Sky Rojo (2021) s03e03 Episode Script

The Lucky Cat

[suspenseful music playing]
[Moisés] Seeing Wendy that morning
flicked a light on in my head.
A tiny light,
It grew more and more intense,
I remembered everything.
My brother, Namibia,
the taxi company we were going to open,
and the girlfriends we were going to have.
But mainly, my brother.
The life we wanted was so close.
And Wendy and her friends shattered that
by firing a bullet into him.
[Darwin] We can strangle her
right here, right now.
Untie me.
Let me do my job and we can leave.
[Darwin] Why the fuck won't you let me go?
Why don't you just shut the fuck up?
[Darwin] What?
Do you wanna take all the credit?
You want it all?
[suspenseful music fades out]
[Moisés] That little light
activated my shark instinct.
The shark can live peacefully
for six months in an aquarium.
But as soon as it smells blood
and gets to the sea, it has to kill.
[tense music playing]
[tense music building]
[tense music fades out]
Damn bitches.
[dance music playing in background]
I can't walk in heels.
[Romeo laughs]
Honey, you're like 4'8".
If you had Rubí's legs, it'd be different.
you should've drunk
more milk when you were a kid.
- Come on.
- Come on, love. Hold on to me.
If all the rest of us can do it,
you can too. Come.
[Rubí] Don't look down at your feet.
Keep looking in front of you.
There, that's good.
Like that. Just like that.
A little step, then another.
- And you lean completely to the right.
- Rubí.
You got children?
No. At least not yet.
'Cause you're so maternal.
[phone ringing]
[phone continues ringing]
Tell me. [sniffs]
Guess what.
I've found the girls.
[tense music playing]
[cane clatters to ground]
[breathing heavily]
Moisés, my brother,
my fucking guardian angel.
Where are they?
They've rented a house
just in front of a Civil Guard station.
There are two guards
at the door, but don't worry.
The three of them
have to leave at some point.
And then,
we'll get them.
Okay, listen to me.
Tell Beefcake and the others I don't want
them around drawing attention.
- This time, we do it right.
- [Moisés] Okay.
How are things with Darwin?
Imagine it like a fucking honeymoon.
Two guys driving around Almería
in an RV. You can't ask for more.
[Romeo and Darwin laughing]
[tense music stops]
Okay, girls, this is
the auxiliary regulator.
And it's important
that it's attached here.
And then the connecting tube
to the trachea, okay?
Okay, yeah.
[Wendy] Ah, I got it.
Okay, girls. You got this, yeah?
[Toni] Gina.
The other day didn't seem
like the right moment, but [sighs]
There's something
I can't get out of my head,
and I need to ask you about it.
Ask away.
The father of the child
[Toni] Hmm?
And what do you wanna know?
[emotive music playing]
Does he know that you're pregnant?
He does.
I told him, but he wasn't as enthusiastic
as I had hoped he would be, but
[Toni] Yeah.
[Gina] Mm.
I met him at work.
[Toni] Hmm.
And it was
kind of frowned upon to get pregnant.
[laughs] Because of the dancing
with a big belly, you know?
- Yeah. [laughing]
- [laughing]
[Toni] Sure, sure.
Then you changed
your whole life for your child?
["I Don't Love You Like I Did"
by Chlöe's Clue playing]
- Yes.
- [laughs]
- [air hissing]
- [Wendy] Toni!
C'mon, cover it.
[Toni] Coming!
[Wendy] Okay.
[Gina] Just then, I realized
that my son was the origin of everything.
He gave me
the courage to flee an unjust life
and gave the three of us strength
to fight against those who followed us.
He gave us
the strength to fight to be free.
And after so much torture,
we'd finally made it.
I had a new life, soaking my feet
with my family in a swimming pool.
If my baby hadn't given me
the courage to confront Romeo,
the story would've been much different,
as it was for many girls in the club.
Don't love you like I said ♪
- Don't think my words were deep ♪
- [inaudible]
Enough to feel this way ♪
Guys, time's up now.
[sinister music playing]
Come to my office, please.
Okay. I'll get changed and meet you.
What the fuck are you gonna wear? A suit?
You work naked.
You can talk to your boss naked.
[Charlotte] Come on, honey.
[sinister music building]
[breathing heavily]
[dance music playing in background]
[Charlotte] This bikini is so cute.
[Charlotte] Raise your arms.
Oh, you're so swollen.
[Romeo sighs]
- You're obviously pregnant, you dimwit.
- Romeo, I didn't know.
A client tied me up, and I couldn't see.
I didn't see him take off the condom.
You didn't feel it?
- No.
- You're a professional, Brigitte.
So you know
you should have a pussy sensitive enough
to realize if you're being fucked
without a condom or not.
[Romeo] Your health depends on it.
I swear to you.
I never thought that this could happen.
Come on, sit down. Come on. My God.
Romeo, I will pay the whole debt.
After the kid is born,
I'll pay everything I owe you, really.
