Roswell s03e04 Episode Script

Secrets and Lies

NARRATOR: Previously on Roswell: We came here for a reason.
Because your son is in trouble.
On another planet.
You need to go back and do what we came for.
You know? See if your ship works.
MAX: Our ship's there.
ISABEL: You mean our spaceship? MAX: It's been reassembled.
I saw it.
I got a message for your friend Max.
Stop looking.
NASEDO: I can shapeshift.
I can change my appearance but not what's on the inside.
I have to contact my son.
MAN: Oh, God, I love this town, you know? Looking down from here, it's like seeing lights on a Christmas tree, you know? It's magic.
- That's nice, Joey.
- Yeah.
Come on.
What'd I tell you about smoking in the car? - Give me a break.
- You give me a break.
I quit.
I can't be around that stuff no more.
Get out! - No, it's cold outside.
- I don't care.
Go! Smoke over there! - Fine! - Come on.
- Go ahead! - Shut up.
- Those things are gonna kill you.
- No, you're gonna kill me.
- Yeah, right.
- Bastard.
- Yeah, puff your brains out.
- Oh, shut up.
You make me sick.
Come on.
Joey? Oh, God.
So how's a guy burn to death in his car So how's a guy burn to death in his car without leaving behind so much as a scorch mark? Female witness said she saw an otherworldly figure.
KERR: Any evidence of this guy? - No footprints, no tire tracks, nothing.
So, what do you think it was? Lightning strike? Spontaneous human combustion.
Registration has the guy as Joseph Ferrini Jr.
Anything else? KERR: Got some repair bills.
Tire gauge.
This might be something.
Looks like a license-plate number.
" ERLICK: New Mexico? KERR: Let's run it.
MAN: Max Evans? - Something wrong? - Deputy Brown Roswell Sheriff's Department.
I need to ask you a few questions about a homicide investigation.
Secret and Lies BROWN: You recognize this man? - No.
You sure? - Yeah.
Who is he? - His name is Joey Ferrini.
His death is being investigated as a possible homicide.
Your license-plate number turned up in his glove compartment in Los Angeles.
You want to tell me why? I don't know.
I mean, I've only had the car for a couple of months.
Maybe this has to do with the previous owner.
BROWN: Yeah, maybe.
Well, since this isn't officially a homicide case yet, I can't take you in.
Of course, the fact that you were arrested for armed robbery in Utah a few weeks ago does tempt me.
Those charges were dropped.
Yeah, I know.
Must be nice having a daddy who's a lawyer, huh? Just wanted you to know that I know and I'll be watching you.
This is all I need.
This is all I need.
I got a message for your friend Max.
Stop looking.
Max, I know the dead guy.
So he's the same guy that wanted us to stop looking for your ship.
The deputy told me he died of mysterious circumstances.
Police are looking into it as a lightning strike.
- But you think that an alien killed him.
- Not just an alien.
A shapeshifting alien.
- Nasedo killed the exact same way.
- Nasedo's dead.
Two shapeshifters were sent down with us on our ship before it crashed.
Nasedo's dead.
I saw that with my own eyes.
But I don't know, what about the other one? Maybe he's still out there.
Maybe he sent Ferrini to warn us off.
And maybe he's the one who killed him.
How do you know that he's not gonna try and kill you too? Liz, I just keep on having these visions of my son.
I know this is risky, and I don't have much to go on but l - You have to contact your son and the shapeshifter is the only one who might know how.
- So where do we start? - L.
Let's go.
- Liz, this thing with your dad - That's not the point.
I can do this on my own.
Well, at least I've been to L.
I'm not sure Disneyland counts as L.
Look, this could be dangerous.
This time, I think it would be better if I went alone.
So, what am I supposed to do? Just go to class? Pretend like everything's fine? MAX: You'll be in on every step along the way.
I promise.
LIZ: I'll miss you.
MAX: Not like I'll miss you.
WOMAN: Our last team will be Miss Parker and Mr.
