Roswell s03e01 Episode Script


- Are you ready? - Yeah, I think so.
- You don't have to do this.
- We're in this together.
That's what we said.
Together until the end.
Down! Down! Down! - Now! Now, man! Come on! MAX: Do what she says.
She's crazy.
LIZ: Face on the floor, now! Yeah, I wanna report an armed robbery in progress.
At Sam's Quick Stop on Highway 65.
Yeah, hurry.
- I have a family.
LIZ: Hurry! We've only got a few minutes! [SIRENS APPROACHING.]
What the hell? LIZ: Just keep your face down! Keep your face down! LIZ: Just keep your face down! Keep your face down! The cops are coming! Come on, let's go.
Come on! Let's go! Hurry up! MAX: How'd they find us so fast? LIZ: I don't know.
Max, the gun.
All right, hold on.
Max, they can't find out about the diamond.
OFFICER 1: Freeze! - Hands! Let me see hands! You got any powers for this? OFFICER 2: Come on, get out of the car! OFFICER 3: Let's go.
Hands on the car! You have the right to remain silent.
If you give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you Busted NARRATOR: Previously on Roswell: MAX: There's something I need to tell you.
It's about Tess and me.
Our relationship has Something happened.
Liz, Tess is pregnant.
We're going back.
Just tell me one thing.
Do you love her? Not like I love you.
This was all some plan to get pregnant and go home, wasn't it? This isn't over, Tess.
ISABEL: What happens now, Max? I have to save my son.
MAX: So I was wondering if you wanted to, you know, see me.
LIZ: You mean, like, on a date? MAX: Just somewhere we can talk.
I just want to try to start over, Liz.
You look amazing.
They're my favorite.
Thank you.
So where are we going? It's a surprise.
It's kind of dark.
I want to put everything that happened behind us.
Yeah, you know that I would too if I had impregnated an alien killer who murdered one of our friends and then left the planet with my unborn child.
So you're still holding on to that? LIZ: It's hard not to, Max.
See, you slept with Tess and then you got her pregnant.
I don't know how to just move past that.
You hurt me, you know? Liz, meeting someone Someone like me.
It attracted me.
I admit that.
It was something I had to find out about.
And now I'm over it.
It's not that simple.
Liz, I'm here.
I'm not going anywhere.
Isabel, Michael and I, we've lost our only way home.
There's no way back.
You're the only reason for me to You're my only reason.
I want to be with you.
Tess is pregnant with your child.
So, what about your son? There's nothing I can do about that.
He's gonna be born in another world.
A world I have nothing to do with.
I've accepted it.
Liz, you've paid a lot to know me.
You've been hurt.
You've been put in danger.
Now I want to make that up to you.
I want to make your dreams come true.
I want to make your dreams come true.
Will you let me do that? In the neighborhood? Son.
If you want to get out of here, don't say anything unless I'm present.
I'm not your father right now, I'm your lawyer.
DIANE: My God, Max.
MAX: It's all right, Mom.
It's all right.
Look at you.
What is going on? Who are you? So why are you under arrest for armed robbery? Now, tell us! - What the hell are you doing in Utah? - Just stay calm.
Calm? How am I gonna stay calm? NANCY: Honey, I know it isn't you.
I know this isn't something that you'd do.
But if you did do it, maybe it's because somebody put you up to it.
- Yeah, they put me up to it.
Right, Mom.
- Okay, that's enough! Now, tell us what the hell happened.
I'm not gonna speak to anyone until they let me talk to Max.
So I've broken, like, MAX: Rules? She has rules? Well, yeah.
Since I told her that you broke my heart without any of the alien details, of course.
She thinks we should just take things slow.
Just dinner, then straight home.
No plans for future dates, no making out.
MAX: I suppose skinny-dipping would be against the rules too? Uh-huh.
No, no, no.
This is not happening.
Okay, okay, you've made your point.
It's really not that funny.
You can stop now.
What? Max.
Whoo! Come on in.
It's beautiful.
No, it's not.
It's obviously freezing.
Come on, Liz! This is something we can tell our grandchildren about.
Come on in, Liz.
Come on.
Okay? Fine.
What, are they gonna be three feet tall and green? But I am not taking my underwear off.
- And if my mother ever finds out - Liz.
LIZ: you are, like, so dead.