And when the baby is born,
do I take it home
and feed it while you work at the club?
No, we could put
a little cradle in the round bed.
[both laughing]
No, honey. It's just not possible.
[sad music playing]
- You'll get an abortion.
- No. No, no, no, no, please.
- I can't. I'm against it.
- Okay.
And I've been pregnant for a while now.
I'm already five months along.
The baby is big!
That's why we can't go to the hospital.
We'll do it here.
- No.
- Yes, honey.
We have an OR downstairs for these cases.
You're not the first irresponsible girl
we've had. Hmm?
Besides, do you really wanna have
the baby of some guy who bought you?
[Gina] I escaped
from the club to save my son's life.
And in doing it,
he saved me.
- [sad music fades out]
- [seagulls squawking]
[music booms]
[Romeo chuckling]
What's up, assholes?
You look so formal
on this video call. [chuckling]
Hey, do you want a fried egg or anything?
No, sweetheart.
Thanks a lot.
[Rubí] My pleasure, Romeo.
You've been there for a week.
What d'you got?
[Moisés] They rarely come out.
And the three never do at once.
[Romeo] Well, they'll come out.
To eat, to swim, to dance Whatever.
[Darwin] They order in food
every fucking day
from an oriental restaurant
in the town over.
[Moisés] Coral goes out the most.
She's changed, Romeo.
She has a new haircut,
wears a velvet eye patch
- [Romeo] Velvet?
- [Moisés] Yeah, blood-red.
What a bitch.
She has good taste in eye patches. Fucker.
[upbeat percussion music playing]
[Romeo] Where does she go?
[Moisés] To take cakes
to the bakery they have.
[Romeo] Bakery? They're bakers now?
[Moisés] It's a front, Romeo,
to launder your money.
They make cakes and bread,
and then they take the money to the bank,
rounding it up with your money.
That's how they do it.
She's so smart.
- Well, she went to university, right?
- She thinks she's got it all planned.
The money you made selling their holes
is now coming back to them.
Uh, did I just get that right?
- It's kind of divine justice, right?
- [tense music playing]
Do you believe in karma?
Or what do you call it?
We call it "three fugitive bitches
stealing money from their pimp."
And that's what's gonna get 'em killed.
I really like this guy. He's good.
Well, what I'll do is get into that house
and put a bullet into each of their heads.
And if that other girl is there
or those two guys that come in,
six bullets. I mean, fuck it.
We're 20 meters away from the Civil Guard.
- You can't do that.
- [scoffs]
Do you know what this is?
A silencer.
Do you know what it's for? To silence.
Or else, it wouldn't be called that.
[Romeo] All right, calm down. We're not
that desperate. We'll wait ten days.
Let's see if karma is on our side.
The three of them might leave together.
[Darwin] Hey,
where the fuck are you going?
[tense music continues]
[tense music building]
[Darwin] What the fuck is this?
[Moisés] I'm gonna place
a camera in the girls' house.
[tense music fades out]
[motor scooter approaching]
- Take that off.
- [turns off engine]
[Moisés] Are you going
to the bakers' house?
- They said you disrespected them.
- What?
Every time you take food,
you check them out.
And you act like an asshole.
Mm. No, no, not at all. I
- Are they lying? Are they lying, then?
- No, I just deliver
I guess not. It's just that I
Let's do something here.
Every time you take them an order,
you smile.
- Okay.
- You don't say anything.
Don't look at their tits.
Don't look at their tits, man.
And bring a present.
A little present every day.
- What do you have? You got a key ring?
- Hmm.
- No, no, they don't give us anything.
- Shit, what a crappy delivery service.
Let me see if I can help.
Take this.
Don't tell the girls about this.
Yeah, of course.
I wanna ask one of 'em out.
But I'm taking my time.
- Well, good luck to you, then.
- All right. Go.
[engine starts]
[motor scooter drives away]
You pat him on the back
and give him a present?
That's not it.
It's to spy
so we know when they're leaving.
And what happens if we murder them?
What will the police do when they discover
the camera inside the cat?
They'll go for the boy.
And what will he say? That some moron
gave it to him on the side of the road.
And what will the police do then?
They'll trace all phones
that were in the area recently.
And what happens when they realize
one phone made lots of calls in Tenerife?
Specifically, to the pimp
they escaped from six months ago.
[tense music playing]
You're putting me in danger, you asshole.
[action music playing]
[tense music playing]
[tense music building]
[tires squealing]
[tires squealing]
[Moisés] What the fuck?
What are you doing?
It's okay.
- [Darwin] Shh.
- [panting]
- Let him go.
- [Darwin laughs]
No. I'm not letting him go
because he knows what we look like.
For him, we're two strangers
in this place.
- That right?
- [delivery boy] No, no, no
- You're normal guys. Tourists.
- Fine. Get out.
[Darwin] No. Don't move.
He's Moisés, and I'm Darwin.
And no, we're not tourists.
We're hitmen
from the Club Las Novias in Tenerife.
