Bloodline (2015) s03e04 Episode Script

Part 27

1 [.]
Young man goes out Looking for the diamond in the sea Old man rows his boat to shore And falls on twisted knees And you'll drown Before the water lets you in And you'll drown Before the water lets you in [chattering.]
Oh, you gotta get me a doctor.
The cops fucking bashed my head.
That cop you killed, you get him a doctor? I did not kill a cop.
- A cop killed a cop.
- Yeah.
- Ow! - Save it for the jury.
Oh, my fucking head.
You know the expression, "The devil's in the details"? Here's a detail we need to account for.
Marco's funeral is tomorrow, and I'm concerned.
- What does he have to do with this? - He's a threat and a loudmouth.
He knows Eric O'Bannon.
We need to find him, set him straight.
So, find him.
I'm thin on leads.
It's all yours.
[EKG beeping.]
[singing in Spanish.]
[Meg on recording.]
Hey, it's Meg.
Sorry I missed your call.
Please leave me a message.
[inaudible dialogue.]
Kevin wanted me to give you this.
Give Kevin our love, okay? And keep him healthy for when the baby comes.
- I will.
- God bless you.
We love you.
- We love you.
- I love you, too.
Excuse me.
Oh, I know.
I I've lost two.
[Meg on recording.]
Hey, it's Meg.
Sorry I missed your call.
Please leave me a message.
Honor Guard.
Present arms.
Lower arms.
Speaking for the department is Marco's partner Detective John Rayburn.
Detective Marco Diaz our friend your brother and your son.
My partner.
Wow, you look like you've been up all night.
I still have a job.
Thanks for coming over.
Is she still here? No, they've They're at school already.
Listen, I didn't wanna call you, but I didn't know what else to do, so Can I sit down? You could always sleep sitting up.
It's kind of like on-the-job training.
Janey's having sex.
She's bringing boys to the house and I This is our baby we're talking about.
I just didn't know what to do.
You want me to play bad cop? I'll talk to her later today.
All right? [door opens, then closes.]
[Kevin humming.]
[rock music playing over speakers.]
I hope scrambled is okay.
It's the only way I know how to do them.
Oh, thank you.
[baby cooing.]
You know, a christening is more than an excuse to have a party, Kevin.
You shouldn't put it off any longer.
I I I know.
It's just It's not my thing.
I just We didn't grow up with it, you know? You know, not everybody has a good heart like you two.
There are bad people out there and I like to think the christening is an insurance policy.
It can't hurt.
Ma, we just We just don't believe in it.
I mean, honestly, a couple drops of water dripped on his forehead? What? What good is that really gonna do? Have God watch over him.
You actually think that God would let anything happen to this perfect, perfect little baby? What kind of God is that? I don't know, the kind who let your sister drown.
Jesus, Mom.
- You see what I grew up with? - Know what? I don't wanna do this today.
I don't wanna argue about this anymore.
We're gonna just focus on the positive, okay? Like Like having a party.
- Okay? Belle? - Mm-hm.
Father Sturgess said he could fit us in Sunday.
I'm gonna put it real plain.
I know you have had enough of me staying here, but I'm not going home till it's done.
- Sunday's a good time to have it, then.
- Sunday it is.
Sounds good to me.
Ja Janey, just tell me what's going on with your mom.
Look Listen, you gotta slow down, take a deep breath, one word at a time.
What? What do you mean "again"? What happened last night? [rock music playing over speakers.]
These look good, son.
Thank you, sir.
Nice work, Kev.
You're doing a hell of a job.
Thank you.
Now, I got some projects I wanna move off my desk and onto yours.
Higher-level operations.
- Think you can handle it? - Whatever you need.
How's your baby boy? You getting any sleep? Well, except for the fact that he looks exactly, and I mean exactly, like me, he's, uh He's perfect.
My mother-in-law wants him christened on Sunday or she won't go back to Tallahassee.
