Friday Night Lights s03e04 Episode Script

Hello, Goodbye

It's me, Matt, your son.
That is not my quarterback, you're my quarterback.
You understand that? - We had a meeting, funds are frozen.
- Who had a meeting ? All the people I've been out trying to get money from, for the Jumbo Tron.
I'm sorry it happened this way, Tami.
People warn me about getting into this with you.
I tell them you're a good guy.
- You are, right? - Yeah.
- What's up, Coach? - 2 weeks time.
- We got a walk on Texas A&M.
- I'll make you proud.
At this time we ask you to stand and remove cover for our national anthem.
Ladies & Gentlemen, the time has come but before we get started before we introduce our young kids That's an angry horse, right there.
- Who wanted the cotton candy? - I'll have some.
I'll have some.
- You want it? - You want any? I'm not having any.
I was gonna get y'all some.
I'm having my wisdom teeth taken out tomorrow.
I'm not trying to gum up Something funny? I'm having major surgery and you're laughing.
- You're gonna laugh in my face.
- They give you laughing gas.
I don't think laughing gas is a laughing matter.
How about I come over afterwards, and nurse you.
We'll watch a movie.
Can you guys focus for 2 seconds? Cash is up next.
All he needs is an 80 to win.
Come on, Cash! Let's go, man! A score of 80 will be first place for Dillon, Texas man.
Holding on for a full eight seconds.
He's there! That is one fine ass cowboy.
Really? I didn't notice.
82 for Cash Browler We have our winner, Cash Browler.
The winner of our rodeo, your hometown cowboy from Dillon, Texas.
Cash Browler! Come on.
Drive some feet.
- Damn it, drive your legs! - I'm driving them.
No, you're not driving your legs! Go! Drive! Drive! There you go.
Get something to drink.
They changed the walk-on date? Right.
You got an extra 24 hours.
- Why did they change it? - I guess they're busy.
Mitch thinks you got a better chance with Helling on Sunday, anyway.
Who's Mitch? - What's that? - Who's Mitch, anyway? - He's the one who set everything up.
- Is he pretty tight with Coach Helling? - Yeah, he is.
- So, who's he? Offensive coordinator? Running back coach? I tell you what.
Why don't you worry a little bit less about who he is, and a little bit more about yourself on Sunday.
How is that? - Yes, sir.
- Thank you.
Drive, damn it.
Come on! So $10,000 to ride a horse, uh? He wasn't that into it, but my landlord is gonna be happy.
Tyra Colette, man.
Billy never mentioned that Mindy's little sister turned into a goddess.
That's some So, you gonna be in town for a while, or you're just stopping by? Yeah, actually, I am.
What happened with that guy that was with y'all? He's all nervous.
He's getting his wisdom teeth pulled, tomorrow.
I hate that.
Is he your boyfriend? Cause you know, I respect that if he is.
God, no.
- We're just friends.
- Just friends That's all.
You wanna You wanna dance? With the participation of: benj!, charliea, DarKsh, GillesSilb, Ju, loky34, ouazo, tactactac, Teardrop Hey, honey.
I'm sure getting hungry.
Sorry, Grandma.
Your oatmeal is almost ready.
It's Tuesday.
I want that milk toast on Tuesday.
No, it's Thursday, and you get the oatmeal.
Well I just don't want oatmeal today.
Please look.
It's cinnamon & apple.
You like it.
Come on.
Landry can't give me a ride.
I gotta get the bus Who's that JD McCoy they're showing on the TV? He's nobody.
It's a by-week, so they're just trying to find something to talk about.
- Yeah, they don't do that on you.
- Be good.
I'm not gonna eat that.
You got it? Looking good, right here.
That'll be good.
- This is the principal.
- Hey, Buddy.
- Can I ask you what y'all are doing? - Nothing.
Well, just a little preliminary survey for the new school board.
On whose authority? Well, mine I guess.
It's funny.
You know you don't have that kind of authority, Buddy.
- I don't? - No.
You sure do not.
So this is gonna have to Y'all gentlemen.
Thank you very much.
You can go on, now.
This is a no, thank you.
We have a meeting this week with the board to discuss this Jumbo Tron.
I know we have a meeting, but I have an obligation to the boosters to be ready just in case our side wins.
I know what you're trying to do.
You're trying to bully this through.
It's not gonna happen.
I'm gonna go in front of that board and make sure superintendent Dunley hears what I'm saying.
Paul wants to hear what you have to say.
He's very interested.
