Friday Night Lights s03e07 Episode Script

Keeping Up Appearances

I would like to propose a toast to QB1 of the Dillon Panthers.
Cheers, pal! That is what I'm talking about, young man.
Way to go! I think our band can be really great.
You really need to get over this girl.
Let's get to work.
And let's start with this Here, work list.
- I miss you like crazy.
You know that? - We love you too.
- Put the little man on.
- Am I really that boring to talk to? No, I just don't want my son to forget my voice.
I'm proud of you.
You're here with me and not with mom in Northern California with some vegetarian, raising figs.
I'm just It's a great day, baby! Let's go.
- So, where the hell is gate 4? - Actually, I'm pretty sure it's gate 2.
Thank you very much for your unsolicited wrong opinion, Mr.
Tim Riggins.
Dad, we should talk about this camping thing.
Honey, this is gonna be quality family time, out, in nature.
Here they are.
Hi, guys! - Look at 'em.
They're big! - Hi, Taby! Little Bud, little Bud.
Hey, Bud.
How you're doing, Buddy? Good to see you.
Look at you! How big you are.
We better call Mack Brown and tell him we got a linebacker, right here.
No, I'm in the soccer now, dad.
Son, football is in the Garrity DNA.
You're gonna be a football player.
Look at my little sweetheart.
Hey, baby! You look like a hippie.
- Give me a big ol' hug.
- Dad, dad, you're all sweating.
- I'm not sweating, jeez.
- Not sweating.
Can Gretchen come over later and watch Sex and the City movie? - We're going to miniature golf tonight.
- Miniature golfing? Heck yeah, it's fun.
All right, let's go! Just how long do you think this is gonna last? - I don't know, as long as they want.
- Let's not make it last too long.
But it'll be fine, come on.
I feel sorry for this kid the way his dad breathes down his neck all the time.
Well, everyone has their own way.
And I like Katie.
- Do you? I'm glad we're here then.
- She's nice.
- Come on.
- Hi.
Guess what I have upstairs.
The California Closets guy has been here and I have a brand new bedroom.
You've gotta see it.
It totally changed my life.
Real quick then we should go, he's gonna drive me home.
- Cause you're gonna want one.
- Sweety, 5 minutes.
Please, okay? Don't I'm sorry, Coach.
- Hi J.
D, how are you? - Good.
- J.
D, how are you? - Coach, how are you? - We've got a tee-time Sunday at 9 a.
- All right.
Better bring your A-game, old man.
He's hurting me, Coach! My A-game? Excuse me.
Coach is here.
Tell the truth, who won last time? - He did.
- That's correct.
I'm going to bed.
I'm tired.
- Night dad, night coach.
- Good night.
- Love you.
- Love you, too.
- That's a good boy.
- He is a very good boy.
Due mostly to my wife, but he is a really good boy.
Listen, just real quick: yesterday at church, when we were speaking about J.
D, as his coach, that made me a little uncomfortable.
I didn't mean to cross any lines.
No, I understand that.
He's a very special boy and I just hate it when I see him screwing things up like that, that's all.
- Understood.
- Thank you for bringing it up.
It's appreciated.
And it will not happen again.
- Well, it's not matter of that - We're good.
- That was a hell of a dinner.
- Well, dinner is not over, sir.
Dinner is far from over.
Here we go.
- Say when.
- When.
When Coach To you and me.
We make a hell of a team.
There's something I've been wanting to talk to you about.
- About Tim.
- Shoot.
Well, I mean, it's a recruitment letter.
From O.
U, that's nice, but it's Yeah, we've gotten a couple of these and You know, I replied but I haven't heard anything back, so - Well - Here.
It's pretty basic recruitment letter.
Thank you.
You know, they probably send out a lot of them.
You know, I got a few hundred when I was in high school, so Tim's not exactly college material I wouldn't get my hopes too high.
Look, Street I know the kid is an idiot.
You don't have to tell me about it.
But if there's anything I can do to get him into college, I need to know.
Forget it.
That's just stupid.
What the hell would I know about this anyway? No, it's not stupid Billy.
It's just He just gotta work harder than the other Look man You just know way more about this stuff than I do.
Just tell me what I need to do.
I'd say the first you do is start to gather a highlight reel for him.
Go through his games, and pick out some of his best places, throw 'em on a tape.
