Bed of Roses (2008) s03e03 Episode Script

Womb to Tomb

Nick proposed to Louisa.
I thought that was on the cards.
You're like a dad to me.
But I'm not trying to be your dad.
No, you're not my dad.
You're You're my Nick.
I'd love for you and Mum to get married.
You only get one go at your life.
You don't get to my age and be able to rewind that clock.
I'm thinking about taking some time off.
Like a gap year.
A gap year? Hol, that is a terrible idea.
Congratulations to our new publican.
May your till be always full and may your cup frotheth over.
Are you Tamara Denning? Yeah.
Davo, my bloke, won't drive me back to Indigo.
Says he doesn't want my waters to break in his car and ruin the upholstery.
I was married once before and, um, I wasn't very good at it.
Maybe it was just a bad fit.
I lost the ring! I found it.
OK, that's wonderful.
Oh, that's great.
Oh, my God! Look at this! Look at this.
You have a beautiful, healthy baby boy.
(All clap) Tea's brewed.
Be right out.
One of these days I'll get Mum to put a bath in.
I can't believe it.
Everybody's either away or at work.
Holly Atherton, would you come back here? Would you pick that up? Your mother might let you get away with that, but I won't.
Something wrong, Nan? Oh, I am sorry, Holly.
Aren't you staying for a cup of tea? Sorry, I had to meet Sean, like, 20 minutes ago.
Looks good, though.
Is this your fruitcake? No, no, I've tried to do something different.
It's chestnut.
Mmm, mm.
It's good.
Is Minna here? Yeah, she's in the kitchen.
Who's that, for heaven's sake? I'm Holly, her granddaughter.
Yes? Hi, I'm Samuel.
I'm the priest from Our Lady's.
Oh, I'm not a Catholic.
I'm not here to make you a Catholic.
No, I heard of your bereavement, the loss of a dear friend.
I just thought I'd call and say g'day and see how you are.
Well, I'm fine, thank you.
Perhaps have a cup of coffee? No, I'm busy.
Friends coming over? No.
Well, you know you're more than welcome at the church or to visit Sandy any time.
Well, thank you for offering.
I'm sure Sandy would appreciate hearing from you.
I'm sorry but I find that utter nonsense.
Look, I'm sure there's any number of people who delude themselves into thinking they can reach out to their friends in heaven.
I don't happen to be one of them.
You know, it might help with your grieving.
I'm not grieving.
Have a nice day.
Guess we're passing on the cup of coffee, then? THEME MUSIC SONG: £ I lay down in a bed of roses £ I woke up lying on a bed of nails £ It's the oldest of tales £ Lose the wind £ From yourself £ I lay down in a bed of roses £ And I woke up lying on a bed of nails £ (HUMS) (ALL ARGUE) Shh! Shh! Father.
How are you? Hey, Father.
How are you? Just an editorial session, you know how it is.
So how are you getting on, Father? Samuel's fine.
Yeah, good.
I'm going with the flow.
Here's the list of christenings for your parish news column.
Why is Harry Denning's name crossed off the list? Do you know? Tamara felt she was unable to make the commitment at the moment so best to postpone Harry's christening.
She didn't tell me why.
Oh, OK.
HORN BLARES Thanks for those great toys.
Oh! My goodness.
Harry, you're as big as a beanbag! All he does is sleep and eat.
Oh, he's twice as big as last time I saw him.
Hello! Are you OK? Yeah.
Tamara? Davo's walked out on us.
Oh, no! He said he wanted another one.
It's alright.
I know where he is.
I'm gonna try and get him back.
But .
I can't pay the rent.
I've gotta find work but I can't do a job because I got a baby and two kids to look after.
Parents ring every week and ask the same thing.
Most need a place immediately but we can't do it.
I mean, we have a population of 5,500.
The centre only has 30 places.
I've got children on waiting lists for over a year.
Yeah, so I went to council and they said they're chasing funding for a $1 million 80-place centre, but guess where.
In Indigo.
Not here? No, not here.
We get nothing here and we're the most neglected in the State.
Gonna chain yourself to a tree again, are you? I'll chain you to a tree.
I think childcare should be privatised.
