Fog and Crimes (2005) s03e01 Episode Script

La stanza segreta

It's been a year since we've seen each other.
Have you missed me at all? FOG AND CRIMES 3 Yes, I've missed you.
Do you like Rome? Too noisy, too hot, too many hills, and too many Romans.
- Are you going to go back to Ferrara? - I don't know.
- I haven't decided.
How about you? - I like Torino.
Marta offered to make me a partner in her office.
That's nice.
So, was it a good idea to ask you to visit me? I would have done it myself.
It took me ten tries to get up the courage to call.
I was afraid you'd say no, or you'd have somewhere else to be.
I would have canceled it.
I'm joking, there was nothing else.
Me neither.
THE SECRET ROOM Yes? Who is it? Angela.
You don't know who this is? Don't you remember? I know who he is.
- I just can't remember anything! - What's his name? His name's Rino Pellizzi.
He was my client.
- Your client and nothing more? - Yes.
This is Inspector Soneri, I'm one of your colleagues.
30 San Pio street.
There's been a murder.
Send over a We've already been notified.
A patrol car is on its way.
Very well.
Was there anyone else here? No.
I don't know.
We'll see.
Here are the dead man's papers.
Rino Pellizzi, class of '75, 34 years old.
A photographer from Torino.
- He does well for a photographer.
- Look at this, "Free trade.
" "Love and money.
" "Bite my butt.
" Pellizzi was a man dedicated to contemplation and meditation.
We found cocaine all over the place.
In the kitchen, bathroom, on his clothes, everywhere.
- It helps with meditation.
- Could be true.
Is that your girlfriend? She was.
Will we find your fingerprints in here? Only on the front door.
That's it? I don't know.
I opened up every door when I came in.
I was trying to figure out if anyone else was here.
You want to know if I removed any evidence, don't you? Did you? No.
You can't stay, you need to leave.
I shouldn't have to tell you.
But you did.
How can you not know how you ended up in that bed? - Tell me it's not true.
- I don't know why I was there.
I have no idea how I even got here! Eliana, do you know that man? Yes, I was his boss years ago.
The best I ever worked with.
Here's the judge.
Prepare yourself.
This won't be easy.
There's no sign of a break-in on the front door or the windows.
Everything in the house seems to be in order.
We need to make sure, but there doesn't seem to be anything missing.
The coroner hasn't examined the body yet, but there are no signs of a struggle.
- Someone was with him.
- Come here, Aldo.
A woman.
Attorney Angela Cornelio.
She woke up next to the body; she says she can't remember anything.
- Is that the blonde on the terrace? - Yes.
Who was the man speaking to her? A police inspector.
His name's Soneri.
He's not stationed here in Torino.
He and Cornelio used to date.
Stop everything immediately.
This investigation will not be carried out by the police department.
Judge Migliore, can we have a word in private? This way.
This way.
Just because a policeman's ex-girlfriend woke up in that bed doesn't mean the police department can't carry out this investigation.
Actually, that's precisely what it means.
Are you insinuating that my men won't conduct this investigation in an impartial way? To avoid any mistakes, the Carabinieri will conduct the investigation.
That is out of the question.
I'm the judge in charge of the case, I will decide.
We started the investigation, and we will finish it.
If I discover even the smallest irregularity, you will be held responsible.
Would you like anything to drink? A coffee, some water? No.
I just want to get this over with.
Good morning.
I have to take your fingerprints.
- Go right ahead.
- It'll only take a moment.
The victim, - Rino Pellizzi, you knew him right? - Yes.
I defended him on a case.
What are you doing? Excuse me.
I defended him in a defamation suit.
- Did you see each other outside work? - He was my client.
We saw each other when it was necessary.
Was it necessary yesterday? Yesterday morning, I was in court, then at my office, and in the evening, I had dinner with Soneri.
This is the receipt from the restaurant.
The time stamp says 10:22 pm.
I'd say we left a quarter of an hour later.
Pay no attention to that.
Then we walked around downtown, and that's it.
We hadn't seen each other for a year.
- Did you spend the night together? - No.
I took her home and then returned to the hotel.
Plus, I remember, I glanced at the clock on the corner of Rome Street and it was 1:15 am.
In fact, I was really surprised it was so late.
We're all done.
If you could please sign here for the fingerprints.
Yes, but it won't come off.
- Sign here.
- Yes.
Here, try with this.
Here, thanks.
See you later.
What did you do when you got home? I had a glass of milk and then then I got ready for bed and when I woke up I was I was in that house.
In that bed.
Next to a stabbed man.
I immediately called Soneri.
What did you do when you got to Pellizzi's house? The usual.
I checked that he was really dead, and called 911.
That's it.
- Anything else? - Nothing else.
Is this yours? No, it must've been Pellizzi's.
The murder just happened to take place when you're in Torino.
Strange coincidence? Yes, strange.
There are three possible explanations.
Walk with me.
The first is that Counsellor Cornelio is telling the truth.
That would mean someone drugged her, and took her to Pellizzi's house to frame her for a crime she hadn't committed.
I can't think of why the murderer would've staged such a scene The second explanation is that she's, in part, lying.
That is, she went to the house willingly but then, drugged out of her mind, she was unaware the crime was being committed.
And the third you tell me, Inspector.
The third possibility is that she's lying about everything and that she committed murder.
Which explanation do you think is more likely? I try not to think anything is or isn't likely.
I make a point of not making guesses.
I believe murder is a last resort for people when our survival is at risk.
The witness confirmed that the We need to understand first what the game is, but above all, who has a stake in it.
What the game is and who has a stake in it.
I saw your record.
You're a good policeman.
You've successfully carried out difficult investigations.
But you're not a career man, even though you've had a number of opportunities to be.
Why? Because I'm not just a policeman, I'm a real cop.
Cops aren't career men.
I brought you a change of clothes.
They'll need to sequester the ones you're wearing.
Can you check to see if you have your car keys? - Why? - Just check, please.
Your car was found next to Pellizzi's house.
