Bloodline (2015) s03e03 Episode Script

Part 26

One hundred thirty-three thousand miles per hour.
Think about how fast that is.
I mean, at that speed, you could get from here to I don't know, I mean, why would you ever leave here? I don't know, but you get my point.
I'm gonna get some wine.
I'll be back.
But check it out, they're going so fast through the sky that when they finally hit the Earth's atmosphere, they burn out at something like 3000 degrees.
So, all that dust turns into light.
Well done.
- Where did you learn that, Mr.
Wizard? - I know shit about shit.
Someone's gotta be the smart one in this family.
Or at least watched Channel Seven this morning.
Hey now.
Don't give him shit.
I thought it was very informative.
Thank you so much, Marco.
I thought you were gonna be an asshole like all the rest of Meg's boyfriends, but I think I'm gonna like you.
- Thanks.
- This one's a keeper.
- Thanks.
- Hey.
If we're going, we should go now.
Dad's getting nervous being around all that beer.
Yes, captain, my captain.
We shall leave no beer behind.
I'm gonna get Meg.
- Forget about it.
She doesn't like boats.
- What do you mean? I mean she doesn't like boats.
Come with us anyway, Marco.
We'd love for you to join us.
Give me one sec.
I wanna try Meg.
- Are you really not coming with us? - I have already seen it.
- And I have to call a client.
- It's gonna be absolutely beautiful.
That's great.
You go.
I don't wanna go if you don't go.
Hmm? John said something about you hating boats? Eh, older brothers.
- They all think they know you.
- Speaking of older brothers, I think Kevin's finally starting to warm up to me.
That's because you drink with him.
Those are the ties that bind in this family.
I wish your brother would warm up to me.
- Who, Raul? - Mm-hm.
Raul's always gonna think that no woman in the world is good enough for his, uh Well, he's right.
Yeah, he is.
I'm gonna get to him, though.
Up next on the network, we've got today's special, that beautifully brilliant cubic zirconia ring necklace with a matching bracelet to go with it.
There are - Sheriff's department.
- Move in.
Turn the lights on! - Hands where I can see them! - Check it out now.
- Where is he? - Who the fuck are you? Monroe County Sheriff.
Where's your son? Where's O'Bannon? I don't know and I don't care.
Are you gonna pay for that door, asshole? What are you doing in here? He's not here.
Get out! How do the Cubans make ceviche? With halibut? I think it could use a little lime.
Try it.
I'm fine.
- Oh, it could use a little more cilantro.
- Stop it! Stop talking about the fucking food.
I don't care.
What do you wanna talk about? - Wanna talk about what happened last night? - I know what happened last night.
Do you? From what John said, you were too drunk to walk.
- I was upset.
- We needed you to give blood, Meg.
- Well, I hadn't eaten.
I fell asleep.
- It was an emergency.
Kevin almost died.
- How was I supposed to know? - I asked you to find him.
And you ended up in a bar, drinking all night.
Oh, it's my fault? Is that really what you're saying to me right now? No, that's not what I'm saying, Meg.
Eric O'Bannon kills Marco and if I would have found Kevin, - that wouldn't have happened? - Oh, my God.
Oh, Jesus, Meg! Eric didn't kill Marco.
Kevin did.
Kevin You should go home.
- How long have you been up? - I should be out there, Franco.
That's not a good idea.
You're too close to it.
What do you hear about your brother? He's doing better.
He's gonna be all right, thank you.
We found O'Bannon's van in Tavernier.
His boat is missing.
- Did you get CG on it? - CG's on it.
We'll find him.
Did you know we were talking to O'Bannon? - Talking to him? - Immunity.
He had some intel on Danny at the Red Reef.
So, a cop who's about to offer immunity to a witness gets murdered by his own witness.
Does that make any sense to you? No.
Why would your brother be at Marco's so late at night? That's something we're gonna have to ask him.
Hey, Oz.
How you feeling? Did you eat anything? Ozzy? Oz.
Can you hear me? Ozzy.
Who the fuck are you? Look at me.
You're in my apartment.
You're in Miami.
Oh, my God.
What? - Shit, where did you go? - Work.
I told you I would be back for lunch to check on you, remember? Oh, God, my fucking head is just killing me.
Maybe you need to go to the emergency room.
Oh, hell no.
I'm not going.
I gotta get out of here.
