Bloodline (2015) s03e05 Episode Script

Part 28

1 [.]
Young man goes out Looking for the diamond in the sea Old man rows his boat to shore And falls on twisted knees And you'll drown Before the water lets you in And you'll drown Before the water lets you in [.]
That's what the defense is floating as a plea deal.
Thirty years in a maximum security prison.
Without the possibility of parole.
Tell O'Bannon to burn in hell.
Ultimately, it's up to the state whether or not to accept the deal but I just felt obliged to present it to you.
So, it'd be 30 years guaranteed, right? Mm-hm.
Diaz, it's a very long time.
It's not enough time.
You haven't said anything, John.
Well, it's not my place to say.
I've never lost a son.
If I were ever to lose Ben, I'd I don't know.
I did lose my brother.
And I thought if they If they had found the man that did it and he was wiped from the face of the earth that would make me feel better.
And he was.
When Wayne Lowry lost his life, he was.
I still miss Danny every day, though.
And if Eric O'Bannon is acquitted and he is set free I see him driving down Highway 1 running into him at the grocery store being in a bar with him sitting, drinking a beer I know that Mr.
Marx knows his business.
And he'll tell you that trials are very unpredictable.
I can't tell you what to do.
You haven't returned my calls.
- Maybe I didn't wanna talk to you.
- You haven't taken any of Eric's either.
I'm working.
Your brother's on trial for murder.
You can spare five minutes.
You haven't been to see him in over a month.
- I know what he looks like.
- Wow.
Is that really how you're gonna play this? Eric walked out on our mother when she was dying.
What? I've always had to pick up the pieces after he's broken them.
Do you want me to feel bad for you? I'm a public defender.
What do you think I do all day? He's giving up, Chelsea.
What does that mean? It means he's gonna go to jail for 30 years.
He's gonna plead guilty.
No parole.
- Well, what do you want me to do about it? - I want you to tell him to fight.
Why? Kevin ID'd him.
I have looked hard at this case, there are holes.
And all I need to do is to create reasonable doubt in one juror's mind.
And I think I can do that.
If you can't? You're messing with his life.
I believe Eric.
I think he's innocent.
He's your brother, Chelsea.
Don't you owe him that much? Eric pleas and it's over.
Don't they fucking get that? Eric O'Bannon killed their son, they want him dead.
Can't believe they said no.
I'll do something.
I'm gonna talk to them.
- No, you're not.
- Gonna work it out.
Gave it your best shot in there, man.
- Didn't work.
- You're not gonna do anything.
- I'm gonna handle this.
- You keep saying that.
You say that all the fucking time and yet, you're not handling it.
This is my ass on the line, okay? I'll take care of it.
- I'll talk to Roy, figure something out.
- Stay away from Roy, for fuck's sake.
What is your fucking problem? You are so paranoid.
Eric got out for his mom's funeral, nothing happened.
Roy didn't kill him.
I trust his judgment.
Pelvic fx in 308.
Percocet PO 7.
5 mil.
Sorry, got it.
You look tired.
- I'm okay.
- You've been pulling double and triple shifts.
Maybe it'd be good to take some time off.
Oh, it's fine, doctor.
[man 1 over radio.]
Coast Guard, 1036 status.
[man 2.]
1036, making a sweep of Hogfish Point.
[man 1.]
Be advised, unidentified vessel just north of you.
[keyboard clacking.]
[cell phone ringing.]
Hello? [recording.]
You have a collect call from: [Eric.]
Eric O'Bannon.
At the Monroe County Detention Center.
Will you accept the charges? No.
You got any advice, kid? What's that? Oh, be smart.
Stay calm, copy that.
You're a smart kid, you know that? [boat approaching.]
Hey, hola.
You Rayburn? - Yup, get in.
- You have cerveza? What? No.
- Makes the trip shorter.
- It's not a pleasure cruise, all right? Okay, we'll bring our own.
Listen, you wanna fucking party, go to Miami Beach, all right? Coast Guard was out here 20 minutes ago.
Come on, vámonos.
- Relax, Rayburn.