There's the room where you can change.
Leave the clothes there.
Do you have anything for me? What should I have? Pellizzi's cell phone.
I know you have it, so let's have it.
Only if you let me continue with the investigation.
No way.
Give me the phone.
Or do I need to call someone in here to search you? - You know I'm going to do it anyway.
- No, you're not.
You're going to let us investigate.
You are a part of the case, so you can't investigate.
You listen here.
I assumed the worst.
The SIM card is still there.
It's going to be a circus out there.
The judge hasn't decided to make an arrest yet, but he still can.
- What did the judge decide? - Counsellor! - Please! - Counsellor! A statement! - Counsellor! A statement! - For the press! - Counsellor! A statement! - For the press! - Counsellor! - Counsellor! A statement! I set up an appointment with Marta at 7:00.
We're going to meet at the cafe, because her office is inundated with journalists too.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
We're still closed.
We're not going to eat though, we just want something to drink.
- Fine.
Please have a seat.
- Thank you, whatever you have.
Why didn't you come up to my place last night? Why didn't you? Wait, wait, wait.
Let's not rush this time.
One step at a time.
- Hey, Marta.
- Angela.
- Hi.
- Hi, Marta.
I'm your attorney, right? We'll get through this, you'll see.
Come on.
Now, I went by the coroner's office.
They didn't say much, but I did find out something.
Pellizzi died sometime between 11:00 pm and 1:00 am.
What do you mean between 11:00 pm and 1:00 am? I was with you until 1:00 am.
Well, it's a watertight alibi then.
I don't need an alibi.
I didn't do anything.
Soneri, I bought you the SIM card you wanted.
- Why do you need it? - I switched my SIM with Pellizzi's.
I have to hurry up before they realise Thanks.
What's more, tons of cocaine was found in Pellizzi's house.
On his SIM card, there are probably records of his calls to his dealer, right? Soneri, what are you asking me? If you were a policeman, would you believe what Angela's saying? If I were a policeman, I don't know.
I don't know.
She was with you when the crime was committed, right? Yes, but I could be an accomplice.
How do you know I'm not lying too? When things are like this, the investigation can only go one way.
I want to go home.
You know you can't.
The door has been taped off.
You can't.
I have a bed made up for you at my place.
Go with her.
See you tomorrow, Soneri.
Yes? - Yes, hello.
- Hi, it's Marta.
Were you sleeping? - No, I was reading.
- I have Pellizzi's phone records.
Go ahead.
He called Ibrahim Bwazizi a lot.
Last night too.
- Ibrahim? - Bwazizi.
It's another woman, I know it is.
What woman.
It's about work.
Why didn't you tell me you were leaving earlier then? I didn't know before.
I don't believe you.
Stop it.
I told you I'd be back soon.
- Soneri, from the police.
- Good morning.
- Does a certain Bwazizi live here? - Yes.
Oh, damn.
Stop! Stop.
Hold still.
Don't do anything stupid.
Go back inside.
Put it away.
Hold still, or you'll be in trouble.
Move it.
It must be a big problem when a client as big as Pellizzi dies.
Who is Pellizzi? Goodness.
So Your phone number was on Pellizzi's cell phone.
Somebody else must have given it to him.
- It wasn't me.
- Of course not.
- Here.
- Thanks.
- Is this your house? - Yes.
You hit the jackpot, didn't you? You found someone who cooks for you, irons, and washes your socks.
Well done.
Did you tell her you're a drug dealer? Don't listen to him, everything he's saying is bullshit.
Really? What did you tell her? That you traffic tractors between Somalia and Saronno? What did you tell her? You're wrong.
If it's coke you're looking for, take a look, you won't find a gram.
Yeah? This is nice, isn't it? It was a little out of line, though.
Beautiful object.
I thought I was being attacked; I defended myself.
Then I noticed the smell of shit, and I realised you were a policeman.
I don't give a shit that there isn't one gram of cocaine in this place.
I'll invent something, anything just to put you away.
You'll stay there a few years.
When you get out and see your grandkids, I'm positive you'll remember whether or not you ever knew Pellizzi.
When was the last time you saw Pellizzi? Two nights ago.
Where, when, with whom, why? Go on.
At Beautiful Mind.
There was a party.
No, look, you've convinced me.
Stay there, I'm on my way.
A gin and tonic, thanks.
Hola! Who have we got here? - You're showing up just as I'm leaving.
- Come on.
I have to see a girl.
I screwed her daughter, - so I come highly recommended.
- Really? Are the little girls staying here? These dolls, you show them a bit of fun, and they'll show you a bit of fun.
- Hey.
- Hi, handsome.
- What's your name? - Sveva.
- And you? - Frausi.
At Beautiful Mind.
Do you have a light? What is going on here? - That's what I was wondering.
- Be quiet, you.
Do you really think you can come here playing sheriff? I'm doing my job.
I want you to get out of the way.
You're too close to be a part of this.
I have to know what happened.
I want to know the truth.
The truth about what? About whether Angela is innocent or guilty? Or is it more, whether or not she had a relationship with Pellizzi? You're more interested in knowing what she was doing in his bed, right? What are you saying? What are you Can someone make that dog be quiet? - He has an owner, doesn't he? - Yes, here he is.
Excuse me.
You can't help her like this.
Listen, my relationship with Angela ended a long time ago.
She doesn't owe me anything, and I don't owe her anything.
- Let me be a part of your squad.
- No way.
You'll have to arrest me then; I'm going to investigate anyway.
I'll do it if I have to.
I mean it.
If you let me investigate, you know that anything I find, whether good or bad, I'll tell you about it.
You have a deal.
I'll put one of my men with you.
Don't make a move without him.
Pellizzi, before he died, met up with a woman.
It wasn't Angela.
You have to find out who it was.
Here's the name and address of Pellizzi's ex-wife.
I'll let my man know.
His name's Todisco.
Ivan Todisco.
He'll be there in a half hour.
Soneri, we've made a deal.
No more tricks like the one you pulled with Pellizzi's phone? I hate you.
