Bloodline (2015) s03e01 Episode Script

Part 24

1 [.]
Young man goes out Looking for the diamond in the sea Old man rows his boat to shore And falls on twisted knees And you'll drown Before the water lets you in And you'll drown Before the water lets you in [.]
Fuck you.
Fuck you! [Danny.]
Fuck it, just drive.
Hey, where are we going? [car horn honking.]
Mom? Did you hear what I said? Mom? [Sally sighs.]
He didn't mean to do it.
I think he did, Mom.
I really think that he did.
He was upset.
He wasn't himself.
He was furious at Danny.
What does it matter now? What's done is done.
[cell phone ringing.]
No, Mom.
That's what I'm trying to tell you.
Is that Kevin's at Marco's right now, trying to get him to help us.
But I don't know what's gonna happen.
We have to protect your father.
What? He didn't mean to do it.
Mitzi? [dog barking.]
Mitzi, come on.
Get in here right now.
I'm not talking about Daddy, Mom.
Please tell me you understand, Mom.
Of course I do.
I'm not senile.
Tell me.
I need to hear you say it.
[cell phone ringing.]
[ringing continues.]
Damn dog.
John killed him.
Mitzi! And Kevin, you [cell phone ringing.]
Get in here! [thud, then tires squealing.]
You all lied to me.
Mitzi! [Kevin panting.]
[groaning noises.]
- [panting.]
- [police sirens wailing.]
Hey, I get carsick in the back, man.
How about if I drive? Keep fucking moving.
I need you all in one place.
We all have to be together.
- Mom - Find Kevin, find John.
- Tell them to come home right now.
- Kevin is talking to Marco.
- John hasn't been answering his phone - [woman.]
Excuse me.
Uh I'm so sorry.
Uh Um You know what? Never mind.
- I'll figure it out.
- That's great, thank you.
I mean, just real quick, and forgive me, but how do I know the difference between a bad sunburn and sunstroke? Vomit.
- If you could just give us a minute? - Oh, no, no.
You go, Meg.
I'll take care of Mrs.
My husband's doing that.
He's throwing up.
- Oh, poor thing, you must be so worried.
- I am.
- I'll come right over with you.
- Okay, thank you.
Mom? We have a doctor I can call, he'll be here in five minutes.
Yeah, I kept telling Jonathan all day on the boat to put on a shirt.
Oh! Why don't they ever listen? [woman.]
What's wrong with them? [panting.]
Put the weapon on the ground! Hands behind your head.
On the ground.
Put it down.
Hands behind your head.
- Listen - Hands behind your head.
Detective Rayburn? Yes.
Tammy Peters, FHP.
That is some crazy shit.
You okay? Yeah.
It's not something you see every day.
[cell phone buzzing.]
Oh, fuck.
[Kevin on recording.]
Hey, Kevin, pick up your damn phone.
Why, dude? Just leave me a message.
- [voicemail beeps.]
- Kevin, it's Meg.
Where are you? Call me back now.
Stop fucking around.
[line ringing.]
[John on recording.]
You've reached John Rayburn.
Please leave a message.
John, it's me.
Please call me back, okay? Please try me.
Thank you.
[engine starts.]
I just saw your truck.
It's not looking too good.
I'm happy to give you a ride back to Largo.
No, that's all right.
I called a flatbed and let my wife know what's going on.
Everything's fine, I'm just waiting.
All right, I'll, uh, get a call in to animal control.
Should be out in the morning for the body.
Sure you're okay now, Detective? Yeah, thank you.
Good night.
[indistinct radio chatter.]
Be safe.
[engine starts.]
When I was growing up, we didn't take a lot of car trips.
But I think I remember the rules to this game.
Who here wants to play I Spy? Huh? I got you, don't worry, I'll start us off.
Don't sweat it.
I spy with my little eye two motherfuckers who won't fucking tell me what the fuck is going on! Fuck.
Please, God, wake up.
Wake, wake up.
Should have fucking listened to me, you fucking asshole.
Such a fucking asshole.
Oh, fuck.
[car approaching.]
[cell phone ringing.]
You've reached the voicemail of Detective Marco Diaz.
If this is an emergency, please hang up and dial 911.
Otherwise, leave a message and have yourself a safe day.
[car horn honks.]
[rock music playing over stereo.]
Do you know where I could get a pizza this time of night? No, ma'am.
Where you going, darling? I sure could use a ride.
You dangerous? No.
No, ma'am.
You don't look dangerous.
All right, then.
AC is busted, seat don't go back, and I keep a .
45 nearby at all times.
Just so's you know.
