Love/Hate (2010) s03e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

You fucked him up Tommy.
Is he going to be alright? What am I, a bleedin' doctor?! Get inside, will you.
This is all your fault! So what do you want to do? This is fucked.
Don't be giving him Sambuca.
I don't give a shit Brian.
I'm on the way there now.
Alright, bye.
What's up? Fran the man's in the bar.
Mad for the gargle, he is.
When did he get out? A couple of days ago.
He's looking for a loan.
Are you going to give it to him? Yeah.
Why not? Lend him a few bob for a few weeks.
Costs me nothing.
Let him kiss my arse and tell me I'm a great fella.
What's wrong with that? Would he think you're a great fella if he knew you were hopping up on his misses? The only way he'd find that out is if he done a Ouija board.
Fran, this is Linda.
I'm speaking to you from beyond the grave, you bleedin' thicko.
Nidgy was giving it to me and I loved it.
You're a sick fuck, you know that Nidge.
She was a cracker all the same Darren.
You never know, do you.
You never know what? You never know what goes through anybody's mind.
You'd never have thought it, would you? That she'd have topped herself.
I have to believe him, don't I.
Do you not think you should get yourself tested? Just in case.
Just cos like she's a junkie and all.
If he was with her, even the once.
The dirty bitch.
Do you know what I mean? He said he didn't Donna.
All she's doing is taking advantage of him cos he feels sorry for her.
How's tricks Janet? Doing your tax there.
Shut up you.
We don't want Nidge behind on his VAT.
Is Debbie about? She's in the back.
You looking for me or something? Yeah.
Siobhan saw my phone yesterday.
She thinks something's going on.
I need you to stop texting me Debbie, or phoning me.
You don't text me and I won't text you.
How's that? You're mad in the head Carlo, but I love you.
It's a good job.
It's a good job! No it's not.
All them bleedin' bus drivers are foreigners now.
Having your sandwiches with them in the canteen.
They'd be eating rice, so they would.
They give you free travel when you're not working.
What are you on about, the bus pass! Did you tell Nigde I was here? Yeah, he's on the way back now.
What's the story with his mobile? I was trying him on it.
He's got about ten of them.
Get a free uniform as well and all.
A free uniform.
A free uniform.
You need to get your head examined.
Nidgy! Fran the man! Nidgy! You know Darren.
I know Darren.
Of course I know Dazzler.
Get off me! What do you want? What did I do? What do you want? I didn't do nothing.
You're a drug dealing scumbag.
Lie him down here.
No! Get off me! Where's the money? I'll get it for you.
I swear.
Oh no.
Hold him still, will yis.
Jesus Christ no.
It's nothing Fran.
Forget about it.
It's not nothing.
This will get me started.
It's not nothing.
I have to get out of here but if there's anything you need.
I'm there for you.
Cheers man.
See this fella.
If it wasn't for him I'd be locked up for years.
Isn't that right.
The filth trying to get him to make a statement against me and him still in hospital.
Quality he is Nidge.
But he's mad.
Wants to be a bus driver.
I'll see you again.
Good luck Frano.
What? Someone's kneecapped Aido.
What? Who done that? The RA.
The RA? Man, this is beyond me.
He what? Yeah.
Jesus Christ.
What's wrong Da? Jaysus, God give me patience Daniel.
Who told you to shoot yer man today? You're a muppet.
You were seen.
And you know what? You got the wrong guy.
I didn't get the wrong guy.
You did.
He was a scumbag Da.
They're all scumbags Daniel.
Greedy, jumped up little toy soldiers, no ethics.
Believe in nothing.
I wouldn't piss on them.
But this one was not to be touched.
What's the point in shooting the ones that's paying up? You have to be smart.
Look Daniel, this one I want to use for something.
Do you get me? That's all it is.
I already explained the situation to you.
He didn't know he was your guy.
Yeah but how did it happen? I don't know.
It happened.
He's not dead, is he? No but he's in hospital Git.
I'm going up there now to see him and he's in a bad way.
