The A-Team (1983) s03e06 Episode Script

Double Heat

(Hannibal) Hit it, B.
Let's get out of here.
Move it! l told Mr.
Lee that l wanted to hire the A-Team to find my daughter.
l am supposed to go before a grand jury and testify against Largo.
Tommy Largo? The mobster? Tommy Largo is here.
We got a message from Eddie Devane.
Go, B.
! [groaning.]
Who are these guys? Hannibal Smith.
Randall St.
But my friends call me Randy.
This is H.
Shut up, fool.
So, what are you saying? We join forces.
We're about to have World War lll on our hands.
What are you guys waiting for? Stop those clowns! (Hannibal) Adios.
(male narrator) In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit.
These men promptly escaped from a maximum-security stockade to the Los Angeles underground.
Today, still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of fortune.
If you have a problem, if no one else can help and if you can find them maybe you can hire the A-Team.
[gun firing.]
l want you to come home and meet my dad, Ray.
Hey, l'd love to, Jenny.
Give me a chance to tell him what a terrific daughter he has.
Thank you.
Hi, Ray.
Hey, Ginger.
Can l get you folks something to drink? How about a little champagne? You got it.
Oh, by the way, you had a phone call about ten minutes ago.
Harry at the gym.
l'll be right back.
You bring her? Yeah, she's at the far table in the back.
Tell her l send my regards to her old man.
[people chattering.]
Last thing you want to do is scream.
What? lf you ever want to see your dad alive again, you slide out of that seat nice and easy.
Let's go.
No, no.
Stop, stop it! No! Yeah, the package was delivered as promised.
We just picked it up.
Any trouble? None.
You want me to get rid of it? No.
No, not yet.
l need it all in one piece.
Bring it out to the estate for safe keeping.
[birds chirping.]
l see you weren't followed.
Olsen you and l are going to take a little ride.
Now, wait a minute.
l don't understand this.
Get in.
See any of the red, white and blue, Colonel? No.
lf we had a tail, we lost him.
Would somebody mind telling me what's going on? l told Mr.
Lee that l wanted to hire the A-Team to find my daughter.
We ran a make on you.
Your record only goes back two years.
Before that there was no George Olsen.
You didn't exist.
l mean, you have no employment record, no lD, nothing.
We don't like dealing with people with no background.
l can explain.
My real name was George Banner.
l used to work for Tommy Largo, as his accountant.
Tommy Largo? The mobster? The man's an animal.
He's the biggest crook in the city.
He makes a rattlesnake look like a charm bracelet.
The government's been after him for years.
They wanted me to testify against him.
Charm bracelet.
l like that.
) lt won't hurt.
ln exchange for my testimony my daughter and l were given new identities and then relocated.
But Largo never went to trial.
Another witness against him suddenly disappeared and the case was dropped.
What's this for? To check you out.
Make sure you're you.
That case was two years ago.
Why would he kidnap your daughter now? Because the government has reopened the case against him.
Tomorrow l am supposed to go before a grand jury and testify against Largo.
But you won't as long as he's got your daughter.
Well, l can't.
And l can't go to the police.
lf Largo and his people found out, they'll kill Jenny.
You told Mr.
Lee that the last time your daughter was seen was with a beach boy named Ray Evans.
How do you know they just didn't go off together for a weekend? No.
l'm telling you, she hardly knew him.
l don't like it.
lf they knew her, they knew him.
Why didn't they just grab you? l've been asking myself that same question.
Okay, we'll check your prints and your record.
lf there was a George Banner that worked for Largo as an accountant we'll get your daughter back.
lf not, adios.
This is H.
Murdock reporting to you live from the scene.
We've just learned that crime lord Tommy Largo has just kidnapped an innocent young girl.
Now, the A-Team has been brought in to help find this girl but the clock is ticking.
They only have 24 hours or it might be too late.
Any reaction? Shut up, fool! Sucker gets out on a weekend pass now he thinks he's a news reporter.
l chronicle our adventures for posterity.
l put down verbally what we are, and what we're all about.
