Friday Night Lights s03e01 Episode Script

I Knew You When

This new coach, he's got himself a lot of pressure right now.
Got yourself a heck of a QB.
Is true that you can throw a 400-yard touchdown pass to three different receivers? That's a gigantic hit on Street.
Jason's paralyzed.
He'll regain use of his arms, his hands, but they don't think he's gonna regain use of his legs.
Jason can never know what happened between us.
You think little Matt Saracen can get it done? - What's your name? - Matt Saracen.
- What do you play? - QB 1.
Boys think about sex every single minute of the day.
Your mother wanted me to add that football players are the worst offender.
However, I think that it pretty much crosses all lines.
- I love you.
- I love you, too.
If you're not doing anything on Friday - Yes.
- It's a date, then.
You look good, like real good.
Probably because yesterday I was baptized and accepted Jesus - as my lord and savior.
- Still the best I've ever had.
- I think I got myself a job.
- Really? That fast you got a job? Yeah, I'm the new guide counselor at the high school.
Smash Williams He breaks a tackle! - He's dragging guys along.
- Touchdown! Panthers win State! Just be honest with me.
It's my parents.
It's me feeling trapped.
Nothing seems right anymore.
I just really need some space.
- Leave my sister alone.
- You've one of ours, why shouldn't we get one of yours? They're revoking my scholarship.
That's the mark of death, coach.
That's my future.
This team has never been about one player, it's about all of us, every single one of us.
Not one man, every single one of us, together.
- Clear eyes, full hearts - Can't lose! Let's get 'em! This is Slammin' Sammy Mead, folks, and Panther football is just five days away.
You know what that means: time to start talking.
Coach Eric Taylor, misunderstood genius, a one hit wonder.
John, from Seven Lakes, you're on, come on, what d'you got? I'll tell you, Sammy, I was all for bringing Taylor back from TMU even though he abandoned us.
But we all saw what happened which was Smash Williams got injured.
And the guy had no back-up plan.
- Zero.
- I hear you, John.
Anyone who coach a Pop Warner of the NFL and I've coached my share of Pop Warner, you've got to have a back-up plan.
The sprinkler is on.
It's not about the Celica.
I know it's a practicable car, it's about the fact that I can't have you changing your classes.
You need to be in Dr.
Wells English class.
Mom, stop it, only for 12,000 miles in the car.
I know all the tricks, so technically they're all christian miles.
I don't care what kind of miles they are.
- You act as I'm dropping out of school.
- She's not listening to me.
I just want to get a job.
I'm taking same amount of classes in fewer hours.
- I'm making my time more efficient.
- It's not efficient for you to take a class with a teacher who is in failure.
It'd be nice if people didn't throw the trash in my car.
This is my car.
And second of all, Principal Taylor, you look hot.
- Thank you, thank you.
- Yes, ma'am.
Coach Taylor.
The problem remains your team imploded in last year's playoffs when Smash Williams hurt his knee.
We couldn't win without him then, how could we win now that he's graduated? Team's got a lot of spirit, team's doing just fine.
Very solid, very solid.
We have Tim Riggins stepping in the Smash Williams crucial role of tailback.
What if he takes off to Mexico like last year? Is Tim Riggins Is he focused? One thing I can guarantee about Tim Riggins is that he is focused on football and only football.
How are Riggins and Saracen jelling? Just keep running for the ball.
I'm putting the ball where you gotta be.
Tim and Matt are like brothers.
About that new quarterback from Dallas - You know, J.
- McCoy.
There are rumors that he may replace Saracen Nice snag, come up.
McCoy is a freshman.
But he broke state records when he was in middle school.
- Since you're into rebuilding year - We're not in a rebuilding year.
- We're not in a rebuilding year.
- You're saying Matt Saracen's your man? That's very much what I'm saying.
Matt Saracen, whether he's on the field or off the field Whatever you throw at that young man, he can handle.
I can't get this knot out of my shoe, okay? Matt, forget about You're not gonna do it.
- You've been working on it all summer.
- Take your time, seriously.
Well, my point is that this is your senior year and after this, it's all It's all just downhill.
I mean, right, Tyra? Doesn't he need to suck up every second of this? Look, this year is all about doing well so I can get out of Dillon forever.