He told me that this weekend at the country club.
You played golf with Paul Dunley this weekend? I play with him all the time.
I've known him forever.
He buys all his cars from me.
- Put it on your cheek.
- Why is it so bright? It's outside.
It's daytime.
Let me know if you feel like you gonna fall.
Step! You OK? Just that I'm high I'm so glad you came pick me up with the mini van, cause I love this mini van.
- It's a sign of comfort for me.
- I'm so glad.
You're done? - How did it go? - It went great.
They were playing Lionel Ritchie "Lady".
And I love that song.
And listen.
You listen? I think me, you and Repo Man and a bunch of Cherry Garcia - at my house - That sounds like a fantastic idea.
I just wanted to say that you're the best girlfriend that a guy could want.
- Landry? - I know that you're not my girlfriend per say, but I love you anyways.
My mom is taking my phone away.
Hey, Tyra.
Landry's gotta go.
We'll see you this evening, OK? Bye bye.
- What? Why did you do that? - You'll thank me later.
We got a by-week.
We gonna start working on spread offense.
McNaulty's got a hell of a defense this year.
They gonna be sitting on the I and pounding Saracen all night long.
I can garan-damn-tee you, gentlemen.
We are not gonna repeat the loss we had last week.
- You wanna build it around McCoy.
- Didn't say that.
How about Coach asks us to work on a spread offense, we work on it and we don't ask any questions.
- I'm just asking.
- Well don't ask.
Do not ask! - Are we done here, Coach? - Yeah, Mac.
We're done.
Meeting between 2 and 3 in the bullpen to start hammering out the details.
Alright, you all heard the man.
You all get back to work.
You need something? So, we go with McCoy, here, Eric? Is that what we're doing? I don't know, Mac.
I'll talk to you later.
- Is she waving at me? - No, she's waving at me.
Shut up! Who is that, man? I was hoping that was you.
What are you doing? Nothing.
I was driving back from San Antonio on a work thing.
Is it alright if I stop here? I don't wanna block anybody.
- You're actually not supposed to stop.
- Okay, well Where are you going? Can I give you a ride home or something? Alright.
Yeah, fine.
- I'm gonna get a ride.
- You sure, Matt? - Alright.
- Alright.
It's just over there.
Yeah, I remember.
Wow, you got your own sign! That's kinda cool.
Everybody gets one, so it's not really a big deal.
- Thanks for the ride.
- You're welcome.
So, I guess I'll see you.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Hey Matt! Wait a second.
It seems like you got a lot on your plate, and I guess I was just wondering if there is anything I can do to help out.
We're good.
Good, good.
Cause I was just thinking that while I'm in town How long are you in town for? No long term or anything.
I just I just would really love to help out, that's all.
OK, look I'm supposed to take Grandma to an orthopedist appointment tomorrow afternoon, but I mean I got this really big test the next day.
That'd be perfect.
- I'll take her to the doctor, tomorrow.
- At 4 o'clock? How is it going? Let's go.
Let's go have your snack.
Come on.
Just Here we go.
- That's disgusting.
I don't know.
- Here's what you do.
You break in it to join, you slide your thumbs under it, and then you just Oh God.
- All right.
- That's how you do it.
- There you go.
- I can't do it.
- Do that one.
- Really? - That's good.
- Yeah, do it.
- Suck it, suck it, there we go.
- Nice.
And if you're really cool, here's what you do with the head.
- See, that's just wrong.
- Yeah, it's not that good.
See, he's got a lot of useless skills like that.
You know he speaks french? I mean, I'm telling you, there's nothing weirder than seeing some drunk ass - cow-boy speaking french.
- Come on.
- Where did you learn to speak french? - Picked it up in Louisiana.
- When did you live in Louisiana? - Grew up there and then moved to Dillon when I was in high school, where I met this fine upstanding citizen.
Oh yeah.
You'd have seen this kid pitching in high school.
He's ridiculous.
He had a canon for an arm.
He could have gotten a scholarship to any school he wanted to go to.
Base-ball is too slow and boring.
Right now, I like to ride broncos and to rodeo.
Yeah, there he is, Mitch Stallman.
He's in charge of group sales.
I'm gonna work at Alamo Freeze till I die.
You just gonna trust Coach, man.
I mean, he knows what he's doing so Smash, Matt? I'm really glad I could provide you with beverages and wi-fi and all of you can possibly want but Tyra is gonna be over pretty soon.
I thought she broke up a long time ago.
Yeah, she did.
