Sky Rojo (2021) s03e05 Episode Script

Jesus Was Right

Where are they?
I can't see anything in this sun.
Well, lean out more.
Do it.
Right there!
Moisés! Moisés!
Don't move, Moisés! Don't move!
While he was floating underwater,
Romeo thought that if he died there,
it would be quite ironic.
To die with an arrow through his chest
fired by the woman who'd broken his heart,
the one he intended to kill.
But it was not Romeo who was dying.
Oh, please. Oh, please.
Oh. Oh, please help. No.
Greta, my baby's coming. Please help me.
Greta! Greta!
Okay. You're okay.
Are you hurt?
I'm fine. It went straight through, okay.
Do you hear that?
The girls are winning now.
I need you to help me to have my baby.
Hold on to me. Squeeze, squeeze.
Squeeze hard. Push. Push, come on.
Don't hit us!
I can't do it.
What do we do?
Find something to cut me.
My baby's coming here.
And I'm leaving, Greta.
Hold on.
But I'm glad.
Because I know that he'll survive.
And we'll see each other
before I leave this life.
Even if it's just for a minute,
we can say hello.
Got it.
I need to be cut open.
You have to cut me.
Please. You can do it.
Okay, here we go.
I'm gonna hurt the baby.
- I'm gonna hurt you. I can't. I can't.
- Hey.
No one can hurt me anymore.
Hand it over.
Give it to me.
Come, come. Come over here!
Moisés. Moisés.
Come on, let's go.
Let's go.
Come on.
Get it out.
The girls.
Come on.
What's this?
- Gina.
- She was having the baby.
- Gina.
- I tried to get it out.
- I'm not strong enough.
- Gina.
- Calm down.
- She has no more strength.
- She's very weak. Gina. Gina, my love.
- Gina.
- Gina!
- Gina!
- Gina.
- Gina.
Did you win?
You won?
I need you to take out the baby.
Pull hard even if it's difficult.
Please, get him out of me.
I'm begging you.
Girls, there's water coming in.
We have to get out.
- There's a lifeboat on the deck. Open it.
- Okay.
Help him.
Are you sure?
Shh. Shh.
Yesterday I had nothing ♪
Didn't know
Whether I'd amount to something ♪
I had holes in my shoes ♪
Only yesterday ♪
We have to open it. Knife.
I was just a boy
Living amongst children ♪
Had barely a toy
That I could play with ♪
I would pretend
That anything could happen ♪
- Is he okay?
- That was yesterday ♪
That was yesterday ♪
That was yesterday ♪
Pass him here.
No matter how far I come ♪
- Still know where I'm from, oh ♪
- Shh. Come on.
Never let it slip away ♪
Mama's here.
Still trying to figure out ♪
Baby, please.
What the game is all about ♪
So I take it day by day by day ♪
My boy. Please survive.
Yesterday no one was listening ♪
It's done.
You did so good.
Couldn't hear my voice
Under the suffering ♪
That was yesterday ♪
- Yesterday I had no direction ♪
- Gina?
- Don't leave us. Please, Gina.
- Gina.
I could've never dreamed
Of what would happen ♪
That was yesterday ♪
Girls, the lifeboat is ready.
That was yesterday ♪
No matter how far I come ♪
Still know where I'm from ♪
Oh ♪
Never let it slip away ♪
Still trying to figure out ♪
What the game is all about, oh ♪
So I take it day by day by day ♪
Yesterday I was hoping ♪
Today the future's wide open ♪
I was lost in the sounds of my mind ♪
That was yesterday ♪
I'm losing
too much blood.
- We need to go to the hospital.
- They'll ask too many questions.
Doctor Guerra?
Something happened,
and some of us are injured.
- We need you to come to Almería right now.
- What's going on? Hmm?
Two of us were shot,
with a harpoon, and one was burned.
Where are the harpoon injuries?
Romeo's is in the top of his chest.
It goes through his body.
Beefcake's is in his stomach
and hasn't gone right through.
But he's bleeding heavily.
What do I do? Pull it out?
Don't touch Beefcake's.
You could tear the intestine
and the hemorrhage would be far worse.
