Sky Rojo (2021) s03e02 Episode Script

The Line That Separates Us

After those three bitches
declared war against us,
we are forced to make them disappear now
and win back our respect.
And money, of course.
Our money.
Let me introduce everyone to my new guy.
Darwin is a professional
who's been working in Medellín,
Ciudad Juárez, Sinaloa
You have to be really good
to have a criminal career in those places.
He and Moisés will do the job.
And you all will be their support.
The job is very easy.
If Gina made the mistake
of calling her mommy,
it means that they are confident.
Six months have passed, and now,
they think their lives can be normal.
Come down.
I dumped my girlfriend.
I mean, I I couldn't go on like that.
I was going crazy. I couldn't.
I felt like I was lying to her.
But Mm, you're not lying to anyone.
Nothing happened between us.
Yeah, but I keep thinking
about you instead of her.
I mean, I wake up and think of you.
I can't stop thinking about you.
I start working, and I think about you.
And when I get to bed,
I can't stop thinking about you.
It takes me ages to fall asleep.
I think about things we could do,
like taking trips on a bike.
- So where are we going?
- Well, I don't know.
We could go to Madrid, to the mountains
Hell, we could go in a helicopter.
- In a helicopter?
- Yes, in a helicopter.
Wendy, I don't know
if I'll like it when we kiss.
I mean, well, I I I mean,
maybe we won't ever even kiss at all.
Thing is
You see, um,
I have no idea if this is going anywhere,
or if we'll crash and burn
the second we start.
But I think that I'm in love with you.
I am.
Here's the booth
where Gina made the call to her mother.
They're probably in any one
of those villages, so we'll comb the area,
every street, every neighborhood,
every square.
You won't miss anything,
until they turn up.
We'll move to the area and observe them.
- And we'll wait.
- But why wait?
We wait for our moment.
You ever watch those big cats hunt?
That's how we do it,
cautious, cunning, and crouching.
This is not about pouncing
to show off your big balls,
but small ones, and tight up to your ass.
Like tigers.
I propose a toast to Toni,
who cooked this incredible paella.
- Thanks, guys.
- Thank you.
- To Toni!
- Absolutely.
- My pleasure.
- I love you.
- To you girls too, huh?
- Okay, and to us.
Really, thanks a lot
for the meal. It's great.
In this town, I only get invited
to parties with my students,
who are eight years old. You know,
they're more into cheese puffs and sodas.
What do you know! Coral was a teacher.
You have a lot in common.
Oh, was she?
Not really.
Those were private classes
to some girls, for moonlighting jobs.
And a long story.
You guys never tell us stories.
Not long ones or short ones.
How did you end up here,
as bakers, in the middle of the desert?
Just did.
- We wanted a change of life.
- Mm-hmm.
- Who doesn't?
- Right.
Of course.
Yeah, man. When I go to bed,
I still reek of gas. It's so gross.
But isn't it difficult to just leave?
Well, you have to be
a little irresponsible, like all of us.
Ooh! Or not.
What did you use to do, Gina?
I did anything. Right?
You see what I'm saying?
The atmosphere is all tense.
The mystery of the desert girls.
A movie title.
- What are you saying? Come on.
- What the
So, I'll go check on that apple pie.
Oh, fuck.
I was a CEO at a detergent company.
Detergents, insect repellents,
bleach, and such.
And one day,
I was leaving a meeting
with my employees, and I went for lunch.
So I walked by a church, and, well,
I had never been to a church
since I took my first communion.
But that day, I went in.
I went in, and I sat in the front row.
And suddenly, I looked up,
and I saw Jesus looking down at me.
Uh And I don't know, I felt something.
He was talking to me.
- Jesus?
- Yes.
And what did he say?
He said to me, "Girl,
you're so unhappy there, in that company,
always in meetings,
always launching ridiculous products."
"And what you really want
is for it all to be over!"
So I think he told me,
just quit."
So I, well,
I left after that. Mm-hmm.
And here I am.
If God talks to you,
I think you should do what he says.
- Mm-hmm.
- Mm.
Your turn, Wendy.
- Tell 'em how you used to be a stewardess.
- No!
- Mm-hmm. But save it for later.
- Yeah.
An apple pie is not the same
without a shot of apple schnapps.
- Yeah.
- Shots!
- What the fuck was that?
- Mm
I mean, what do you think,
that they're idiots?
Or you can tease them like a stranger?
You can't just say
whatever comes into your head.
Honey, can you explain to me
why you're now talking to God?
And I'm a stewardess?
Oh, it's funny? You can't
just lie to my girlfriend like that.
