Fog and Crimes (2005) s03e03 Episode Script

I ragazzi di buona famiglia

Go! Go! I'm coming.
One moment.
WELL-BRED BOYS You're hard to get.
You're gorgeous.
You think? For you.
Beautiful eyes.
I double-parked my car.
And we're late, too.
Come on.
I have to tell you something.
I don't feel like coming to this party at all.
Now you know.
We're going anyway.
I'm sure you'll have fun.
You are insane! - Good evening.
- Hi.
- Please.
- Hi.
Shall we go in, or shall we stay on the sidewalk all night? It's been months now that the hooded gang has been robbing the villas up in the hills.
The distinguishing mark they always leave on the spot is a black hood.
They also burn their cars to remove all traces.
- Let's hope that - That's not stuff for you, Immacolata.
Let's recap, now.
You were in front of the school.
Because I had been told that, in the café in front, worked - Who? - That bitch.
Immacolata! Who was this woman? The one who took my father away from me.
I went to tell her to send him back, or my mother would die.
Will you stop telling me lies? Who is this woman? Who is your father? What's his name? Who is your mother? Who are you? Maybe your name is not Immacolata.
Don't move.
Or you'll break your ankle again.
Hey! Meringues with chocolate.
Meringues with chocolate.
Thank you.
Look what she brought for you.
Let me see that ankle.
Signor Sebastiano, are you there? What happened? Signor Sebastiano, where are you? Did those meringues achieve their goal? Did she stop lying? Did she tell you something? No.
She lies because she has suffered.
She's a vagabond.
Her family situation must be disastrous.
You're so wise.
- Are you working tomorrow? - Why? We need to see each other, no? I'm working.
So? The maid found him this morning.
When she arrived, the door was open.
She's in there.
What a mess.
They destroyed everything.
Please, wait here.
I want to talk to you later.
- Hi, Assad.
- Hi, Soneri.
We have a dead body this time.
It's a homicide.
They'll be condemned to life imprisonment, right, Inspector? Of course, if we find them.
Here's the hood.
Their mark.
It's their masterpiece.
It's the first time they've killed someone.
They took the watch, too.
See? Who's the victim? Sebastiano Rivalta, 28.
Based on his ID, he's an accountant.
He was pushed against that edge, he hit his head and died.
There's something strange.
Why steal the paintings, the watches without taking this expensive camera? - I want this to be collected.
- Of course, Inspector.
I think they were looking for something else.
Let me show you.
What about the neighbours? They normally hear something, but they usually forget.
There are only offices around.
Have you finished with the desk, Antonio? Not yet.
- Can you help me once you're done? - Of course.
A surprise.
You see? A money-counting machine.
Why did he have that? Check when it was last used and how much money it counted the last time.
So? It looks like they had fun in here.
They were looking for this.
The safe.
Can you put these receipts with the rest? - Yes.
- Any news? It was used last night, at 10:40 pm.
Only 50 euro notes.
- How many did it count? - 20,000.
20,000? That's one million euros.
Are you sure? Yes, yes.
Of course I'm sure.
What did he do with one million euros? Yes, you got it right.
That machine counted 20,000 banknotes of 50 euros each.
- A million euros.
- Exactly.
Why did he have all that money at home? He was an accountant, right? Maybe the money belonged to a client.
That is not the right question.
The right question is, why all low denomination banknotes? It's one of the two.
Either he had 20,000 nephews to give some money to, 50 euros each, or there's a crime behind it.
Some trafficking.
Do you know the answer? Yes.
I'm leaving this very moment.
I'm going myself.
No, please.
Not now, please.
No, I want to talk to his mother, I don't want to excuse me, please! Any suspects? I don't want her to find out from the media.
What are you going to do to stop this gang? - Do you know him? - How would I know? A statement, Inspector.
Don't you read the gossip column? She works in public relations for night clubs and discos.
Excess is her distinguishing mark since she was a little girl.
Drug, sex, scandals.
The whole deal.
Good morning.
- Good morning.
Is she in? - Yes.
- This way.
- Thank you.
- I'll call her right away.
- Thank you.
- Good morning.
- Did you see anything interesting? It's all for sale.
I'm a police inspector.
I live in an apartment hotel.
- I'm not interested in that.
- In sex? In art.
They normally send a policeman.
Why did they send an inspector this time? There was a robbery last night.
Your son was killed.
Did they beat him? It has happened before.
Some criminals are violent.
In my career, I've only met violent criminals.
We'll know the answer from forensics soon.
We can talk some other time, if you prefer.
I see you're upset.
You can come to my office if you prefer.
No, no, please stay.
I know time is crucial in these cases.
- What do you want to know? - Everything that happened yesterday the people he saw, the phone calls he made.
Anything can be useful for us.
This is Michele Gallo, my boyfriend.
This is Inspector Soneri.
- Take it.
It's good for you.
- Thank you.
Nice to meet you.
I don't know what Sebastiano did yesterday.
I guess he spent the day in his office as usual.
Yesterday night we went to his engagement party.
I organised it.
What am I, Mom? I'm just like you.
