Doctor Doctor (2016) s03e06 Episode Script

Season 3, Episode 6

So, how's your mum and dad? Uh, passed away, actually.
Shut the front door! Well, not Mum.
Just Dad.
Welcome to Whyhope's newest matchmaking agency.
Betty? Country Connections.
Your chances of conceiving in the future are good.
Better bags me a rooster, then.
Maybe I don't even want kids, Matt.
Is that a conversation you're ready to have? Ivy, get out here right now.
How did you find me? The bank likes to tell you when your account's been drained.
How can you take on this kid and not take on ours? Because I'm that girl, Matt.
I'm the one who gets left behind.
We've spoken about cheese.
It's bad for the baby.
But research doesn't say anything about chocolate, so I'll have some sent over.
She still likes you, so you crazy kids better sort something out before somebody gets hurt.
Somebody else.
Penny, this baby is gonna change things.
You're right.
Didn't you want to be with me anyway? Yes, I thought I could do both, but Maybe I can't.
In there.
- Morning, boys.
- Hey, Charlie.
You can help if you like.
No, I've got writing to do.
You guys look like you're having so much fun.
The tank's cracked.
We're rooted.
- How much rooted? - About eight grand rooted.
Well, this is just fantastic, isn't it? You know, I love getting up at the crack of dawn and digging around in slop.
I have to go to the hospital, perform seven stents, three angioplasties, take me about ten hours, all so I can earn money to pour into this bottomless pit.
It's Oh! - Gee! Oh! - Hugh, are you OK? Oh, me back! Yeah, this thing's cactus.
I'm going up the country, babe, don't you want to go? I'm going up the country, babe, don't you want to go? I'm going some place where I've never been before I'll leave this city, I've got to get away I'm gonna leave this city, I've got to get away All this fussing and fighting Man, you know I sure can't stay.
Mum, where's the crepe paper? The what? My oceans project's due today.
What? Oh, shit! - Language! - Um We can do this.
You know what they say about drinking alone.
I had one glass last night.
More like a bottle.
There was a third gone when I Shut up.
Let's get some crepe paper.
Sorry I'm late.
There was a homework emergency, Floyd leaving everything to the last minute.
You seem a bit off.
Are you OK? I'm fine.
Just taken my eye off the ball at home a bit.
What do you think's caused that? [STRAINS.]
I'm fine.
- Just got a little back Argh! - Oh - Ken - Oh.
Can I see my patient list, please? Thank you.
Are you sure you should be here? In Whyhope? No.
No, I shouldn't.
But I'm kind of stuck here.
But it's fine.
I have a plan.
Knight? Ah.
Thank you.
No slipped disc.
Just spasm.
Severe Excruciating spasm.
Ah Who have we got first? Ginger McEnroe, in for a stent.
- Overall, healthy.
- Ginger the whinger.
Look out.
Thank you, Ronald.
She's a Challenging patient.
Not for a professional like me, Ron.
- To the cockpit.
- The cockpit.
So, how are you enjoying hospital life? Oh, it's cushier than farm work.
And tractors don't roll on you.
Farms suck, Ron.
They suck.
Why do I get the doctor that looks like a patient? Oh, it's all good, Ginger.
Resting up the back.
Now, Ken has explained the procedure.
Do you have any questions? This one says that I've got to share a room with three other sick people - Ms McEnroe, we - No, I ticked that box.
I bloody ticked that box.
Why are you people always trying to screw a little more out of us? Perhaps give us a moment, Ken.
I don't trust that one.
He's got shifty eyes.
Uh Ken is a very good administrator.
Looks like a sex pest.
Oh - Hey.
- Are you gonna come? DARREN: Yeah, definitely.
She yelled She screamed, - "I will never marry" She - [POP!.]
- "I will never marry," she - [POP!.]
MATT: Charlie? - What? - Alright, calm down.
I was just gonna see if you needed anything from in town.
