Brotherhood s03e07 Episode Script

All The Interim Is Like A Phantasma

They're all taking a huge hit as the full impact of this economic recession makes itself felt.
Pension plans have shriveled by 20% or more.
Overseas, problems continue to mount.
Just last weekend, senator Bob Eastman of Montana returned from a visit to Baghdad with a withering critique of president Bush's policy in Iraq.
You can't just flex your muscles and call it a day.
A foreign policy based on brute force is doomed to failure.
Not in my neighborhood, it ain't.
We can't just round up all the Sunnis and Shiites and proclaim, - "now you just get along, fellas".
- Wanna bet? We have to be sensitive to their history.
Americans are gonna have to realize the limits of their power.
That'll be the day we roll over and die.
In other news today How's the noggin? - What do you want? - Your happiness.
That is my abiding concern.
And I fear for your happiness when I hear the rumors.
What rumors? The rumors about your pal Colin and your lady friend Kath.
You gonna arrest me, Mr.
Policeman, or what? Answer me this Where's Colin right now? Lookin' for the meanin' of life in East Providence.
East Providence? Really? - Really.
- What about Kath? She's with him in East Providence, cleanin' out his ear with her tongue? You scared me.
New cell phone.
Michael asked me to bring it over.
- And - Where is he? Don't worry about Michael.
And I brought somethin' else for you too.
What is this? Open it up.
Winter mint, they call it.
Go ahead, smell it.
Are you out of your mind? What? You can't give me this.
It's just a candle.
Girls buy themselves candles all the time.
If Michael sees this, and he looks me in the eye, he'll know.
He'll know what? I'm sorry.
Know what though? Look, I'm sorry.
It's really sweet.
It smells really good Colin, this has to This has to stop now.
You know that.
I mean it.
It's not okay.
It sucks, Kath.
Ross has just decided that the best thing for mom is to stay in bed until the baby is born.
- She's gonna stay in bed for a month? - That's right.
- It's just a precaution.
- She can't get up to pee? She can pee.
Is mom gonna die? No, honey.
Mom's not gonna die.
Is the baby going to die? - Are you off to work? - If you don't need me.
How are the girls? They're fine.
I explained there's nothing to be afraid of.
Did you get the building permit for the new house? - I'll do it today.
- Don't forget.
I won't.
Look who's the lucky girl who doesn't get to go to work.
If that bed were a beach, you'd be in Bermuda.
Well, it's not a beach, and I wish I could go to work.
That is positively un-American.
You're in good hands.
Call me if you need me.
Stay in bed.
- Thanks, Jimmy.
- Sure, man.
So you spent several months and tens of thousands of dollars investigating the men who hired you to lead the investigation? Correct.
It's no wonder you've been avoiding me.
You're out of your mind! Mr.
Attorney general I was more concerned about putting you in a tough spot, sir.
Who is this informant of yours? I'm afraid that's gonna have to remain confidential.
This is not your mandate.
I'm pulling the plug on this.
I'm sending you back to murder police.
You can't do that.
Watch me.
I was hired by the Speaker of the House of the state of Rhode Island.
He gave me explicit reign to follow my leads wherever they take me.
I answer to him and not to you.
This was nothing but a courtesy.
And one last thought.
If any of this, any of it, gets out I will know that it came from someone in this room.
Good afternoon, representative Caffee.
I'm eating.
How come you're not sharin' the waterfront pie? My cousin, Vinnie Constada, would love to win that water main contract, but he can't get anyone to see him.
Your brother Michael's gettin' plenty of action.
Why not Vinnie? Michael's got nothin' to do with the waterfront project.
By the way, Vinnie is a very, very, very highly qualified contractor.
You should look the guy up.
He's got a web page and everything.
I can't help you.
The state police have an informant inside the waterfront project.
Your caution is very understandable.
But fair is fair.
Can I tell Vinnie to give you a call? I said I can't help you.
What are you doin'? - I thought I saw you in there.
- You're not followin' me? Followin' you? Why would I be followin' you? That's what I'm askin' you.
- Why are you following me? - I'm gettin' my meds.
What's the matter with you? Why would you be so paranoid? Where you goin'? I'm goin' to pee.
Is that okay? He's following me now.