- Your facts aren't quite correct.
- Is that right? See, Tyra is a complicated woman and it's a very complicated situation - Let's get out of here, man.
- I'd worry if she wasn't doing this.
It's getting sad and weird in here and I need to keep my mood up.
I heard every bit of what you just said, man.
Later, Lan, man.
If she doesn't show up, give me a call, okay? She will show up, Matt.
I can not believe Billy's really gonna get married.
I can't believe my sister's marrying Billy.
Yeah, I'm really surprised myself.
- They kinda make a perfect couple.
- They look good.
We are not going to San Antonio on our honeymoon.
- Why not? - Cause you're taking me to Hawaii.
- How the hell am I gonna afford Hawaii? - I don't know.
We'll have to win the lottery.
- What's that? - Just a little bit of cow-boy candy.
I busted my shoulder in Mineola last week.
That's so weird.
Remember when I busted my shoulder last week, in Mineola? No, nice try though.
You wanna get out of here? Leave these guys alone? - Sure.
- Yeah? - Let's go.
- Okay.
- Billy, I'll see you later, bud.
- Bye all.
Have a fun time.
What's wrong? I'm gonna take a pass on tonight.
My friend Landry, he had his wisdom teeth pulled today.
And I've told him I'd go over there and help, - so - Yeah, well I got a pretty good idea about that.
What's that? Okay - Let's go.
- Alright.
And then, he's just going on about "Oh yeah, I talked all about it with Paul Dunley, "I just played golf with him last week-end.
" How am I suppose to compete with that? You know what I mean? I don't play golf.
So, they You should learn, it's fun if you bring beer! - I hate golf.
- Could we slow down just a little bit? Yeah, sorry.
You know this whole thing is just a boys club, and you know Honey, you should've known that! Okay, can I tell you something? And don't be mad at me, cause I didn't invent the world, but nobody likes an angry woman.
I am not angry, I am not angry.
That is the thing, I've dealt with this with self-dignity and they've just been riding - rough all over me.
- You're angry underneath, you see? And that honey, is just a waste of your time.
So look, you gotta make a plan here.
Gotta plan your move.
So, you don't play golf? You eat, don't ya? - I do.
- Okay, so here's what you do.
You find out where Dunley has his coffee and you go there and you chat him up.
- That's a good idea, I kinda stalk him.
- And honey, wear you hair down.
Wear down I meant to call you, I'm so sorry.
Well, what happened? I had to be with my mum last night, she got some bad news.
I'm sorry, I didn't Is she okay? Yeah, it wasn't actually her, it was my aunt.
Some medical stuff.
It looks like she's gonna be okay though.
So, how are you doing? You know, fine.
I can't feel my face still, but Sorry, I actually have to get going.
I've to read the entire book of Julius Caesar in 45 minutes, so Technical exploit.
I'm sorry, Lan.
I'll see you later? Alright, gentlemen, let's go now, it's Friday.
We got a long week-end.
I've been changing it up, we're gonna rotate snaps between Saracen and J.
Go 7 on 7.
Coaches, get 'em together.
I wanna hear some hustle out here.
Let's hear it right now.
Let's go! Let's see it again, gentlemen.
- It's not that big a deal.
- Well, I don't understand it.
You always take me to my doctor's appointment.
- Today is a little different.
- Well, I don't like different, and I don't like her.
And I'm going back in the house.
- Now, let me go! - Please, I've had a really rough day, and I got a lot of studying to do and it's gonna help me out so much if if you'd just go with her to the doctor.
Please - This is a bad idea - Don't worry, we'll be fine.
I wanna tell just cause you were married to my son, doesn't make you family.
I'm only doing this for Matthew.
Okay, well, it's the only reason I'm doing too.
So, let's just go.
I need some air back here.
This junker got some air, right? So Katty McCoy thinks I should track down Paul Dumley like find where he eats or something.
You know, like stalking kind of thing.
But I don't know, that's not my style however, it feels pushy to me.
But maybe that's what I need to be doing, because obviously that's what everybody else is doing, you know? It's just so frustrating.
Honey, where are we going? Honey - What's going on? - I need a drink.
- We got a bottle of wine in the fridge.
- I need a scotch flavour of drink.
Let me call Julie.
There is no doubt that J.
McCoy, he wins out when it comes to physical skills, I understand that.
Hell, he's got the best arm any high school quarterback have ever seen.
That includes Jason Street.
- That's saying something right there.