- Did you party here? - No, in a club.
- He was engaged.
Was it important to him? - Of course.
- Why are you asking? - Just out of curiosity.
His fiancée's name is Cinzia Astolfi.
- What time did he leave? - Shortly after midnight.
He didn't feel well.
Maybe he had drunk too much.
So we all left.
Is that your son? Yes, when he was eight.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
Inspector, I I'd like to be alone now.
Of course.
I understand.
Can you show him the door? - Goodbye.
- Thank you.
I'd like you not to talk to Benedetta regarding this investigation unless strictly necessary.
Look, when a policeman does something, his reasons are always, how can I put this strictly necessary.
Of course.
What I meant was Benedetta is close to breaking point.
I know her.
So, talk to me to spare her more pain.
Besides being Benedetta's fiancé, what else do you do? I help her doing public relations.
It's a tough job, I'm telling you.
- Your life is sheer hell, right? Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
- Hi, Sant'Ambrogio.
What's up? - Inspector.
These are the photos in the memory card of the camera and in the PC we found at Sebastiano Rivalta's place.
- Put everything in that office.
- Perfect.
What did you find? If I tell you, I'll ruin the surprise for you, Inspector.
You're spoiling me.
I could get used to that.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
There we go.
- Inspector.
- Hey, Todisco.
I need you to do some research about Cinzia Astolfi.
She was the fiancée of that Rivalta.
Find me all you can about her.
Yes, sure.
Inspector, I have something to ask you.
- Shoot.
- I have some documents we found at Rivalta's office.
If you don't need me, I would like to study them.
Do you need my permission? Maybe we can find out something about the mystery regarding the bank notes.
- Cinzia? - Astolfi.
Did you have a difficult childhood, Todisco? Go.
Astolfi Cinzia Maria.
Born on November 5, 1980 in Torino.
She attended art school and she's enrolled at the university, but she hasn't taken any exams.
Her parents died.
She has no relatives.
Her parents were rich, but they lost everything.
They only left debts.
She tried many jobs, with no success.
She started to hang out with bad people.
Drugs, prostitution and whatnot.
Then she met Mr.
Her life changed.
Rivalta's mother gave her the money to open an art shop.
She also gives her a monthly cheque so she can be on the safe side.
- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
Are you looking for something for you or is it a gift? I'm Inspector Soneri.
- It's about Sebastiano.
- Yes.
- I'm very sorry for that.
- You are very sorry? - Are you his fiancée? - Of course.
Maybe you can tell me something about his job.
Not really.
Do you know if he administered the money for someone in particular, or if he had other activities Accountants administer money, don't they? Yes, that's their job.
Look, I have some photos of the frames of the paintings stolen from Sebastiano's place.
If you remember anything, it would be a huge help.
There was a still life here.
A flower basket.
- Maybe fruits.
- Flowers or fruits? I don't know.
And here, a portrait, I think.
I don't have a good visual memory, sorry.
Although you were his girlfriend, in his apartment there are no signs of your presence.
No makeup, no lingerie not even a toothbrush.
Sebastiano was a discreet person.
He wanted his space.
I'm like him.
It's late now.
I have to close the shop.
Of course.
You aren't hiding anything, are you? I have nothing to hide.
I'm a transparent person.
- I answered your questions.
- Sure.
Well done.
Well done.
Investigation is still under way to individuate and neutralise the hooded gang.
During a meeting this morning, the police discussed the information gathered so far.
No official statements have been released by the police chief Eliana Baratti or by the judges.
The impression is that a turning point in the investigation is not possible yet.
The last criminal action of the gang Immacolata? involved Countess Benedetta Rivalta's son in Torino.
Besides the usual ritual of robbery and vandalism, this time the victim has been killed while alone at home - Immacolata! - I'm here.
was found dead by the maid.
She called the police upon finding the body.
Fear and tension are growing in and around town.
In some residential areas, the residents are not feeling protected by the police, so they hired private security guards at their own expense.
In some suburbs, spontaneous patrols made of young potential criminals threatened and assaulted houses and shops of eastern Europe immigrants.
The undisputed queen of Torino nights, Benedetta Rivalta, had the difficult task of going to the morgue today to officially recognise the body of her son.
She had spent the night before partying with him in a club downtown.
The local parliamentarians of both the majority and the opposition officially asked the Minister of Internal Affairs what actions the government is willing to What did you do today? Did you stay in or did you go out? I stayed in watching TV.
You went out.
- Your medication is getting to you.
- Do you want the truth? I always want the truth.
I'm a policeman.
I did some shopping and prepared dinner.
Believe it or not.
How did you pay? Did you steal again? No.
I said I'm a police inspector's niece.
My uncle will settle all accounts.
That's what I said.
- They believed you? - Aren't you a police inspector? I'm not your uncle! Will you call the social workers? I want to try a new strategy and give you a second chance.
Instead of treating you like a small-time thief, which you are, I'll try to treat you as if you were a normal person.
I'll try to treat you as if you were a normal person.
- Good evening.
- Hi.
Soneri Calling Why do people never answer the phone? This is the emergency ward of Le Molinette.