Your choice.
Kevin! Oh, shit.
You got a story? I got nothing but time.
[R&B music playing over stereo.]
Found me somebody Better than you Okay, you don't have to talk if you don't want to.
I'm just passing the hours.
Look at me now Want a hit of this? I'm doing okay No.
It's prescription.
Whatever your trouble, it'll ease your pain.
From the bottom to the top I hope those tears Would never stop Night after night after night Until the heartache Didn't hurt me no more And I'm all over Go slow, friend.
It's been a long time.
It was a long way The first time I ever smoked, my brother Danny got me to roll a joint so we could get a couple of sisters to go skinny dipping.
Me and my sister never needed no joint.
Still don't.
What am I supposed to do? He's not at Marco's.
- He's not answering his phone.
- [Sally.]
Hang on, Meg.
Doctor Joe, thank you so much.
Always happy to help, Sally.
You're a doll.
And John has my vote for sheriff.
Fingers crossed.
- Meg? - Did you call Kevin? I, uh, I left a message.
You don't think he's drinking again, do you? I don't know.
I don't know, Mom.
Well, check his bars.
Hey, do you remember the first time that your dad hit you, man? You remember that? And you tasted your own blood in the inside of your mouth? And you cut the inside of your lip with your teeth? I don't wanna hurt you.
I don't wanna have to hurt you so bad.
I don't wanna have to hurt you.
We still doing stone crabs Saturday night? For sure.
I know.
I know, man.
I know this is how he does it, huh? This is how John Rayburn cleans up his trash, man.
I'll tell you something, though.
John Rayburn ain't shit, 'cause I'm used to motherfuckers trying to kill me themselves.
None of this middle-management, punk-ass bullshit.
[spits, then grunts.]
I didn't feel that, bitch.
You ain't shit.
["Bye Bye Blackbird" playing over stereo.]
Just sink into it.
Let it all go.
No one here can love I'm running.
I bet you a real angry son of a gun, aren't you? [.]
I'm running.
I heard you the first time.
It's the only way to make it better.
So, smash some shit, make a mess.
I already did that.
And the world didn't stop spinning.
We are not the center because there is no center.
There is no center.
I heard you the first time.
Bus station's just up ahead.
[singing along.]
Pack up all my cares and woes Here I go Singing low - Bye-bye - Bye - Bye, blackbird - Blackbird [Danny.]
When's it gonna end, John? Hm? Heh-heh.
[Danny laughing.]
When's it gonna end? [woman.]
Bye-bye, blackbird [man 1.]
All right, almost there.
[boat approaching.]
[indistinct chatter.]
[man 1.]
Let's go.
Get it off.
[man 1.]
There we go.
[man 2.]
Got a little trash to take care of.
[rock music playing over speakers.]
Meg, where you been? Haven't seen you since I hit on you at that full moon party.
I've been busy with the campaign.
Hey, have you seen my brother around? - Mm, the one with the preggers wife? - Yeah, Kevin.
Thought he was off the sauce.
He is.
I just was curious if you'd seen him around.
No, not for a month or more.
How about you, you want a taste? Oh, maybe later.
Is that a promise or a tease? [Meg sighs.]
You haven't, for any reason, seen either one of my brothers, have you? [sighs.]
Did you have a rough day? And night, and day before that, and night before that.
I just worked a triple.
Thirty-six on.
You okay? Was that a class in law school? Dumb Questions? Sorry, I just found out this morning my mom's really dying.
Whoa, shit, sorry.
You want a drink? Uh, no, I can't.
Actually, you know what, fuck it.
I could have just a quick one.
Hey, Lannie.
- Yes.
Yes, sir.
- All I asked was for you to abide by a few simple rules.
- I know, and I fucked that up.
- What time is it? - I'm such a fucking idiot - Is it not past 10 p.
? - It is definitely late.
- What does that mean? - I know, but - What do you know? I can't be here past 10 p.
, but you have to understand True or false? You were just caught sneaking around the docks, and you maybe saw some things.
True, but you have to understand, sir, I didn't have a choice.
I didn't know where else to go.
Why those? Yes.
See? Look, this? This has nothing to do with me trying to have anything to do with your guys, or whatever you got going here.
Listen, let me tell you what happened, okay? I go to see this guy that I know.
This friend of mine Well, of my family's, really.
And I went I went I went to his house Oh, Jesus.
I need your help, sir.
- My help? - I wanted to go talk to him about why he was treating my family so badly, right? And it just kind of, like, spun out of control, and And He's He's just lying on the floor, and I don't think he's breathing.
Do not say another word.