Maybe get an interview of Coach or something like that.
You throw it all together, send it out to schools, - maybe it'll raise a little interest.
- I like that.
That's good.
- We're making a movie.
- A movie? - What are you talking about? - You're ambitious.
- What are you guys doing? - Yeah, seriously.
What do you mean? We're not doing anything.
- Because we're finished.
- Sweet.
With everything? Yeah, man, the paint is dry, the curtains are up, and extremely unique.
And they ain't got that despicable Billy's mouth.
- I think we're good.
- That's funny.
and a couple of cripples can do it.
- It's a job well done! - Like the Special Olympics.
All right, so what's next? Do we call that Missy lady? - That Realtor lady? - No, we don't call her.
All she's gonna wanna do is stick a sign in the ground and charge us 6% so - no, we don't call her.
- Okay, so what do we do, then? We sell the house.
- What? - I mean, how hard can it be? Yeah, how hard can it be? With the participation of: benj!, Collioure, DarKsh, GillesSilb, Ju, loky34, ouazo, tactactac Tami, it was an accident, okay? Jamarcus is a good kid, he just got a little carried away, it's no big deal.
You tell that to Bree Hudson's mother.
Hey, we're talking about our starting fullback here.
I know who we're talking about.
This is his 3rd time in my office this semester.
Jamarcus Hall.
- Hello, sir.
- Hey, Principal Taylor.
First of all, I wanna say it was an accident.
I didn't mean to catch Bree's hair on fire, I promise.
What in the hell did you think was gonna happen when you spray deodorant into a Bunsen burner? - I didn't think it all the way through.
- Sit down.
Come on, now.
Good lord - We've been down this road before.
- Yes, ma'am.
And what did we talk about last time when we had this conversation? - You gotta let me play Friday, I've to.
- That is a conversation that we're gonna have to have with your parents, this afternoon after school.
- You can't call my parent.
- That's what we talked about.
Maybe you ought to bring Coach Taylor into the loop on this thing here.
Now, Coach McGill, why do I need to talk to coach Taylor about a conversation I'll be having with Jamarcus and his parents this afternoon? Now you get on outta here cause I need to call your parents.
You need to think, sir.
I'll see you later on.
Thank you for your help, Coach McGill.
Come on Honestly Hey, Landry! What are you doing? Nothing, I'm just sitting here playing guitar and not thinking about Tyra.
Hey, y'all, this is Tyra Collette, reminding everyone that Dillon has annual blood drives today.
So come on and donate your blood on 6th period and we're gonna bring cookie.
That's unbelievable.
She's everywhere I know a girl who Thinks of toast She'll make you breakfast She'll make you toast She don't use butter She don't use cheese She don't use jelly or Any of these Cheer up.
She uses vaseline She uses vaseline I really thought for sure that would cheer you up.
This whole emo thing you've got going on It's okay.
But Would you give me a ride home tomorrow after practice? I will give you a ride after practice tomorrow.
Thank you.
And, just cheer up, you know.
Tomorrow is a brand new day.
Nothing to worry about.
New things.
I'll see you soon.
Tim Riggins, number 33 for the Dillon Panthers, - what are your interests? - My interests I like football and I love, you know, playing on Friday nights.
And hopefully, I can play Saturday nights.
That's college night.
- I'm not a big fan of practice, though.
- You love Gwen Stefani? - Bananas - What the hell was that, man? What are you doing, man? What are you talking about? - We try to shoot a video! - That was my best take yet.
Oh, yeah, that's your best take, yet? - Guys! - What? We gotta keep our eyes on the ball.
That's this house.
- Can we focus? - I'm focused.
I went out, I got the set-up sheets, I think they look pretty good.
Does anybody else wanna take a look at 'em? That's damn good, man.
Color and everything.
Wait 295? I thought you said 265.
I looked it up on how much it costs in the neighborhood, I'll tell you with all the upgrades we did on the house, 295 is the least.
Street, my is my nest egg.
- I worked really hard for this.
- It's his nest egg.
QB, if we've to reduce the price, we're dead in the water.
The longer we hold on to this place, the longer we're paying for it.
Now we're stepping up to the plate, you wanna wimp out? Turn on your bet and go home? Take the bare minimum? No, that's not what we're here for.
We did this to make money.