- I'm hello? - Hello? It's Soneri.
May I talk to Doctor Rovasio, please? - Hold on, I'll see if she's around.
- Yes, I'll wait.
Thank you.
Sorry, but she's not working tonight.
- She's not working? I see.
- Bye.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- Don't you sleep, Inspector? - Why aren't you sleeping? Go! That's enough, now.
- Where are you going? - Shut up.
Can you come here? I'd like you to see something.
Do you think it's normal for a son to take such a photo of his mother? It depends on the mother.
- Strange.
- She made an impression on you, too.
She upsets me, actually.
Because she look at her.
She seems to act and be natural at the same time.
Everything and its opposite.
Sometimes she's transgressive, but if you look at her expression, she seems to hide a fear or a deep pain.
She upsets me.
We have a file about her.
Here's a copy.
What's up? Can I ask you something? Man to man? Sure, it's 3:00 am.
You can ask me anything.
Why do women always tell lies? Because then you can judge us and call us bitches.
Is it true? Women lie just like men.
But men hate to be fooled.
We are used to it.
It's the routine.
I'm going now.
I've got things to do.
The hooded gang? Don't you read the newspapers? It's the list and the description of what's been stolen by the hooded gang.
Read it.
I think it's better if you speak.
Of course.
If one kills somebody, it's easy to forget, right? Keep your mouth shut and give me your purse, and I won't harm you.
- Or - Go away.
Come on, she's the doctor who's helping us.
Sorry, I didn't know.
Forgive him.
He has just arrived and is an idiot.
Knock it off, both of you.
Or I'll be late.
- It's Soneri.
- A call for you.
- Benedetta Rivalta.
- All right.
Inspector, why don't we get a coffee? There's a café in Corso Vittorio, corner of Corso Re Umberto.
- All right.
In half an hour? - Perfect.
- See you in half an hour.
- On the corner of Corso Umberto, right? - Yes.
- I'm coming.
If you keep walking, you may break the pivots they put in your ankle.
- And you'll be a cripple.
- Are you scaring me? Why should I? What I've just told you is called informed consent.
It means that doctors must inform patients - of the possible consequences.
- If they keep doing what they want Exactly.
Will your friend the inspector take me back to the social workers? Why don't you ask? He's not my friend, actually.
His life is not my business.
Everyone can mind their own business, except me.
I'm not free to do anything.
Soneri has given you a chance and is taking a risk for that.
Remember it.
Why don't you treat me like a child? I don't see any children here.
Only two beautiful girls.
- Good morning.
- Take a seat, Inspector.
I'm a regular here.
It's a nice place.
Don't you think? Yes, really.
And full of temptations.
A dangerous place for someone like me.
- What did you want to tell me? - Is it true what they say on TV? That you're not able to find the hooded gang? - You know what newspapers - Countess.
What can I bring you, sir? Take a chocolate, it's very good.
A coffee.
I think the death of your son has nothing to do with the hooded gang.
The pathologist says there are no signs of violence or of a beating.
We checked his wrists and ankles and there are no signs of restraints nothing.
But the newspapers say that they left their mark again, the hood.
Journalists always have to write something.
I guess you collected information about me, too.
Let's say that we consider you a previous offender.
We have an open case file under your name.
What's in it? Drink driving, use of drugs, assault against officials, policemen and against some photographers, but I think that it's part of the game, right? Is there anything about the fact that I had many men and many women? We don't care about gossip.
You think I'm a bad girl.
No, I think you suffered a huge loss and it will be hard for you to go on.
Come with me, Inspector.
I'd like to show you something.
The one over there is my family vault.
It dates back to the 1600s.
All my ancestors are there.
I have an important name.
There's my father, my brother.
An unlucky guy, he died young.
Like heroes do.
He was the family jewel.
Abstainer, heterosexual, he administered the Rivalta's properties.
Then he had an accident you were driving, the road surface was slippery and As you can see, police files are very accurate.
He was the one who had to continue our glorious line.
My father never accepted his death.
Sorry, but why are we here? Sebastiano will rest here.
And I will be next to him.
There won't be anybody else to bury.
The game is over.
Nothing will survive of us.
Only this grave.
So? I wanted you to see me alive in the place where I'll be buried.
Serena, here's the info about the new patient.
- Insert everything, I'll check later.
- Yes, yes, Doctor.
Come here, sorry.
Now, listen to me.
I understand we don't have a relationship, and that what happened between us won't happen again.
So there's nothing between us.
Considering all that, why did you lie to me? - Did I? - Yes.
You told me you had to work but you were not here.
I told you I had to work, I didn't mention the hospital.
What's the difference? The difference is the tone you're using now.
Why do you have to lie to me? Why do I have to be surrounded by people who always lie? Even when there's no reason, people lie to me.
What's the purpose of living in this sea of lies and drowning the best things of our life in it? Will you stop playing with this thing? I didn't lie to you.
Where were you last night? My shift ends in five minutes.
Wait for me outside.
Luisa? Darling, I know you're in.
Why didn't you answer the phone? I bought some pastries.
Let's forget glycaemia for one day.
