Friday Night Lights s03e05 Episode Script

Every Rose Has Its Thorn

- That is one fine ass cowboy.
- Really? Texas, Cash Browler! Okay, if you want to choose - a guy that rides horses - Yes, I'm choosing him! There's this abandoned power plant, they got copper wire out there.
We were gonna go out there and steal it.
- I don't look for you to call me mom.
- Well, what do you want? I just really would love to see if I can lend a hand.
McCoy, he's got the best arm any high school quarterback I've ever seen.
I know what I've got with Matt Saracen.
If I bench him, halfway through his senior year, it will kill him.
Let's go, let's go! Hey, we run red eagle! Rig, you're over George's side to mark Now Coach Taylor's experiment, alternating two quarterbacks, is backfired in a big way.
His team is dazed and confused.
And that's the third delay of game penalty.
What is that?! Here we go again with the switcheroo.
McCoy is coming in for Saracen.
Buckle up, folks.
You stay right there! Josh, what are you doing? Go over there.
- J.
D! - On the side! Together, come on! Now, J.
McCoy is not fairing any better.
Coach Taylor's indecision in picking a quarterback is a certified disaster.
McNaulty over the ball There's a snap, it's a fake hand off, swing pass to the right.
Pick him up! He cuts inside and picks up a block.
He is gonna score.
Oh, hell, oh, hell! Panthers are coming off for lost, and if they loose this one, they can kiss this season goodbye.
Let's keep our composed right there.
Do you understand me? Stay calm, stay steady.
They're getting confused out there.
We're gonna win this game thing, you understand? Let's go, come on.
Here we go again! Touchdown, he is in, folks! Touchdown Panthers Oh my, what a pass! Matt Saracen has been hanging tough but J.
McCoy is on fuego tonight.
The freshman has really shown his stuff in this new offense.
McNaulty back to the pass Bubble screen to the left, he cuts inside and he takes it to the barn.
This has turned out to be one wild shoot-out, folks.
Let's go, bring it in! Bring it in, let's go! Listen up, J.
D, you're in, you understand? We're going straight up the field, play pass, we got to get what we can.
You understand me? Clock management.
Let's take it to 'em.
Let's go.
It looks like the torch has been passed to the freshman.
It was Saracen's turn but J.
McCoy is coming in with under a minute to go.
McCoy in the shotgun, there's the snap.
He rose right, he's got Brooks on the edge, inside the thirty yard line.
Let's go, let's go! Now there's no more time-out and the clock is rolling, they're gonna have to hurry.
There's the snap, he looks left He's got a man over the middle.
And a nice touch pass to Tim Riggins.
He's down inside the fifteen to the ten.
And a big hit.
As Tim Riggins goes down inside the five.
That's a first down folks, and that'll stop the clock while the refs reset the ball.
You understand me? Get there, let's go.
And Matt Saracen is going back into the game.
The ball is set, the clock is winding.
Coach Taylor has this McNaulty defense trying to sub for the Saracen offense.
But there is no time.
We are under ten seconds, folks.
They're gonna have to hurry.
Blue, 8! And it's too late.
There is the snap.
It's a hand-off to Riggins No! Saracen has the ball on the keeper What a call! Touchdown.
My grandmother could have walked that one in.
Panthers win, Panthers win! - Good game, Matt! - You too.
Let's the coronation begin.
There's another king in the castle: J.
"young gun" McCoy has arrived and he is the real deal, my friends! With the participation of: benj!, DarKsh, GillesSilb, Ju, loky34, ouazo, tactactac, Teardrop Thank you for doing that, honey.
I appreciate that.
What is that mess on your leg? Were you drawing on yourself with pens or something? It's a tattoo.
Do you guys want tortilla soup on your salad? Like a little lick-n-stick tattoo? That seems a little A little young, doesn't it, for you? I've a real tattoo, the ones lick-n-stick are modeled after.
What did you What? You're kidding? It's a tattoo.
- Where do you have a tattoo? - On my ankle.
What were you thinking? Why did you get a tattoo? Honey! What? I was walking home from work, and I had my paycheck, - I've always wanted one so I bought it.
- You got to be kidding me.
I knew that job was a terrible idea.
You have permanently - marked your body.
Your beautiful body.
- Is that what you do with your money? Your skin is now ruined.
Do you realize that? Forever.
