Bleach s03e07 Episode Script

Hitsugaya Roars!

Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Scars that just refuse to fade from memory Sometimes the burden 's too much for one to bear Don't give up on me, please don't turn me away Whoa! I'll hold your hand in mine Will I lose my hold on her someday? Will her smile fade In a flood of tears Or can I keep the fears at bay? Echoing, distant voices wither into silence.
But there is one thing that will never ever age my love for you is timeless Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Smiles with hearts' bitterness replaced "I'll never smile again" "I'll never let love in" Don't ever say such things to me A future we cannot see All happenings Find meaning in the story In time the clouds will clear away, so just stay, please stay with me Whoa! Who are we to pass through you? Whoa! That answer will find you someday So Aizen wasn't enough for you You had to make Hinamori suffer too.
You made her grip her sword so hard that her hands bled! What are you talking about? I told you If you ever made Hinamori bleed, I'd kill you! That won't do.
Draw your sword here and I'll be forced to stop you.
Captain Ichimaru! Stay back, Izuru You don't want to die yet, do you? Don't be stupid.
Staying back won't be good enough.
Get lost, Kira! Even when you can't see us anymore, keep going.
If you're within ten miles of me I can't guarantee that I won't end up killing you.
An opening.
As expected of Toshiro Hitsugaya, Captain of Squad 10 A child prodigy, the sort that comes along only once every few centuries.
How very dangerous You're serious, aren't you? Incredible! What amazing Spiritual Pressure.
At this rate I'm coming for you! Well, Captain of Squad 10? How's it feel being cornered? I see I shouldn't have underestimated you Toshiro Hitsugaya.
Or I'll end up regretting it afterwards.
No, not so fast Because your true regret begins now! You pushed me to it.
Feel regret, to the fullest extent! Reign over the Frosted Heavens! Hyorinmaru! A dragon of water and ice created by overflowing Spiritual Pressure.
And it can even control the weather! This is the first time I'm seeing it.
So this is Captain Hitsugaya's ultimate water-ice Zanpakuto Hyorinmaru! So much water! What speed! I couldn't avoid it! Captain! It's over! Ichimaru! Shoot 'em dead Shinso! You sure you wanna dodge this? The girl, will die Hinamori! Matsumoto! Forgive me, sir.
I was returning to the stable as ordered, but I sensed Hyorinmaru's Spiritual Pressure and came back.
Please withdraw your sword, Captain Ichimaru.
If you do not I shall engage you from here.
It's day break Only two days left.
It's true that Ichigo is improving rapidly Compared to an average Soul Reaper, his growth is astonishing.
But that only applies to his combat skills.
His Spirit Energy hasn't increased as much.
Okay! I'm done warming up! Where'd Miss Yoruichi go? I wanna get started soon.
At this rate, can he actually attain Bankai in only two more days? Should I extend his training? According to the intel I gathered, since Rukia entered the Seireitei, her execution was cut by 5 days, to 25 days.
So after Ichigo's three days of training, the execution would've been the following day.
We had no time to spare.
But for better or for worse, when we got here, we were chased by a Cleaner in the Senkaimon, and tore through the Dangai, Precipice World.
And there timeframe shifted in our favor when we entered into the Soul Society.
WORLD OF THE LIVING 7 DAYS 10 DAYS SOUL SOCIETY 15 DAYS 25 DAYS WORLD OF THE LIVING 7 DAYS 10 DAYS SOUL SOCIETY 15 DAYS 25 DAYS It's possible to extend the training! But what do we do? Kisuke developed that training program based on himself.
The only one ever to succeed was Kisuke! Miss Yoruichi! Moreover, the 3-day period is what it took for Kisuke to achieve Bankai.
And he determined that a longer time period would be dangerous.
Hey, Miss Yoruichi! He did say Don't worry! Mr.
Kurosaki's gifts are greater than mine! So I trusted him and let Ichigo train, but Hey! Yoruichi! But there's no guarantee that Ichigo's soul can withstand the extra days of training.
