Roswell s03e07 Episode Script


NARRATOR: Previously on Roswell: I, Isabel Amanda, take thee, Jesse Esteban to be my wedded husband.
I, Jesse Esteban, take thee, Isabel Amanda to be my wedded wife.
ISABEL: Do you approve? KIVAR: You will always be mine.
You will always be mine.
What if I betray Jesse the way I betrayed all of you? Don't you see what's going on? It's just a dream.
You feel guilty because of Kivar and our previous life.
I don't even know what I did back then, for sure.
I mean all I really know is that I betrayed you and Max and my whole family for this This Kivar.
You're not here.
You're not really here.
Oh, I am here.
I'll see you soon.
Can I dance with the bride? Kyle, did you just see that guy? KYLE: Why? Who is he? Someone who can't be here.
KYLE: Hey, guys.
- How's it going? Everything okay? - Yeah, fine.
- You sure? - Yeah, what's up? Nothing, nothing.
Isabel around? - Yeah, she's upstairs changing.
- Great.
LIZ: Kitchen.
- I'm not washing all these.
Hey, you didn't tell them? No, you tell them, after I'm gone.
Isn't the guy an alien killer? I get one honeymoon.
He's not gonna ruin it.
I'm all for denial as a way of life but you can't just run away from this one.
Yes, I can.
You wanna wash or dry? - I can't believe she didn't tell you.
- Tell me what? JESSE: All right, Mrs.
We gotta go, or we're going to miss our plane.
ISABEL: I know.
PHILIP: Have a good time in La Jolla.
JESSE: See you in a week.
PHILIP: Have fun.
- See you.
- Bye.
- Bye.
We'll miss you.
Mom, it's a week.
I'll call.
PHILIP: Yeah, have a great time.
- I'm sure she will.
Everything is different now.
Yeah, it is.
- What's going on? - Is she officially gone yet? - Yeah.
MAX: I'm leaving.
Just wait, Kyle's gonna tell us something.
- Spit it out.
- I can't believe she didn't tell you.
MAX: Tell us what? - About Kivar.
- Did I say his name wrong? - What about Kivar? - He's here.
MICHAEL: He's here? - She saw him.
She danced with him.
- She what? At the reception.
He looks like a human.
How does Isabel's former alien lover crash her wedding, and we don't know? I don't know, but he's here.
Interruptus No, no, that's it.
Stop it, stop it.
MICHAEL: How can that be him? That's him? Oof.
I'm just saying.
- What's the deal? - Son of a bitch killed us.
All of us.
- He killed you? MICHAEL: Yeah.
We don't remember a lot.
In our other life, Kivar was our enemy.
He was trying to take over my throne.
Isabel fell in love with him and helped him overtake us.
There was a bloodbath.
We were all killed, including Isabel.
Our genetic material was mixed with human DNA, then we were sent here.
Nothing's ever simple with you is it? - What is Kivar doing here? - I doubt he's on vacation.
- What are you gonna do? - What we have to.
We're going to La Jolla.
First class.
Then we're gonna kill him.
- You okay? - Yeah, I'm just tired.
Well, let's get checked in and slip into something a little more married.
Wow, look at this.
- God, it's so beautiful.
- No, you're beautiful.
Hold on, let me take care of the bellman.
There you go.
Whoa, yeah.
What? Nothing.
I'm okay.
- You're tired.
- I'm fine.
- I'm fine.
- Come here.
Come on, let's just catch our breath for a moment.
We're going to be married for a long, long time, okay? So there's no reason to rush anything anymore.
Everything's going to be fine.
- Jeff.
JEFF: Oh, hey, Philip.
- Congratulations.
- Oh, thanks.
- Do you want to see the menu? - Oh, no, no.
Look, I feel kind of funny about this, but could I speak to you for a minute? - Sure, right now? - Yeah.
Uh, in private.
JEFF: Yeah, let's go in the back.
: A beautiful high arc through the fairway.
