Bloodline (2015) s03e07 Episode Script

Part 30

1 [.]
Young man goes out Looking for the diamond in the sea Old man rows his boat to shore And falls with twisted knees And you'll drown Before the water lets you in Yeah, you'll drown Before the water lets you in [TICKING.]
You okay? You ready? John, this depo from Chelsea changes everything.
That doesn't make sense for Meg.
She's had no history of domestic violence or abuse.
She's gonna be characterized as the angry ex for whatever reason their engagement fell off.
So, it's gonna devolve into a "he said, she said.
" But we're missing the "she said" part.
Of course, her DNA is gonna be found at Marco's.
But she left the day after the man was murdered.
And Chelsea's placed her at the scene with motive.
You really have no idea where she is? No, I don't.
- That doesn't seem weird to you? - Well, what the fuck, Brandon? What about Kevin? We've got eyewitness testimony.
Your brother's gonna have to hit it out of the park.
Frankly, I'm concerned.
He seems a little unstable.
My brother's gonna do just fine.
Yeah he better.
Hi there, Mrs.
May I help you? Yeah, well, you know, we've We've actually met before.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Yes, of course we have.
You're Mr.
Del? - Delveccio.
Yeah, yeah.
- Delveccio.
How can I help you? I know I know what you're thinking.
I I do.
I know what you're thinking.
I should have brought you flowers, and you're right.
I should have, but I I really couldn't find what I was looking for around here, so I'm sorry.
I'm I'm really sorry.
You know, now's not a A good time.
Tiger lilies.
Right? Sign of female courage? 'Cause I'm worried about you, Sally.
I am.
I'm I'm seeing things.
Information is just It's coming in all the time.
I, uh I'm sorry, but I have a very early morning Oh, no, no, no.
Look, I don't I don't I don't wanna scare you off.
But I've seen you, Sally.
I I beg your pardon? You're just not well.
You're not even breathing.
- What? - You're dead.
- You need to go.
- No.
Look, I'm I'm not here to hurt you.
It's nothing like that.
Please, I I wanna help.
I have to help.
Whatever you know, whatever you've done, there's a way, there's hope.
- I've seen it.
- Sorry.
I'm sorry.
I That shadow you feel inside? You can get rid of it by talking.
That That's what I saw.
Sally, get yourself to a priest.
To a church.
Talk, Sally, talk.
Just talk.
- The blue's healing super nicely.
Better rest up for tomorrow, beauty.
You wondering why the fuck you decided to do this yet? No.
I'm wondering why I picked something that takes so many fucking visits.
You said you wanted it finished by your birthday.
- And so it shall be.
Thirty fucking five.
Ah! What are you doing up? Oh I can't sleep.
This fucking tooth is killing me.
Didn't Dr.
Fred give you something for the pain? Yeah, I didn't fill it.
I think I have some Vicodin.
I don't think I should take it, Belle.
You know [BELLE.]
Come on, Kev.
You're an alcoholic, you're not a Vicodin addict.
You can't go in there tomorrow on no sleep.
Well It's gonna be fine.
You keep them just in case.
I'm not talking about the painkillers, I'm talking about court.
You're gonna be great.
You're gonna be there, right? Of course.
We're all gonna be there.
No matter what happens, we're gonna be okay, aren't we? - Me and you? - Of course.
What do you mean? 'Cause that's the only thing I care about.
You and Rocky.
That's it.
Let's get some sleep, okay? Come on.
Come on.
Let's get some sleep.
We're sorry, you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service.
If you feel you have reached this recording in error, please check [THUMPING BASS CONTINUES.]
- John? - Hey.
- It's late.
Is everything okay? - I'm sorry.
I was wondering if I could I was wondering if I could stay a couple nights.
Well, sure, honey.
We're booked, but you can have your old room.
- That's fine.
- Is everything all right at the motel? Oh, yeah, no, it's fine.
It's the The plumbing at the hotel and In the building.
They're working on it.
It's just a matter of time.
- Just want you to know I'm grateful.
- I don't wanna talk about it.
I feel good.