- It's all I care about.
- Baby, that's not the point What I'm Don't call me that.
What's going on with y'all two? - We broke up.
- Taking a break.
We broke up.
Three steps back, watch your shoulders.
Ear high.
Is that Is that J.
D? Looks like the clock is ticking, man.
Let's just go to pep rally.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce to you New Dillon High Principal, Mrs.
Tami Taylor.
How are you doing? Y'all having fun? Don't even worry about that two game rumor deal.
What two-game rumor? I got it under control.
So, without any further due, I'd like to introduce the coach of the Dillon Panthers, my date to the Homecoming dance, Eric Taylor.
I wanna ask one question.
I wanna ask all of you only one question.
Are you ready for Friday night? Here are your 2008 Dillon Panthers.
With the participation of: benj!, charliea, DarKsh, GillesSilb, Ju, loky34, ouazo, tactactac, Teardrop Lyla, rise and shine, baby.
I've made your favorite pegs and eggs.
And chocolate chip pancakes.
- Dad, I'm not 7 anymore.
- I know.
But I'm just so happy you're here.
It's first day at school and you're a senior.
You can go to any college you want to, and I'm proud of you.
You're here with me and not with mum.
Northern California or some vegetarian raising figs I'm just It's a great day, let's go.
I'll be up in 5.
- Is there enough pegs and eggs for me? - Shut up.
Maybe you need to get a workout before breakfast.
You know what? No, what are you gonna do? Come on.
Let's go! Well, you cut off two 10s for sec.
- Two 10s? Let's call Sammy Mead.
- Two 10s.
Tell him I'll be able to run the Buddy Garrity's 5 day charity race this year.
You go see that doctor tomorrow, I wanna start doing some side-to-side on that knee.
Find out what he has to say.
What do you spend all this time on me? I mean, I graduated, I'm not your problem anymore.
The reason I'm spending all this time on you It's 'cause I wanna get you on team and college so I don't have to see your ugly face up at Alamo Freeze anymore.
Call me after you see that doctor.
Yes, sir.
Don't forget to pick up those cones! Emily, Barbara, good morning.
Good to see y'all.
Yeah, here we go.
Hey, Sarah, great to see you this year.
- Hey, Principal T.
- Cute haircut.
- Congratulations.
- It's gonna be a great year.
- Good luck.
- For you.
- You're gonna have a good day.
- Thank you.
Hi, vice-principal Trucks, how are you this morning? Good morning.
AC system is down.
We've 34 students on Cortese Avenue abandoned 'cause there was no room on the school bus.
Good lord, we need to get those students taken care of.
I've borrowed the team buses, I put a request into the district for 3 additional buses.
Hopefully, that will get us one.
So there are gonna be taken care of these kids? Great, what about the AC? We've put a band-aid on it and pray like always.
All right.
Thank you.
Don't forget the budget's due by the end of the week.
I'm collecting all the data for that, have a great day.
That feels good.
Hey, how are you? I guess I lost the lottery.
I'm your rally girl this year.
Damn Lyla, rally girl.
So are you two together? - No, we're buddies.
- No, we're just friends.
- Good buddies, strong friends, yeah.
- Good friends buddies.
Anyway, Tim, here's my number.
Anything you need, anytime you want it.
That's good, I think we've spent enough time in school today.
Let's go to the roof and see what happens.
- What about homeroom? - What about homeroom? - What's going on, Rigs? - Gentlemen.
Party Wednesday at Gangi's, his parents are out of town.
The cheerleaders said something about baby oil and a bounce house.
- I don't know.
- Really? - Twins are gonna be there.
- That's gonna get greasy.
Set your feet, J.
D, set your feet.
Bring him up, bring him up.
McCoy is looking good.
Let's see what happens when the more of us drop.
White, 9! Hut! What the hell are you doing? Come on! Come on, you got to make it straight, let's go! I'd rather see my boy getting some reps out there.
Yeah, that'll happen.
Let's go! Get your head in the game, let's go.
Get on the ball, Riggins! Who the hell is that up there talking to him? That's J.
McCoy's daddy.
Big beer distributor, called the stud of suds.