Hey, damn it! Yoruichi! Come on out, now! Or are ya so scared of me that you ran away?! I'll give it one more day And if there's still no change in his Spirit Energy, I'll just have to take the risk What did you say? What? Did you not hear? Then I shall say it again.
Miss Rukia Kuchiki, the date of execution has been changed once more.
The execution will take place tomorrow.
If you hadn't come, Hinamori would be dead.
Thanks, Matsumoto.
Not at all.
Stop, Ichimaru! Instead of coming after me Look after the Lieutenant of Squad 5.
That bad habit of yours Always disappearing without telling me where you're going still hasn't changed.
Gin Where are you trying to go? That letter of Aizen 's How much of it was fabricated? Captain Aizen! The part about the power of the Sokyoku being released by Rukia Kuchiki's execution And the plot to use that power to destroy the Soul Society was it true? If it is true If that's what Ichimaru is after I'll A Hell Butterfly? Attention all Captains and Lieutenants.
A change has been made concerning the execution date for the prisoner Rukia Kuchiki.
The execution will be carried out 29 hours from now.
This ruling is final.
There will be no further changes.
That is all.
Captain! The execution and the release of Sokyoku's power If that's Ichimaru's plan, I can't let this execution proceed.
Come with me, Matsumoto.
We're going to stop the execution.
Attention all Captains and Lieutenants.
A change has been made concerning the execution date for the prisoner Rukia Kuchiki.
The execution will be carried out 29 hours from now.
I repeat.
A change has been made concerning the execution date for the prisoner Rukia Kuchiki.
THREE This ruling is final.
There will be no further changes.
There's no doubt.
That's his Spiritual Pressure He seems to be making steady progress.
But why do I feel so uneasy, since a moment ago? Something I sense something ominous approaching.
I was wondering what you were doing, holed up down here.
That's your Zanpakuto's true form? Secretly training for Bankai? That looks like fun Can I join you? Renji! "What're you doing here?" That's the look you're giving me.
Hell, no special reason.
We're running outta time.
And I needed someplace where I could focus on training.
"Running out of time?" Whaddya mean? Well, okay.
I guess I should tell you The time of Rukia's execution has changed.
What did you say?! The new time is noon tomorrow! I hate to admit it but my powers now aren't good enough to save Rukia.
That's why I'm here.
Don't worry.
I'm not gonna mess with your training.
I already know how to externalize a Zanpakuto.
I'm very close to attaining Bankai.
I'm just gonna do my own thing over here.
T-Tomorrow? But he'll never master Bankai by then.
You sure you wanna be saying that, Miss Yoruichi? Wasn't this training your idea? Then don't be the first one to give up! But Ichigo, if you don't achieve Bankai by tomorrow I told you! I don't want to hear what happens if I can't If tomorrow's the deadline It just means I have to take care of it today! His Spiritual Pressure! This guy--! So the execution is tomorrow I know! Before the execution, I'll ask that Ichigo and the others be allowed to return to the World of the Living.
I belong to the Kuchiki clan, after all.
They might honor it.
The execution is tomorrow When I heard that, I was surprised, but strangely enough I wasn't sad.
It must be because of the dream I had last night.
A dream about the night that I 'II never forget.
Sir Kaien! Sir Kaien! Sir Kaien! Sir Kaien! Sir Kaien! Sir Kaien! Happy People Come on, Come on, Come on Happy People Here we Go! Everybody stand up! Everybody fight! Relief is anxiety But Keep Your Head Right Up! To the Sky! No matter when (Oh Yeah!) No matter where (Oh Yeah!) Just call me anytime! (Oh Yeah!) I'll be your strength Happy people's In The House!!! With a tough smile Happy people's In The House!!! You have to live! Wow Happy people In The House All right Happy People Sir Kaien Nothing about of me Is worth saving UP NEXT, THE ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO SOUL REAPERS - HOORAY FOR CANNED FOOD! Former Commander of the Stealth Force, Yoruichi Shihoin! FORMER COMMANDER OF THE STEALTH FORCE, YORUICHI SHIHOIN FORMER COMMANDER OF THE STEALTH FORCE, YORUICHI SHIHOIN February 2017
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