- Hello.
- Angela, it's me.
How are you? Did you get any sleep? Marta gave me some pills, but they didn't do much.
- Tell me you believe me.
- I believe you, I believe you.
But you have to promise to tell me everything, even even things that might seem insignificant to you.
I know how it works.
But this time I I'm on the other side.
It's more difficult.
This is the last set.
Okay? Good morning.
I'm looking for Signora Pellizzi.
Have you seen her? That's the owner, that woman right there.
You can go over if you want.
- That woman, with the white shirt? - Yes, that's her.
Signora Pellizzi? - I'm Soneri, from the police.
- Good morning.
My condolences about your husband.
I'm sorry.
May he rest in peace.
My name is Porcari, by the way.
- Come inside the office.
- Thanks.
I understand your relationship with Pellizzi was not the best.
Not at all.
Our divorce case lasted seven years.
Just think, he thought I should get by on $330 a month.
It was based on what he declared in his tax return.
- That wasn't accurate? - No, absolutely not.
- Excuse me, who are you? - Ilvo Pedrotti, my attorney.
His presence here is not a coincidence, I'm sure.
Signora Mirca, widow Pellizzi, could you tell me where you were on the evening of the crime? No.
That's my business.
I don't think so.
A man has been killed.
He was in bed with a woman, right? Why don't you go bust her chops instead of mine? Rino whored around, and in case you're wondering, on a scale from one to ten, how much his death bothers me, I can tell you now, zero.
It would've been even better if he'd never been born.
Is that child your daughter? The daughter you had with Pellizzi? Do you always speak like this in front of her? I'm sorry, are you a policeman or a teacher? Both.
Turn that music off.
Go do some cycling, honey, you get fatter every day.
How nice of you.
- Come here, darling.
- It's her that I fight for, you know? - Really? - Alive, Rino didn't give us a dime.
Now that he's dead, I'll inherit everything.
Including half of that agency he set up with one of his women.
Are you going to answer me or not? Inspector, she's one of my trustees, and she's not obligated to answer any questions.
The examining judge himself will be the one to convene witnesses and ask questions.
Done, llvo? Don't get all wound up.
- So? - I was with him.
I went to a party.
I saw a lot of people.
Then we went home.
I finally understand what llvo's doing here.
We'll see each other again.
Listen to me though, those tanning beds are dangerous.
- Inspector! - Yes? Inspector Soneri! I'm Todisco.
- Pleased to meet you.
- Excuse me, my car wouldn't start.
- Signora Baratti told me to follow you.
- Fine.
Well, let's go.
I brought you the file on Santapaola.
Pellizzi's partner.
- Fine, let's go.
You're Todisco? - Yes.
- My assistant.
- Absolutely.
- Let's go.
- Yes.
Let's go.
Yes, hello? Draghi, how are you set for vacation time? Soneri, what about my vacation? - You need to come to Torino.
- What? You need to come to Torino.
You have to give me a hand.
- How can I swing that? - Make something up! - What happened? - I'll tell you when you get here.
Yes, but what reason will I give? Inspector.
Inspector! Yes, of course.
The show will still be put on.
You'll be wearing black bikinis, as a sign of mourning.
There'll be a moment of silence at the beginning to remember Rino.
He would've wanted this, believe me.
I'll see you there.
Bye, bye.
So, Signora Santapaola.
The show must go on.
That's what they say, right? When can I have his body for the funeral? When the judge has decided.
A lot of people thought he was mean.
I cared about him.
Even though, three months ago, you tried to run him over? He was fooling around with another woman, I lost my head.
That's understandable.
You are the one who created everything.
You created the agency.
You gave it your enthusiasm, your passion and your money.
Then you fell in love, and gave away 50%.
You know, we just don't get gratitude in this life, do we? The activities of the agency had already been divided up for a while.
I took care exclusively of fashion.
He worked on the contests and showings.
Those things didn't interest me.
He sure chose the right line of work for someone who liked women.
Who do you think hated him enough to kill him? This is just a modelling agency.
If you're looking for Rino's killer, you're wasting your time here.
What are you looking for? Are you doing some spring cleaning? I'm just tidying up a bit.
Don't you know that keeping busy eases pain? - Who said that, Tiziano Ferro? - No.
Karl Kraus.
I'm not sure about that.
Call me if you want.
What are you doing? Todisco.
Inspector, I couldn't get it going, it took me a while.
- Where are you going? - I'm heading to the coroner's office.
- Yes.
I'll follow you.
- Yes, follow me.
Oh, no.
There weren't any traces of blood on the bed or on the ground.
Is it possible they put the body on the bed after he was already dead? Yes, that's theoretically possible.
The meagre amount of blood indicates that the knife entered the heart directly, so the heart didn't continue beating.
No internal bleeding.
- If you don't mind - No, wait just a second.
Have you checked under the fingernails for traces of skin? No.
- Why not? - Because it wasn't necessary.
The body wasn't dragged around and there hadn't been a fight.
How do you know whether or not the body's been dragged? - Did you check his heels? - No, I already answered you.
- Did you do a toxicology report? - That takes time.
In my opinion, people like you should find new careers.
In my opinion, people like you shouldn't investigate cases you're involved in personally.
You're not the one to judge my involvement in this case.
Do your job well.
And hurry.
Inspector, the car.
- What? - It won't move.
I took a taxi.
- What do I do now? - Nothing.
You've already done what you were supposed to do.
You got out of the way, didn't you? Take public transport.
The trolley.
So comfortable.
Or a bus.
Have you ever tried it? Hello, Eliana.
Go ahead.
Eliana, the assistant you sent is an idiot.
That is, not No, no.
I'm bringing in someone from Ferrara.
Soneri, you're asking too much.
When is the heat going to be working again? - We're working on it.
- Yes, working on it, working on it.
- Soneri.
- Draghi.
- How are you? - Well.
You? You have a fake moustache.
It's real.
It's to hide that I'm going bald.
- Anything new? - Listen, - I've already seen the papers.
