strangers, Safe from hate and harm.
He brought me there to save my life.
And now, wherever I go, he is with me in spirit, For we have a bond stronger than friendship or love.
And although we cannot be together, We will never, ever be apart.
Miss chandler, what about the sentinel story? What does your father think? (all yelling at once) We'll pay $10,000 cash for your exclusive story! Miss chandler! Miss chandler! (all clamoring) Just how far were you going to take these lies, chandler? Joe, you have to help me.
It's a little late for that, don't you think? I trusted you.
Look at these pictures.
Look at them! Didn't this ever make you sick? These are human beings, damn it! Which is more than I can say for your boyfriend! No, joe, you don't understand.
Vincent isn't like what you Vincent is a monster! No.
He is an animal! And what does that make you, huh? What doe that make you?! What does That make you?! (screaming) Vincent You weren't in your chamber.
I was worried.
Have you been here all night? Catherine dreamt A nightmare.
Only its reflection.
Vincent, it's been four days.
Long enough to hope.
Perhaps this reporter has reached into his heart And realized the harm his story would do.
But as long as I go above-- As long as catherine is in my life-- There will always be another man waiting With a camera, a notepad or a gun.
One day, one of them will not reconsider.
It's been a wonderful dream, vincent, But this is your home.
No, father.
This is my tomb.
Catherine: Rita said you wanted to see me.
Joe: Yeah.
You seen this morning's sentinel? No.
What does it say? You'd better sit down.
Just let me see it! What's going on, radcliffe? I don't know.
How come I don't believe you? I can't help what you believe.
Hey, time out.
I'm on your side, remember? I don't know what's going on here, But if you need a lawyer or a friend, I'm here.
And I got to tell you, If you've got any idea why spirko was knifed, I think you should tell the police.
Knifed? Well, yeah, the autopsy said Cathy, I don't think you need To see this.
Go on, joe.
The coroner said he was, um, killed With a double-edged blade.
Razor-sharp, like some kind of a surgical tool.
Entry wound was in the lower abdomen, But he was cut Are you sure you're okay? Yeah.
Elliott: I hired you to get some answers out of bernie spirko for me.
Now would you mind Telling me why I had to buy a newspaper to find out He'd been fished out of the east river? Floaters are tough to find, mr.
Even tougher to question.
What about the story he was working on? Somebody was feeding spirko information On catherine chandler, and I want to know who.
Problem is, mr.
Burch-- Spirko told his editor that you were his source.
That's absurd.
Well, I figured that much out myself.
Listen, I want you to find out everything spirko did last week.
I want you to find out where he went And who he talked to, who he telephoned.
I want you to find out what he had for dinner, How much he paid for it and whether he liked it or not.
I'm going to need a lot more men.
Put your whole agency on it, you just do it.
(distant subway cars chugging) Father: He feels trapped.
His home has now become a prison, Cutting him off from the world above.
(subway cars clanging) He needs the night sky, the stars.
Not stars.
Needs catherine.
If only I could make it so.
Everything I Everything I do, everything I Say seems so small.
Still, we must help, however we can.
(subway cars clanging above) Okay, good.
Okay, fine.
Bring down the sky.
Something better than the mirror pool.
Sun and stars and stuff, all moving, alive.
Father, one of the helpers sent this down.
Oh, thank you.
Where are you going? Making plans.
Jamie: What kind of plans? Secret plans.
Father, are you all right? What is it? Just a bit of news.
Nothing to concern you.
Thank you, jamie.
(subway cars clanging) (subway cars chugging above) John? I'm here, jacob.
I've been waiting for you.
I trust you enjoyed the photographs.
I burned them.
I thought they showed the boy in a An interesting light.
But your appetite for truth Was always rather limited as I recall.
There was nothing of truth in those photographs.
The camera does not lie, jacob.
But we're not all strong enough to look upon the face Of the medusa, are we? You wanted me? Well, I'm here.
What is this all about? What it's always been about-- You, me, the child.
I will not allow you to publish those photographs.
And how do you propose to stop me, old friend? So this is what it's come to in the end, huh? All your fine talk of love and turning the other cheek.
(gun cocking) Kill me, then.
You'll find me quite unarmed.
Does the light offend your eyes? Forgive me.
You've spent too long in the dark, jacob.
Perhaps we all have.
(gun uncocking) What is it you want of me, john? It's a small thing really.
For god's sake Tell me.
It's time for the boy to claim his birthright.
Father? Something's wrong? Yes, I'm afraid so.
On the way down, I thought it might be better To drop it into the abyss, As if it had never been.
Why would you even consider such a thing? To protect you.
Vincent, no one ever wanted to lie to you.
It's just that there were some things I thought you had no need to hear.
Who was she, father? Her name was anna.
She was one of us.
A good woman.
She liked to go above.
She loved to walk the streets, Meet the people.
One night It was the coldest night of the year Anna was the one who found me.
Uh, no.
That was a story.
You were never found.
Anna was your mother.
My What happened to her? She died.
It was, um, an accident So long ago.