It rolls back 12 feet from the hole, and it's on the green.
Wonderful shot.
Fischer now 8 behind the leader board with four holes to go.
He loved that shot.
Of course, Fischer was in a similar position last year before hitting 4 over in the final four holes.
Therefore, then bowing out of the lead.
However, this is a new year, and things are Hi.
Jesse, sweetheart, are you here? JESSE: Dear Mrs.
Ramirez, it's 2:30.
I didn 't want to wake you.
Went to the spa.
I'll be back in an hour.
- What did they say? - They were whispering.
- Whispering? - Yeah, something's brewing.
Well, something bad? I don't know, but you and I were not included.
They were skulking around, it reminded me of us.
No, no, screw that.
What are you doing? No, don't.
Back in one second.
LIZ: That break again? Might be time for a new one.
So, um, what did Mr.
Evans want? You know, we share the same accountant.
And he's gonna raise his rates, so it's We're just not sure if we want to pay the increase so, um Oh, see, I thought that he was unhappy with the catering, but - No, the catering was fine.
- Good, that's really good.
Oh, table eight, could you get them some menus and some water please? Thank you.
- Okay.
- Jesse.
- Baby, oh, I'm sorry.
- Where have you been? - I was about to come wake you up.
- Where were you? - Driving range.
Your husband's quite a golfer.
JESSE: I knew the moment I met her.
KIVAR: Really? JESSE: Yeah, love at first sight.
That is so sweet, honey.
Maybe we should Kevin, what about you? Is there anyone special in your life? As a matter of fact, there is.
Maybe we could all hook up and go out for dinner one night.
It would be difficult, Jesse.
See, she's gone.
- Gone? - No.
She's not dead, just missing.
Oh, my God.
It seems like I've been searching for her forever.
Wow, Kevin, I'm sorry, that's - How did it happen? - Jesse, it's private so It's all right, really.
To understand what happened, you've got to go back to the first night we met.
See, we were supposed to fall in love.
Our families were enemies.
We were at the palace and it was one of those rare moments where they were trying to find peace.
The palace? We were by the water, and she pleaded with me not to, but I kissed her.
And that was it.
From that point on, we were together.
We would have done anything for each other.
And we did.
Until one bad night.
One night I lost her.
It all sounds pretty far-fetched to me.
KIVAR: But it's all true.
VALENTl: I got it, Kyle.
- Okay.
Hey, what's up, Philip? Hi, sheriff Uh, Jim.
Uh, listen, I feel really odd about this.
VALENTl: About what? - Well, I'm not sure.
I've been talking to Jeff Parker and there are some things I need to know and I was wondering if you could help me out? - Can I come in? VALENTl: Sure.
- I'm sorry, come on in.
PHILIP: Thanks.
VALENTl: So, what kind of things? Well, it's about the kids.
Um About Max, actually.
VALENTl: Something happened? - Something's been happening for a few years now, and I don't know what it is.
I'm trying to find out more information about my son.
- How can I help you? - Well I used to see him all the time with this girl.
She had blond hair.
She was staying at your house.
- Tess.
- They dated, didn't they? VALENTl: Yeah.
I think.
I mean, for a while, yeah.
You know kids.
Hard to keep up.
PHILIP: Where is she now? VALENTl: She left.
She went back East.
She's got relatives there.
An aunt and uncle.
PHILIP: Do you have a way of contacting her? VALENTl: What? Why? I was just gonna ask her a few questions.
About Max? - Do you have a phone number for her? - Yeah, somewhere.
I've got her address here, but God knows where that is.
No, let me ask Kyle when he gets back.
And we'll see if we can't track her down for you.
- I'd appreciate that.
- Sure, sure.
- Thanks, sheriff.
- No problem.
- He bugs me.
- Who? Kevin? What, do you think he's some freak who preys on honeymooning newlyweds? Okay, let's sneak out this way.
- Here.
JESSE: Oh, thanks.