- and we'll get that price, all right? - All right.
- Trust me.
- I'm in.
All right.
Thank y'all for coming in.
I know it's at last minute but I just felt like we needed to take this opportunity to sit down and talk about what's been going on with Jamarcus.
The boy can't sit still to save his life.
What is wrong with you? - I don't know, sir.
- Well, I just think that we need to sit down and kinda make a plan so that we can make sure this kind - of accident don't happen again.
- Principal Taylor, I have got six kids.
I know how to handle Jamarcus.
He'll be punished.
Okay, well, I'm afraid the next time something like this happens, the next step is gonna be suspension.
And you know, that's gonna take away from the academics, certainly, he's gonna missing some football games, which I know - Games? - What are you talking about? Y'all don't know Jamarcus is a Panther? Hey, tomorrow, I was thinking, maybe, we could just rent some canoes or some kayaks and just paddle on down to the falls.
How does that sound? - Sounds good? - Yeah.
- Hello, back there - What? Buddy, would you turn that off, please? Tabby, could you please stop texting for just a minute, honey, so we could talk or something I mean, why don't we have a little sing-along, - like we used to? - You wanna have a family sing along? - Count me out.
- Tabitha, you used to love to sing.
I used to not have pubic hair either, but things change.
- Pubic hair is not a swear.
- But it's gross.
It's TMI for the old dad, okay? - Dad, I gotta go pee.
- Kevin says we Shut up! No one wants to hear about your pubic hair.
Amen to that.
Dad, seriously, gas station, something If you really want me to, I'll censure myself.
For a second there, I forgot I was back in fascist Texas.
Oopsie daisy.
Dad, can I have some money? Imagine that.
Imagine that.
Here we go.
You're welcome Dad, are you okay? Just great having them back, huh? They'll come around.
You want anything from inside? - Tums.
- Tums? - Thanks, baby.
- You got it.
- How are you doing? - Fine.
Jamarcus Hall set Bree Hudson's hair on fire, today.
Mac told me, I know.
The thing is that when his parents came in for the conference - Lighting hair on fire - it was discovered that he never told them that he's playing football.
He forged their signature on the permission slip and they're pulling him off the team.
- Tami, what did you do? - What do you mean, what did I do? What did you do? What do you mean, they're pulling off the team? Hon, they didn't know he was playing football.
He forged their signature Honey, before you discipline one of my players, I need to know about this.
Honey, why in the world am I gonna let you know about the fact that I've gotta deal with a disciplinary situation with Jamarcus Hall? Cause I'd like to be part of that process, that's why.
- Why? - Because you've got one my player, he's got some problems.
I need to be involved in that, because if I don't have my fullback on Friday night, I'm screwed.
Therefore, I'm telling you, I should have been part of that process.
Honey, I'm telling you, there's not a thing you could've done about it, whether you're a part of it or not.
Well, that's just great.
That and a dime will get me a cup of coffee, won't it? Hey, Mac! Is this Is this the green house on the right? You wanna come in or something? I just figured that we can hang out here and talk for a little while.
We could talk about our band, cause it's really cool.
- I think our band is pretty cool.
- Me too.
I'm liking the way everything sounds, I think you're doing great.
I know it's hard to come into a you know, a new a new band and try to fit in, but I think you're doing you know, a good job Thank you.
It's fun, I think that's probably why.
Well Thank you for the ride.
I'll see you later.
Explode Riggins, explode! Hey Rigs, let's bring it a little more towards me next time.
- All right, son.
- Let's go, there it is, right there! Listen I gotta get right back to you on this, okay? - How you doin'? - Hey, Coach! - May I catch you on your film? - No sir, I'm out here for Riggins.
I'm trying to put a little highlight reel together for college.
- Get over here.
- J.
throw the ball, let's go! Get over! Coach, just one second sir.
Get over here! J.
come on! How many times have we been over this? I'll catch you in a few, here.
Coach! You think I could have 10 minutes later - Anything you need, absolutely.
- Thank you.
It's a five step drop, you gotta release the ball quicker, okay? Hit the first window, OK? - You know we worked on this.
- Set up the offense.
Thank you.
- Sorry, I just He was messing up - Get over the stake, I got work to do.
Make sure he's flawless on Friday night, okay? I don't care, just talk to him.
Get Crowley on the spot if that's what we gotta do.
