Miracle Workers (2019) s03e02 Episode Script

Fording The River

God took extra care when he made
this country, didn't he, Benny?
You're talking about
the endless expanse of dirt
in front of us?
Ah, it's not just dirt.
Look, there's a big rock.
And a medium-sized rock. That's fun.
Okay, Rev, this might be
a good time to remind you
that the only reason I'm taking you
and your friends to Oregon
is to avoid swinging from a noose.
And I'm definitely
not here to have fun. Got it?
Got it. No fun for the scary outlaw man.
Oh, my gosh, Benny, a bald eagle!
Wow! No wonder it became
the symbol of America.
I mean, look at its strength,
its majesty. Ah, certainly this
is an auspicious sign for our
You just killed America.
Another long day on the trail.
You thought today was tough,
tomorrow we're gonna be
fording our first river,
and it ain't gonna be pretty.
Aside from the natural beauty,
which will be stunning.
Wait, bup-bup-bup!
Let's not forget about grace, though.
Bless us, oh Lord, and these thy gifts
which we are about to receive
- through thy bounty.
- Am
You've given us so many gifts,
oh Lord, too numerous to count.
But I'll try.
One, the rolling hills.
Two, the beautiful sky.
Three, trees.
Just trees, in general, are fantastic.
Boo! I'll take it from here.
Cram it in, shit it out.
That's what food is all about. Amen.
That was really not a proper grace.
Hey, Rev. Here's a grace for you.
Benny, can I have a word?
Oh, wow.
- Is that the bald eagle you shot?
- You bet.
Nothing hits the spot after
a hard day on the trail
like a roasted baldie. You want some?
- No, no thank you.
- Your loss.
Face is the best part.
Look, Benny, I know
you come from a bandit background,
and therefore have different values
from the rest of us.
A bullet was lodged in my windpipe.
These people look up to you,
for reasons I do not
completely understand.
I think if you were to exhibit
just the smallest fraction
of moral leadership,
they would all follow suit.
Yeah, I'm not gonna do that.
Because there is no morality
on the trail.
You think we're gonna
cross that river tomorrow
by minding our Ps and Qs?
The only morality out here
is either kill or be killed.
You said it, Benny.
It's either kill or be killed.
Levi, are you drunk?
Maybe I am, maybe I ain't.
Who are you, my sponsor?
He's a good kid.
All right, folks.
Looks like the river's
deeper than we expected,
so we're gonna float the wagons across.
So let's caulk 'em tight.
Oh, that's a fine-looking caulk
you got there, William.
Ooh, John.
You've got a big, beautiful caulk, too.
Your wife's a lucky woman.
Oh, no.
Looks like the reverend
has a little baby caulk.
Ha, ha, ha. Such a clever wordsmith,
making a pun involving the word "caulk."
Somebody's got tiny caulk energy.
I'm getting so sick of Benny.
He's turning everyone into a bunch
of nasty brutes, just like him.
Oh, relax. They're just having fun.
I mean, come on! We're about
to ford a frickin' river.
How cool is that?
Yeah, I would say less cool
and more terrifying,
given the high percentage
chance that we die.
You're looking at it all wrong.
This is classic Oregon Trail. Get hyped.
No. No, no, no, no, no. Excuse me?
Mr. Teen? Does fording the river
involve me getting wet?
- Uh, probably.
- No.
There's gotta be another way
to get across.
Well, there's a ferry boat
a few miles down the road,
but that's just for suckers
willing to pay a fortune.
Perhaps you haven't
heard, then I'm rich.
I like that it's expensive.
I get off on that.
Are you sure, dear? 'Cause
I was really looking forward
to fording the river with everyone.
Don't be silly.
You want to go on the ferry
with the rich, better people.
- Guess I'll see you on the other side.
- Right.
They have a nice relationship.
Benny, we got a problem.
Can't get the wagons to float.
We moved some things around,
but we're still too heavy.
Don't worry. I've got a simple solution.
I knew you would.
Just gotta leave somebody behind.
Leave somebody behind?
No, we can't do that.
That's a death sentence.
Well, yeah, it'd be a bummer
for the one guy,
but the rest of us get
to float across, no problem.
Yeah, sure, of course you
would think of it like that,
but the rest of us will
never go along with that.
I'll take it from here, Rev.
I believe I can speak for everybody here
when I say, uh not it!
Not it!
- Seriously?
- Not it!
Rev, you didn't say "not it."
Too late.
All right, the best way to handle this
is to leave the weakest link behind.
So all we gotta do is figure out
which one of you brings
the least to the table.
Are you out of your mind?
You can't put a value on human life.
Sure you can. I'm a 10, you're a 6,
John's a 6, George is a 6.
Honestly, I'm seeing a lot of 6s.
I can't believe you all
are even considering this.
We are talking about leaving
one of our own
to die alone in the wilderness.
We still got to cut weight
to make it across the river.
Well, we just have to work together.
Look, if each one of us sacrifices
something small and personal,
we can cut the weight that way.