If the gastric juices come out,
it could destroy his insides.
- He needs an operation.
- Okay.
Romeo, how high
in your chest is the harpoon?
It's on the left side, in my shoulder.
- A couple of inches above my nipple.
- There are no organs there.
You can take the harpoon out by the tip.
Then disinfect, sew, and staple it up.
- Okay.
- How can we sew it?
I have something we can use.
Now let's focus on the burn victim.
- What degree of burn is it?
- A really high one, Doctor.
I need you to be more specific.
- Describe the burn.
- Right.
Okay, Doctor. A distress flare
exploded in his face.
The gunpowder got stuck to his skin.
And he was burning for 10 or 15 seconds.
His skin is pink with some black parts.
And his eyes are all clouded over.
Clouded over?
Like a fish straight from the oven.
Those are third-degree burns.
That kind of injury
requires surgical intervention,
skin grafts, and, from what you're saying,
some kind of face transplant.
Moisés, take him off speaker.
You're frightening Xuan, damn it.
I won't make it
until the doctor gets here from Tenerife.
Okay, Doctor.
I'll go alone to the hospital.
I can say it was a diving accident.
Beefcake, look at me.
We can't go to the hospital.
Talk to Garrigues.
He'll make the arrangements
and get you on a private jet.
We'll see you in a couple of hours. Okay?
He'll be here in a couple of hours.
We should cover Xuan's face with dressings
and antibiotic cream to avoid infection.
It's okay. It's okay.
You're in the best shape.
You'll go to the pharmacy.
Bite down.
Now let's go outside for a moment.
If I have to bleed out,
I wanna do it outside.
If I keep losing blood,
then I'm going to die.
I want to go to the hospital alone.
Let's just enjoy
the magical moment of the day.
The sunset.
Can we get a room? Just for tonight.
For you three?
Shit, it's my home phone.
Hi, honey. Why are you awake so late?
I can't do my homework, Dad.
Why isn't your big sister helping you?
She had a sleepover, and Linda María
explained this wrong to me.
Well, okay. Tell me, honey, tell me.
How many tens are in 30 hundreds?
How many tens are in 30 hundreds?
Get the calculator.
- I'll tell you right away, honey.
- Hang on a moment.
One hundred times thirty?
3,000? No,
it it can't be that. Shit.
- Turn it into tens.
- 100 times 30? It's more.
Maybe put it in tens.
- Oh.
- Oh, 300.
- Yeah.
- It's 300. Yes, 300.
There's 300 tens in 30 hundred.
Thanks, Daddy. When will you come back?
- Probably about two days or more.
- Is Uncle Moi with you?
Yes, he's here.
Well, can you tell him Pou died?
Your Pou died, baby bear?
Why don't you tell your uncle?
I have him here. I'll pass the phone.
Hi, princess.
- Uncle, my Pou is dead.
- What happened?
I think I fed him too much,
and then I didn't play with him.
It's okay, honey.
Don't worry. Don't be sad.
We can just adopt another Pou.
Who's Pou?
It's a pet online.
- Or we can call him something new.
- Okay.
- I love you lots, princess.
- I love you too.
You have
to take me to the hospital.
There's an exit wound,
don't worry.
We have to stop the bleeding,
clean it, and then I can sew it up.
You also know how to sew wounds now?
You're a surgeon, a baker, a whore.
Greta, we can't go to the hospital.
If we go to the hospital,
they will call the police.
They'll ask you to report. And then,
they'll go after you like they are us.
We already have a trail of bodies.
"A trail of bodies."
I was supposed to be
going to spend the day at sea.
I've been shot at,
and I can't even go to hospital.
The baby is asleep, so
I I'm gonna go back and get the money.
You have to do me a favor.
You have to call my girlfriend
and tell her I've gone away.
What are you saying?
You'll talk to her yourself.
You're gonna survive, Xuan.
I'm disfigured for life.
You have to tell her
I left her for another woman.
So what do you wanna do? Break her heart?
if she's in love with you,
she won't care about the way you look.
She'll stay by your side.
You don't understand.
I'm a wreck of a human.
I'm a monster.
She's a normal girl.
She works in a kindergarten.
I've lied to her.
