Blood & Water (2020) s03e06 Episode Script

A Tale of Two Sisters

Please, just make them stop!
- No!
- Stop it!
Lisbeth, no!
Fiks, no
Fiks! No! Fiks!
No, no!
Get up! Get up!
Get the fuck away from me!
Don't touch my son!
- Matla? Dad?
- Let me go!
Matla? Dad?
Matla? What the
Ma, please. Help me.
Let's go.
Help me, Ma!
Matla! Matla!
Just Just leave it. I'll do it.
I'm sorry.
I thought of going
to my school's food festival tonight,
but I don't have to.
I'll stay here.
Yeah No, no, I think it's
it's best for you to stay home.
There's just so much going on, you know?
Hey, can you even hear me
with these things on your ears?
They're not on, Ma.
It's just to stop people
from talking to me.
I mean, I want to see people,
but I don't want them to ask me
anything about Puleng and Dad.
Is that weird, Ma?
It's not weird.
You are not weird, my child.
Okay. You know what?
Maybe a change of scenery
will be good for you.
So I tell you what, I'll I'll take you,
and I'll pick you up, okay?
I'll just go freshen up.
Please just be careful, my child.
I wish Ubaba was here.
You see? There's Vaans.
Wade, we don't know anything yet.
KB, where's Fikile?
Where is she?
- I'm so sorry.
- Wait, wait!
Where is my daughter?
It wasn't his fault!
Where is she?
I didn't know she'd do it.
I didn't know she'd do it.
Where's my daughter?
Everybody load up!
We're leaving. Now!
Hey. Hey!
Should I bother asking what happened?
Boss isn't coming.
She has a new exit strategy.
The number you have dialed does not exist.
Damn it.
Cape Town Central.
How can I help you?
Yes, hello. Hello.
Please, can I speak to Detective Vaans?
Please. Urgently.
Quick, quick.
Detective Vaans.
- Hello?
- Hello. Hello, Detective?
It's Janet Nkosana.
Detective, I need your help.
Where are you?
I'm being held in a factory by the harbor
by the same people
who have Puleng Khumalo.
Tell me exactly where you are.
Mr. Bhele,
her condition is critical.
Her liver can possibly regenerate
if we can find a donor
who is a match, on time.
She needed blood before.
I was not a match.
Let me prep you for tests.
Thandeka, it's Brian.
Fikile is in the hospital.
She's been shot.
I'm obviously a lot more muscular
than you, but, uh, this should fit.
Mr. Molapo, your father's out of surgery,
but he's still very groggy
from the anesthesia.
Come, you'll be able to see him
in the recovery room.
Sorry, Mr. Ackerman. Family only.
Lied that you love me ♪
I know you say your words
To protect me ♪
I know you say
The truth would hurt me ♪
Hey, this is Wendy Dlamini.
I'm out of the country.
Please leave a message.
Uh, I-I need the bathroom, please.
You already tried that one.
There's a bucket in the corner.
- Move, move, move!
- Shut up!
Move, ladies. Time is money.
- Over there.
- Move, move, move!
Come on.
You, in the corner, move together.
I said, sit!
Come on, let's go.
If they see you, they'll kill us.
Would you rather be assaulted
for the rest of your life?
There are guards
all over the pier.
What do you want to do?
Do you want to swim to shore?
I can't swim.
Shit. You really are crazy.
We have to try something.
Clean up time!
Hey, line up.
All in a row. Let's go.
I said, let's go! Clothes off, now!
Yeah, just go on then.
Ay, ay, ay, hey, hey!
Outside, outside ♪
I wanna feel it, feel what you givin' ♪
Parkhurst High Food Festival!
- Whoo!
- Parkhurst High Food Festival!
- Whoo!
- Stay tuned.
Wow, Wendy,
look at you being all romantic.
But what if he's given up on me?
Come on. Just talk to him.
Then it won't be a secret.
Anyway, onto conversations
that will pass the Bechdel test.
Why didn't Daniels fight?
Seems like she's just taking it?
What would you do
if you were caught for fraud?
Reece is still at school.
There's a trend here. Don't you think?
I lost Magazine Society,
you lost Head Girl,
Daniels is getting fired.
What's the common thread?
What's up?
I don't know. Um
Look, I need to go. I'll chat you later.
I'm I'm here.
I can't hear you, Dad.
- Puleng
- What about Puleng, Dad?
Sh Ship?
everyone's starting to ask questions.
Where are they?
What the fuck?
- I'm I'm so sorry.
- Motherfucker, you will be!
- Leave me alone!
- Give me your phone.
- Give that back, bro.
- Why?
So you can call your mommy?
Just give his phone back,
man, it's boring.
Look at him jump though.
It's so cute.
- Oops.