Miss Parker, what do you say to that? - Say, "Yes.
" - Yes.
I say yes.
I'm sure you and Mr.
Valenti will make a great team.
- Now, let's talk about equipment.
KYLE: Thanks, partner.
Partner on what? The job of the investigative journalist is to tell the truth no matter how uncomfortable or unpleasant that may be.
So your assignment this week is to take these cameras go out into the world and try to find the truth and capture it on film.
Or, in this case, on tape.
- I - What's going on? I got a phone call from the doctor at the nursing home this morning.
There's been another incident with your grandfather.
- I need you to go and deal with this.
- Dad Well, Kyle, I need you to do this.
What's going on? - Oh, my God, Jesse.
I'm I'm - Speechless.
- Yeah.
Jesse, it's - Beautiful? I know.
It's two months' salary.
It's gorgeous.
But I can't.
- What, believe it? - Wear it.
The guy said champagne color was in this year.
It's perfect.
The ring is perfect.
You're perfect.
But if I wear it, it just announces to the world that we're engaged.
- Which we are.
- Right, but the world doesn't know yet.
You still haven't figured out how to tell your parents.
- Well, it's complicated.
- Max moved out and they're freaked about it.
- And they don't know that we're dating.
- Is that guy watching us? - Isabel, don't try to avoid the subject.
You know what? You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna start with my mom.
Okay? I'll talk to her tonight.
I promise.
It's perfect.
It's so perfect.
This should only take a few minutes.
Usually he spills his soup or cereal or something.
Excuse me.
And I have to, like, clean it up, and that's it.
After that, we can go home.
Isn't this something your father should be doing himself? Should be, but he won't.
He hasn't come to visit him in over a year.
- Well, how come? - I don't know.
My grandfather lost his job searching for aliens and ruined my dad's life.
But there are aliens.
Your grandfather was right, and your father knows that.
If you're going to start to point out the ironies in my family, I warn you they never stop.
LIZ: You know this might be the perfect place to find something for class.
Think of all the stories that are just Iocked up here, you know? True stories of heartache, love and loss and pain.
KYLE: Liz.
There are no stories here that I'm even remotely interested in.
You sure about that? - We should start cleaning.
- Not now.
We just found our story.
- We're about to blow the doors off here.
- We are? KYLE: Yeah.
Show the folks at home the outrageous conditions the elderly live in.
LIZ: Didn't your grandfather make this mess himself? Look at these ceiling tiles.
It's all water-damaged.
It's unbelievable.
How do they expect anybody to live like this? Is he always like this? Pretty much.
Well, don't you ever talk to him? KYLE: Sure, yeah.
Pretty much a one-way conversation.
Hi, Mr.
I'm Liz Parker.
I'm a friend of your grandson's.
Well, and your son, actually.
Would you like me to read to you? My grandfather always used to like that.
"Mysterious Objects Streak Across Skies in Texas.
Several eyewitness reports out of the Lone Star state confirm that several" - They are among us.
They are among us.
MAX: Hello.
LIZ: Hey.
So how's L.
? - Big.
MAN: Shut up and learn how to drive! - And very friendly.
- Yeah, sounds like it.
Look, I have a theory about how to track down this shapeshifter.
Look, I have a theory about how to track down this shapeshifter.
- Right.
- Okay.
No matter how many times Nasedo changed he always returned to one shape.
- Ed Harding.
- Why is that? - He could have been anyone.
- So why keep going back to a middle-aged bald man? - Exactly.
What if shapeshifters can change their appearance, but it's only temporary? Eventually, they have to return to their base form.
- Makes sense.
- Come on.
Would I steer you wrong? I don't suppose you could steer me toward Hollywood Cemetery.
Yeah, I can't help you there.
- But good luck with that.
- Thanks.
MAN: So great is his mercy towards them that fear him.
As far as the east is from the west so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.
Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.
For he knoweth our frame.
He remembereth that we are dust.
As for man, his days are as grass.