The tank's stuffed, by the way.
You know what I'd love? - No distractions.
- [POP!.]
See you.
So, what we need is Maltesers, oranges, straws, ping-pong balls - Condoms.
- Good.
And what about the gays and the lesbians and the Bs and the Qs and the Ts? Are you thinking a rainbow table? - Oh, I think we should be inclusive.
- Yes! - Oh! - Oh, hi.
How are you? That's a comp for Country Connections.
The inaugural Whyhope speed-dating night.
- I hope you can come.
- Yeah.
Speed-dating Actually, any dating isn't really my thing.
Mmm, might be just what you need.
I was hoping I'd bump into you.
- I've got a joke for you.
- Yeah? What's the difference between a dirty bus stop and a lobster with breast implants? Bus stop, breast implants I don't know.
One's a crusty bus station, the other's a busty crustacean.
- That's funny! You're funny.
So, are you going to this? Uh, yeah.
It's my bar.
Are you coming? Depends.
Will there be any hot guys there? - I'll be there.
- Cool.
I'm in.
So, will there be any hot guys there? - Ha-ha.
Uh, I want to go ahead with this.
Civilian prices.
- Do you want mates' rates? - Yeah.
HAYLEY: This is a great thing you're doing for the town, Meryl.
Let's make love.
I mean, romance.
Let's Create some romance.
For others.
Loneliness is a terrible thing.
It saps the soul.
- [BEEP.]
- We've started up Country Connections.
I want you all to come.
Too many young people are moving away from Whyhope in search of love and meaning.
And it's right here, in our community.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Ken, Ken, a little bit of Are you alright, Ken? He's back.
Keeps popping in for no reason to make her laugh.
Beware jealousy, Ken.
It can make you look like an insecure douchebag.
Look at him.
His eyes are so sparkly.
And you should see his calves, they're magnificent.
He's a good-looking bloke.
Do you want me to go break it up? Would you? I'd appreciate that very much.
- [BEEP.]
Sorry, Ken.
Needed on the wards.
- Ronnie? - Right.
GINGER: I've done my research, you know.
This is a bio stent.
McMillan stent? [SCOFFS.]
Absolutely not.
Why not? Because nobody here wants to kill you.
McMillan stent were recalled.
They elevate the risk of heart attack.
Do they, though? Because my knees reckons that if you do use those Uh, Mia, could you just adjust my monitor there? I'm getting a little bit of glare.
Look at this one.
Don't you look at me like that.
Stop it.
I'm not giving you any look.
She's stopped now.
Little bitch OK, if everyone could just stop talking, OK? I think the anaesthetic may be kicking in.
This is a joke.
You're all a joke.
And my niece told me that you were struck off - for drugs.
Are you OK? [STRAINS.]
Everything's fine.
You can hardly stand up.
No wonder you're in a backwards shithole like this.
You're pathetic.
OK, Ginger, just Shut up.
Understand? You can't speak to me like that.
As long as I'm the one saving your life, I will talk to you any way I want, so shut up.
How dare you Get your thing out of me now.
Oh, are you, um, saying you would like - to cancel the procedure, Ms.
McEnroe? - Hugh Do you want me to just, uh, pull it out? - Is that what you're saying? - You're horrible! This is horrible and you're a horrible man! I am gonna report you.
Cartwright, do you mind taking a look at my driver's leg, please? He's been putting off coming to see you.
What happened here? I scratched it doing some fencing.
That's why I quit the farm.
How painful is it? Yeah, it's getting pretty bad.
OK, we'll do some bloods, get some pain relief and antibiotics.
Look, I can't really afford any more time off.
Oh, best to get it checked, Ronnie.
Take this down to pathology.
Tell them I said it's a priority.
- So, you've lost your driver? Anywhere I can wheel you? - [DOOR CLOSES.]
- Off a cliff, perhaps? Ah Actually, I wanted to get you alone.
I need Valium.