- And Belle? - Well, she's definitely ready for her mother to go back to Tallahassee, so we're gonna do it.
Well, happy wife, happy life.
We'd love for you to come, if you can.
Um, Belle will call you with all the details.
- I'd be honored.
- Great.
Now, I I need you to sign this.
It's just a a note that you wrote in support of allowing Eric to attend his mother's funeral.
O'Bannon passed? My God.
Crazy woman.
- Why am I signing this again? - Character.
Takes a man of real character to petition that the fella who shot him be allowed to attend his mother's funeral.
Who knows? Maybe a photographer will be there, sell the story to the Keys Gazette.
Jury sees it, they know who to trust.
You told me it wasn't gonna go to trial, Roy.
I'm still confident of that.
You just stick to the plan.
What plan? Prosecutors are up my ass, trial's in less than two weeks.
I mean, they want me to come down there again today, review my testimony - Good.
- No, it's not.
It's not good, Roy.
That's what I'm trying to tell you.
I can't get on the stand.
I'm gonna fuck it up.
- I know I'm - No, no, Kevin.
Go through the motions, do what they say, stick to your story.
The last thing we want to happen is anyone to wonder why you're not preparing.
I'm just trying to cover all our bases.
A little insurance couldn't hurt.
This bullshit with Mrs.
O'Bannon? I don't know.
What's she saying now? She passed away.
And Eric is petitioning to attend the funeral.
I just wanna let you know I recommended against it and so did the state's attorney.
That's fine by me.
Yeah, I figured as much.
You might wanna talk to your brother, get him in line.
What does that mean? It seems like he wrote a letter.
What letter? Supporting Eric, to attend the funeral.
I know you're doing your level best, but I need you to dig down deep, sir.
I want you to recall anything that might be helpful to the ladies and gentlemen of the jury here.
Well, I must have blacked out, 'cause I don't remember dialing 911.
Nothing further, Your Honor.
Rayburn, you say you don't remember dialing 911.
Is that a question? - Do you remember dialing 911? - No.
You almost died that night.
- Ma'am, I'd answer if you ask a question.
- Kevin.
- What? - Be more conversational.
I'm being conversational.
You told me to answer only questions, - no statements - No, no.
Easy-breezy, kiddo.
I'm being easy-breezy.
- Yes or no.
She didn't ask a question.
- Did you almost die that night? Yes.
Thank you for asking.
I was almost killed that night.
Are we good? - Easy-breezy.
- Stop saying "easy-breezy", man.
You suffered a massive trauma.
You were shot twice, you lost a lot of blood.
It's a horrible event in one's life, I'm glad you could be with us here today.
Thank you so much.
You're welcome.
We have it on record that after your recent car crash, you told the police that you were not under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Were you there? - Yes.
- [man.]
Is that what happened? - Yes, but Come on, now.
Your blood test proved otherwise, didn't it? So, I'd have to say you were lying.
Okay, so, that was months ago, before I got sober.
I'm sorry.
I'll ask that as a question since I know it'll make you happier.
Do you still lie? [cell phone ringing.]
Rayburn, a simple yes or no will do.
- I'm not gonna answer.
- [man.]
Rayburn, are you still going to AA? - Good Lord.
- [man.]
- What? - Don't let her get under your skin.
Listen, this is my wife, I gotta get home for my baby's feeding.
Kevin, I think it's a good idea for you to do some reading.
Transcripts of the public defender's cross-examination.
Is she fucking kidding me? I I know it's a lot, but I want you to take that home.
I want you to study it so when you're on that stand, it'll be like you've known him for years.
When, in the next two weeks, am I supposed to learn this? I didn't go to school like you guys.
I suck at studying.
Yeah, I'll be godfather, but? What? What exactly does godfather entail? Fucked if I know what you're supposed to do.
Give him money on his birthday, get him out of jail when he gets his first possession charge.
Hey, has Mom had any contact with Meg? Wanted to ask her to stand up as godmother.