- Yes.
I spoke to Angela and to the lady in charge.
- I've got an idea of what's going on.
- Come on.
Let's get to work.
This is Officer Draghi, my assistant.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- So? - Let's get right to it.
Both the ex-wife and the lover had excellent motives to get Pellizzi out of the way.
- Yes, but they have alibis.
- What does that matter? Everyone knows that a child could easily construct an alibi.
For the moment, there's no action being taken against Angela.
- She has a strong alibi as well.
- With me as her alibi, it's less good.
However, Soneri, that doesn't mean you have to put yourself at risk.
I'm a policeman.
And right now, there are plenty of others doing exactly what I'm doing.
Angela didn't have any reason to kill Pellizzi.
That's the point.
That's the bottom line.
There's no motive.
Let's try and work it out.
I'm listening.
We'll address how Angela ended up in that house later.
But she was there.
She was sleeping, either his wife or the other woman arrived and carried him outside.
Maybe they were together.
Draghi, she was in bed and she didn't wake up.
In bed with a murdered man.
They carried me there, do you get that or not? I didn't go there.
Why can't I remember anything? I don't remember.
Do you believe she's guilty? What do you believe? I'm defending her.
Me too.
Angela, other people will ask you the same questions that I'm asking.
When they ask, you'll have to answer.
Let me stay with you.
Ever since this happened, I keep thinking every person that passes me on the street, every stranger, has a better life than me.
And I would trade with any one of them.
Let's get some sleep, okay? You sleep in my room, I'll sleep on the couch.
If you get cold, I'll bring you another blanket.
Stay with me.
Eliana, I identified the fingerprints found on the knife.
They're Angela Cornelio's.
The strange thing is that they're only on the knife.
They weren't found anywhere else in the house.
I'm going to call Soneri.
What a theatrical entrance, Judge Migliore.
If you wanted to scare me, you've succeeded.
Whose prints were on the knife? They're Counsellor Cornelio's.
What are you going to do now? I'll search her house.
Why did you get up? I wanted to give you breakfast in bed.
You're spoiling me, Inspector.
What's wrong? Read this.
- Is this true? - It's true.
TORINO Cornelio's prints on murder weapon.
Why didn't I know about this before it went to the papers? I don't know.
Maybe there's a mole at the station.
Why the fuck didn't you tell me? I was about to when Migliore arrived.
- Anything else I should know? - Unfortunately, yes.
The door to Angela's house hadn't been forced open or tampered with.
There were no traces of narcotics in the glasses, the milk cartons, or anywhere in the house.
This was stuck in Pellizzi's ribs.
These, from Angela's house, are exactly the same.
There's something strange about the position of the fingerprints on the knife handle.
You can see it if you look at the digital fingerprints.
On the handle and part of the blade, there's something that isn't right.
The knife was held with the index finger on the top of the blade with the thumb next to it.
This is the way you hold a knife when you are using it to cut meat or What I mean is you can't kill someone holding a knife this way.
The only way the knife could've been held was like this; one blow from up high.
This is the only way Pellizzi could've been killed.
I get it, but all the judge'll notice is that Angela's prints are on it.
Marta, I didn't kill Pellizzi.
- I know.
- Angela, someone's framing you.
We're trying to figure out who and why.
The only thing in our favour is that Angela was with you when the murder happened.
- Soneri.
- Draghi.
I've already established some pretty close relationships with lots of people here at the station.
Imagine, there's someone here who might be a relative of mine.
- Draghi, please.
What have you got? - Of course.
Do you remember the anonymous caller who phoned in the murder a few minutes before you called? Yes.
We've tracked down the cell phone.
It used to belong to Simone Canepari, and was used to call 911 just before you.
He might know something.
- Here's the number.
- Of course.
- I thought this might be important.
- Do you know him? Of course.
I represented the state in a case against him.
He wound up with a more severe sentence because of me.
He's probably in prison now.
This relative of mine said he's under house arrest.
Here's what we'll do.
Let's call a press conference.
We'll say that there've been developments in the case in our favour Then we'll meet with Migliore and use this information about Canepari.
What do you say? Fine.
Let's go, Draghi, let's go.
Excuse me.
Is there something wrong? Something's not sitting right with me.
Canepari left no traces of himself at the crime scene.
Why would he call from his own phone? No, excuse me, Soneri.
Just to be clear, that number isn't registered to Canepari, so he might've thought it couldn't be traced back to him.
All right, let's go.
Canepari isn't under house arrest anymore.
They lost track of him two months ago.
His phone was turned off for three months, then it was turned back on the night of the murder between 11:30 and 1:00.
However, it wasn't used to make any calls.
It received one call made from a pay phone with a phone card.
A call to Pellizzi's cell just minutes before came from the same phone card.
The phone was off again until the next morning when it called 911.
That is, until just minutes before Angela called you.
This call was made on the same line so it had to have been close.
- He and Angela may have seen each other.
- Perhaps.
- Well, do you want a lift? - No.
I'm going to take a walk.
- OK.
- Bye.
Now, let's re-enact the scene of the crime.
- Todisco, you're the woman, OK? - But Pellizzi and Angela are snorting cocaine here in the living room.
Things get heated really quickly.
- I have to come over to you.
- Not really, but take off your clothes.
- They do a couple of big lines here.
- Yes.
- Then - Then they do what they do.
But first, they have to head in the direction of the bedroom.
In the meantime, she's taking off her clothes.
- Coming down.
- Yes.
- Let's switch around.
- Yes, let's.
- Now, you're still the woman.
- Yes.
Let's start with the knife.
Knife, knife, knife.
Todisco, grab it the same way as the fingerprints, with the knife blade turned toward my head.
- Yes.
- Right? Fine.
Now, I'm sleeping.
Strike with the knife.
Todisco, you can't knife me holding it like this.
I know, but that's the only way I can line up with the prints.
- Wait.
Can you do it more like - Todisco, what are you doing? This is the only way to match up with the fingerprints.
- But it's absurd, come on.