Nidge, I'd get off the high horse if I was you.
It was an accident, genuine.
If you want to make a big deal about this, go ahead.
Do whatever the fuck you want to do and then see what happens.
So? So you're going to do nothing? Are you serious Nidge? Yeah.
That's exactly what I'm going to do.
Going to suck it up, buddy.
That's bullshit.
We should do something.
Do what? This is heavy duty we're talking here.
You don't fuck with these guys.
You don't.
It's like taking on an army.
You don't know who they are.
You go after Git and then one after the other they come after you.
What about Aido? He's a flesh wound so at least he'll walk again.
So are we going to swing by the hospital, see how he's doing? You go.
Alright Aido? How are you doing, pal? Are you alright? Say again Aido.
Thanks Darren.
< Nite nite Baba.
I was going to order a curry.
Do you want one? Yeah.
Is there nothing on? No.
I'm going out.
So you don't want a curry? Same again here.
What the fuck.
Are you alright? Fuckin' prick ran that way.
Go go go! Are you alright? Yeah.
Go inside.
Howya Git.
I told you not to get on your high horse, didn't I.
< You think you can take a pop at me? You know what I'll do? I'll burn your house with you and your family in it.
Every one of yis.
Do you hear me? What's up with you? Up late last night, were you? Are you having your period? You have me fucked, so you have.
What are you talking about? You don't know what I'm talking about? What? Someone threw a pipe bomb at Git Loughman's place last night.
You don't know anything about that? No.
How would I? You prick.
You didn't do it? No.
I'm going mad, so I am.
I thought it was you.
I'm sorry, buddy.
He asked me to meet him today at his place.
Fuck that.
I wouldn't go.
I'm gonna have to go.
If I don't he'll think I done it, won't he.
I swear to you Git.
If I knew I'd tell you.
I'm here on my own, aren't I.
Maybe you went home and put some coke up your nose.
Reckoned you could say fuck you Git.
Then you wake up and try and brass neck it.
Git, I'm not going to start World War 3 with you over Aido.
On my kids lives, I swear I didn't.
Let them be dead tomorrow if I'm lying to you.
You don't need to be swearing on your kids.
If one of your lads done it, Dublin's small you know and I'll find out about it soon enough.
I swear I had nothing to do with it.
You want a drink? You know what Git, I'd murder a drink.
Sorry about yesterday.
Siobhan was freaking.
I forgive you.
The yanks love it in here on Paddy's Day.
They go mad for it.
They even have two dwarf girls in from Liverpool if you want to fuck a leprechaun.
Who wants to fuck a leprechaun? Nidge's idea.
They'd be betting each other to do it for the laugh.
I can have one of them come in with us if you want.
You can't get enough of me, can you? You're obsessed with me.
Look Debs, I'm sorry about yesterday.
It came out wrong.
I want to see you and all but I need you to stop texting me.
Siobhan thinks something's up.
I'll still come whenever I can but.
So I can fuck you but I can't phone you, is that it? I'm on the clock so let's get down to it, yeah.
It's going to be the busiest day of the year for me.
Why? Paddy's Day today and I'm a red-haired cailin.
# "Come Out Ye Black & Tans".
Same again here.
I'm grand Git.
I barely touched this one.
By the time he has it over you'll be halfway through it.
My grand uncle was in 1916.
Get up the yard Nidge.
Sure half the country's grandparents were supposed to be there.
God's truth.
He was only 14 or 15 but he looked older.
I seen pictures and everything.
What was his name? Quinlan was his last name.
Can't remember his first name.
Stick another two on when you get a chance Seanie.
Here he is now.
This is my son, Daniel.
This is Nidge.
You might've met one of his lads before.
You alright? Relax.
Come on around Dano.
Nidge has nothing to do with last night.
I believe him.
He's here now.
He might be a scumbag.
I'm only joking.
You're a decent aul' skin.
It's Paddy's night so we'll put all ancient history behind us and have a drink.
I'll drink to that.
Know what we might do, Dano my aul' son.
We might head into town.