Like we're gonna get them.
You know? Maybe.
I mean, they do have an eyewitness.
Fucking Kevin's a piece of shit.
And now we're gonna destroy him.
- Yeah? - [SALLY.]
Can I come in? Of course.
You got everything you need? Yeah.
I'm having trouble sleeping.
Oh, I keep having these dreams.
I dreamed I was at a funeral in the middle of a river, and people all brought the same flowers.
Tiger lilies.
I I wanna ask you something.
It's about Meg.
- What about her? - Have you talked to Meg, Mom? Have you had any contact with her? How many times are you? I'm gonna keep asking you about it, because if she doesn't come back here, they're gonna make her a suspect.
And the fact that nobody in this family has heard from her makes her look very guilty.
I don't know where she is, John.
Her car is still in the parking lot.
Weren't you supposed to sell her car? I know.
I just haven't gotten around to it.
Is that because you think she's gonna need it when she comes back after the trial, or is that something she told you? - John Please stop.
- You are not protecting her.
You've gotta understand.
You have no goddamn idea how easily this whole thing could go sideways.
You have no idea.
I need to talk to her.
Please, tell me where she is.
Sorry I missed your call.
Please leave me a message.
I shouldn't even have called you.
I appreciate you trying to help.
Okay? But that's your inheritance.
There's a reason your dad didn't want you to come down to the Keys.
He didn't bring you down here, he didn't want you to meet that fucking family, and that money It's your ticket out.
I'll do it.
I'll cover any other legal fees.
Any cost to further discovery, I'll do my best to limit.
And I can still follow up with Chelsea's deposition, and I can fact-check within our budget.
What do you mean, "follow up"? Well, right now it's her word against Kevin Rayburn's.
And it would be better if we had corroborating evidence that proved that she actually drove Meg Rayburn to Marco's house.
- Do we have time to try and find that? - [MIA.]
Which means I'm gonna have to ask the judge for a stay.
What the fuck is a stay? Basically, I would petition the judge to postpone the trial, and it's highly unlikely that she'll grant it.
- But it's possible? - You'll talk to the judge this morning? I'll try.
But don't hold your breath.
- [KEVIN.]
- [BELLE.]
You're famous.
I didn't think there'd be so many people.
It's all gonna be okay.
They're all rooting for you.
- Kevin, can we get a word? - [BELLE.]
- What are you gonna say? - He's not talking.
- Do you hate Eric? - [BELLE.]
No, thank you.
What a circus.
But he's gonna do terrific.
- Of course he is.
- Hey.
- You ready? - Yep.
- Easy-breezy.
- I got this.
Enough, okay? Well, let's go.
Curtain's coming up.
Remember, you need a break, you let us know.
You need a question repeated, let us know.
You need anything, just let us know.
After you received the call from Marco Diaz, what happened? I walked over to his house.
You walked? Uh, yes, sir.
I had a suspended license.
- Why is that? - I had some drug issues last year.
I got into a car accident and I got a DUI.
Were you sober when you walked to see Marco? Yes, sir.
How long had you been sober prior to that night? Uh One month, 30 days.
I went into AA the day after the accident, so I just got my six-month chip.
Well, congratulations.
What did you see when you arrived at Marco's? Well, first I heard arguing as I approached the door.
- And then? - Through the glass of the front door, I saw Marco get hit in the head.
And then what happened? I tried to stop it, but I got there too late.
Marco was already getting hit over and over again.
I didn't know what to do.
So, um I yelled something and, um Yeah, I tried to stop it, but it It was It was awful.
That's when I got shot.
Is the person that shot you in this courtroom today? Kevin? Can you identify the person that you saw kill Marco Diaz? - Yes, sir.
- Will you please point them out to us? He's sitting right there.
Eric O'Bannon.
He killed Marco, and then he shot me.
Rayburn, I'd like to ask you one further question.
When you were at Marco Diaz's house, did you see anyone else other than the defendant and Marco? No, sir.
You didn't see your wife? - No.
- Did you see your sister? No.
- Your brother? - No.