- It's absurd - What are you doing? - Reconstructing the crime scene.
There is over $600,000 worth of cars in the garage.
This house is worth millions.
Do you think there's this much money in beauty contests? I'm going to check Pellizzi's bank records and look for Canepari.
After you've stopped acting like idiots, of course.
Let's go, Inspector.
Get in.
How long have you been on the force? Twenty-five years, more or less.
Where are we going? Aren't you sick of it? Doesn't it disgust you? We always wind up learning something we don't want to know.
Justice is like a broken wheel, and rarely serves any purpose.
I'm a policeman.
I want bad people to get put away and good people to be safe; that's it.
My work ends there.
An investigation is like a steam roller that crushes everything in its path.
Innocent people are more fragile than the guilty.
Why are we stopping here? What time is it, Inspector? 11:30.
It was broken.
I don't have an alibi anymore.
Are you hiding anything from me? Is there anything you haven't told me yet? Tell me, before it's too late.
Are you doubting me? No.
I don't doubt you.
I'm not the issue.
If there's something you're not telling me, I won't be able to help you.
There's nothing you don't know.
Now, Sermoneta, Sermoneta, Sermoneta.
Why aren't things ever where they're supposed to be? It should be right here.
Here you are.
Actions related to the case.
My lunch is ready.
- It's cold today, isn't it? - Inspector.
- So? - Have a seat, please.
- What is that smell? - Spelt wheat pasta with soy ragout.
- You can't imagine how good it is.
- Let's not set fire to the place.
- Should I make you one? - No, thank you.
Eat, eat.
Have a seat.
What's with all these papers? How can you live like this? Inspector, one piece of paper, one document, from a case closed years ago, can still be important.
So, I keep everything here, in this archive.
If I need something, I take it and have a look.
There's plenty of room.
Why throw anything away? Of course.
Why throw anything away? Read this.
A friend of mine who was a journalist wrote this about Pellizzi.
A model's broken dream.
"Investigation put in the hands of Milanese Judge, Giuseppe Migliore.
" Was there anything written about Migliore? No, but I know he hasn't been in Torino very long.
Before this, he was in Mantova.
Before that, I don't know.
I'll be learning more over the next few days.
- What's the journalist's name? - Bellerio.
In the article, she suggests a link between Pellizzi and an underage girl.
When I published it in my newspaper, two guys came around and beat me up.
- Have a seat, have a seat.
- Thanks.
The next day, they pulled my paper and I had to close up shop.
Well, it was worse for Sharon Sermoneta, wasn't it? They found her on the banks of the Dora river beaten, raped, and full of cocaine.
Sixteen years old.
I re-wrote that article a million times.
Each time, no one would publish it.
Why didn't you call us? We could've helped out.
You know Pellizzi ran a racket on underage prostitutes, don't you? I'm a recovering alcoholic.
And I think, maybe, I've been in jail, maybe, because there's 20 years where I can't remember a damn thing.
Who's going to listen to someone like me? Sometimes, in cases like these, we'll listen to an alcoholic before we'll listen to a regular person.
Did Sharon have a mother or father, someone I could talk to? Can you put me in touch with them? This room, even for a smoker, is like a gas chamber.
Open the windows every once in a while.
- Fine.
Thanks and goodbye.
- Wait, wait.
Wait, wait.
There's something I want you to see.
It's important.
I don't remember where I put it though.
But I think it's important because I think it'll help you understand Here it is.
- Fine.
- Watch it.
- Open the windows.
Let in some air.
- Goodbye.
- What's your best side? - I don't know.
We can take this off.
Like this.
Let's get started.
- Can you tell me your name? - Sharon.
Sharon, like Sharon Stone.
- How old are you? - Sixteen.
Sixteen years old.
Sharon, what is the one thing you most want from life? I want people to recognise me on the street.
I want everyone to know my name.
I want to be famous.
- Do you want to be loved? - Yes, I want to be loved.
Sharon, I'm going to put on some music and you show me how you move.
All right? Move around a bit, go ahead.
Be free.
That's it.
That's better.
You have the world in your hands.
It's all up to you.
Don't be so shy.
Move some more, go ahead.
Put your arms up.
Let us see your face.
You're wonderful.
Good, that's it.
Signora Sermoneta, I'm Inspector Soneri from the police.
May I speak to you? Did you know your daughter was prostituting herself? Why are you asking me that? That's the sort of thing that was going on at Pellizzi's agency, and Pellizzi is dead, as I'm sure you know.
Pellizzi was a piece of crap.
Why did you trust your daughter with him? I had no idea.
I found out what things were like when Sharon died.
You know the investigation on Pellizzi went cold.
- Do you have any idea who it was? - Listen, Sharon was a child, all right? She had a dream, and that bastard used her.
Whoever killed Pellizzi did the right thing.
I Here, this is what I found on Migliore.
He graduated at the age of 21 with high marks.
He's a writer.
He's published articles and theses that have met with great success.
- To top it off, he became a judge.
- He was on a career track.
In Marsala, he put away a few mafiosi, then escaped an attack.
His colleagues started a war with him, so he got a transfer due to the hostile work environment.
They sent him to Milan in '85.
I was in Milan in '85, but I don't remember him.
He was part of a group that kept quiet about what they were doing.
They were looking for mafia money.
Just when they were about to have victory His career came to a grinding halt.
Migliore wrote some books too.
If you want, I'll find them.
Yes, find them.
They could be interesting.
Let's go inside.
I'll treat you to a feast of pastries and sweets.
- Inspector, I - They make the best beignets.
They have amazing pastries here.
I have the utmost respect for your profession.
So far, however, this case has been presented in a way that doesn't fairly present Counsellor Cornelio's role.
There've been interesting developments in the case.
Counsellor, what's this about? - Is this a bluff to drag things out? - Absolutely not.
We'll tell you once we've spoken to the judge.
You'll have a completely different picture of this case.
Why can't you tell us something now? I'll tell you that there is someone who has an excellent motive to ruin counsellor Cornelio, and who has also had the opportunity to do so.