- Isabel, did you want anything? - No.
I feel like I'm intruding.
I'm gonna leave you two alone.
- Well, I'm sure we'll see you later.
- We're gonna be really busy.
- She's got a point.
KIVAR: Yes, she does.
I hope you have a long, happy life together.
- Thanks.
- Goodbye.
- Just us.
- Thank God.
What's wrong? Oh, I don't think that oyster appetizer was a good idea.
Oh! I'll be right back.
Excuse me.
What did you do to Jesse? He'll be fine.
Just used him to steal a moment.
I've been searching for you for an eternity.
I'm not Vilandra anymore.
Yes, you are.
I can feel it.
I can feel it right now.
You got what you wanted from me.
Just leave me alone now.
Ditch the human toy and meet me by the water.
Like when we first met.
No, no.
LIZ: Thank you.
- So, what did your dad say to him? - He handled it for the moment but it's true.
Max's dad is investigating.
I really wouldn't worry.
Look at it from Mr.
Evans' point of view.
His son is a criminal, suddenly his daughter gets married he's just trying to get a grip on his new world.
Suppose he discovers the interstellar love triangle and the alien hit squad winging its way to Honeymoon Central? - No, he won't.
He won't.
- He might.
- What is this? - I don't know.
What is it? - Guess what.
LIZ: What? Isabel's alien lover is a man named Denny.
He's not from Antar? No, that's how he got here.
Kivar took possession.
This guy's totally innocent.
With a wife.
And Max and Michael are gonna kill him.
- Jesse, are you coming out? - Yeah, one second.
Oh, Jesse, hurry.
JESSE: Hey, Isabel.
Something's wrong with the door.
Can you push it or something? Um, it's stuck, honey.
I can't even turn the handle.
How much did we pay for this hotel room? Jesse, I'm gonna go find some maintenance people and see if they can get it open.
I'll be right back.
JESSE: Isabel.
Isabel, just use the phone! What have you done to me? What do you mean? You've taken control, used some kind of power to get me here.
I've done nothing.
You're here because it's where Vilandra wants to be.
Vilandra is dead.
She doesn't exist.
She does.
Within you.
Vilandra betrayed my entire family.
She murdered them.
And I've been given a second chance, and it doesn't include you.
Yes, it does.
Just by being here.
We can leave tonight, right now.
How? It's a new mode of transit.
Something we've been working on.
It's better than a ship.
Just come with me.
- Vilandra.
- No.
And if you really love me, don't come back.
What if he's not here? Oh, he's here.
He wants Isabel.
Kivar is nothing if not determined.
Then I hope we're not Too late.
Return with me, Vilandra.
I'm not Vilandra.
You can be.
We can leave all this behind.
Did you ever hear of vibrate? - Jesse.
- He doesn't matter.
He does.
He does matter.
LIZ: Max, hi, you're still alive.
Is that Liz? - I can't talk right now.
- Max, did you kill him? - No.
I love you, but I gotta go.
- Is Michael okay? - What about Isabel? - Just don't kill him.
- Hang up.
LIZ: He's a human being.
His name is Denny Ridgley.
He's married, and he's a local.
Is Michael okay? - Max, hang it up! - Yeah, Michael's fine.
- He's fine.
- Have they found Isabel? - Who's Denny Ridgley? - They're gone.
LIZ: His wife's putting missing-persons posters up all over town.
Come on.
I personally think that Kivar has, like, taken him over.
It's gotta be a possession thing.
One more thing, remember your father? He's been asking questions around town.
- About what? - About you and Tess.
Find out what he's after.
I gotta go.
Kivar is possessing some guy named Denny.
- So? - So we can't kill him.
Yeah, who says? - What did you do? - Nothing.
- To the door.
What? - Oh, the front desk.
They told me that sometimes it sticks, and you just - Were you outside? - No.
The maintenance guy was outside.