I gotta borrow your car.
Boys and I, we're gonna go down there and we're gonna expose John for all the shit he's been doing.
Do you know that there's a manhunt for Eric O'Bannon? They're saying that he killed a cop.
Were you part of that? - Fuck no.
- Ozzy.
- The Rayburns are behind this shit.
- Don't go down there.
I told Danny the same fucking thing when I bailed you guys out and look what happened.
You can't change it.
Yeah? Why the fuck not? I'm gonna fucking hang John Rayburn out to burn and I'm gonna show you.
It didn't start with him.
Ozzy, don't go back there.
- What the fuck are you talking about? - It didn't start with the kids.
Yeah? Who told you that? Danny told you that? Who told you? Who? - It doesn't matter.
- Don't bring it up if it doesn't matter.
- Who told you? - My mother.
Who gives a fuck what your mom says? Jesus Christ.
- You okay? - No.
Well, you're gonna have to pretend like you are.
Pull yourself together, Meggie.
One foot in front of the other.
What happened? I told you to wait for me.
I did wait for you.
I waited forever.
I got there as fast as I could.
Well, you didn't get there fast enough, because the guy said I had to get back to Marco's.
He said we've run out of time, and then he fucking shot me.
- Who? - The guy.
- What guy? - The fucking guy.
I don't know.
Gilbert's guy.
I've never seen I never saw him before.
He said he could make it all better.
So, this guy shoots you.
That part was an accident.
- Why were you at Marco's? - I just wanted to talk to him, John.
- About what? - About the case.
What about the case? Hmm? I mean what did you tell him? He's dead now, so it doesn't matter, does it? He knew, John.
He knew everything.
He said we were all going to jail.
Because of what you did.
Look at me.
Look at me.
I know why you were there.
I have a baby coming, dude.
I wanna meet my baby.
- Whose idea was Eric? - The guy's.
Who the fuck is the guy? Why don't you talk to Gilbert, John, okay? - Why don't you ask him these questions? - Oh, I'm going to.
Maybe it'd be a good idea before I do, though, that we sit here and go over every little detail over the last two days so I can try to figure out how to save you from this.
So you can see your little one.
We'll start from the beginning, how's that? Oh, Mrs.
Rayburn, Meg.
We We made you a little ceviche.
We didn't know how you like it.
Oh, my God, that is so kind.
So sorry for all of this.
We loved Marco.
He was like family to us.
Here you go.
Uh, Meg? Meg? Would you please help the children with some lemonade? Yeah.
Of course.
Thank you.
Do you remember that? Yeah.
Oh, my gosh.
He ran right up to me and gave me a big hug.
John? Who is that? - You don't wanna know.
- I do wanna know.
Save you a lot of heartbreak, you don't wanna know.
I'm a big boy.
I don't need you saving my heart.
- Way above your pay grade.
- Watch and learn.
Excuse me.
Anybody sitting here? No.
Uh, you see that guy over there? You know him? He says he knows you.
What did he say about me? He says that you're dangerous.
That I should be careful with you.
Well, why are you here? Maybe I like a little bit of danger.
- How long have you known that guy? - Couple of weeks.
He's my new partner.
- You're a cop.
- Uh, detective.
- Oh.
That's much sexier.
- Much, much, much sexier.
- Can I buy you another drink? - No, thank you.
Nothing? No? Really? Okay.
You know, I know it's not any of my business, but how do you know him? Well, actually, we used to live together.
For years.
This was a bad idea.
- I think so.
- Yeah.
I actually have a real name.
It's Marco Diaz.
I'm Meg.
Rayburn? Are you his ex? Oh, no.
What? Did I say something funny? What? - Did I say something funny? - He doesn't have an ex.
I'm his sister.
- "Treat her nice.
" - Come on.
I'll buy you a drink.
You deserve it.
All right.
I can't figure out what you're doing, Roy.
Trying to save Kevin from a murder charge.
A simple "thank you" will do.
- And what is it that you do for a living? - I invest.
In what? Are you a history guy, John? You think it bends towards justice? See, I don't.
World War II, we set Tokyo on fire.
Millions of dead civilians.
Was that justice? No, history's written by the winners.
And I favor anything that tilts the scales in my direction.
That's what I invest in.
That's why I want you to be sheriff.
But Kevin killing a cop? That wouldn't be helpful.
