Sky Rojo (2021) s03e01 Episode Script

Getting into Heaven through the Back Door

- [man grunting]
- [shovel crunching against ground]
[somber music playing]
[car approaching]
[Moisés] I'm gonna
pick this story up from where we left off.
On the day my brother was killed,
I buried him like a dog in the desert.
By my father's side.
I abandoned him there for one reason.
If nobody knows you're dead,
nobody asks questions.
Even if it means
he gets to Heaven through a back door.
Right then, I just wanted
to see my mother.
In case you don't remember,
Romeo had kidnapped her.
I wanna see my mother.
Of course.
[Moisés] When I finally told her
about Christian's death, I was relieved.
And hearing her vital signs
made me think she was at peace,
that she was resting.
In that moment, I didn't know
that Romeo had already killed her.
He had stuffed her in a freezer
and defrosted her to let me
have my guilty-son moment with her.
When Romeo told me days later
she had passed away in the nursing home,
I believed him.
I could never have imagined the way
those deaths were going to change my life.
Romeo and I
would become really close again,
due to his withholding of certain facts.
[indistinct conversation]
[Moisés] I became part of the family
with the man who'd killed mine.
I went from driving whores
to striptease gigs
to driving girls to school.
[Romeo] I don't want you to go back
to the club, at least for a while.
[children chattering]
You need time to recover from all this.
[somber music stops]
What should I do?
Go on a vacation, yeah?
Go to some restaurants.
Take a bike ride.
Read a book.
What do I know?
Just some peace, you know. We deserve it.
A book?
[Moisés] Let's see, one thing
[relaxed French music playing]
[Moisés] So I finally got
the ideal life I wanted.
Together with the psychopath
that had killed my mom.
While that secret bomb
was still counting down, ticktock,
it would explode months later,
we fished,
we had breakfast,
and we sang
as if we were in some Christmas movie.
Meanwhile, we kept on looking for
the three women that ruined us.
And soon, we would find out
they were only 1,854 kilometers away.
And that they also had a new life.
["Toop Toop" by Cassius playing]
I got my answers from a machine ♪
I can't keep on crying at night ♪
Got no more strength
To keep up the fight ♪
Welcome to the new house.
[Coral] The best I could find.
[Gina] Oh, but I love it.
It's so beautiful.
It's not only beautiful, Gina.
[Coral] We're right by the Civil Guard.
No one will ever find us here.
After all of the world we see ♪
Shoot, shoot ♪
[Coral] We were going
to build our new life
on a bomb
that would explode sooner or later.
We had stolen
four million euros from our pimp.
And unfortunately,
he wouldn't forget that.
I think we should hide half inside
the house and half outside the house.
In case something goes wrong. Hmm?
[happy music playing]
[Coral] We opened a bakery in town
to launder Romeo's money.
And we went from being
whores walking on thin ice to bakers.
From working at night
to enjoying the sun
with a mojito in a hammock.
From living locked up
to sailing on the open sea.
And from there,
it's just a thin line before you
fall in love with your diving instructor.
[Gina whoops]
[happy music stops]
[man] How are you, Gina? Any better?
No, I'm not.
Don't worry. It's normal to feel seasick
when you're not used to sailing.
- You'll see, it'll pass in no time.
- No, I don't think this will pass.
It's because I'm pregnant,
five months pregnant.
[Gina laughs]
Mm, well, you do know
you can't dive if you're pregnant, yeah?
Yeah, I know. There are a lot of things
you can't do when you're pregnant.
I mean, you shouldn't be buried
under a block of cement.
- [Gina laughs]
- Uh Mm
Well, I guess, um Get some rest, yeah?
[footsteps retreating]
[man grunts]
Toni, are you okay?
- What's wrong?
- [laughs]
Well, I thought
You see, I thought we were flirting.
I didn't know you were expecting a baby,
so you must have a boyfriend or a husband.
I'm sorry about that.
[romantic music playing]
No, but I don't have anyone.
Is one of them the mother?
- [Gina laughs]
- Or both?
Well, if you want to see it that way,
sure, they are. [laughs]
Let's just say that there was a father,
but he's no longer in our lives.
He's in the past. So
Well, I'm also coming out
of a relationship that's way in the past.
- Tell me more.
- No, no, I'd bore you. No way, no.
No, no, really, you won't.
I love stories. Come here.
- Come on.
- Hmm. Okay.
So I got married when I was 30.
And I thought
I'd found the love of my life.
I met her one night. I asked her,
"Do you wanna come to Almería with me?"
That's so romantic.
Well, she said yes,
unexpectedly, and she went.
I think it was the only time
I saw that excitement in her eyes.
Why? What went wrong?