And we're here to kill those three bakers
that were prostitutes
before they ran away.
And before they put
a bullet in his little brother.
[tense music building]
Christian, wasn't it?
Rest in peace.
And now you may leave.
But he told me I could go now.
Well, now you can't.
["Der Hölle Rache"
from The Magic Flute by Mozart playing]
- No, don't do anything to me, please.
- Shh. Shh.
["Der Hölle Rache" continues over radio]
[Darwin] Hey!
Have you seen my glass cutter?
[Darwin] Here it is.
Look at it. I found it.
Why aren't you Chinese?
Come again?
You work at a Chinese restaurant, no?
- It Oh, oh, yeah, yeah.
- So why, then?
Mm, because, well,
it's an older family, and
- They have just one son and
- Mm-hmm.
And I help them a lot because I know
all the towns on the coast and then, um
So you wanna be Chinese?
[sighs] I don't know.
I really don't care. I
Come here.
No, no, please.
- No, no. No, please don't. Please don't.
- Shh.
- Please don't.
- Put your head in.
I promise I won't say anything.
I'll just leave, and I won't tell anyone.
I won't say anything.
If you don't go in there,
I'll put your head in myself.
- Without your body.
- [breathing shakily]
[cries then huffs]
- Careful.
- [gasps]
- [Darwin] Mm, slowly.
- [panting]
[Darwin] A little collar made of foil
so the radiation
doesn't leak out the sides here.
- We don't want it to reach me.
- [panting]
Mm, let's tape this down here.
What do you prefer,
medium or high?
[cries] I was never mean
to the girls there. I swear
Okay, then. High.
- [boy grunts]
- [microwave beeps]
You tell me everything that happens,
exactly as it happens.
Oh, it burns.
Yeah, it burns. Oh, it burns. Ah!
- What else?
- My tongue is swelling!
["Der Hölle Rache" building]
[head explodes]
["Der Hölle Rache" fades out]
[breathing heavily]
[door opens]
What the fuck did you do?
It takes 34 seconds for a human head
to explode in a microwave.
On high.
- Do we have any cleaners?
- What kind of brainless asshole are you?
You cooked his fucking head to death.
Why would you torture him
when he did nothing?
To kill him.
What do you care how I do it?
You should have shot him.
But you wouldn't do it.
The difference between us
is that I enjoy what I do.
I'm an artist.
My deaths are artistic.
And you have to enjoy it
because otherwise, this job will kill you.
I think I told you that.
[Darwin chuckles]
[Moisés] And then,
I realized I was the loser in this story.
by Guitarricadelafuente playing]
- [Coral] And cut.
- [Wendy] Oh!
- [Greta] Yeah! Whoo!
- [Wendy] Oh, no.
[Moisés] I used to do it
to save my brother.
And now I was saving that piece of shit
that didn't deserve to be saved.
[girls chattering happily in background]
[Moisés] Since the beginning
of this story, things had changed for me.
But they had changed for the worse.
- [Gina] Going to bed?
- [Wendy] Yeah.
- [Gina] Me too.
- [Moisés] And Coral was worse off too.
[Gina] Night.
[lighter clicks]
["Guantanamera" continues]
[Moisés] That night,
seeing her taking drugs in secret
and dancing alone in an empty room,
I saw her life was no party.
And I saw myself in her indulgence.
We were both united
by a miserable life we couldn't escape.
So I guess,
in the end, we were the losers
but separated by a screen.
And then,
despite my unstoppable urge to kill her,
I started feeling
an immense tenderness for her.
["Guantanamera" fades out]
- [seagulls squawking]
- [footsteps approaching]
[playfully] Good morning.
Daddy is here with breakfast.
[Moisés] Hmm.
[Wendy] Good morning, guys.
- Did you sleep well?
- [Gina] Yes, we did.
- We've been up for a bit.
- Did you make coffee? Thanks.
[Coral] I need some.
I love that robe. Hey, love.
- [Gina] Oh, this is nice.
- [Coral] Mm.
[Gina] There's more sugar here
if you want.
- It's okay.
- [Gina] Put a bit.
What's this, my love? [laughs]
Champagne for breakfast?
I like Toni.
This is to celebrate
your baptism of the sea, ladies.
[Toni] Forecast is good for Saturday.
Don't worry, you can do this.
It's a simple dive,
12, 15 meters at the most.
I'll take you somewhere amazing.
A submerged wreck
15 miles off the island of San Andrés.
- It'll blow your fricking mind.
- [Gina] Yeah, amazing.
- [Wendy] Yes, sir. I'll have a glass.
- [Gina] You're going to be experts.
[Toni and girls cheering and laughing]
Now it's time.
[tense music playing]
[phone ringing]
- Moisés.
- Romeo, the girls are going out on a boat.
We'll have them
15 miles off the coast on Saturday.
All three.
That's wonderful.
A massacre at sea.
What a finale for us.
[music booms]
[laid-back music playing]
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