Any other relatives, family members? Aunts, uncles, cousins? No.
Nothing further, Your Honor.
Miss Santos, cross? Where's John? I don't know.
Let's go back to the night of the murder.
I'm a little confused.
Maybe you can clarify something.
- I'll try.
- I'm sure you will.
I have your cell phone records in front of me.
On the night of the murder, your sister, Meg, called you several times.
Why was she trying so desperately to get in touch with you? I don't know.
I never spoke to her.
You'd have to ask her.
Unfortunately, since she's disappeared, we can't.
Objection, Your Honor.
Careful, counselor.
Yes, Your Honor.
Did your sister leave you any voicemails? Yes.
She just asked me to call her back.
And why didn't you do that? Why didn't you take her calls? Do you have any siblings? Sometimes you don't wanna deal with family stuff, you know? I just wasn't in the mood.
I see.
And these records also show that you called your brother, John, seven times that night.
That seems unusual.
Why were you so intent on getting in touch with him? Um Mr.
Rayburn, I asked you a question.
Why were you trying so desperately to get in touch with John? - Objection, Your Honor.
- Sustained.
Rephrase it, counselor.
Why did you call your brother, John, seven times? - I had to talk to him.
- Well, these records indicate that you did speak to him for several moments.
What was that about? Why did you need to talk to him? My wife was pregnant at the time.
And, uh she was having some abdominal pains.
And so I called John to see if he thought we should go to the hospital, because he has kids.
I thought he would know.
Why didn't you mention that when we spoke about Meg's calls? Forgot.
Really? Because you remember everything perfectly in the hours that followed.
But you forgot that your wife's pregnancy was in danger? I was shot twice that night.
I remember that.
Let's talk about your family.
You seem incredibly close-knit.
- Sorry, was that a question? - Do you think you're close-knit? - I guess.
- Thirty years ago, there was a tragedy in your family.
Objection, Your Honor.
It goes to credibility.
There's only one eyewitness to this crime, so we could use some leeway here.
I'll allow it.
Don't stray too far though.
Thank you.
So, this tragedy, what happened? My sister died.
Now, this is your older sister, Sarah, correct? - Yes.
- And what happened? She drowned.
It was a boating accident.
I'm sorry.
And that same day, your brother, Danny, ended up in the hospital.
How did that happen? Um, I He was hit by a car, I think.
You don't know? I was a little kid.
I barely remember it.
And your family didn't talk about it? It was painful for us.
It still is.
I'm sure.
Your father blamed Danny for your sister's death, didn't he? And isn't it true that your brother, Danny, wasn't hit by a truck? [BRANDON.]
Your Honor, please.
That your father beat him up so badly that he ended up in the hospital? Isn't that what really happened? - I don't remember.
- Counselor, I'm warning you.
- I'm getting there.
- Then you get there faster.
And that your family covered for your father.
Isn't it true that your family lied to the police to protect him? I don't know.
Doesn't your family have a history of covering for each other? - [BRANDON.]
- Sustained.
When you were arrested for drug possession, didn't your sister, Meg, represent you? Yes.
And she got you a plea? No jail time? - Yes.
- That's a sweet deal.
You must have been grateful to her.
You must have owed her big-time.
- Withdrawn.
Let's go back to the phone calls from Meg.
If Meg was in trouble, wouldn't you be the first phone call - that she would make? - Objection, calls for speculation.
Isn't it true that it wasn't Marco who called you to come to the house that night? - It was your sister, Meg.
- No.
Meg called you, the one person that owed her and that loved her enough to take a bullet for her.
That is not true.
And that you called John Rayburn, your brother, seven times, - to frame Eric O'Bannon for the murder - [KEVIN.]
That's not what happened.
- That your sister, Meg, committed.
- That is not what happened.
Your Honor, the Rayburn family is not on trial here.
My objection still stands.
I apologize, Your Honor.
My mistake.
I withdraw the question.
I'm done with this witness.
Thank you, Mr.
You may step down.
Oh, oh, it's magic A bit of my magic pulls me through Got a hold on you Oh! - [WILL.]