- I'm relaxed.
Get your shit in the boat.
- Here we go, come on.
- We're coming.
[speaking in Spanish.]
I told Gilbert I would give you guys a ride.
This bus is leaving in two minutes.
I'm serious now.
- Come on, come on, come on.
- [Esteban.]
Okay, okay.
[speaks in Spanish.]
- [Kevin.]
Welcome to Florida.
- [Esteban laughs.]
It's fine.
I told you, it's Franny and Zooey.
I'm working on it now.
You don't have to check up on me, Dad.
Well, the school sucks.
Where are you? Well, honey, I'm working just like you are.
How's your mom doing? Okay.
All right, I'll see you tomorrow.
Do we have to do this? Yes, you do have to.
I'll show you guys your rooms.
[Mateo makes cooing noise.]
- Your family owns all this? - Yup, for 50 years.
For 50 years, the Americanos lived well while we ate dirt.
Nobody gave us anything, pal.
We worked for everything we have.
You must excuse Mateo.
He was born angry.
And you were born a comepinga.
- No, no, no.
Don't touch that.
- Take it easy.
[speaking in Spanish.]
Come on.
[speaking indistinctly.]
[engine starts.]
Who are they? Shit, Mom, what are you still doing up? Who are they? You think I'm stupid, Kevin? Mom, look, they're They're just friends of Roy's, okay? Do they have their papers? Of course they don't.
- What are you doing, Kevin? - Mom, it's fine.
They're gonna be here for 48 hours.
- Your trial is days away.
- I know.
- If you get caught - I won't.
Please, don't make a big deal out of this, okay? Does John know? - No, he doesn't know.
- [opens can.]
And you know what? It's not John's business.
No, it's Roy Gilbert's business.
That's right, and that's all it is, Mom.
It's just business.
Okay? Go to bed, Mom.
You look tired.
Hey, Degrasse.
Listen, we got a B and E down in Matecumbe.
- Let's roll.
- I need you to take it for me.
I've got a Got a family situation I gotta deal with.
You all right? It's my daughter.
It's a family situation, I gotta take care of it.
- How old is she? - Sixteen.
She and your wife get along? Yeah, why? Separation, it's a bitch for the kids.
With my parents, it was like a fucking carpet bombing.
- No one got out alive.
- It's nothing like that.
Well - if you ever wanna talk about it.
- I won't.
Even better.
[indistinct radio chatter.]
[engine sputtering.]
Keep your fucking eyes off it.
You're flooding it, man.
I know what I'm doing.
One of the things we learned under Fidel how to fix cars.
[engine starts.]
[cell phone ringing.]
- Hello? - Mom.
I need to ask you a favor.
I'm not really in the mood for favors, John.
It's important.
It's about the case.
[rock music playing over radio.]
Need a bump? Tsk.
Well, I'm seeing EJ later.
Any requests? Tsk.
Um Weed, please.
[imitating Janey.]
Weed, please.
He can get fucking anything he wants.
He's like a walking pharmacy.
I'll think about it.
So, who is this guy? Where'd you meet him? You know what you're doing? [Esteban.]
How long you work for Gilbert? I don't work for him.
We're partners.
Partners? Yet, here you are.
A chauffeur.
I'm helping him out.
You wanna walk home, that's fine, too.
[Esteban speaks in Spanish.]
We are grateful for your assistance.
Bienvenidos, my friends.
Smooth passage, I assume? Perfect.
No one knows the local sea routes like my partner.
How about a drink? Rum, no? Havana Club ,15 year.
Wanna do the honors, Kevin? [Esteban.]
You must join us.
No, I don't drink.
One of the reasons I trust him.
- To free trade.
- Salud.
What you're paying for is in the next room.
Wanna join us, Kevin? I, uh I really gotta get home, Roy.
- Of course, family calls.
- Heh.
Well, how about taking our friends out for a little deep sea fishing later today? - Wow.
- World's best.
I don't know if I can get the boat - that quickly.
- [Roy.]
Would you excuse us? - Gentlemen.
- [speaks in Spanish.]
I'll be right in.
