Bloodline (2015) s03e02 Episode Script

Part 25

1 [.]
Young man goes out Looking for the diamond in the sea Old man rows his boat to shore And falls on twisted knees And you'll drown Before the water lets you in And you'll drown Before the water lets you in [chattering.]
[man speaking indistinctly over radio.]
[thunder rumbling.]
I wanna make a toast to the love of my life.
Belle, I wanna tell you something.
I have never been as happy as I am right now.
You're gonna make me cry.
[both laughing.]
Keep going.
[thunder rumbles.]
What is it? [Rupert Holmes' "Escape" playing.]
And gettin' caught in the rain I've never felt more alive If you have half a brain more honest than I do right now.
In the dunes on the cape I'm the love that you've looked for I've never felt this free to be who I am.
And it's because of you.
Uh, honey, have you seen my, uh? What? My What do you call them? The, uh For what? The things that you wear when it's really bright outside and you wanna My, uh What do you call 'em? The, uh And though I'm nobody's poet I thought it wasn't half bad [music slows down.]
Yes, I like Piña Coladas [Belle.]
Kevin? And gettin' caught in the rain - I didn't mean to do it, I swear.
- Honey.
- I'm sorry.
- [Belle.]
[as Gilbert.]
Look at me, son.
You made the right choice.
You need to look forward, not back.
You got the rest of your life ahead of you.
Now, this is what you're going to do.
You're leaving here and driving to the house where it happened.
- I can't go back there, Mr.
- No, son.
- Don't make me go back there.
- Son, there's no way you can think clearly right now.
I can.
That's what I'm offering you, a clear path.
You understand that? - Tell me, say the words.
- I do, Mr.
- No, no, no.
Say you understand.
- I - I understand.
- Good.
When you get to the house, my guy will be there, okay? Okay.
He'll need to know everything.
Every detail.
He'll tell you what to do, what you need to say.
Any questions he asks, you tell him the truth.
The whole truth, son.
You leave anything out, you're only hurting yourself.
Now get and move on.
Come on.
So, your guy, it's Luis, right? - From the boatyard? - No.
Well, how will I know who he is? He'll be the guy that isn't dead, Kevin.
Oh, my God.
Please don't throw up on me.
Luis, where you at, man? Luis.
[gun cocks.]
Now, why does John Rayburn want me dead? Who? John Rayburn.
- I never heard of him.
- Who the fuck - do you work for, puto? - I just drive.
I don't know shit.
Who the - fuck? - Mr.
Who the fuck is Mr.
Gilbert? He's Roy Gilbert.
You don't fuck with this guy.
I wanna fuck Roy Gilbert.
And you.
No, man.
No, you You didn't do nothing.
You're just doing your job.
You know, I'm gonna let you go, man.
Thank you.
You'll be okay.
As long as you do exactly what I tell you.
I'm here to help you help yourself.
You're gotta take the first step, okay? Come on inside.
[girl chuckling.]
Where are you headed? North.
North's good.
Where are you coming from? [sighs.]
Two options.
Either you were here, or you weren't.
And if you weren't it'd be a whole lot easier.
Like, can we do that? Yeah, but you were here is the problem.
All depends on how much you can remember.
Can't we just, like, wipe everything down? Clean the place really, really well? No, let's, um Let's go back, step by step.
What shoes are you wearing? Sneakers? - Mm, sandals.
- Socks? No.
- Shorts, pants, t-shirt, tank - Shorts and a t-shirt.
Is that his? Was he drinking? - It's not yours? - No, no, I don't drink.
So you talk? Yeah.
Well, it was more like an argument.
Um I was trying to get him to stop doing what he was about to do.
- So, it was heated? - Yeah.
- You touch your face and all? - What? Your face, did you touch it at all during the argument? I don't know.
Why? - Did you touch him? - No, no.
I never touched him.
But you're real worked up.
Yeah, maybe.
Is that good or bad? - Sweat's got your DNA.
- Fuck.
It's all right.
Keep going.
Um, so, yeah, we keep on arguing, and then, uh he comes up to my face really close, and he says some bullshit to me.
And then, um, he threatens me.
And then he turns, and he walks away.
And that's when I That's when I - I grabbed the thing.