There's an angel singing! - That is crazy! [CHEERING AND WHOOPING CONTINUES.]
Ah, ah Ah! I gotta cut loose - Footloose, kick off your Sunday shoes - [DOORBELL CHIMING.]
Please, Louise [SHAYNA.]
Someone at the door.
Go get it, please.
I'm singing.
Back, get Hey.
I'm Lauren.
But my friends call me LC.
Come in.
No, that's all right.
I think I've got the wrong house.
Oh, that's embarrassing.
Well, go hug a stranger and pass it on.
Come on, you guys, help! Actually, maybe this is the right house.
Amy! Lose your blues, everybody cut Oh, my God.
You made it? Wow.
This is John, everybody.
Everybody, this is John.
We grew up together.
- Hey, John.
- Hi, John! - What's up, man? - Come on in.
Why did you do it, Kev? Why did you lie? I was fine that night.
I didn't have any problems with the baby.
You weren't even home.
You left earlier with Meg.
They were gunning for her.
I didn't wanna give them more ammunition.
- What if they call me? - Belle - Am I supposed to lie on the stand? - No.
I could go to jail.
- They're not gonna call you.
- What if they do? - They won't.
- What if they do? I don't know! Fuck! I don't know.
I don't have the answers.
I've been answering fucking questions all day! I'm sick of it.
So, you and Amy grew up together.
She said your parents were friends.
Your dad in the Navy, too? - Yeah.
- Mm.
Same base, even.
How long is it that you and Amy have been friends? Oh, uh I don't know.
A few months.
Ever since she gave me free drinks at the bar the night my dad died.
What a horrible accident.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
No, no, I mean, how her folks passed.
Amy and I have, um You know, we've really bonded over being parentless.
Yeah, I'm sure you have.
Anyway just really nice to meet you, John.
You, too.
- That went a lot better than I expected.
- You did great.
You've got them scared.
I've never seen Sally so unhinged as when she walked out of that courtroom.
You must have impressed Judge Reens, too, because she's considering our motion for a stay.
Yeah? How long until we know? Well, she didn't say, "Fuck you," but it's still a long shot, so you need to be ready to testify.
I am.
You'll be up first, and we'll swing big from the start.
Day after tomorrow, if the Honorable Judge Reens denies us.
Sure, okay.
Do you think it would help if I testify? In relation to what? We don't want you getting mixed up in this.
I'm a Rayburn.
I'm already mixed up in it.
Would've broken your daddy's heart to see you leave the way you did.
You didn't even press your dress.
I was in a hurry to get away.
Leaving us for a man who didn't even give you a ring.
Now your Meg is giving you a taste of your own medicine.
Don't talk about her like you know her.
She'd never do that to me.
Then why are you sitting out here worrying about her? You wouldn't understand.
No? Night like this takes me back.
You remember? You make sure the boy's car had seat belts? She's not with a boy, Mama.
She's grown.
Before you were out of your training bras, I started making them come inside first.
You put the fear of God in them.
She'll come back.
I wouldn't be so sure.
I don't have to listen to this.
Hello? Yes, this is Sally Rayburn.
Oh, yes, of course I remember, Mr.
Is something wrong? You know it's that time, birthday girl.
- What? - We are all waiting to see it.
- See what? - Oh, you know.
You know.
Oh, stop.
You mean, a little of this? - [MAN.]
Yeah! - Or a little of this? [LAUGHING.]
- That's fantastic.
- [WILL.]
Not the hometown girl - you grew up with anymore, huh? - She's sure not.
Thanks to LC.
My shop is just four blocks down, past those red lights.
On the left.
Do you have a tattoo? No, I don't.
His mother would kill him.
She would.
I love it here.
You can see the ocean on a clear day.
I like that you can see over people's heads.
Do you ever get that feeling when you're somewhere high, like you wanna jump? Oh, yeah, yeah.
I've I've had that.
How about that feeling when you wanna When you wanna push someone? - [LAUGHTER.]
- [MEG.]
There's a name for it.
There's a name for it.