I mean, why should the rate payer fund other people's kids? If you can't afford to look after 'em, don't have 'em.
Boys, we're on deadline.
We still haven't got a front page or our back page.
I sent the front page.
It's on your computer.
Yep, got it.
I got the back page.
Roos lose again.
Want me to send it? Uh-huh.
Did you get my ads, Viv? Gavin saves the day again.
It's a pity we can't run with the childcare story.
The new menu.
Oh, it looks delicious.
Yeah, finally some vegetarian food on the menu.
Yep, I'll have the chicken burger.
It's organic and free-range.
Nice try.
I'll have the char-grilled vegies and special sauce, please.
Good choice.
So do you love it? Yeah.
I have a few staffing hiccups.
A few other problems.
But, er, other than that, how about you? Er, I'm trying to find Tamara a job, somewhere she can live and a place she can leave her kids if she does get work.
Yeah, I heard Davo's gone.
Mmm, she can't pay the rent.
She can't get daycare cos she doesn't have a job.
Can't have a job cos she hasn't got daycare.
It's a vicious circle.
I was that desperate when Jamie was a little boy.
I just so needed some help, not so I could go to work.
So that I could have some time out.
It was eight months before I could get my hair done.
You know, I've got an idea about where Tamara could live.
Here we go.
Here we are.
Come on in.
Here we go.
It's enormous.
See, Deb's house? It's beautiful.
Come on, I'll show you the rest.
Hey, this is our new house.
I know it's not much, but it's close to town and there's plenty of room outside for the kids to run around.
As you can see, it's not self-contained but my kitchen's just through there and if you're happy to cook, I'm happy to eat.
And you're all welcome to use the rest of the house too.
You don't have any kids, Deb? Nah.
I think I was afraid I'd do a bad job.
Isn't hard to do that.
Thanks, Deb.
It's brilliant.
You ever been on a farm, Luke? He doesn't say much.
He hasn't really spoken since Davo left.
Well, come on, then, I'll show you the kitchen.
Hey?! It's making this sort of whirring noise between second and third as it increases in speed.
What does that sound like? Sounds like a whirring noise between second and third.
Is that all you can say? Look, it's all I can say until I get under the bonnet.
How long will that take? Er, about an hour.
How much will it cost? Should I take it to a transmission specialist? Hello.
Hello, you.
No, no, all the time in the world.
Er, that's good because Tamara's car is blowing white smoke.
Should we bring it over? I think it's the pistons.
Could it be the pistons? No, that's close, Loui, but no, it's not the pistons.
Yeah, that sounds pretty bad, though.
Do you want me to come over? We were actually thinking of all staying here at Deb's for dinner tonight.
Um, pen? Pen? Er, yeah, hold on.
Hold on.
Hold on.
(Need something to write on.
) Umyeah, yeah.
I got it.
Er, 20 chicken sausages.
Hey, why don't I just get stuff for dinner? OK.
See you shortly.
It's the perils of commitment and it's only the beginning, trust me.
Next you'll be buying panty liners.
Well, can you fix it? I gotta go.
I wouldn't drive it, if I were you.
How am I meant to get around? You can borrow my bike, if you like.
Oh, listen, who wears the pants in that relationship? Be a man.
It was me, I'd ring her up and say I'm in the middle of a job, you have to wait.
Gavin, you got two options.
Borrow my bike or you be a man and fix your own damn car.
He's such a good boy.
So gorgeous.
Please, just help me out here.
It'll be alright.
Mummy! No, Courtney, settle down.
They're so excited.
Awesome dinner.
Thanks for bringing the food, Nick.
And for cooking it too.
Yeah, he's a good cook.
And thanks for looking at my car as well.
No worries.
I'll source you a couple of second-hand tyres too.
Let me do something.
Oh, dessert.
I'll heat it up.
Ah, no, no.
You finish your meal.
We'll clean up.
Hol, would you like to help? My favourite.
Microwaved dessert.
Oh, well, Hol.
Why don't you bake a cake? You OK? Yeah.
I'm fine.
I'm just kinda wondering what you've been doing all day.
Nothing much.
Nothing much.
I made my bed.
Did you? Yes.
Alright, no, I didn't, but that is because I've been doing stuff.