- Oh! Ooh
Now, I almost feel bad.
Fetch, doggie. I'm gonna enjoy
kicking your ass, you little fuck.
No one around is gonna help you.
Fuck you!
Brah, let it go.
Little Khumalo just kicked your ass.
They've all gone, Wade.
What the fuck is going on?
Hold on. I heard something.
We're late already.
Come help me, man.
Shit, she's heavy.
- What are you still doing here?
- He said he heard something.
Forget it.
We need to be out of here now!
Okay, boss.
Hurry up!
- Wade, Wade! Wade! Wade.
- That could've been Puleng in there!
We have to go, Lunga!
- Ma?
- Siya, where are you?
I'm two minutes away. We need to go now.
What's up?
Is everything okay?
Meet me in the parking lot.
I'll explain on the way.
It's KB.
- Yo, Wade, what's the word on Puleng?
- KB, now's not a good time, all right?
We're chasing after guards,
- I think they put Puleng in a boot.
- What the fuck?
I think we lost them, Wade.
- What?
- Hey. Whoa.
Okay, everyone, just calm down. Lunga,
where did you first see the car?
At the harbor, okay?
Outside some factory
- The harbor! Hold up, hold up.
- or a warehouse or something.
Look, my dad said something
about Puleng and a ship.
- What did he say?
- Something about Puleng and a ship.
Okay, but if Puleng is there,
that means they're taking her on a ship.
Yeah, but which ship, guys?
It's like a million ships here.
Mayfair! Mayfair!
It's Mayfa It's Think about it.
Detective Vaans spoke
about a Mayfair and now he's here.
And even your mom came,
and she spoke about a Mayfair!
That's it, it's a ship!
Okay. Problem solved.
How do we know
which one is Mayfair, though?
Coming through.
All right, keep moving, boys.
Go on, keep moving.
I said, next!
Clothes off.
Let's go.
Strip or I'll do it for you.
Run! Run!
Let's go, let's go
Fuck off.
We haven't got all night, guys.
Vaans, we have a lead.
We're headed to the harbor.
Who told you this?
The Molapo kid just gave us
some intel from his dad.
Hmm. Any specifics?
Apparently she's on a ship.
Copy that. I'm nearby. You stay there
and keep an eye on the kids.
No. We've got a team here.
I'm already on the way. ETA's 15 minutes.
We have
a fucking problem with the ship.
What the fuck is going on?
Get the rest of the packages
onto the boat. Now.
Gabriel, the problem on the ship,
can I just sort it out?
She's getting the others riled up.
Gabriel, we need another plan.
The ship is gonna take
at least 30 minutes to move.
You'll never make it out of here.
Gabriel, are you listening
This better not be a setup.
She'll make jail time look like a spa.
Wow! Little Siya Khumalo
kicked Bruce's ass.
What? Siya?
No way!
Look at this.
Daniels was arrested for fraud.
They're saying you knew about it.
What the hell?
Hey! Hey!
See ya!
Thank you, Detective Peterson.
They're on their way to the harbor.
It's okay, Ma.
I'm afraid I don't have good news for you.
None of you are compatible with Fikile.
They tested Karabo and Chris too.
Is there nothing else that we can do?
We can put her
on the transplant waiting list.
What about Fikile's father?
He could be our only chance.
Please come, I I'll drive you.
- I'm coming with you.
- Let's go.
- I can cry on cue plus she's my sister
- Wait, wait.
I'll go.
So I spoke to one of the workers, okay?
And they're saying it's back there.
Better to go on foot from here then.
Come, we need to hurry.
Anything could've happened
to Puleng by now.
Tear the ship apart but fucking find her.
Take that shit off your head.
Yeah, coming.
It's Thandeka.
Of course.
Why are you here?
I'll get straight to the point,
'cause we don't have time. It's urgent.
You and I have a child together.
So that night
I fell pregnant.
And she is amazing.
- And special
- What do you want?
Fikile's been shot.
She's in a critical condition,
and she needs a liver transplant.
None of us can help her. We
We're not a match. So I thought of you
we don't have time.
You're joking.
It'll only be a partial transplant.
You're fucking kidding me.
KB, can I have a word with you?
I found this in my headphones.
I heard a man's voice
through the speakers.
When was this? Today?
They were a gift from my mom.
It's not a coincidence.
Thandeka, I can't keep
Look at her
I'm sorry I didn't tell you
I was pregnant.
It was
Doesn't matter now, anyway.
But she is your daughter.
I know.
She came to me see me a few weeks back.
I thought she was a groupie.
No! No, she's not.
She is yours
and she desperately needs your help.
Fikile The one who was kidnapped
as a child, this is her?
She looks like my mother.
This is too much.
She's dying.