Oh, no, here she goes again, knowing shit.
The call of Um Tenth grade French failing me.
"The call of the void.
" - Wait.
I didn't know you knew French.
Surprises all around.
She knows French.
And she got cute friends.
What else are you hiding up that soon-to-be tatted sleeve? That's it for me.
Give us some dirt on the birthday girl.
No, my lips are sealed.
I will drink to that.
Happy birthday, Ames! [CHEERING AND WHOOPING.]
Thank you.
I I don't understand.
Your family was slandered today, Ms.
You mean, all that nonsense with Meg? No, I'm talking about the past, what happened with your husband and your son.
We think you'd be the best person to refute that.
You want me to testify? Mrs.
Rayburn, you have a great standing in this community.
Your family name means something.
A pier's dedicated to you, charitable contributions [SCOFFS.]
Almost 50 years of business at your inn.
Do you really want these insinuations to go unanswered? You could dispel them.
Well, what if Meg came back? Do you have information about where she is? No, I just I just thought it might help.
Of course it would.
Right now she's a phantom.
The defense can paint any picture of her they want to.
But you could rebut that.
You could give Meg a human face.
I'll get back to you, Mr.
How does it feel to be 35 again? It's a great excuse to have a party.
And since when do you like parties? Since my family is not at them.
I got your message.
I'm not coming home.
You realize that Eric's defense is attempting to make you a suspect? I said, I got the message.
I mean, I thought at least once you heard that you could at least give me a fucking call or something.
Why? I knew you would track me down.
You don't care what people are saying? I don't want any part of it.
If they can't find me, they cannot force me to testify.
What about Mom? What about Mom? Don't you think that Mom needs you? I think you need me.
I think you and Kevin need me.
And I would rather stay and hide forever than go back and lie in court.
How long you staying? - When we used to play hide-and-seek - Oh, my God.
I hated it.
It was just a game.
To you.
Oh, my God.
You have no idea what it was like for me growing up.
I was never good enough.
You wouldn't let me win even once.
And what did you guys used to say to me? "Hide better.
" I finally feel like me, John.
I'm not going back home to feel like that kid again and hate myself.
I'm not going.
Can we make this quick? Abbington's out, so we're short in Radiology.
Why don't you have a seat? They're already riding my ass.
You know that.
Please, Chelsea.
I mean, can't we just talk about this later? There is no later.
We're letting you go.
For what? 'Cause I didn't take those sick days? - It has nothing to do with that.
- This has to do with my brother.
- No, it does not.
- Bullshit.
Percocet was found missing from inventory.
When security reviewed the video, they saw that you stole them.
It was only once, I swear.
It was just one time.
- Isn't there anything you can do? - I'm sorry.
I did speak for you.
I told them you've been going through a lot.
Yeah, they fucking know that.
Jackson Memorial's gonna call for a reference.
Do you have to tell them? I had no choice.
Fuck me.
Meg? Meggie? Is that you, honey? - Is that you? - [WOMAN.]
Do you have any gin? This is Meg's house.
She only drinks tequila.
She doesn't have room for more than one bottle in this place? Oh, you look so tired, Mama.
Come on.
I raised you better than to say that to a woman over the age of 20.
The day your daddy went away, do you remember? - You You sat with me.
- Yeah.
You were shaking.
I couldn't stop.
Such a disgrace.
I felt the wolves were coming again.
They were hiding behind the bushes.
But I knew they were there.
Hon, don't do this.
I could smell them.
That wet fur.
It turns my stomach.
I'm sorry.
I couldn't stay, Mama.
I had to be with Robert.
They want me to testify.
I know.
What do I do? You got your own children to look out for.
- Hey.
What's up? - [LAUREN.]
Is your friend okay? Uh Who? I was hiking up the hill.
I saw him sitting in his car.
I think he might have been crying.
- When was that? - I passed him on the way up.
On the way down, he was still there.
I left my phone in the car, so I couldn't call sooner.
Where? Hey.
What's up? LC said she saw you.
You okay? I was on my way to the airport.
You were gonna leave without saying goodbye? I thought it'd be easier.