- What were you thinking? - Tyra said you'd get upset about it.
What? Tyra? What do you want Tyra to have to do with anything? - Tyra was there when I got it.
- Well, that's just fascinating.
Really? That's fascinating? - Don't you dare talk to me like that.
- It's a tattoo, mum.
It's this big, you're acting as though I have giant, like, dancing Popeye on my biceps - Don't be a smart ass.
- I'm not being a smart ass.
I'm telling you, it's done, it's over, it's on my leg.
Too late.
You've thrown away my porn again? I ain't finished with this one yet.
I'm pretty sure, I can tell what comes out in the end.
Dude, you do not have to hide porn from a baby.
Babies are not freaked out by boobies.
There's more than boobs in those magazines, first of all.
What? Vaginas? Babies love vaginas, man.
They took a trip through one.
It's like looking at a postcard.
How many times do I have to tell you? Clean up all this before the baby comes.
- OK? - Baby's here.
Baby's here.
- There's the little monkey.
- Hey, guys.
- How's it going? - How's the boy? He's doing well.
Someone is wiped out.
Hey, little man! You wake up a little bit and we'll play, okay? I'll be working an extra three-hours shift tonight.
I'll be back by ten.
- To pick him up.
- Alright.
OK, bye, precious.
Look You know, Erin, ten o'clock, it's awfully late to be moving Noah.
Maybe he could sleep over.
Or he can just move in.
Our names are next to each other on the birth certificate.
I figured it'd be easy enough to put them next to each other on a lease.
Or you can just pick Noah up at ten.
God, I wish it was that easy.
I wish I could think about long-term things but Well, I'm still trying to get more hours at the dealership so you can come back to part-time.
- It's just - I know.
Car sales suck right now.
I'll come up with plenty of more money though, I promise.
I know you're working hard, thank you.
Don't work too hard, okay? - Be good.
- Bye, mama.
- Bye.
- See you at ten.
Damn it, Missy.
No, I do not understand why you haven't sold this house yet.
It's steal at 250.
No, don't tell me that, that's just an excuse.
Listen, I'll leave or take 220.
Yes, I will.
I'll take 220.
Just get the thing sold.
No, I don't want to hear your excuses, Missy.
Listen, I I've been a salesman my whole life.
Don't tell me how to sell.
All right, here's what you do.
You go out and you just tell everyone that when all the scared rats are leaving a sinking market, that's when a real entrepreneur steps in.
A true visionary.
You say it, just like that.
No I am emerging money here, Missy, why Wait! Those guys are gonna come out on a black, 8 parade, Coach Crowley.
Slide the sandbag over, and punch him in the mouth.
We go double Y, motion away, he's gotta drop and cover.
Matt and J.
will need two more wideouts if we stay with spread.
- You understand that, don't you? - What about our power game, Coach? can leave the block.
- We sub in an out-and-down distance, start double flex, it works for both of them.
You want to install another set? Another set? As more blocking schemes, more raps? More zone reach for Matt and J.
D? - Good, it'd place our strength.
- No, our strength is J.
McCoy, Coach.
Go on.
All right, we've beaten McNaulty.
And it was a great strategy to platoon that game, but we're done with that.
We're passed that.
Matt's a tough kid.
He'll be all right.
And he deserves all of our respect.
And we all feel this, Coach.
But you've got to tell him the truth, Eric.
There's gotta be something big, people don't have what they need.
- All right, you got any ideas? - Sharp pencil.
You're onto something.
We'll invent the pencil sharpener all over again.
Come on, seriously Think about, like little things.
Like post-it notes.
- Just got to focus, you know.
- No, you're right, you're right.
I got nothing.
I got nothing.
You could always flip Buddy Garrity's house.
What are you talking about? It's not an invention.
Well, his house is on the market for 250.
I happen to know he'll take 220.
Maybe you throw a 30 in there and sell it for 350.
I mean, it's flipping houses, I saw it on TV, it works.
Okay, well guess what, genius? House market sucks right now.
Yeah, it's when all the scared rats are running away from a sinking market that the real entrepreneurs come in.
The true visionaries.
Well, I'm good with design and you know this.
What's this? It's a steal.
would down payment need for 220,000? Yeah, but I don't have that.
Billy and I have some copper wire money.
So I mean We'd all go in on it, but The only is, you got to convince that guy.