Oh yeah? Nidge, you could do the taxi there, yeah? Yeah.
No problem.
I'll just go to the jacks.
Darren, it's me.
It's on the movewith the heavy gang but it's all good.
I'll talk to you later.
He's a scumbag Da.
What are we doing going drinking with him? What's the plan? We piggyback off him.
That's the plan.
What do you mean? Get the weapons in on his boat.
Whoever he's paying off, he's getting his gear in all the time.
And here we are with the branch all over us.
On the same boat? Yeah.
That's what I'm saying.
Look Daniel, he's like a little Jack Russell.
All he wants you to do is pat him on the head and play with him.
You understand? See him there shitting himself.
He's a useful idiot.
And we'll use him.
Will we go? Do you like Jack Russell's Nidge? Yeah.
Love dogs.
Don't like cats.
Dogs all the way.
I knew you'd be a Jack Russell man.
Come on.
Come on! Sinn Fein scum, selling us out.
I swear Nidge, I never thought I'd see the day.
Having their protest there when the Queen came that time and there they are administering her rule of law, Brit fuckin' justice in out country.
It disgusts me.
I mean do you have an interest in Republican politics at all yourself? Or are you just another greedy little scumbag out for himself? No.
I'd be proud to be Irish, of course.
I'll be honest with you now Git.
I think we're Irish and if you don't like it you can fuck off.
Let me ask you something.
If I had let's say a shopping list of whatever.
And I had it sorted the other side.
All you had to do was pick it up.
Is that something you think you could do for me? If you don't want to, you don't want to.
I could do that Git, no problem.
Good man.
I knew you had it in you.
There must be some rebel blood in your somewhere boy.
Come on, we'll head.
What did I tell you about staying away from that heavy stuff? What are you talking about? Come on.
Nigel, you're a total pig.
I don't know where you are so I got a taxi to the Chinese.
I'm not impressed.
I've had a shit day.
Warren was asking all day where his daddy was.
Anyway, I'm here now.
I mean what country wouldn't give its right arm for Paddy's Day.
I mean what's the Germans got? Nidge.
Jayz, Elmo.
What are you doing here? I moved back.
Where were you, Liverpool? No, Manchester.
How's everything? Good.
I have a kid now.
What? It's all good.
Good to see you pal.
I'm hearing a load of good things about you.
This is my cousin Gary.
Gary, Nidge.
This is my old buddy Elmo.
This is Git and this is Dano.
That's his cousin.
What's your name? Gary.
I know who you are alright.
Nidge making a donation to the prisoners fund, is he? I was thinking of setting up my own prisoners fund if you wanted to give us a dig out.
What you on about? Relax.
He's had a few I'd say.
Have you Elmo? Come on, we'll head.
I'm alright.
I know you are Elmo.
Only takin' the piss.
I know.
It's good to see you.
Don't take the poor box now.
I know you need to get money for the prisoners from Nidge but leave the poor box where it is.
You bleedin' moocher.
Get off him.
They've had enough.
Get your hands off me.
Okay but town's crawling with cops.
We've got to get out of here.
Come on.
Come on.
Get off me.
You're alright luv.
Too much porter.
Get off me.
Nidge, do you have any of them little blue pills? Yeah.
Blue ones.
The blue ones.
Needed a bit of juice is all.
I'm going to drop that shopping list into you in a couple of days as soon as we find out what's needed.
What? Yeah, whatever you want.
Cash, pills, whatever you want.
No, you stupid prick.
What do you think I am? Hang on.
Sorry Git, I'm saying whatever you want.
Anything you want, don't worry about it.
Have you been listening to me at all? You think I want to get in the drug business, is that it? No.
See where I live.
Am I living it large? Big houses, big cars, foreign holidays.
You think I wear silk stockings underneath these trousers? No.
Get them the fuck out of here.
Go on.
Go on.
Sorry Git, I thought when you said gear.
The only gear I'm interested in is timers, coils, AK's.
Serious hardware.
That's what I'm talking about.