Uh Roy, I gotta get going.
Listen, Roy, I'm sorry, but You remember I told you I wanted you to take on more responsibility? - Yeah.
- This isn't just about the boatyard.
You understand? Now, I will never ask you to do something that you don't wanna do.
But this is important to me.
I'll work it out.
I know you will.
The little one.
[speaking in Spanish.]
- [laughs.]
- [Sally.]
That's Kevin's boy.
He's named after my husband.
- But we call him Rocky.
- [chuckles.]
I love being a grandparent.
It's like eating all the ice cream you want and never getting fat.
[both laugh.]
Thank you.
Did John tell you about today? [coos, exclaims in Spanish.]
Maybe your friend should take it easy on the cerveza, yeah? Ah, he will be fine.
If he gets sick, I just push him over the side, huh? [speaking in Spanish.]
This was a favorite spot of Hemingway.
- Yeah? - You know him? Hemingway? - Hemingway? - [Esteban chuckles.]
My grandfather used to get drunk with him.
Yeah, half of Havana used to get drunk with Hemingway.
Half of Havana got drunk with my grandfather.
Yeah, and slept with your mother.
[speaking in Spanish.]
Well, that's part of our heritage down here.
Deep sea fishing, you know? We learn it from our dads and they learn it from their dads.
What's the word for that in Spanish? [both speaking in Spanish.]
My dad taught my brothers and I how to fish when we were real little.
And he used to say what he loved best about it was that every time he came out it was all about the struggle, right? You had to stay honest.
He would never use the boat to tire out a fish 'cause that wasn't fair.
- Has to be a fair fight.
- [speaks in Spanish.]
That's what I'm gonna teach my son.
That's gonna be his patrimonio.
- [speaks in Spanish.]
- Excuse me.
To your son.
Huh? [speaking in Spanish.]
What's his name? - Rocky.
- Para Rocky.
Para Rocky! [laughs.]
He said you were against Eric O'Bannon's plea.
Raul is very angry.
And he believes an eye for an eye.
What about you? Oh, I I try to find forgiveness in my heart.
But it feels like sand through my fingers.
Have you been able to forgive the man who killed Danny? [all whooping and yelling in Spanish.]
- Oh, my God.
- Give and take.
Nicholas, Nicholas, give and take.
That's right.
- You can't muscle him in.
- Use the engine, man.
Use the engine.
- We don't have to use the engine.
- Use the engine.
- Let him have a run.
- [speaks in Spanish.]
[whooping continues.]
Now reel him, reel, reel him in! Reel.
Come on.
Come on, reel.
Oh, shit.
You got the mother lode there.
- Now, that's a big fucking fish.
- Whoo! Hey, Nicholas, you're doing great.
When the rod starts to bend like that, feed him more line, okay? I'm coming.
Give me a minute.
What the fuck are you doing?! He was losing the fish, man.
You can't shoot a fucking marlin.
This is catch and release here, you fucking idiots.
Goddamn it.
Fuck, man.
Fuck you, motherfucker.
- Hey, hey.
Don't fucking touch me.
- Fuck you.
- Tranquilo, Mateo.
Tranquilo, Mateo.
- Fuck you, motherfucker.
Don't you touch me.
Fuck you.
I've had it with this maniac.
I don't know what he's on, - I'm over this motherfucker.
- Kevin, we're sorry, man.
We didn't know the rules.
We meant no offense, man.
- We can make this right.
- No, I don't want your money.
Fuck you.
[speaking in Spanish.]
My concern is not about forgiveness, Soledad.
Or about what happens to Eric O'Bannon.
That's not what I care about.
My son Danny, you know, got involved in drugs and was murdered.
It's still painful.
For all of us.
I don't wanna relive it.
Not in public.
The same is true for you.
They could make him look like a criminal if they want.
If this goes to trial we'll be put under a microscope.
Every fight, every mistake.
Every loss.
That's what I care about.
[pop music playing over stereo.]
Does he work here? I guess.
You want me to wait? No.
You can call me if he doesn't show up.
I'll come back.
[cell phone jingling.]