Like anybody's gonna go for that.
They will, because they are
not heartless monsters,
like you. Ah, perfect.
John, perhaps you would consider
sacrificing your rocking chair.
It's a family heirloom!
My grandaddy died on that rocking chair.
And three of my kids were born on it.
Wow, that chair's seen a lot of action.
All right, Granny McGill.
What about those pots and pans?
Surely you can lose a couple of them
if it means saving a life.
What am I supposed to do,
make beans in a stew pot?
- Make stew in a bean pot?
- What about the piano?
Surely we can do without Martha's piano.
What? And no tunes for the road?
Here are your boarding passes,
and please enjoy a complimentary glass
of sparkling corn water.
- Happy trails.
- This is more like it.
Is this heaven or is this heaven?
Sorry. I was just thinking
about our friends.
I feel bad for not
fording the river with them.
Are you joking? This is way better.
Now we're going to Oregon in style.
Wait, hold on, did you just say Oregon?
We're actually going to Oregon, too.
I'm Kya,
- and this is my partner, Purple.
- Hi.
Todd Aberdeen.
This is my wife, Prudence.
I couldn't help but notice
you have weird and crazy names.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
- They were bequeathed to us
by a shaman,
in the "Ethspanish" territory.
Wow. I'm so jealous.
It was super meaningful,
You know, living that #WagonLife.
What's WagonLife?
- Oh, it's a lifestyle.
- Lifestyle.
Yeah, we travel around the country
in a refurbished wagon
going wherever the good wind takes us.
Yeah, we kind of believe that
if you're not living every single second
as an adventure, it's like,
- what are you doing with your life?
- What are you doing?
Like, what are you doing?
Maybe it sounds stupid,
but not everyone gets it.
I totally get it.
- I I feel like that all the time.
- You do?
It's just I thought you were
perfectly happy being
my meek and servile wife.
It's just, you know, I
I could understand
how someone else could feel that way.
- Gotcha.
- So we're about to go
smoke a lot of opium. That's the deal.
That's what we're doing, drugs.
And we just kinda wanted to know
if you wanted to come vibe with us.
- See what happens.
- Yes, we'd love to.
Oh, beauty.
Yay! #NewFriends.
Why does she keep saying "hashtag"?
Oh, yeah, Purple was kicked in the head
by a beautiful horse,
so now she just says things at random.
Ah, got it.
Yas, queen. That's bae.
It's cute, right? That is bae, darling.
All right, folks, it's time to play
Who! Will! Die!
I just want to say I am sickened
and appalled by all of this.
Have we forsaken our humanity?
When do you have time to make that?
All right, let's meet our contestants.
First up, she's got
the face of an angel,
and the mouth of a sailor,
it's Granny McGill!
Kiss my pruny ass.
Next up, he's the little stinker
with a host of chronic health problems,
it's Young Levi!
Oh, no. There's blood.
Last but not least, she's fun-loving
with a bun in the oven,
it's Pregnant Ruth!
Please let me out of this!
Think of my baby!
This is a tough one, huh?
I think we're gonna have
to have a bonus round.
A fight to the death!
No, no, no, no, no!
This is grotesque.
All right, if we have
to leave somebody behind,
let it be me.
Uh, Rev, I don't think
you understand how the rules work.
You're off the hook.
It's one of these losers has to die.
No, no, I understand the rules, Benny.
Just because everybody else
has abandoned
their basic moral principles
doesn't mean I have to as well.
All right, it's settled.
I'm I'm staying.
- Thank you.
- Oh, of course.
Thanks, Reverend.
No problem, Levi.
What the hell is going on here?
Hit it. Hit it.
Hit it. Hit it.
- Smooth, right?
- Okay.
- It's good stuff.
- I like that.
You guys are officially my role models.
You live in this cute wagon
and go on these fun adventures.
How are you able to live like this?
We get paid to take pictures
of our travels.
I mean, our fans love to see the world
through our unique lens.
Let's show them pictures.
Ah, this is us with Lewis and Clark.
What? You went on the
Lewis and Clark expedition?
Mm-hmm. We know them.
Tell me everything!
Is Sacagawea just, like,
so beautiful in real life?
We didn't go on the trip.
We just happened to be staying
at the same hunting lodge.
- Oh.
- Get this. This is crazy.
Clark actually thinks he's hot shit,
and in reality,
- he's not.
- He's not.
- That is crazy.
- He's just, like, a guy.
Oh, this is us at the White House.
- Oh, my gosh.
- Babe, you are so hot in that.
- And spiritual.
- Uh-huh.
That is a picture of me being spiritual.
Okay. So what was the White House like?
We didn't go inside.
It's actually my personal belief
that politics is fake.
Hey, what's going on over here?
What are you doing
with all this river trash?
I am building myself a raft
made of discarded wagon parts
tied together with horse flesh.
It's not much, I know, but I am hoping
the good Lord will have
mercy on my soul.
- Whoa!
- All right, wise guy.
The jig is up.