Listen to me, don't talk to Mom about Meg right now.
- She's got enough to worry about.
- Okay.
I'm just asking, John.
Did you recommend that Eric get out for the funeral? Yeah.
I wrote a letter.
You know, it can help us.
No, Kevin, that's not how it works.
The jury can't have prior information about the damn trial, otherwise they wouldn't be selected as a jury.
Whose idea was it? You didn't write that letter.
What does that matter, John? Yes, Roy asked me to write the letter.
So, what? Fuck him.
Hey, man, can you back off, please? Roy's saying there's not even gonna be a trial.
Yeah, Kevin, I'll see you at the party.
John? [rock music playing over speakers.]
A lot of power you're putting on the back of those boats.
Yeah, we try to give our clients what they ask for.
Is Kevin here? Uh, no.
He's off at the prosecutor's preparing for the trial.
You're asking Kevin to support Eric getting out for his mother's funeral.
That's a good humanitarian gesture.
I contribute to many causes.
Time spent managing how you're perceived in the public eye is never wasted.
And you're telling Kevin that Eric won't go to trial.
- How is it you know that? - [chuckles.]
Relax, John.
No, really.
How is it that you know that? I'm on your side, John.
Any update on Ozzy Delveccio? I told you, he was arrested in Miami a couple months ago for stealing cars.
Take another look.
I I think it became a misdemeanor.
He could be getting out soon.
Let me know.
You need a little faith, John.
I'm on your side.
Some free advice.
Let the past be the past.
No need to worry, John.
It's gonna work out just fine.
[cell phone ringing.]
Hey, Mom.
How you doing? No, no, no, no.
It's all good.
It's all good.
It's good news today.
Yeah, listen, um, we're gonna have the baby christened on Sunday.
I guess he will be the first one in the family.
We were wondering if we could have the party at the inn.
Yeah, Mother, I know he's just a baby, but, you know, he's my only Okay, it's not just about the baby.
You know? Um When was the last time we had a party, Mom? Like a real party? Celebrated something? Don't you think it's time? Is there a problem, guys? What's going on? Everything all right? It's all good.
- It's all good.
- Yeah? Except Mr.
Gilbert wants this glass hull to take the power of a carbon fiber hull, which ain't gonna never happen, Kevin.
Not tonight, not next week, not never.
Gilbert invested a lot in this boat.
Yes, he has.
A lot.
Triple 400 horsepower turbo-charged engines, heavy-duty lower units.
- We just had her out.
She's good to go.
- He says she's good to go, Jake.
She's good to go, Kev.
So, there's There's not a problem, right? Never thought we had one.
Be back by ten p.
Gas her up.
All right.
- Fucking asshole.
- What the fuck are you doing? Of course he's an asshole.
Who gives a shit? Come on.
This ain't right, Kev.
This ain't right.
This ain't professional.
Listen, Jake, what Gilbert needs, that's what we're gonna do.
All right? You don't think whatever they're doing on this boat is not gonna Trouble's not gonna come home to us? You don't think that shit? - Okay.
- Fuck, Kev! There's only one thing you do on a boat like that.
And that's none of our business, okay? They've paid us for our services.
Our part is done.
I don't need to know the rest.
Neither do you.
You're never done when you start like this.
Trust me, okay? Do you trust me? It's okay.
Come on.
Cool off.
God damn! Kevin, what the fuck? Fuck! [sighs.]
[jazz music playing over speakers.]
Thank you for your time.
Um Have you, uh? Have you seen him lately? I'm not looking to get involved in any of this.
Just got out of jail.
I wouldn't know.
In his file, it says that you've helped bail him out before.
I bailed Danny out, too, same time.
You wanna talk about that? No.
I wanted to talk about Ozzy.
I'm sorry.
I really don't know where he is.
All right.
Maybe if you think of anything, you can give me a call.
You first came here looking for your older brother, wondering where he was.