Have you any reaction, anything to say to the folks back at home? Yeah.
lf you don't get your finger out of my face l'm gonna turn it into chopped liver.
(Hannibal) Come on, guys, we gotta pick up Face.
[seagulls cawing.]
Now, according to Olsen this is Evans' favorite hang out, and since he was the last one to see Jenny Olsen alive-- l know, l know.
Go in, say hello and bring him out.
And we'll be waiting right here.
And you'll be waiting right here.
Faceman, l'd practice my serve if l was you.
[woman chattering.]
lt's real nice.
Excuse me, may l see your membership card please? Wait a minute.
Can l see your membership card? Priscilla.
l like that.
That's nice.
Randall St.
But my friends call me Randy.
Uh, could l see your card please? Uh, club rules.
l'm here as a guest of Ray Evans.
l don't remember him leaving a pass at the desk for you.
Oh, thank God.
That means he's forgot about the game.
That gives me the psychological edge, see? Oh, this is great.
l'm ready, l'm mentally alert, l'm pumped up and he's not even thinking about the game.
l'll kill him.
Now, where'd you say l could find him? ln the weight room.
To your right.
l'll bet you have a terrific backhand.
Hi, how you doing'? Pumping a little iron, huh? Yeah, nothing like a little exercise.
That's all right, l got it.
Priscilla tells me you're a good friend of mine.
Me? Oh, no, she-she's made a mistake.
She's got me confused with somebody else.
l'm Dave Osborne.
How are you doing? Yeah.
Well, it's been nice talking to you.
l, uh.
Want to tell me what you're doing here, pal? [grunts.]
What was that question again? [exclaiming.]
Oh, no, no, not the window.
[glass shattering.]
Nice job, Lieutenant.
(Face) He'll be out in a minute.
Pick on somebody your own size, sucker.
What do you guys want? Some information on Jenny Olsen.
Like where's she at? Hey, l don't know what you're talking about.
That's the wrong answer.
Somebody knew she was at the restaurant and you're the guy who took her there.
Look, it was just a coincidence we were there.
l don't believe in coincidence.
But more importantly, neither does he.
That's right.
l hate coincidence.
l was paid to take her there.
That's all l know.
l don't know where they took her.
Ginger's the one you want to talk to.
She's a waitress there.
(Hannibal) Okay, B.
''Bronze god stinks and sinks.
'' lt'll make the morning edition, back page.
Hit it, B.
Move it! They wanna play games, Face.
[gun clicking.]
[gun fires.]
[gun fires.]
Are you all right? l think so.
Well, looks like Tommy Largo is trying to take all the pieces off the board.
You're working for the wrong people, honey.
l don't know what you're talking about.
l don't even know Tommy Largo.
Lady, we haven't got time for 20 questions.
We know you were involved in the Olsen girl's kidnapping.
You had to be working for Tommy Largo.
l work for Eddie Devane, he owns the restaurant.
He's the one who wanted the girl.
Eddie Devane? lf there's anyone in this town you don't wanna get caught by, it's Tommy Largo and the one person in town he doesn't wanna get caught by is Eddie Devane.
(Face) Tommy Largo, and now Eddie Devane.
Oh, l don't know, Hannibal.
l hate to be an alarmist but getting caught between Attila The Hun and Jaws is not my idea of how to live to a ripe old age.
Oh, l don't know.
We're getting paid to get the Olsen girl back and if we have to sweep up a couple of the world's great hairballs in the process it'll just stimulate our circulation.
lt stimulates mine.
Stimulates the Colonel's circulation.
How about yours, Face? (Hannibal) Now, honey, you want to tell us where Devane's keeping the girl? l don't know.
All l was told to do was to find someone to connect with the girl and to bring her to the restaurant.
Obviously Mr.
Largo thinks you know a lot more.
Look, if you want to find the girl, talk to Devane.
Oh, we'd like to, but Eddie's a little crazy about his privacy.
No one seems to know where he is.
But then, uh, maybe you're the kind of girl who could tell us where to find him.
l'm just a waitress.
l don't know where he is.
l mean, Eddie Devane must have 16 houses around the country.