- The what? From where? The On the table, the fucking dolphin statue.
And then, um I swear, I just was trying to make him stop, you know? I just wanted to get him to st So, you hit him? I hit him.
From behind? In the head? Just once.
And then? And then he went down onto the ground.
And then you hit him again? - Yeah, I guess.
- Three more times? Looks like three.
Maybe it was three.
[Kevin groans.]
Oh, Jesus.
I'm gonna be sick.
- [breathing heavily.]
- It's okay, man.
Stay with me, all right? Okay.
So, then what happens? Um Um [grunts.]
Yeah, so, then I hit him, and he goes down, and then I just dropped the fucking statue.
Okay, and then? I-I-I can't remember.
I was freaking out.
So, did you sit down at all? No, I don't know.
I can't I don't think so.
Well, you must've done something.
Yeah, I did.
What? Jesus.
- You touch him? You try to help him? - No.
I pissed myself.
- Um, where in the room exactly? - I don't remember.
I don't remember.
Everything went black, and then I just I left.
Yeah, well, that settles that.
- Piss.
- Why? I'm assuming you changed out of the clothes you were wearing? Yes, obviously.
Okay, so, then, piss in your pants now.
Why? Look, you come in here, you're sweating, you're jittery, - you got open-toed shoes, shorts, t-shirt.
- Okay, all right.
Zero containment.
Then you touched the door, the dolphin, God knows what else, then you piss all over the floor? I mean, the upshot? We're standing knee-deep in a swamp of Kevin Rayburn.
Then there's your DUI.
- So, you're in the system.
So, piss now.
- Okay, okay.
I can't.
I don't have to piss.
- I'm, like, dehydrated.
- All right.
Oh, boy.
Drink that.
Uh, where's the weapon? It's safe.
The weapon is safe, man.
I hid it.
No one's gonna find that.
- I need it.
- Why? Because nothing gets hidden.
The surest way to find something is to hide it.
So, either I destroy it, or I plant it.
What do you mean, "plant it"? One step at a time, okay? How long is it gonna take you to get me the weapon? I don't know, 20 minutes.
So, half hour, tops? - Yeah, sure.
- All right.
So, you'll be back in half an hour.
Um Here, do me a favor.
- I want your phone number.
- Why? - Just write it down.
- I'll just tell you.
You need a reason for being here, okay? Marco called you to come over, so I'm gonna call you from that phone in about 20 minutes.
You pick it up, you stay on for half a minute, and then there'll be a record of you guys talking.
What am I supposed to say? Nothing.
It's just gonna be me on the other end, so, you know, no one's gonna hear it.
All right? Now let's go.
Clock's ticking.
You go get that you come right back and by that time, you should be ready to piss again.
Wait, who's Eric? He's been calling and texting all night.
Oh, that's right, that's right.
He called Marco when I was here.
That's what made me snap.
That's Eric O'Bannon.
Eric fucking O'Bannon.
- What is wrong with you? - Give me the money.
No, get your own fucking cash.
You piece of shit.
What did you do now, huh? I literally didn't do a fucking thing and no one's gonna fucking believe me.
- Then take the cash.
Take it all.
- Got it.
I have more.
- Where? - If I give you everything I have, you swear to me I'll never see your face again? Look.
Whatever they fucking tell you don't believe a word.
It's lies.
Like it always fucking is.
I didn't fucking kill him.
Eric? Eric? [cell phone ringing.]
Hello? - Yeah, right.
- [man over phone.]
- Thirty seconds, right? - Right.
Okay, what am I supposed to say? Stop panicking, all right? Okay, right.
Hang on a bit longer.
[Lou Reed's "Perfect Day" playing.]
Just a perfect day Feed animals in the zoo [Kevin.]
It was John.
No shit.
And you guys helped him.
And the three of you [distorted.]
are going to fucking prison.
[in normal voice.]
So, do me a favor, all right? [distorted voice.]
And get the fuck out of my house.
[tires screeching.]
You just keep me hanging on No! [distorted voice.]
You made the right choice.
Fuck! Fuck! [breathing heavily.]
[shouting and sobbing.]
You're going to reap just what you sow [cell phone beeps, then dialing.]
Come on, John.
Come on.