I don't want your bleedin' drugs.
Alls I need is to bunk a lift on your boat.
You think you can do that for me? Yeah.
No problem.
No problem.
I'm getting worried now Darren.
Here, I'll try him.
Nidge, I'm here with Trish.
Tell her to go home, pain in the hole.
I'll talk to her later.
See you in a bit.
I rang him 20 times.
No answer, not even a text.
I could've been dead.
You ring him and he answers.
What does that tell you? I'm going home.
Ah Trish, come on.
You talk to her, will you? Who? His misses.
Doesn't like me.
Blanks me.
Bitch knows we're out here.
Will you hurry up and open up! Freezing my bollocks off out here.
She's a headcase.
I'll wait in the car.
Git asked me to drop him off to you.
He had a few too many.
Come on.
Have you got him? Yeah.
Good man.
It's nothing.
He'll be alright, will he? Yeah.
I'll roll him on his side so he doesn't choke on his tongue or vomit.
But there's always a chance that he will.
If I say the prayers! I better hit the road.
Get the other fella home.
Good luck with that.
Do you want to share a taxi Siobhan? Right.
I'll see yis later.
Siobhan, get a taxi home with Trish, will you? No.
You go home if you want.
I'll keep going.
There's no place open.
There's the Shibin.
We're all going home now.
No you're not.
One pint with Darren is all I'm having and straight home after you.
Get a taxi with Trish and she'll drop you home.
You'll look after me, won't you Darren.
Are you sure you don't want me to drop you home Git? It'll be hard to get a taxi later on.
Let's rock on Nidge.
Kick on to the early house.
Come on.
Put on some music.
There's no music.
Well put on the radio then.
I want to dance.
Yis are no fun.
Come on.
Okay, if that's the way I'm ringing Donna and heading out to a club.
I'll put on some music if you want.
Whoo! Come on Darren.
You dance with me.
You're no fun.
Pint Git? Whiskey Nidge, if you have it.
This is Tommy and Darren.
This is Git.
And that's Siobhan.
What about me? She's had enough.
Nidge, give me a drink.
What do you want? Vodka.
I'll drop it down to you.
When I come back it better be there.
She'll crash soon enough.
I'd take a line if I was offered.
You know what I'm going to say Nidge.
You're a decent skin.
Cheers Git.
This is Paddy's Day, right.
One of those days when you've a licence to go mad.
Drinking on Good Friday.
Has to be done.
Of course it does Git.
I'm going to go for a piss.
How's the little lady? I was looking for the gents.
Don't ask me.
Here's as good a place as any.
Look away now, young lady.
Unless of course you want to look.
I'm sure it's nothing you haven't seen before.
It's cold enough tonight.
Here she comes.
I'll have to wait.
Give us an aul' kiss, will you.
Fuck off.
Come on.
Get away! I seen you dancing out there.
Get away from me! Give me a kiss there.
Get your fuckin' hands off me.
Where's she gone to now? Tommy leave it.
Will you leave it! Bleedin' animal, you see what he done to her.
You fucked him up Tommy.
Is he going to be alright? What am I, a bleedin' doctor? Get inside will you.
This is all your fault! So what do you want to do? This is fucked.
How? He must've hit her first.
Should've brought her home.
I came out and he was there on top of her, hammering away like a bleedin' goat.
Shut up will you Siobhan.
We've to figure out what to do.
So you want to go prison? You want to go to prison? Cos I tell you now, you need to shut your mouth.
Jesus man.
I told you to bring her home, didn't I.
What did I tell you, bring her home.
Now look at the shit heap we're in.
Siobhan, it's over.
Okay darlin'.
You're not helping us here.
I didn't do anything.
He just.
He just.
Sweet mother of Jesus.
Siobhan, get a grip.
Tommy, bring her inside.
Come on, we'll go inside.
It wasn't my fault.
I done nothing to him.
Jesus Christ Siobhan.
No-one's saying it was your fault but you're not helping us here.
We need to figure out what to do so if you want to go inside, go inside, have a good cry or whatever.