- But then again, Matt Well, Matt got the experience, he's got 3 seasons under his belt, the team knows how to play with Matt, I know what I've got with Matt Saracen.
- That's a hard decision to do.
- After everything he's been through, I bench him halfway through his senior year - It'd kill him.
- I know.
- And he's like family.
- I can't make a decision based on that.
- I know, of course you can't.
- Of course, I can't.
But honey, this is the stuff that happens, this is football.
- Yes, it is.
- And it just seems to me that you don't have to have this set in stone.
You could take one game at the time if you want to.
Honey, I don't think you understand If I start J.
McCoy - the significance of that - I think I do.
The kid is good, you got to understand that.
But he's also a 15-year-old kid with a freak show of a father.
If I put him out there on the field, I don't know if he's gonna handle it.
The fact that matters is, it's my responsibility to that kid to make sure that he's not pushed too fast and that he's prepared.
- What the hell is so funny? - Honey - What are you laughing at? - This is what I love about you.
That I can't make a decision to save my damn life? That you're making a decision with With such a conscience and What other coach would ever do that? Nowise agonize over like that.
And you know, I think it's cause you're a teacher first, and I know you're gonna say it's corny, but you're a molder of men.
And I find that admirable.
And I find that sexy.
Let me tell you what, I'll have to ruminate on that a little bit longer - since you find it so damn sexy.
- Okay Slow to the motion.
There you go.
There it is.
Nice and slow.
Watch your foot placement.
Gimme another going.
- What do you know, gentlemen? - Hey, Coach.
- Hey, Wade - You stopped by.
Texas quick fire, H is in motion.
What does X have to do? - Watch my strong side.
- Right.
- I'm looking corner post left.
- What's the read? Free safety.
One minute to go, Z is the hot on 99.
Defense goes nick.
What you gonna do then? I'm outer block to prevent.
Look for Riggins.
No, look for X.
On the quick out for the 1st.
- What's the life color in the articles? - Depends.
Last week it was blue.
This week, it's red.
You've been paying attention, or something? - Yes, sir.
- Tell me something about yourself.
I set goals and I achieve them.
This isn't a job interview.
What are you doing when you're not playing football? Tell me something about yourself.
I play Madden on my Xbox or go swimming.
Usually, I'm just practicing and working out.
You need to bulk up some, eat some chicken, fried steak or something.
I'm not allowed to have fried food.
My dad says it's bad for me.
He does, uh? I'm gonna watch you throw a few.
Nice and slow There you go.
Good job.
- Sit anywhere.
- Thank you.
- Can I get you something to drink? - I'd love a coffee, thank you.
How you doing? - Principal Taylor! - Nice to see you.
I haven't seen you since our interview this summer.
- I guess it was.
- That's right.
That's right.
Actually, I was just finishing up here.
I have a meeting I need to get to.
I'm looking forward to our meeting this week.
So am I.
Actually, now that I'm running into you, there are a couple of things I would just love to go over with you in a casual context.
Like I said, I have a meeting.
I'll make it real brief.
I just wanna make sure you had all the information in terms of what this Jumbo Tron money could get us.
It could get us 2, maybe 3 of the teachers that we lost since the lay off.
- This really isn't the proper time.
- Right, right.
But I know that you've been talking about it to Garrity on the golf course.
And so, I just wanna make sure it's gonna be a fair conversation.
There's no reason to get angry about this, Tami.
No, I'm not angry.
I'm just dealing with a school that's understaffed.
When I think about it that way, it makes me angry.
I mean, I'm not angry now, but it's anger.
Look, Tami, you know I want more teachers, too.
And more supplies.
But those people gave their money for a Jumbo Tron.
I'll see you next week.
I'm real interested in what you have to say.
It's not a big deal.
You haven't seen your mom since you were a little kid.
I think that qualifies as a big deal.
How did you feel when you saw her? I don't know, man.
It was it was weird.
Are you gonna see each other again? Why are you so obsessed with my mother? How's your mother? Is she doing fine? Hi, it's nice to see you.
So, are you ready for hard things this midterm Someone won't let me study.
I know.
My mom is kinda really obsessed about it.
She's determined that if I don't pass it then my entire future is like corroded.
So, do you maybe wanna Hi, Landry.
Cash, this is Landry.
Yeah, Landry.
I'm Cash.
Yeah, I know who you are.
We're gonna have a little conversation, first.
OK? - You all right? - Yeah, it'll be like 2 min.
Thank you.