You've reached John Rayburn.
Please leave a message.
[cell phone beeps, then dialing.]
You've reached John Rayburn.
Please leave a message.
[cell phone beeps, then dialing.]
[cell phone buzzing.]
Doesn't seem like they're getting the hint you're ignoring 'em.
You need more fun in your life.
Oh, yeah? [chuckles.]
Or not.
But I'd say so.
Were you always so serious? Even at my age? [John.]
Dude, you gotta just hang out.
You know, live your life.
Go on and be a bad boy for once.
[cell phone buzzing.]
That your wife? No.
Got anyplace you really gotta be right now? No.
So, come party with us.
Where are you going? Say yes, and I'll tell you.
Trust me, you'll like it.
[cell phone buzzing.]
You want me to answer it? Tell him to quit calling? [John.]
No, it's my brother.
- [girl.]
I got a baby brother.
- Yeah? Mm-hm.
He's starting high school.
Such a pain in the ass.
Always complaining and wanting attention.
Fucking things up.
Fucking things up.
[cell phone buzzing.]
- Hey, hey, baby bro.
- Look at me.
- [Kevin.]
Oh, fuck.
- Give me that phone.
- Where have you been? I've been calling.
- Give me the phone.
You know what? I tried.
- What the fuck do you want? - Where have you been? - I've been calling you.
- I don't wanna talk to you, Kevin.
Don't hang up, please.
Don't hang up, John.
I have to tell you, something really bad has happened, John.
Some really, really, really bad shit.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck, John.
It's Marco, John.
Marco's dead.
He's dead, John.
- Give me a minute.
- Oh, shit.
I don't know what happened.
I went over to Marco's house.
I didn't have an option.
We got into it.
And now he's He's just laying there.
I don't think he's breathing.
What the fuck do you mean you didn't have a choice? Now Roy Gilbert's guy is waiting for me over at Marco's, but I don't fucking know.
Kevin, what the fuck are you talking about, Gilbert? Roy Gilbert.
He has this guy, okay? And he says that this guy says that he can help me fix it.
But I don't know, man.
This guy is fucking nuts.
I think he's gonna fuck it up.
Kevin, you listen to me.
Listen to me.
You stay right where you are.
Do you hear me? I don't want you to talk to anyone, I don't want you to do anything, I don't want you to agree to anything, you stay right where you are.
- Okay, okay.
- Where are you, Kevin? Um I'm, um south of Mile Marker 80.
I had to pull over.
- Stay there.
- Okay.
I'm gonna wait right here.
- You understand me? - Where are you? It doesn't matter where I am! - You stay right there.
- Can I go home? Can you what? I gotta get a drink, man.
I'm so thirsty, dude.
Listen to me, you fucking asshole.
You stay right where you are.
Stay where you are, let me get there, and I promise I'll do everything I can to help you.
But don't you fucking leave where you are right now, you hear me? Okay, great.
I need you, John.
[cell phone dialing.]
Answer the fucking phone.
John? - Who else knows? - Where are you, man? Come on, just get here.
Please, please, please.
- Meg? - No.
No, no.
I didn't tell Meg.
She doesn't know shit.
Kevin, does Mom know? I didn't know what else to do.
I didn't have any other option.
I was calling all night, but you weren't picking up.
So, don't you fucking blame me, all right? I called you first.
It's not my fucking fault, okay? This shit never would've happened, man, it never would've happened if you didn't do what you fucking did.
John? John? John [Belle.]
Hi there.
Where you been? Where you been? [softly.]
Detective Rayburn.
Thank you for doing this.
Just when you get a few days off, huh? Shit always happens.
Take your eye off the ball for a hot second My wife had to go to the emergency room last year, too.
Middle of the night.
Appendix burst.
I'll get you home as fast as possible.
Where was it in the room? Um On the table right there.
So, listen, man.
I talked to my brother.
My brother John, he's a cop, and, uh he doesn't want me to do anything until he gets here, so Okay.
So, I think we should just really wait for him.
Okay, he knows you're here? Yeah.
And when is that gonna be? - Not long.
- How long? - Soon.
- How soon? Um Fuck.
Fuck, I He doesn't know that I'm "here" here.
He thinks I'm at Mile Marker 80.