Yeah? I'm busy, unlike someone I know.
Mum, it's my gap year, remember? I get to relax.
So relax.
HORN TOOTS Oh, that'll be Prince Charming.
Hol, come on, you went out last night and the night before.
I just thought you might stay with us tonight.
I just did.
I just sat and ate with you.
OK? I gotta go.
You guys want any more? Thanks so much.
(YAWNS) Been a big day for all of us.
I'm really pooped.
Tamara? Mum, I don't wanna sleep in your bed tonight.
Well, you have to.
Luke's got the little room.
Yeah, but Harry cries all night.
Oh, Jeez, you exaggerate! He does not.
Bubby! Shhh! Oh, look.
Oh, he's so cute! Hello.
Hello! Look, he's - What's that poker-bluffing trick Sandy showed me? Oh, yeah, Sandy's favourite.
Don't take any cards.
Makes us all think he's got a great hand.
Ah, funny, hey, Min? Used to regularly play cards when Sandy was here.
Now we seem to have to make the time.
Oh, well, Clem, everything changes.
That reminds me, did you ever sort out that business of Sandy's prepaid funeral? I told you, Lorna.
Louisa fixed it.
Yes, but did you get your refund? Well, yes! Me and Clem were thinking we might go up to Sandy's grave and give it a bit of a tidy-up, you know? Take out a bucket and wash down the gravestone.
Pull out some weeds.
Father Samuel told me that some of those graves are looking unkempt.
Especially Sandy's.
Why do priests insist on pounding holes that don't fit? And the less they fit the more they pound.
Sorry, what was that? I didn't catch that? What are you talking about? Er, nothing.
You alright, there, Min? Of course I am.
Why shouldn't I be? Because you seem a little bit more snippy than usual tonight.
Who is snippy?! We all miss Sandy, Minna.
Talking about him keeps him with us.
Why don't we do this another time, eh, love? You don't seem to be yourself tonight.
Hey? Oh, Minna.
What are you doing here? Oh, dammit! Fan belts and washing-machine belts, they're all the same.
I'll fix the machine in the morning.
What was that for? Cos you're a saint for helping Tamara with all of her stuff.
Ah, I'm glad to help.
Besides, Gavin wanted me to fix his car and you gave me an out.
Oh! He's so cute, this little guy.
Yeah, he is.
Nicko? Mm-hm? Why didn't you ever have children? Was hard enough bringing myself up.
Besides, you're my family now.
How do you know if the fence is on? Well, you get a blade of grass and you gently touch it to the wire.
You hear a little (CLICKS TONGUE) .
as the electricity pulses through the stem.
You get a little tingle.
Ow! So, my dad says cows are dumb.
Is that true? Cows can recognise a familiar face.
I reckon they're big, beautiful animals.
And very fast learners.
Come on.
Hol! (KNOCKS ON DOOR) Rise and shine.
Hol? Holly? Hol (GASPS) Oh, my Hol, what happened to your lamp? Hol? Your lamp is broken.
I bumped into it.
Hol, you love this lamp.
Mum, I did when I was eight.
Come on.
Can you get up, please? No.
Come on, I'm going out.
Hol? Come on.
I might need your help later.
Holly! Yes! Holly, up! Oh! Mum! Oh! Come on, Hol.
Good boy.
Marty speaking.
Look, mate, I'm gonna have to get back to you, alright? Who was that? I dunno.
He didn't say.
Good boy.
Don't touch that.
Louisa's idea.
Tamara needed the internet to look for a job.
Just let me get something out of the way, Gavin.
This is not going so well, is it? Tamara? Why wasn't I asked first? Focus, Gavin.
Do you see what's happening here? We have a circus in what was once an orderly office - a slippery slope from that to organisational ineffectiveness.
Oh, Gavin.
I'm so relieved you agree with me.
Office displays of affection should be off-limits.
I gotta go.
Morning, Minna.
Don't you have any friends? Er, I found this in my garden.
You alright? Oh, yes, of course I am.
I'm glad you finally visited the cemetery, at least.
I took a wrong turn.
I noticed.
Whatever the damage, I mean, I'll pay for it.
I don't mind about that.
Well, then, why are you here? Just to return this.