I'm I'm really starting to think that by aunt you actually meant Cash, the rodeo guy.
Is that? I'm starting to kinda piece all this together, Tyra.
- I'm sorry I lied to you.
- You did lie to me.
You lied right to my face.
I believed you about your aunt.
I felt bad for you.
I didn't wanna hurt you.
I've been really, really stupid for a really, really long time.
We broke up like 2 months ago.
Tell me what's changed since we've broke up.
You still You still hold my hand.
I held your hand at Cloverfield.
It was a scary movie.
- You said I'm your best friend.
- That's the whole point.
- You cannot keep telling me this.
- Maybe I should've been clearer.
We're not together.
If you want to choose a guy that rides horses Yes, he rides horses, and he drives a truck! with a big stupid cowboy hat, then you just tell it to my face! Yes, I'm choosing him! Alright.
Well, thank you very much.
- What are you doing all the day? - I'm doing problem #2.
I think.
Hey, surprise! What are you doing? I was at H-E-B and I saw a few things I thought you might like.
Vanilla creams, right? I'll be in my bedroom.
Grandma? This This is Julie.
- Hi, Julie, I'm Shelby, Matt's - My mom.
Hi, I'm Julie.
It's really nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, Julie.
I found a few of Matt's baby pictures.
I thought, maybe Lorraine might like to see them.
Can I see them? You can't do this.
- Do what? - You can't come in here with groceries and baby pictures and act like everything is normal.
- I know I can't just - I don't need your help, okay? I needed it 10 years ago when you left and 5 years ago.
But I don't need it anymore.
I figured it out.
So Thank you for taking my grandmother to the doctor.
You wanted to help and you helped, now please, go.
- Sweetheart, I didn't mean to - Don't call me that.
I'm an idiot.
- No, you're not.
- I should never have picked this fight.
Yes, babe.
You should have.
Oh, honey.
You don't even mean that, I don't think.
You thought it was a bad idea the whole time.
That's not true.
I never said that.
That's not what I thought.
It's obvious that you're right and they're wrong.
Really? You're damn right.
You think we need a Jumbo Tron? - We don't need a Jumbo Tron.
- Of course not.
- We need more teachers.
- Of course we need them.
You're right.
They're wrong.
It doesn't matter, though, cause I'm gonna loose tomorrow.
Okay, yeah They gonna get the Jumbo Tron.
In that sense, you loose tomorrow.
But you stood up for what you believed in.
In that sense, you win tomorrow.
You can at least make them feel a little bit guilty about that big old stupid Jumbo Tron.
Thank you, honey.
Look, Grandma I'm sorry that I had her drive you to the doctor the other day.
It seemed like a good idea at the time, and it turned out not to be.
So, I'm sorry.
Well, now I don't forgive her for what she did and I still don't like her, but your daddy is He's very difficult.
We know that.
And you know, maybe Shoot.
Maybe I could've helped her out a little bit more than I did.
What do you mean? I just mean what I said.
That's it.
Let's not have a big old soap opera about it.
- Let's go watch some TV.
- All right.
Got your mouthpiece & cleats? You gotta remember there's gonna be a different cadence.
- Gotta listen to the snap count.
- I got it! Pay attention to the snap count.
Just saying you gotta listen.
So, Mich Stallman, he's a front office guy? Yes, he is.
I'm glad you called me.
How did you find me? There's only 2 motels in town, so Get you something? - Can I just get some water please? - Thank you.
Look, I know my dad is a jerk and we're not living with him, I know.
He yells throws stuff.
I guess that's why you left.
I'm not gonna say anything bad about your dad, Matthew.
I mean, I was I had only known him a couple of months.
I was just a kid.
But, I will never never ever forgive myself for leaving you.
And God knows I don't expect you to forgive me either.
Well, what do you want? I mean Why are you here? When you showed up, at my door with that paper from that lawyer, and I found out that your dad's in Iraq and you're taking care of Lorraine all by yourself, I I just thought you're all alone in this.
It's too much.
I just felt like a deep I just felt bad.
And I'm not looking for you to forgive me, I'm not looking for you to call me mom, but I just really would love to stick around for a while, a few weeks or so to see if I can lend a hand.
All right.
All right.
That's really great.
Stand up.
We've been here an hour.
How much longer we're gonna have to wait? - Mitch, how you doing? - Great, Coach.
How are you? - Good, good to see you.
- Okay, so - Everything's good.
- Good.
I talked to Coach Helling, but the deal is we gonna have to reschedule.