Okay? Do we have a deal? Max? Oh, Max? Is that a deal, Max? Huh? Max! Max! Oh, my God! Max! - Tell us what happened? - Leave out the lurid details.
He was just, like, laying there in the water.
He woke up in the car, but he hasn't said a single word.
Isn't there some cure for this? You guys are the aliens.
Do something, here.
Hey, Maxwell.
Hey, what the hell's going on? Something happened.
I had this vision.
It was my son.
He's been born.
He was reaching out to me.
He's in trouble.
If I'm gonna have any chance of graduating this year I need to get into your Bio 101 class.
- Why didn't you come to my class when you were in it? - I'm turning over a new leaf.
- Excuse me while I chuckle within.
Okay, plans changed.
I thought I was moving out of Roswell.
But it turns out, I'm stuck here for good.
And how far away did you plan to move that you didn't think your records would have been sent to your new high school? Actually, pretty far.
Seligman I know you hate my guts.
Personally, I hate yours too.
This is how you ask a favor? But if you help me graduate this year, you won't have to see me next year.
Well, you do have a point there, huh? Okay, Mr.
Guerin, I will let you into my Biology 101 class if you make a sacred vow to me right now if you make a sacred vow to me right now that you won't miss a single session.
Michael, there you are.
Miss Evans, I thought you graduated.
I did, but I just can't seem to cut the cord.
Too many fond memories.
- I need to talk to you.
- I got class.
It's important.
- I will be one minute.
- I'm sure you will.
- I will be one minute.
- I'm sure you will.
- Miss Evans, love the hair.
- Thank you.
MICHAEL: So, what's going on? - Max and Liz got arrested in Utah for armed robbery.
We have to go.
So much for ever getting out of this school.
What were they doing in Utah? - Mom.
- Isabel.
Oh, your father and I have been going crazy.
- Philip.
ISABEL: So, what's going on? DIANE: Well we're still trying to figure out what happened.
- Isabel.
ISABEL: Hi, Dad.
This is Jesse Ramirez from my office.
- We met at the company - Picnic, that's right.
- Nice to see you again.
- Nice to see you again.
So, what have you found out? PHILIP: A detention hearing has been set up for tomorrow with the judge.
Max and Liz are first-time offenders.
No physical evidence has been produced so we're hoping they get a slap on the wrist and get sent back home.
DIANE: Well, what about jail? They can only go to jail if the case is transferred to criminal court and they get tried as adults.
- But so far that seems unlikely.
They haven't found a gun.
There are no witnesses other than the nutcase behind the counter who claims to have seen an otherworldly yellow light.
So as long as there's no evidence, Max and Liz will be okay, right? Yeah.
Yeah, we certainly hope so.
Can we see them? Max.
You idiot, what are you trying to do to our poor, clueless human parents? What's the deal? Run low on cigarettes? There's an underground government storage facility under the store.
Well, that's a surprise.
Our ship's there.
You mean our spaceship? It's been reassembled.
I saw it with my own eyes.
I can feel Biology 101 slipping from my grasp.
- So reassembled.
As in it works? MAX: Possibly.
I thought we agreed to let go of the other world and live here.
That was before my son tried to contact me.
Max, a little reality check.
The ship you're talking about sucks.
It's a lemon.
It crashed to begin with.
That's why we're stuck here.
She's got a point.
Look, I need you to find something for me.
I had to toss it before we were arrested.
No, we are not helping with this absurd plan to find a spaceship, okay? - This is ridiculous.
- This isn't about getting to a spaceship.
Liz and I stole it.
It's a diamond.
- You stole a diamond? - It's not actually a diamond.
It's the key to our ship.
It's alien.
If we don't find it before the police do we'll be linked to another crime.
We'll never get out of here.
So, what does it look like? Hey, I've been looking for you.
- Yeah.
Yeah, I was just - Looking through Tess' stuff.
What's that? It was buried among Tess' things.
It's a letter Nasedo wrote to her before he died.
It says, "I am your one and only protector on this planet.
I'll protect you until the end.
If I ever die, this is our only way to communicate with our home.
" And? I have to contact my son.
So I guess this part of your life isn't over after all.
MICHAEL: Mandatory attendance, I understand.
An attitude improvement? I'm already on that.
And a respect for authority.
Yeah, absolutely.
Seligman, I gotta call you back.
- Who was that? - My science teacher.
- I'm trying to graduate high school.
- Why don't you just get a GED? - No one hires someone with a GED.
