Miracle Workers (2019) s03e06 Episode Script

Independence Rock

Wow. Independence Rock.
Glorious, isn't she?
Kinda looks like a turd to me.
And not a solid turd, either.
Just a sad loosey.
It is not a sad loosey.
Independence Rock marks the
halfway point of our journey.
If we can make it there
by the 4th of July
it means we're on track to get
to Oregon before winter.
That's tomorrow. We'll never make that.
We may not make it in one piece,
but I'll get us there in time.
Strap in.
It's about to get bumpy.
Y'all hang on tight, Rev.
You do realise we're still going
incredibly slowly, right?
These oxen are really humming now.
I mean, we can only be going, uh
four, five miles an hour, tops.
Stay with me, baby!
Yeah, I'm probably just gonna
get out and walk.
See you guys at
Independence Rock, I guess.
Isn't it wonderful?
All these brave pioneers
taking a break from the trail
to celebrate our great nation by
Gettin' drunk!
All right, come on!
Who's ready for some ale pong?
I'm trying to get blackout by breakfast.
Farmer John, you're up first.
Come on, bitch.
Hit me with another buffalo
slider, Granny McGill.
A little early to be
hitting the red meat, no?
I usually spend 4th of July with Zeke,
but he's in his honeymoon wagon
with Phaedra,
leaving me to eat my feelings.
In that case, make it two.
Oh, yeah? What's your problem?
I'm just bummed that Trig
never wants to see me ever again.
You know, in some ways,
the emotional hurt
is worse than the bullets
she put in my back.
Well, no. The bullets
were actually much worse.
I still have one lodged in
my spine that's sheer agony.
Hey, Uncle Benny!
Will you take us around the fair?
Okay, squirt, I keep telling you
I'm not Uncle Benny. I'm Benny the Teen,
the most feared outlaw alive.
All right, you win.
But if I hear one word about
balloon hats, I'll shoot you.
Oh, Zeke!
Happy 4th.
Mm. Happy 4th to you, too.
Whoo. Don't get too excited.
I'm sorry, I am just exhausted.
Phaedra and I have been
going at it all night.
Oh, don't paint the whole picture.
No, no, it's not that. We were praying.
And don't get me wrong
I like praying as much
as the next God-fearing man.
Twice a day, maybe three times
if I have a snack in the middle.
But I just wish there was something else
we could connect on, you know?
Well, hey, why don't you
just forget about all that?
Okay, this is our favourite holiday!
Let's go get into some classic
Prudence/Zeke hijinks.
- Hey, that's a great idea.
- Yeah.
- And I'll bring Phaedra.
- Oh, um
This is what we can connect on.
I mean, who can resist
the magic of July the 4th?
You know, I kinda just meant,
like, a you and me thing.
I'm gonna go tell her right now.
This is awesome. Pru, thank you so much.
Granny, make it a double.
- Aw.
- Damn it!
This stupid game is rigged!
Better luck next time.
Give me the bear.
Do it.
- Here you go.
- Yay!
Thanks, Uncle Benny!
Ah, you're welcome.
No sudden moves.
- 'Cause someone's getting a hug!
- Ooh!
I missed you.
Is this how you kill people?
Oh, no. I'm not bounty hunting today.
It's a national holiday.
Some union thing.
Who's that, Uncle Benny?
Hey, little guy.
I'm an enemy of your Uncle Benny's.
It's my job to hunt him down
and kill him
because he's the most wanted
man in the country
and he deserves to rot in hell!
Even if everyone here
is going gaga for Trig.
Wait, Trig is here?
Oh, yeah. She's doing some big heist.
It's part of this crazy
crime spree she's on.
It's so stupid.
Well, maybe I should just
check it out, though, right?
Just see what all the fuss is about.
Hey, kids. You want to check
out an active crime scene?
Ah, so much to do!
We could carve our names
into Independence Rock.
Ooh, look! There's a meet-and-greet
with Uncle Sam in
his White House Wonderland.
- What sounds good to you?
- Uh, all of it.
What do you think, Phaedra?
Oh, um, sorry. What was the question?
I'm just so confused by this sandwich.
Right, yes. No, you want a more
perpendicular entry, dear.
- This?
- Ah, no.
Like, turn it on its axis.
The other axis. Rotate it, like
I'm sorry, I just I don't get this.
Or any of this. I mean, what exactly
are we celebrating here?
The pursuit of happiness?
Happiness is an indulgence
that should be run away from.
Oh, no, you're just not
seeing it the right way.
When I was at the orphanage growing up,
I used to make an American flag
out of a dirty old pillowcase.
And I'd wave it around
and pretend I was in
the Land of the Free.
Ezekiel, you're not a
patriot, are you?
- Well
- Because the man I married
loves God, not America.
Sorry, no. A patriot. Yes.
Um, no, I'm not that.
No. Boo, America!