Do you have a screwdriver? I can't help thinking your actions last night were a bit out of character.
How would you know? You don't know my character.
Though I've heard you're a keen card player.
I play from time to time.
Perhaps we could have a game one day.
Why, do you play? I was hoping you could teach me.
No, I will not teach you.
I've been playing for 40 years.
It'd be like playing with a 10-year-old.
I see.
So, apart from cards, what do you do with yourself out here every day? I mind my own business.
Don't you get lonely? Being lonely and being alone are two entirely different things.
I believe the senior citizens have a social club at the church.
I'm sure you'd be more than welcome to join.
They've got regular excursions Listen, young man.
I am not a senior citizen.
I might be old.
I'm not ready to be bussed off to the pokies like a lamb to the slaughter.
I'll take that as a no.
That's crooked.
I was never all that gifted with screwdrivers.
Oh? Then what are you good at? Listening.
At least I hope I am.
Here for you if you need to talk.
Oh, now, what would you and I talk about? Anything you like.
The EU debt crisis.
The power shifts in the Middle East.
I dunno.
Midnight burnouts in the cemetery garden.
Thank you.
So, how about it? How about what? Talk.
I've still got time for that cup of coffee.
No, I'm busy.
Still? And I plan to be for some time yet.
Maybe if you were able to let go a bit more you wouldn't be so difficult to get on with at the moment.
I am not difficult to get on with.
Here you go.
Oh, ta.
Louisa? Viv, I know it's a tiny bit inconvenient.
There's nothing tiny about it.
You've done the layout.
Gavin? Louisa, this is a newspaper office.
Not an employment agency with a creche.
Why are you pants tucked into your socks? Ask your boyfriend.
Yeah! So how's the job-hunting going? Er, um, have you ever done bar work? Erm, yeah.
Oh, hello.
Not a big fan of video games, eh, Luke? Hmm.
Me neither.
What about gardening? Cos I could use a hand.
You know the secret to making vegies grow their best is organic fertiliser.
You know, some people just look at this and see a pile of poo.
But me and the vegies, we see a pot of gold.
I think I need to dig this gold in a bit more.
We'll have buried treasure.
Can I help you there? Oh.
Yeah, I'm just trying to find the perfect bike.
Oh, right.
What did you have in mind? Maybe something a bit sporty.
Alright, well, I've got this starter pack here for the older rider wanting to get back into cycling.
It's got the new comfort seat.
It's really stable.
Fun to ride.
I think I might be a bit beyond the starter pack.
OK, well, for the more advanced rider we've got this bike up here.
Brilliant bike.
What about that one there? That one's the carbon R1 racer.
It's signed by Belmondo himself.
It's got ghost derailers, side pulls and a rather rakish sloping crown fork.
More for the triathlete.
For the triathlete.
You turn up at unexpected times.
Don't get your hopes up.
I'm just replacing the damage.
I'm not volunteering for choir practice.
I wouldn't dare presume.
I know an atheist when I see one.
And what does an atheist look like? Disparate.
Lone wolves.
Ooh! Better hope they don't get themselves organised, then.
I appreciate the warning but I think there's little risk of that.
Well, are you gonna plant that? Not right at the minute.
I'll wait for the gardener.
No, that goes into the ground today.
That's a beautiful rose.
That's called Elizabeth.
It's a rose to me.
Yeah, well, I figured that.
Well, do you know where your gardening tools are? N Thought so.
Have you had any gardening experience? Nothing whatsoever.
What have you been doing with your life? Same as everyone else.
Trying to make it count for something.
Do you ever wonder how this rose came to be? Why is it so pretty when it flowers? Nope.
I've read Darwin.
Oh, now, don't tell me you believe all that malarky about the world only being 10,000 years old.
Don't think that atheists are the only ones who are racked with doubt and bewilderment.
Well, I'm not bewildered.
I'm not the one with the imaginary friend.
Now, can you pull that one out? Good.
You know, I used to read Bertrand Russell when I was supposed to be in Sunday School and he told his readers to stand on their own two feet, look fair and square at the world with a fearless attitude.
And a free intelligence.
You know, Minna, I have no interest in convincing you to believe dogma.