It'll be easier for her to think
I left her for someone else.
At that moment,
as I was trying to convince Xuan
that everything
was going to turn out fine,
I realized it would never be fine.
He was doomed, just like the rest of us.
People like us can't tell the woman
they love about what they do for a living.
You can never say the absolute truth,
because you're incapable
of living a normal life.
I'll talk to her, Xuan.
I give you my word.
I had a life, Wendy.
I was gonna get a house
with my girlfriend, going to be happy.
And you just had to come
to the gas station and try and seduce me.
With your motorcycle.
And what did I tell you?
That I had a girlfriend.
But you didn't even care.
You were there,
time after time after time.
Until you got me.
I fell for you.
And all for what?
To live a lie?
To be the girlfriend
of your false life?
Here, change this.
Be careful. Ah.
- That's it.
- Ah!
I wasn't faking.
The life before, in the club
when I was raped every night,
that was a false life.
This is real.
at least I felt I wanted it to be.
I wanted to fall in love a second time.
Because the first time
It it wasn't a very happy situation.
I became a whore
to take my girlfriend out of poverty.
She left me.
And I was kidnapped by those assholes.
And no one came to save me
like they do in the movies.
Gina did though.
Gina saved me.
And Coral.
And then I found this life.
And I thought I was gonna be
locked in forever
without seeing or talking to anyone.
Then I saw you.
And you saw me.
And you smiled.
And in those 20 or 30 seconds
I wasn't afraid, you know?
I felt like a normal girl.
And then I would go home.
I would empty the gas tank from my bike
just so that
I could see you the next day.
Moisés, do you think Jesus was right?
That what makes sense in life
is goodness and forgiveness?
I've always thought that it was
basic desires that drove us men.
Primitive instincts.
Our dicks,
selfishness, and greed.
And vengeance.
That's why we're here.
Getting fucking vengeance.
And look at us.
Maybe Jesus Christ was right
and I could be
having dinner with my daughters instead,
while explaining to them
about tens and hundreds.
What if this is my last night?
Life gave me a sign already, Moisés.
I was about to die one time.
And I didn't listen.
I'm not ignoring the signs a second time.
Honestly, Jesus,
was this necessary?
Telling your story like this?
With women always screwing things up?
First, we bit the apple,
which we didn't even wanna eat.
But you punish us with giving birth.
You're pretty messed up, right?
And that thing with the apostles?
Twelve men.
One whore.
And, and, well,
what I like the most is that
that you first created men.
And then, for him not to be bored,
you took a rib from him,
and you created woman next.
You made us
from the useless part of a guy.
You mean to tell me you didn't know
you were gonna cause so much pain?
You knew from the beginning that for us,
things would never be easy for women.
Of course you knew.
You can't do such shitty marketing
for a species you created.
For fuck's sake.
You could've promoted us a bit more.
Uh, okay, sorry.
No, sorry. I don't wanna
tell you off. You have enough with
But, shit, now
Now we have to fix it
all ourselves, you know? And
It's getting really hard.
Really hard.
Virgin of Carmen, queen of the seas.
Take care of our Gina, okay?
She's one of the good ones.
What the fuck are we doing here?
I'm fucking bleeding to death, man.
I'm I'm bleeding out, shit.
I'm going.
I'm going to the fucking hospital.
Sit down, Beefcake.
No, no. I won't. I won't.
I'm not gonna end up like him.
- No. No, I won't.
- Calm down. Calm down. Sit down.
Let me go, fuck.
No, that way it'll be worse.
It'll be worse.
So now what, huh?
Am I gonna end up like Christian?
What the fuck is he saying?
That's what I wanna know.
What the fuck are you saying?
That we're gonna just let you bleed out,
like those bitches did with Christian?
You tell him, God damn it!
This dimwit is going insane!
Looking at Romeo at that moment,
seeing how he was
desperately seeking my approval,
I realized he was more afraid then
than he had been before,
skewered by a harpoon.
Do it now!
Much more afraid than he had been
the times he'd been on the verge of death.
But somehow, it was easier
for me to keep believing in him
than to give in to my suspicions
and let my whole life fall apart.
For the moment.
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