I was in love with her like
uh, well, like a puppy.
I was always proposing things,
and she said yes,
and she came, but not wholeheartedly.
And I thought,
"She must be enjoying herself."
"She's happy, but she's Basque
and expresses it differently."
- [Gina laughs]
- [scoffs] Well, no.
That wasn't it. She just wasn't in love.
Well, I've also had love stories that are
They're not happy, or nice,
or anything to write home about.
[both laugh]
And I've tried, yeah?
I've tried so many different ways, but
As you can see,
I ended up being a single mom.
I believe you don't have to try
when you're in love,
when you're with the right person.
[Toni gasps]
[romantic music swells]
- [Gina laughs]
- Okay.
[both laughing]
[Coral] It wasn't surprising
that Gina fell in love.
But seeing that you can delete
where you come from and look forward,
Wendy decided to take
a leap of faith as well.
[rock music playing]
[Coral] With the girl at the gas station.
She started going there
more often just to see her
which meant she had
to use her gas up faster,
by riding her bike all over town.
Can I help you?
[Coral] But that started taking too long.
So she opted
for another way that was much faster.
- [Greta] How are you? Good?
- Good, yeah. Great.
[gags then coughs]
- I like this look.
- Braids.
[Coral] Until one day,
after 175 liters of 95-octane gas,
Wendy went for it.
[rock music fades out]
[Wendy] So, do you want me
to ask you what time you finish work?
What for?
Well to pick you up
and take you on a ride on my motorcycle.
[inhales sharply]
I have someone.
[Greta clicks tongue]
[gentle music playing]
[Wendy grunts]
I once thought
cassette tapes were forever.
- And look.
- Hmm. Yeah.
[Greta laughs quietly]
I'm off at seven.
["Mejillas" by Garbayo playing]
["Mejillas" fades out]
[laid-back music playing over radio]
[Greta] Well, so, do you like it here?
There's not too many people.
But it's nice. Mm-hmm.
Are you worried about being seen with me?
Um, well,
I have a girlfriend, and I don't want
her to worry for no reason.
People talk too much.
I only invited you for a motorcycle ride
to get to know each other.
- I don't have many friends, you know?
- Sure. Um, cool. So, I don't know, what?
- What do you wanna know about me?
- Hmm. I don't know. Nothing specific.
What's your daily life?
Mm, okay. So, let's see, mm
On Tuesdays, I have to be on the lookout
because that's when the tanker comes.
So I need to make sure
no one parks where the hatches are.
- There are 20,000 liters in the tanker.
- [romantic music plays]
And there's always
some smart-ass who parks there.
Then I also have to check
the water in the buckets
to clean the cars' windshields.
Uh, because if I don't,
they always tell me,
"Girl, there's no water over here."
And I hate being called "girl."
But, well, the most important thing
is when I spend time thinking
about what to do on my days off.
Because if I save some days,
I can go to Madrid.
Because doing stuff here is basic.
Might be boring, but
really nice.
And you? What? What plans do you have?
I got none.
I left them.
I tossed all plans.
[clicks tongue then inhales deeply]
I had a girlfriend
and when she was gone
I thought that the plans
were the reason she left me.
Because sometimes
plans can give you trouble.
And then it's It becomes difficult.
[Wendy] But that's a lie.
The plans are not to blame.
the illusion and
and all the excitement
to get what you want makes you
take shortcuts. [laughs gently]
How about now?
Now I'm slowing down.
Now I think I can wait for things.
Mm. [laughs gently]
[romantic music fades out]
[Coral] I also tried to have plans.
To be happy to the best of my ability
and leave the past behind.
[eerie music playing]
[Coral] But every day,
when the night came,
the nightmares started.
[menacing music playing]
Every time I got in bed,
the reality caved in on itself.
I felt as if my lungs were collapsing
and the atmosphere weighed 100 tons.
[rumbling and creaking]
[Coral] My chest sank
as if I wanted to go through the mattress.
I couldn't breathe.
[inhales deeply]
I couldn't sleep.
I couldn't exist in the silence.
While Wendy and Gina soared,
I sank more and more.
[menacing music fades out]
[indistinct conversation]
[Coral] But there was
someone else obsessed with the past.
He was also obsessed
with keeping Moisés away from the truth.
What's up, Tattoo?
Are you gonna drink all my beers or what?
He'll drink even more
if you keep talking so long.
You get ready like a bride.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Moisés] Tattoo,
you fucker.
I didn't know you were
such good friends with Moisés.
[Tattoo laughs]
We've gone out a couple of times.
[car door opens]
[engine starts]
[suspenseful music building]
[suspenseful music fades out]
Can I come in?