- I got a GED.
I'm doing fine.
Yeah, you're on a nice career path there.
I got a message for your friend Max.
Stop looking.
The person I work for will do whatever is necessary to stop him.
- Whatever is necessary.
- Whatever, dude.
Don't be such a smart-ass.
Maybe that's your problem in school too.
Don't make me come back to Utah.
Why can't these aliens ever get in trouble somewhere decent? Like Graceland or Tahoe or New Orleans.
No, Utah.
Mormons and mountains.
LIZ: Oh, my God, Maria.
I can't believe you're here.
Who am I, Liz? Of course I'm here.
Okay, thanks.
Now, give me some sugar.
LIZ: Hi.
- Hi.
Okay, first of all, I have some alien Green Lime Pie for you from the Crashdown.
- Maria, you are a goddess.
- Lf you were a boy, I would - No, don't go there.
I talked to everyone involved, and got the total, unadulterated scoop.
The judge and DA of this town are sweating it because they have to go before council for reappointment and they haven't caught a criminal in, like, a decade.
So they're basically out for your scalps.
Okay, that's all I have.
Now it's your turn.
The last I heard, you and Max were trying to take it slow.
MAX: What? - What's going on, Liz? - Do you love me? MAX: Yes.
- How much do you love me? - Who are you? - How much do you love me? - Who are you? Look at this.
How'd you find this? I spent 16 hours at the main branch of the library in Albuquerque.
The diamond's owned by Delores Browning.
MAX: Where is it? - It's on permanent loan at the Tate Museum in London.
But it's gonna be the main event in a traveling exhibit.
- It'll be in Santa Fe in two weeks.
- Okay.
No, no, no! I wanna do this with you, Max.
Why? Because, if I had lost a child, I would want you to help me find him.
That's only part of the reason.
The other part is that I don't want you to slip away from me.
I know what it's like to be with you, and I know what it's like to be apart from you.
And I would rather be with you.
I don't know if I could live with myself if anything ever happened to you.
Max, you're an alien king.
What could ever happen to me? [KNOCKING.]
Thank you for this meeting, Mr.
No problem, Isabel.
Why didn't you tell me you were here? I was working all night with your father.
I couldn't call.
- I wish this could all be out in the open.
- I'm still not sure why it can't be.
Well, there's the fact that you're 26 and I'm barely legal.
You're an old soul.
And you have clearly lived before.
You have no idea.
So, what were you and my father holding back from us before? - What do you mean? - I saw the look between the two of you.
Clearly, you're not telling us the whole story.
Jesse? Last year there was a robbery in the county.
A kid died.
No one was ever charged and the local prosecutor is taking a lot of heat for it.
This town is looking for someone to hang.
Max and Liz picked a bad place to play Bonnie and Clyde.
Oh, just working on some research.
Okay, I'll be right over.
It was your dad.
They found evidence.
- Thank you.
- The honor is mine.
So you're the Delores Browning? Well, I don't usually put an article before my name, but yes, I am.
So, what's it like to actually own all these diamonds? I only own some of them.
Well, most of them, actually.
So you're? - Max.
- And you're not really a waiter.
You're really an aspiring artist, or actor, or? - No, I'm just a waiter.
- A waiter.
God bless you.
- What the hell are you doing? - Oh, Liz.
- What the hell are you doing? - Nothing.
I can't believe you.
How many times have I stuck my neck out for you and you are standing here, obviously, flirting with a woman that is obviously Come on, she's like twice your age.
Liz, calm down.
- I better be going.
- I'm sorry.
Oh, my God! You are apologizing to this bimbo? - Excuse me? - Liz, just walk away and forget it.
You think that is your answer to everything, isn't it? Forget everything.
Ignore everything.
Ma'am, could you come with me, please? Can you please not touch me! Listen, this is what he does.
You're not special.
He does this to every woman.
You're too desperate to see what's going on here.
Liz, will you just stop it? I don't think you have any idea who you're speaking to.
Oh, I don't, huh? Don't touch her! [ALARM BEEPING.]
MAX: I believe this is yours.
I'm sorry.
Get me out of here.
Get me out of here.
- Liz.
- You have humiliated me again.
Now, get me out of here.
Did you get it? MAX: Of course I did.
- We did it.
- You were brilliant.
No, you were brilliant.
- That was so exciting.
MAX: I know.
Just the fact that we, like, pulled it off.