- Mr.
Gilbert, I need - Stop talking.
I have to ask you a favor.
I need you to open your door and step out of my vehicle.
- Mr.
Gilbert, please - And this conversation never happened.
[door closes.]
- Well, how much blow was he doing? - [chuckles.]
- No, yeah.
- Yeah, right.
Who the hell knows? He was just talking so fast in the message.
I remember that the first time I ever did a bump was with him, and I was in tenth grade.
Yes, that's right.
Yeah, I remember Danny was so pissed at Eric for getting his little sister, the prom queen, high.
I didn't know that.
Eric thought it was funny, and Danny didn't talk to him for, like, a week or two.
I didn't know that.
[man speaking indistinctly on PA.]
When is the next bus? Check the board.
There's nothing on the board.
Then I guess you got your answer.
You mean, there's not another bus? People lie.
Board don't.
You don't have anything going to Jacksonville or somewhere up north? Sure, I do.
- Well, I'll take a ticket.
- It'll be 4:50.
The ticket's only $4.
50? Sir, the next bus to Jacksonville is 4:50 a.
- There's nothing any sooner? - Where you looking to go? I'm looking to go north or west.
- Any city in mind? - Yeah, any city that's north or west.
[man sighs.]
I do got Atlanta at 4:00 a.
, Charlotte at, uh, 15 past the hour, and Mobile by way of Tallahassee half past the hour of cinco.
Does any of that wet your whistle, hoss? [man on PA.]
activity well below the average of 12 named storms, six hurricanes and three major storms, suggesting it might be over.
This year a big difference.
The year also introduced Okay, wait, wait.
So, Eric called you? Yeah, but I couldn't answer.
I was dealing with this 80-year-old woman, ruptured spleen.
He sounds really crazy on the message.
It was like he's foaming at the mouth.
He's so mad.
- And he sounds terrified.
- Why? [sighs.]
I don't know.
He needs money, he wants to leave town, he wants me to call him.
And so, did you call him? Of course.
And? And now he's not answering.
I told him I'm here, so, you know, fuck it.
Yeah, fuck it.
These fucking brothers not answering their fucking phones.
[cell phone buzzing.]
That's my mom.
I gotta pee anyway.
- Wait, watch my purse, okay? - Yeah.
I can't find either of them anywhere.
Go to the boatyard, and if he's not there, go to his house, and bring him here.
Mom, how am I supposed to do that? - I don't care how you do it.
Just do it.
- No.
I've been calling John, I've been looking for Kevin everywhere, nobody's answering their phone, I'm not gonna do it anymore.
- I'm not doing it.
- You do what I tell you.
You do what I tell you, Meg.
You know what? I am so sick of this shit, I'm not doing it.
Okay? I'm not.
Meg? - Meg? - [beeps.]
Hi, Lannie.
Could I have, um, a fucking bottle of tequila, please? Oh, shit.
[line ringing.]
I'm sorry I woke you up.
I just wanted to tell you that I love you very much, honey.
I love you and your brother very much.
Always remember that.
Where are you? Tell Ben that for me, will you? He's not picking up and his voicemail's full.
Will you do that for me? Yeah, sure.
Now? No, you do it in the morning.
You're okay, though? Just at work.
Just working late, and I was thinking about you, and I want you to know that I love you very much, kiddo, okay? I love you very much.
You can go back to sleep now.
[John on recording.]
You've reached John Rayburn.
Please leave a message.
John, where the fuck are you, man? Come on.
I've been calling you all fucking night.
You need to meet me, all right? You need to meet me, like, right fucking now.
What the fuck, man? I don't know what to do, John.
Come on, you gotta call me back, man.
I need you, I really fucking need you now.
I wouldn't call if I didn't.
So, call me back, you fucking prick, come on.
Call me back! [sighs.]
[rock music playing over speakers.]
[Danny laughing.]
What's gonna happen now? [.]
We're just gonna go forward.
One foot follows the other.
One day after another.
How long is Danny gonna be in the hospital for? He'll be home soon.
And we'll have new guests and work to do.
Mom, am I gonna have to answer any more questions? Shh.
You did good, Johnny.
You all did.
Now, shut your eyes and try to get some sleep.
You want? No.
I gotta go.
My cab's here.
You want a ride? No, thank you.
You sure? I'm gonna call Mm.
See you later.
[woman on PA.]
Attention, all passengers in the terminal: [rapping.]
Louis got Detroit And Louis got Philly When's the last time you heard A motherfucker rhyme like this? I'm tryin' to see a mil Before I'm five times six [sighs.]
[man on TV.]