Jesus Christ, you really get up this early every morning? Yeah.
Yeah, unfortunately.
I have nightmares.
Well, one nightmare.
The same one, since we were kids.
There's someone that's coming down the driveway at the inn.
And they're trying to break into the house, and I can't lock the doors.
They won't lock.
I mean, the locks are there, but I They won't work.
And then I wake up right before I see who the person is.
I don't know.
I probably sound crazy.
I don't think you're crazy.
Kevin Kevin's told me he's had a dream very similar to that.
What about you? - What about me? - You ever have it? What are you gonna do? Would it really help if I came home? It probably would.
What do you want me to do? [TROPICAL MUSIC PLAYING OVER SPEAKERS.]
Have you ever felt like you knew something deep down inside but if you actually said it out loud, people would think you were crazy? Where was John the night Marco was killed? I don't know.
What do you mean? We'd, um We'd had a bad fight, and he'd gone to stay somewhere else.
- Did you try to call him? - Yeah.
I did.
I called, and he didn't pick up.
I know that he went for a drive because his truck broke down somewhere north.
Did he return your calls? No.
We were in a We were having serious problems.
Something's wrong with all of this.
I think they're all lying, Diana.
John, even Sally.
All of them.
- Here you are.
- Thanks.
Will you stop? There's nothing out there.
There are no wolves here.
It's nothing.
It's the wind.
There's a wasp nest under the porch.
Where is she? Did you find Meg? Don't lie to me, John.
'Cause I can see it in your face.
Did you tell her what's going on here? She asked me what I wanted her to do, and I told her.
And she was supposed to meet me at the airport, and she didn't show up.
Well, I want to talk to her.
She's disconnected her phone.
She's She's not coming home.
That lawyer, she said some terrible things about us when Kevin was on the stand.
I'm so sorry.
They want me to testify.
- No.
You don't have to do that.
- I know.
I have to talk to Marx.
You don't have to.
It's time.
It's time to clear the air.
Clear the? What does that mean? [SALLY.]
It's time.
We really appreciate you coming in, Mrs.
Thank you.
It must have been painful for you to hear these charges against your family.
It was.
But I gather there's a few things you'd like to clear up for us.
The defense counsel made reference to a day that happened some 30 years ago.
- Do you remember that day? - I do.
Can you please tell us what happened that day? My daughter, Sarah, drowned.
I'm sorry.
That's a tragedy.
Is there something else you'd like to share? I had decided to leave my husband.
We had a terrible fight.
Danny took Sarah out on the boat just to get her away from all the yelling.
I was gonna go to my mother's, then, uh Then send for the kids.
- But you never got there, did you? - No.
They stopped the bus and told me about my daughter.
And by the time I got back home, Danny was in the hospital.
And Danny is your son.
He was my son.
And he was in a car accident, wasn't he? And he was badly injured.
He was beaten by my husband.
Rayburn, are you sure? Because we heard testimony earlier.
I'm sure.
- Your Honor, I'd like a recess.
- No, no.
I'd like to finish.
She's your witness, counselor.
Please continue, Mrs.
His, uh Danny's shoulder clicked whenever he moved it after After that.
And I'd hear the click and I'd think: "Well, that didn't heal right.
" Well, the police report we have indicates otherwise.
I know it does.
I also know what it was like to have a father go to jail.
The shame of it, and I I just thought about the night the police came for my father.
The whole town was on the street watching my mother cry.
Never thought she'd stop crying.
I didn't want my children to have to live through that.
So, I told them to lie.
And they did.
Your Honor, please, a recess.
The day Sarah died I chose my husband over my son.
It crushed Danny.
He was never the same after that.
It was like It was like in the Bible.
Abraham and Isaac.
But God sent an angel to save Isaac.
Danny wasn't so lucky.
No angels for him.
I hope you never [SOBBING.]
have to ever make a choice like that.
On the same day, I lost my daughter and I also lost my son.
No further questions, Your Honor.
Rayburn, would you like to take a break? I'd like to continue.
Your witness, counsel.