Hey, Coach.
is gonna start Friday.
All right? You're gonna be QB 2.
Okay Listen, I want you to know - I'm willing for making this decision.
- I know.
Oh, my lord, have mercy.
Coach Eric Taylor, how are you? - Hello, Mrs.
- Mercy! What a surprise to see you - on my door step.
- How are you? I'm great.
Have you had supper? Yes, ma'am, I have.
Yes, I have.
- I would like to fix you something.
- I appreciate that.
Yes, ma'am, I've already Thank you very much.
- Hello, how do you do? - It's my mother.
- It's nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too.
- I heard a lot about you.
- This man walks on water.
Walks on water! - And he's a hero in this house.
- Thank you very much.
I'm gonna get you just something little that maybe you can take at home.
I don't mind to be it.
I don't mind to be it.
Tell your grandma thank you, would you? I'll see you tomorrow.
- Very nice to meet you.
- That's nice to meet you, too.
Are you okay? I'm fine.
I'll see you tomorrow, okay? I'm sorry.
I understand you're hurting.
This is power ballets? Really? How cliché can you be? Well, let's go.
What's going on, Tyra? Nothing.
Nothing's going on? No, really.
Cause where I sit, I see you and your senior year kinda going off the deep end a little bit.
And you've been skipping school, and Mr.
Tracton said you just completely screwed up a history test.
You win some, you loose some.
Who's the guy in the truck? Excuse me? That man that has been dropping you off at school every day.
I think I'm allowed to have a boyfriend, Mrs.
You are allowed to have a boyfriend.
He didn't look like a boy to me.
And I tell you right now, if that relationship is anything like what I can imagine it is, that is a one-way ticket to nowhere.
I don't see it as any of your business, to be honest with you.
I feel like it is my business, because I've made an investment in you.
And because I care about you.
I feel like we've made it this far, together.
And I don't like what I'm seeing.
I don't like it.
So look, we think we can turn this thing over, about 30 days time.
And get you a 20% profit on your investment.
Now, you ain't gonna get a return like that anywhere else it doesn't involve some crazy ass risk.
How do I know this isn't some crazy ass risk? - Excellent question, Billy.
- That's good.
I tell you why.
Cause people need housing.
And in this neck of the woods, there's a serious lack of upgraded upscale housing.
Now, I did some research.
The good houses, they go.
I don't know, Jason.
It's a lot at stake here.
You know? This is my money to start a new life with Mindy.
It's a lot at stake here for all of us, Billy.
And that's how I know it's gonna work, cause we're all gonna get together - and make it work.
- Teamwork.
It's when all the scared rats start running away from the sinking market that the true entrepreneurs come in, Billy.
True visionaries.
- I'm a visionary.
- Look at you.
- I'm in.
- Grand! - Really? - Yeah, let's do this! So what's next? We go to the bank tomorrow to get details on the loan.
We'll probably need a check, though.
From you guys, for the down payment.
- It's gonna be great! - Alright! Hey, there, beautiful.
What you looking at? I just got a C- at my history test.
C-? My mom would make me cake for a C-.
Well, you were trying to be a cowboy, I'm trying to get into college.
A little different.
So, how did that meeting go at the school? Alright, I guess.
- She doesn't like you very much.
- They usually don't.
No, it's not like she thinks you're bad or anything.
She thinks you're some cowboy who just wanders around from town to town.
You met me! I like to think there's more in you than that.
it just takes the right woman to make it more in your heart.
- Didn't you take some this morning? - I did just take it this morning.
- You ever been thrown off a horse? - No.
It ain't like the aching goes away real quick.
I wouldn't take it if it didn't hurt.
But that hurts.
A lot.
I feel old.
I feel old, and out of control.
Why would she go and get a tattoo like that? - I don't know.
- Why would she do that? You know, it's a rose, and a heart, and a What does that even mean? You know, a lot of kids are getting tattoos and it doesn't have to mean anything.
No, honey, it means something.
For sure.
Frankly, it doesn't make me feel any better knowing Tyra was involved.
That girl is just off the deep end this year.
I don't know what is going on with her.
I think she's becoming a good old-fashioned bad influence.
And that is a slippery slope.
What do you mean? You know, parties, boys Drugs I see it at school every day.
Not while she's my girl, no, sir.