The whole thing.
It's just like anything is possible, right? And throwing the champagne at that woman, it was so cathartic.
Look, Max, I know what we did is totally wrong and completely illegal but I just loved it, you know? In a million years.
In one million years, did you ever think? So now that we have the diamond, we have to find the spaceship, right? - Well, not right this second.
- Oh, good.
Liz! It's 2 in the morning! Where the hell have you been? Liz.
- Where were you? LIZ: Nowhere.
JEFF: And what are you wearing? LIZ: Clothes.
That's just the way things work here.
She'll be fine.
- Mr.
McGregor, good morning.
- Nice to see you again, Mr.
McGregor here was just giving us the scoop on the Salina court system.
Ah, how generous.
Well, nice to meet you folks.
You're good people.
Your daughter deserves her best shot.
What was that about? You know he's trying to put our kids in jail.
McGregor just feels that we'd be better off pleading guilty.
He'd be better off.
He's a prosecutor.
His job is to get a guilty plea.
But he said that if we plead not guilty, it could provoke the judge and he'd be much more likely to transfer the case to a criminal court.
If we plead guilty to a felony, then there's a case against them in criminal court.
We can't give them that option.
Believe me, I know what I'm doing.
What? No, it's just This isn't personal, Phil.
It's just that you're a corporate lawyer and this isn't your area of expertise.
Nancy, Jeff that man you were talking to wants a guilty plea and he'll say and do anything he has to to get it.
If we plead guilty, I guarantee you this case is going to criminal court.
Look, our children are in this together.
We're all in this together.
Believe me, I am doing right by your daughter.
JUDGE: You understand the charges against you? - Yes, Your Honor.
JUDGE: How do you plead? - Not guilty.
- Not guilty.
JUDGE: All right, thank you.
Have a seat.
McGregor and Mr.
Evans, I've reviewed what you've submitted.
Your Honor, before you make a ruling on this, I have additional material that I feel is critical to this case.
- All right.
Let's see it.
Thank you.
These are four recent rulings in Utah state courts all of which disallowed DNA matches from hair follicles to be submitted as evidence.
Your Honor, in consideration of the fact that these few strands of hair are the only physical evidence in this case and there are no priors on either defendant who are both standout students and members of their community, I ask that this matter be dismissed.
All right.
Well, thank you, Mr.
I'll take that under consideration.
Max Evans.
It's the decision of this court that you be released to the custody of your parents that you be returned to the state of New Mexico if you will agree not to return to Utah until your 21 st birthday.
- Do you agree with that, sir? - Yes, Your Honor.
JUDGE: Very good.
Have a seat.
Elizabeth Parker.
Now, your voice and your height match the description of the person in possession of the firearm.
Armed robbery is one of the 10 crimes punishable under Utah's Serious Shooter Offender Act.
It is my decision to transfer your case to the criminal court system.
PHILIP: But Your Honor, there was no gun found.
The only mention of a gun was from the testimony of a clerk I've made my decision, Mr.
This is for another court to consider.
Oh, my God, you can't do this! This girl has never so much as jaywalked.
She's one of the best students in Roswell High.
You're not in Roswell, counsel.
- This hearing is adjourned.
NANCY: Oh, my God.
No! No, you can't take her! You can't! PHILIP: It'll be okay.
Liz, we'll talk, okay? Liz, we'll talk, okay? Liz, I've reviewed your case with your parents and my advice, as your attorney, is to try to make a deal.
- What kind of deal? TYTELL: You're a good kid, Liz.
Honor student, clubs, activities.
Maybe you fell in with a bad crowd.
Met a guy with a problem.
Maybe Max dragged you into this.
You want me to sell Max out? He sold you out when he made you walk in there, holding that gun.
- We're in this together.
- Not anymore.
Honey, you can go to jail for 20 years.
Let's talk about the gun.
Did Max convince you to hold it? How did you get it to begin with? So why do we need this? - Road trip.
- Where? I did some research at the UFO Center.
There are five government storage facilities large enough to hold the ship.
It's got to be in one of them.
I don't see a government facility, do you? MAX: Let's take a look.
Don't worry, it won't be loaded.
If we go in there with a gun, that's a felony.
Why can't I just distract the clerk? That's not enough time.
I need at least five minutes to get downstairs, see if the ship's there.
- See if it works.
- And what if it works? I mean, you go off to Antar, and what? I mean, what if you never come back? I will come back.