Look at old Buddy sucking up up there.
Hey, Buddy! Let's go, gentlemen! What schools were you thinking of applying to? I was thinking of U.
Austin, TMU, Southern Methodist, maybe INM.
I see.
Tyra you really think that sounds realistic? Well, okay, I know INM is a long shot, but You have a 2.
6 GPA.
There is no way any of those schools you just mentioned are going - to seriously consider - You have to look at my progress.
My grades from last year have radically improved.
I know, but your 1.
9 in freshman year still counts.
It all counts.
- I don't want you to waste your time - Mrs.
Taylor, she told me Ms Colette, state's schools are a pipe dream.
Can you think about other options? Technical Colleges, Junior Colleges Like Dillon Tech? Don't look out on Dillon Tech, it's a good option.
It's a realistic option.
- Bored in the midnight hole, are you? - Buddy T.
Tami, what are you doing, making some big power moves? Yeah, it's awfully glamorous.
Right now, I'm trying to decide if we can afford chalk or soap this year.
- Wish I was kidding.
- T.
Tami, I'm here to cheer you up.
You always do.
I got those two words for you.
- Come on.
- Jumbo Tron.
Jumbo Tron? Have you ever seen two people engaged on a Jumbo Tron, at a football game? Just think about it.
Love and football are the two greatest things in the world.
You put the two together, put it on a 30 ft Mitsubishi screen, and it's pure nirvana.
- That's a big check.
- Yes, ma'am.
Oh, my We have lost four teachers to budget cuts this year.
We need a Jumbo Tron, you think? Well, no Tami, we don't need one.
But we want one.
And we are gonna have one because of that, and you are gonna get all the credit.
- That's a lot of zeros right there - Yes, it is.
You and I are gonna make a beautiful team together, T.
- Clear eyes, full hearts - Okay, let's not go there.
For six weeks, it's great.
Great sex, great everything, you know? Then, we go to school, it's like it's like a 180.
Sounds to me Tim, like you got a problem.
It's what it sounds like.
I told you from day one that Lyla was never gonna take you seriously.
One of these days, you're gonna stop with all the screwing around, and find you the love of a good woman.
Like I got with Mandy.
Yeah, Billy, you got a real fairy tale going on right now.
That's a job, Tim.
You think I give a crap that my girlfriend is giving some fifty year old fat-ass trucker a lap-dance? Hey, Mand, I love you baby! - I'm lucky I have you.
- See? You see that, Tim? That's public.
Look at me.
That's love.
That whole Lyla thing She went to bed with Jesus, and woke up with you.
Jesus you.
- You are a rebound from Jesus.
- No, I'm not a rebound.
You're a summer fling, Tim.
I don't believe that.
The A.
is healing nicely.
The muscles surrounding your knee are getting stronger, which is great.
Looks like you are on your way to a full recovery.
Got yourself a clean bill of health, son.
That's wonderful, ain't that? He still gonna get that scholarship, I know it.
- I'm just trying to think positive - I lost the scholarship.
- They gave it away.
- They said for you to contact them The semester started kick-off this week, I missed the year.
And Dr.
Wabono, if everything is back to normal, why am I still having a second slow on a forty than I was before the injury? Well, Smash, your progress have been great, but there's no guarantee, that you'll regain the speed you had pre-injury.
So you're saying this is as fast as I'm gonna get? Possibly.
Look, you need to be thankful for the progress that you've made so far and keep working at it and that's all you can do.
- Well - Hold on one second.
I'm almost done.
A second is long enough.
There's a lot of calculations Landry, honey, did you get to fix that toilet, I really gotta go.
Yeah, I fixed it, but you all gonna have to start flushing genuinely and tell Mandy to stop putting so much toilet paper in it.
You are so smart, thank you, you angel.
- Isn't he fantastic? - You're embarrassing me.
Thank you, sweetheart.
You have fun.
See something? - If I carry the one - What? Okay, so In order for you to get a 3.
5 GPA overall, you'll need to get like a 6.
4 GPA this year.
Which is gonna be tough.
I just wanted to say I'm so honored to be here with you all this year, and And I'm here to make your jobs easier.