- Are you saying it's a conspiracy? - Something like that.
Doesn't that seem like something out of a novel? The beautiful attorney falls victim to a conspiracy Your sarcasm is out of line.
Counsellor Cornelio, will you confirm or deny whether, in your blood and Pellizzi's, there were traces found of cocaine and haloperidol? Who told you that? That's not what we've been told.
That's not true.
- I really - Thank you gentlemen.
- We have nothing further to say.
- Counsellor Cornelio there were drugs in the house.
And drugs were found in your system.
- Do you really not remember anything? - Thank you.
We have nothing further to add.
Please have a seat, miss.
Thank you, everyone.
Please, this way.
Who could he have gotten that tip from? We're dealing with someone who's thought this out really well.
To know this information and be able to leak it, they must be well connected.
Every day leaves me feeling more and more up to my neck in this.
Don't crumble now.
- No.
Be strong.
- I can't handle it anymore.
They're going to arrest me.
Good morning.
Judge Migliore, you can't sign this arrest warrant.
Something's not quite right here.
And you know it.
I know you're following this case very closely.
What's more, I would do the same.
Don't you think you're overdoing it though? Let's say for a moment that Angela did kill Pellizzi.
With all the drugs and alcohol that were in her system, she could just claim temporary insanity.
It's very likely she would get acquitted.
What really happened though? She brought a knife from her own house and let herself get caught in the victim's bed! That's premeditated murder! They would give her a life sentence.
Do you think a savvy attorney like her would do something so stupid? Maybe she needed to find the courage to do it by taking drugs.
Stabbing someone takes a lot of strength.
A person has to be lucid, and it takes courage.
Above all, there needs to be a motive.
Angela didn't have one.
Strange, isn't it? A dead body and all the evidence points to one suspect, but as you say, there's no motive to justify such a heinous crime, such a passionate one.
I'll give you 48 hours to get to the bottom of this riddle.
After that, motive or no motive, I'll have her charged with murder.
I'm sure if you find something that doesn't help her, but incriminates her instead, you won't hide it.
Of course not.
Excuse me.
- I'll have him call back.
- Answer it.
It's my assistant.
Draghi? One second.
Forty-eight hours.
Forty-eight hours.
Is that Canepari? Yes.
He's not doing anything right now though.
He's been looking at the motor all morning, opening and closing the hood.
I thought he'd be different.
Do you have anything to eat? - A sandwich; coffee's in the thermos.
- Thanks.
Explain this.
Why would someone a successful judge who's led an extraordinary life, who was looking forward to a bright career and had spent his life fighting mafiosi and any other type of criminal, who'd published extraordinary theses, and was on his way to a high position in the judicial system, suddenly decide to shoot himself with a revolver? Who are you talking about? - Migliore.
- Right.
He fell into a coma.
When he finally woke up, he was a changed man.
He tried to get a paper published that was full of dubious information but he couldn't find a publisher.
I can't figure out what happened to him.
- Let's go.
- There's just us, let's call backup.
We don't have time.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Stop, police! Put down your weapons.
On the ground.
On the ground.
Put down the weapons! Stop! Stop! Who are you two? Soneri, from the police.
- Down, down! - We've been on them for months.
- Hold still.
- We would've gotten their cohorts too if you hadn't interrupted.
- Stay down.
- You got here too late.
I asked you to keep me posted on every move you made, and you didn't! What's more, you interfered with the Carabinieri's investigation.
Not the regular squad either, but the Special Operations Unit! Well, now we know it wasn't Canepari who made the 911 call, though.
The Carabinieri were tailing him for weeks; he was nowhere near the house.
You pissed off the precinct.
You pissed off the prosecutor.
Every person in any position of authority has made it their duty to lecture me on interdepartmental cooperation.
Tell me why it is that someone who's planning a robbery would commit a crime if there's nothing to gain like, I don't know a personal vendetta? - Do you follow me? - You need to stop.
I'm going forward with this.
Find out when Canepari's phone was stolen.
They're chewing me out over this.
Will you do it? Get out of here.
Out! Here I am.
Did you call me? What is it? This just arrived from a messenger service, no return address.
What have you done? No.
Don't tell me.
You need to speak to Soneri, right away.
I have to speak to you.
About this? It was a party for a colleague.
Pellizzi happened to be there.
That's it.
I didn't think it was relevant.
Pellizzi was always going out, everywhere.
If you went out, it was hard not to run into him.
He was funny.
He had a macho attitude and the tattoos.
He wore designer clothes from head to foot He made me laugh.
He made you laugh? Yes.
I didn't think someone like this would make you laugh.
Why didn't you tell me? You could've told me, Marta or Eliana.
Don't you understand? Someone is trying to screw you over.
You're their greatest ally! - Do you understand? - It's just a photo! One photo, one simple photo.
- A lot of people were there.
- What? Tons, who knows how many had a picture taken with him! But you were the only one in bed with the dead man! Or have you forgotten? - I'll come back later.
- No, no.
Stay Draghi.
I'm done with her anyway.
Have you found anything? These are the files on that girl's death.
Sharon Sermoneta.
Todisco got them for you.
This is very interesting.
Anyway Soneri, you know Migliore was in charge of the investigation, right? Read the file.
This was handled in a strange way.
Here come the girls! Rino Pellizzi would've wanted a party like this, a good time with lots of music.
So, in his honour, let's have fun! Choose a name! We're going to take off! Simona! - Daniela! - Hi! - Wendy.
- Here Wendy! Sandy! Migliore did an awful job, that's for sure, he only did half of what he should've, and what he did, he did badly.
- I saw Pellizzi's interview; it was - A farce.
The questions they asked had nothing to do with Sharon's death.
It's not clear if she'd had sex before she died.
But who will be the best? No, no but did you see her in costume? Go ahead, girls! Dive in.
Courage, girls.
The one who finds the prize at the bottom of the pool will have her pick of keys.
Whoever has the right key will take our winner home! Let's cheer them on! Let's go girls! Start looking! The phone tapping records are strange; they're full of gaps.