The only people he talks to are the ones he does business with.
) Don't understand it, Hannibal.
The girl's father gonna testify against Largo why did Devane grab her? They hate each other.
lt's a guarantee that Olsen's gonna testify against Largo.
l mean, whoever holds Olsen's daughter controls Olsen's testimony.
Oh, so Devane lets the government take out the competition.
That's nice.
Trouble is, the way Devane works the girl'll be dead in 30 seconds after her father finishes testifying.
We gotta get to her first.
Like Face said, Hannibal, nobody know where Devane is at.
Yeah, well, if you want Devane go see Tommy Largo.
Oh, sure, we'll just go knock on Tommy's door and say, ''Excuse us, Tommy, could you take us to Eddie Devane, please?'' Oh, l admit he might not just take us there.
We might have to point him in the right direction.
And we'll need a couple of props.
Uh, Face, you take Murdock.
Oh, no, no, no, Hannibal, not Murdock.
You know what he does to my scams.
Remember how he almost got us caught on that military base last month? (Murdock) Now wait a minute You remember? You wanted a tank.
l had no way of knowing that there was a shell in that barrel.
ln the first place-- Face, you gotta take Murdock or we can't get what we want.
All right.
Face, when are you gonna shave that mustachio? l mean, you just ain't the same person with that hair over your lip.
Really? Look, you just let me do the talking.
[dog barking.]
Reynolds? Yeah, what do you want? Hey, what's going on here? lt's best we're not seen talking together.
They have spies.
Spies? Yeah, spies.
They're little guys with beady eyes and long fingernails.
They plant bugs that can pick up the hush of a man's heartbeat or the whisper of a falling hair.
These, uh, papers were taken from their embassy.
Now, they must be flown out of state immediately.
Only we can't go through official channels on account of we've got a security leak, see? So, we'll have to use your helicopter.
Helicopter? You've gotta be kidding.
l can't let you take a 'copter.
l've got 'em all booked up for charter.
Charters? Priorities, man, priorities.
You think that flying little old ladies around the harbor is what made America great? No.
Sacrifice, blood, sweat, tears winning one for the Duke.
Don't you love your country? Hey, l happen to be a--a Grand Master of the Moosehead Lodge, 347.
And not only that, wait till you see this.
l happen to have a valid voter registration card.
And not many people take the time to go vote.
Yes, sir, l'm down there for the primaries and the elections and l'm proud of it.
l can't tell you what this means to me.
l want to shake your hand.
Yeah, and l want to shake your hand.
You guys have a dirty job and you're doing it.
Take the Ranger.
She's gassed up and ready to go.
l won't forget this.
You should get a medal, or even a commendation.
lt's against company policy, but l want you to know that what you have done will not go unnoticed.
You, sir, are a patriot and an American.
What do you say, guys? Hey, what is this? Who the hell are you? We got a message from Eddie Devane and it's for you, Mr.
He's got the girl and he's willing to deal.
He wants to talk to me, he knows where l am.
He don't have to send a bunch of cowboys to find me.
l'm right here in my club.
Eddie would like you to come and visit him.
l don't jump when Eddie Devane wants me to jump.
l got a business to run.
Really? Face.
[gun firing.]
Now, you don't have any more business and you can come visit Eddie.
Bernie Ward, P.
Press as a fellow with an obvious keen eye for distance would you say that this toss was the standard of quality for the big fellow or would you say it didn't measure up? No comment? l understand.
(Hannibal) Go, B.
[tires screeching.]
, keep on going around and drop me on the other side of the club.
Face, hand me the hat and coat, will you? Uh, Hannibal, do you think it's a good idea going back there after what you just did to that guy? lt's gonna take a little split second timing but he'll never recognize me.
The man's on the jazz again.
He's on the jazz.
(Largo) lf Devane thinks he's gonna get away with sending some clowns in here to bust up my place he's leaking air.
Get the car.
Hey, l don't like it.
lt could be a trap.
Devane could have a whole army waiting.
He don't need an army! He's got the girl.
lf l don't get her in 24 hours l am a dead man.