How are you, girls?
[tense music playing]
Well, this looks messy.
Okay, I know
some of you have been talking.
And maybe you all know by now
about the tragic events we had here
at the club about three months ago.
[Romeo] Well, let me explain.
When Christian came through the door,
he was met with bad luck.
We didn't properly calibrate
the seriousness
of the shot the bitches took at him.
Then we had the death of Moisés's mother.
Between us, we decided the best thing
in the world would be to mercy-kill her
to free her
from the damage caused by her illness,
which, as you know, was bad.
[Romeo sighs deeply]
These facts are painful.
Especially for me.
That's why I wanna leave them behind.
That's why if any of you talk
about this with anyone outside of here,
whoever it is,
I will
saw her family into pieces.
Your fate is in your hands.
And to show all of you that my commitment
to leave the past behind
is completely firm,
many things are gonna change
at Las Novias,
starting with your working conditions.
Come closer.
So from now on, in this club,
there will be no more misled girls.
From here on out, we only have workers,
which means you'll do your job,
you'll pay your debt,
and you'll be free.
They talk about sexual slavery.
I went to Wikipedia and read all about it
'cause I don't wanna be accused of that.
So I promise there'll be
no more threats from me about your job,
or retentions,
or increases in the money you owe me.
Are you telling us that
you won't charge us for any of the makeup?
- [Tsunami] Or the condoms?
- Or the lingerie we use?
- No.
- And how will you handle those?
Negotiating the price, like a store.
The only condition I have
is your silence.
[tense music building]
- Well, very good. Girls, go to work.
- [tense music stops]
Be sexy and smile out there.
Come on. Come on! [laughs]
Today is the first day of your new lives.
[Romeo] Tattoo, wait a second.
There's just one thing
I've been thinking about.
Well, you've been doing
a lot of talking to Moisés,
all this laughing,
all this drinking
[clears throat]
You wouldn't have said
anything by chance about
the tragic way
his brother passed away, right?
Of course not, Romeo.
I mean, don't you trust me?
Mm, I don't trust people who drink.
They talk too much.
[Romeo] I mean, if you told me,
"Boss, this is the last drink I'll have
because I wanna be good,"
that would be different,
but try to see it from my perspective.
The other day,
you went with Moisés to a bar to eat.
And both of you were drinking.
[Romeo] How do I feel?
Well, I feel bad. I feel bad.
'Cause I think that on your third whiskey,
you'll spill the beans.
[scoffs] Look, Romeo,
with all due respect, yeah?
I think you're overreacting
about all this.
Am I?
Yes. Because it's one thing
you being my boss.
But telling me who I can hang out with
and if I can drink?
Not even my father does that. Never.
I think you're confusing being a boss
with being the Pope from the Vatican.
[tense music playing]
You're such a bastard!
You've put me
in my place, fuck. [guffawing]
Yeah! The fucking Pope from the Vatican.
[laughing] You bastard. Okay, okay, fine.
I'm gonna talk to you
as a boss now, about your work.
You're going to Cuba.
I just promoted you. [sniffs]
Listen, Julian's there looking for
information on those three bitches.
- I can't go to Cuba now, Romeo.
- Oh, no? Why not?
I just moved in
with my girlfriend, Marisol.
Well, I understand
the offer needs to be a bit better.
I'll pay you
three times as much. How about
Yeah, fuck it. Here.
25,000 euros in expenses.
- You serious?
- Sure.
And what do I tell Marisol now?
I told her I was a salesman.
You can still be a salesman.
You just have to go make a deal in Cuba.
And you're leaving today.
That's why you have to call your girl.
And I wanna hear that call, come on.
Quickly, call her. Go ahead.
[tense music continues]
Hey, Marisol.
I'm here at work,
and listen, I've been promoted.
Yeah, another worker wasn't up to
the task, and now I have to go abroad.
Yeah, yeah. Listen, I'm leaving today.
I don't know, a couple of months.
Let me see, uh Well, I didn't expect
to have to leave now either.
[disconnect tone]
- [phone beeps]
- Shit, she hung up.
[Romeo grunts]
The fucking Pope
from the Vatican, you asshole!
You won't speak again,
you fucking son of a bitch!
[Romeo panting]
[Romeo] How disgusting. [panting]
[Romeo] Beefcake.
Bring me a clean shirt to the girls' room.
And get the toolbox also
'cause you've got a new project.
[tense music continues]
[sizzling from welder]
[Tattoo groans]
[Tattoo struggling to breathe]
[Tattoo gasping]
Shh. Calm down.
Don't waste your energy.
While in there, you'll be all fixed up.
Right as rain.
You'll see.
The best.