Danny always talked about you the most, more than anyone else from back home, bragging about his cop brother from the Keys, so I helped you, but you never let me know that he was killed.
Why is that? You're right.
I'm sorry.
I apologize.
I should have.
Did you know that he had a kid? Yeah.
Well, Nolan came to see me a few months back.
He wanted to be forgiven.
You know anything about that? No.
Thinks that he's responsible for his dad's death.
He said that he made a mistake and he's the reason that Danny had no other choice but to go back home and ask all of you for help.
You don't know where he is, do you? Nolan? Not this time, John.
You got my number.
[rap music playing on radio.]
Grandpa! [car horn honking.]
Yeah, fuck off.
[pop music playing on radio.]
[man speaking Spanish on radio.]
[Billie Holiday's "God Bless the Child" playing on radio.]
Them that's not shall lose So the Bible said And it still is news Mama may have Papa may have But God bless the child That's got his own That's got his own [woman.]
Last call, people.
[rock music playing over speakers.]
It's last call.
What's the move, Johnny? Should we go? No, not yet.
Did they use this place to film Key Largo? They didn't use the interior, they used the exterior.
At least that's what they tell the tourists.
I can't believe you actually grew up down here.
That must've been paradise.
I love how you know all this shit.
My dad would flip.
He loves Bogart movies.
Okay, still your turn.
You said "truth.
" Truth.
Let's see.
Uh Drugs, sex stuff, your call.
Worst thing you ever did? - Are you kidding me? - No.
Worst thing.
You went dark, huh? That bad? Dare.
- [man 1.]
Closing time! - [man 2.]
Let's go.
- Hey, let's do it again.
- [man 1.]
Take me home.
Hey, babe.
What time is it? - [Kevin.]
It's late.
I'm sorry.
- Yeah.
- How you doing? - Good.
I'm sorry I missed his feeding.
You can feed him twice tomorrow.
I'll be right back.
Where you going? I just wanna take a peek at him.
For the love of God, please do not wake that baby.
Let him sleep.
Let me sleep.
We have a big day tomorrow.
- Come on.
- And I have to study.
Study what? These, um, transcripts.
These trial transcripts.
So I can be better at testifying.
- Come back when you're done.
- I will.
- Let me go.
- [chuckles.]
I'll be back in a bit.
I love you.
I love you.
[baby crying over monitor.]
- I'm up.
I got him.
- Mm.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Good morning, Elaine.
Good morning.
Is Belle still asleep? Yeah, she's still down.
I got him.
Look who's awake.
What are you doing? Come here, my boy.
That's my boy.
Good morning.
- Aw.
- Hello, handsome.
Oh, you stink.
Oh, my gosh.
Oh You stink.
What did you do? [laughing.]
How does someone as cute as you reek so bad, Rocky? Never would've caught my Harry doing that.
For any of our kids.
Or giving him a a bottle or burping him.
Well, he missed out.
Right? [Elaine.]
Belle was the worst of the five.
Oh, bless her heart.
You should've smelled her poopie.
Are you trying to permanently kill our sex life, Elaine? I hear it was a long and uneventful night.
Yes, sir, it was.
And demoralizing.
In fact, I'd put that before long and uneventful.
Why is that? [woman.]
Well, for five whole hours, our mark didn't show up.
And my partner was non-responsive to my obvious best efforts at flirtation.
Yeah, he's always been very professional.
Well, thank you very much.
That means a hell of a lot coming from you, Sheriff.
Okay, detectives, circle back with the CI, stay on it.
- Thank you.
- Yes, sir.
How's it going, Jake? - You really wanna know? - Absolutely not.
Yeah? Hey.
You got a minute? Yeah.
So, that pissing match back there between you and the boss, that about him or me? [breathes deeply.]
That's about him, 100%.
So, you guys are just gonna be assholes from now on? Or you gonna grow up, put the sheriff's race behind you? - What? - Yeah, you're better off anyway.