As a flower Who are you? Friend or family? I'm a cousin.
Joey never told me he had any cousins and Joey told me everything.
- He did? - Yeah.
We were close, Joey and me.
Like brothers.
No secrets between us.
Now I find out he had this whole family he never told me about.
Shh! I'm really a distant cousin.
Do you have representation? - Do l? - Agent.
Do you have an agent? - Please.
- Okay.
We'll talk after.
- You're supposed to say, "Action.
" LIZ: Kyle, just start.
I hold a bill for the Sunrise Retirement Facility my grandfather's nursing home.
The exorbitant cost, over $ 1200 a month.
Outrageous, considering the substandard care he's receiving.
Hey, guys.
Filming something? Cut! Dad, you just ruined the shot.
You ruined the shot.
Just grabbing a beer.
- How was your gig? VALENTl: It was great.
The Kit Shickers are really coming together.
Hey listen, did you take care of that little thing we talked about? - Yeah.
- Good.
That's it? Ask him about what your grandfather said.
He's not gonna talk about it.
Let's find out.
Am I supposed to smile or wave or something? LIZ: It's for a school project.
Our assignment is to get the truth about something.
If you want, you can come down and film the band.
We're musicians.
Musicians are always searching for the truth.
LIZ: Well, actually, I was a little bit more interested in you and your father.
That's not a subject that LIZ: How come you haven't seen him for over a year? - It hasn't been that long.
KYLE: Oh, yes, it has.
September 24th, 2000.
Grandpa has it marked on his calendar.
Turn that thing off.
Turn that off.
Who the hell did that? It wasn't him.
- Is somebody at the home interfering? - I marked it down, okay? - Why? - Because it makes him happy.
Kyle, I don't think he even knows who we are anymore.
He said something to me today.
- He spoke to you? - Actually, he grabbed me and then he said something.
What? "They are among us.
" - Do you have any idea what that would? - They Are Among Us.
They Are Among Us is a B movie that was shot here in Roswell back in the '50s.
It's just a painful memory rattling around in an old man's brain.
Why is that a painful memory? The leading lady in the film was killed during production.
My father was sheriff at the time, so he headed the investigation.
- I told you about this.
- No.
You never talk about Grandpa.
Anyway my father was convinced that she was killed by an alien.
But she wasn't.
She died of a freak lightning strike.
Jesse, I got it.
I'm gonna tell her.
I know.
Simple, clear and fearless.
I gotta go.
Wish me luck.
- Who was that? - It was Maria.
- I need to talk to you.
- It was Max, wasn't it? - Max? No.
- Of course it was, Isabel.
I always know when you're lying.
That wasn't Maria.
You're right.
It wasn't Maria, it was Mom, I need - So does Max need money or what? - Mom, it wasn't Max, okay? It wasn't Max.
I swear.
L I just thought that, you know after being gone from home for three weeks that he might just wanna check in once in a while.
- Don't you think? - Mom.
I mean, you talk to him, right? Sure.
Does he need money? - I don't think so.
- Well Do me a favor.
Just in case.
Just in case.
Just in case.
ISABEL: Max, it's me.
MAX: Hey.
ISABEL: When are you coming home? You're ripping out your mother's heart.
ISABEL: When are you coming home? You're ripping out your mother's heart.
MAX: I don 't know yet.
ISABEL: Michael and I disapprove of you wandering L.
Looking for shapeshifters.
You could expose us or get yourself killed.
Have you thought of that? MAX: You know how important this is to me.
ISABEL: I know, I know.
Finding your son, I understand that.
But do you even have a plan, Max? MAX: Yes, I have a plan.
Well, sort of a plan.
I'm getting an agent.
ISABEL: What? - Hit man, thug, convict, tough guy Joey Ferrini could play them all.
So Ferrini wasn't really a hit man? Oh, well - Not recently.
- So, what was Joey in prison for? You know, you really don't know very much about your cousin.
He was my second cousin.
Twice removed.
He was big on assault.