Thank you for your candor, Mrs.
Hard truths are painful.
This can't be easy for you.
I'd like to direct your attention towards your daughter, Meg.
Do you know where she is currently? No.
Do you think it strange that she left so soon after Marco Diaz was murdered? And she hasn't e-mailed you or called you? I didn't say she never called me.
You've heard from her? Yes.
I thought you said you didn't know where she was.
I don't.
You admitted that you told your children to lie.
Just that one time.
Does that include John? - Yes.
- And did that include Kevin? Yes.
So, given this history of lying, do you think it's possible that Kevin is lying now when he says he saw my client murder Marco Diaz? - I don't know.
- Do you think it's possible that he's lying when he says that my client shot him? I don't know.
Do you think it's possible that your daughter, Meg, murdered Marco Diaz in a jealous fit? And then called Kevin to help her? And then shot Kevin to frame an innocent man? And then they had John cover it all up.
Is that possible? Is that possible, based on your family's history of lying to protect the family? Do you think that all three of them are lying now? Is that possible? No.
No? Why? No.
It's not possible.
Meg could not have killed Marco Diaz.
Not unless she was able to be in two places at the same time.
What does that mean? Meg was with me.
Meg was with you on the night that Marco Diaz was murdered? - Yes.
- The whole night? From 11 on.
She was asleep by midnight.
- Why didn't you mention this to anybody? - Nobody asked me.
Rayburn, I'm sorry.
Please help me to understand.
You had this information and you never came forward? My daughter is not on trial for murdering Marco Diaz, Ms.
Your client is.
Fuck you.
Fuck you all.
Hmm? I know what you've done for all of us.
Thank you.
You can't do this.
You can't plead guilty.
You should have seen how they fucking looked at her.
It's like she was the Virgin fucking Mary up there weeping.
It doesn't mean anything.
She's a mom crying.
They're gonna feel bad for a minute and [CHELSEA SIGHS.]
Doesn't mean they're gonna find you guilty.
It's not just a mom, it's Sally Fucking Rayburn.
You get it? [SIGHING.]
Thirty years.
Thirty fucking years.
- It's that or the death penalty.
- This is crazy.
Can you talk to him? You haven't even put up his case.
You haven't called me to the stand.
I can't call you as a witness anymore, Chelsea.
I don't want you to fucking call her as a witness.
Marx will just chew you alive.
The circumstances of your firing completely discredit your testimony.
- What? - It's useless now.
I didn't steal anything.
They're making it up.
- They have you on camera.
- It was one pill, one time.
Doesn't matter, Chelsea.
So, that's it? You just give up? He just goes away for 30 years? It's not really my decision.
And even if we plead guilty, they may not accept it.
You told me you believed in him.
I do.
But what happened today, Sally Rayburn hurt us.
I'm done.
I don't wanna die.
So, you'll talk to them? Diana told me the story that you told about your father and Jesus, I I can't imagine what What you went through.
I'm so sorry.
I just thought maybe it'd help.
It wasn't true.
Of course not.
Don't you think I would've told you that by now? And just so we're clear, I didn't do it for you or for Kevin.
I did it for Meg.
Well, like I said, I'm sorry y'all had to go through this.
I wish your family the best.
Move on with your lives, put this shit in your rear-view mirror.
Listen, um, I wanna say thank you for everything you've done.
A new day begins, right, Kevin? Good night, man.
Well, that was quite a performance.
The jury wept.
- I almost shed a tear myself.
- I did what I had to do.
You always do, Sally.
That's what I admire about you.
For all that sweetness, you're about as cold-blooded as they come.
Is that your idea of a compliment? - Your kids know you're here? - No.
- I don't want them involved.
- They are involved.
I'll tell them when it's appropriate.
I think you might regret it, Sally.
This is not something you can take back once it's done.
It's time.
I thought you might know someone.
I might.
Guilty You can see it in my eyes I can't lift my gaze I can't speak for fear of lying Guilty When I'm walking down the street All the people that I meet See through me But I ain't done nothing wrong I ain't done nothing wrong Guilty
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