She's not answering.
She knew about today.
I'm sure she's just running late.
That's okay.
[John exhales.]
Well, let's use the time to talk about what's happening with you two.
- I thought we were gonna talk about Janey.
- This is about Janey.
So, how long have you guys been separated? Tsk.
Uh - A couple of months.
- A few months.
What happened? - You don't want to talk about it? - No, not necessarily.
John has a hard time talking about what he feels, his whole family does.
Does Diana have a point, John? - Always.
- Really? Belle had to practically drag Kevin to couples counseling.
And then what? He lasted two times before he stormed out.
You guys don't You don't talk about this stuff.
- Okay.
- [Diana exhales.]
Well, let me ask a sensitive question.
Are you seeing other people? Why is that relevant? Well, it could affect Janey's state of mind.
This is supposed to be a safe space.
John? No, of course not.
Diana? Um Yeah, I went on a date.
And what was that like? It was really strange.
It was like an out-of-body experience.
I haven't been out with someone else since I was 16.
It sounds like you're making an effort to move on.
Is that what you're telling John? I don't know.
Diana said that you had trouble expressing your feelings, John.
I'm sure you feel something about this.
I don't.
[siren chirping.]
- Hi, I wasn't speeding.
- You okay, Ms.
O'Bannon? How do you know who I am? Your brother's case has been getting a lot of attention.
I'm sure there's been a lot of stress.
You haven't been drinking or doing drugs? - No.
- Good.
Can you step out of the car, please? - Why? - Because I asked you nicely.
I'm so sorry I'm late.
- Did you get my text? - Uh-huh.
I had to take these people fishing.
I'm so sorry.
Who's here? Uh, no one.
- There's a truck in the driveway.
- I know.
- What's going on? - It's a gift.
- What are you talking about? - It's a gift.
More of an acknowledgment.
It's from Roy.
Are you shitting me? - That's from? Are you shitting me? - It's for you! He wanted me to tell you that he appreciates your work.
- And so do I, but I really gotta go.
- Oh, my gosh.
Listen, there's, uh, two bottles in the refrigerator.
He had a late nap, so just, you know, wait an hour or so.
- I'm good.
- Wow, Daddy got a new truck.
Here you go.
You two behave, okay? Heck, no.
We're gonna get into all kinds of trouble.
We're gonna go joyriding in Daddy's new truck.
- Go.
Have fun.
Have a margarita for me.
- [laughs.]
Dinner with adults.
I hope I remember how to use a fork.
[Kevin chuckles.]
You know, try to read him a book instead of falling asleep in front of the TV.
- Bye.
- I love you.
[door closes.]
- Spread your legs.
Hands on the car.
- I know what you're doing.
I'm just doing my job, ma'am.
Now, please, turn around.
Face the car.
I'm gonna need your name and badge number.
Of course, ma'am.
You're clean.
You can get back in your car now.
The whole department's concerned about your safety, Ms.
A lot of people are upset about what happened to Detective Diaz.
You have a good night, okay? [line ringing.]
- [Kevin.]
Hey, Roy.
- You get my thank-you? Yes, I did.
I tried to call you earlier.
I don't know what to say.
It's beautiful.
Six-point-two liter engine.
Should pull any boat you want.
That's amazing.
Thank you.
But you really didn't have to do that.
You probably know by now, Kevin, I don't do much I don't want to do.
I heard you had some excitement out on the water today.
Uh, yeah.
You could say that.
The boys want to make it up to you tonight.
Take you out on the town.
No, that's really not necessary.
I've got the baby tonight.
Ah, that's too bad.
I don't want there to be any ill will.
[speaking in Spanish.]
Got an idea.
Why don't you let your mom take Rocky for the night? Bet she'd love that.
Um Yeah, yeah, that's a great idea.
Let me, uh Let me call her.
Enjoy your new ride.
[speaking in Spanish.]
It's shaped like a pot with a handle.
A hot pot.
You can't just hold the handle.
You need a potholder.
Arkansas looks like a potholder.
I was born in Colorado [Eric.]
Shut the fuck up.