I'm sorry.
Tony. Please.
It's been almost 18 years, Thandeka.
And now, you come here like this?
I would save her myself if I could.
But I can't seem to do that right now.
Please don't punish her
for what I've done.
She's at Christiaan Barnard
if you change your mind.
Stop. I will shoot you.
What's up?
She's overboard.
Go get her. I'll deal with the police.
Over here!
- What's going on?
- Huh?
What's going on?
She jumped. They jumped.
Are you okay?
- We'll come get you.
- Help!
Over here!
- Over here! Help us!
- Over here!
we've found Janet Nkosana
in the boot of one of the vehicles.
Detective. I'm so glad
you made it here in time.
Yeah, yeah. Me too.
Can you give us a moment, please?
Uh, thanks for saving
my cousin, Detective.
Uh, Detective Vaans,
how were you here before everyone else?
Did you know
about Mayfair and the factory?
Janet Nkosana called me in a panic.
I rushed over to investigate.
There was no time to call for backup.
Coming on your own
was incredibly reckless.
I'll be calling your mom
and your aunt into the precinct.
I expect your full cooperation.
Are you sure you're all right?
But I will be.
Puleng, you need to be careful.
We saw Vaans and I think he's in on this.
Also, I
Puleng, we need to take you in
for observation.
Okay, we'll follow.
Thank you.
I'm the missing baby
Phumelele Khumalo from 18 years ago.
And I know this today
because the Khumalos never lost faith.
She's out of danger for the moment,
but we'd like to keep her for observation.
So, what else did you guys find?
Looks like my headphones were tapped.
Um, I'll check with Koopman
and see what he has to say.
I'm so sorry about your parents.
So am I.
Um, I think
maybe we should let Puleng rest now.
Uh, Wade
Uh, Lunga.
Um, just a minute, please.
I, uh
I just wanted to say thank you.
For everything you've done for me.
Of course, Puleng. You You're my friend.
How did I break? ♪
About yesterday, uh
Not now, Chris.
The past few days have been fucked up.
I know.
I I was thinking maybe we could do
like a champagne breakfast or something.
There's nothing
I won't do for you, Puleng.
It's just, um
we don't work.
I buried you ♪
My hands were shaking ♪
Is that your way of saying you're sorry?
The day I became brave ♪
I roped back the layers ♪
I faced all ♪
All of my horrors ♪
If you can get the yacht
I found I am stronger ♪
then I'll make the time.
Stronger than the monsters ♪
- Friends.
- Yeah. Friends.
Not right now. You
Uh, we
smell like shit.
Speak for yourself, Mr. Ackerman.
I smell great. Okay?
Wearing all my scars like medals ♪
Looking into your deadlights ♪
How I broke ♪
I buried you ♪
My hands were shaking ♪
The day I became brave ♪
Yes, Miss van Rensburg?
I'm really sorry for what I did.
You stuck your neck out for me
and I messed up.
do you recognize the position you're in?
Yes, ma'am. And I promise I
There are students at this school,
like some of your friends,
who can pay their way
out of every problem.
And there are kids
like you and Miss Kahn who can't.
In my time here, I have tried
to stand in the gap for all of you.
But you abused that
and you stand here
without consequence, a drug dealer.
I'm I
I know we all have circumstances,
but you had a choice.
And while you go about
without consequences,
an honest student like Miss Kahn
was stripped of her position
because of an incident
that's frankly laughable by comparison.
There are different kinds
of privilege, Reece.
Get your shit together.
What the fuck?
- We're gonna have to do something.
- Hey, Tahira.
I wanted to apologize to you
for what I said the other day.
Reece, we're busy here.
Don't you want to bother someone else
with your lame-ass apology?
Actually, are you Side Chick Chronicles?
What the fuck? No.
Look, Reece, now's not a good time, okay?
We're trying to figure out
who Side Chick is.
Wait a minute. Uh, let me help you guys.
I want to, please.
Oh, so you do know who it is, hmm?
Is it one of your little friends?
Whatever. Look,
if you're serious, then fine.
Think about it, okay?
There were only a few people who could've
taken that video at the bowling alley.
Now, we just have to find them
before they post again.
Well, good luck with that.
Time to go, off my peace ♪
I don't want to speak ♪
I'm broken, oh baby, I'm bleeding ♪
You're awake.
Take it easy, okay?
We thought we lost you.
It's from Anthony.
He, uh, gave you the liver transplant.
He's in another room.
What's written on the bottom?
"To Fikile."
"Turns out,
I made a masterpiece 18 years ago."
And Sam?
Are you okay?
My dad is dead, Fiks.
He's dead.
And it's my fault.
No, it's not.
- No, it's not.
- He's dead.
He's dead.
He's dead.