- Your wife is here.
- Luisa.
What the hell are you doing? Do you understand? Amedeo! Don't touch him! Don't touch him! I'm sorry.
I made a mistake.
Let's hurry.
Do you know how to get to the Falchera? Yes, sure.
Give it to me.
I didn't lie.
I omitted something.
I did it because I didn't know if I could trust you.
What do you mean? In the sense that you're a policeman even when you take a shower.
It's my job.
What can I do? Can you stop being a policeman for a few hours? I can try.
It's not easy.
Do you know the Hippocratic Oath? Yes, doctors have to swear they'll behave in the right way, they'll be morally honest towards their patients, they'll help them in case of need.
Stuff like that.
Yes, but that's not all.
What I may see or hear in the course of treatment or even outside of the treatment in regard to the lives of men, on no account must I spread it around I will keep to myself such things that are shameful to speak about.
If I fulfil this oath and do not violate it, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and art if I transgress it and swear falsely, may the opposite of all this be my fate.
Will you keep the secret? I promise.
- Is this the place? - Yes, there.
- Let's go.
- Let's go.
- Hi, Anna, how are you? - Fine.
- Hi, Doctor.
- Hi.
- Do you come here often? - When I'm not in the hospital.
You're a very brave and generous woman.
I thought I was the only one with a difficult job.
Hi, Andrea.
- Is he still coughing? - No, it's better.
These are for him.
And these are vitamins, they are for you.
Don't sell them.
They are for you, understand? - Thank you, Doctor.
- Bye.
Doctor! - I'll see you later.
- All right.
Hi, Irina.
How is Anton? Did you take his temperature every three hours, like I said? I wrote it here.
It's going down.
Now let's see this injury.
He's my assistant.
He's OK.
- Did you boil the water? - I'll get it for you.
There are some gauzes and an antibiotic liniment in my purse.
Take them.
We'll cure you now.
Will you stop speaking Romanian? I don't understand it.
- We should have stayed.
There was money.
- Bull crap! Hurry up.
Let's go, go! Go, go! Considering I'm an insomniac, I decided to take advantage of that.
I'll bring you home.
I'm not going home.
It was my free night.
I have to go to the hospital to work.
- You? - I work, too.
- Perfect.
- Excuse me one second.
Who's this? Inspector, it's Todisco.
I'm sorry to wake you up, - but - No, I was working.
I didn't go to sleep tonight.
What happened? Another robbery, in Moncalieri, 18 Sant'Anna Street.
- I'm going there.
- Moncalieri? Street? 18 Sant'Anna Street.
- Perfect.
Very well.
- Can't you come? - No, no, I'll be there.
- All right.
- I'm on my way.
- See you there.
- All right.
- Later.
Another robbery.
The hooded gang again.
- I'll call a cab.
- Sorry, I wanted to Hello? Yes, what's up? Who is it now? Hello, Soneri? Why didn't you come home last night? I've been busy all night and I couldn't call you.
Why can't I behave like you? I have to tell you everything.
You do what you want.
Is it because I'm a girl? Look.
We'll talk when I get home.
All right? - Did you sleep with the Doctor? - Immacolata! I'm not jealous.
I'm glad, actually.
Sorry, but you're not my type.
No offence But if you go out with the Doctor, I'm happy.
She's fine.
No problem at all.
- What are you doing now? - I have to go.
It's time for my cartoons.
- Thank you.
I'm going.
- Bye.
- What's up? - They were four.
- The usual four? - Yes.
Hoods and gloves.
They robbed all night.
She's been given a thrashing.
Was she alone? Her husband was there.
He's better.
They focused on her to make him speak.
- Did he speak? - No, there wasn't much to say.
They didn't have valuables at home.
- Hey, Assad.
- It's still them.
What a mess.
This is a farce.
I can't believe all these black hoods around.
They destroy everything and leave a black hood.
Inspector, this is the owner.
Nice to meet you, I'm Soneri.
I'm sorry for your wife.
I hope she'll recover soon.
- Do you have something to tell me? - Two of them talked in a language I don't know.
The one who seemed to be the boss was Italian.
They kept asking if there was money in the house, but I don't keep money here.
I gave them everything, but they didn't stop.
Did they steal paintings, jewels, anything we can keep track of? No.
I built this house with my hands.
Will we be able to keep living here? Of course.
This is your home.
- We'll find them.
- You'll find them.
Gentlemen, please keep clear.
What are they saying? They found it.
The license plate matches.
- They burnt everything as usual.
- Good.
- Good morning.
- Hi.
The woman had been beaten up, they tortured her to make her husband speak.
But he didn't speak because he didn't have anything to say.
There was no money in the house, so they stole the car and burnt it.
That's all.
As usual.
This morning, when the news spread, a bunch of criminals assaulted a gypsy camp in Quincinetto.
Why do people always connect these facts to gypsies? Gypsies have nothing to do with the hooded gang.
As simple as that.
Do criminals need some form of evidence? Come on, Pietro.
Get off, darling.
Come, Mom will help you.
Be good! I'll pick you up when you leave.