I'm gonna write the script myself, but Then you'd lose your licence.
So So, what? Penny Oh, you want you want me to write you a prescription? Do I have to beg? That could be kind of fun.
I'll write you a script.
Don't get hooked.
Too late, Dr.
You'll have to find yourself a new driver.
Can I come into my own house or? Sorry.
There were just too many distractions.
And where is the distraction? She's out feeding Dora.
Apparently, kids never stop being needy.
- So, tonight's gonna be fun.
- Yeah.
Can you come over to the brewery at about 5:00? I'm not gonna go to speed-dating.
I told Mum that you'd help me at the bar and then we can hang out and get pissed.
Matt, if I've got a night off, I'm gonna use it writing.
A night off? From me? So it's not just Ivy who's needy? That's a joke, Matt.
Come on, you'll have more fun without me there.
It's fine.
Don't worry about it.
Matt! - No, it's fine, Charlie.
If you don't want to go, don't go.
I just thought we could have a night together.
It's fine.
See you.
I can't drink, I can't smoke, I don't leave the house because I'm scared that I'll drink or I'll smoke and now I have morning sickness.
I threw up breakfast and I'm still shivering from it.
You're shivering? My head's aching and my body hurts.
Oh, you know what, pregnancy sucks.
You sure you haven't got the flu? Hey, Mr.
Valium addict, firstly, this speed-dating thing, are you Is that Penny? Hey, Penny.
Hi, Harriet.
How's it all going? Well, I'm just telling Hugh how much I hate him for impregnating me.
Thank you, Harriet.
Talk soon.
- Um Sorry about that.
A complaint has been lodged against you with APRA.
Any ideas why? No, I Um, nope.
I told you not to go to work today.
Making a patient cry, Hugh? Threatening to remove a stent? Oh, that's the least of my worries.
But if a patient presents with nausea, headache, muscle pain, possible fever, what do you say? It could be anything.
Flu? And what if that patient is pregnant? Jesus, Hugh, you just hung up on her.
It could be listeria.
Get her to the hospital to check immediately.
Harriet, get in a cab and get yourself down to St.
Tell them to test for the listeria, OK? Look It's just a test, OK? And then maybe Yep.
Oi! Scott of the Antarctic.
Yeah, you.
I've got five more stents to do today.
I need a driver.
Are you speedy? [SPITS.]
There's a 50 in it for you.
Why Why is there still no water? The water guy's about to leave.
The new tank's in and full.
We're just having trouble with the new pump.
That's the outlet valve.
Look, I know how to fix a bloody pump.
It's fine.
We're nearly done.
Are you still not done? No, master.
Sorry, master.
- Who's this guy? - He's my driver.
Don't worry, he's reliable.
- [SPITS.]
- Oh - [WATER RUNS.]
- Hey! Well done, boys! OK, Matt, you need to get into the brewery, prep for tonight.
Ajax, you're looking after little baby Jimmy so Hayley can assist me.
- And Hugh Uh, Mum, I can't make your speed-dating thing, OK? - My back is killing me.
- Nonsense.
I can fix that.
Drive on.
Your dad used to swear by it.
Yes, but Dad used to also punch himself in the head with shot glasses when he got headaches.
Look, just listen to your mum, OK? Relax, relax - Whoa.
- and relax.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Oh Oh That's Oh Oh.
Actually, that feels pretty good.
I'll leave you there for a tick and I'll come back and get you down.
I was craving a drink and so instead I had a ham binge.
I didn't know that ham could hurt the baby.
- So, is it listeria? - Yeah.
I'm really scared, Hugh.
Are you upside down? How advanced is it? They don't know yet.
They're pumping me with antibiotics.
Well, can you text me your room number and the name of your doctor? I can't believe this is actually happening.
I mean, what if What if the baby dies? It'll be my fault.
Meryl? It's strange.
Here's a big thing, my first without Jim.
It feels strange, 'cause he was always there.