And based on what's here, no one was listening to her mom.
Anyway, it's all very strange.
Very strange.
It's coming to the surface.
Good job, Stacy.
You're the one who found the prize! You're the lucky girl.
What do you say, guys? Do we want to make her go home like this? She's all wet.
- You don't want to catch pneumonia! - No! - Who is this girl? - Sharon's friend.
She was questioned by Migliore.
Her name's Wendy.
- Wendy, Wendy.
- She should be at Pellizzi's party.
Come on now with the keys! Let's see Whose is this? It's mine! He's the lucky one who'll take Stacy home.
To the house of bounty! Look at the type of events Pellizzi's agency organized.
That one with the curly hair is Wendy.
Sharon's friend.
- Evening.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Do we know each other? - No.
- Well, we can become friends then.
You guys want to buy me a drink? I'm cold First, I would zip up my coat if I were you, that'll take care of the first problem.
Second, I don't think policemen should take underage girls out to drink.
You're here about Rino's death.
Are all of the contests at Pellizzi's agency like this one? Clients take you home, and maybe you do something extra for money? There's nothing wrong with getting a ride home or accepting a few dollars.
What percentage does the agency take? I don't think it's the police department's business.
It'd be of great interest to us if they're making you have sex for money.
No one forces us to do anything.
I'm not here about Pellizzi's death; I'm here about Sharon's.
I've already been questioned about it.
I don't have anything else to say.
What if it's you they throw in the river full of cocaine? That's not going to happen to me.
Sharon was weak.
She should've stopped herself before Before? Before what? I've already said everything I know.
Let it go.
We're not going to get anywhere with her.
Yes, hello? Great, perfect.
We have Pellizzi's bank records.
Todisco, he's pretty sharp, isn't he? - Slow, though - Slow, but slow.
- Who is it? - The police.
- Is this the notary Galbiati's house? - Yes.
Can you get him, please? Wait here, please.
- Who is it? - A policeman.
He asked for you.
A policeman? I'll go see.
What do they want? Good evening.
Good evening, I'm Inspector Soneri, from the police.
- Are you the notary Galbiati? - Yes.
How can I help you? Did you know Rino Pellizzi? I know a lot of people.
The name's escaping me right now.
You might remember something if I show you this.
- Excuse me.
- By all means.
Please, I need to - Please have a seat.
- Thanks.
Try to understand.
Sometimes, we have moments of weakness.
Do you have them often? Inspector, you're a man.
There comes a time in life when having a young body next to you Young, like your daughter? I don't know Inspector, I'm begging you.
I'm a good father.
I'm a respectable person.
It was a choice for those girls.
And I certainly wasn't the first that and it happened a few times.
$100,000 is a big fee for just a few times, isn't it? Inspector, you're not looking for a scandal, are you? Pellizzi swore he had destroyed that video.
What video? Inspector? We're at the coroner's office.
Something strange has happened.
Can you come over? We'll wait for you, come soon.
Maybe I didn't explain myself.
What were you doing here with a flashlight and a camera? I told them.
I wanted pictures of Rino's body to sell to newspapers.
You wanted to sell pictures of his body? So? We found Pellizzi's partner trying to steal his body.
- "Steal his body"? What? - She had this flashlight in hand, and she was trying to move his body.
I know what this is used for.
It was this you wanted to take a picture of, wasn't it? This is a password.
With this, you can get into any computer system.
Besides which, "keeping busy eases pain.
" Here we go.
Look, every once in a while, you come through.
There are 300 hours of, shall we say, "movies" in here.
Do you see what Pellizzi was doing? He set his clients up with girls, then filmed them.
Seeing as they were all minors, he blackmailed them and they paid whatever he asked.
- Scroll down a bit.
- Good job Pellizzi, - everything organized, catalogued.
- Stop just a second.
Go back.
I've been waiting for you for hours.
What is that? Why don't you tell me? This is great entertainment.
You went to bed with him.
I have to say, this guy was really a lot of fun.
Fun and creative.
He made a nice movie.
Why didn't you tell me you had a relationship with this idiot? I didn't have a relationship with Pellizzi.
It happened once.
It was after that night at the club.
It was completely meaningless.
All the more reason you should've told me.
I would've lost you.
It was the one thing you should've told me when I got to Pellizzi's house that morning.
This was important.
All the evidence was against me.
If I had admitted I'd slept with him, they would've thought it was a crime of passion and arrested me right away.
I would've found a way to help you.
Angela, you didn't have anything to do with it.
You didn't kill Pellizzi! We need to get to the bottom of this plot against you! I don't give a damn that you slept with this idiot! Tell me something.
What can I do to help you now? You need to tell me, because I don't know what to do.
Look at me, for God's sake! Good morning.
At the farm.
Up in heaven, the sun shines, and in the field, a sunflower turns.
On the table, there's bread, at the door, a dog barks.
On the water, there's a gull, and in the sky, there's a plane.
In the forest, there's a snake, and in the sea, there's a current.
Judge Migliore? Come in, Inspector.
This is Pellizzi's computer.
He had some videos stored on it that he used to blackmail whoever went to bed with his girls.
There's also one of Counsellor Cornelio with him.
How do you feel now, Inspector? I'm talking about your soul.
Do you think your lady is guilty? Or, does everything just seem to be pointing that way? Do you understand what I mean? People under investigation are often crushed by the process.
Even when they are innocent.
Often, we don't find the truth.
Often, we think we're right.
But, we're not.
Counsellor Cornelio! Counsellor Cornelio, a statement! Counsellor Cornelio, a statement for the press! Counsellor! Counsellor! Counsellor! Soneri I Who could've thought Thanks, thanks.
Call me if you need anything; you know where I am.
- Got it? - Fine, Draghi.
Bye, thanks.
Call me.
Soneri? Inspector, I know how you feel.
You can't weaken now, though.
Anyone else would, but not you.
The investigation isn't over.
You know counsellor Cornelio isn't the murderer.
