Boardwalk Empire s03e04 Episode Script

Blue Bell Boy

Should I answer it? Should I? Well? - Just answer it already.
- Hello? Katy.
I'm looking for Owen.
- No, no, no, no.
- Yes, Mr.
- Hello? - Where the hell were you? I was just in the loo.
I didn't hear the phone.
- The two of you - Sir? - were in the bathroom? - No.
No, no, I - Have you read the paper? - No, I have not.
Well, read one and meet me at Mickey's.
I'd have kept speaking had I known you'd stop.
I don't have to.
I'd better go.
He's in a bad humor again.
Well, then it won't matter if you're late.
Will it, Mr.
Poofles? Mr.
There's some fresh rolls if you want.
I like the poppy.
These are sesame.
- Why ain't he at school? - Bellyache.
Let me take a look at you, champ.
Hey, what the hell's this? Sonny, go play- - Hey, your Ma's talking to you.
- Go play.
Go play.
Come on.
Go on.
He came home with it yesterday.
I rang the headmaster.
Some new boy, he's a bully.
Picking on a kid almost stone-cold deaf? They all are, Al.
That's why he's there.
Boys will be boys, whether they can hear each other or not.
Kid's got to toughen up.
Coming through.
Coming through.
All right, pipe down.
Thompson wants a word.
As some of you may know, our contact at Tabor Heights Sheriff Victor Sickles died recently as a result of what the Atlantic City Press has deemed a tragic accident.
Given as how the chief witness to this unfortunate occurrence was a Mr.
Gyp Rosetti of New York, it's quite possible there's a bit more to the story.
That being the case, until further notice, all shipments to Mr.
Rothstein will use back roads only, avoiding Tabor Heights altogether.
In the middle of January? The roads are sheets of ice.
- And where are we gonna get gas? - That's your problem, isn't it? You sure this is a good idea? What the fuck you asking him for? I just thought when it comes to You just what? I already said how it is.
All right, Nuck.
I'm sorry.
Get up to Tabor Heights, find out what the fuck's going on.
Yes, sir.
You know that coast road that heads through Hammond? Head up there, check out the roads.
See how icy they actually are.
- You know the one I mean.
- Okay.
What's being done about Rowland Smith? - Who? - Rowland Smith.
Nate Honig's wheelman.
The sack of shit who robbed this place.
That job was left to Manny Horvitz.
Where's he been lately? I don't have enough on my mind? I have to start checking your fucking work, too? - Make sure things are being handled? - It won't happen again, sir.
Find this guy.
Use Agent Sawicki if you have to.
You want the Feds involved? He's on the goddamn payroll.
Make him earn it.
Any more second-guessing? I'll get on it straightaway.
- Nucky, can I have a word? - About what? This Rosetti business, the whole Tabor Heights thing, it's If you've got a complaint, talk to Mickey.
I don't.
It's just that I'm back now.
I'm well aware of that.
Then let me earn, Nucky.
I did my time like you asked.
Let's get something straight.
Allowing you to simply go to jail is the last gift I'll ever give you.
This is rather infelicitous language, isn't it? - "Vagina"? - It is a medical term.
I've never enjoyed the sound of it.
I've never liked Brussels sprouts, but I don't deny they exist.
What a peculiar analogy.
What term would you prefer? The entire area is problematical.
You do acknowledge certain subjects would be difficult to discuss without it? Intercourse, fertilization, birth.
You imagine yourself quite wicked, don't you, Doctor? The jackanapes at the back of every classroom, mistaking his sniggering for the wit of the world.
That sounds more like my cousin, Francis.
" Another problematical area? "Gravid" has a noble ring.
Will they even know what that means? - Is it not your intention to instruct them? - "With child"? Ah.
"Monthly time.
" You are at odds with "menstruation"? - It's good Latin.
- A regrettable neologism.
The Federal Children's Bureau has already published a series on prenatal care and "menstruation" is what they use.
The indiscretion of politicians is of no concern to me.
I will be attending the class to make sure my instructions are followed.
And these are? Gifts for the women.
" Sanitary napkins, Sister.
These are sold openly in stores? They are a relatively new product.
Perhaps you yourself Well, let's hope our evening students aren't quite so sensitive.
Looks like you've stepped straight into my trap.
What? You know, like I was gonna arrest you.
- Why would you do that? - Just making a little joke Mr.
Thompson's a busy man.
I have nothing better to do? Came out here in the middle of the day, didn't you? Is this Rowland Smith's place or not? That's what the Philly office says.
You spoke to other agents about this? Just the one that I can trust.