Thank God, you are here! Little man giving you trouble? Yeah.
He's just so fussy, tonight.
I mean I have no idea why, and I've got to get some sleep or I'm gonna pass out I don't know, you have a way with him - of making him - Take a break, okay? I got some exciting news to tell you.
I got some irons on the fire.
Things are looking Things are looking up, so Don't go anywhere.
Mile Launder Road.
This feels legit, Billy We need the cash, okay? We have to be at the bank in the morning.
Are you kidding me? Guy Raston? - Just calm down.
- You wanna deal with this cat? Look, man, we didn't have anyone else to go to - Anyone would have been better! - Look at them! If it ain't the Duke boys.
They always come back.
How you doing, Timmy? How's football, man? Did you lose some weight, man? Alright.
I give you 10.
That'll work.
You want all 3? That's what I just said.
I give you 10 for all 3.
- 10 grand for 3 spools? It's worth - Make it 8.
- Give me 2 for my hooker.
- What is going on here, Guy? We talked about this.
You know what kind of legwork I had to do to get Man, I feel sorry about that.
But do we got a deal, or what? - Let's get the hell out of here.
- Seriously, listen! - We're way in over our heads right now.
- He's robbing us.
We gotta be at the bank, tomorrow.
I don't care, man.
You guys gonna make a deal or sit around arguing like dumb asses? What the hell did you call me? I called you a dumb ass, Billy.
A stupid, short, white-trash, red-neck dumb ass.
But it ain't all bad, cause, boy, that Mindy gets one hell of a VIP dance, doesn't she? - Billy, let's go.
- That's good, man.
Billy, come on! Get off! Go to the truck! Go, go, go! Get down! Get down! You like that one.
Hey, son, I got some news for you.
Your daddy'll buy a house today.
But don't get too excited, cause it's not for us to live in.
I'm gonna fix it up.
Then I'm gonna sell it.
Then you and me, and your mommy can live together.
Yeah, I like it, too.
I understand that your friends are late.
I'm sure there's a explanation but unfortunately, we have to have everyone present.
- That shower could be keeping them.
- They'll be here, though.
- They will definitely be here.
- Always late, but worth the wait, as those license plates always say.
Just a few minutes, Barb, I promise.
You got a plan? What are we gonna tell? Awesome! The idiot brigade is here.
It's only 45 minutes late.
- And where is your suit? - We got a little messed up.
No thanks to you 2, the bank has approved our loan.
No way We played the crippled football stars not giving up.
Our guy was so emotional, so believable.
Cause I'm a crippled football star who's not giving up.
Where is the money? We gotta put it in the bank by tomorrow.
This loan depends on it.
- We had a little hiccup.
- What kind of hiccup? - Well, its a - OK, remember when I said Remember when I said we have a lot of copper wire money? What I meant to say was we just have a lot of copper wire.
Like a lot.
It's not exactly liquid.
I guess it's the term I'm pretty sure I know how to explain exactly what's at stake, here, Billy.
Telling somebody something is liquid when it's not quite liquid is a pretty dumb ass thing to do.
Let's not start with the name calling.
Otherwise, I'll walk right out of here.
It's not fair.
I can't punch you, you're in a wheelchair.
I'll swing back.
Just ask your brother.
You wanna take this outside, shorty? OK, you're in public.
Ladies, let me take a gander at that wire.
I might know a guy.
Is everything OK? Oh yeah, she just needs a lot of water.
I don't remember she gets angry.
It's really a codependent thing going on.
As long as you're OK.
Actually, I wandered looking for something to buy you.
I stopped at this little hair salon in town, that little place, you know, on 7th street and Anyway, they had a chair opened.
And that means I can rent it.
And I guess, you know, if I did rent it, I'd be living here for a while help out, till you graduate.
You do whatever you want.
- It's premium stuff, man.
- That's an understatement.
- Is it all you got? - All I got? Yeah, that's all we got.
We can make a deal, man.
How does 20 sound? Grand? Yeah, 20 grand.
- I gotta confer with my people first.
- Why? Let's do it.
That'll work.
I've never seen anything like that before.
I figured you hadn't.
Can we come in and talk to you for a sec? Yeah, sure.
Your mother and I would like to have a conversation - about the tattoo, right? - However with calm.
- We want - What the hell were you thinking? Hon! What we mean is We'd like to have a better understanding of what your thought process was.