So I had to find him to ask him about the door and he said that sometimes you just have to lean into it and pull back all at the same time.
Lean in and pull back all at the same time? Is that what you have to do? [LAUGHING.]
Now, where were we? [KNOCKING.]
- I'll get it.
- Just ignore it.
MAN: Room service.
- Just don't move.
I'll just Whatever.
- Hi.
We're here to kill your boyfriend.
JESSE: Who is it? Room service.
JESSE: Did you order something? - No, it was a mistake.
Come to bed.
- I really want a drink.
- What? Would you be a fantastic husband and go down to the bar and get me one of those fruity umbrella drinks? - What? Come on.
- All that running around made me thirsty.
- Well, tell the room-service guy.
- He's gone.
Look, what's going on? - I'm nervous.
I need to relax.
- We have champagne.
But I'm really in the mood for one of those - Fruity, pineapple-y umbrella drinks.
- Yes, please.
Thanks, honey.
What are you guys doing here? - Taking care of your problem.
- Why didn't you tell us? I didn't expect him to follow me here.
He sure as hell doesn't have the hots for us.
- You can't kill him.
- We know.
We're going to.
- Michael.
- Kivar possessed some idiot.
ISABEL: Who? - I don't care.
It doesn't matter.
He's dead.
Look, I really think you guys should go.
I've got this totally under control.
- I'm gonna get rid of him.
- You're gonna give him what he wants.
What? You're gonna ride his handlebars back to Antar? - We saw you.
- By the gazebo.
Oh, why is this happening to me? Oh, I'm married.
I love Jesse.
I love him.
- I know.
- But I love Kivar.
No, you don't.
Vilandra does.
She wants control.
She wants to go back.
- She's gone.
ISABEL: She's not.
I wish she was.
I hate her.
I hate what she did.
But she isn't gone.
She's still inside of me.
Listen to me.
Isabel! Listen, this is what we're gonna do.
You're gonna stay here in this room with your husband.
- We're gonna find Kivar.
- No.
No, Max, you're not going without me.
What if something goes wrong and you need me there? Is this some kind of closure? Yes, yes.
I need to get over him.
I need to conquer this now.
All right, okay.
You stay here.
We'll wait outside, just in case he comes looking.
If he doesn't, you leave at dawn, get away from Jesse.
We'll be behind you, out of sight.
You find Kivar.
Take him someplace secluded.
We'll get Kivar out of Ridgley somehow.
- Then what? - I'm gonna get a T-shirt printed up.
We're gonna kill him.
MAX: He's after you now, but we're unfinished business.
Do you understand? It's either him or us.
- Isabel? - Yes.
JESSE: Isabel, it's me.
- That was fast.
- I'm motivated.
Oh, thanks, honey.
Okay, I'll be right there.
Leave it there.
Are you all right? [ISABEL CLEARS THROAT.]
Just listen to me for a second.
Don't say anything.
Just let me get this out.
I'm not who you think I am.
I'm from another planet.
Like Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.
I'm from Antar.
I'm an alien.
Okay, how did you do that? Max, Michael.
What is this? We're all aliens.
Our ship crashed in Roswell over 50 years ago.
It wasn't a hoax.
It was a government cover-up.
We're hybrids, alien-human DNA.
We crawled out of our secret pod chamber about 12 years ago into the desert.
And nobody knows, not even our parents.
- Some people know, like his girlfriend.
- And his.
Now you.
This is some weird, family practical joke, right? Constantly.
You know when Liz and I robbed that convenience store? We were after an alien spaceship in the basement.
He got this girl pregnant.
She's alien too, and now he's got this kid.
MAX: Somewhere.
And I needed a ship to track him down.
Out there.
- You're not kidding.
- No.
But, honey, look, it doesn't mean that we can't have a perfectly normal, healthy, happy marriage.
Right, right.
Help! Let me out of here! Somebody help me! Help! Are you all right? What's going on? You know that oyster appetizer? I think you're right.