You mean the one that's crooked.
Looks like it's locked.
Thanks for clearing that up.
Rowland Smith's been a busy fella.
At least half of this is ours.
It's all ours now.
- You sure he's showing up? - This is his main drop.
- Says your man in Philly.
- Well, he would know, wouldn't he? And what's stopping him from tipping Smith off? Why would he do that? Because he's never bothered to catch him.
Call me when he gets here.
I'll take care of it.
You've my word.
You needn't involve yourself.
Is that what I asked you? You've mentioned low profiles.
I'm trying to oblige.
Go buy a personality.
Let me get this straight.
Rosetti's gassing up, Sickles is at the next pump.
He completely douses himself with gasoline.
Then for some fucking reason, decides that it's a good time for a smoke.
- Look, what's the difference? - The man was your partner.
What I'm saying is, it don't matter.
The situation's being handled.
Meaning what? Me and the boys, we're taking care of it.
- You just said you couldn't arrest them.
- I'm not talking about arresting them.
I'm talking about handling them.
I got a load coming through here tomorrow night, Deputy Ramsey.
I'm the sheriff now.
And I still got a load coming through.
It's fine.
Same as always.
You boys go about your business.
Leave these dagos to us.
I don't like this.
Let the man do his job, Eli.
You ain't the only sheriff ever lived.
Get in the car.
Postcard from Johnny.
"Greetings from Naples.
" "I haven't seen this many Italians since we were back in Brooklyn.
" What the fuck is this? - Cash.
What do you mean? - It's sticky.
Little schmutz.
I don't know, I just ate.
Even your money reeks.
Fuck you talking about? Would it kill you to pony up for a decent shave once in a while? - A little Bay Rum.
- Gives me a rash.
Jake, I'm serious.
You know I love you, but you smell like a sardine's twat.
I mean, what does your wife say? "Why didn't I marry Milton Korntragger?" Your whores, then.
I pay 'em not to notice.
I got the rest of my collections tonight.
- Where you going? - Take a leak.
That's why beer is so profitable.
We don't sell it, we only rent it.
Personal hygiene, Jake.
It makes a big impression.
"How was your day, honey?" I love her and all, but my day? This happened and then that happened and then the next thing.
That's the day.
Now you gotta go through this whole Hi, there.
Don't move.
Check him.
Just for coneys.
Who are you? Ask you the same question.
You friends of my folks? Do we look friendly? You seem okay.
Don't know about him, though.
They don't like it if I'm late for dinner, so - What's your name? - Lon Chaney.
Norma Talmadge.
Baby Peggy.
Rowland Smith.
You're mean to children.
Aren't you the dog's bollocks? Is that a good thing? Yeah, I need the Ritz-Carlton.
What used to come up from Atlantic City comes right through here, straight in off the ocean.
Cut out the middleman.
We sail out, load up, off-load here right on the beach.
Gonna have to do it at night.
We'll probably need some boats, too.
I'm new to this.
I'm sorry.
You've been with us a year.
What do I know about the ocean? I'm from Yonkers.
- Excuse me, miss.
- Sir? One of these days I'm gonna take you in the back, show you how to really make sauce.
But I don't know how to cook.
You stir, I'll provide the heat.
Could I have one? - How old are you? - 16 next month.
- You shouldn't smoke.
- I don't.
Then why do you want a cigarette? See what all the fuss is about.
You trying to charm me, kid? Is it working? What do you think? - You gonna hit me again? - I'm not opposed to it.
You know who I am, Rowland? Answer straight.
You're Nucky Thompson.
You gave us a Christmas turkey once.
- When did I do that? - 1914.
I was six.
Boy, was Ma grateful! - Is this how you thank me? - How do you mean? Stealing my merchandise.
I guess I didn't think you'd mind.
- Why the hell would you think that? - I don't know.
Whenever I see you in the paper, it looks like you're having a good time.
Anyway, I didn't steal it all from you.
Who else? A lot of it belongs to Waxey Gordon in Philadelphia.
Did he give your mother a turkey, too? Heck, no.
He's a crook.
Tell me what you want to happen here.
- What's that mean? - It's not as expected.
The fault's mine for letting it get this far.
I'll take responsibility and your hands stay clean.
Have one on me.
Need a light.
Expecting someone? - Federal agents.
Get your hands up.
- Get 'em up.
Hands up.
All right, boys.
Nice and slow.
Nice and slow.
Go around front.
Go around front.
What's the story, Rowland? Beats me.
They're Prohees out of Philly.
They've kind of been following me.
Arsed-out little shite.
- Just trying to get a leg up.