Who? Michael's following me.
- Where? - Garden city.
- What should I do? - Just hold on a minute.
Go and talk to him.
Maybe he just wants somethin'.
He's really startin' to freak me out now, OK? Don't worry, Kath.
It's because he loves you is all.
You know? Be nice to him.
He's hardly gonna hurt ya in the middle of a shoppin' center, is he? I thought we weren't supposed to talk.
We're not.
It's simple.
Greed rules.
Greed is everything.
It's every man for himself.
And that's what matters.
The rest of this all, it's bullshit.
Not everyone's a whack job like you.
- Mother Teresa, for example.
- Mother Teresa is an idiot.
She wasted her life on morons and cripples.
Mother Teresa Is Michael here? He's not here, but we're expectin' him back any moment.
- I'll tell him you stopped by.
- I'm gonna wait.
We were discussin' Mother Teresa.
Moe thinks her life was a waste of time.
You're in the political game.
What do you think? It's every man for himself.
Am I right? Yeah, I think it's every man for himself.
Except some men are better than others.
We need to talk.
Alfonse Nozzoli paid me a visit today.
He leaned on me to get his cousin Vinnie a contract on the waterfront project.
He came to you? He thinks I'm throwin' jobs and you're getting rich off the whole thing.
That fat fuck pushed you around.
I can't believe it.
And he also said the state police had an informant on the inside.
You know anything about that? An informant? No.
You think you could find out? What's goin' on? You're in trouble? It'd help me if I knew.
I can look into it.
I'd appreciate it.
How's Eileen? Can you imagine her lying around in bed all day? Not really.
I got Jimmy on the job.
I think I should give him a medal.
- Is everything okay with Eileen then? - I hope so.
Send her my best, will ya? I will.
- Did you give Kath that new cell phone? - Yeah, today.
- How'd she like it? - She liked it fine.
Anything else? - What do you mean? - When you gave her the phone, did you chat? Have a coffee? Did you catch up on things? What? - We chatted for a bit, yeah.
- About what? This and that.
And then? Then I left.
Is everything all right? Yeah.
Moving? Moving where? Caitlin's house in Cranston.
- Cranston? - It's 10 minutes away, Rose.
- Colander? - Goodwill.
Ten years ago, you told me you'd rather be tortured by the Chinese than live in Cranston.
A girl can change her mind, can't she? These are nice.
Bring 'em, sweetheart.
Listen, Maeve.
You can't just pack up and leave.
This is your whole life here.
You were born in this house.
I don't wanna grow old alone, Rose.
I wanna be with my family.
- Freedom trail spoon? - Goodwill.
Are you out of your mind? It's the freedom trail spoon.
We bought this spoon together.
I have one just like it, remember? How dare you want to give it away to the goodwill? Colin, sweetheart.
There's something I've been meaning to discuss.
What is it? I want you to have this house.
- Me? - Yes.
This house? Why? So you'd have a place of your own.
A place to call home.
Space to start a family.
I only need the one small room.
And, of course, I won't get in your way.
But I can help you with the cleaning and the cooking.
Thanks, auntie Rose.
But I can't accept.
You see I may be leaving Rhode Island.
Leaving? Why? I'd like to travel, and I'd like to explore the country more.
I've always had a hankerin' to see Mount Rushmore.
Mount Rushmore.
But thanks.
I appreciate it.
I better hit the sack.
I'll see you in the mornin', all right? - Yes? - Don't forget the parchment paper.
- The parchment paper? For what? - So the cookies don't stick.
On the - Did you call Mrs.
Barboza? - No, I didn't.
I'm sorry.
Who's gonna pick up the girls after volleyball practice? I'll call her right now.
What in the name of God are you doing, Jimmy? Have you seen the mess he's made out there? There's flour everywhere.
You don't even wanna know what's in the sink.
Sit there and try and stay out of trouble.
- I'm sorry.
I'm baking - Sit! Give me that.
It's important that you relax.
I will take care of everything.
What are we having for dinner tonight? Tuna casserole.
The girls love my tuna casserole.
He don't wanna talk to you.
What the fuck you think you're doin'? If you got business with me, then you fuckin' sort it out with me.
Not with my family.
You understand? My brother is off-limits! I think that whack in the head caused permanent damage.