We buried her down in the catacombs.
Vincent Vincent, please, Let it go.
How could you even ask that? Manning: We got lucky.
Seems that spirko didn't believe That no-parking signs applied to him.
In the last month, he was cited four times In the same two-block area.
I put 20 legmen Out on the street, flashing his picture.
He made regular visits to a penthouse on sutton.
Whose penthouse? Good question.
The place was leased a month ago.
No name on file for the tenant.
Isn't that a little irregular? Yeah But when you pay a year's rent in advance At double the normal rate in gold You're allowed to be a little irregular.
He paid in gold? Mm-hmm.
I want full surveillance on the building, I want a 24-hour stakeout.
I want cameras, audio, phone taps, The works.
You got it.
You think I should call in the police on this? No.
We keep it under wraps for now.
(subway train passing in distance) (sighs) I fear this assault on catherine and vincent May be just the beginning.
But how or where the next attack may come Only one man.
Mouse isn't scared.
Maybe mouse should be.
Paracelsus has always had his followers down below us.
Yes, now he has dangerous allies in the world above.
We'll have to change all the entrances to the tunnels.
John pater discovered half of these tunnels.
A few false walls won't fool him.
Mouse can build new traps! Ropes, chutes.
One wrong move (slams desk) Up he goes! He'd just cut through your ropes.
How about deadfalls, pits? Someone might get hurt.
We're talking about paracelsus here.
He murdered lou.
Killed winslow, too.
I still have the scar from where he cut me.
And you're worried he might get hurt? I say we should arm the sentries.
I don't know, william.
What kind of weapons do you suggest? Vincent? Catherine, I must go.
To her tomb? (sighs) Maybe you should give yourself some more time.
Too much time has passed already.
Then I'll go with you.
Why? Don't you see What you're doing, vincent? You're throwing up walls.
You're Isolating yourself from the people who love you.
This is something I must face alone.
(wind howling) Let her sleep, vincent.
It is not good to wake the dead.
So far from home, vincent.
There is nothing for you down here.
What is it you seek? Anna.
You know these catacombs.
Show me the way, narcissa.
Her bones have no answers.
Go back, Vincent.
It's too late for that now.
There is nothing here but cold stone.
Her spirit is gone, child.
Once you told me you could summon spirits.
Some Who walk in death are fearful, cold, Bitter as the wind That roars up from the abyss Evil.
But anna was a good woman.
In life But death can twist a heart Poison it And anna's death was terrible.
How did she die, narcissa? Ask the father.
John pater.
Vincent: Paracelsus.
(panting) And then he was brought to me And he was wrapped in rags.
Or you can attempt to accept father's story.
Or you can attempt to accept father's story.
Don't you see, vincent? He wouldn't let me take you.
When I was exiled, he made me leave you behind.
Nobody wanted him.
You were mine.
Nobody wanted him.
You were mine.
Or you can attempt to accept father's story.
Or you can attempt to accept father's story.
Vincent, no one ever wanted to lie to you.
Do you really believe that? Do you really believe that? (snarls) (roaring loudly) (anguished roar) (huffing) (angry growl) (grunting) (gasping) (phone buzzes) Yes? Send her right in.
If you came here to make more accusations, You can turn right around, go out the door you just came in.
(sighs) I came to apologize, elliott.
I was very wrong about you, and I'm sorry.
Well Apology accepted.
I've given you enough reason To doubt me in the past, Aside from which even spirko thought he was dealing with me.
How do you know that? I had to try to clear my good name.
Such as it is.
I had a private detective try to find spirko's source.
(sighs) You should be careful.
I know the man you're looking for.
He's very dangerous.
Why didn't you call the police? More secrets.
If you find him You'll be the first to know.
Catherine Vincent's not back yet, I'm afraid.
I need to talk to both of you.
Elliott burch's got some men looking for Catherine, leave us.
Vincent Anna Was john pater's wife.
(sighs) I'll wait in your chamber.
Is it true then? Was paracelsus My father? Father what have you done? It was done out of love.
The greatest crimes are always committed in the name of love.
At the time it seemed so obvious.
But now Dear god, sometimes I feel so lost Tell me.
The beginning Was john.
He and anna had tried for so long to have a child, But it was impossible.
The fault was in john.
He was unable to father a child.
Yet anna became pregnant.
To anna, it was a miracle.
But john just Smiled As if he knew what was Go on.
Vincent, please Go on! Why didn't you tell any of the others? I didn't think there was any need.
I thought it best not to frighten them.
I was an infant.
What could they have feared? The unknown.
Vincent, men are afraid of what they don't understand.
And they hate that which is different.
Someone must have known.
Anna was pregnant.
No one knew.
You see, anna was Vincent, anna was only in her third month When she went into labor.
Her third month? As soon as it began, I knew something was wrong But I could never have imagined Paracelsus.
John was a genius in his own way, But unorthodox.
Even so, no one would of dreamed That he would perform medical experiments On his own wife.
Did Anna know what he was doing? Right at the end When she was too weak to scream anymore.