Tell me what's going on here
or I'm gonna pump you full of lead!
There's nothing going on, I swear.
Oh, come on! No one willingly
dies for no reason!
What are you getting out of it?
Nothing! I just It's being selfless.
Self what?
Selfless. Like, when you do something
for someone else with
no personal gain for yourself?
Just out of the goodness of your heart?
You know, I did save a guy
from a fire once. Yeah.
But I mean, that was just to rob him.
I shot him right after.
Oh, no. That's not it, then.
I don't know how else to put it, Benny.
I just I'm doing it because
I think it's the moral thing to do.
No. Nah, I'm not buying it.
You're up to something.
I'm really not. I swear.
Hey, watch out for this one,
folks. He's good.
Very good.
Wait, wait, wait. I don't understand.
So, you guys are just
taking photos and not actually
doing these things?
- What's your point?
- What about living your life
like it's an adventure?
I thought that was your whole thing.
It is, but it's also just like,
you know, an inspirational quote
for, like, basic farm girls
to stitch on a pillow.
It's our brand.
Oh, my God.
I shouldn't be here.
I should be fording the river.
Ew. Why would you be fording the river?
- Sweetheart, never ford a river.
- Oh, that's so gross.
No, my friends are out there
having a real adventure, unlike you guys
- who are just #fake.
- Hey! Excuse me.
Do not make fun of my wife's condition.
It took hours to get
that horseshoe out of her head.
Wait, Prudence! What are you doing?
The ferry's about to take off.
I'm so sorry.
Yeah, it's a bummer.
I really thought
we were all gonna swing.
- Well, I am still down.
- No.
It was you watching, at best.
- I liked her.
- At best.
- Hnaah
- You should probably head out.
- I'm gonna go.
- Yeah, head out.
- I'm gonna go.
- Goodbye.
- Thank you for the drugs.
- Yes.
All right, folks, it's fording time!
- Yeah!
- Ha ha! Come on, now.
- Yeah!
- Move 'em out.
Come on, put some muscle into it!
Well, God,
wish me luck.
Benny? We making a mistake
leaving the rev behind?
This don't feel right.
Nah, don't fall for it.
This is some kind of a trick.
Oh, no! I'm sinking instantly!
This was a terrible plan!
I've seen this one before.
It's a classic Dead Man Shuffle.
Keep an eye on your wallets, folks.
I'm not a swimmer!
I didn't grow up around water!
Huh. Not familiar with this trick.
Goodbye, world!
Oh, I see. He's just fully dying.
Okay. Interesting.
Help! Help!
We have to do something!
Are you crazy? And risk our necks?
- Help!
- Zeke!
I'm coming for ya! Hold on!
Oh, yes! Yes!
Now she's doing it?
Come on, girl. You got this.
What is wrong with these people?
Oh, my God!
- I got you.
- Oh, wow. You are very strong!
- Swim, Prudence! Come on, girl!
- You can do it!
Hey, hey, don't let them on!
They're too heavy! We'll sink!
You shut your yap, Benny.
We're done listening to you.
Everybody, start throwing
your stuff overboard!
Here we go.
Craziest damn thing I've ever seen!
Keep swimming!
Rev, hold on!
You can do it!
All right.
Let's see what this morality
thing is all about.
Hey! That was mine!
Yeah, well, that was pretty big for me.
We all saw where I was at earlier.
All right, let's get
these wagons on shore!
Pru, you saved my life.
- Are you okay?
- Am I okay?
Did you see me out there?
I was all like,
whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
"I got you, Zeke,"
and then everyone was like,
"She's a hero! Oh, my God,
I want to marry you, Prudence!
I worship you."
For a near-death experience,
there were a lot of nice moments.
Oh, shit.
What the hell was that back there?
You embarrassed me in front
of our attractive new friends.
I'm sorry, dear,
but I really just needed
to do this for myself. Okay?
Hey, no.
What has gotten into you?
You openly disobey your husband.
You ruined your pretty little dress.
This is not the woman I married.
You're wrong, dear.
This is the woman you married.
Get used to it.
I'm wet!
Oh, my beautiful dry skin is ruined!
It's ruined!
- Let me help you.
- No!
Well, Rev, I gotta say, you were right.
I think there is room for morality
out on the trail, once in a while.
I'm glad you see it that way.
- Good.
- I'm sorry, I'm very wet.
- Hey guys.
- Do you mind if we just
take a quick pic?
Just a quick little snap
of the whole fam?
Everyone gather round.
- Let's get in there.
- #Selfie.
Okay, selfie.
All right, ready, fit fam?
Let's take it. Three, two, one.
All right.
Hey, ho, ho, ho, ho!
We gotta do grace.
Oh, shucks!
Come on, quit your griping.
Let's keep it classy, people.
Rev, if you please.
Bless us, oh, Lord, and these, thy gifts
which we are about to
receive from thy bounty.
Forget about that.
Cram it in, shit it out.
That's what food is all about.
- Amen.
- Amen!
There you go.
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