He's fine, don't worry.
He's eatin' bennies.
He was washin' 'em down this mornin' with coffee.
That shit'll burn your brain out quick.
- It's just his medication.
- Bullshit.
They were bennies.
You get in there and you tell that fat Guinea fuckin' prick that I'm not makin' a dime off the waterfront, that he's to lay off my brother, or I will fuckin' come for him.
- You understand? - You sure you wanna do this? Get in there.
Define loyalty.
- Excuse me? - You heard me.
What does loyalty mean to you? I've always got your back, Michael.
You know that.
You have to stop the suspicion everybody's out to get you.
I'm not out to get you.
Define loyalty.
Be true to the cause, or die.
What did he say? What did he fuckin' say? You're a lying cocksucker.
He knows you are making a bundle off the waterfront.
He also said he'll talk to whoever he wants to talk to, which is me, not you.
Anything else? If you don't cut him into the waterfront jobs, he's gonna send Bill Vitelloni over to your house to break your neck.
Hey, Decco, you got a minute? - I'm headin' down to my office.
- Let's just walk and talk.
How's the investigation going? - It's goin'.
- Any new leads? - You said you'd leave me alone on this.
- Well, now I want a report.
Well, when I have somethin' to report, I'll find you.
- I heard a rumor.
- What sort of a rumor? That you've got an informant.
- Wouldn't that be convenient? - Yes, it would.
Is it true? No, I don't have an informant.
No informant? What did I just say? I don't have an informant.
Keep me posted.
And give my best to Cass.
Old habits die hard.
Yeah, they sure do.
Tommy knows we have an informant.
Does he know who it is? What difference does it make? If he know that it's Bob Meara, we are fucked.
But even if he doesn't know who it is, he's not gonna trust anybody, including Bob Meara, so we're fucked.
We're fucked either way! Thank you so much, state police! Thank you so fuckin' much, Attorney General! So what do we do now? We turn it on 'em.
We rattle Kilpatrick's cage.
Get your coat.
It's a question of quality.
Can providence have a first-rate living city experience? My answer is yes, it can, if it attracts the right kind of people.
- This is the future, here - Mr.
- In Providence, Rhode Island.
- I have with me a search warrant authorizing me to seize You mind sittin' down? All financial records, correspondence, e-mails, everything related directly and indirectly to the waterfront - project.
- Who the fuck are you? I'm detective Giggs with the Rhode Island state police.
This here's my partner, detective Gillardino.
Excuse me.
Am I being charged with something? Not yet.
Just give us a couple of days.
We'll have to cross-check the information with the information that was given to us by our informant.
You don't have an informant.
No, I don't have an informant.
Right? We were bluffing.
Don't forget the hard drives.
Do you need a hand? Can you hold Brian for a sec? I apologize in advance if he drools.
Never let it be said that having a baby doesn't change your life.
I'm so sleep-deprived.
I fell asleep the other day washing the dishes.
And the sex, forget it.
I told Mark he can just go get himself a mistress.
Poor guy.
What I wouldn't give to just stay in bed late one Sunday, you know? Readin' the paper drinkin' coffee.
It's okay.
Come here, you little munchkin.
Are the girls doin' their homework? It's quiet as a library up there.
- I just felt somethin'.
- Of course you did.
The baby's kicking.
- No.
Somethin' different.
- What kind of thing? A twinge.
Did it hurt? Call the doctor.
- Don't call the doctor.
- Jimmy, call the doctor right now.
I just need to get up.
I need to move.
I just need to walk.
Rose, stop it.
I just need to move around, that's all.
Now Dr.
Ross said you were to stay in bed.
- Where is everyone? - In here, honey.
What's wrong? - She felt a twinge.
- What kind? I'm fine.
I just need a second.
- Call the doctor, immediately.
- Do not call Dr.
Ross! Here, relax.
I'll fluff your pillows.
Cleopatra's barge.
Nice, right? Do you wanna give me a hand? I am calling the doctor right now.
I know you're trying to help, but you're makin' it worse.
You're drivin' me crazy, so just stop it.
No doctor? No doctor.
Whatever you say.
Undies go top drawer left.
Really? I find it much more convenient to have them top drawer right.