And I'm not leaving yet.
First, I have to see if this is even a possibility.
Then I have to figure out how to navigate it.
- We can't get caught.
- We won't.
- Let's go.
LIZ: What? What do you mean? - Let's get out of here.
- Max, and then what? Be on the run the rest of our lives? We'd never be able to go home again.
That's not as bad as it sounds.
No, Max.
I'm sorry, but that's just too far for me.
I'm not ready to give up my home or my family.
I wish we could trade places.
No, no, Max.
Okay, I don't.
You're free.
We came here for a reason.
Because your son's in trouble.
You need to go back and do what we came for.
You know? See if your ship works.
Come on, I don't want this to all be for nothing.
How's it going? MICHAEL: Maria's been crying about Liz.
Other than that, things are great.
I need the diamond.
I told you that guy scared the crap out of me.
There's someone that wants us to stay away.
- He convinced me.
MAX: I'll be careful.
Michael, my son is in trouble.
Just give me the Give me the diamond.
I would do it for you.
You tell Isabel that you came in here and you found it yourself.
How could you make Liz hold the gun? MAX: Hey.
Isn't your room down the hall? Yeah.
I was just in there with Maria.
MAX: In there? You were in there with Maria? - Where are you going? - My stuff is in the trunk.
- Right.
Well, good night.
- Yeah, good night.
MAX: I'm sorry, I have to - Please.
Agent Burns of the FBI.
So why Sam's Quick Stop? My case has been dismissed.
BURNS: By the sheriff's office, maybe.
I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just an incompetent criminal.
But if you were in that store for any other reason, be warned.
If you don't stop, you and your girlfriend will not be happy juvenile delinquents.
MAX: I have to contact my son.
My son is in trouble.
ISABEL: I thought we made an agreement to let go of the other world.
MAX: That was before my son tried to contact me.
LIZ: I wanna do this with you, Max.
MAX: Why? LIZ: Because if I had a child that I had lost, I would want you to help me find him.
Come on, we came out here for a reason.
Because your son is in trouble.
Go back and do what we came here to do.
- What the hell is going on, son? - You followed me here? Yes.
Yes, I followed you here because I can no longer trust you to tell me the truth.
I thought you were involved in drugs, but this is clearly something else.
What were you looking for down here, Max? What is this place? If I told you what this was about, I would put you and Mom in danger.
And what's this? MAX: Don't touch that, Dad.
It could be toxic.
Why would there be a toxic chemical in the basement of a convenience store? Just don't touch it, Dad.
Max, if this is what you think it is, we might be able to help Liz.
What are you talking about? How? Mr.
Evans, it's nice to meet you.
Agent Burns of the FBI.
We now have jurisdiction.
So maybe someone can tell me why the FBI is so interested in two teenagers robbing a convenience store.
Actually, Mr.
Evans, we're not.
We tested the so-called toxic chemical you submitted to the sheriff.
- It turned out to be laundry detergent.
- It did? We did our own test, and it turned out to be tetryl.
There are any number of people in the media that would be interested to find out why such a dangerous chemical was found under a store.
- And even more interested to find out the location was on federally owned property.
You two are lucky to be walking away from this alive.
Give me that jar now and you were never here.
You never saw anything under that store you never found any chemical there.
It's gonna be difficult not to ever mention this again if that girl is still in jail, Mr.
if that girl is still in jail, Mr.
JEFF: Could you give us a minute? - What's going on? - The charges were dropped.
Max's father discovered some improper conduct with the arresting officer, so they dismissed the case.
Oh, my God, Mom.
Oh, my God.
Before we leave, there's something I need to talk to you about.
LIZ: Yeah? Your mother and I forbid you to see Max anymore.
He is not welcome at our restaurant.
You're not to go out on a date with him or attend the same parties.
If you pass him in school, you're to look the other way.
It's for the best.
Max, there was over $200 left in that cash register.
You didn't do it for the money.
I never believed you did it for some adolescent thrill.
You did it because you wanted to get down those stairs into that room.
And I need you to tell me why.
I can't ever tell you the truth.
Please, don't make me lie to you.
I'm sorry, son, silence is not acceptable.
And neither is a lie.
Not after what we've just been through.
No, not under my roof.
I can respect that.
I just want to thank you for helping Liz.
I'll always appreciate that.
I'll come by home to pack my things.
Goodbye, Dad.

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