But this is serious shit.
Can I have a cigarette? Of course.
Give me one them, will you.
What will we do, call an ambulance? No.
No ambulance.
Not till we see what he story is.
Have to do something.
What do you think? He looks a bit green about the gills.
You need to get Siobhan out of here.
Siobhan darling, you're okay.
You're okay but listen to me.
I want to go home.
I know and Tommy's going to bring you home now.
This is some heavy duty shit here and when you get home you can't say nothing to nobody, okay? Not the family, not your friends.
Cos this guy, we've to figure out what to do with him but whatever happens, if his friends find out.
we're all going to be dead.
Okay? You understand? Good girl.
Come on.
You'll be alright.
You got a nasty fright but it's over now.
Good girl.
Do you think his neck's broke? Yeah.
What are we going to do? What are we going to do? Right.
What did you go and do that for? Well he wasn't walking out of here on his own, was he.
We could've dumped him on the road, they'd think it was a hit and run.
I was just putting him out of his misery Nidge.
That's all it is.
There's no other way.
Nidgy, my aul' pal.
What's up with you? No problem.
Don't worry.
I'll come on my own.
Stay here, will you.
Wherever there's trouble you show up like a poxy bad penny.
You brought your dog van with you, did you? Are you going to show me the mess that needs cleaning up or will I head back out? I'll tell you now.
Keep up your lip and you'll see where it gets you.
You've a mess on your hands right enough there.
Who is he? Git Loughman.
The RA man? Jaysus.
That's bad news Nidge.
How did it happen? Can you help me out here buddy or not? No-one knows he's here.
No problem.
I'll help you out.
Nidgy, I told you already.
No problem.
I've the digger there on the site, doing the drains.
Bury him deep enough, he'll never be found.
It's getting him there is all.
I'll be honest with you, I've had a few.
I'll help you out burying him and all and you can use the van but one of you will have to drive it.
I'm not fuckin' getting caught with yer man in the back of the van.
I'll drive the van.
Are you sure Darren? Yeah.
Do you have anything we can wrap him up in? Yeah, I've stuff in the car.
Back in two minutes.
Cheers Darren.
I'll be in the car ahead with Fran, yeah? Yeah.
We can scout on ahead.
Covered him up with stuff but if they search the van you're screwed.
You're alright Dazzler, even if you did kill my dog.
Keep on the phone, yeah? Yeah.
< Alright Darren? Yeah.
Coola boola Nidgy.
It was a good job I had the phone turned on when you rang me.
Appreciate it Fran.
I was with this bird.
She nearly had me pulled when you rang.
Another 10 minutes I was gone.
Pure blind luck you got me.
Lucky enough I got you Fran.
That's what I'm always talking about, the universe.
It all balances out in the end.
What? Cops.
Darren, the coppers have a checkpoint ahead.
Turn off.
Yeah, got you.
How you doin' Guard.
Where are you coming from? The airport.
Just picking this fella up.
At this time? Yeah, the flight was delayed.
Go on.
Thank you Guard.
Happy St.
Patrick's Day.
What the fuck was that? What? We're through.
What do you need to attract attention for? Relax.
We're through.
Coola boola.
Happy days.
Jayz, that was close.
Thanks Darren, you're a pal.
I'll go get this sorted.
Alright man.
It's cold.
Want one? No.
You grab the head, I'll grab the feet.
Lucky I had the digger with the drains.
He won't get too far away from there.
If I was thinking straight I should've put a bullock carcass on top if it, in case they came with the infra-red.
What? I'm starving.
I need to eat.
There's an all day breakfast place up the road.
# Dearest darlin', # I had to write to say that I won't be home any more.
# Cos something happened to me # while I was driving home and I'm not the same any more.
# I was only 24 hours from Tulsa.
# Only one day away from your arms.
# I saw a welcoming light # and stopped to rest for the night.
Turn off the light.
How are we going to handle all this? Don't know.
I haven't a clue.
What? Come on.
Tracey Carr, RTE 2012.

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