- You didn't really wanna be sheriff.
- And why is that? Because next election, you'd have to lose to me.
Can I ask you a question? You are a little crazy, right? Well, I would be if I answered that.
Hi, John.
I'm really sorry about your mom.
Well, she hated being alive.
She was done years ago.
The sheriff and lawyers are being real assholes.
Eric should be at the funeral.
You know that, right? Listen, there's a lot of reasons why he's locked up, Chelsea.
People hate our family more than ever.
I never took you for a hater.
Listen, I'm not a hate I've never hated your family.
Then help us.
And speak for us.
Speak for us.
Your words mean a lot.
Miss O'Bannon.
Ready to come with me? You're welcome to the funeral if you want.
You're up next, Detective.
Roy Gilbert.
What about him? He got Kevin somehow to sign a piece of paper for the O'Bannons.
Oh, I know.
He asked me, too.
I said no.
He then told me that he was doing it because he wanted to help.
Help? Oh, God.
Some people would say Roy Gilbert is a dangerous enemy.
I say he's an equally dangerous friend.
If he wants to help you, he'll go to any length.
How's that? All right.
I don't know.
Maybe Maybe a party's exactly what we need.
I really miss your sister.
You know, once this trial is over, I'm sure Meg will be in touch.
Well, I hope it's over soon, then.
[phone ringing.]
[phone beeps.]
Rayburn House.
How may I help? No, it's not good news, Roy.
John and I disagree with you.
No, I'm not shooting the messenger.
This is what you wanted, Roy.
Not us.
- [phone beeps.]
- [Sally scoffs.]
Eric's getting out.
John, that's out of our hands now.
I'm not gonna let Gilbert do this.
I'll see you tomorrow.
God willing.
[cell phone ringing.]
Hey, John.
No, it's okay.
I'm up.
What, right now? Um Yeah, okay.
Where are you? Hey, brother.
What's going on? You okay? What? I wanted to let you know as soon as I heard that the prosecutors called and Eric O'Bannon gets to go to the funeral tomorrow.
You don't have to make a federal case out of it.
- Do you know what you're doing? - Yeah.
I'm trying to have a party for my son.
Roy Gilbert.
Do you know who he is? Yeah, I do know who he is.
Yeah, he's the guy that saved our asses.
More than once.
He financed your whole campaign, and you didn't have any problem with that a few months ago.
He's saving my business.
Roy's the reason that my life is Is pretty much the best it's ever really been, John.
John, I'm just trying to protect my family.
That and throw a fucking party.
Yeah, throw a fucking party.
Why not, John? I mean, for fuck's sake, come on.
Everything that's happened, everything? Why do you think that happened, huh? Have you ever asked yourself that? It happened so we could live our lives.
What was the point if we don't live them? It's like what we say in the meetings, you know? God, grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change.
You could've changed this.
Change what? What exactly? He's a guy, he's gonna go to his mom's funeral.
That's all, dude.
The rest of it is going on inside your head.
Take a step back, get some perspective, get your mind right.
Like you? Maybe.
Yeah, maybe.
Why the fuck not like me? I'm sick of you looking down on me my whole life.
Okay? You remember that word Dad used to use all the time? Disappointment.
Why are you so upset about this? You know what happens when you ask a guy like Roy Gilbert to help you? People get shot, don't they? Well, I mean Do you think that's such a bad idea? Get out of my car.
Get out of my car! Okay.
Eric should be at her funeral.
You know that, right? You need a little faith, John.
I'm on your side.
[knocking on door.]
Who is it? Who is it? [Diana.]
It's me.
I've had too much to drink.
Did you drive here? No, I caught a cab.
I don't think the kids should see me like this.
Get in here.
You're so serious! Get in here.
I love you.
- Come on.
- Thank you.
Come on.
Thank you for always coming over every single time I call, and never making a fool out of me when I make excuses to get you there, because I know you know.
[baby cooing.]