Come on, let's go.
[birds chirping.]
Hey, get away from the car.
Get off the car.
[engine starts.]
(Hannibal) Okay, they're rolling.
(Murdock) Lift off, Colonel.
Heading into the wild blue.
(Hannibal) Heading down Claremont toward Melbourne.
(Face) Right.
(Murdock) This is your traffic birdie flying high in the sky cooing at you from the clouds Southbound on the 57 freeway, we have a fender-bender, yeah.
She's at a crawl, folks, zippo progresso.
She just ain't moving.
Me, l'd hang a Louie and head for the beach.
Murdock, Face, did you spot anything yet? There's a cute little redhead sashaying down Fifth.
Face, pay attention to business.
Bingo, Hannibal.
Yeah, there they are, going east on Montana Canyon.
Now they're turning north onto Rinaldi.
Hey, Colonel, that phosphorescent paint you spilled on the roof glows like a neon sign.
We'll stay way back so they can't see us.
Point you in like a homing pigeon, Colonel.
(Murdock) It appears our friend is heading for Point Dume, Colonel.
Sticking to him like glue.
(Face) Looks like he's heading towards Rancho Springs.
(Hannibal) We just turned off at Castaic Junction.
(Murdock) Your 'copter team is in tune, Colonel flying straight and true.
(Hannibal) We've gone 70 miles already.
l hope this guy's not going out of state.
(Face) Hold on, Hannibal.
Looks like he's turning off.
(Murdock) Bingo, muchachos our little birdie has found its nest.
Settling down in a clearing, about a mile north of target.
Talk you in.
Tell him Tommy Largo is here.
Don't worry about it.
Everything is okay.
So what is Largo doing here? He's clean.
The boys are checking the car right now.
Okay, you said you wanted to talk.
Let's talk.
Read my lips, Tommy.
l don't know what you're talking about.
You have the girl.
l want her.
Tommy, Tommy l didn't bust up your club.
And if l had the girl maybe l'd make a deal with you.
l don't know.
But l don't have her.
And l didn't ask you down here to talk to me.
Gotta hand it to you, though, Tommy.
lt took guts walking in here.
Say, why don't you quit the violin music? l put out the word l was coming down here.
Now, you take me out the commission will come down on you like a rock.
l'll remember that.
Okay, so if you didn't bust up my place, who did? Who are those four guys? A whole big four of them, huh? And they knocked your place sideways.
You know, if l were you, Tommy l would go out, and l would hire those guys.
l mean, with the help you got working for you now people are liable to think you're an easy guy to push around.
Too many guys have made that mistake.
Anyone go in and bust up Largo's club? lt wasn't any of our guys.
Well, then, l'd sure like to meet the guys that did it.
What did you find out? He's in an estate.
Four miles east of the l-5 overpass out by the Santa Rosa off-ramp.
Now, they've got three guys posted along the outside wall.
One with binoculars.
And there's armed guards patrolling the perimeter with Dobermans.
The place is a veritable fortress.
We're never gonna get in there, Hannibal.
Face is absolutely right.
lt's sealed as tight as a can of peas.
l don't know, Hannibal there's gotta be a way of getting in the place and checking it out.
Right, B.
All it takes is a little imagination.
You know, l'd really hate to think your father was stupid enough to go and hire those wise guys that shot up Largo's club.
'Cause if he did, they kicked over the wrong place looking for you, baby.
Please, can't you just let my father and l go on with our lives? Why can't you just leave us alone? Just hope your father pays attention.
Maybe you'll walk outta here.
Here, get on the horn.
Say hello to Daddy.
Yes? Dad, it's Jenny.
I'm all right.
l'm, uh.
Just keep your mouth shut and listen.
(Devane) You wanna see your daughter again you go before that grand jury tomorrow and you testify against Tommy Largo, just like they want you to.
Bury him.
Who was that? My daughter.
She's going to San Francisco to spend the weekend with a friend.
Okay, Mr.
Olsen, let's go.
We've got a car waiting outside.
The government has set up a temporary place for you.