- You know any of them? That tall Fed with the 12-gauge, he's in Waxey Gordon's pocket.
- Anything else? - Pretty sure they're here to kill me.
Enough with the bull Jesus, no, don't shoot! All right, let's go.
Do what you have to do.
Watch the windows, boys.
I'm gonna check the cellar.
MAN 2; Anything? Just cobwebs and squirrel turd.
Squirrel turds? That's rat shit.
Come on, it's everywhere, guys.
Hit me again.
Picking up for Mr.
- Give me a short one.
- Guzik, right? - Torrio's man.
- Yeah.
I know you? - Joe Miller.
I'm with Deanie O'Banion.
- Uh-huh.
- Beer's better here, huh? - How's that? I said the beer's better here down on the South Side? Tastes the same to me.
Well, can't trust the water anyway.
- What water? - Any water.
I don't know, I'm just Look, you drink, I'll drink.
We're fine, right? Sure, we are.
You called Dean O'Banion a liar.
- Huh? - That day at Torrio's.
- I don't really - You got a big mouth to match that big gut.
Enjoy your beer, Joe.
How can I with the stink coming off of you? Walk away from me, Jumbo? I'm talking to you, you fat fuck! Came to collect? Here! Have some more.
How you holding up, huh? Come on, get it on.
Get it on.
Hurry it up, guys.
We don't have all night.
Taking their sweet time.
Wait it out.
And if they decide to look down here again? Well, we're all in this together, ain't we? The mouths of babes.
- What did we leave in the car? - Nothing.
I always keep it clean.
- The plates? - In Tunney's name.
Don't expect he'll much mind now.
- I got maybe 50 if you need any.
- Got 50 what? License plates.
Swap 'em around.
That way, they can't ever track us.
That's your system, is it? Worked it out myself.
Then what are they doing out there? Just coincidence, I reckon.
Pretty good run, though, huh? Kept us guessing.
Not that hard, really, if you don't mind me saying.
- Why's that? - Drive fast, flash the pistol.
I mean, who wants to get all killed over a few crates of booze? - No one.
- That's how I see it, too.
Shame about Nate, though.
He was my partner.
Why? What happened to him? Feds got him.
Guess he didn't have your luck.
Anyone check the cellar? Mr.
MAN 21 Yeah, I did.
Well, check it again.
What the fuck are you doing? - Like you said.
- One part laxative, Benny.
You want them shitting themselves all over Hester Street? Anything? Charlie and I need to talk.
I think it's time I got included.
- Based on what? - I stepped up.
I did what I had to.
That means I stay in the room.
You shot your wad off in the middle of the street.
- They went back minus one.
- Meyer did that.
- I fucking gave him cover! - Benny.
We are certainly gonna discuss this, but not right now, so I'm summoned.
At noon.
I'll come with you.
Meyer, Masseria hates that shayna punim of yours.
Now more than ever.
You turn up, who knows where this goes? He needs to understand the way the world's heading.
You're the one who said, "Come to terms.
" - That was before.
- Well, you see? This is the problem with you.
Always very headstrong.
Good thing I'm here to talk some sense.
Offer two.
Settle at five.
Nothing west of Broadway, nothing south of Grand.
Anything else? Try not to sit by the window.
- Tonight, 10:00 p.
- All set on our end.
Some tough customers, these boys.
You sure you want to do this? Think I'm gonna let you fellas have all the fun? We'll meet by the filling station.
Pull the truck around back and bring plenty of rope.
All right, let me roll.
Let me roll.
Look at that, baby.
All mine.
Hit me, tough guy.
Come on.
Come on, hit me! Come on.
Hit me! Come on, tough guy.
Hit me! Come on.
What was that, huh? Come on, hit me harder.
What was that? Harder than that.
Come on, put your hands up.
Put your hands up.
Put your hands up.
Like this in front of your face.
In front of your face like this.
Okay? You gotta throw your punch! You're gonna throw your punch like bang! Come on, let me see what you got.
Come on.
Come on! Hit me! You got to hit me.
You gonna let people bully you, huh? Come on and hit me, huh? Come here.
Come here.
Come here.
Come here.
It's okay, Sonny.
Come on.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Come here.
Come here.
Come on.
Papa's got you.
Yeah, yeah.
Yes, missus.
Thank you.
Thompson has no information.
- Try over at Chalky's.
- I did.
Lolly Steinman as well.
Chippy in New York, then.
Miss Kent has not seen him either.
How many for Rothstein? I wouldn't do this, Mickey.
Of course you wouldn't.
'Cause you're not in charge.