I'm here to make us all the best educators we can be, so please, I want open dialog, I want you all to speak up, and I wanna open the floor right now, for questions, or comments or concerns or anything Anybody.
I'd love to hear you.
Any chance the four teachers that got laid off are gonna return? Be replaced? You know we're working through the budget right now.
It's tricky.
It's gonna be a tricky one and it's gonna weigh on everyone But we're not even gonna get a Spanish teacher - that actually speaks Spanish - How about supplies? I've been teaching out of the same history book for fifteen years.
You know, I do have textbooks Do you know a lot of us buy our own supplies? - I'm gonna start making a list.
- How about just getting us some paper? - Let's go! - Let's go, let's go guys.
- What's your read, Matt? - Black eight! Black eight, hut! Throw the ball, throw the ball! Get rid of it! Saracen, Riggins, get over here! - Come here.
- Let's go, Riggins! Is there something going on I need to know about? Let me tell you two something, you better get together right now.
Cause if you don't, I will replace you, I promise you that.
You got me? - Yes, sir.
- Make it work.
Let's go out there and run it the right way.
Come on, let's move.
Looking around, let's go! What the hell is that? J.
McCoyle's daddy bought us all smoothies.
Not for now, for after the practice.
Smoothies? Yeah, those frosty tiny things with a non-fat yoghurt I know what the hell a smoothie is.
Tell him to get the hell off the field.
You mean for good, or to come back later? Or what? Tell him we don't need any damn smoothies.
Alright, alright! Get that pink ass suck-up off the field, just get him out of here! Just move it up the premises, let's go.
- Damn! I want a smoothie.
Damn, man.
- What was that, Charles? What did you say? You want a smoothie? - Do you want a smoothie? - It's like 120 degrees in here.
It's hot out here, isn't it? - Yeah.
- I'd like a smoothie too, Charles.
It'd be good, wouldn't it? But you know why I'm not gonna have one, Charles? Cause I don't feel like I deserve a smoothie! Does anybody else out here, feel like he deserves a smoothie? I'll tell you what, we win Friday night and you can have all the damn smoothies you want, gentlemen.
But until then, get your minds back in the game and let's finish up this practice.
Let's go! Let's go, boys.
Everything's okay? - Fine.
Ditching class.
- Where are you going? Wait a minute, hon.
No, you're not ditching class.
What are you doing? You're not ditching class.
- After all we've talked about - Why? So I can get into Dillon Tech? What do you mean? 'Cause that's the only college I'm gonna be able to get into, ain't that right? Wait a minute, hon, hold on You filled my head with all of these possibilities.
- Okay What are you talking about? - TMU, University of Texas But none is possible with my grades, is it? - It's not just about grades.
- Oh, it's not just that? The average student getting into UT has a 3.
8, TMU is 3.
So, what? I've never said it was gonna be easy.
You never said impossible.
I've worked my ass off these last two years.
I know.
You know, Mr.
Trucks, he had a good point.
I gotta be more realistic.
- Wait a minute, honey - Put my time to better use.
No, ma'am No, ma'am! You come back here right now.
Tyra! You come back here right now.
Girl, listen! After all we've been through Don't do this! Tyra, don't do it.
Julie, let's go! Here.
- Eggs, what's the occasion? - The occasion's your mother wants you to start eating breakfast 'cause that's the most important meal.
Dad, I only eat free-range eggs.
That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, eat your eggs.
So you got dumped with me and Gracie again? No, your mother had to deal with an urgent air-conditioning situation.
If I had my car, I could drop Gracie off in the morning and pick her up at night.
You don't have one.
Sit down Well, I can fix my schedule right, okay? So, mum wanted me to take an AP English class and Mr.
Munios is teaching AP English class in 3rd period, so I can take and then take social studies during And today is the last day I can make schedule changes, so I was hoping you could sign.
Sign? I'm not gonna sign off anything without your mum's permission.
Dad, please.
I tried to get her all week, she's been so busy.
Hang on, babe.
I know.
I can't do that.
You want me to get a job, right? You want me to become more responsible, join the work force, have goals for myself, become an adult, become independent, right? Please? Sit down, eat your eggs and I'll look at it.
She's throwing riddles at me, Williams.
What do I do? This is an exchange for shutting up about Lyla.