And Eric O'Bannon? My guys will take care of it.
Don't touch O'Bannon.
Yeah, I intend to control history, John, not be a victim to it.
And you'd better decide which side of that divide you're on.
Don't touch O'Bannon for 24 hours.
Give me a chance to get ahead of things.
Hey, Raul.
I'm so sorry.
You broke him.
You know that? You broke his heart.
The one thing my baby brother could never get over was you cheating on him.
You don't belong here.
Go try and relieve your guilt somewhere else.
Fuck it.
You want? You wanna help my family? They won't let the priest in to do last rites.
- Who won't? - The cops, the medical examiner, I don't fucking know.
I'll talk to John.
Raul, I know what you think about me.
And maybe it's It's too late now, but I want you to know that I know you were right.
I was never good enough for your brother.
You're gonna have to be vigilant now about what you say and who you say it to.
I'm in a lot of pain.
Stay off the morphine.
We don't want you saying things you'll regret later.
Gilbert, I'm so grateful for what you did for me.
- Oh.
Hi, Mr.
- Now, Roy, please.
Hello, Belle.
Oh, I, uh I brought these.
- Oh.
Oh, they look delicious.
- Wait.
Here's the thing.
You can have one, but they're not for family, they're for the nurses.
That way they'll be here all the time, and Kevin will get extra attention.
- Little trick I learned.
- Thank you.
He's trying not to do the morphine drip.
You know, AA and all.
I called a specialist in from Miami.
I wanna make sure my partner gets the best care.
- Thank you.
- Hey.
Come on.
It's all gonna be okay.
- Hi.
- Can I come in? What the fuck is wrong with our families? We just can't get out of each other's way? You mind? No.
Where is he? You asking as a cop? As a friend.
Where is he? Your brother's a suspect in the murder of a police officer.
My fucking partner.
And I guarantee when they find him, they're not gonna ask questions first.
You think he did it? Kevin says he did.
Last night my mother ran out of oxygen.
He just left her lying there, suffocating.
She could've fucking died.
So, right now, I don't give a shit what happens to him.
Is she all right? No, she's worse than ever.
It's real bad.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I'm thinking he went south.
Down towards Marathon.
The mangroves? Eric fucking hates Marathon.
Him and Dan used to get in fights down there.
He probably went north.
John, I'm sorry about Marco.
And Kevin.
Shit, I'm sorry about everything.
Me, too.
I wanted to see how the hero was doing.
Oh, no, I'm no hero.
That's not what the news says.
Front page headlines.
How you feeling? Yeah, lot of pain.
Hey, I read your statement.
All the details.
It's helpful.
I just told them what I knew.
- Do you mind if I get one of these? - Yeah, go ahead.
So, you were close with Marco, huh? Well, I mean, he was my sister's ex, so, yeah, we We knew each other, yeah.
Yeah, I was just wondering why were you at his place that late at night? I already explained that.
You said that he called you.
Yeah, that's right.
He said he wanted to talk to me.
It seemed important.
Oh, these are These are good.
And you walked there? Yeah.
I I can't drive 'cause of the DUI.
Got it.
So, Marco called and said, "Come over.
" Hmm? - Yeah.
- He didn't say why? That's That's already in the statement.
He just said it was important.
Because in your statement you said it seemed important.
You didn't say that Marco actually said that it was important.
Look, the whole night was kind of a blur.
- And - Yeah, you know, I know.
I know.
I know it was.
And your statement has so many useful details, you know? Specific.
It was really helpful to me.
He said it was important.
It's He definitely said it.
I got it.
I'll make a note in the file.
And when you got to Marco's house, you said you heard arguing? - Yeah.
- Marco and Eric O'Bannon? - You saw through the window? - Yeah.
- Did you hear what they said? - No, I couldn't make out the words.
It all happened really fast, you know? I couldn't I couldn't hear what they were saying.
- You want me to call the nurse? - Yeah.
I don't feel so good.
Listen, you take care of yourself, okay? All right.
I'll have them send up those newspapers.
It'll make you feel better.
You said that Marco turned away and that O'Bannon hit him from behind - with some sort of sculpture.
- Yeah.
Did you see what he did with it afterwards? - Uh, no.
Maybe he took it.
- Did you see him do that? No, I was shot.
I got it.
Thank you so much.