Use your head, will you? There's no way through the back roads and Tabor Heights is off-limits.
Sheriff's on it.
You heard him yourself.
The sheriff's been on the job less than a week and the last one got burned Don't you have some trucks to load? Sure thing, boss.
- What, you hear something? - No, I didn't hear anything.
Couldn't sleep either? Not exactly a featherbed.
Although that hasn't been helping either.
Doesn't seem to bother him.
I'm not sure what does.
More than a few nights spent like this back in Ulster.
How's that? You'd get your orders, this or that address, and then count off the hours till you finish the business.
Wasn't the work, though.
It was the waiting.
Must have had your way of getting through it.
Oh, aye.
Walk through the streets of Coleraine in my head.
Steps to the school.
Steps to the church.
Steps to the greengrocer.
Is that what you've been doing all night? I have not thought on the place in months.
Sounds like you're feeling at home.
I know who's in charge, Mr.
- Maybe you're not happy about it.
- It's not my satisfaction that matters.
And what have I done to earn your loyalty? You made a place for me.
Now minus the soft soap.
You pay me.
What the fuck happened? - Joe Miller.
- Who? O'Banion's man.
Last night I was making my collection, he dry-gulched me.
- What, he hit you when you wasn't looking? - I was leaving the bar at Keller's.
- He's on the South Side? - Cracked me with a beer mug.
- Split my head open.
- Irish fucking prick.
Al, he made fun of me.
- What? - I mean, he in front of everybody.
You think it doesn't bother me? I can't help how I smell.
Hour after I wash, I already got to change my AI? Women's health clinic, St.
Theresa's Hospital.
Free to all.
Women's health clinic, St.
Theresa's Hospital.
Free to all.
Ma'am, may I give you one of these? - Miss.
- Pardon? Miss.
It's not my baby.
You're welcome in any case.
Excuse me, I'm from St.
Theresa's Hospi Mrs.
- Yes? - Margaret Thompson.
We met I remember you.
What do you want? Something that might interest you.
- It's a series of classes intended - I know about it already.
The class? All Of it.
I thought the same thing myself.
And truthfully, I'm ashamed by my ignorance.
- Then who are you to lecture people about it? - I'm not.
We have a doctor from the hospital staff.
Please come if you can.
Your own experience will be valuable for A two-cent piece for each of them? - It's only once a month.
Who's this? - A lady from the hospital.
- Is it Mr.
Shearer? - Yes, ma'am.
This isn't about our bill, is it? We got ourselves a little behind, but I promise No, not that at all.
I just wanted to tell your wife that that I'm glad to see she's doing so much better.
Well, we've said our prayers, but that's how the Lord must have wanted it.
Yes, of course.
But He spared Edwina and we're blessed for that.
The doctors had some hand in it.
I took the week off to see her through.
You just wanted to put your feet up and smoke those awful cigars.
And when she's up to it, we'll try again.
We do appreciate your good wishes, though.
Are we gonna spend the whole day out here? Lead on, Mother.
Ready, boys? Women's health class, St.
Theresa's Hospital.
Free to all.
Women's health class, St.
Theresa's Hospital.
The prodigal son How are you, Joe? How should I be? For it to come like this.
Have a seat.
It has your name on it.
Like a headstone? Nothing like that's going to happen here.
I'll say this for your Jews With them, it's strictly business Us, our blood runs hot.
Because our hearts are big.
This is my territory.
We know this.
You get a cut of the card game, a cut of the fence, a cut of the booze.
I don't get a cut of the heroin What's to give? It's a sideline.
You sell on my turf.
You take advantage of what I've built.
A little, a lot Doesn't matter.
We're people of the heart.
We're gonna give you two percent.
Two percent everywhere.
Two percent in the territory.
After everything that happened? We're trying to be reasonable.
" Have a look around.
There's just you and me.
I have partners.
How can you trust them? You just said they were strictly business.
Because they have no hearts.
You're the one who got away, right? Next time'll be different.
Next time you won't get away? I'm okay with that.
I worry about you, Salvatore.
I'm the same I always was.
That boy used to come around.
Ambitious, yes.
But full of respect.
What happened to him? I don't even know your name now.
Three percent.
Everywhere? No.
The territory.
We're far apart, Joe.
We're very close, Salvatore.
We're two feet from each other.
I'll discuss it With your partners.
Do what you need to.
Just remember Rothstein, the other one, Lansky No hearts.
They'll stab you in the back.
Because they're not your people.
Then you'll need help.
When you do Thirty percent gonna look very cheap.
- Mr.