Can't tell it from Wyoming on a map.
Florida's like a big dick swinging off the bottom of the US of A.
- [guard.]
You got a visitor.
- Who is it? - [man.]
Georgia's shaped like my - Fuck do I know? Hands on the gate.
South Carolina's shaped like the sweet patootie of the first girl that ever showed me one.
[handcuffs clicking.]
Okay, buddy, here we go.
Good boy.
Here we go.
We're gonna go see Grandma.
- Mom, you in there? - [Sally.]
Yeah, honey.
Somebody wants to see you.
He's falling asleep.
- Look at him.
- [Sally.]
Oh! Hi, Grandma.
Hey, buddy.
I didn't know you were here.
[Kevin sighs.]
Thank you so much for doing this.
Any excuse to see my little guy.
I have everything in here that you're gonna need.
Uh - There's diapers, wipes, these two - Kevin, I had five children.
- Okay.
- They were all babies once upon a time.
Use Purell on your hands.
Be careful, please.
Mom has something that she wants to tell you, Kev.
- Um, I can't really talk.
- You'll want to hear what she has to say.
What? What? I spoke with Soledad Diaz today.
They're gonna accept the plea.
They are? Really? [laughs.]
Really? [Kevin exhales.]
So, it's over? Thank you.
- Thank you so much.
Thank you so much! - Oh! - Oh, Kevin.
Put me down.
- I love you, I love you, I love you.
- What did you say to her? - I told her the truth.
Some of it.
Did you hear that, Rock? Did you hear this? We got such good news.
Maybe Meg will come home now.
Daddy loves you.
Yes, who's the bestest boy? That's right.
- [John.]
Hey, Kevin.
- I really gotta go, man.
- When did you get this? - Today.
- You drove down to Key West to get this? - No, it was a gift.
- Really? - Yeah.
John, I don't have to explain my business to you.
No, you're right.
You don't.
- [groans.]
- Hey, Kevin.
The court hasn't approved the plea.
I wouldn't be discussing it with anyone.
Okay, John.
Thank you.
But I already know that.
I'm not a fucking idiot.
[engine starts.]
I tried to get some Little Debbies through.
Swiss rolls.
They confiscated them.
Santos came by to see me.
She said you were gonna plead out.
When we lived on Oceanside, we shared a room.
Remember? Mom and Dad used to fight so bad.
They'd go from room to room throwing shit at each other.
Remember that pirate ashtray? When Mom chucked it through the sliding glass door? She had a good fucking arm.
You used to tell me a story to drown out the noise.
Same story every time.
Some Woody Woodpecker cartoon.
Where Buzz Buzzard was getting chased by the circular saw at the lumber yard.
You'd tell it the same way every time.
One day Woody Woodpecker was up in his tree and heard a sound.
He heard a loud, piercing sound.
And he flew down to where it was coming from and he peeked through a hole in the wall.
The same story every time.
Same ending.
Woody flew home to his nest.
And he pulled the blankets up over his head.
Good night, Woody.
You must have told me that story 500 times.
I'm not good at making up shit.
I know.
I remembered that today.
If your story is true, you should tell it.
[rock music playing over speakers.]
[indistinct chatter.]
Look who it is.
Oh, my God.
Um - Sheryl, right? - Sheryl.
- Yeah.
- Kevin.
- Kevin.
- So, where you been, stranger? You know, just staying out of trouble, trying.
Uh, I got back together with my wife, and, uh, we actually just had a baby, a little boy.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you very much.
- Happily married, huh? - Yes, I am.
- You just described everyone in here.
- Yeah, right.
I know what you mean.
So, what are we drinking? Uh, can I get a bottle of Patrón please for those three idiots over there? And, uh, just a Coke for me.
- Wow, you did clean your act up.
- I'm trying, Sheryl.
I'm trying.
I'll get that Patrón.
- Good to see you.
- You, too.
[engine starts.]
You must come to Cuba, Kevin, before it completely changes.
- You like to eat, papi? - Of course.
Who doesn't like to eat? I take you to the best paladares.
You will try the ropa vieja.