- Todisco, it's fine.
- You can't leave it half done.
Whatever you find now couldn't be any worse, right? We need to focus on the two phone calls that were made.
The first was made to 911 by someone who knew what had happened at Pellizzi's house.
The other was made with a phone card by a woman who was apparently setting up some kind of trap for Pellizzi.
We'll have to see if she uses it again.
Maybe she will use it again.
If not, we're screwed.
What's Migliore's book like? I'm not surprised that no editors would pick it up.
It's delirious.
And why would someone dedicate a book like that to his wife and son? Mamma! - It wasn't me, Inspector! - Mamma! I'm begging you.
Honey, I'll be back, don't worry.
Your mom will be back soon.
It wasn't me, Inspector.
I'm begging you.
I need all the phone numbers that were left out of the records from the phone tapping done for Sharon's investigation.
Once you have them, get me transcripts of all of the conversations.
But first, the numbers that were left out.
Why are we going back to Angela's house? Do you think that haloperidol, taken alone, is a strong narcotic? Yes.
So? We've looked everywhere, and we haven't found anything.
Let's keep looking, OK? Let's keep looking.
Listen what is the very last thing one does before going to bed? Teeth.
As soon as I have the results, I'll let you know.
I'm going to stay here a while.
- Good morning.
- Hi.
Inspector? Inspector, one of the phone numbers which was left out of the official transcript was also in Pellizzi's phone records.
- Where is it? Give it to me.
- Yes, it is Give me the number, come on! Every time, it's like pulling teeth! Come on! I wrote it there.
How could Migliore, a judge, be behind something so monstrous? Based on information the Carabinieri had, Canepari's cell phone disappeared during a search.
In fact, Canepari claimed that it was a policeman who took it.
He pressed charges against the police.
The judge in charge of the search was Migliore.
This doesn't prove anything.
It could be a coincidence.
I studied Sharon Sermoneta's file in depth.
While Migliore was in charge, he falsified the phone tapping records.
In fact, the transcripts are different from the originals.
Where are you going with this? Migliore had all the proof he needed to lock up Pellizzi.
But he covered it up and Pellizzi was never charged.
Why do you think he did it? Look look at the records.
Look at what was taken out.
- He was calling Angela - Do you want to know why? Because Migliore knew there'd been something between Angela and Pellizzi.
So without ever seeing the video, he could give Angela a motive.
Go ahead.
Here are the results of the analysis.
In the toothpaste and mouthwash, there was enough haloperidol to effect someone just through absorption in the mouth.
Angela Cornelio was drugged.
Why did Migliore want to set up Angela? And why set her up for Pellizzi's murder? You don't get it.
Angela wasn't the object.
It was me.
Only, I can't prove it.
- Yes, who is it? - I'll be at Pergolesi field at 7:00 pm.
Be on time.
Test, test, Soneri.
Perfect, it works.
Put this on your chest.
I've got tons of hair, it's like a forest.
Fine, come on.
It's better here.
Pay attention, anyway.
I was certain you'd figure out the truth.
It was me.
I planned everything.
Did you figure out the reason why? I should've paid closer attention, really.
The answer was right under my nose.
The picture of my wife and son on the desk.
Barbara Colapietro.
- A prostitute.
- Former prostitute.
Twenty-three years ago, the young inspector charged her and held her responsible for having forced a minor into prostitution and for having caused her death.
Barbara had nothing to do with it.
She was my wife.
We had a son.
Do you know what she did because of the accusations you hurled at her? She jumped out of a window, dragging your child with her.
You have to believe me that I didn't know that until now.
Of course I believe you.
You'd already transferred to another city.
After that, my life had no purpose.
I tried to end it myself but I couldn't kill myself.
I got seriously ill shortly after that.
A grave illness, we say, right? That's when you started keeping me company.
I followed all the cases you investigated.
And your private life has no secrets from me, Inspector Soneri.
I should have paid closer attention, I should have investigated in a different way.
But that's not what happened.
Unfortunately not.
- Who could've guessed your wife - You need to pay, Soneri.
You are paying and you will pay.
For the rest of your life.
Now you know what it means to see the woman you love accused of a crime she didn't commit.
One has to accept it.
There's nothing that can be done to help her.
Damn, he was under a relay station.
- So? Did you get it? - No.
- What do you mean no? - We didn't record anything.
- How is that possible? - I'm sorry, Soneri.
I'm so sorry.
But can't you try, with everything you have, isn't there another way? No, he was under that damn relay station! There haven't been any calls made using that phone card since the night of the murder.
Migliore did a nice job.
Damn him.
Good job.
It was me, Giuseppe Migliore, who entered Angela Cornelio's house, and drugged her toothpaste and mouthwash.
I waited until she was asleep.
Someone helped me carry her to Pellizzi's house, and put her in bed next to Pellizzi's body, who I had killed.
I'm leaving this audio recording for Inspector Soneri.
I've listened to it countless times.
The voices of the people I love are on it.
Now, I'm about to join them.
- Inspector.
- I'm just arriving at Porta Palazzo.
- Do you have any news? - The phone card was just used.
Perfect, I'm already on the scene.
Send some cars.
Good evening.
Killing Pellizzi might have been the right thing to do, but that won't keep you out of jail.
Migliore kept his promise to accuse himself of the crime, but the only thing he managed to do was change it in his own sick mind.
You took revenge for your daughter, that's true.
I would do it again in a heartbeat.
I understand.
Signora Sermoneta, come with me please.
Good morning.
- Inspector! - Hey.
- Hi.
- You got me out of trouble.
- How did you do it? - You'll read about it in the papers.
- I can't believe it's all over.
- It's better it ended like this.
- What about us, now? - I don't know.
It's better if we're apart for a while.
I'll miss you.
Me too, a lot.
I wanted to say sorry for all those horrible things I said.
If it'd been me in the same situation, I'd probably have done the same thing.
I'm sorry.
I have to go.
Not too far.
You neither.
Bye, Soneri.
Bye, Angela.

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