- Pietro! - Imma.
Look how big you are! You're eating a lot, aren't you? Yes.
Now that I found you again, nothing will tear us apart.
- Will you run away with me? - Now? Not now.
I have to arrange things first.
Just keep your mouth shut.
OK? I'll come and get you when I'm ready.
Go, run.
- Carotenuto? - Yes, Inspector Baratti.
- Are your men ready? - Yes, as you requested.
We're ready.
- We're leaving now.
- The gypsies? - Yes.
We're going there.
The Roma camp.
- All right, Inspector.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
I'm surprised to see you here on the playground, in the morning, watching the kids playing soccer.
The look of a loving mother.
You should know that my job is to surprise people.
Did you take your son to play when he was a kid? I didn't spend time with him when he was a kid.
That was my father's will.
He hired a very good nurse, and then sent him to a boarding school.
He said I was not able to take care of him.
He was right.
I can't wake up at 7:00 am, prepare breakfast, organise parties, meet other moms, talk to teachers.
Could you imagine me like that? Why not? You can always try.
Why not? Because I like other kinds of parties.
Like the one where Sebastiano was conceived.
You never spoke about his father.
I don't know what to say.
I don't know him.
There were many people that night.
A child belongs to his mother, to her only.
Maybe you'll laugh, but this is the kind of thing that my grandmother used to say.
But she was a practicing Catholic and received the Sacrament every day.
Nothing seems to make me laugh lately.
I heard about last night's robbery.
The hooded gang again? Those who killed my son? They have nothing to do with the death of your son.
I told you.
Who, then? Sebastiano had no enemies.
He was a good man, he was generous and everyone loved him.
You're not giving me answers, Inspector.
You're not saying anything.
Do you live in front of this coffee machine? It's not good for you! - Once in a while.
- It's not good.
- Inspector? - Yes.
Inspector Assad was looking for you regarding the hood we found at the Rivaltas.
Really? What's wrong with it? According to our tests, it's brand new.
No hair, DNA or saliva.
None of the stuff that forensics adores.
Nobody ever wore it.
All other hoods had been used.
So it's useless.
What did you do? Where did you get this stuff? Thieves, receivers, gypsy camps.
All stolen goods.
Inspector Baratti wants to catalogue them to see if they've been stolen from the villas.
- Did she say that? - Yes.
Come here.
Let us pass.
What did you do? How many did you arrest? - All previous offenders.
- Congratulations.
We're all set.
Now we'll have to start again with interrogations, reports, people in jail.
Prisons are already too crowded.
We had to do something.
Don't you get it? Our laws are based upon our territory.
Can someone take care of these kids? They have no laws or territory.
I know that they snatch, they steal, but they have nothing to do with the hooded gang.
The hooded gang are not ghosts, as you think.
They have accomplices, women, friends.
I don't arrest people indiscriminately.
Get that into your thick skull! I MAY NO COME BACK HOME TONIGHT - BYE Pietro.
Pietro, let's go.
The sun, the sea, my love.
I'm not tired tonight.
Maybe you need your best assistant and I thought I heard about some fine work at the gypsy camp.
Are you sure you don't want to surprise me and take your men with you? I'm alone.
- When did he begin to feel this way? - Yesterday.
- Did you keep giving him antibiotics? - Yes, like you said.
It's blood poisoning.
I can't help him more.
We can't leave him here.
We have to take him to the hospital.
- No, no! No hospital! - Don't worry, Anton.
Don't worry.
Even if they save him, what would they do next? They would send him to jail.
I don't think he wants to go to jail.
People like him don't have many chances.
I want to make one attempt, though.
And I need you.
- Do you want to operate on him here? - Take that off.
Here you go.
- Are you a policeman? - No, I'm a friend of Chiara.
I don't know if I'll be alive tomorrow.
You've been good to me.
I want to give you something in return.
I know where you can find the people that the police are looking for.
- Did they do this to you? - It's none of your business.
You want to find them? Yes or no? I know where they are.
We have to hurry.
Let's go.
Come on.
- Go.
- Quick.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Soneri, follow the motorbike.
The rest will take care of the van.
- Squad two and three.
Block the van.
- All right, Inspector.
Stop! Freeze! Put your guns down! You too, come on! Up! Now I'll show you the photos of some victims of the robberies.
You'll tell me if you are responsible for them.
There's someone for you, Inspector.
- Later.
Is there an apparition? - No, it's I'm going.
- Piazzale Adua, on the 22nd.
- Yes.
- Rivoli, November 7.
- Yes.
- Lucento, December 20.
- Yes.
- Corso Novara, January 9.
- Yes.
- Piazza San Martino, two days ago.
- Yes.
Piazza della Gran Madre, five days ago.
- Look carefully.
- I've never seen him before.
Because he died, and you don't want to take responsibility for it.
It wasn't us in that case.
Inspector Soneri.
- Good morning.
- Come in.
- Thank you.
- Sorry for keeping you waiting, but we have an interrogation in the other room.
- Have a seat.
Talk to me.
- Well.
I run a jeweller's shop.
Sebastiano Rivalta was a client of mine.