Hey, look, do you? - Yeah, go ahead.
- Yeah, I just wanted to try the, uh, lemon poppy.
Take care.
Fucking hell, man.
I was at the Diazes' today.
I need you to do me a favor.
You have to make a call.
Some asshole at the morgue won't let the priest in to see the body.
Yeah, I'll do that.
Was Mom there? She made ceviche.
One foot in front of the other.
You told her everything.
Come on, it was all gonna come out, John.
Marco knew.
I couldn't lie anymore.
You drove Kevin over to Marco's.
Let's you and I be really clear on something.
I know what you and Kevin were planning.
I know.
I completely understand why it is that you two would wanna protect yourselves.
I really do.
- What about Eric? - They'll find him soon enough.
They'll really pin the whole thing on him? - How much does he know? - Too much.
Oh, fuck.
Listen, I'll get to him and make this work out.
How? How are you gonna do that, John? Eric and Danny, they used to go down to mile marker 100 or so.
They used to go out in the mangroves.
They used to go out there and party.
Off of Dusenbury Creek.
Some shack or something.
I'm gonna need your help.
I'll be in touch with you.
Hey, where were you last night? I called you a million times.
Just went for a drive to clear my head.
Maybe you should've kept driving.
A Cohiba.
Nothing like it.
The Doble Robusto.
From Fidel's private stock.
So, how can we help each other? Well, the Castros are finished.
Cuba is opening.
US companies are investing.
This is a new market.
But we need product.
How much? The demand will be high.
Gilbert told me to meet you.
How's your brother? Fuck you.
Look, man, I'm sorry about what happened, okay? You know, he gets kind of nervous and he moved when he shouldn't have moved.
You gonna make me ask for it? I don't want you to think that's the kind of thing I don't think anything.
Why don't you just hand it over? It's 'cause I owe Gilbert, all right? Get the fuck out of my car.
Wait a second.
Diazes need access to the body tonight.
Do that? - I can make that work.
- Okay, now get the fuck out of the car.
What about security? You've always been an importer, but this is something new.
We can ensure our end.
We've been in business for years.
Question is yours.
Money can buy loyalty.
And if that doesn't work, there's other ways.
Yeah, trust.
It's hard to come by and easy to lose.
We'll go slowly.
Hey, Sally.
You should go home and get some rest.
- Is he awake? - I think he's out.
There's nothing for you to do right now.
I'm gonna stay here tonight.
Oh, honey, you can't stay here.
Where are you gonna sleep? - They set up a cot for me in Kevin's room.
- That's great.
That's good, honey.
Roy arranged it.
Roy? He's been so great.
He even paid for a specialist to come in from Miami.
Really? - You're old friends, aren't you? - No.
No, we just We just knew each other a long time ago.
He's been so good to us.
He's not who you think he is, Belle.
What do you mean? I'm just telling you.
Be careful.
Well, all I know is that he helped Kevin when no one else would.
We were going under.
We We were about to lose the boatyard and Roy stepped up.
He really believes in Kevin.
He really has faith in him.
And that That's what Kevin needs.
Well - I'll be back in the morning.
- Okay.
You get some rest.
Good night.
I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.
My brother was a good Catholic.
This should have been done last night.
I'm sure you're upset, but this is an open murder investigation and we have certain protocols.
Meg wanna come join us? Ready? You ever think about going away? Yeah, I've thought about it.
I always come back.
Well, I know a way where you could leave but not leave.
Is that a riddle? No.
You can marry me.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.
You have done well for yourself, Roy.
Ah, things broke in my favor.
Big house for one person.
It suits me.
I can see that.
I didn't want the encumbrances that come with family.
You probably know something about that.
Drink? I'm not staying that long.
Vodka, if I remember.
I asked for your help, Roy.
I didn't ask you to shoot my son.
No good deed goes unpunished.
Don't be an asshole.
You almost killed him.
You asked for my help, Sally.
I gave it to you.
Come on, Roy.
I know you better than that.
Robert dies, you buy into the boatyard, you're John's biggest campaign donor, - you give Meg legal work? - Most people would thank me.
Most people don't know you like I do.
Are you threatening me, Sally? Because if it weren't for me, you and Robert would have been sharecroppers somewhere.
You stay away from my family.
Right now we're kind of in it together.
Sell me the boatyard.
Now, even if I was inclined, and I'm not, that's really up to Kevin.