Just what I was saying.
What were you thinking? - It's not a big deal.
Everyone has one.
- Yes, honey.
It is a big deal.
It's a big deal and the biggest deal is you never discussed it with your father or with me.
- Because you guys would've said no.
- You're damn right we would've said no! - Well, you wonder why I don't ask you.
Say no or not is not the point.
What's the point? This is not like you.
And if there's something going on in your life that you feel you need to talk about with us, we want you to be able to share that with us.
We want to understand - what this is about.
- It doesn't mean anything! If it doesn't mean anything, let's just go on and have it removed.
I looked into a place in San Antonio, it's very reputable, and we're gonna go and get it removed.
- You two have fun, cause I'm not going.
- It's not your decision to make.
- Last I checked, it's on my ankle.
- You know what? Until you're 18 years old, it's not your ankle, OK? It's my ankle.
So we're going to San Antonio on Friday and we're getting it removed.
End of conversation.
I sold your house, Buddy.
- It's my pleasure, it's my job.
- I knew you could do it, Missy.
- Just need you to - You're making me one happy guy.
- Oh, good.
- This is good.
Piece of cake.
What are these names? Billy and Tim Riggins, and Jason Street? What's this? They're the buyers.
This is the American dream.
- To the American dream.
- Owner of a house.
That didn't go down well.
- It is known that you got a pink shirt.
- Shut up, man.
Hey, Missy.
Is Buddy happy? - Not exactly.
- What does he want? More money? No, he's not gonna sell you the house.
Garrity was happy with the offer till he saw your names on it.
What did he say? Guys! Something in the vane of the house can rot into the ground before I sell it to these clam cord idiots.
- I think it was a pass.
- Thanks.
Don't shush me! - Hey, Mrs.
- Hey.
I just wanted to You've done a lot for me You've been there for me, and you've always come through.
Which means there are very few people in my life who I can say that about.
It means a lot.
It really does.
Thank you.
But you're wrong about Cash.
- I know you think he's a bad guy.
- I don't think he's a bad guy.
Well, bad for me.
Whatever, but you're wrong.
He's such a good guy.
He really is.
Okay I don't care about Cash.
I just care about you.
- It's not my priority straight.
- Well that's what I wanna see.
Thank you.
- What the hell are you doing? - I do whatever you ask me to.
I helped you win the State championship.
I got you to 3 to 1 this season.
I work my ass off at practice.
I do everything that you say.
If it's cause J.
is better than me, tell me that.
My job is to fill a team out there that wins games.
Right now, that means J.
- Then I quit.
- You're not quitting this team.
I'm not gonna let you quit.
I know you.
You quit this team, you gonna hate yourself.
You wanna be pissed? Fine go ahead.
You be pissed.
I don't give a damn.
But you're not quitting this team.
Fine, I'll sit on your bench.
I'll come to practice and I'll do whatever you tell me to do.
But I'm gonna hate it.
And you're gonna hate it.
Good talk, Coach.
It's not you, Jason.
It's not about you.
It's about Riggins.
Riggins has got my daughter, as you well know.
And just between you and me, I'm not real fired up about it.
I mean, Tim is great on a football field, but I really don't realist the idea of him being the father of my grandchildren.
You know what I mean? And I can't talk to Lyla about this.
I love that little girl.
She's all I've got left.
But if I talk to her about him, she's gonna hate me.
I'm not gonna let those Riggins buy the house! It's ridiculous! Let me put it this way.
You're not selling Riggins the house.
You're selling me the house.
And you'd do that, wouldn't you? You'd sell that house to me.
I can buy your house.
But I can't buy it without those guys, OK? And I got a baby now.
Alright? And I've got a woman that I love to death that is keeping me an arm's length, until I can show her that I know how to make real money in this world.
And buying your house is the first step.
And I'm not gonna take no for an answer.
If you ever cared about me as a person, Mr.
Garrity, if you ever cared about me as a player, as the quarterback of the Dillon Panthers, then you will sell me that house.
Look, Mr.
You remember You remember when I was a sophomore? We had that last regular season game against Midland, that year.
We needed to win that game to go to the playoffs.
Remember? We drive right down that field.
We end up at the 4th to go.
I step back into that dark, and there I sent a quick slant I hit that receiver right scoring Touchdown! State playoffs! You remember that? That was good.