Alright? I heard you are playing my old position, how's life for a tailback? You want the truth? I go back to fullback and RB, I got coach, I got 7, rotting my ass every single day like I asked for the gig And you're gonna like this one, I'm reminded every single day that out there, I'm no Smash Williams.
We're in the same boat, Rigg.
I've just been told I'm not Smash Williams either.
- What do you mean? - The knee I'm slow.
Doctor said I'm as good as done, but Coach thinks I should keep trying.
Okay, wait.
Doctor says you can't do it, right? Right? What's the issue? That's a very good question.
- Your love line is so deep.
- Oh, yeah, it is.
- You know what that means? - No.
Means you're really good in bed.
I've heard lots of stories about you.
But I mean I've never gotten into experiences except for myself.
Get off him, Joanie.
Joanie Pinchel, Tim? Really? Oh, man Why is it the minute you walk in school you turn into some dumb jerk? What is the problem with being a Panther, now? Everything! And everyone looks at you like the pinnacle of the dumbest part of it.
And you just totally play into it.
- No idea what you're talking about.
- Really? You know what the problem is? You don't take me seriously.
- I'm some fling to you.
- You're not a fling.
Okay, then what's the problem? - Shoot.
- You wanna know what the problem is? You scare me.
- I scare you? - You scare me.
You're Tim Riggins.
You show up drunk to school.
You don't You got rally girls do your homework for you.
You don't go to class.
Your relationships last about 20 minutes.
How am I supposed to take you seriously if you don't take yourself seriously? Sorry to barge in on you now, don't mean to bother you.
I had to stop by and apologize for those smoothies today 'cause that was one dumb ass move.
I heard on the radio, record-high sum.
I figured I make this big gesture and now you must think I'm one of those in your face football dads, now.
So, sorry.
That is my apology.
- I can't take that.
- Oh, come on.
That's a nice bottle of scotch and those are 2 Cuban cigars.
- If I were you, I would take those.
- I'm sure they are, but I can't take that.
Can I tell you what I hate? I hate all those bozos on the radio clamoring for your job.
All those people, they say you made a mistake building an offense around Smash Williams.
Where were those people when you won the State Championship with that strategy? Please! If you have a star like Smash, you build a team around him.
- We just need a couple of wins.
- That'll shut them up.
That probably won't, but it's a start.
And what you did with Matt Saracen That truly amazes me.
Well, he's a great talent.
That's the thing.
He is not a great talent.
He is an average talent.
He is 5'9".
He runs a 4'7, 9'40, and he has a mediocre arm at best.
Only a great coach like you could've ever made it to State with him.
- I don't know about that.
- I do.
That's why I'm here, Coach.
My boy, J.
He's the real deal.
He is a great quarterback and I want him mentored by a great coach.
And that is why I moved my family to Dillon, Texas.
You tell me that you moved here from Dallas just for this football team? For you, sir.
For you.
You are looking at the next Jason Street.
You got a franchise sitting right under your nose.
All you gotta do is sniff.
- Anyway - I can't take these.
A gift given is a gift given.
If you care to pass it on to somebody else, be my guest.
I'm looking forward to Friday.
Hope J.
gets some snaps.
- Emily, how are you? - Can I have a second? What's going on? You're here late.
I just wanted you to hear this from me.
I took a position at St.
Oh, no! Emily, please, no! They have smaller classrooms, more resources.
I love this school, but I just wanna have what I need to do my job.
I'm sorry, Tami.
It's 9:45.
I know.
I had to stay and make photocopies of the new budget for the whole staff because the district won't let us pay secretaries' overtime.
And you know what else? Miss Walker quit.
Cause she's going to St.
Matthews, 'cause at St.
Matthews, they have smaller classes and they have resources.
So that's where she's going.
I feel like an idiot.
I thought I was gonna go in there with all my great ideas, and They don't need my great ideas.
They just need money.
Don't do that.
Come here.
You'll be alright.
It'll be alright.
It's early on.
you'll look back and laugh at it.
You're just trying to get laid.
It's 9:45.
Honey Is this Julie's new schedule? Oh, shoot! She's in this stupid - Munios's English AP class.
- It's alright.
I signed it.