Oh, Wendy, I'm doing you a favor.
I'm sorry?
What favor are you doing me?
Putting her mind at ease
with a nice, mediocre story
so she won't keep asking
about your past for the rest of your life?
But what if we want
to tell them the truth?
Huh? Not now,
but what about sometime in the future?
Oh, so you wanna tell the truth to Toni?
- Uh
- That you got peed on for money?
And that the son
you're carrying is some client's?
And you wanna tell your girlfriend
you were tied to a bondage horse
to open up your ass?
Is that what you wanna say? Okay.
- We could tell them we were kidnapped.
- Ah.
That it wasn't okay,
so we ran away. What's wrong with that?
I've tried to tell Toni
the truth since he proposed,
but I just can't do it.
But I haven't been able to say yes,
because I feel
like I'm cheating the love of my life.
if you lay our lousy past
on the table for them,
you'll ruin everything we've done.
You'll fill your new life
with disgusting memories.
It'll ruin the kisses,
the breakfasts, the hugs
Don't you realize?
You'll exchange love for something else.
For pity,
for doubts, for for compassion.
When they look at you,
they see Wendy, they see Gina.
But if you tell them
the horror we come from,
what do you think they'll see?
It won't ever feel right. You know that.
The fear we went through
will never go away.
I feel it every night.
And I can't sleep.
I can't breathe.
I can't move.
Don't you think you deserve
that by tomorrow
when you open your eyes, the fear is gone?
Well, about going around
shooting guns, robbing trucks,
and burying hitmen alive,
we can spare them that too, right?
Especially in case
they think that those murderers
may show up at their doors any day,
firing guns and wanting
their money back, so
Just make up the story you want,
and make it a nice one.
And funny.
So they won't end up
reminding you about it.
Unless you find the three of them
together in a remote place,
I don't want you to open fire.
You will notify Darwin and me.
I don't want you
to kill one while the others get away.
We're going to kill
all three of them together,
on the spot,
no witnesses.
Let's heal
this wound once and for all
In that hug,
I was convinced
that finding the girls and killing them
was the meaning of my life.
But actually, that was Romeo's goal.
And just like a Third-Reich foot soldier
who's feeling backed up by reason,
believing he was doing the right thing.
When in actuality,
someone brainwashed his common sense.
Hmm. I spent longer periods
in the air than on solid ground.
I flew constantly
from Buenos Aires to to Lima,
to Bogotá, to Chile. Often to Chile.
And you got tired of that life?
I got tired of being called on.
- Hmm?
- Hmm?
- Ding! "Stewardess."
- Ah.
"A pillow." Ding!
"Stewardess, a little blanket."
Ding! Ding! Ding, ding!
People are a bit insufferable.
Well, I got tired of that
and all those dumb
pre-flight safety demonstrations.
- Ciao.
- Well, I always found that super sexy.
C'mon, go for it.
- Hmm-mm-mm! I wanna see it.
- Me too.
- Come on!
- Me too. Come on. Do it.
Come on!
Do it now! Do it now!
- Do it now! Do it now!
- Everybody just calm down.
All right.
Let me see
Ladies and gentlemen
there are four exits in this aircraft,
and two emergency exits.
What the
Two located in the rear,
two located at the front,
and two more over the wings.
In case of loss of pressure in the cabin,
please hold tight onto the stewardess.
Gina, your turn. What did you do?
I had a regular job.
I used to dance in a disco.
And I quit because
the owner was a weirdo.
My life wasn't very glamorous.
I didn't travel around the world.
But I did talk to Christ.
I prayed a lot.
I prayed for many things, but
he would never answer.
One day, I decided to run away from that.
I couldn't stand working so late and
drinking when I didn't wanna drink
smiling when I didn't wanna smile,
you know?
Putting up with
those disgusting perverts
who felt that they had
some right over you,
that they could do anything
they wanted to you because, of course,
you were there and dancing
and singing with all the girls
as if nothing made you happier.
That's it.
At the start
of every month, when Romeo knew
clients had just been paid
and their pockets were filled with money,
he would plan a special event,
a performance by his girls.
He would open the doors
at the appointed time,
and the show would begin.
One time, he had us prepare a song
as if we were a schoolgirl choir.
At first, I wondered
if he did that to humiliate us,
or if it added to those men's fantasy
of fucking a little schoolgirl.
But it wasn't that.
The thing was,
that taking part in that farce
implied that we were saying to the client,
"We are accomplices to this wicked game."
"We are in agreement.
You can fuck us without feeling guilty."