It's where I called him from.
I gotta call him - Kevin.
- I gotta talk to my brother, man.
- I don't - I know, I know.
Listen, listen.
Let's just talk this through, okay? You came in, you saw somebody standing over the body.
Whoever that was killed Marco.
They saw you, they got scared, they ran.
Who was it? I just I think I think we should wait until he gets here.
That's what we gotta come up with so you can tell a convincing story.
Forensics are top-notch these days.
You know? It could be almost anybody.
Used to be you had to have a story that made sense.
Now, we plant the DNA, they send it to the labs.
Juries love science, okay? And the lawyers, they find a story that matches the results.
So, just pick somebody.
I don't know.
- Did he have a girlfriend? - I don't know.
Pissed-off ex? No, that's my sister.
I don't think she was pissed off at him, though.
Well, it doesn't matter.
We can get her DNA.
Easy enough.
Are you? No fucking way.
You know, it's probably already all around here.
Fuck that.
No way, man.
That's my sister.
Come on, now.
God damn it.
[Kevin sighs.]
Well, who, then? What about Eric? It's good, right? He's been calling, texting.
- He's already on Marco's phone.
- Yeah.
All right.
Now tell me what happened.
Okay, so, um So, I come in and, uh, then I see him.
- Who? - Eric O'Bannon.
And, uh he's standing over the body.
- Okay.
- Right? Standing here like this.
And then I come in and he runs off.
Yeah, it's not enough, though.
So, what else? What if, um, you heard them arguing as you approached the house? Okay, yeah.
They're yelling at each other when I got here.
Okay, that's good, but we gotta sell it better.
So, let's go back.
Um And by the way, Kevin, this is all your choice, you know? If you weren't here, I can try to make that work, but if you were here I could turn you into a hero.
Okay, yeah.
Right? You tried to save Marco's life.
I mean, we got Marco's gun here.
And, uh - we got you standing there.
- Right.
And then Eric sees you entering the house, he raises the gun.
Yeah, maybe Oh, yeah.
That's good, yeah.
What? That'll sell it, man.
Prove there was another person in the room.
How does him picking up the gun prove he's here? Because he shot you.
And then you call 911, and you report it.
No fucking way.
Stand still and let's finish this.
We're gonna wait here till my brother gets here.
Listen, do not fucking shoot me.
My gas.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Hi, Mom.
[cracks knuckles.]
- My gas.
- What? It's You got gas? My gas.
Your gas is out.
We got a tank.
We got a spare tank.
It's empty? Why the fuck is it empty, Ma? Chelsea's supposed to bring you fresh ones.
It's not supposed to be empty.
Where am I supposed to get one in the middle of the night? Hospital.
Call Chelsea.
She isn't picking up.
You need to go.
- Hospital.
- Ma, I I love you.
I can't fucking deal with this right now, okay? You gotta hold this thing in your nose, put your hand up there.
It'll be okay, okay? This is not my fault, okay? You're gonna keep calling Chelsea.
It's gonna be good, okay? Just keep calling her, okay? You little cunt.
I heard that, Mom.
[indistinct radio chatter.]
[phone dialing.]
Come on, answer, you fucking fuckwad.
[line beeps.]
Ozzy, I got your fucking payday for you, dude.
I got John Rayburn served up to you like a pig on a fucking silver fucking stick.
He's done some seriously bad fucking shit, and he's not gonna get away with it if we act fast.
So, you gotta fucking call me.
So, fucking call me.
[dance music playing over speakers.]
Hey, that, um? That polar freeze? Is that the one that turns your tongue all blue? Wha What was that? Yeah, probably.
Okay, good.
I'll have one.
What size? Um large.
- Okay, Kevin - You know what? Fuck this, man.
This is crazy, okay? I'm done here.
I'm gonna go back home, get John, then we'll come back here.
You got it? Kevin, if you move, I can't guarantee where the bullet will strike.
So, just stand still.
All right? Don't move.
- Fuck you.
I'm out of here.
- Don't move.
- Ow.
- Fuck.
I told you to stand still.
You You fucking shot me, you bitch! You fucking shot me! No, I didn't.
Listen to me.
Listen to me, okay? We don't have a lot of time.
I didn't shoot you.