What are you talking about?
You're like the
biggest patriot I know
Ah! No, no, no, no, I'm not.
I might have experimented
with patriotism in college,
but that was just a phase.
You know what we should do?
We should protest this sick holiday.
- Wouldn't that be righteous?
- Yes.
Wonderful idea, dear.
Well, at least it's
something we can connect on.
This is too many hot dogs.
You you took everything from us.
You're a monster!
Oh, that's so sweet!
Thank you for coming to the robbery.
Everyone, really, thank you.
People are really freaked out by Trig?
Okay, what part of
"I never want to see you again"
don't you understand?
God, you're like obsessed
with me or something.
I'm not here to see you.
I'll have you know, I'm here
on important business.
Uncle Benny? I have to potty.
Levi, you're killin' me!
You just went potty!
Does cholera give you
a tiny bladder, too?
Oh, my God, your new gang
seems pretty tough.
Yeah, well, sorry
to steal the spotlight
but these folks now have
a real bad guy to worry about!
Get 'em up!
Um, I'm sorry. Who are you again?
Benny the Teen.
Oh! Right!
Yeah, I think my parents
were scared of you.
Would you mind if I go back
to being robbed by Trig?
Sorry, Benny. Looks like
I'm new hotness,
and you're an old has-been.
- Oh! Ooh!
- All right, laugh it up.
This isn't the last
you've seen of Benny the Teen,
not by a long shot!
Let's go potty.
Can you believe
that people would deface
this perfectly good rock
with this graffiti?
"W.H. Collins and Co."?
More like, "Erase You
Company," yeah.
And erase you!
- And erase you.
- Psst!
- Pru, what are you doing here?
- What does it look like?
I'm busting you out of here. Let's go.
What in George Washington's
green earth are you doing?
We are returning this rock
to the way God made it,
you disgusting patriots.
Oh, no. No, you did not.
You need to take
that flat, rat-tail pompadour
and pack it up, Bena-bitch Arnold.
Did you hear what he
just said to your wife?
Defend my honour.
- Right, um
- Yes.
You guys are bad.
Good start.
Now elaborate.
I think that America is
dumb and
red, white, and blue
are ugly, ugly colours.
And all you patriots should
go back to England.
Oh, now, you done did it.
You're right, Thomas.
It's not worth it.
You don't feed the trolls.
Come on, let's go.
Good job, dear.
You really showed
those flag-wavers who's boss.
You're right, this is horrible.
I have to get out of here.
Wow, yeah, you have
to be honest with Phaedra
and tell her that you love America.
Yeah, I could do that.
Or, I could lie to her
and live a completely separate
double life behind her back.
Sure. Equally healthy option.
I'm probably gonna do that one.
All right, um bye, sweetheart!
Just going off for a quick break.
- Okay.
- Just a normal break,
doing normal things
for a normal amount of time.
- She doesn't care. Let's go.
- Okay. The lie worked!
I'm washed up?
I'll show them who's washed up.
- What are we doing here?
- Come on, kids!
We need to come up with
something really bad
that Uncle Benny can do,
on short notice!
Emma! Get your head in the game!
I'm gonna need you
to stop eating the grass,
- and focus.
- This is boring.
Can we go see Uncle Sam?
I'm trying to come up
with my big comeback here!
- We're not meeting Uncle Sam!
- Please?
He's the coolest,
bestest guy in the world.
He is, huh?
The rest of you feel that way?
Then I suppose it would be pretty bad
if something were to happen to him?
Yeah, really bad.
All right, let's go meet Uncle Sam.
Why are you laughing so evilly?
Shut up, Levi. No one likes a narc.
Game! Bam! Drink up, Farmer John.
That's right. Todd
Aberdeen's back on top.
Yes, I may have shat my pants
on multiple occasions,
but at least I can still
dominate at ale pong.
Ooh, ale pong?
Oh, I've always wanted to try.
Can I play?
Sure, if you don't mind
getting your butt whooped.
- What?
- That was fun!
Oh, can we play again?
Yeah, okay, just
Rack 'em up.
Lib-er-ty! Lib-er-ty!
Can you believe this is the most fun
I've had on my honeymoon
and my wife isn't even here?
Hey, I get it.
The highlight of my honeymoon
was the night Todd passed out early
and I ate a whole cake in the tub.
I just I thought marriage
would be different, you know?
I thought it'd be fun, and adventures
and, I don't know, fireworks.
I guess we don't always end
up with our fireworks person.
Uh-oh, stop the parade!
- Whoa.
- Troll alert.
Look out, everybody. Whoop whoop!
I am so terribly sorry about
what I said to you earlier.
The truth is, that wasn't me at all.
I actually love the 4th of July.
I knew it!
My USA-dar is flawless!
Now come on, and get
your tushies on this float!
Let's do it.
Nice to meet you, little Levi.