I'm so lost.
Take the bed.
[Diana groaning.]
Oh, God.
I [cell phone ringing.]
No, don't worry about it.
I've got her.
No, honey, I have her.
I know you do.
No, no, she's gonna be back in the morning.
Get a good night's sleep, and you and I will talk tomorrow, okay? All right.
Good night.
Mama may have, Papa Papa may have God bless the boy that's got his own.
That's got his own [phone ringing.]
Hello, Rayburn House.
How may I help you? Hello? Meg? Honey? Is that you? If this isn't my daughter Meg, please hang up.
Oh, Meg.
Honey, are you all right? Oh, no, no.
I'm sorry.
I won't ask questions.
I should know better.
I'm feeling kind of foolish if this isn't you, if this is just dead air.
I'm making a complete fool of myself.
Oh, Meg.
I love you, Meg.
That's all.
I love you.
And I miss you.
You don't have to say anything.
Just let me talk, okay? No need to answer, just No questions, no answers, just Just be with me.
Don't hang up, please.
Don't hang up.
Better get home before the kids realize I'm gone.
And we're gonna get your socks on.
Oh, that's right.
New socks.
They look so good.
And you look so cute.
You look so good.
Who's so handsome? Who's the handsomest? You are.
Let's go, asshole.
Don't wanna keep your mom waiting.
["Blessed Assurance" playing on organ.]
Hey, Father.
Here he is.
- No, thank you.
- This is Rocky.
- Hi, Father Sturgess.
- Hi.
Thanks for coming.
All right, Father.
- Go in here? - They want you in first.
Hot, eh? Where's John? He'll be here.
He promised, honey.
Is there a reason we're moving so fucking slow here? Huh? I am sorry, ma'am.
We are on a schedule.
We can't wait much longer.
They said they'd have him here.
Yes, ma'am.
Would the parents and godparents come forward to the font? I don't know what to do.
We seem to be missing a godfather.
Yeah, uh, my brother John is coming, but, um, I think he's running a little late.
Jesus said when two or three people are gathered together, that he will be with them.
So, he is now here with us.
Could someone stand in for him until he arrives? Um I don't - [Rocky whines.]
- [Belle shushes.]
Now, I did not know Hannah O'Bannon, but I'm sure that she was a kind and lovely woman, a good mother.
I'm sure Jesus has made a place for her in his eternal kingdom.
Thank you.
I've been a godfather before.
I know the responsibilities.
Dude, what the fuck is going on? Settle down, O'Bannon.
A few questions for the godparents.
I'm not gonna fucking settle down.
What the fuck is going on? You're going slow.
It's my mom's fucking funeral, dude.
"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth.
For the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.
And I saw a holy city coming down from heaven.
A new Jerusalem.
" - Why the fuck are we stopped? - Transmission's shot.
I'm sorry.
Oh, fuck you.
The transmission's not shot.
It sounded fine.
"And I heard a loud voice saying: 'He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes.
And there will be no more death or crying or grief or pain.
For the old order of things is passing away.
'" Why don't you let me out, okay? I'll fix it, then we can fucking go.
"Behold, I make all things new.
" [Chelsea.]
Thanks again for coming.
Thanks for all your help to get Eric here.
They said he was cleared to come, but must have fucked it up somehow.
I did everything I could to help him.
It's my mom's fucking funeral! You see that SUV pull out earlier? Do you reject Satan? Yes, I do.
Those fuckers wanted to take photos of Eric if he showed.
You saw them? Yeah.
Right before the ceremony.
You saw them, they had cameras and? Yeah, some newspaper assholes.
I told them to get lost or I'd call the cops.
And all his works? I do.
And all his empty promises? I do.
Thanks again for trying to get Eric out.
I'm sorry.
- We gotta head back.
- Have a little fucking compassion! [security door buzzes.]
- Thanks for the help.
- Whatever you need, Detective.
["Blessed Assurance" playing on organ.]

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