The Haunted Hathaways (2013) s02e21 Episode Script

Haunted Family

- Aw, come on! - Yes! Sweet, sweet victory.
Girls beat the boys.
Eat it, suckers! Hathaway victory dance! - Whoo! - Ooh, ooh! Ooh! (Miles) Hey! The game's not over.
We can still tie if Louie gets the question right.
(Laughs) Okay.
Hold on to that dream.
You can do it, Louie.
Just clear your mind.
Consider it empty, Pops! What unit of measure is equivalent to 5,280 feet? Come on, Louie, You got this.
You know this.
Come on! Think, think, think! Miles! That's right.
(Cheering) All right, we got another chance to get this It's true! A ghost family! Living happily with humans! The hypocrisy! The atrocity! It's bad.
Real bad.
(Gasps) You guys got your prom outfits.
Let me see, let me see, let me see.
What do you think? I don't know if Scott has the legs to pull off that dress.
I see Taylor went with the twilight silver dress.
My suggestion.
You guys are going to look gorgeous.
Thanks, Miss H.
, but I've got one big problem.
Does anyone here know how to tie a bowtie? Um hello! Don't worry.
I can tie it for you, Scott.
With a little help.
(Retches) I can't watch anymore.
This must end.
Bring me the so-called "ghosts.
" (Ray) We're going to the prom Shut it off! Shut it off! (Spooky rock music) If you move into a haunted house You gotta try to work things out So if you're living with a ghost or three You gotta be one big, semi-scary family Don't know how we ended up this way But I guess you could call us The Haunted Hathaways The Haunted Hathaways The Haunted Hathaways The Haunted Hathaways Mr.
Preston! As you know, the Ghost Council illegally spies on I mean, legally monitors hauntings in the human world.
Ghosts and human beings living together in peace Unacceptable! Inexcusable! It's bad! Real bad! Your honor, we originally intended to haunt this family out.
But then we got to know each other.
And it's kinda working.
Your honor, for the record, I was always for haunting them out.
I saw you and that little girl singing lullabies to a toy clam! His name is Clampy and he's afraid of the dark! Or maybe I am! It's none of your business! (Clears throat) Um, your honor? I, um, motion to delay these proceedings.
On what grounds? On the grounds that we're going to miss Scott and Taylor's prom photos! You call them by their names.
Sometimes it's fun to use their couple name, Scaylor.
Scaylor? It's every ghost's duty to terrify humans.
You will have one chance to right this wrong.
Return immediately and haunt out that family.
Or else.
Or else we could forget about this and go back to our normal lives? Or else you'll be kicked out of your house and replaced by proper ghosts.
You don't have the power to (High-pitched voice) do that! Oh, I guess you do.
Be gone! And don't forget, we'll be watching you! Legally.
(Screams) We're in big trouble, Pops.
What are we gonna do? (Sighs) Wait! Where's Miles? (Miles) (High-pitched voice) Coming through! Heads up! (High pitched scream) Nice catch, Dad.
Guys, I hate to say this.
But it looks like our only option is to scare out the Hathaways.
What, Break up the Prestons and the Hathaways? The Prest-a-ways? We could hear you less when you were tiny.
The Hathaways will find a new house.
And once they do, we'll figure out a way to visit them.
I'm not going to haunt them.
I won't! I can't! I shan't! I also shan't! I can't imagine life without Frankie.
She's nobody without me.
Boys, if we don't haunt them out, another ghost family's going to come in and haunt out the Hathaways anyway.
- We have no other choice.
- I guess Dad's right.
We're gonna have to come up with a major haunt.
Especially if we want to frighten Frankie.
Sometime she even scares me a little.
Okay a lot.
How did we scare out the family before the Hathaways? Hmm let's see.
Miles handed out balloons.
You turned into a cupcake.
I was a mutant cave rat.
Which is the way I think we should go.
Eh, are mutant cave rats even scary? - (Hissing) - (Screams) Mutant cave rat it is.
Let's just get this over with.
Ready, kiddo? I'll snap you in.
Please! I got this, Dad.
One word and I'll erase you! Ah! My little Taylor going to prom! Oh, I'm so overwhelmed I can hardly breathe.
(Coughs) Maybe it's the hairspray.
Taylor Frankie, are you okay? Mehh! You look Naa! What is wrong with you? You don't look ugly! (Exhales) Aw, thanks, Frankie.
Hey, where are Ray, Miles, and Louie? This is a big night.
It doesn't feel right without them here.
Boys, I never said this with less enthusiasm, but, let's do this.
(Bell dings) Wait! (Gasps) There he is! Hey, Scott.
Whoa, Taylor, you look incredible.
Thank you.
(Clears throat) My mom did my hair.
Nahh! She thinks you look nice.
Aw, thanks, Frankie.
Okay, get together so I can take some pictures! Don't mind if I do! Not you, Frankie! Oh, it's okay, Miss H.
Let's do a couple with Frankie.
That'll be cute.
This is too sad.