What's up coach? It's all there.
Washed and everything.
- All right.
- My dad wasn't gonna let me play so I did what I had to do.
I understand, listen to me, but a lie is a lie, there's nothing I can do.
My hands are tied.
Tell the guys I say "I'm sorry".
Great, I'm gonna die if Danny Herlica sees me like this.
Tabby relax, this is just a scrape.
This is boring! Come on Bud, here.
Let me see that, babe.
- Let's toss the football around a bit.
- It's stupid.
No football is not I don't wanna hear you talk like that, it's not stupid.
Kevin says it's the only sport that's played here I don't care what Kevin says, OK? Let's just not talk about Kevin.
Alright, we don't have to toss a football if you don't want to.
But we do have to eat, and I'm very hungry.
- You're hungry baby? - I'm hungry.
I got a very special treat for us tonight.
These are prime Nebraska Angus steaks.
We gonna cook these babies up and have a great dinner, how's that sound? How many times do I have to tell you I'm a vegan now? Knock it off! This is organic, grass fed, Nebraska prime.
- That was slaughtered.
- Yeah, that was slaughtered and then What we gonna do is say a little prayer for the cow right before we eat it.
- How does that sound? - Kevin says "meat is murder".
Tabitha, I don't care what Kevin says to tell you the truth.
Kevin can tell you all his left wing propaganda It's not propaganda, it's a fact.
It's a fact, huh? Listen to me, young lady.
Kevin is not your father.
I'm your father A real father wouldn't have cheated on mom! - I wish you weren't my father.
- Tabby! Dad How about the coyote chained up right there! You know what, young lady? I think I feel the same way right know.
I've been doing nothing but trying to All I've got from hate, since y'all got here.
Hate from both of you.
And I'm tired of it! - What's wrong with you guys? - What? What? You guys have been acting like little brats ever since you got here.
There you guys go And your appetizers are gonna be out very shortly.
- Can I talk to you for just a second? - Yeah.
I just I just wanted to come here and say thanks, and to let you know that you were absolutely right about everything.
I now see that we were never supposed to be together.
And I wanna let you know that I met someone else And she is perfect for me.
- We're completely right for each other.
- You have a girlfriend? Landry, I'm I'm really happy for you.
I am too, and I am happy for you.
And maybe now we could try and be friends and if you I would love that.
Well I guess I'll just see you around then.
- Dad, get in the car.
- Just leave me alone, Lyla.
Get in the car! Let's talk about it.
Please That kinda sucked, huh? That was terrible.
I acted terribly.
They deserved it.
They hate me.
They don't hate you.
All a man has is his children, and they hate me.
Dad, they don't hate you, they're being brats.
They don't know what they're saying, they don't mean it.
Yes, they do.
And I deserve it.
I've lost 'em.
You still got me.
That means a lot, Lyla.
Just let me do the talking.
I know what I'm doing here.
Honey, I've talked to these people, I have a relationship with them.
I understand, would you let me do the talking? Yes I can, indeed.
No running in the house! Look, it's not that we don't appreciate you coming by, but you gonna have to understand.
We're just not football people.
What is it? Baseball, basketball? Don't tell me your a Don't tell me you're a soccer family Mr Taylor, I'm an engineer at the power plant.
My company has moved us My point being that we're just passing through.
I mean I'm not one of your Dillon football fanatics.
Gimme a chance to explain what we do with these young men You can explain all you want, football doesn't mean anything to our family.
I don't want Jamarcus wasting his time and energy on something that's not going to get him anywhere.
He needs to be focused on his future.
Jamarcus is a self centered kid, who thinks that the whole world revolves around him.
And, he's being some old high school football star does nothing but confirm that misconception.
Well, Mr.
Hall, I hope you understand, I couldn't agree with you more.
But I'll tell you what, I don't allow prima donnas on my football team.
Because I believe that football is about community spirit, sir and I believe that it gives young men a chance to be part of something All this time I thought it was just a dumb game that this whole whacked-out town is obsessed with.
No, sir.
I don't think I'd be devoting my life to just some dumb game.
Well, if I can interrupt you just for one second.
- Sorry.
- Go ahead! I really do understand, I have to say it took me long time to understand this fuss about football.
He's very convincing about it, but I didn't get it either.