I believe our lives have purpose.
No, but that's exactly the same rhetoric that I hear every time somebody comes to my front door with an armful of Bibles.
But we all need purpose.
Even you.
Oh, now, don't you tell me what I need.
What do you know about my life or anybody else's? You're right.
I apologise.
You know, to me you're like a child in a man's body.
You know, you'll go the rest of your life and you'll be spouting cliched sermons and you'll be giving people advice about things you've had absolutely no experience at whatsoever.
You'll hide behind your Church doctrine and the rest of us are forced to get out, actually live life, not looking at it from afar.
And if you ask me, oh, you have taken the timid option.
Well, I've had enough of this for one day.
Oh, there you go, Bob.
Er, Derek.
Where's Tamara? Oh, er, she's out the back getting the meals.
Oh, right.
And I may have exaggerated just a little about her previous bar experience.
Oh, experience is not the issue.
Why are you behind the bar? Hello.
Well, you know, does give the place a kind of homely, family-friendly sort of a feel.
Don't you think? Yep.
Yeah, Mr Fagin, it's about your cows.
I'll take him.
Well, they're alleging that you didn't properly fence.
How you going? Yep.
Oh, I am beginning to think someone up there hates me.
Oh, well, personally I think it's the height of narcism to assume if there were some divine being he'd be remotely interested in our miniscule lives.
What are you doing here, Louisa? What do you want? Mum, why do you always think I want something? Someone left a baby on your doorstep and I just thought I should bring him inside.
Yes, very funny.
Alright, OK, I do, I need a small favour.
Thought so.
I have to take some photos of a fruit-tree nursery over-run by cows and I was wondering if you'd like to look after Harry for an hour or so.
We have a perfectly good childcare centre.
Yeah, which is chock-full of children.
Mum, I'm trying to help Tamara Denning.
She hasn't got any family in town and she can't get her children into a place within cooee of Rainbow's End.
Not a very good time for me, Louisa.
Are you OK? What's wrong? I'm fine.
Why does everybody keep asking me that? Right, OK.
Well, so how about it? Louisa, no.
Can I have the hoe? Thank you.
Do you wanna have a go? Come on.
Have a dig.
See how it feels.
I'll get Ted.
Good digging.
That's a great job.
Hang on, can I just have that for a sec? Come with me.
Come on, we'll fix it.
About there.
Should be right.
Watch out for splinters.
There you go.
Now, that's for you.
That's yours to keep.
You're doing a really good job, Luke.
Gavin, put her on.
Viv, yes.
Stop panicking.
We'll get there, alright? Tell Marty to take the camera and go to Gavin? Gavin! I'm trying to It is called multitasking.
Yes, it's what I'm trying to do.
We delegate.
Women delegate.
It's what we do because we're superb at actually juggling and balancing things.
And men are Oh, shit.
The baby! Holly? Hol? Thanks, Hol.
PHONE RINGS Hello? Oh, hi, Tamara.
Everything OK? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But how are you? Good.
I've got Davo's address.
One of his drinking buddies here gave it to me.
He's in Melbourne.
I'm thinking of taking the train down to see him.
Look, you've been so kind to me and the kids.
I dunno how I'm ever gonna repay you.
But could I just ask you one more big favour? Hey.
Guess who's staying for a sleepover? Oh.
Don't tell me you kidnapped the baby.
Tamara asked.
Let me guess.
You said yes.
I did.
So how long have we got this little one? Oh, only a month.
Oh, only a month? Yeah.
Judging by the look of you two she's not getting him back.
It's only a night.
So small.
Isn't he great? Mmm! Yeah.
Do you wanna hold him? No.
What if I drop him? No, no, you'll be fine.
There you go.
Hey! I've had experience with these things.
I dropped Holly hundreds of times.
Loui? Yeah? What's this? Oh, it's frozen breast milk.
What? It's Tamara's.
You put it in a saucepan, heat it up and feed it to the baby.
In fact, can you do that? Cos Harry just woke.
He'll be hungry.
Now I've seen everything.
I'll take him.
Oh! Noises.
So many noises.
Cooing and belching and burping.
Oh, they're cute but, man, it could be frightening if you thought something was wrong with them.