Assuming you're right-handed, which you are, you can just reach right in.
I prefer them top drawer left.
Well, you'll get used to it, and then you'll thank me.
You'll see.
You're fired.
Excuse me? You are fired.
Please leave my house.
I don't want your help.
Jimmy can take care of me.
Don't be crazy.
You need me, Eileen.
You need an experienced hand Get the fuck out of my house! I swear to God, she gets more irrational every day.
Yet she gets treated as if having a baby should win her the Nobel Prize.
You don't understand the pressures of motherhood.
Good night.
Stay until Tommy gets back and make sure those girls go to bed.
Keep an eye on Mary-Rose.
She's not to be trusted.
- Kilpatrick talks, we're fucked.
- He's not gonna talk.
Why didn't we have any advance warning? How come I had to hear about the search warrant of Kilpatrick's records from a reporter? - Even the C.
has its bad days.
- I thought you had a friendly.
I thought you could control him.
What happened? I don't know.
Detective Declan Giggs is here.
Send him in.
Thanks for the heads-up, Decco.
I really didn't have a choice.
If word about all this got out, then I have to give up my element of surprise.
I needed to go in there and get Kilpatrick before he had a chance to destroy his records, which I succeeded in doing, you should know.
Did you find anything? I'm never surprised by the amount of incriminating evidence that people keep on their computers.
Inappropriate love letters porn sites, sqrrelly business practices.
All sorts of stuff.
But we're very carefully going over all those records, and, I think I can say without without getting into specifics, because it's too early for that.
I need to double check up on a couple of these things, but I think I can say we've really found some very nice golden nuggets.
What about Kilpatrick? Is he talking? I'll start with him tomorrow.
I'm gonna give him a restless night to ponder his future.
It's really amazing how fear can loosen the tongue.
You should be proud.
This investigation of yours has finally got some teeth.
Jesus Speaker! Call an ambulance! Come here.
Rescue 94, on-scene.
Transferring Speaker.
20th and Statehouse.
Copy that.
Nice job.
This is not my fault.
You really hung me out to dry over this one, haven't you? You were hired because I thought you had my back.
I thought 30 years of friendship meant somethin'.
You never said that.
I didn't think I had to.
You can't trust Nozzoli.
He's convinced you got action in the waterfront.
Who knows what this crazy Guinea's gonna do? You gotta hit him fast and hard before he decides to do us any harm.
Colin's right.
Let's burn his fuckin' house down.
I'm the one sayin' it, me.
We gotta hit him fast and hard.
Hello, morons of the world.
Nozzoli'd smack us like flies.
You couldn't kill enough of his guys to get ahead.
He's got more manpower, more firepower.
You wanna lose everything 'cause you're pissed off? 'Cause that's what would happen.
You can't beat him.
He's bigger, faster, smarter.
I can't give him jobs I don't have.
Talk to Tommy.
He's gotta help you out in this.
Tell him to give Nozzoli some of the jobs.
- I'm not gonna do it.
- You got no choice.
I want eyes on Nozzoli 24/7, startin' now.
You go with him.
The two of youse.
Keep him out of trouble.
Terry go wipe the kitchen down.
Hit him fast and hard.
That's the best you can do? One thing I learned growing up in Belfast was that if you thought the other guy might be interested in hurtin' ya he was.
You must think I'm pretty stupid.
What are you talkin' about? I'm not fuckin' stupid.
I see what's goin' on.
I like Regina's dress.
It's simple, it's elegant.
It's slutty.
The hem work is sloppy.
- I just wish I liked Barry more.
- Barry? - Clearly he's the most talented.
- Come on.
He's a snob.
He's so sure of himself.
What's wrong? Don had a heart attack.
We managed to get him to the hospital though.
Is he alive? Barely.
The machines are doin' most of the work.
- You okay? - Fine.
The baby's fine, thanks to Jimmy and Mary-Kate.
Your mother tried to help too, but that's another story.
I gotta get some sleep.
I'll see you tomorrow.
I hope the Speaker's okay.
Thanks, Jimmy.
I still think Regina's got the prettiest dress.
The girls asleep? Sound asleep, I'm told.
Did you get the construction permit today? No.
- You really don't wanna move, do you? - Yeah, I do.