But what I do wanna express to you all, is I have seen football do wonderful things for kids.
And that is because of my husband.
He has a great ability to take a kid, get him out on the football field and inspire them and empower them.
And then, that transfers over into their lives, at school, and in every way.
I think he could do that for Jamarcus.
But Mrs Taylor, Jamarcus lied to us and he's been lying to us all year.
I understand and I was really concerned about that, believe me.
Coach Taylor will make him regret the day that he ever did that.
Come to a game Friday night, just one time, just to see him out there in his element, shining and for him to know, that you're there supporting him in that.
I feel like it might make a difference.
We'll think it over.
I think that went well.
You're opening the door for me! Thank you! So sweet Thank you.
I think it's cute.
I don't really know who the guy is but - Hey, Devin! How are you doing? - Hello.
Do you think maybe that you wanna hang out after band practice I just I'll talk to you later.
- She don't have to It's OK.
- I know, It's OK.
I was thinking that maybe after band practice, we could go grab a bite to eat at the Knockhole, maybe have some cobbler, - maybe some barbecue, maybe - Landry? - What? - I'm a lesbian.
- No you're not! - I'm serious, I'm gay.
I like girls, not boys.
I feel like I need to tell you, because you have the wrong idea about us.
That's an important information that I'm really glad to know because I'd have sworn the other day that you kissed me back whenever I kissed you.
I didn't want to be rude, Landry, and I thought I had to make sure I'd go and give it a try and I know now that I really am.
So I really should thank you, I guess.
Well I'm gonna have to to go and let's this soak in or something.
Cause I I don't know how to react to this, right now.
This place would be great for a young couple, you know? It's fully loaded out here, - have you been upstairs yet? - Not yet.
You haven't seen the master bedroom? - No, what's in there? - You gotta check out the master bath.
I mean, that thing is huge.
Seriously, you could fit 2 in that bathtub, with room for a third.
You know what I mean.
Maybe later.
Hi, folks.
Good afternoon.
My name's Jason Street.
Take a look at this, a look around.
If you've any questions, come back and find me or Timothy here will be happy to answer it for you.
I get what you're saying, but there is a little bit of wiggle room on the price.
Folks, how you doing? Jason Street.
What are we talking about over here? Jason, glad you came over.
We're just talking about a little bit of wiggle room on the price.
That's a little bit premature.
I think 295 is pretty much With the way the market is, it's best to live in reality, don't you think? - We'll just take a look around.
- Okay, you do that.
Take your time, I'll be right here.
- What the hell is your problem? - We gotta lower this price right now.
House hasn't been on market for 6 hours yet.
We haven't even had a nibble yet.
I'm talking to everybody in there - nobody's even interested.
- Quit being a baby, grow some balls.
Since I lost my legs, I'm more careful about my balls.
Let's take a vote on reducing the price.
I'm right with you.
No, 295! That's it! at our own damn open house? What the hell? We never agreed on 295, and who made you the boss anyway? I'm the boss because nobody else wanna step up.
That's why I'm the boss.
Listen, Maverick.
We can't afford to be on hook for this mortgage.
It ain't just about you and your kid.
- Don't bring Noah into this.
- No, don't you bring Noah into this! Every time a decision's to be made, you wave that baby around like a gun! - Well, screw you, Herc! - Guys - Screw you back, QB! - No, screw you Herc.
Screw you back QB! You wanna bring my family into this? Stop it! a great time actually to move this upstairs.
- Alright! Alright! - Stop it! Fine! Fine! Yes I need the money for my family but everybody here needs the money! Billy's trying to get married! Tim is trying to go to school! Fine, I need the money for my family! Erin's up in New England right now, with my kid.
Her parents are putting him in daycare which I can't afford! How am I suppose to compete with that, Herc? I can't! We keep the price where it is man, OK? We're lucky if we get $60,000 to split between the 4 of us.
I need that money, alright? Please just Please just trust me! Alright, QB.
We'll do it your way.
Thank you.
I just wanted to make sure, you know in case you need to do meetings for physics club, that the lab is not available right now, because of the fire.
I'm not in physics club anymore.
- Really? - It was only me and Charles, so we decided that we had a lot on our plates anyways So, you don't have to worry about us.
- Good to know, alright.
- Mrs.