Loved assaulting people.
Which is why he's so convincing on-screen.
Joey called me a couple of weeks ago from Utah.
- Yeah? - Do you know what he was doing there? You know, I didn't book that job.
I gonna be straight with you.
I don't mean to disrespect the dead but your cousin Joey was not a great actor.
Now, you, on the other hand You, my friend, you are on a completely different path.
Let's talk Tom Cruise.
Let's talk Keanu Reeves.
- I'm not an actor.
- What, and Keanu Reeves is? All you need is exposure.
- That's the last thing I need.
- Oh, oh.
Look, look, look! MAX: Who's that? JULIUS: Who's that? What, are you from Kansas? Of course.
That's why I love you.
That is Kal Langley.
He is just the biggest, the most powerful producer in this whole town.
Now, you watch as I plant your name in his brain.
- Hello? - I think I found something.
I think the shapeshifter killed someone here in Roswell in 1959.
- What do you mean? - You're chasing a serial killer, Max.
An actress was killed on a movie location.
The coroner said that she died of a freak lightning strike.
- Coincidence? - In Roswell, there are no coincidences.
Valenti's dad was sheriff, and he knew it was alien-related but nobody believed him.
- Did he have any suspects? I don 't know, but I'll find out.
Thanks, Liz.
Thank you for helping me.
Yeah, well, the sooner you find this guy, the sooner you come home.
Look, my dad's coming.
I gotta go.
- Bye.
- Bye.
: Action.
I got a message for your friend Max.
Stop looking.
BUNNY: The person I work FERRINl: The person I work for will do whatever is necessary.
BUNNY: Then I'm supposed to shoot - And then I'm supposed to shoot.
You know, give me that.
Give me that thing.
- It was all an act.
COMPUTER: You've got mail.
You've got mail, Max.
What the hell are you doing here? You've got three seconds to tell me what's going on.
- Just relax.
Take it easy.
- Talk! I'm trying to figure out who killed Joey Ferrini.
- The cops said he was hit by lightning.
- Well, the cops are wrong.
He was murdered.
You know I'm right, don't you? I tried telling them, but they wouldn't believe me.
They thought I was crazy.
You're not crazy.
I know Joey was no angel but I cared about him.
Someone was out there that night.
The cops said there were no footprints.
But I saw someone.
You were there when it happened? Can you show me? This is the place.
I I turned my back to light a cigarette.
And then there was this It was blinding.
And then Joey was dead.
You said you saw someone.
Yeah, a man.
There was something weird about him.
It's like he was glowing.
- What did he look like? - I didn't really get a good look.
Hair color, clothes, anything.
I'm sorry.
You know, he went off that way and seemed to just disappear.
I saw that video of Joey rehearsing for his role up in Utah.
Do you have any idea who cast him? I don't know.
He wouldn't tell me.
When he got back, he started acting really crazy.
Talking about aliens and spaceships.
I told him he was losing it, so he stopped talking to me about it.
He just said that he got the goods on someone.
Someone big, and that it was gonna make him a rich man.
That's it, isn't it? That's what killed him.
What is it? - What happened in Utah? - We should go.
- At least tell me, am I in danger? - Come on, let's go.
I can't believe this was ever released.
I know.
87 minutes never seemed so long.
- Are you Liz? - Oh, yes.
Nice to meet you.
This is Kyle Valenti.
- You look so much like your grandfather.
- Yeah, well, genes, you know? I was just so excited to get your call.
How did you find me? We got your name off of one of those film-history websites.
Right here.
It said that you did hair and makeup on They Are Among Us.
Are you guys fans of the movie? - Loved it.
It was great.
- It's my favorite.
It was a very exciting time.
Roswell went totally Hollywood.
Oh, well, we were wondering if you could tell us about the actress that got killed.
Such a shame, what happened.
Hit by lightning on a clear day.
She was a gorgeous girl.
A real hottie.
That is what you call them now, isn't it? - Yeah.