Quiet, but always there.
Well, I'm sure he's looking down.
He used to always say, "What the hell are you up to now, woman?" [LAUGHS.]
And now you're trying to help others find that same happiness.
You're sharing that.
That's It's beautiful.
That's enough.
Let's get on with it.
Word's got out, Meryl.
We've had five walk-ins for every cancellation.
It's gonna be a hit, Meryl.
Country Connections.
Oh, you made it.
Oh, you look terrific.
And I feel two inches taller.
Thanks, Mum.
- Good turn-out.
- It is.
It's great.
Now, you promise to be charming and seemingly available for everyone tonight? - Do you even have to ask? - Oh Barkeep, water.
I want to taste my money.
What are Mia and Ken doing here? Uh, Mum's roped them into lying and telling everyone that she got them together.
Sounds reasonable.
You know she's promised you to just about every single lady in here? Well, if you are gonna get pimped, who better to do it than your mother? Hello.
Look at this.
- Hey, sexy.
- Hey.
So, where am I going? Uh, well, registration's just over there.
And here is a beer on the house.
Keep them coming.
Well, well, well.
Who would've thought your primary school crush would turn out to be so hot! Don't go for her.
Hey, you married my ex-girlfriend.
It's only fair I have a crack at yours.
She was never my girlfriend.
And don't.
Good evening, everybody.
Oh, don't you all look so lovely! We want tonight to be the beginning of a grand journey of love for you all.
Though heartache and grief may lie at the end of it And inevitably does.
Perhaps we should just start.
Oh Indeed.
- So, I will ring the bell.
Um, so, if they made a movie about your life, would it be a drama or a comedy? You're right, these are terrible, aren't they? So, what's the, um worst thing that's ever happened to you? Mine's being born in Whyhope.
Ah, Meryl.
Perhaps we could try speed-dating, see what ignites.
Conflict of interest, Glen.
I'm an employee.
Well, there are a lot of lovely women here.
Unfortunately, none of them have captured my fancy, if you know what I mean.
Oh, look, I choose not to know what you mean.
It's you, Meryl.
Change! Glen, three words, AVO.
You're a cop? Jeez, I love cops.
I'd bang any cop that moves.
Probably 'cause my dad was one.
It is not my imagination.
He's looking over here again.
You need to take a chill pill.
Hey, how long does that, uh, milk need in the microwave again? - 34 seconds.
- Is that is that crying I hear? - Uh, no.
- [CRIES.]
- No, it's all good here.
Do you want me to come home? Is everything OK? [LAUGHS.]
It's fine.
He just doesn't want to go to bed yet.
- What? He's not in bed yet? - [CRIES.]
Don't mess with the routine, Ajax.
Hayles, I think I've figured out a way to settle him.
But don't mess with the routine.
It's better outside, huh? [GURGLES.]
And change! Well, hey, here she is.
You know, I always wondered what happened to you.
Did ya? Uh, no, but, you know, I do now.
So, how's life been for the last 20 years? Oh, well, I've been in and out of long-term relationships.
Dating recently, mostly with charming jerks who won't commit.
Well, that is not me.
I can tell you're one of the good ones.
Which is why I want to be upfront.
I want a baby.
And when I saw you, I knew Hugh Knight might just be my one.
Um I'm I'm gonna get a drink.
Um, do you want a drink, April? I'm I'm just gonna, um No, I'm right.
I've got one.
I'll be right back.
Right, I'm out.
She's all yours.
She's my mate.
And good.
Yeah, they're stars, Jimmy.
They're beautiful, huh? [EXHALES.]
Dad told me that his grandad used to tell him that they're pinpricks in a huge blanket and that's heaven shining on the other side.
Other Dad reckons there's no heaven.
Big balls of flame and we're made up of the stuff in them.
We're made of stars [EXHALES.]
It's good It's It's good being here with you.
Secure in your own skin Love from within, time to begin - [SINGS ALONG.]