I'm sorry.
Don't look back.
Thanks for meeting me here.
These people are still active.
Could you find anything?
A lot of the stuff that you sent
sounds like some kinda kid.
Yeah, um, Siya.
Anything else?
Radio interference.
Judging from the conversation,
they had no idea
that they were recording themselves.
Uh, wh what do you mean?
Listen for yourselves.
When did you do this?
As you can see,
we've narrowed the Side Chick
to these suspects.
Let's see
I wish, but he's long gone.
Definitely not him.
- Does this guy even go to our school?
- Yeah.
Then that leaves us
with these three.
Key factors lead us to these suspects,
namely proximity to you,
the dance committee outing,
Daniels, and the Matric Ball money.
So what are we gonna do now?
We follow the clues.
Firstly, we found repetitive
grammatical errors in the posts.
"there" instead of "their."
I did an economics project
with Zayd and Pauline,
and I had to edit a lot of that.
What about that video
of you tipsy in the bowling alley?
Wasn't that in defense of Bruce?
And I mean, the three of them are tight.
Well, Bruce wasn't
in the committee, though.
For posterity.
Dude, do you have friends?
So it's one of those two,
Zayd or Pauline.
Show them.
Ah-ah-ah-ah! Do it.
Hurry up, Pauline.
The person who took your photo,
she fell when she ran away.
I'm sorry, okay?
It was It was just a joke.
I didn't mean any of it.
- I didn't
- What the fuck, Pauline?!
You fucked up people's lives!
- What is wrong with you?
- Reece, Reece!
I'm sorry.
Ladies, the bell rang.
We have final assembly.
Come on. Reece.
And there she is, Side Chick Chronicles.
I know something about you.
Leaving Parkhurst
was not an easy decision for me to make.
There are so many of you
who are dear to me.
Your actions have taught me that
great lives
are the sum of minute decisions.
I have witnessed you face
seemingly insurmountable challenges
when it might have been easier to run.
You persisted in the face of darkness
knowing that a brighter day
lay just out of sight.
Your differences
are what built the strength of character.
As a woman from a modest background
in an affluent school
I have faced my fair share of doubts
about those differences.
And I know that many of you
face similar doubts.
Embrace them.
Stand tall in your differences,
and shape the world
the way you wish to see it.
One that rewards kindness
and honesty.
I hope the world continues to call
upon you to make difficult decisions.
Hi, um, we'd like to speak
to Detective Peterson, please.
Uh, she's not in yet,
but I'll get someone else
Oh, don't, no, no, no.
Uh, we'll wait for her.
I believe they will help to shape you
into the incredible adults
I know you will become.
Forge ahead.
You are our beacons of hope.
It's been an incredible honor
to guide you as your principal.
I'm doing all I can, Lisbeth.
You need to get the shipment out now.
There's too much heat.
A good nigga see his death ♪
Careful, Vaans.
Remember what's at stake.
Now, did you deal with our loose ends?
Yes, but I don't agree with it.
You and I, Vaans.
Spare me the moral lecture, okay?
Everyone has a price to pay.
That is balance.
I took an early flight back.
I wanted to surprise you.
I want to make it work, Chris.
I want to make us work.
Are you sure
you don't want to go inside?
It's gonna be kind of weird
for me in there.
- Right.
- And besides
it's your time with your family.
Okay. I guess I'll see you.
Thank you for coming.
Ma, is that Fikile?
Yes. Let me take these from you.
- Oh, gosh, such a big piece, bro.
- Bite a piece off to make it smaller.
I can do that.
That's when I lost my tooth.
Ubaba tried to scare me,
saying I would lose them all
and they'd never grow back.
- I'm sure you believed him.
- No, I didn't!
- Yeah, you did.
- Come on.
Why are you crying now,
why are you crying now? Big crybaby.
Puleng do you wanna help me
in the dining room?
Thank you.
Thank you for all of this.
For saving your sister.
For everything.
Dad's not here, though.
I couldn't save him.
You think it's your fault?
Your father was so proud of you.
And yes, we've had our problems for years.
But in the end, because of you,
everything was going to be okay.
He was coming home.
Oh, Puleng.
Oh, you have always been so brave
and so clear in your purpose.
And even though it scared us
it's what we loved about you.
- Oh.
- Hey.
Look at me.
Criminals killed your father.
It's not your fault, my baby.
It's not your fault.
Come here.
Oh, you've always been
the best of him, Puleng.
So, I heard Lisbeth's down.
Investors aren't happy.
We gotta shut this whole cell down.
Good thing we have more, right?
Let me find you ♪
In our story ♪
Where our souls ♪
Intertwine in glory ♪
I can feel you in my spirit ♪
My heart is bruised ♪
And you're my healing ♪
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