[Tattoo groaning]
[muffled scream]
Very good. Good job, Beefcake.
- You're an artist.
- [laughs]
[Romeo] Come on, move.
[tense music stops]
[Coral] And so the days went by
and the sleepless nights too.
Until three months later,
when something happened
that would change everything.
Tragically, it would
also bring us misfortune.
My love, what are you doing
awake this early? [laughs]
I wasn't very tired.
[Gina] I wanted to tell you that
that Toni's bringing a friend today.
- [Coral] Mm?
- Mm-hmm.
He told me he has
a lot in common with you.
- [laughs] With me?
- Yes. His name is Pau.
[laughs] Pau.
[Coral] It happened
in the middle of a Sunday barbecue,
right before we all started eating.
- [Greta] This is a sausage.
- [Wendy] That's right. Hot dog.
Maybe I should do this in private,
but I'm gonna be bold today.
I've only done this once, and I can't
even remember how, but I still have time
before your baby is born,
and I want to ask
if you wanna live with me?
[Toni laughs]
Well, this is actually plan A,
because I know
we haven't been together for long
and I'm gonna seem crazy,
but I also have a plan B.
What I really would like to do
is marry you.
[laughs nervously]
[ominous music playing]
Give me a moment. I'm going
to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
I think my blood pressure's dropping.
[Gina] Hold on.
I don't want you to think
I'm taking advantage of this situation.
A baby doesn't make a couple, but
Shit, I wanna be there for you
when this baby is born.
But you don't know
anything about this child, Toni.
- You don't know anything about my history.
- But I don't care.
I also have a past. We all do.
Not like mine, Toni.
you don't know where I came from.
You don't know anything about me or why
I'm here. You don't know anything at all.
Well then, be honest.
[emotive music playing]
Tell me it all.
I have a son.
I had to practically abandon him
in Cuba because
because I wanted
to give him a better life,
but I got here, and I found a worse life.
That I That I
[Toni laughs]
Okay, but a son is great news.
Bring him to us.
Yes. And if you finally accept me,
well, we can be a large family together.
what I want is to build a future with you.
And if I have to wait,
then I'll wait for you.
Forget about everything
I told you outside.
Forget about plans A and B.
What if we tried plan C?
What's plan C?
The barbecues every Sunday.
[both laughing]
[Coral] Those simmering plans
in Gina's head
were going to change
everything drastically,
but not for good.
She decided to call her mother
from the only phone booth she found,
ten kilometers away from our town.
And that call would open a crack,
which would allow
the past to sneak into our lives
and blow us up.
[tense music playing]
[ringing tone]
[tense music stops]
It's me, Mom.
I'm not calling to talk to you, okay?
I'm just phoning
to tell you that I have some money,
and I'm going to bring Carlitos
with me here to Spain.
I never thought
I would hear from you again.
How are you?
Fine, Mom.
I'm fine.
[bittersweet music playing]
And how are you?
Fine, honey.
We've stayed in Remedios.
Your dad found a job here.
Oh, really?
Yes, my love.
And Carlitos is doing fine
with his cousins at school.
We're all doing fine, thank God.
That's good to hear, Mom.
I know things have been bad.
It was very hard to be with all those men.
But I didn't think I didn't think
they were going to treat you so poorly.
You know the problems
we've always had here, honey. And
And that man gave me
money for your dad's thing.
He seemed like a good man.
And I didn't know what to do.
[crying] But I have thought
about you every single day, love.
[Gina's mom crying]
Do you think you'll be able to forgive me?
You know what, Mom?
If everything goes as it should,
well then, maybe you and
and maybe Dad can come here someday.
Spend the summer here?
I'm gonna have another baby, Mom.
You are?
Wonderful news, eh?
I'll give birth in a month.
And I have a friend.
Well, he's more
than a friend, to be honest.
He's a bit older and adventurous.
And he's so tender with me, Mommy.
He works here in the marina, but
we're always in the sea.
He really is a good man, Mommy.
I know.
And I think things
are gonna be great from here on out.
Oh, Carmen.
[emotive music playing]
I'm so happy to hear
that finally everything is fine.
I'm so happy, my love. [sobbing]
You're free now, granny.
[man] And rich.
And my grandson?
You'll get him back this afternoon.
And then we can say goodbye.
[emotive music fades out]
[phone ringing]
[TV in background]
What's up?
[dramatic music playing]
[Moisés] What's wrong?
I'll call you back.
[drops phone on table]
[turns off TV then drops remote on table]
[tense music playing]
We found them.
They're on the coast at Almería.
[tense music building]
[music booms]
["J'aime pas" by Christian Padovan,
Yves Sanna, and Stéphane Huguenin playing]
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