He bought some very prestigious watches.
We are talking about the watch that was stolen in his apartment, right? Exactly.
This morning a guy came and offered to sell me one of these watches back.
- Did you know him? - No, I had never seen him before.
He wanted to be paid in cash.
I told him that I didn't have that sum in cash with me and that I needed a couple of hours to find it and make an agreement.
All right.
Let's do this.
Conclude the transaction and we'll take care of the rest.
- All right.
- Thanks for coming.
- Thank you.
- Sorry again for keeping you waiting.
Not a problem.
Don't worry.
- Excuse me.
I hope I didn't stain you.
- No problem.
No, it's OK.
- Bye again, Inspector.
- Did you do that on purpose? I can't believe it.
You look like come on.
I haven't finished yet, but maybe I found something.
Here, on the day after tomorrow, I found this note.
- What does it mean, in your opinion? - One, two, three, four, five.
How many digits are there? I have no idea.
It's not a social security number.
I don't know what it is.
Stay in the storage room and work.
I hope you don't meet anybody else - and collide with him.
- No, no.
- I'll be careful.
- Good.
- No, I won't arrest him.
- But he's selling the victim's watch.
All right.
Four thousand.
- All right.
- What else do you need to handcuff him? He could have given it to a receiver, instead.
No? But he didn't.
Stop him.
Stop him and we'll interrogate him.
I'll have him shadowed for now.
Then we'll see.
We don't even know his name.
We can't afford to lose him.
Eliana, if you are involved in a murder and a robbery, you want to hide and disappear, right? - Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Why didn't he leave Torino? And if you have one million euros, you don't resell a watch in a jeweller's shop.
Stop him and we'll ask him.
- Soneri? Soneri? - It's too late, now.
Go, tail him.
- Thank you, Signora.
- You're welcome.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
- What's going on? - Signora, please open your bag.
What? Are you saying that I am a thief? No, Signora, I'm only saying that you have to open your bag.
- Forget about it! - Signora, will you follow me, please? Look.
It's very embarrassing.
I Inspector, it's me.
I found the name of the guy.
- Can you hear me, Inspector? - Yes.
No, no, I called Caroli, but he wasn't there.
Tell Gianfranco.
Sant'Ambrogio, I can't hear you.
Move into another room.
Tell me.
There's some noise, I know.
I don't hear a damn thing here.
The guy with the watch is Nicolaj Tudor from Moldova.
His job is he has sex with men for money.
You got it? All right.
So, also also Sebastiano was gay.
All right.
Keep shadowing this Tudor or Yes, yes.
Maybe I'll pick up somebody.
The Minister of Internal Affairs expressed his personal satisfaction for the arrest of the hooded gang that was terrorising the town.
The case of the murder of Sebastiano Rivalta is not closed yet.
- The son of Countess Benedetta Rivalta - Well done.
When will you arrest the one who killed Sebastiano? It's not that easy.
This guy was really beautiful.
- Beautiful? - I mean handsome.
- Oh, handsome.
- Losing a son must be terrible.
Especially if he was that handsome.
But look who I'm talking to.
What can you understand of a mother's feelings? What do you know about a mother's feelings? - I know it well.
- Really? - Who is Pietro? - Pietro? - Who knows? - "The sun, the sea, you and I" while you were sleeping.
"Pietro!" Oh, Pietro.
My fiancé last summer.
- Fiancé? - Yes, on the coast.
- On the coast? - Yes, nothing important.
Listen, Ms.
Look at me.
You have 24 hours to tell me everything.
If you don't, I'll take you back to the social workers and I won't want to have anything to do with you for the rest of my life.
Clear? What do you want? What do you want? What the hell are you doing? Stop! Damn! Let me see.
Don't worry.
I'll call an ambulance.
- What happened? - I'm sorry, Inspector.
He escaped through the restroom.
I didn't know there was a way out.
My bad.
I shouldn't have let you tail him alone.
I couldn't even see the face of the man who assaulted him.
He's here.
Inspector, an important thing.
Before all this happened, in the club, Tudor met a girl.
- Who was she? - She was Cinzia Astolfi.
When I came back, she was gone.
All right.
May I? Yes, you can talk to him if you want.
The knife slid on the rib, so it didn't harm his lungs.
Perfect, thanks.
I'll talk to him.
I'm Inspector Soneri.
- How are you? - Being stabbed is not the worst thing that could happen to me.
Yes? What could be worse? Police are the worst.
- I will be kicked out, right? - No, no.
Being kicked out is not the worst thing.
The accusation of murder is the most serious thing.
Murder? The murder of Sebastiano Rivalta.
Do you remember? Yes, Sebastiano is why would I have killed him? Maybe to rob him.
- Do you recognise this? - Sebastiano gave it to me as a present.
He gave me many things.
Clothes, shoes he was a generous guy.
- He also gave me this.
- Nice.
Why do you sell presents? The presents from my clients are part of my salary.
I was fond of Sebastiano.
Yes, it was for money.
But it was different with him.
I think he was in love with me.
It's a nice love story.
I'll pretend to believe it.
- But I have to arrest you.