- Now she's alone Dancing like nobody is home Free, on her own Not attached and ready to roam - [MOBILE PHONE RINGS.]
- Now she's alone Shit.
Uh, what what What meds did you give him? [KNOCKS.]
Um, someone in here.
Hugh, I've got Dr.
Cartwright on the phone for you.
Uh, well, can you tell her I'll Call her back? Can he call you back? She says it's an emergency.
Oh, Dr Knight, I don't know what to do about Mia and Darren.
I feel like I'm losing her.
Um Just Just go and punch him, Ken.
Really? [SIGHS.]
Penny Sorry, I'm kind of in the middle of someone Something at the moment.
What's up? The hospital just The hospital just rang.
Ronnie's been admitted.
He's in a bad way.
And I'm on call Oh, Hugh, I've messed up.
- [CRIES.]
- OK.
I'm on my way.
Thank you.
Why did you get a cab? No Come this way.
Why are we going through the clinic? 'Cause I'm drunk.
What? That doesn't sound like you.
That Sounds more like me.
I know.
That's why I'm so disgusted with myself.
Were you drinking at the date night? No, because I knew I had a massive day tomorrow.
Then I need you to do this for me, please.
I could lose my licence.
Of course I will.
I love you, yes, I love you, yes, I I love my coo-ca I want you, yes, I want you, yes, I I really do Tomcat, you know where it's at, come on, let's go to my flat Lay down and groove on the mat, well, you can be my coo-ca-choo Chains, chains, I'm all in chains Real love will drive me insane, Come on, let's Darren, can I have a word? Or a few words, actually.
I'm dancing, Ken.
You, me, car park, now.
Yes, I love my coo-ca I actually wanted to talk to you.
Oh, I doubt that's true.
I think we both realise the situation here.
I've seen you looking at her, undressing her with your eyes, licking your lips like Mama's just called - that Sunday roast is on the table.
- What are you talking And although my first instinct is to beat you to a bloody pulp, I am a person who lives their life in an empirical way.
You're a much larger man, muscled, trained in combat.
You also carry a firearm and are sanctioned by the government to use it Do we have a problem here, Ken? Oh, play the doe-eyed card if you like.
You want her! I do.
Well, I have no ownership.
I can but hope that our love is strong and that maybe you as a policeman have some sense of justice in your large frame.
I'm just begging you, leave Mia alone.
Mia? Can we stop the charade? I suggest you and her speed-date.
If sparks fly, I will retreat with a bottle of bourbon and a broken heart Ken, stop talking.
I don't care about Mia.
Help me get Betty, will you? - Betty? - Betty.
She doesn't really I mean, she has an elaborate history but I don't think she dates.
Well, let's find out.
Take your time, slow down, I know you hear the sound go round There's a new dance in town Tell your friends so they know how it goes down - What happened out there? - Everything's great! He doesn't like you! Open, close, faster, faster, kick, open, faster, faster Oh-ya, open, close, faster, faster [SPEAKS INAUDIBLY.]
- Do you drink, Betty? - Not for 12 years.
Thank you.
That's nasty, Ron, isn't it? Mate, I've never felt pain like it.
He's septic.
We need to do scans.
I have to open up that leg, no matter what.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it earlier.
I was scared.
I've never been crook a day in my life.
It'll just need a wash-out, Ronnie.
Everything will be OK, I promise you.
Uh, Penny We're gonna prep you for surgery.
The scans will give us a better idea of what we need to do.
OK, Ron? Mmm.
If they made a movie about your life, would it be a drama or a comedy? Comedy No, drama Next.
Elvis or the Beatles? - Neither.
Do you remember that blue light disco in Year Six? Oh, the one where you told everyone you were gonna pash me and I bought mouth spray especially? - [LAUGHS.]
- Nup.
I should never have pashed Danny Burns.
Oh, Danny Burns runs his own construction company now, so you probably made the right choice.