Now tell Uncle Sam,
what's your 4th of July wish?
I wish for a cure for my polio,
and rickets, and scurvy, and measles
Uh, I'll see what I can do.
And Levi, I want you
to have a happy 4th of July.
All right. There you go.
Great wishes, kids. All right, now,
I need you to wait outside.
I'm gonna have a little word
with Uncle Sam.
Off you go.
Get along, little doggies.
Here's the deal.
I need to pull off
an unspeakably heinous crime
to outdo my daughter, and
long story short, I need to kidnap you.
- Oh.
- Yeah, I know, it sucks.
I hope you take it
as a compliment, though.
- I understand.
- Good.
And I hope you understand that Uncle Sam
doesn't go down without a fight!
How are you so jacked?
I want you to die!
Ah, don't worry, kids.
Sam's just taking a little nap.
Hey, help me drag his body out of here.
Yeah! I friggin' love you, America,
and I don't care who knows it!
Yas, honey! You better crown
that good with brotherhood!
- Ezekiel!
- Aah!
What are you doing up there?
Um, this isn't
what it looks like. I'm
Look, Phaedra,
I want to be a good husband to you.
But that also means
being honest with you.
I love America.
I know this must come
as a huge shock to you
but I really hope you can find
some way of accepting it
because it it is
a huge part of who I am.
I absolutely do not accept that.
That part of you
makes me sick and revolted
and the fact that we are
even having this conversation
makes me want to throw myself
off a cliff.
Now get off that float immediately.
Yes, dear.
Yikes. That's a hard attitude
to move forward from.
Zeke, wait.
Haven't you done enough harm already?
Go back to your own husband.
Excuse me, ma'am? I'm so sorry,
but I think I may
have killed your husband.
And, uh, not to pile on,
but I think he shit his pants.
He shit his pants.
Happy 4th.
Step this way, guys.
All right, I got you all
the best seat in the house.
Uh, thanks, but we really
don't have time for fireworks.
We got back-to-back heists tomorrow.
Trust me. You're not gonna
want to miss this.
It's gonna be a real explosion.
Mm, yeah. That's what
fireworks do. They explode.
Just watch, please.
Fireworks! Fireworks!
Folks, folks, folks, folks!
I got some bad news.
Uncle Sam is not gonna be introducing
the fireworks show.
he is the fireworks show.
I want you
to help me!
Boy, you get a lot of mileage
out of that line, don't you?
That's right, folks!
Benny the Teen is gonna
blow up Uncle Sam,
on the 4th of July.
Now who's the baddest outlaw in town?
Damn. That is cold-blooded.
You're not really gonna
blow up Uncle Sam, are you?
Yeah, actually, I am.
Because I need to be back on top.
If I'm not the number one
outlaw in town,
then, I'm nobody.
That's not true.
You're my Uncle Benny. I love you.
Damn you, Levi.
How dare you melt my heart
at a time like this?
All right, hold on, Sam.
I'm coming for you.
- Oh!
- Come on.
I can't believe it.
My own husband, a patriot.
But there is still hope.
We are going to pray the USA away.
All night, if we have to.
Are you sure we can't just
watch the fireworks first?
Absolutely not.
Watching rockets being
shot off into the sky
is a literal assault on heaven.
Dear God, let apple pie
be like ash in his mouth.
I'm gonna get my fireworks.
In fact, make him a cake guy.
Vanilla only, obviously.
- Pru!
- Oh, my God.
Zeke, what?
Wow, Todd. Do you know about your face?
Yes. I blacked out earlier
and apparently some hoodlums
drew penile phalluses on my face.
Sorry about that. Is Pru here?
Uh, I don't know where she is.
And now, if you'll excuse me,
I have to go make sick out of both ends.
Well, I have to say thank you
for those seats.
We got a great view of you
going soft in front of everyone.
Let's go, boys.
We got a bounty hunter on our tail.
Bye, Dad.
Oh, my God. So awkward.
Okay, no, wait. I have to go this time.
Okay, just wait.
- Okay, go.
- Okay. Bye.
- Bye.
- Bye.
God, I love this holiday.
Benny. Um,
what are you doing up at this hour?
I could ask the same thing of you, Rev.
Um, are you You going somewhere?
I sure am. Far away from here.
I made a big mistake tonight,
and it's your fault.
How how is it my fault?
'Cause you made me soft!
All your stupid
"love thy neighbour" crap
must've rubbed off on me,
and it made me weak.
No, Benny, that That is not weakness.
That's strength.
That means deep down inside,
you are a good person.
Don't say that!
I'm Benny the Teen, god damn it!
The meanest son of a bitch there is.
And nobody can take that away from me.
But, no, I mean,
you can't just leave us!
We'll never get to Oregon without you.
That's not my problem.
Maybe you haven't heard.
I'm a bad guy.
Is that Benny?
What is going on out here?
We're [BLEEP].
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