Why am I talking to you? - 'Cause you called me.
But why am I calling you? Why is that even occurring? If I had my liquor on the timely basis your employer promised, if, in fact, I could reach your employer, who now seems to think acceptable business practice to disappear for days on end, this conversation would not be taking place and that would make me - very happy.
- Yeah, I understand.
- Listen, Mr.
Rothstein - I want what I paid for.
- I want it now.
- Okay, sir.
And I don't ever want to find myself chatting with you again.
- Of course.
- Is that clear? You'll have it by tomorrow morning.
That Rothstein, warm as a lizard.
What did he say? That he's expecting his delivery.
And what did you tell him? That it's coming.
What do you think? What do I think? That you're a fucking idiot.
Watch your step, Eli.
I'm your boss.
Nucky explicitly said to avoid Tabor Heights.
I heard.
There's no way to use the back roads.
Not till May at the earliest.
So, hold off making the delivery.
And get your brother's foot up my ass? No, thanks.
I'm telling you not to do this, Mickey.
I'm not doing nothing.
They are.
You're straight through to New York.
Gas up in Tabor Heights and that's it.
You stop for nobody.
Not even the law.
Tonight is my night.
Hey- He's got a gun.
Easy! Stop! Oh! You want to pick on people who can't defend themselves, huh? Pay for his funeral.
What are they saying? I think they're wrapping it up.
They're gone.
Nearly shit your breeches there, didn't you, son? Heck, I wasn't scared.
I was.
Okay, I was, too.
There'll not be a peep from me.
He always this much fun? You should hear him on the phone sometime.
Canoodling with his girlfriend.
Well, I got bacon and eggs in the icebox.
I can fry 'em up if anyone's hungry.
Maybe they left a bottle upstairs.
Here we are.
Come on.
Hey, fellas.
Ready to make some dough? Don't make a move until Gyp says so.
You're gonna help us block the road.
- First shot, then you move.
- Just keep the road blocked.
Yeah, right up by the fork, right there.
- Don't be yellow now.
- Down in the shadows.
Rothstein's shipment is on its way.
By which route? Tabor Heights.
Word came back it's clear.
Did anyone wonder where we were for the last 24 hours? If they did, they were quiet about it.
Well? You see this? See what? - There's nothing here.
- That's my point.
We've both got empty hands.
What's that say to you? Find a better hideout? Mr.
Thompson, you got to admit I'm pretty good at this.
I wouldn't go boasting about it.
Yeah, and I could say I'd never do it again, but you wouldn't believe me, would you? - Probably not.
- So So, how's about I come work for you? - How would that go, Rowland? - Well Put me behind the wheel, box of shotgun shells, just let them try stealing then.
- He doesn't like me.
- Can you blame him? Ain't I cool in a tight spot? You'll do.
I know all the roads around here.
Best places to lie low, best places to keep your stash, they won't ever catch me.
We caught you, Rowland.
Okay, but it wasn't easy.
And Waxey Gordon, he ain't nearly as smart as you.
You could take as much of his booze as you'd like.
It's apples off a tree.
Just tell me what you want to do.
You've sure got a lot of moxie.
How else are you supposed to get ahead? I thought you didn't smoke.
Did I say that? - How old are you really? - 19.
So, legally, I'm allowed to drive.
Isn't that better? Have one of mine.
- Who's Mr.
Kessler? - He's Mr.
Thompson's driver I thought you were letting him go.
Why would you think that? I misunderstood.
As long as you understand now.
Stop! - Is that Eli? - Looks like it.
Fuck that.
Mickey said don't stop for nobody.
Stop! Stop! It's an ambush! Wait! Wait! Stop! Stop! It's an ambush! It's a fucking ambush! It's a fucking ambush! Come on.
- Right there.
Right under his coat.
- Look at this.
You want that? - Where we dumping these? - Boss says dig a pit in the woods.
MAN 31 That'll take all night.
Get the podunks to do it.
Jeez, this one crapped his pants.
I need a wallet.
Which one of them waitresses do you think is cuter? The little one with the bobbed hair.
I'm gonna fuck the redhead.
HEY- Look.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Here we go.
Come on.
Nights are long Since you went away I think about you all through the day My buddy My buddy Nobody quite so true Life is a book that we study Some of its leaves bring a sigh Nucky.
There it was written, my buddy That we must part, you and I Buddies through all of the gray days Buddies when something went wrong - I have to talk to you.
- We've had our conversation.
This is about something else and you're gonna need to hear it.
Miss your voice The touch of your hand Just long to know That you understand My buddy My buddy Your buddy misses you Good night.

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