Doctor Who - Documentary s02e22 Episode Script


(MECHONOID READING) One or two people said, you know, this is the next generation of Daleks.
But I don't think that we ever felt that the Mechonoids had it in them to be evil, they were simply robotical.
It was nice to have the Daleks battling away against another, sort of, you know, mechanical menace.
The Mechonoids were enormous and bulky.
They're fat.
You can't take a fat robot seriously! To say they're not impressive is unfair to the designers because of the size of the things, they actually are very impressive.
If those I had trouble making dynamic, the Mechonoids were like trying to create dynamics out of a bit of jelly.
The Mechonoids could only have attacked shopping centres with huge sliding doors.
They only had this one thing that they could do.
And that Now that I think was funny.
That was pathetic.
And it has a flame-thrower gun, which is quite good, but it keeps on shooting at nothing in particular.
MECHONOID: I am Red Thirty Mechonoid Also, you can't understand a blind word they say.
So if they're telling you to stop and not run away, "I'm sorry, what was that?" I assumed what it was saying was actually quite interesting but I just couldn't hear it.
What it says though is things like, "Zero, zero, stop" and bits of ticker tape noise.
It says nothing of any interest whatsoever.
BRIGGS: Were they really expecting to do adventures with those huge, great things moving around very slowly (IMITATING MECHONOIDS) Speaking in a very slow way.
By the time they told you they were going to do something nasty to you, you'd be just out the door, wouldn't you, really? Obviously, they were no match for the Daleks in intent or in purpose.
TUCKER: They just weren't as concise a monster as the Daleks.
It's like saying, you know, "You know this really successful war film franchise we've got? Right.
"We've got this great idea for a new franchise.
They're butlers!" (LAUGHING) You know? (SARCASTICALLY) "They've got guns though, they've got guns!" BRIGGS: The Daleks were created as these sort of mad ethnic-cleansing killing machines.
And what were the Mechonoids? They're just robot helpers.
Daleks are these evil creatures inside who are the survivors of a nuclear war.
Mechonoids are servants who went a bit bad.
They're not really much, much of a comparison.

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