(LAUGHTER) Oh, sorry.
Hol, I'll see you tomorrow.
Gee, that was quick.
Nick, can I ask you a question? Is it about Louisa? No, it's about me.
Do you think I've been grumpy lately? Yes.
But I miss him too, Minna.
I keep expecting him to turn up with some crazy contraption for me to fix.
Sandy reminded me of you.
Never minced his words.
Always told me exactly what he thought.
I stopped grieving for him when I realised I was just feeling sorry for myself.
And I think it's time that we all stopped feeling sorry for ourselves.
Started living.
Cos that's what that crazy old man would want.
Thank you.
Come on, Hol.
Time to get up.
Come on.
Up and at 'em.
Mum! Why are you doing this? Deb needs help with Courtney and Luke.
Come on.
Hol, you gotta do something.
It's the only time in my life, maybe until I retire, that I'll have no responsibility.
I'm sick of being responsible.
So that's our plan, is it, for the entire gap year? We will just sleep it away? Yeah, why not? I've got a whole lifetime of stress ahead of me.
I just wanna have some fun.
Nature stop, Marg.
Do you mind? No, you go right ahead.
Oh, sorry I'm late.
I had to stop and get him nappies.
Oh, can I have a nurse? No, he's so cuddly! Hand him over.
Go see Aunty Marg.
Hello! Oh, my heavens, I think I want one! I don't wanna be the bearer of bad news but barring any miracle You look tired.
Not tired.
I'm exhausted.
Between Harry and Holly, oh! You might be staying at my house, then.
You know, I could take to babies if they were more like wombats - fully independent after a few months, then off the waddle into the bush to go about their business.
Speaking of business, I think his nappy needs changing.
Why me? You are the one who said she wanted a baby.
Thanks, Marg.
It's a classic case of the smaller the present, the more outrageous you have to wrap it.
GADGET BEEPS Do you wanna play with me? Yeah, OK.
You wanna play, Luke? (KNOCKS) Minna.
Been practising.
Er, look, I was just passing.
And, um, I I thought you might like these.
Home-made at that.
It's very generous.
Well, just drop the container off when you've finished.
Wait, you're not going? I can't eat all these on my own.
Please stay.
I'll make us a cup of coffee or tea.
Please? Oh, well, I suppose I Well, I could do with a cup of tea.
Kettle's on.
I think I've mastered it.
Mastered what? Gin rummy.
10 cards each.
One in the middle face-up to start with.
Fancy a hand? Well, why not, now I'm here? Jump.
Luke, your go.
Luke? Luke! Did you see where Luke went? Just stay here, OK? Luke! Luke? I'm playing like a 10-year-old, aren't I? Yes.
But a very talented 10-year-old.
Another hand? Yeah, why not? Unless you've got something more pressing to do with your time? No, nothing pressing.
Nick! Nick! Luke's wandered off.
What? He's vanished! I was playing with I was playing with Courtney and I looked around and he was gone.
Alright, calm down.
Calm down, alright? I am sure he's somewhere around here.
Gotta find him, Nick.
We will.
We will find him.
Just think, where would Luke go? Oh, oh, my God.
The dam.
Alright, OK, I'll check there.
You check round the house down the road.
Go! HORN TOOTS It's great to be back.
Hello, beautiful.
I've given Davo the flick.
Luke! So I just decided that was it and I can do this on my own, and I will, you know, because my kids mean everything to me, and they're gonna be my inspiration.
Hang on.
I've just gotta pull over.
Hello, Nick? Loui, when you pick up Tamara can you take your time bringing her back here? Why? She's busting to see her kids.
I wouldn't say busting.
She's in the car with you, isn't she? Yeah.
Luke's missing.
It isn't serious, we've just started looking for him.
It'll be absolutely fine.
Right, right.
Just buy some time, will you? OK.
Um, OK, thanks.
Everything alright? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, it's fine.
So, anyway, there I am in Melbourne all by myself.
No kids.
Well, I'm having what's termed a respite.
A respite? I was discovered using Church funds at an inner-city parish to help a needle exchange and heroin-injecting room.
Yeah, I ignored protocol and now here I am in the grassy meadows of Rainbow's End.