- Well, anyway rumor had it that this little hottie uh, got caught up in some kind of love triangle with the lead actor and the clapper/Ioader.
My grandpa always believed that she was murdered.
Yes, poor thing.
He caused quite a stir with that whole alien business.
Do you remember if he had any suspects? You know, anyone that he might have accused of being an alien? Sure.
He thought it was the clapper/Ioader.
What's a "clapper/Ioader"? He's the guy who bangs the thing and goes, "Take one.
Take two.
" MAX: Oh.
- Who are you with? Uh A friend.
I'm just taking her back to her place.
- Her place? MAX: I mean, I'm just dropping her off.
She's helping me.
We're getting off the subject.
Okay Well, here's the theory.
If the clapper/Ioader is the shapeshifter, I'm thinking that maybe that's his base form.
- The body he always goes back to.
And if that's true, maybe if we can find out what this clapper/Ioader looked like in 1959 - He might still look like that today.
- Exactly.
So how do we find out what this guy looked like? He'll be on the film.
He's not in the movie but he'll be in the dailies.
- What are "dailies"? Dailies? Dailies are all the footage they shoot in one day.
You know, like outtakes, bloopers, alternate angles, that stuff.
- Thanks.
- I'm really glad that she's so helpful.
MAX: How do we get ahold of 50-year-old dailies? I did some research, and I found the rights to They Are Among Us were sold to Paramount Pictures.
All of their dailies should be in their film vaults.
- God, I love you.
Well, did she hear that? - Definitely.
- Good.
Call me when you find a way onto the Paramount lot.
I don't suppose you want to come up.
You know.
Uh, thanks.
- Eh, it was worth a shot.
- Bunny you have to forget about all this.
Forget about Joey and Utah and the whole thing.
It's important.
Your life depends on it.
And what about you? Should I forget about you? Especially me.
I don't want you ending up like Joey.
I hope that girl on the phone knows how lucky she is.
I wanna be an actor.
I knew it.
Didn't I know it? I absolutely knew it.
First thing we gotta do is get you headshots.
I don't have time for headshots.
I need an audition.
Hello, Steven.
Hello, Martin.
Hello, Francis.
I've got a new kid for you.
He's got ambition, he's got moxie.
Hey, wait a minute, did I just say "moxie"? Whoa.
I haven't heard that in a long time.
That could be the very next catch phrase.
I should write that down.
I want this audition.
This one at Paramount.
What? A guest shot on Enterprise? Are you crazy? This is a big part.
This is a major network show.
It's a franchise.
It's top of the food chain, kid.
It says it's just a one-day role.
You're a Trekkie, aren't you? Oh, I knew it.
And as it so happens, I happen to have an in with the director on that particular episode.
Good, because I need to get on that lot today.
My, we're gonna be high maintenance, aren't we? But that's all right, because I'm gonna make you a big star.
I don't know.
You know, my mom hasn't been looking very well lately.
This might not be the right time.
Look, it's going to be fine, okay? You can do this.
- I can? - Yes, of course you can.
Just go in there and tell them.
All right.
Just go in and tell them.
- Okay.
- And remember, this is good news.
All right.
Good news.
Good news.
DIANE: I used to love Halloween when you were a little girl.
PHILIP: Remember the year you dressed up as Madonna? And Max Max was Adam Ant.
Remember, he dragged you all over Iooking for that one perfect shirt he had to have? Yeah.
And the next year, it was the Freddy Krueger glove that he just had to have.
- Have you heard from? - Philip.
Okay, look, there's something I need to tell you both.
PHILIP: About Max? - No, not about Max.
It's about me.
It's something I've been trying to say for days but there's been this weight over everything.
And I thought it wasn't the right time.
Then I thought, "You know what? It is the right time because it is really good news.
" It's really, really, really good news.
And if there's anything that this family needs at this moment, it's a little joy.
Right? A little happiness.
So This doesn't sound like really good news, sweetheart.
It is.
It's absolutely great news.