What are you talking about? You did not tell her that was alright.
The whole conversation was that she needs AP English class - She is taking some.
- with Dr.
Should I not have signed it for? She needed someone to sign the piece of paper 'cause she was going to school, she couldn't get in touch with you she couldn't talk to you, so I signed it for her.
Honey, we gonna change the schedule.
We can't change it.
Dad already signed off on it.
Did you not understand the part where I said that you had to be in Dr.
Wells English class? They are both AP English teachers, correct? Correct.
But as you well know, Dr.
Wells is a much more experienced teacher.
Today was the last day you could change it.
That's why I signed it.
Well, you know what's great, babe? The great thing is: I'm the principal.
And that's something I can change.
So that's gonna be changed, okay? - Mom you can't do - End of the discussion.
- Why are you getting so mad? - Don't you raise your voices.
- Did you know you're supposed - That is the end of the discussion! Come here.
Did you know you weren't supposed to be in Munios's class? I'm asking.
When you see that car in our driveway, you're gonna be 25.
You know what we're looking at, right now? A bunch of white people that can't dance and need to lose all weight.
My future, Landry.
Right there.
Right in front of me.
I'm gonna become my sister, then my mom.
I don't think I'll be any different, you know? Shut your mouth! Mandy, go ahead.
I know we've only been dating for 5 weeks, and, you know When we started dating, I saw a future for you and me.
Here, here And here in Dillon, Texas, I see you and me having like, 3 or 4 little Mandys and Billys running around.
Maybe, maybe less.
But, uh I humble myself, here in "Seven señoritas cantina", and I ask you: will you marry me? Will you spend the rest of your life with me? Yes! Honey, honey, don't be blunt.
There's a man for you in Dillon right here, maybe in this room.
I gotta sit down.
Hey, honey.
Billy Riggins just proposed to my sister.
It's not worth congratulating.
They're just gonna have a kid and get divorced.
She's gonna spend the rest of her life going after Billy for child support.
Look, I love my sister.
I do.
And I want her to be happy, and hope she will be.
But I don't wanna end up like her.
And the thing is, is that I am good at maths.
I'm good with numbers.
I would be great at business.
I want that for myself.
I want that so badly.
I'll do anything to go to College.
The thing is, vice-principal Trucks, he thinks I'm a moron.
I know you're the principal now and I'm so proud of you for that.
I know you're super busy, but I need your help.
Come on in, honey.
Come on, come on.
You're late.
You're not dressed.
What's going on? I'm not gonna do this anymore, Coach T.
Well, you're not gonna do what? Pretend like I got a shot in hell of getting a scholarship.
Playing football again.
This is over.
You let me tell you something Look, I appreciate everything you've been doing, but the truth is, I'm never gonna be who I was.
I gotta start living my life as Brian.
I'm never gonna be Smash again.
All right, Brian.
It's your decision.
Thanks for everything, Coach.
I had the best time of my life on this field.
Miss Colette Here's my application for the University of Texas.
I'd appreciate your thoughts.
Also, I'm gonna be running for students council president.
Here is my petition with all my signatures.
One more thing.
Don't tell me that I can't get to college ever again.
If I don't get in, then you can call me an idiot.
But I don't wanna hear that from you again.
See, I don't accept that fate for myself.
And I'm gonna do everything in my power to avoid it.
Hey, hon.
You were right about the all Julie thing.
I should have spoken to you about that beforehand.
Well, I think that's true.
You know, I wouldn't have done that myself the way you did, but she needed to have more conversation, I know I wasn't available for that.
Thank you for the apology.
I don't want you to be mad at me on big opening night.
I can never be mad at my wife.
It's a damn principle.
All right.
I just got to get back to work.
See? I'm not mad at you.
Is that a new computer? Didn't they just get new computers that year before we arrive? Couple years ago, these are networks so we can communicate in house.
Well, nice for you.
How is it so cool in here? It feels like it's 68°.
It's the way I like it.
It's the way I like it.
The long dry season is over, folks.
We are finally back under the lights, and we are ready to play some football.
Set! Matt Saracen lines up on the center.
He steps back, and pitches up to Riggins.
Riggins has it, he's got room He cuts up in the middle.