That guy That guy is who you're gonna sell that house to.
You wanna think big, man.
Vaulted ceilings.
What are you talking about? You know how much this is gonna cost? - That's ridiculous.
- What are you talking about? Raise the ceiling.
This house is stuck in the 60's, man.
You get rid of all this textured wood crap.
- Raise the ceiling.
- You wanna get rid of the wood? I don't know, man.
I kinda - He wouldn't like the wood, you idiot.
- Why you go with the name calling? - I'm not calling you an idiot.
- This crappy wood, Billy? What are you talking about? You want cottage cheese on the ceiling? No, I don't want cottage cheese ceiling, OK? I don't even know what you're talking about.
Guys, guys! Why am I here with him? We gonna keep some things waiting.
Vaulted ceilings? No way in 30 days.
Great ideas, guys.
Keep them coming.
- What am I doing here? - I'll tell you.
Come here.
I'm used to raising roof.
I'm gonna raise me the ceiling.
- I bought this house.
- What? I bought this house.
I mean not for us to live in.
We gonna fix it up, and turn it over in about 30 days, make a lot of money This gonna get us a great nesting to start our life.
Finally, you know, some good money.
It's not quite the reaction I was hoping for.
I'm moving back East with my parents.
I have to.
This isn't working.
None of this is working.
It's too hard.
I need to go and make a different plan and start over.
This is a different plan.
This is a new plan, this is a good plan.
- This is gonna make money! - Jason, this is crazy.
I don't know what else to do.
I have to go home.
I can't I'm sorry.
You can come visit.
He's your son, too.
Erin, you can't just take Noah, and go This plan is gonna work.
- What did she say? - She's excited.
She's really excited.
She's thrilled, she can't She can't wait to see what we do with the place.
We got a lot of work to do.
Come on.
Come here.
What are we doing? Did I ever tell you that I almost dropped out of high school? You almost dropped out of high school? I know it's hard to believe, huh? Your momma was a little bit of a wild child back in the day.
So, what happened? What happened was your dad happened.
I mean, your dad You know He had struggles of his own, too.
But, you know.
We were lucky.
We just had each other, always managed to pull each other up by our bootstraps.
But I know how easy that road is to go down.
And I don't You know I guess when I see you getting a tattoo, it's starting making me worry.
And you know you are just independent and smart and beautiful and you're not gonna need any guy to pull you out of some hole.
But, I feel like I feel like I need you to promise me that that's true.
I promise.
I'm not going down that road.
Alright, let's go home.
So I can keep the tattoo? Honey, I guarantee you that by the time you're 30, you're gonna take that thing off yourself.
And I'm not gonna pay for it, then.
That's wrong! - Next time - We don't use grape jelly! - We like strawberry jelly.
- I thought everybody liked grape No! We don't like grape jelly.
And did you buy any of those cookies I like, those vanilla creams? I forgot.
I know I meant Well listen! Young lady, if you ever do, go buy something that I might wanna eat, right there is where I like to keep 'em! She's pretty serious about her cookies.
Do you like grape jelly? Nobody likes grape jelly.
You know, I was wondering if maybe this Friday it'd be alright if I went to one of your games.
But I don't have to go.
- If you'd rather, I'd - This might not be the best week, OK? Why? You know I play quarterback, right? I've been starring since sophomore year.
You know I thought I was doing OK.
We won State.
But there is this new freshman this year, and everyone thinks he's the next Peyton Manning or something, so I got replaced.
Oh, Matt.
I'm sorry.
It's OK.
Is that why the coach was here? You don't deserve that.
I didn't really deserve the job in the first place.
The only reason I ever started was because our quarterback, Jason Street he got paralyzed in the middle of a game.
Oh, my God! That was pretty horrible.
You know.
They needed me and I stepped up and worked my ass off.
I did everything I could, you know, but I guess this wasn't really enough.
Sounds like you did a great job.
Did you ever think about, maybe, just taking a break? I can't quit the team.
What would they do? Shoot you? Probably.
We do that in Texas.
You want a cookie? - Hi.
Can I talk to Cash? - Cash doesn't live here.
When you see Cash, just tell him he owes Ally and Tucker $1,600 in child support.
If you accept this kid, the team is gonna accept him.
I'm asking for your help.
McCoy, get in! Have a drink, man.
This is a party.

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