Hey, hey, hey, what's the matter? l'm not paying you guys to count clouds, huh? [helicopter whirring.]
Uh, l'm Leo the Lizard otherwise known as, uh, Hannibal Smith.
Boy, l sure was lucky to hit your pool.
You know, we got a new pilot.
l tried to tell him about the drift factor, but would he listen? No.
l mean, l'm supposed to land dead on target when l'm tumbling butt over backwards with a 50 mile-an-hour cross wind.
You know, l'm supposed to be in front of Stephen J's supermarket at 1 2:00 sharp.
l got 300 hot, screaming kids waiting to see Leo the Lizard.
Yeah, and here l am standing here.
Where am l? Search him.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
No, you can't be too careful.
You don't mind if, uh, l use your phone to call a cab, would you? Say, this is a nice place you got here.
You ever throw parties? l mean, l just don't do lizards.
(Devane) Get him outta here.
Well, uh, yeah.
You know, uh.
[Hannibal grunts.]
You guys got no idea how hard it is getting out of this thing.
And talk about hot.
Did l ever tell you l used to sell shoes? Hold it.
Nobody leaves here without being searched.
Boy, l sure like your security around here.
Well, nice talking to you.
See you later.
Hold it.
What's this? Uh, well, now, uh you're not gonna believe this, but, uh l don't know what's written there.
What's it say? And l don't want to know what's written there.
lt says, ''Help''.
l'm sorry.
l had no idea.
l was just trying to get some help.
Don't worry.
There's no way you could have known.
The Team will be here pretty quick.
And l brought some extra help.
[gun clicks.]
Now, Godfrey, are you sure this is where Leo landed? Yep.
Confirmed reconfirmed.
lt's 32 degrees north, Bingo.
This is where our little birdie has come to roost or my name is not Billy Bob Godfrey.
Oh, great.
Well, we're miles off of course.
Do you know what it's like having a shopping center full of kids waiting to see Leo the Lizard, and he doesn't show up? Huh? Do you? No, you wouldn't know.
But l know.
They're going bananas.
l ran out of balloons, l ran out of Popsicles.
lf l don't get Leo the Lizard down there l'm gonna have a full fledged riot on my hands.
Now, l want to see the owner of these premises about my lost lizard! [intercom buzzes.]
Yeah? This is Kelow down by the main gate.
l got some guy here, says he's looking for Leo the Lizard.
Well, get rid of him.
Devane these guys are liable to go out and start calling the police.
He says he tracked him down here.
All right, all right.
Send him up here.
l'll handle it.
Okay follow the driveway up to the main house.
You have no idea how l appreciate this.
[door creaks.]
[door shuts.]
Look, after l get rid of this guy you take his pal in that frog suit out to the desert and dump him in a hole.
[guns firing.]
Get the girl, get the girl! That's who they've gotta be after! [guns firing.]
Oh, Mr.
Smith, l think-- You're coming upstairs with me.
Right location, wrong guy, pal.
[gunfire continuing.]
You will freeze like Wiener schnitzels my little ice cubes.
You two all right? Yeah.
Yeah, fine, Face, except she can't stand lizards.
Get in the back, Jenny.
You guys are never gonna get outta here in one piece.
You're dead.
Button up, sleazeball.
l filled a cemetery with wise guys like you.
Concerning what you just said, Eddie, could you elaborate? Could you be more specific? l mean, how big was the grave yard? How many wise guys, huh? [guns firing.]
(Murdock) Hannibal, they got reinforcements! Let's get outta here! Go, B.
[tires screeching.]
What are you guys waiting for? Stop those clowns! [fires.]
[phone ringing.]
Yeah? Nobody fires machine guns at me and gets away with it, Largo.
What are you talking about? Four guys just hit my place and grabbed the Olsen girl.
Four guys? Just four guys? Well, let me tell you something, they weren't working for me.
They're probably the same guys that busted up my place.
Who are these guys? Looks like we got some new players on the block.
And if we don't do something about it we are in deep trouble.
They knocked you over and they knocked me over.
We're gonna start to look like a couple of chumps pretty soon.