Such an amusing and fun performance
couldn't possibly be
the prologue to a mass rape every night.
Is that how many days you were in prison?
These aren't days.
They're my little jobs.
Why different colors?
This way, I can
tell them apart by countries.
Colombians are red,
Mexicans are green, and the blue ones
I couldn't figure out
where they came from.
Now, if you don't mind,
can you turn around?
What for?
Because it's one thing
to look at my tattoos,
it's another
to look at my dick.
I know what you're into, my brother.
Come on. Turn around. Turn around.
What the fuck are you saying?
I'm not saying anything. I respect it.
I'm a hitman from the 21st century.
I know people.
Boys who like boys. Girls who like girls.
Except it's not me.
But it's all right.
Even if I was,
well, you are the boss's boy.
You're being awfully smug
for someone who's got it all wrong.
I saw how he took your little hand.
And you looked happy,
feeling lucky, so in love.
You live in his house.
You cook for him,
pick up his daughters from school.
Besides, you wanted
to steal his money, and he forgave you.
Such a betrayal
is only forgiven because of love.
Let me make a couple of things very clear.
Sure, Romeo may be my family,
my brother,
but I don't fuck him or get fucked by him.
Something like that
will never happen between us.
you are here to kill those three bitches,
not to walk around butt naked
showing those shitty decals you have,
or to show me your dick,
and much less to gossip about my life.
So shut your big mouth,
or I'll have to pull
your tongue out with some pliers
to make you finish
your fucking job in silence.
Do you understand?
I got you.
But I'll just tell you one last thing.
And then I'll shut up.
I don't trust you.
You're the kind of guy
that has my ass today.
Tomorrow, he fucks my wife
and steals my money.
Just like you did to Romeo.
In this business,
he who betrays one time
will do it again.
- More margaritas, girls?
- Yeah.
Well, the two of us are going to bed.
- No!
- Oh, yes.
I can't stay awake, and my ankles
are really hurting me.
But anyway, you have fun.
- Good night.
- Night. Hmm.
Good night.
- And we?
- Yeah. Right?
- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.
Have a good night.
Don't clean up. We can do it tomorrow.
- Uh-huh.
- Okay.
- Have fun.
- Ciao.
- Bye, guys.
- Ciao.
What an exodus.
- That's love.
- Oh
Well, don't worry about the waiter, okay?
The bar is open all night.
- Hey, Pau.
- Mm-hmm?
Would you mind if we hit "pause"
and leave this for another night?
You know, I had so many margaritas
and all those shots, that I'm a bit
Sure. Don't worry.
Well, I'm a bit drunk too.
And I need to get up early tomorrow.
- Thank you.
- Nah.
You know, tomorrow when I'm teaching
and my class deals with my hangover,
I won't stop thinking
about the baker who talks to God.
All right.
I had a business,
some wonderful friends,
a house where we held
awesome dinner parties
I even had someone I liked
who made me laugh.
Pau could become my partner.
But instead of asking him
to stay and spend the night with me,
I would throw him out of the house.
And I would start remembering
all the awful things in my life
and replaying them
in my head like a video on repeat.
I remembered
the wildest scenes of humiliation,
as if I wanted
to punish myself for being unable to live,
for being unable to sleep,
for being unable to date a lovely guy,
for fooling my friends
and making them believe
I had not taken drugs for six months.
I relived every episode.
So this is a bachelor party, hmm?
What do you want?
A striptease for all of you?
A private session for the groom?
Do you know about bukkake?
And reliving those awful things,
the countless list of things
that made me feel sick about myself,
was simply to provoke anguish and anxiety.
And then,
taking drugs was a necessary escape.
Why are you cleaning?
It's just I couldn't sleep.
Too many shots.
My bed was rocking like a boat.
- Pau didn't stay over?
- Mm-hmm.
He's nice, yeah?
Yeah, he's lovely.
But I prefer to be alone.
Are you okay?
So how are you and Greta?
Good, I like her. A lot.
I like her a lot.
You do?
Yes, I, uh
I can't explain it. I like her
She's just so tender.
She came over here
on her bicycle, all excited
In that moment,
when I was listening
to Wendy while high as a kite,
I had a revelation.
I realized what my problem was,
the reason why I couldn't
be happy like my friends.
A line separated me and them.
And it was a substantial and diverse line,
formed by all the shit I had taken
throughout my life. And then I understood.
My problem was not
the club, nor self-esteem,
but the fact
that I had been an addict for six years.
I thought I got high to erase the pain.
But my addiction was actually so strong
that I needed
to find reasons to keep myself hooked.