- I told the truth.
I didn't kill him.
Did you know the man who stabbed you? No.
I haven't seen him.
I don't know.
Do you know anything about a fiancée? Someone who went out with Sebastiano? Why are you asking? Because there's a reason.
What's her name? He spoke about her one day.
But he never told me her name.
I only know that many gay people have girlfriends as a cover.
So it's probable.
Don't move.
Or the stitches will come out.
Call the office and ask them to put a new team on duty.
- I can take care of that.
- All right, for now, yes - but when they arrive, go home.
- All right.
- What's up? - Anton says hi.
- He made it? - He's thick-skinned.
- I have to thank him.
- You can't.
He's gone.
Look, I wanted to tell you something.
Being your assistant, maybe we could take advantage of that and have dinner together - drink something, no? - I have to work.
Maybe between a trepanning and a - a dinner together could be - You're a hard case, aren't you? - When are you free? - I don't know at the moment.
I was thinking that tomorrow night I am free - Go away, my patients - I will get stabbed so I'll be hospitalised here and you'll have to take care of me.
- You'll just have to.
- Maybe I won't be working.
This wasn't planned.
Hey, you little girl.
Come here! - Inspector Soneri, please.
- Upstairs, - first flight, then ask.
- Thank you.
I thought they screamed and wriggled.
At the beginning, yes.
Then comes the resignation.
Please, have a seat.
Can you really resign to ending up in prison? Let's say that they don't have alternatives.
I wanted to ask you since we could have met anywhere, even at your place, why did you come here? You saw my world, but I haven't seen yours.
I wanted to visit you.
Take a seat.
You knew very well that your son was a homosexual.
Why didn't you tell me? I didn't want that to end up in the newspapers.
You often end up in newspapers, don't you? That's my choice.
So you put on an act to defend your son's reputation.
You paid Cinzia Astolfi to act the role of the fiancée.
Torino is a provincial town.
Many of his clients would have turned up their noses if they knew he was gay.
But an official engagement is quite different, no? It wasn't Sebastiano's nature.
It was my fault to let my father raise him.
He was a terrible man.
An authoritarian man.
I was a match for him, but Sebastiano couldn't stand him.
And I understand.
If being a man means being like my father, then it's better being something else.
Did your father know of your son's homosexual tendencies? He refused to see him again.
He considered him dead.
Obviously, he accused me of that.
He always accused me.
Since I was born.
Is that all? You are a charming woman, but I don't fall for your charms.
Too bad.
Oh, Gillio.
GILLIO'S GARAGE MOTOR OIL What's so special about this place? I think Mr.
Rivalta used this place.
This way.
Do you have another torch? - Yes, take this one, Inspector.
- Thank you.
Rivalta paid the electricity bill.
Even though this place belonged to a man who died more than ten years ago.
Look what I found.
This is caffeine.
This is mannitol.
- And that one? - This is ephedrine.
You can get cocaine out of this.
This means that either a haul is about to arrive, or we missed it.
We didn't miss it, Inspector.
This note that I found in the diary, 3-6-5-F-H-4-9-7-5-T-E-U-6-8, is the serial number of a container.
What container? They robbed the money from Rivalta to pay for a haul of cocaine.
- Is the cocaine in the container? - Maybe.
It's all thanks to Todisco.
It left Caracas three weeks ago.
It was unloaded in Marseille and will arrive this afternoon on a supply train in Torino.
I printed the map of the train station to organise an ambush.
- It's Chiara.
- Tell me, tell me.
Promise you won't get pissed off.
What happened? - Tudor has escaped.
- Hold on.
Tudor has escaped.
We don't have the time to chase a male prostitute.
Maybe we won't have to.
Stay there.
I'll call you later.
Call Sant'Ambrogio, I have a job for him.
- Did you put everything back? - Yes, yes, Inspector.
What a surprise! Look whose coming.
It's Michele Gallo, Countess Rivalta's boyfriend.
There we go.
Don't move.
Don't move.
You're not going to tell me this is some Colombian handicraft.
How disappointing.
Take him, come on.
I'll take this.
I know your time in jail will be long, but you can't keep a stock of it.
Come on.
Don't even think about it, that stuff won't make you faster.
I didn't kill Sebastiano.
But you knew he was waiting for a big haul of cocaine.
You also knew he had money at home.
- Otherwise - Thank you.
how could you take his place in his business? - Yes, yes, I knew that.
- When did you find this out? The night when Sebastiano was killed.
Am I right? So we have the motive.
It's not difficult to imagine how and when.
Sebastiano didn't want to cooperate.
You beat him, but something went wrong.
No, no, I didn't kill him.
Benedetta did it.
Ask her.
She'll confirm.
She sent me there to fake the robbery.
Sebastiano was already dead when I arrived.
It's true.
I'm in front of the shop.
- She's leaving.
- Don't lose sight of her.
All right.
I'm coming, I'm coming.
Soneri? - What's up? - Look.
We have to listen to Countess Rivalta's version.
- Can you go? - Yes, but later.
- Later? - Later.
- I'm shadowing her, Inspector.