No wonder you look out of place.
I know there are people around here somewhere, I just can't seem to find them.
Oh! You found me.
Yeah, well, I should confess.
I had a little help in that regard.
Sandy sent me.
What do you mean Sandy sent you? He used to drop in over the last couple of months.
Sandy in a church? No, he wasn't religious.
No, I think the first time he dropped in it was an accident.
And then he kept coming back.
He seemed to sense he didn't have long to go.
You know what I did? I went to the movies.
Sat there from start to finish.
I got everything - popcorn, ice-cream, the lot.
What's going on? We've lost Luke.
We've looked everywhere.
The dam, the hay sheds.
Everywhere! It's OK, Hol.
It'll be alright.
G'day, mate.
What are you doing? Digging for gold, Deb.
You're very good at it too.
Mum! Hello, Courtney.
Holly? Mummy! Oh! Oh, my God.
Did you have a good time? Yes.
And then, near the end, he asked me if I could call on you to make sure you were OK.
He said you might find it tough and he asked if I could keep an eye on you.
Oh, look at me! I'm crying like a young girl! No, it's good to cry, just to let it all go.
You're talking about letting go! I cry every night.
I can't stop crying.
You know, I was doing fine until he came back into my life.
I had to learn how to cope with being on my own.
I think Sandy had a way of reminding us it's better not to be alone.
How come you're so wise all of a sudden? I've read books.
I do miss him.
He's left a great aching hole in my heart.
I feel so awful.
Anything could've happened.
What was I thinking? What was I doing? I'm so selfish.
Hol, Hol, it can happen to anyone, OK? Looking after two little kids, it's difficult, alright? When you were three you and I were in a department store and I was trying on dresses and you must promise not to tell anyone this, OK? I completely forgot I had you.
It took 25 minutes and 6 sales assistants to find you and they were the longest 25 minutes of my entire life.
You forgot you had me? So much worse than me.
Was a spectacular dress.
This used to be our bottle of scotch.
Think there's enough there for a couple of shots.
Can I tempt you? Oh, yes.
Thank you.
To Sandy.
To Sandy.
Did you say you don't think you can be of any use in Rainbow's End? I'm not making much headway, am I? I've just thought of something you could do.
Childcare crisis averted.
Viv, double-check my copy.
Triple-check the spelling.
Marty, can you get the photos out? Gav, can you call the printers and tell them we'll email them new copy, new photos, in two minutes? It's too late.
You can't be serious.
I am serious.
Just do it.
No typos.
It reads really well, Louisa.
Must say I'm very impressed.
Marty, give us a look.
Cropped and ready, boss.
They're good.
Next time a little bit closer.
Gav? I need you to hold that front page.
Jack's cow story.
We think we've got a better one.
Looks good.
KNOCK AT DOOR Louisa! Er, hang on a sec! Come on.
Just a minute! Come in! Tada! One church hall.
Now one childcare centre.
Was all his idea.
It's all yours, boss.
Jesus! Oh! Sorry, Father! Just Samuel.
So where are the kids? Oh, your mum's looking after them.
Mum? Oh, shush! Shush, baby.
Come on.
There we are.
Oh, no, no, Courtney! Don't sit there, darling.
Oh, there we are.
Oh, Luke, no, darling.
Don't dig along there, no.
Could you put that down? Oh! Do you know that guy? Yeah.
I didn't realise he was back.
We order it now we could have it in time for our honeymoon.
Um, when's the wedding? That's a very good question.
Loui, when are we getting married? Alright, Marg, what's going on? Staffing issues, if you must know.
Marg, you gotta let them know that you're the boss.
If they sense weakness, they'll exploit you.
Gotta remember that one.
What's this? Yeah, I couldn't say no.
Dad, we're overstretched as it is.
One more service is not gonna kill us.
Is it making up some margin loan or is that you don't care? No, Sean, that is enough.
Yeah, you're right.
It is.
Come on, Holly, let's go.
Maybe I over-reacted.
That's four break-ins in one week.
My beautiful new golf clubs.
Someone's walking round the house.
Hol, quick.
Call triple O.
Police? Shhh! (SCREAMS) Closed Captions by CSI - Sophy Thomson
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