It was a vicious cycle.
The more pain I felt,
the more harshness in my life,
the more excuses I had
to use tranquilizers, cocaine, opium
That is why I couldn't be happy.
That is why I showed Pau the door,
instead of letting him stay
and dancing with him.
- Because I needed to get high.
- I want to live like that.
And it's better
to be alone to do that.
That's great, Wendy.
I I'm so happy for you.
Really, I am.
Well, thanks.
But you!
Six months clean, you dumbass!
Coral, I'm very proud of you.
So proud of you.
You're being so strong.
Do you know how scared I was?
I never knew
if I would find you drowned in the bath
or having crashed your damn car.
Or if you would overdose, and I would have
to stick a needle in you to save you.
I was scared to death
of something going wrong.
That is over.
It's over, okay?
What is it?
I do.
Do what?
I do. Yes, I wanna marry you.
I want you to be the father of this child,
and I want to choose plan B.
That was the last night
we had a chance of a better life.
But we didn't know it.
Wanna go to the beach
and watch the sunrise?
Because at dawn,
our luck would change completely.
Why didn't you cook beans for both of us?
If you cook, you should cook for two.
When I cook, I cook for two.
- Get it?
- Mm-hmm.
You can make a list
of your favorite dishes.
Got it?
It's a joke, man.
If one day, you think A,
and the next day, you think B,
and your brain is a pendulum,
what are you?
A trapeze artist.
Whatever, man.
You buried those girls
under a block of cement.
But then, you went and dug them up.
You stole money from your boss.
But then, you went and lived with him.
One day, you do one thing.
The next day, you do another.
I don't give a fuck about your opinion.
I know. I know.
Listen, brother, I know that nobody likes
to hear about their mental illnesses.
It's hard.
Know what you should do?
Take lithium.
I mean, this
this job, it makes you unstable.
You know, I don't take it now.
Okay? But I know it's good for you.
You see? You're laughing.
You're threatening me,
then you're laughing.
You threaten, you laugh
You point a gun to my head, then tomorrow
you ask me to be friends on Facebook.
Do you realize? Can you see it?
You fall in love
with Romeo's little bitch.
You wanna kill her,
but you don't. You set her free.
And then, it's her
who kills your little brother! Bang!
Well, from what I heard,
that Christian guy needed some lithium
and did too much heroin.
And she killed him!
She did him a favor!
Hey, if you ever talk
about me or my family, I'll shoot you.
And if you shoot me first,
you won't have time
to get your mark tattooed.
Do you know why, asshole?
Because I'm sending your pictures
from your passports to some friends.
So if you do that,
you won't leave Spain alive.
Why do you get so upset?
It was just a little joke.
You have
a poor sense of humor.
- Oh ♪
- Oh ♪
Oh, sinner man
Where you gonna run to? ♪
Oh, sinner man
Where you gonna run to? ♪
Oh, sinner man
Where you gonna run to all on that day? ♪
Oh, sinner man
Where you gonna run to? ♪
Oh, sinner man
Where you gonna run to? ♪
Oh, sinner man
Where you gonna run to all on that day? ♪
Run to the Lord
Light wants to hide me ♪
Run to the Lord
Light wants to hide me ♪
Run to the Lord
Light wants to guide me all on that day ♪
Oh, sinner man
Where you gonna run to? ♪
Oh, sinner man
Where you gonna run to? ♪
Oh, sinner man
Where you gonna run to all on that day? ♪
- Oh ♪
- Oh ♪
- Oh ♪
- Where you gonna run to? ♪
- Oh ♪
- Oh ♪
- Oh ♪
- Oh, where you gonna run to? ♪
- Oh ♪
- Oh ♪
- Oh ♪
- Oh ♪
Where you gonna run to
All on that day? ♪
Don't make sound
The devil wants to hear you ♪
Don't make sound
The devil wants to hear you ♪
Don't make sound
The devil wants to hear you ♪
- All on that day ♪
- All on that day ♪
Oh, sinner man
Where you gonna run to? ♪
Oh, sinner man
Where you gonna run to? ♪
Oh, sinner man
Where you gonna run to all on that day? ♪
Oh, sinner man
Where you gonna run to? ♪
Oh, sinner man
Where you gonna run to? ♪
Oh, sinner man
Where you gonna run to all on that day? ♪
You're digging on the ground
The devil wants to catch you ♪
You're digging on the ground
The devil wants to catch you ♪
You're digging on the ground ♪
The devil wants to catch you
All on that day ♪
Oh, sinner man
Where you gonna run to? ♪
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