You understand? - Get an ambulance.
- Eric O'Bannon shot you after you heard yelling, after you surprised him and saw that he killed Detective Diaz.
What the fuck, man? Okay, Kevin? Listen, man.
Kevin, Kevin, stay with me, okay? I need you to call 911 and report this.
Where's your phone? I can't.
I can't.
Okay, all right.
- I don't feel my legs.
- Stay, stay with me.
Okay, now, listen.
I need you to dial and call 911 now.
- I don't feel - I'm not fucking around, Kevin, okay? I need you to dial 911 now, okay? [man sighs.]
Oh, fuck.
[keypad beeping, then dialing.]
What's your emergency? - Answer her.
- 911.
What's your emergency? - Answer her.
Tell her where you are.
- If you need the police, press one.
If you need the fire department, press two.
If you need an ambulance, press three.
Is there someone there with you who can give me an address? I just heard shots fired.
Hello? If you can hear me, just stay on the line.
[cell phone dialing.]
[woman over phone.]
What's your emergency? [man.]
I just heard shots.
A few shots at my neighbor's house.
Can you give me the address, sir? It's a cop's house.
Marco Diaz.
The police department is on the way, sir.
Stay in your house and lock your doors and windows.
They'll be there soon.
[police sirens wailing.]
We got a male vic, he's clear.
Come on, let's move.
We got a faint pulse.
[man 1.]
Bullet's still lodged.
Sir? Sir, can you hear me? Please respond to me.
[cell phone ringing.]
What was that address again? [man.]
How's the BP? [woman.]
It's dropping fast.
[EKG beeping.]
Push more fluids.
We gotta stop the bleeding - Keep pressure on the arm.
- [man.]
Pulse ox is fading.
[EKG beeping rapidly.]
Take a left up here.
[rock music playing over speakers.]
Oh, what the fuck? Fuck.
One victim deceased, Detective Diaz, and one shot is your brother.
What the fuck are you talking about, my brother? - You didn't know? - No.
Dispatch said that Marco - The fuck are you talking about? - Jesus, John.
I'm sorry.
Marco sho Looks like he was beaten.
Blunt force head trauma.
It's a fucking mess.
Kevin is on his way to Island Village.
He took two rounds.
One in the leg, one in the stomach.
Did he say anything? No.
No, no.
He was unconscious when the unis arrived.
John, go be with your brother.
We'll handle things here.
I ju I - Suspects? - [Carol.]
We gotta start working the scene.
Hey, hey, hey.
We're in this together, John.
We'll get the motherfucker.
It's Marco, John.
Marco's dead.
I didn't have an option.
We got into it, and now he's just laying there.
And now, Roy Gilbert's guy is waiting for me over at Marco's, but I don't fucking know.
Kevin, what the fuck are you talking about? [Kevin.]
Roy Gilbert.
Listen to me.
You stay right where you are.
You hear me? I don't want you to talk to anyone, I don't want you to do anything, I don't want you to agree to anything, you stay right where you are.
It's not my fucking fault, okay? This shit never would've happened, man, it never would've happened if you didn't do what you fucking did.
Hey, um Neighbor over there is the one that called after hearing shots.
Your brother called 911, but he was unable to give an address.
Neighbor didn't see anything.
We're going door to door right now.
I already set up a perimeter.
Any other angles? Cases you guys were working on together? No.
Anyone getting out of prison? Guys Fuck, Carol, I don't know.
I gotta say it 'cause I'm thinking it, okay? Diana and the kids okay? They're safe? Yeah, they're at home in bed asleep.
Why? I already dispatched a patrol.
'Cause whoever did this could be targeting you, too.
Thank you.
His, uh, next of kin? I'll do it.
[cell phone buzzing.]
Excuse me.
Anything else I can do for you? I need your car.
Keys are in it.
Got anything? [man.]
I got the, uh, time of death between 60 and 90 minutes ago.
Hey, John.
I'm sorry about your baby brother.
I hope he's okay.
[phone dialing.]
- [woman over phone.]
Hello? - Knock, knock.
I'm not in the mood.
Oh, come on.
- Who's there? - Ozzy, what do you need? Well, for starters [sniffs.]
I need a goddamn shower.