Like nothing else, right, Nicholas? [laughs.]
Hey, Kevin.
You're still not mad about the fish thing? - Forget it.
You didn't know.
- It's time to celebrate.
[sniffs, whoops.]
What the fuck? No, no, no, man.
Listen, dude.
Fuck that.
Hey, hey, listen.
- I don't understand.
- I'm on probation, okay? If I get even seen with this shit, I go to jail.
I'm not gonna go to jail for you.
Kevin, it's worth it, man.
It's pure.
Come on.
[phone ringing.]
Daddy? What are you doing home? I was just stopping by.
Where were you today? I'm sorry.
I I should've called.
I was just upset about some things.
Listen, I know it's hard.
It's gonna get better, kiddo.
- Really? - Yeah.
Where are you? I'm at Charlotte's.
I'll be home in the morning.
Will you tell Mom? [John.]
- I miss you.
- You too.
You homesick? For what? [chuckles.]
Hey, buddy.
Hey, Rock.
You gotta help me out here, Rock.
I'm trying to stay cool.
How you doing, pal? You don't have to worry about me.
It's all good.
[yelling and screaming.]
- [Kevin.]
What the fuck happened? - [Esteban.]
It was a disagreement.
This piece of shit stabbed him.
[shouting in Spanish.]
What the fuck did you do?! You okay, man? He was trying to get him to stop touching me.
Whatever that costs, we're gonna take care of it, okay? Fuck you! Sorry about that.
[sirens wailing.]
Where are we going? [cell phone vibrating.]
Get it.
It's fine.
Wait, wait, what happened? [sighs.]
No, no, no, no, I'll be there.
Oh, yeah.
Yep, all right.
I made a mistake here.
Come on.
We're both working too hard.
It's no more your fault than mine.
Now we know.
Well [speaking in Spanish.]
[indistinct radio chatter.]
You're John, right? I'm Sheryl.
I met you before at your parents' party.
I was with Danny.
Oh, yeah.
Your brother, Kevin, was with those Cuban guys.
I didn't say anything to anybody 'cause I didn't want to get him in any trouble.
I like Kevin.
Thank you.
[speaking in Spanish.]
[engine starts.]
[cell phone ringing.]
- John.
- Roy, is this your fucking mess over here? - I heard your brother handled it fine.
- Who are they? Business associates.
Probably halfway to Cuba by now.
You got a victim over here, and there's gonna be a lot of questions.
- You think about that? - I expect you'll quiet things down.
Wouldn't want a problem.
- Trial starts in a few days.
- Roy.
There's not gonna be a fucking trial.
The Diazes accepted the plea.
Oh, I see you haven't heard.
Eric had a change of heart.
[line ringing.]
[Kevin on recording.]
Hey, Kevin, pick up your damn phone.
- Why, dude? Just leave me a message.
- [voicemail beeps.]
Call me now.
Not funny, man.
John, come on, man.
Look, I can explain.
Don't you dare.
Don't you John, come on, man.
I gotta get home.
What happened tonight was not my fault.
All right? It's never your fault, is it, Kevin? - Such an asshole.
- Hand me the line.
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
Goddamn it! What, are you fucking ten?! You feel like a big man now, huh, John? You better watch it.
I'm not who you think I am.
I forgot to tell you that Eric O'Bannon, he changed his mind.
He dropped the plea deal.
The case is gonna go to trial.
He changed his mind? You said you were gonna fix it.
Well, now there's the Kevin that I know.
You are exactly who I think you are.
You're getting fucking old, John.
You hear me? You have lost your family.
You have lost fucking everything.
Get the fuck off of me.
Stop it.
Stop it right now! [both panting.]
How can you hurt me like you do? How can I do the same to you? That ain't all I'm thinking of 'Cause that ain't living And that ain't love [scatting.]
I had a good time when I was young Stepped on a bee And my foot got stung Took some whiskey Went to bed I was drunk But the bee was dead [scatting.]
I've heard it said that love is blind That kind of love don't ease my mind If you can't love me the way I am So long, baby, I ain't your man [scatting.]

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