Could've been loaded.
The only way is up, baby, for you and me now Are you happy? Usually.
I want a baby.
I wish I could stop saying it.
It just goes round and round in my head.
I want a baby.
- Me too.
- You're lucky.
You're married.
Meanwhile, you are the best speed-date I've had all night.
- Aw! - [LAUGHS.]
Thank you so much for coming.
Oh Oh, look at you two.
Glad you had a good time.
Meryl, I want you to be the first to know, me and Shaz, we're gonna renew our vows.
- Oh! - Thank you, Meryl! Thank you so much! Oh, look, I'm so very happy for you.
And did you know that Country Connections specialises in vow renewals? - Oh! - Oooh! - Oooh, that's - After-party at mine? - Oh! Yeah, we're in! - Bye.
Bye, everybody Thank you so much.
Have a wonderful evening.
Thank you, thank Thank you.
Oh, shit.
Look at all this gas in the soft tissue.
Penny? Did you hear what I said? This is necrotising fasciitis.
Oh, shit.
If we don't amputate, he's dead.
Are you sure? Can we airlift him? There's no time.
He thinks he's having a routine wash-out.
Well, we can bring him up and tell him what needs to be done.
Ronnie Ronnie, you have a rare infection in your leg.
It's called necrotising fasciitis.
It spreads incredibly quickly.
There's a high mortality rate.
Um, Ron Ronnie, we're gonna have to amputate just above the knee.
OK? Now, do you understand what I'm saying? It's the only way we can save your life.
I'm so sorry.
Ronnie? I'll get the bone saw.
That's it.
- [GAGS.]
Ajax? He broke the routine.
But they look so angelic.
I think I might stay here.
It was a great night, Jim.
I miss you, though.
- Oh Hey.
How was it? Fine.
Yeah, good.
Have you had a few? Yeah.
It was a great night.
Mum was happy.
And who was there? Oh, just the usual.
Hugh, Betty, hospital crowd.
- Glen was going off.
- Hmm.
- Anyone else? - No.
Just the usual.
I got some good writing done.
I'm glad.
Matt? Hey.
Don't sleep on the couch.
Come to bed.
Yeah, I am.
I want to go to bed and never wake up.
You want some company? [UNDOES SEATBELT.]
Penny, I [SIGHS.]
- [GASPS.]
Come here.
- I love you.
Are you hungover and horny, is that what is this? I miss you.
Matt, we're fine.
No, we're not.
What are we gonna do about it? What, you woke up and decided we had to have this conversation now? I'm tired of feeling disconnected from you.
I love you.
I know.
But I don't want kids.
I'm too selfish.
I like my life.
I like I liked our life, till this became a big thing.
It was always a thing.
I know.
But I don't want kids.
That's your question and that's my answer.
So, you just made the decision for us? For me.
And I can't change your mind? [SNIFFS.]
And I've broken the deal.
I know that.
We got together and we had our plan for a family and I've broken that, so [SIGHS.]
I found my peace and you need to find yours.
You can either be a dad or be with me.
But if I were you, I know which one I'd choose.
Charlie [SIGHS.]
Oh, there's Matt.
Ronnie's OK.
He knows why it had to happen.
Still hasn't hit him, though.
I'll I'll go see him later.
Listen, um, don't beat yourself up too much about I can't do this anymore.
I've been drinking every night.
How much? A bottle, usually.
Of spirits? No, just wine.
That's not so bad.
I mean, I usually have That's not the point.
I've turned into a bad doctor and a bad mother because I can't cope not having you.
I can't do this anymore, Hugh.
It's that simple.
HARRIET: Hey, Hugh, it hasn't crossed the placenta.
The baby's OK.
No sign of listeria.
Oh Well, that's great news.
But I I I nearly lost it.
It's OK.
I'll be with you soon.
Really? Yeah.
I'm putting the farm on the market.
I'm leaving Whyhope.
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