So, right now, as we head towards the top of the hour, we'd like to get your local Florida temps across the state.
I was trying to think.
I was trying to think, but I, um I couldn't hold onto anything, Mom, and I, um I couldn't even see.
Everything went black.
I I-I just I couldn't see anything.
Just just nothing.
And, um he turned to me, and he said that all three of us were going to jail.
I've been trying to call John all night, and he's not answering my phone calls.
And I don't know what to do, so I came here.
I don't know what to do.
It's just so fucked up.
Just It is.
Yes it is.
Marco was not getting it, and he wasn't listening to me at all.
I didn't know where else to go.
I came here.
Come on.
One drink won't hurt you.
- Let's get some air.
- Yeah.
Oh, you go ahead, I'm gonna get some ice.
[lock clicks.]
What are you doing? Mom, open the door.
Mom! Oh, come on.
Mom! Don't do this! Mom! Mom, open the door! You've reached the voicemail of Detective Marco Diaz.
If this is an emergency, please hang up and dial 911.
Otherwise, leave a message and have yourself a safe day.
[phone beeps.]
I'm doing it.
Meg, let me give you a ride home.
- I'm - Give me a couple minutes.
I need to go see him.
- No, you need to go home.
- I need to go see him.
Just wait right here for a couple minutes.
[blows raspberry.]
[line ringing.]
[cell phone ringing.]
Hello? [Sally over phone.]
John, I need you here.
You've been avoiding our calls all night.
Stop it.
You need to help the family.
There's nothing more important than that.
Come home right now.
Tell me where you are.
I can't.
Yes, you can, and you fucking will.
- Mom.
- How could you, John? I can't come home.
John, how could you? How could you lie to me like that? - We lied.
- I don't want you to think of it that way.
- Should've just went on the boat - You helped the family.
- Should've went - Nothing's important than that.
We lied.
You helped the family.
We lied.
[man on PA.]
door number 2.
Attention, all passengers, now boarding 134 [sniffs.]
Fuck it.
[man on PA.]
134 passengers, please board from door number [man.]
Hey, Kev, how's it hanging? You okay? - Kev? - Yeah, yeah.
- Uh - What's up? - Um, uh I'm here - Oh, there's ice cream if you want.
- to see if, uh, John - It's Scoonie's birthday.
Is John here? No.
- Hey, Scoonie? - [Scoonie.]
Hm? - You, uh, heard from Rayburn? - Nope.
But his mother called looking for him.
Everything cool? Yeah, everything is Everything is good.
Hey, you ever read The 48 Laws of Power? Huh? 'Cause everybody in the joint is so into that shit.
Not me, man.
I can't get past the fourth law.
You know what I mean? Always say less than necessary.
You know, you, you got that down.
I know you're not taking me out here to propose to me.
Or are you? Are you gonna propose to me? Come on, man, you wanna swing? I'll swing with you, I don't give a shit.
Nobody's looking.
Come on.
Wanna get into it? Come on, I'll pull it out.
Fuck! [tires screeching.]
[coughing, choking.]
I'm doing whatever I can to help him.
Thank you.
So, we're all squared up, then? No, Roy.
Not even close.
You know what? Fuck you.
You're losing everything 'cause you killed your fucking brother, asshole.
Go ahead.
Anything to protect the fucking Rayburn name.
Right? [man on TV.]
70 degrees.
Fort Myers Oh, you fucked up but good, son.
The way I see it, you only have two options.
One, you turn yourself in.
That's a guaranteed outcome, checkmate.
Option two, you let me get you some help with this, right now.
[man on TV.]
73 degrees right now [man on PA.]
Final boarding call I can't guarantee it'll all work out, but at least it'll give you a fighting chance to save yourself, your family.
Watch your baby son born, see him grow up.
[man on PA.]
boarding call.
Next departure is in two hours.
Wait! Either path you take, there's no turning back.
[Kevin on recording.]
Yeah, John, this is Kevin again.
Where the fuck are you, man? Um [Meg.]
Come on, I need to talk to you.
Call me back.
Mom is fucking freaking out.
I can't deal with it.
I can meet you wherever you are.
Just call me or text me, okay? Jesus.
Please Time's up.
John, where the fuck are you, man? Call me ba You have to decide, Kevin.
What do you wanna do? - [.]
- Hmm? Pack up all my cares and woes Here I go Singing low Bye-bye Blackbird Where somebody waits for me Sugar's sweet So is he Bye-bye Blackbird No one here can love Or understand me All those hard-luck stories They all hand me Make my bed Light the light I'll arrive late tonight
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