She looked up at john, And I saw the knowledge in her eyes.
So Anna died in childbirth like devin's mother.
No, not, uh, not like devin's mother.
Well, then how? How? Vincent, you were You were not born Like other children.
You ripped your way out of your mother's body.
(vincent screaming) (distant, rhythmic tapping) Vincent? What is it? Catherine, you must leave me.
What did father tell you? Go back to your world.
Go back to the life you once lived.
Put all your memory of me behind you.
Tell me what he said.
I love you, vincent.
Whatever it is, we can face it together.
What you love is only part of me.
No, vincent, I love all of you.
How can you know that? There are darknesses inside of me That you cannot even imagine.
Whatever father said, it doesn't matter.
You haven't changed.
You're still kind and gentle and strong.
Stop! You and father.
You wouldn't admit the truth Even if it stood right in front of you.
Look at me, catherine.
Look at me.
What do you see? I see the man that I love.
There are no mirrors in this chamber, But there are mirrors in the soul, And I cannot live with what I see there.
Don't Touch me.
(sighs) It is not safe to love me, catherine.
I killed anna.
These hands Ripped apart my mother's flesh, Tore me from her womb.
I was born in blood.
(quietly): No.
I don't believe it.
Believe whatever you like, only leave me.
(vincent growls, catherine screams) Don't look back.
Elliott: Patience isn't one of my virtues, manning.
How long is it going to take us to get some answers on this? Mr.
Burch Cathy, what are you doing here? (door closes) Is this your detective? Yeah.
The spirko source-- How much have you found out? Well, we traced him to a penthouse on sutton, But the man seems to have vanished.
He's good at that.
I need to get inside that penthouse.
Uh, that shouldn't be too difficult to arrange, Should it, mr.
Manning? Mr.
Burch, you're talking about breaking and entering.
I could lose my license.
Cleon I will buy you a brand-new one.
Let's go, elliott.
Operative: Nobody home, mr.
All right, toss this room.
I want to know who lives here and where they've gone.
This makes it a police matter.
You want to do the honors Or should I phone in an anonymous tip? (knocking on wood) Operative: Manning.
I think we got something here.
Manning: Who the hell are you? Father: Please help me.
Elliott: Is this the man? No.
Help me get him out of here.
Vincent-- warn him.
Paracelsus is below.
Anna lost her baby in the third month And something seemed to happen to john.
Shortly afterwards, she found a child In the snows outside st.
Vincent's hospital, And things seemed to get very confused In john's mind.
Are you all right? Thank you.
How did it become confused? He began to see vincent as the son he'd lost? Yes.
Anna loved vincent, But she could see that john's obsession With the child was becoming unhealthy.
It broke her heart, But she thought it best if the child stayed with me.
Didn't she know how paracelsus would react? Well, in spite of everything, she still loved john And she thought in time the grief would pass, That he'd forgive her.
Instead, he gave her poison in a glass of wine.
Afterwards, he told me it was the hardest thing He'd ever done, that he'd done it for vincent.
Why did you let me live? You don't know what you're saying.
Vincent, I remember the first moment I held you in my arms.
You were so tiny, drenched in blood.
But I could feel the life in you.
Death has its own power.
Perhaps that is what you felt.
You opened your eyes And you looked at me.
You knew me.
And I knew that something new Had come into the world, That you were destined for unimaginable things.
And it was up to you to see that nothing stood In the way of that destiny.
Oh, yes.
No matter who you hurt, No matter how many lives were warped and destroyed By your lies.
But they didn't matter.
Can't you understand that? I mean, they were ordinary, Unimportant.
But you No.
No, you have to listen.
You have to understand.
(snarls) Do you think it's been easy for me? You don't know the price I paid for you.
For years afterwards, I could see her face, Hear her screaming.
Sometimes, as I pass through the chamber of the winds, I hear it still.
The screaming and the sound you made As you tore your way into the world.
Stop it, stop it.
No, you must hear this.
No more.
Why do you resist your own nature? No! Where are you going, vincent? You can't run away; you know that.
(laughs) Oh, yes.
They've tried to smother it with their piety, Chain it with their little moralities, But you can still hear the singing in your blood, Can't you? Huh? Can't you? (breathing heavily) Don't fight it, vincent.
It's you.
It's who you are.
It's what you've always been Since the moment you were born.
Good and evil-- these are human concepts.
Let go of them, vincent.
Let the power fill you, make you its own.
All your victims know the truth.
Couldn't you see that in their faces? Couldn't you remember their eyes as they beheld you For the last time? (snarling) The smell Of their blood in your hands.
Oh, vincent, Imagine the taste of it.
Like copper and fire on your tongue.
(growling) It's all right.
Don't be afraid.
At last You are my son.
Catherine: Will he be all right? Father: I don't know.
I hope, in time.
Catherine, I'll sit with him if you have to, uh No.
I'll stay as long as he needs me.
It's finished.
You did what had to be done and We're free.
The nightmare is over.
It's not over.

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