Hey, look, l got enough problems with this grand jury thing coming up, huh? The way l look at it we got to forget we don't like each other.
We're both fighting the clock.
l've gotta get to the Olsen girl before l go down on a kidnapping rap and you have got to get to her old man before his testimony puts you away for life.
So, what are you saying? We join forces.
Do it, B.
[phone ringing.]
Jenny, thank God you're safe.
Dad, where are you? The, uh, Federal marshals have got me here at the Royal Regency.
lt was my father.
Check this phone.
The Federal marshals have him at the Royal Regency.
And he said that on the phone, right? Yeah.
lt's definitely bugged, all right.
Devane knew where you were.
He bugged your phone.
And now he knows your father's at the Royal Regency.
Let's go.
(Hannibal) Stay put till you hear from us.
(Olsen) Oh! How long does it take to get service around here? We must've ordered those sandwiches a half an hour ago.
lt'll be here in just a minute.
Look, l know the strain you're under.
Well, l got a lot on my mind.
Oh, l wish this were over already.
lt'll all be over in two hours.
Just try and relax.
You're safe here.
[knocking on door.]
(Hannibal) Room service.
[chain rattling.]
Okay, bring it in.
Three roast beefs on rye two dinner salads, French dressing on the side and three hot coffees.
You're not the regular waiter on this shift.
No, l'm just standing in.
Harry had to leave.
His wife's having a baby.
Sign here.
That so? Federal marshal.
They wouldn't have sent a new waiter up here without checking with me first.
Boy, you guys sure are cautious.
Hey, what'd you think, it was poison or something? l'm checking with downstairs.
Hey, hey, hey, wait a minute.
l--l--l was just kidding.
Just making a joke.
Uh, it's fine, see? Look, look, it's fine, see? See? All right.
l guess l just got carried away.
(Olsen) What's going on? (Ryan) We've got a security break.
Let's get him out of here.
[door shuts.]
Call an ambulance.
Room 21 4.
There's a sick man in there.
All right, guys, come on in.
Face? (Face) Yeah.
Crude, but effective.
We're lucky we got here first.
They could be here any second.
l know.
We're about to have World War lll on our hands.
This is it.
l can get a live exclusive.
l can record it the moment it happens.
Yeah, Murdock-- This is it.
The final show-down, the big tamale.
The A-Team, four men, four mercenaries fighting for truth, justice and the American way against an army of slime and sleaze.
This is it.
The A-Team against.
Out-manned, outgunned-- Shut up, fool! We gotta get ready.
Tell me, when this is all over, Eddie what're you gonna do? You gonna take another pass at me? Okay, so how do we pull this off? They got Federal marshals guarding him.
We use our brains, that's how.
[knocking on door.]
(Brocklin) Room service.
That's very uninventive.
You know you really should go into some other line of work.
l'll take it, sir.
Keys to the car, right? Okay.
[mimicking British accent.]
All right, sweetheart has anybody here seen a parking attendant on the premises? Has anyone seen a parking attendant on the premises? You really should have parked his car.
[guns firing.]
Hey, Hannibal, they're coming around front! [guns continue firing.]
[engine starts.]
Come on, come on, come on! Let's get out of here! This is it, ladies and gentlemen a chance to talk to Tommy and Eddie and to capture for future generations to come their exact words as uttered by their bruised, drooling lips.
Come on, Tommy, come on, Eddie, speak to me.
Talk to the world.
Anything to say? Shy, l guess.
l guess.
Yes, it is over.
Tommy Largo and Eddie Devane are a bad memory.
They have been weighed on the scales of justice and have been found wanting.
And now the A-Team that intrepid bunch of adventurers.
[Murdock chattering.]
We owe you a lot.
More than we can ever repay.
lt was a pleasure.
(Murdock) and set off into the sunset.
Four lonely guys, outcasts.
l think we've seen this program before.
who are always willing to lay it on the line whenever they hear a cry for help.
, would you change the channel, please? or a miscarriage of justice or someone being victimized by those who seek to take advantage of the little guy.
And that's the way it is, October 21st, 1951 .

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