Taylor, can I ask you Like, can I talk to you for a second? I just start to feel like I have some sort of talent that repels females away, and sends them running.
I was in love with Tyra for a long time, I chased her away, and then, there was another girl, and I really chased her away.
That was a lot quicker.
Here's the thing, and I know it's probably not very easy to see this here, in Dillon, but you are at the beginning of your life.
A lot of these football heroes around here, they're not gonna get much further than this.
But you are gonna go to some great college, you're gonna have a career that you'll love.
And, I'm telling you right now, women are gonna flock to you.
I know it's hard to believe, but that's the way it's gonna work.
You are a good person, and this is just the beginning.
I'm right 100% of the time, you can ask my husband.
You got a little crowd out there! What's up, baby? I thought you might be too big time now that you're pro to say hello to your QB.
It's been a long time.
You know, when I heard, I wanted to come to see you, - but we had Florida swamp - Don't worry about it.
Watching you hand the Gators their asses is the best thing that happened to me.
Really? What's been up to, man? Not much, I coached for a little bit.
Coached the team, we won a ring.
You know? And I'm selling cars, and I'm flipping a house right now.
You know, and I have a son, now.
Excuse me, Jason Street.
This is my man, right here, my soon-to-be agent, Grant Harbert.
All we gotta do is sign.
Drop the soon-to-be.
Jason was the QB at my last two years in Dillon.
To this day, the best quarterback I've ever seen.
He had the canon and the best sport mind than anybody I know.
- Nice to meet you, sir.
- How you doing, man.
I've been QB myself, down there at Westerby.
Oh, Westerby! I left Division II bowl an hour after that.
- You graduated and became an agent? - I didn't have the arm to go pro - Really? - Absolutely, man.
You talk football all day, friend of some the greatest players in the world.
- And the money is pretty great.
- I'll see you, Jason, I got to go, man.
- Good to see you.
Keep in touch, okay? - Alright.
Take it easy, alright? Price of glory Hey Jason, nice to meet you.
If you're in the Big Apple, ring me up.
Okay, nice to meet you, Mr.
Blue 80, set, hut! J.
McCoy driving back.
He's got a man open deep, he lets it fly! It is too long! What are you doing, J.
? Keep the elbow in, boy! I see him over there.
It's a hand off to Jamarcus Hall.
He finds an opening Oh, nice stiff here! And the Panthers get a much needed first down.
There he is! Here's the boy! And that's another incompletion - for J.
- Keep the elbow down, boy! - He only missed it by that much.
- I know, but he's got to keep it down! We've been working on it all week long.
Now, it's OK.
Either receivers ran the wrong route.
Panthers passing attack finding it a tough go against this Fordwood secondary tonight.
Oh, up the middle for a nice gain! Jamarcus Hall has been the lone bright spot in this Panther offense.
Where are you going? Get over here! Get over here, right now! What the hell are you doing out there? Where is your timing? - We worked on this all week.
- I'm sorry.
Look at me when I'm talking to you.
You get your head in this game Joe, I need my quarterback.
- I'm almost done.
- J.
, let's come on in.
- Let's go in the locker room.
- What you doing? What am I doing? I'm talking to my son, is that a problem? You yelling at him is not gonna help in any way.
- That's a family matter, Coach.
- I'm not getting in your family matters but I'll ask you to give the kid some breathing room, so I can work with him.
Let's go, gentlemen, let's go! Listen to me.
My old man used to love to come watch the games.
He had great expectations for me, expectations that I did not live up to, and that was not easy on him.
My dad He just wants me to do my best.
- He wants me to succeed, that's all.
- Coach, time to get back out there.
Let's go.
Listen up, gentlemen.
We're gonna go no huddle.
We've been working on this all damn year.
Let's go out there play some smart football, and let's not make any stupid mistakes, what do you say? - Let's go, come on! - Let's go to work! You're gonna call the place.
Don't look at the stands to your daddy, I want you looking at sidelines to me.
You understand that? I'll pull your ass off the field if you do so.
I've got all the confidence in the world in you.
- Let's go.
- Yes, sir.
Let's go! McCoy fires a laser to Law.
First down, Panthers.
Touchdown, Panthers! Fear not, Dillon faithful.
This second half has seen the resurrection of that gunning arm of J.
McCoy reaches to Riggins, Riggins rumbles up the middle, We're inside the Fordwood 25! This Panther offense is firing on all cylinders now.