Michelle's a terrible photographer! (Michelle) How does the flash work? - (Screams) I'm blind! - (Frankie laughs) (Michelle) I'm all right.
This is wrong.
I should be in there with Frankie pointing and laughing at Michelle.
Guys, it's now or never.
Then it's never! I can't do this.
Me neither.
You guys are right.
We can't haunt the girls.
This is their home too.
What's gonna happen now? You know, they're watching us.
I don't know.
But don't worry.
Together, we'll get through it.
Well, I guess we should tell the Hathaways what's happening.
That we're going.
(Long stretching sound) Whoa! Going! (All screaming) Prestons, you were given a final chance to haunt and you failed.
Pitiful! Pathetic! You're bad! Real bad! Um, did you not see my scary pencil? Number two, baby! Silence! You are all officially evicted from your home! And given the nature of this crime, you are also forbidden from ever returning to the human world! (Slams gavel) This is terrible! Awful! It's bad! Real bad! Effective immediately, your portal privileges are gone.
For good! Well, I have tremendous respect for the law, your honor.
So if that's our punishment, then I guess we'll have to Boys, run for the portal! Aah! Wait! We're trapped in Ghost World? That's right! And you'll never see that human family ever again! Zombie just ate half your brain matter and pulled off your leg! That makes me Queen of Gutstown! Should I be playing this with a ten-year-old? - Hey, Mom.
- Hey, honey, how was prom? Amazing! Scott and I danced the entire night.
It was weird though.
I kept waiting for Miles to pop out of the punch bowl and do the sprinkler, but he never did.
Hm, we haven't seen the guys all night.
I'm actually a little worried.
Uh, me too.
Louie was supposed to help me prank you when you got home.
Oh, by the way, step to your left.
It's butterscotch! Consider it a prom gift.
You're welcome.
That was a really nice sister moment.
(Loud footsteps upstairs) Oh, good, that must be the guys.
(Slipping on floor) Whoo! (Thud) - Frankie! - Admit it, you would've laughed if it was Taylor.
So, it's a bit of a fixer-upper, but you add some cobwebs, some creaky floorboards, after you move in, you'll have this place looking horrible in no time.
- After they move in? - She's trying to sell the house to another ghost family? What happened to the previous owners? Totes cray-cray, y'all.
The ghosts who used to live here refused to haunt out the humans.
- (Gasps) - I know! What? Lame sauce! Anyway, the Ghost Council evicted them.
They're not allowed to set foot in the human world ever again.
They got banished to Ghostwood Apartments with all the other failed ghosts.
(Laughs) Losers This is awful! Because of us, the Prestons are never coming back.
Mom, we have to do something.
You're darn right we do.
I'm gonna march in there and give that realtor a piece of my mind! (Hissing) Okay, new idea.
I'm open to suggestions.
I got it! We'll go to Ghost World and save them! We're human, Frankie.
We can't go to Ghost World.
Sure we can.
You just pour a bucket of ectoplasm over your head and off you go.
Uh, according to Taylor.
What? Snitch! I had to go to Ghost World.
Frankie was in jail there.
What? Okay, we really need to have more family dinners.
Mom, we can discuss this later, but for now, we need a lot of ectoplasm if we're ever going to get through the portal and bring the Prestons home.
What exactly is ectoplasm? - Ghost sweat! - Of course it is.
But where are we going to get it? We have no ghosts.
(Woman cackling in distance) I got an idea! Time to turn up the heat.
I'm gonna make a ghost sweat.
Come on, people.
Keep up! It gets tiresome.
Welcome to Ghostwood, where the ghosts are bad and the apartments are worse.
I'm Terry, your landlord.
Don't pick me as a charades partner.
You won't be happy.
Anywho, let me give you the tour.
Here's your apartment.
Out there's the dump.
End of tour.
Oh, the dump.
So that's what smells so bad.
No, that's me.
Okay, see ya.
No one sends the great Louie Preston to a community of failed ghosts! That judge thinks he can scare me? I'm gonna make him cry.
Louie, you're an onion.
I didn't say how I'd make him cry.
Ugh, we need to think of a way out of this! Wait! I got it! To change a Ghost World law, all you need is 8 million signatures.
Uh, how about you, sir? Will you sign my petition? No hablo ingles! Yeah, I don't think the family can afford the place.
I should've known when I saw the wife's shoes.
Yuck city! (Cackling) Call you back.
You scared me! Of course we did.
We're ghosts.
(Forced cackle) Yeah, we're ghosts and we're here to see the house.
(Forced cackle) That's right! We just walked through a wall! (Forced cackle) Anyway we'd love a tour of the place to see if it fits our haunting needs.
Sounds good.
- Is it hot in here? - Who knows? We just want to see the house from top to bottom.
Several times.
And we're in a hurry, so we'd like to do it while running.
Okay! I think I'm about to pass out! So, we ran every inch of the house.
Including the stairs 25 times.
What do you think? That you are amazingly fit.
How is she not sweating? Um, because I'm a lady.
(Phone rings) Oh! Could you let yourselves out? I have another property to show.
Call if you're interested.
