He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2021) s03e06 Episode Script


[exciting music plays]

- [bots whirring]
- [shimmering tone]
[soft music plays]

[navit panting]
[Cringer grunts]
[navit shrieks]
[shimmering tone]
- Move along. This is a construction zone.
- Huh? Okay. Okay.
[Adam grunting]
- [all cheering]
- Nice.
[grunting] Hey, what's the big idea?
Don't mind Ork-O the Builder.
He's always fussy.
- "The Builder"?
- Uh-huh.
There's also Ork-O the Baker,
Ork-O the Accountant
[sighs] and Ork-O the Failure.
Who's Ork-O the Failure?
It's me. I'm Ork-O the Failure.
We wouldn't be here if we thought
you were a failure, Ork-O.
But how can I remove the Havoc from Adam
if I can't even do real magic?
You have all of Orko the Great's memories,
so you should at least know the spell.
Then maybe Sorceress can cast it.
[whirring and beeping]
[noisemaker trumpets]
[chuckles, sighs]
I can't find any spell like that
in Orko's memories.
I know he made one.
We'll just have to get the spell
from Orko the Great himself.
And how would "we" be doing that, exactly?
[power crackles]
[shimmering tone]
How did we do that, exactly?
I used the memories you did have
to get us this far.
But the rest of the journey
is yours alone.
Bring me back that spell.
[echoing] Hello? Hello?
[mysterious music plays]

I wasn't expecting any visitors.
You're Orko.
I'm Ork-oh!
That's what I said!
I have the Power!
[singer] The Power is ours ♪
It's in our so-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oul ♪
The Power is ours ♪
It's in our so-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oul ♪
The Power is ours ♪
Hey, we'll find our purpose ♪
'Cause we know we're worth it ♪
And we'll be remembered ♪
We are the defenders, defenders ♪
- Oh ♪
- We fight for the win ♪
We fight till the end ♪
- We fight for the win ♪
- The Power is ours ♪
It's in our soul ♪

[thunder rumbling]
[power crackling]
He locked it. You can't get in.
I don't want to get in.
Then what are you doing here?
What are any of us doing here?
[blows nose]
Ugh, being a villain is a lot of work.
[Beast Man]
Oh, oh, oh, Beast Man has another plan!
What if Beast Man hides
in He-Man's closet,
and then takes the sword when he's asleep?
How is that any different than the one
where you hide under his bed?
This plan has a closet in it.
Ugh, now I know why Evil-Lyn left.
[Beast Man] Beast Man doesn't see Trap Jaw
coming up with any better ideas
to get back the sword so we can use it
to buy back favor with Skellie.
That's because my first plan
hasn't even finished yet.
Well, what's taking Tri-Klops so long?
Apparently, the situation is complicated.
No, thanks.
I'm sorry I said all that mean stuff
when I was, "Whoo, Havoc!
[chuckles] You weren't wrong, though.
I don't really "know" you.
I came on this journey to change that.
And then I went and ruined it.
Don't give up, son.
[tense music plays]

[navit screams]
[navit whimpering]
[navit screams]
[Cringer grunts]
- [squeaks]
- [Duncan panting]
Do not [grunts]
hurt that adorable creature!
[Cringer] Firstly, I'm not hungry.
Secondly, as a Royal Archivist,
I've been studying several languages.
[spits, clears throat]
Navits are inordinately concerned
with the weather.
Ah. Apparently, it might rain.
[squealing urgently]
Uh, what's it talking about?
Mm, something about a "danger hat."
[suspenseful music plays]
"Danger hat"?
What is taking so long?
[mysterious music plays]

So you're me?
Yes. Thanks to this.
[Orko] Eternia is where I left that thing?
It's always the last place
you look, isn't it?
Wait, where is everyone?
I, uh I made my own pocket dimension
between Eternia and New Trolla.
I like the peace and quiet?
Um, anyways,
what was the spell you needed?
Right. The one you created
to save King Grayskull from Havoc.
It isn't on my your memory cog.
In the wrong hands,
it could be disastrous.
Could you send me back with it, then,
so that my friend who has
the "right" hands can use it?
And why can't you use it?
Oh, I can't do magic. I do science.
As long as you know what you're doing,
anyone who believes in magic can do magic.
Doing it properly
is another thing entirely.
Wait, what's "science"?
Systematic knowledge
of the physical or material world
gained through observation
and experimentation.
Sorry. I'm a robot.
What's a robot?
You know, if you could just let me
borrow that spell, that'd be great.
I'll just take a look.
[Orko] No, wait! Don't!
- Is it this one?
- No.
- This one?
- No.
- That one?
- No.
- This one?
- Yes!
It is?
No. It was the first one.
[Evil-Lyn sobbing]
Listen, from up there, I couldn't tell
if you were real upset or fake upset.
Either way, you shouldn't be here.
How much time have I wasted on this place?
How much time have I wasted on Havoc?
I don't even know what kind of villain
I want to be anymore.
Could you be the one that goes
somewhere else?
[sniffles] Like, why bats?
Trap Jaw got machines.
Skeletor is a ghoul.
Beast Man is a monster.
[shimmering tone]
Havoc brings out your inner truth,
and mine is bats?
I don't even like bats!
[bat whines]
Personal space, lady.
[thrusters whooshing]
[Evil-Lyn grunts]
Haven't you been listening, Tammy?
Do you think my name is "Tam" -Page?
Well, you certainly aren't
Tam- "Ma'am" anymore.
I don't know why you embraced Havoc.
And honestly, I don't care.
But if you're going to give up
everything else in your life
to help Skeletor,
be sure the reward is worth it
before you wind up
an old bat lady like me.
It's never too late to change.
I know I [grunting]
bumped into something
[grunts] over here.
[shimmering tone]
Hey, we got the True Self Spell
from Orko the Great!
Adam, you ready?
Hit me.
[bright music plays]
[magic crackling]
[Sorceress] It's working.
[navits squeaking]
[glass shatters]
Uh, Teela, is it supposed
to be doing that?
Oh, no.
I guess my hands weren't
the right hands after all.
[all gasp]
[all shout]
[breathing heavily]
Adam? Can you hear me?
The Sword accepts you again.
The Havoc is gone, my boy!
Teela, you did it!
[shouting] I like the weather!
[shouting] I wish it wasn't going to rain!
[shouting] Rain would be nice!
[shouting] It is very dry!
What's going on?
I think the True Self Spell
pushed out the Havoc
- [growls]
- [gasps]
as well as Adam's true self.
And everyone else's.
Including those navits.
My boy is that really you?
[navit whimpers]
[all shrieking]
Lovely weather for a snack,
don't you think, snack?
- [Randor] No!
- [growls]
We do not eat ourselves, Cringer
eh, Tiger er, Navit.
[navit shouts]
[quirky music plays]