Believe me, I do.
You're stallin', draggin' your feet.
Otherwise, you'd've gotten the permit.
Did you hear me? My friend had a heart attack.
Be a man and admit you don't wanna live at the shore.
You don't have any idea what I'm doin'.
I'm dealin' with things, would destroy this family.
There won't be any house to build.
There won't be a house to live in.
I don't wanna lose this baby.
I'm sorry.
Come on.
I didn't wake the kids? They'd sleep through a war.
Eileen okay? Not really, no.
She's It's been a rough night.
You wanna sit down? I just got a minute.
How's work? Work's a firestorm.
What's up? I couldn't find anything out about an informant.
I'm sorry.
I'll keep looking.
Let me know if you do, OK? Absolutely.
It's good to see you.
I forget what you look like.
We never see each other anymore.
That's your choice.
- Look, Tommy - Mike, I gotta get back to Eileen.
You do your thing.
I'll see you.
As you know, I had a time problem.
I wanted to do a jacket with this I came by to see how you're doin'.
I seem to have a talent for getting fired.
Don't worry about it.
Let's be honest.
Eileen's a bitch.
It's hormonal.
I told you.
She can't help it.
Come here.
Come on.
I'm not gonna bite.
There's more to life than babies.
I'll never know what it's like.
We have each other, sweetheart.
We have each other.
I called the salon.
They said you'd be here.
You wanna take a walk? I just wanted to come and let you know that I'm finally taking down Tommy Caffee.
I mean "down" this time.
All I ever wanted from you was your approval.
You wanna know why? Because you're right.
There is good.
There is bad.
It's not fucking gray.
It's black and it's white.
Most people, they don't want to admit it.
They don't wanna accept it, because it's too hard.
It's too difficult.
But Plus, I always thought if I got your approval, maybe I could get laid.
Best thing for me right now would be for you to go.
Are you proud of me? Very.
There you are.
I gotta leave early.
Help the wife pick up some crap for Lucy's birthday party.
Katie went ahead and hired a clown.
Half the neighborhood's gonna be there.
Lucy's so excited, she's pissin' her pants.
It's this Saturday.
You wanna come? Free cake.
Thanks, though, but I I gotta work on the truck.
- I'll see you tomorrow.
- Yeah.
- Where are you? - In the middle of the woods.
And it's creepy out here.
All kinds of noises and bugs.
Where exactly are you? You take Squawtuckett off of 114.
Squawtuckett off 114.
Remember that.
Is he there Nozzoli? He's fishin'.
- What? - He's fishing.
- Some pudgy guy with him.
- What pudgy guy? How should I know? I'm comin'.
I'll be there soon.
- I'm gonna go make this good.
- That's a smart play.
'Cause we'll be annihilated, right? Most likely.
Tommy gonna help you with this? Deal Nozzoli in on the waterfront contracts? He's my brother.
Of course he would if I asked him.
I'm not gonna.
I don't wanna drag him into this shit.
How you gonna convince Nozzoli you're not gettin' a piece of the action? I'm not.
I'm gonna give him the cash equivalent of seven jobs.
From where? I'm gonna give him all the action from Pawtucket.
- That's a lot of money.
- You have any better ideas? If not, shut up.
Not easy, is it, my friend? Running things.
You're my friend now? If I had half a brain, I wouldn't be.
But, yeah, I'm your friend.
We never met.
Special agent Jarvis at your service.
Couldn't get over your lack of curiosity about Colin Carr and Kath Parry.
Then I realized, you're in denial.
I decided it was my painful job to help you break through your denial.
A large whiskey, please.
The good stuff, Terry.
I watched this guy talk on Oprah about how we need to reduce stress in our lives.
He suggested simple little things like listenin' to nice music and lightin' a candle on your desk.
This is the nearest I've to a desk.
Don't let that picture fuck you all up, all right? They can do anything with photos nowadays.
Where is he? Come on.
I told you, I don't wanna deal with him.
You deal with him.
- He's fuckin' unstable.
- Look, he's not right in the head, OK? He doesn't know what he's doin'.
He insulted my generosity.
Fuck him.
Fuck his white trash Irish family.
You deal with him.
I'm not gonna talk to him.
He needs help.
What are you doin'?
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