I do not like her.
And not a drop of ectoplasm from her.
What are we gonna do now? I don't know, but we gotta think of something.
I can't imagine never hearing Ray's saxophone again.
Or seeing Louie fill out his fart journal.
"Tuesday, July 8th.
" Look.
Miles's perfectly pressed shirts.
Hung neatly behind this giant bucket of blue goop.
Oh, he's so sweet.
I'm gonna miss him.
(Frankie and Taylor) Blue goop? It's ectoplasm! And there's enough for all of us! - Yes! - Makes sense.
Miles keeps emergency supplies of everything.
So is there any special trick to putting this on the Refreshing.
Now, a dab for myself.
(Spits) Ew! I think there's a lot of Louie in this batch.
(Exhales) Okay.
Let's go.
So is there like a parachute or something? Wait for your mother! (All screaming) Yeah, turns out Terry's dinosaur hands weren't capable of signing my petition.
He didn't take it very well.
This whole thing is my fault.
I'm your father.
It was my job to haunt out the Hathaways and I told 'em they could stay.
Dad, we all wanted them to stay.
Yeah, Dad, we wouldn't trade that time with the Hathaways for anything.
(Knock at door) (Groan) Go away, Terry! No one wants to come to your cheese party! (Gasps) Oh, my ghost! Oh, my gosh, Frankie, it's really you! I missed you so much! I missed you too! Oh, my gosh, we just hugged.
Oh yeah, we can actually do that in Ghost World.
(All greeting one another) - How did you guys get here? - We used Miles's ectoplasm.
- We came to help you.
- We feel terrible you guys ended up here because of us.
You shouldn't have come.
It's way too dangerous.
Humans aren't allowed in Ghost World.
You gotta go back.
You better do it fast before your ectoplasm wears off.
What happens then? You won't be able to go back.
Huh, that would've been a fun, little tidbit to know before I jumped into another dimension.
We'll be fine.
- We just have to go now.
- We can't.
When we try to go through the portal, we bounce right off.
All of us.
Not just me.
I knew you were all thinking it.
(Knock at door) (Terry) Open up! The cops are here! Ooh, hide! Hiding humans? You guys are in big trouble.
A Well, what do we have here? Va-va-va-voom! How did you guys know they were here? How many times do I have to say it? We're watching you! Legally.
As if not haunting humans wasn't bad enough, now you allow them into Ghost World? I'm infuriated! Disgusted! He's mad! Real mad! It seems that I will have to hand down an even harsher punishment! Uh, if I could offer my two cents Silence, human! Uh, rude.
My name is Michelle, sir, and I am an award-winning baker, according to (Mumbles indistinctly) dot com! And by the way, you don't scare me.
(Elephant roar) I stand corrected! Sir, you can't punish the Prestons.
Maybe we don't fit your idea of normal, but us living together works great.
Better than great.
These ghosts are our family.
They support us.
Like the time my date for the ball dumped me and Ray stepped up and danced with me.
He was awesome.
I was, wasn't I? (Improvising melodies) Maybe not now, Ray.
And the time Louie possessed me so I wouldn't be humiliated in my volleyball match.
Ha! I crushed it! I did this one move where I flew up over the net and Okay, you can read about it in the school paper.
Don't forget the time Miles saved Taylor's sleepover.
Best pillow fight ever! Well, well, well, after hearing all of these touching stories, I have to say you're even more revolting than I thought.
Um, I have 1 1/2 signatures that say otherwise.
This is not natural! Humans hate ghosts! Ghosts hate humans! It's always been that way! Now I've heard enough from you humans.
Return to your world at once! - No! We're not going! - Not without the Prestons.
It's either all of us or none of us.
You guys, you're running out of time.
Your ectoplasm is drying.
I don't care, Miles.
We're not leaving you here.
(Sighs) Michelle, take the girls and go home.
No, Ray, it's not a home without you guys.
Let us all go.
You'll never break up our family.
Are you kidding me? You can't come into this court and think we're gonna cave just because of your ridiculous heartfelt sentiments.
Right, council? (Both whimpering) They risked everything to come back for the Prestons.
It's sad! Real sad! Council, pull yourselves together! Who did that? Prest-a-ways! (All) Prest-a-ways! Prest-a-ways! Prest-a-ways! Stop this chanting! (All) Prest-a-ways! Prest-a-ways! You guys too? Am I seriously being outvoted? (Both) Yes! You guys are the worst.
I guess that means you're all free to go.
(Cheering) Yeah! Oh, wait! Guys! One more group hug before we hit the road? Get out of my court! Make it quick.
(Cheering) Ah! Home sweet home! Ha! I was afraid we'd never see this place again.
I was afraid we'd never see you guys again.
So good to have everything back to normal.
Uh, who are they? Looks like that ghost family moved in while we were gone.
(Laughs) They're ghosts? Not very scary! (Hissing) (Screams) We got this.
Okay, boys.
Mutant cave rats on three.
(Ray) One two (Prestons) Get out of our house! (Screams) (Louie) Ha! We did it! They're gone!
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