Kevin will do what I tell him.
That's been Kevin's problem, don't you think? You You jealous fuck.
You've always wanted what Robert had.
Well, you can't have it, Roy.
I'll see you dead before that happens.
Hello, sister of mine.
Fuck, this morphine is awesome.
You should try this shit.
You don't feel nothing.
Why weren't you here? I don't know, I've been busy, Kev.
I was at the Diazes', helping them plan a funeral, and then I went to the morgue, and I saw Marco.
And I saw what you did to him.
No, that That was just an accident.
His head was crushed.
You must've hit him over, and over and over.
No, Meg.
He knew.
He knew everything.
I didn't have a choice You and me, Kevin we're done.
You and me no more going along with the ride.
What do you mean? What are you gonna do? You're on your own.
Fuck you! Hey, Eric.
Hey, asshole.
- Easy, easy.
- Fuck! - I'm here by myself.
- Get out of here! - I just wanna talk.
- Get the fuck out! I know you're scared, but if they find you here, - you know what's gonna happen? - I didn't kill Marco.
Listen to me.
Listen really closely.
- We've got a witness that saw you there - No.
He was dead when I got there, John, I didn't do that to him.
I believe you.
I don't think you could've done that What the fuck are you doing here? Did you come to finish what you started last night? Huh? You don't have much time.
Now, I'm just here I'm just here to give you the opportunity to protect yourself.
Is it loaded? Huh? It's too bad.
Fuck you.
Marco's head was smashed to shit.
Did you do that? Fuck you, he was my goddamn partner.
Then who the fuck did? Huh? I had fucking immunity, John.
Now I'm living like an animal here.
Eric, I'm really sorry.
There's some money, clothes, and a few other things.
How the fuck did you find this place? I have only ever been here once.
Fucking Danny.
Fucking Danny.
Good luck, Eric.
It's not gonna stop.
- Hey.
- Hey.
What's not gonna stop? The water.
The sea level's rising.
I read in the paper that we're all gonna be underwater in 25 years.
Well, me I'll be underground.
God, I still can't believe what's happened.
You need anything? No.
I'm okay.
We're praying for your brother.
Thank you, Manny.
Listen, I'd like to take the Sunfish out.
You know what you're doing? You want me to go with you? No, I'll be fine.
You really think Eric O'Bannon did this? That's what they say.
I Oh, God, I'm sorry.
I gotta get going.
Listen, I'll try and stop by the hospital later tonight, okay? Call me if you need anything.
Tell me who I could help.
I'd I'd like to To confess.
Good afternoon.
Hey, I really recommend the oysters.
- You wanted to talk to me? - Yeah, come on in.
Shut the door.
I wanted to tell you this myself, that we got O'Bannon.
- How? - Somebody called it in.
He was on the move in the mangroves, and one of our boats spotted him.
He had some interesting stuff with him.
Interesting stuff? He had Marco's gun.
The one that shot Kevin.
And there's something else.
O'Bannon had some of your brother's things.
Kevin's? Danny's.
This looks familiar? Danny's initials are engraved on it.
Dad gave him this.
How do you think O'Bannon got possession of it? Think he stole it? 'Cause, you know, Marco floated a theory that O'Bannon killed Danny.
Yeah, it could give us motive.
Marco confronts Eric, tells him he's gonna bring him in.
They argue.
Eric hits Marco, then shoots your brother when he stumbles onto it.
It's just that it's just a little too neat.
You know what I mean? 'Cause the last time I spoke to Marco, he didn't think that O'Bannon was Danny's killer.
So, when did that change? And why would Marco confront him at his house? That is so weird, right? Yeah, I I I don't know what to think anymore, Franco.
I, uh You know, O'Bannon also had a pretty wild story about you.
About me? He said you planted the gun on him last night.
And the backpack with Danny's shit.
That's a hell of a story.
That's what I said.
Because your sister told me that you had too much to drink, and you stayed there.
You were checking up on me? Come on, John.
We were trying to find you.
But like I said, it was a wild story.
The DA's charging O'Bannon.
I hope this gives your family some closure, John.
Thank you for keeping me in the loop.
You did good.
Did I? Well, I know a way where you could leave but not leave.
You can marry me.
- I'm not saying no.
- Hey.
But I think we should take it slow.
We have all the time in the world.

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