It's Mom, Dad I'm getting married.
To Jesse.
From your office, you know? Okay, wow, I feel better.
So, what should we eat? So your grandfather was right.
- The actress was killed by an alien.
- Yeah.
That's it? - Tell him what we found out.
- No.
Your grandfather was right.
You have to tell your father.
- I don't think so.
- Kyle, your family is a damn nightmare.
Somebody has to break the cycle of silence.
- Yeah, someone should.
- Yeah, someone should.
- Me? Why should I break the silence? - Who cares who breaks it? Just do it! - Let me think about it.
- No! Just do it.
Valenti? Mr.
Valenti, could you come in here, please? Liz, you have no right to intrude on my dysfunctional Hey, Dad.
Hi, Mr.
Kyle here has something he'd like to talk to you about.
Oh, yeah? What's that? I have to go.
Have a really nice talk.
Kyle? It's nothing.
I'd really hate for what's going on between you and Grandpa to happen to us.
VALENTl: Good-Iooking son of a gun, weren't you? I guess it runs in the family.
Hey Dad, I gotta take off, all right? I got some stuff to do at home.
So I'll see you in a few days or something, and I'II I'll see you.
Hey, come here.
Come here.
All right, come on.
Come on, I got you.
I got you.
Come on.
There we go.
I know.
So now I'II I'll get a pen, all right? And I'II Then we'll mark today on your calendar.
All right? Then when I come back tomorrow, we can mark We can mark that day too.
MAN: Next.
Hey, Mr.
Max Evans.
- From Roswell.
- Hi.
Nice to see you.
The UFO Convention.
I helped upgrade your hotel room.
That's right.
Welcome to L.
- This is John Billingsley from Enterprise.
- How you doing? That's okay, I'll get the door.
Whenever you're ready.
Go ahead.
It's all yours.
I'm Dr.
Phlox of the starship Enterprise.
I am Korgan.
My people are called the Bantoo.
We claim this region of space.
The Enterprise is in a desperate situation.
Rigelian fever has swept through the ship and we need a source of ryetalyn.
- You come to steal from us? BILLINGSLEY: No.
If you do not leave our space immediately we will have no choice but to destroy your ship.
One minute.
Hold on.
This character, Korgan, is an alien.
Is an alien from another planet.
Right now I'm not feeling, really, like you're an alien.
Do you know what I mean? You want to give it another shot? Great.
Just from the top.
Whenever you're ready.
- I am Korgan.
My people are the Bantoo.
- Much better.
Thank you very much, Max.
Take care.
Give me a call.
We can set up an audition.
I'm one of the few people in this town that still sees raw talent.
You're a little too raw.
I'm sorry.
It's a tough business.
My guy.
My guy.
Hey, you got it.
You got it! - I did? - I'm sure you got it.
- Really? - Absolutely.
And if not, there's still Buffy.
You know, I'd like to look around for a while.
My first time on a movie lot and all.
Still the wide-eyed innocent, huh? Don't lose that.
We can milk that naiveté for all it's worth.
Go ahead, knock yourself out.
Go ahead, knock yourself out.
I got people on the lot I should go hassle.
- Right.
- Yeah.
Oh, cart! Yo! LIZ: Max, he's threatened you twice.
The shapeshifter knows you're there and wants you out of L.
Liz, I'm close.
I'm in the vault now.
This is making me nervous.
He's been tracking you.
- Max? - Found it.
Okay, well, hurry.
Just get a look at the clapper guy and get out of there.
It doesn 't matter where you look.
You should see him at the start of any shot.
It's tough to make anything out.
Hang on.
Max? Max.
- Oh, my God.
- What do you see? He's a movie producer.
Liz, I know this guy.
I saw him at a restaurant.
Liz? Liz.
MAN: Congratulations, Max.
You found me.
You're the shapeshifter.
Why'd you kill Ferrini? Well he figured out what I am.
he figured out what I am.
And that didn't work for me.
I told you to stop looking for me.

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