Ork-O, do something!
Do any of you know how to speak navit?
- Sorry.
- That's a big no.
Or undo
complicated extradimensional magic?
- Not my job.
- Nope.
Oh, don't you worry, Duncan.
We'll get you back
into your body in no time.
[Randor] Ork-O?
Yes, Your Majesty?
Skeletor is about to be reborn.
Yes, Your Majesty.
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
are now navits.
I'm aware.
Your king is starting to lose patience
that no one's doing anything about it.
Well, I did copy the spell
when we brought it back.
And Orko the Great did say
the key to doing magic is belief.
Then unlock your potential, lad,
and fix this!
[electricity crackling]
Abracadabra, abracadee,
find your true identity.
- [Randor groans]
- [Ork-O clears throat]
Abracadabra, abracadee,
find your true identity.
Okay, okay.
Orko the Great said belief was key.
Belief is key.
But I know magic is real.
- You can do it, Ork-O!
- You can do it, Ork-O!
You can do it, Ork-O.
[navits cheering]
[all chanting]
Ork-O! Ork-O! Ork-O! Ork-O! Ork-O!
[determined music plays]

Abracadabra, abracadee,
the key to real magic
is my belief in me!
[shimmering tone]
[navits squeaking]
Adam, are you you?
[Adam] Um, not quite.
[Teela] Ew! Get out of my body!
I'm in a cat?
[Cringer] What? Someone has to clean him.
[Duncan sniffs] Oh! Adam's worse.
[Randor growls]
Abracadabra, abracadee,
the key to real magic is my belief in me.
[shimmering tone]
[all shout]
[all scream]
I'm feeling a little flat.
Perhaps one more try?
Already on it.
Abracadabra, abracadee,
the key to real magic is my belief in me.
[shimmering tone]
[all shouting]
[Ork-O] It's working!
I'm doing real magic!
[all gasp]
We did it!
- Ow!
- [laughter]
[suspenseful music plays]

Yeah. We're back.
- Come here, you.
- [laughter]
[Tri-Klops sputtering]
Hey, there, Mr. Danger Hat.
[alarm chirping]
What does that mean?
That Tri-Klops failed.
[dramatic music plays]
[Beast Man snarls]
[grunts, screams]
Then it's time for Beast Man
to try a brand new plan of his own.
- [Ork-O] I did it!
- What?
I did the spell!
I'll bet it didn't work, either.
Oh, but it did!
But none of my magic works.
Not the right way, anyway.
What are you talking about?
I-I didn't even land my people
in the right place!
I crashed them two dimensions to the left,
called it "New Trolla,"
and I've been hiding here ever since!
I'm just a failure.
Why don't you just tell them the truth?
What if they hate me?
What if they ask me to take them
to the real New Trolla, and I can't?
Orko, you taught me something today.
No one's perfect. We all make mistakes.
But if you don't try,
you'll never get any better.
If you don't try, you'll never have
a reason to believe in yourself.
[soft music plays]

Thank you, Ork-O.
I'll do my best.
[shimmering tone]
Hey! You left your trunk!
[Orko, echoing] What trunk?
[shimmering tone]
- Sorry about what happened.
- Sorry?
If we hadn't gotten switched,
we wouldn't have seen Tri-Klops.
And the baddies
would have gotten the Sword.
[Tri-Klops whirs, sputters]
I know I should be angry
about this little bot,
but Tri-Klops is just another tool
to Trap Jaw,
like you and I were.
I think we've both come
a long way since then.
[Duncan] Yeah.
Maybe it can too.
Sorry I caused so much trouble.
We're happy to have you back.
[thunder rumbling]
[tense music plays]

Skeletor is reborn. I can feel it.
[Randor] Then there's no time to lose.
Eternos needs its king, Dad.
And Eternia needs its hero. Good luck.
By the power of Grayskull!
[all] We have the power!

[glass shatters]
I love the smell of malevolence
in the morning.
Take a seat, kid.
The show's just getting started.
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