He runs in the second area, puts his shoulder down, and Riggins has smashed his way through the second area, and the Dillon Panthers are in the red zone, play one.
Saracen back.
He answers to Riggins, he comes inside, Oh, big stiff arm.
He clears another tackle, Riggins running like a man possessed, he's in the barn, folks! Touchdown, Panthers! Saracen over the ball.
Hut! Here's the snap, he brings back.
Oh, Saracen, he's gonna keep it! Nice moves on the inside, he's picked up some blockers, and it is a touchdown for Matt Saracen! It ends up to Riggins, in the middle.
He's got one man to beat! Oh, he's airborne! Touchdown, Tim Riggins! He ain't not Smash Williams, but Tim Riggins is smashing everything in his path.
It's a brand new year for the Dillon Panthers, and Coach Taylor is putting on a clinic, here tonight.
Coach Taylor is taking out his starting backfield.
They've done an absolutely outstanding job, tonight.
And here he comes, folks.
"young gun" McCoy, the phenom from Big D.
takes the snap.
The boy is back to pass, he sets up, and he fires.
He throws a strike and completion of the middle.
Boy! He's really looking sharp here in these closing minutes.
Oh, my God! A perfect pass! Just sent on the wings of angels into the receiver's hands.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Jason Street reincarnated.
That boy can throw a foot ball! Did you hear that J.
D's dad has donated the Jumbo Tron? Hey, Steve, how are you doing? Hey, Coach.
Great win, congratulations.
Thanks for putting my boy in there.
You know, we always give the other boys a chance once we get one in the bag.
- I appreciate it.
- You're very welcome.
Coach, good job.
It's completely digital.
It's got 7.
1 surround sound.
It's the newest thing.
It is just a beautiful Jumbo Tron, I'm telling you.
Tami Taylor is the brain child behind all of this.
I think we should give her the credit.
The Jumbo Tron! It is gonna bring us national attention to you.
Can I talk to you for a quick sec? - Sure, excuse me.
- Alright.
Just a quick sec.
Yes, Ma'am.
You know what? I couldn't sleep, last night.
I know, it's hot.
It's the hottest It wasn't because of the heat, it was because I can't stop worrying about all the things school needs.
School needs basic, basic things, like teachers, for one.
You know, and pencils, and chalk, and textbooks.
- We need these.
- I know.
I'm totally supporting of the academics.
Last year, we did the bike sell, we did the keg sell.
You know, we did, I think, $3.
000 on that heavy duty thing.
We can do that again.
We're gonna get those teachers.
I've decided I'm going to reallocate the Jumbo Tron funds to academics.
No, wait, Tami, the funds have been I've checked with the district.
It turns out, according to the laws, the principle has the final jurisdiction over the allocation funds.
In the past, the way we've always done is This year, it's gonna be different.
I'm telling you there is not gonna be a Jumbo Tron.
I'm sorry.
We'll talk later if you need, okay? Hey, can I steal her for two seconds? - Sorry, guys.
- Go ahead, bye.
- How are you? - Good.
Two things: thank you for kinda keeping my ass in gear cause I know I needed it, and I kinda owe tonight to you.
And two I'm okay if you don't tell anyone about us.
As long as this works with you.
I just told Buddy Garrity I'm gonna reallocate the Jumbo Tron funds to academics.
Thank you, everybody! Thank you, James.
James Hent for West Texas, ladies and gentlemen! Now Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen Great moments of Panthers! Get in! You realize this is the wildest sport in history, right? - It's yours! - My point, Coach.
You wanna work at the Alamo Freeze, I don't give a damn! Go ahead, work there.
Look me in the eye, tell me you don't wanna play football.
I didn't say I didn't want to, I said I can't.
I don't buy that crap.
I lost my scholarship, I'm slow, and no school wants me.
How's that? I don't know how it works.
Maybe you have to change your game! Humble yourself, I don't know! But I can promise you this We can figure it out.
If you want this, I will help you get it.
Into college, and playing football again.
And I can promise you I won't stop until you get there.
Can I ask you why this means so much to you? 'Cause I need something good to happen.
There is nothing wrong with your knee.
Man, if you want this, it is waiting for you.
I can't want it for you.

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