There we go, baby.
A huge 50 yard T.
pass, and just like that, Dillon's prodigal son has put the final nail in the Fordwood coffin.
Hello, playoffs! Well done.
You did do your thing out there! There he is.
All the way to State, baby.
You all know how we do! Hey, man, I'm I'm gonna catch y'all later, alright? You looked good out there.
So, we got to get home now and get you all to bed, so you can get some good shut-eye cause you get to fly early in the morning.
- Hey, dad? - Yeah.
Do you think we could stop and get some sundaes on the way home? I don't know about that, that's a dairy.
Come on, please.
Okay, baby.
Sundaes, we'll have some sundaes, okay Let me talk to Charlie and we go.
Guys, thank you.
I had a lot of fun.
Great game! - Great job.
- Where's dad? You know, he had some booster club meeting, I think.
Why isn't he here? He's always riding home from the game with us.
He's not mad at me, is he? Look.
Look at me, will you look at me? He should be mad at himself.
I've known him for ever.
He just needs a little time on his own.
He'll be fine.
You wanna go eat some junk food? Why not? Let's do it.
- Where? - Where you wanna go.
- Good night.
- See you later.
Sure, it sounds great.
Yes, sir.
Who was that? - Mark Clant, first properties.
- Don't know Mark Clant, who's he? Yeah, you do.
He's the guy that just got us a first offer on the house.
- You're kidding me, you serious? - I'm dead serious! No way! - Were you messing with it? - No, I messed up with your guitar.
You asked me that 2 minutes ago.
- How are you? - Good.
I'm gonna go get water, I'll be right back.
Good game, last night.
That's funny.
I don't want things to be weird between us - because of this - Totally not gonna be weird.
I'm sorry about everything.
It was my fault, you didn't do anything wrong, you've just been honest with me.
And, trust me, I appreciate that.
And I've just kind of been There's been a lot of stuff on my plate.
Oh, the stuff that you write songs about? Some of that, yeah.
But I just want to make sure that you're okay with the secret, I guess.
I'm absolutely fine with it, I think that it's great, and I think that we should play some music.
But you don't have anything to worry about.
I don't want to play the song that we planned earlier.
Cause I'm gonna slit my wrists if we play that anymore.
I know a girl who Who thinks of toast She'll make you breakfast She'll make you toast But she don't use butter She don't use cheese She don't use jelly Or any of these She uses Vaseline I mean, it burns like fire, Billy.
Sorry, I'm late.
Finally! We got something we wanna show you guys.
- Can we watch it now? - Hit the lights and just turn it on.
- Let's go, let's go, Billy.
- Shut up! - How are you? - I'm great.
- What are we watching, sorry? - Tim Riggins goes to college.
- Here we go.
- Alright, what - That's good.
- Good job.
So, you see we spotlight you.
six guys to bring him down.
Typical Tim Riggins style.
- He gets the corner, then power! - Speed, speed, speed! This guy look like LaRon Landry getting run over by Brandon Jacobs.
I remember that.
It's my favorite one.
Talking about delivering hits, watch this one.
Look how quick he gets up! We got 20 years of footage to go through.
What single characteristic do you think defines Tim Riggins - as a football player? - Coach Toughness.
I've never seen a kid with more fortitude than Tim Riggins.
No fear.
What's your What's your favorite memory of your brother playing football? Watching him get that ring back in '06.
After all we been through together, see him win State, that was that was probably the happiest day in my life.
I'm just really proud of him.
- Nice.
- Jason, that was really nice.
Tim, I think you might actually go to college.
Street, thank you.
For everything, for the house - For everything.
- Thank you, Six.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
For Tim going to school.
What are you doing out here? I was just thinking.
Looking at the Dillon sky.
You think I could make it somewhere else? Do you think I could I don't know, be a good sports agent, or something? What? Lyla, you're okay? You're leaving.
No, I don't say that.
You don't have to.
I think you'd make a great sports agent.
Really? Yeah, you know You know sports, you know athletes.
You're smart, you're a great negotiator I think you'd be a great sports agent.
I really do.
Thank you.
You're going.
I think I have to.
I think, once the money clears, I'm gonna go to New York - and get a new job and - That's a big deal.
start a new life.
I think that's great.

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