- You gotta be kidding me.
- I am sorry, fellows, but this all Thursday night game got schedule all screwed up But he said we can do it next weekend, if you guys are available.
- Next weekend - Yes, sir.
Is that gonna work for you? Follow me.
Hey, Vince! - What the hell are you doing? - Coach, I know you got practice, and I respect that.
But I gotta tell you something.
This kid right here can flat out play.
He's fast, tough as hell, he can read field better than any player you got out here.
And let me tell you something else: he's got more heart and guts any kid I've ever coached.
You know what I'm talking about.
You just ask yourself what you want, you wanna pass it up on a chance.
Take a look at him cause I'll tell you what, we drove a long way to get down here, I don't know when we're gonna get back.
Let me ask you something.
If someone pulled a stud when you were over TMU, what do you think Coach Boyd would have done? He'd have said, "It's a guy with balls and the courage of his convictions.
" Then, he'd have looked me in the eyes and said, "Now, get the hell off.
" You won't be disappointed.
First unit, take a knee.
Listen to me.
You listen to me closer you've ever listened to me before.
You remember that Rutledge game, You came into that game, you took over that game.
Play by play, you owned that game! I watched you, and I said to myself, "That kid is gonna go all the way.
" Right now, right here, God has placed you to do what you do best.
Go all the way.
Which knee did he bust up? I couldn't tell.
What do you think, Coach? I wouldn't go busting up the bubble just yet.
We'll call you.
So, we good with this? - You ready to start this thing? - We're ready, Coach.
So, send them in.
Get in here.
Alright, let's go, fellows.
We're gonna shake things up on Friday night.
Matt, you gonna start.
You're also gonna play, we're gonna rotate series.
You'll get an equal time out there.
Understood? This is my decision.
I'm making this cause I think it's gonna help us win the game.
Matt, where you're out there, we're gonna run the I, J.
D, the spread.
Is that understood? It's a unorthodox, the way we like things around here.
But it won't work if McNaulty knows about it, so you all gonna have to ride herd over the team.
Is that understood? Yes, sir.
It's gonna be a long, hard week of practice.
You bring your A games.
See ya out there.
Your mamma let me in.
Look, I know you don't wanna talk to me.
Landry, I have I've never been closer to any guy like I've been to you.
And what we had really was special.
And I stopped feeling that way for you.
You're my best friend Landry, I won't give up your friendship.
Not without a fight.
Just please leave.
Look, Tyra, I'm embarrassed.
Please, leave.
First, we want to thank the boosters, the wives and all the supporters for all their time and efforts.
I would now like to bring up Principal Tami Taylor, for our final introduction.
Hi, all.
Thank you.
Well, Dillon Panthers' fans, I've got two words for you: Jumbo Tron.
Of course, I know that's really only one word, but I wanted to quote our friend Buddy Garrity over there, it's because of him that we have all this excitement today.
I would also like to thank Buddy Garrity for his generous offer to house the PTA's winter selling auction at Garrity Motors.
So you all keep your eyes out for that! Hello? Yes, sir, this is Brian.
Yes, sir.
Tomorrow morning? I'll be there.
It's just my new shoulder pads gonna be ready in the morning.
Lord, you know what I thought that was.
I've been holding my breath.
No, I'm just playing.
I got in.
What did you just say, Brian? I'm going to college, mom.
He got in! Your brother is going to college! Coach Helling called.
I'm in.
Is that right? He wants me to practice in the morning.
I'm leaving tonight, the guys are driving me.
I just figured to stop by, before I left.
- You get your playbook? - It's in the car.
Remember what I told you about those dorm rooms? They're nothing but trouble.
You better not be skipping any classes.
Keep your grades up.
Let me keep an eye on it.
I want you to keep an eye on it.
I wanted to stop by and say thank you You know for everything.
I couldn't have done any of this without you.
And that's for real.
- Hit the fan.
- You got it.
I want from you tickets 50 yard line and some parking passes.
- You got it! - One more stop to make, Williams.
Oh, no beer on 3.
What? - Hey ya'll, first 5 yards.
- Mississipi.
Don't forget! Ready? - Alright, settle.
- Let's call something.
One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi, game over! Alright! Where are you at, baby? Where are you at? My job's to fill the team to win games.
How did you win State championship? I worked my ass off to practice! I do everything that you say! I'm moving back east with my parents.
I have to.
You can come visit.
He's your son too.
I called you a dumb ass, wild trash, redneck Go in the truck! Go, go, go!
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