It wasn't such a good idea.
- Are you sick? - I think so.
So you won't be wanting this drink, then, right? No.
Well, that's a shame.
Hi, Philip.
It's Jeff.
Look, I'm sorry to call you so late but, um Yeah.
Look, Phil, there are some things that I remember.
Where do you want to get together? Okay, your office tomorrow.
Yeah, sure.
Isabel! Isabel? Let's go, come on.
Max? What the hell are you doing here? - Jesse.
- I said, what are you doing here? - Vacation.
- What? Isabel did a good job describing the place, and we had some free time.
Cut the crap.
What's going on? - We gotta go.
JESSE: Where? Where? - Scuba lessons.
- Scuba lessons? Where's Isabel? - She's your wife.
- When you find her, say hi.
- We gotta go.
- What's going on? - Michael.
- On it.
Ow! [GASPS.]
Have you made up your mind? Yes.
I'm coming with you.
Good, let's go home.
This way.
- Is that part of the plan? - I don't think so.
KIVAR: What's wrong? Tell me.
You will always be mine.
Max and Michael are here.
They're gonna kill you.
Where? Thanks, Isabel.
KIVAR: Oh, Zan, it's been a long time.
I've wondered about this moment, when our paths would cross again.
- We're not letting you take Isabel.
- I'm not taking anyone anywhere.
Am I? Isabel, let go of his hand.
Isabel! Let us leave, please.
Don't make her kill you again.
It would feel redundant.
- She wouldn't.
- She did before.
No, she didn't.
I remember some of it.
You led Kivar into the city with his men.
He convinced you that he wanted peace.
He said he wasn't gonna kill anybody, that he was there to call a truce.
And once you helped him gain access, he killed all of us.
You didn't kill us, Isabel, he did.
He betrayed you.
No more troubles, okay? I promise.
You ready? Yes.
Let's go home.
Keep your hands off my wife! - What is this? - You have to go.
What's wrong with your eyes? Did he do something to you? Isabel, tell me what happened.
Please talk to me.
Isabel, I love you.
Please talk to me.
I'm sorry, Jesse.
If we're gonna go, we have to go now.
Isabel! No! You come back, I'll kill you myself.
Get him out of here.
You okay? MICHAEL: Hey, whatever-your-name-is.
- I think so.
- Where am I? - La Jolla.
- You need to call your wife.
- How did I get in California? I don't know.
Maybe you were kidnapped by aliens or something.
What happened? He saved me.
He took on Kivar all by himself, and then I knocked him out.
- What did he see? - Everything.
That could be a problem.
- Isabel? - I'm here.
I'm right here.
What happened? Where's that son of a bitch? - Was he? - A very dangerous man.
I think he drugged us.
Because I got sick.
- Did he? - I'm fine.
What else do you remember? We were in the room, and we danced.
And he made a pass at you, right? Yeah.
And then l How'd we get back here? You walked, I helped.
Before that? There was a fight.
He hit you and you hit him back, hard.
And then he ran off.
You rescued me.
Do you remember that this is our honeymoon? Yes.
Do you want to do something about that? - You mean we haven't? - Not yet.
What are we waiting for? - Wait, Max and Michael.
- What about them? - Are they here? - No, don't be ridiculous.
- But l - Jesse, honeymoon, focus.
Let's go scuba diving.
- Are you serious? - When else? You gotta seize the moment, Max.
I've gotta get back home.
There'll be plenty of time for intense brooding moments with Liz later.
We were just almost obliterated by an alien killer.
- Which is why we need to chill.
- Chill? Exactly, chill.
See some stingrays.
- You're really serious about this.
- Yeah.
So, Philip, what do you want to do about it? Keep my eyes open and ask you to do the same.
JEFF: Okay.
What are we looking for? I don't know.
I just hope I recognize it when I see it.
- Wow.
- Are you okay? Yeah.
Are you sure? - I got only three words for you.
- Yeah? That was different.

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