That's for damn sure.
- Still in Miami, right? - Yeah.
- I'll see you soon.
- All right.
[knocking on door.]
[knocking on door.]
[knocking on door.]
Is John okay? [woman.]
The doctor will be right with you.
Excuse me, I was promised an update from Dr.
Could you please contact him? He's in surgery.
Oh, my God.
I'm so sorry.
Kev John sent an officer to get me.
What's the status on Kevin? They won't tell me.
They No one's telling me anything.
He's in surgery, and they said that he was at Marco's.
- He's what? - I don't know.
I don't know.
He Where's Meg? Has anyone seen her or John? - I don't know.
- Okay.
- Okay, I got it.
- [John.]
Is he out of surgery yet? - They won't tell me anything.
- [woman.]
Belle Rayburn? Dr.
Vasson wanted to tell you your husband made it through his first surgery.
They've stopped the bleeding from one of the wounds, and they're working on the second one now.
It'd be helpful to know if any of you have Kevin's blood type to donate just in case.
I think Meg does.
But he should really be in Miami.
When he gets out of surgery, give me a call, I'll come back.
- Miami Baptist has the best doctor - Who did this? - I don't know.
- You find out who did this.
- Could you have him transferred to Miami? - Yes, yes.
- That's exactly what I'm gonna try to do.
- [Belle.]
You find out.
Oh, my God.
[car alarm wailing nearby.]
[woman on recording.]
Please record your voice message.
- [beeps.]
- [Sally.]
Whatever you did whatever happened, you better pray my son is gonna be all right.
And fucking call me back, Roy.
John? John, is that you? Yeah.
Have you seen Kevin? I called you a million times.
You need to come with me to the hospital and give blood.
Kevin's been shot.
You hear me? [Meg.]
Kevin is at Marco's, you know? I gotta go to work in the morning, okay? [Meg groans.]
[doorbell rings.]
Aren't you a sight for sore eyes? Holy shit.
Yeah, well, you should see the other guys.
Don't fucking sit on my couch.
No, I don't need a doctor.
I have no idea where Roy Gilbert is.
He's not answering my calls.
I only have his cell phone number.
You don't have any other contact for him? I called his home.
He's probably long gone by now, on his boat or his plane, or however he does it.
Vanishing is his best talent.
Where's Meg? She's not answering my calls either.
- God, she's useless.
- If you're dizzy, why don't you sit down? Place your head between your knees and sit down.
Would you just stop ordering me around? I just need water.
You want me to get you a glass of water, I'll get you water.
If you have tightness in your chest we need to call the doctor.
I know everything, John.
Meg told me all of it.
And I don't wanna hear you making excuses for why you did what you did.
I don't want you apologizing to me, or asking me to forgive you for anything you've done.
I just want you to do one thing and one thing only.
I want you to find who shot your brother.
When you went to Roy Gilbert, what did he say to you? He said, uh he had a guy who could help Kevin.
They'd work together and, uh figure out who else to blame.
What else did he say about the guy? Did he mention anything else? No, he said the less I knew the better.
But he'd get Kevin out from under this.
To frame someone else.
That's the word.
Mom, I [cell phone ringing.]
It's Belle.
[cell phone vibrates.]
[EKG beeping.]
Can you hear me? There are gonna be a lot of questions coming at you.
And you're gonna say, "I don't remember.
" Do you understand that? You're gonna say, "I don't remember.
" You're gonna give me a chance to try to figure something out for you.
[knocking on door.]
How's he doing? In and out.
Well the surgeon said he's a fighter.
The doc also said when Kevin was coming out of anesthesia he ID'd the shooter.
Eric O'Bannon.
Eric O'Bannon? Yeah.
We're ready for you, Detective Rayburn.
Go ahead.
We'll talk later.
You're stronger than you think.
You're stronger than your family thinks.
We're gonna get through this.
And we're gonna have our baby.
And we're gonna love him.
And we're gonna keep him safe.
And you're gonna watch him grow up.
I love you.
I love you.
[Lou Reed's "Perfect Day" playing.]
You're going to reap just what you sow You're going to reap just what you sow You're going to reap just what you sow You're going to reap just what you sow You're going to reap just what you sow You're going to reap just what you sow
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