- Tell me if she stops.
All right.
I'll keep you posted.
- Sant'Ambrogio.
- Finally, Inspector.
Wait for me here.
I'll be back.
Good evening.
Cinzia Astolfi, please.
- Room 105.
First floor.
- Thank you.
- Does it hurt? - Come here.
They shadowed you.
Let me remind you that he's a fugitive, and you are helping a fugitive.
I hope you both get the idea.
Let's see if I got the story right.
Your name is Nicolaj Tudor.
You came to Italy as an illegal alien.
I understand that at the beginning, it's hard in this country.
It's hard to find a job.
So what's the best way to make some money quickly? Prostitution.
- It's not a crime.
- It's not, but after some time, it's not enough.
Things changed, especially when you met Cinzia.
You met thanks to Sebastiano.
At a party, three months ago.
I was there with Sebastiano.
Nicolaj was there too.
Let me understand.
Are you living in a fairy tale or what? You didn't realise he was a male prostitute? It was his mother who pretended not to see.
I don't think you are that innocent either.
You liked your job in the shop, no? It was only a fake job.
You had to look like Sebastiano's fiancée.
Sebastiano understood you were in love.
I told you.
He was in love with me.
We didn't want him to suffer.
So you went to his place after the engagement party to tell him the truth.
What did you see? We were entering and his mother's boyfriend exited from the front door.
He was holding a bag and he threw something away.
Then we entered and You saw that Sebastiano was dead.
- What did you do next? - We didn't want to be involved.
We ran away.
Now I'll tell you my version.
You left, went to the trashcan and took the object that had been thrown away.
It was perfect, no? You could have blackmailed Gallo.
That's why you've been stabbed.
Where did you put it? Come on.
We only wanted to have some money to live easily.
- May I? - Hey.
Go to forensics and ask them to analyse it immediately.
Right away.
I'm coming from there, actually.
Inspector Assad just gave me the results of the autopsy - of Sebastiano Rivalta.
- Perfect.
Do you have a lighter? - No, I don't smoke.
- You could give me what I ask just once.
A match.
Go, go.
- Yes? - Inspector? Why don't you come to see me? I'd like to talk to you.
I'm at home.
- Wait for me.
I'll be there right away.
- Thank you.
The Inspector is here, Signora.
- Please.
- What happened? You were expecting my call, weren't you? Yes, but what's wrong? I have to tell you something.
I killed Sebastiano.
After the party.
I had invited Tudor, his lover.
I couldn't stand him.
We had an argument.
I don't care if that's your nature.
You won't see Tudor or other people like him anymore.
Understand? - Nobody must know what you are.
- What am I, Mom? I'm just like you.
And you don't accept it.
Don't ever talk to me like that.
Don't laugh in my face.
I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! Sebastiano? Sebastiano? Sebastiano? Calm down.
What did you do next? I went home.
He's dead.
I killed Sebastiano.
I killed my son! Sebastiano is dead.
He fell.
He hit his head.
I killed him.
Calm down, please.
Sebastiano! Oh, my God.
He's dead.
He's dead.
I'll try to fix this thing.
Take this to feel better.
Take it.
- He's dead.
- Drink.
I'll find a solution.
Don't worry.
You didn't kill your son.
I saw the medical report.
Your son didn't die after hitting his head.
Sebastiano was choked to death with a supermarket plastic bag.
Michele did it.
You want to exculpate me.
Michele loves me.
He adores me.
He's not capable of this.
At a certain point, you can't stand yourself anymore, your defects.
- Does it happen to you? - No.
I'm too busy for this bull crap.
I can't stand it anymore.
I hurt everybody.
My father.
My brother.
My son.
The people I loved.
I'm tired.
What are these? How many did you take? All of them.
Todisco, an ambulance to the Rivaltas, immediately.
- Was it on the school report card? - No, the teachers told him.
Really? - Is Pietro going to the swimming pool? - No, he said he has to think about it.
Amanda wants to be a dancer.
Valentina, I'm here.
Pietro? Pietro? Where are you going? Here you go.
The blow to his head only made Sebastiano faint.
Gallo killed him, choking him to death with a plastic bag.
First, he managed to have the combination of the safe.
We have Sebastiano's DNA - and Gallo's fingerprints.
- Good.
- It all happened so quickly.
- Calm down.
Now, focus.
The case is closed.
- It's going to take us ages this way.
- Calm down.
Excuse me one second.
Now we add the hair.
Here you go.
- What did this little girl do? - She kidnapped the child in my custody.
Pietro, it's your turn.
Immacolata, what did you do? You'll look good, Pietro.
What are you doing? - You've been in there for an hour.
- I'm coming, one second.
- My brother doesn't feel very well.
- OK.
Look at us.
We'll be together forever, Pietro.
- What's up, Sant'Ambrogio? - Nothing.
- Nothing at all.
- It's not possible.
I'm such an idiot.
How could I not realise that she was up to something? It was clear.
I only needed to look in her face.
TICKET MACHINE What do we do now, Imma? We are taking the bus to Milan and then the train to town.
There you go.
Let's see if they find us.

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