Sky Rojo (2021) s03e07 Episode Script

Helplessness and Ice Hockey

Duck down.
Their things are here.
And they're carrying a baby.
And drugs.
They like partying, those girls.
It still feels hot.
They just left.
I saw your drugs, Coral.
The cocaine, the pills
Every possible color.
You've been getting high all this time.
Look at me, Coral.
Your pupil
is as big as a bear.
I hugged you
and congratulated you,
thinking you weren't taking drugs anymore.
But you were taking drugs?
In the evening?
I'm an idiot.
I thought that living
with Gina and me might just help.
I feel so
absurd for thinking
that I was helping you.
Wendy, it's not your fault.
Of course not.
You tricked me.
What kind of relationship is it if you
lie to me at the same time I hug you?
You were the one
making everything painful.
Look at us.
We're all put in danger again
because of you.
When you almost killed Romeo
in front of his daughters
were you buzzed?
I think the best thing for me
is to get away from you.
Pull over, Moisés.
Not until it's safe.
Just pull over.
And the baby comes with us.
It's obvious
you can't take care of anybody.
Are you okay?
I've been told
a lot of shit in my life.
But nothing has hurt me like this.
Because I've never loved anyone like this.
Can I ask you for a favor?
Keep me locked in.
Tie me up so I can go cold turkey.
And don't let me out.
Until I'm clean and sober.
Or dead.
Can I help you out, sweetheart?
Give me your cell and get out of the car.
Whose house is this?
Some Russians.
But don't worry.
They're not here for another month.
How do you know?
Because I know them.
Come in.
Why do you know the alarm?
The house is owned by clients.
I deliver whores and provide cocaine.
Everybody here ♪
Look around the house.
Pills, booze, cough syrup
Take everything
and flush it down the toilet.
It will be fine, Coral.
Would everything be fine?
Even I didn't believe it.
Nothing was fine.
I was feeling like shit,
and I was lying to Coral.
Like she had lied to Wendy.
It was me who really needed help.
Because Coral might be an addict,
but she could get over
the withdrawal symptoms.
The sweating, the writhing in pain
It was just a matter
of time and endurance.
And I had neither.
I could feel it consuming me.
I couldn't stand for even one more day.
Something was burning
and swarming inside of me.
It took all my strength away,
and I couldn't breathe.
I thought I was having a heart attack.
It felt like my chest was going to explode
like a fucking hand grenade.
But what I thought was a death rattle
was actually an anxiety attack.
How could I save Coral when it was
me who was falling into the void,
with an anchor around my neck?
Neither of us could save the other.
We were two lost causes,
joined by helplessness and ice hockey.
Can you help me?
Some crazy women
They, they, they stole my car.
Are you serious, sir?
What kind of car?
A Volvo.
A 940.
Dark green.
Now that's terrible.
Such a pity.
Sir, did you see where they were going?
That road.
Can I borrow
your phone to call the police?
Those damn women stole my phone too.
Course I can. Course I can. Sure.
Ah, here.
And what
What's the number for emergencies?
Ah, yes Yeah. It's 112.
Yeah. That's it.
"Toot. Toot."
No answer.
And you can call
from the afterlife now. But use Wi-Fi.
What the fuck are you doing?
Hey, hey.
What did you want me to do, Beefcake?
Hand him my phone
so he can call the police?
Let them come
and shine their blue lights on us?
Let them catch
those fucking bitches instead of us?
And we would have to look for them
in a witness protection program?
Listen to me, asshole.
Any person that finds themselves
between my bullets
and those bitches
are collateral damage.
You got that?
Okay, whatever you say.
If we take the highway,
then we can head them off at the pass.
There's an exit
about 18 kilometers from here.
It's freezing here.
I screwed up
the only beautiful thing I had.
These things come once in a lifetime, but
if I ever have it again, I will be sober.
And stable.
And I will have it.
Light the fire, please.
You're sweating, Coral.
It's the cold turkey.
Let's begin the fiesta.
Well, what now?
What's the plan?
The plan is there's no plan.
Can you see what I'm holding?
It's a baby, Wendy.
And maybe you have no plan.
But his plan is
having his diapers changed,
sleeping, being given his bottle
He doesn't care that a killer
or even Christ himself is pursuing us.
Fucking fuck!
Fuck, they're here.
Come on.
The lights. Turn off the lights!
Greta. Greta, pay attention.
Load then slide.
- And get the hammer ready.
- What?
I know you're here.
Okay. Okay.
Fuck, fuck!
Fuck, fuck!
Come on.
It smells like gasoline.
The fuel tank got pierced.
What do we do?
Keep going until we can't.
We found them, Romeo.
But they shot at us
and ruptured two of our tires.
You have to send us
a car with a second spare tire.
Okay, I'll send it. And a few more men.
Don't come back
without them, okay? Find them.
Help me with the tire.
My fucking stitches are popping out!
Darwin, is that Moisés with you two?
That bastard didn't show up.
This is Moisés.
Leave your message.
As the boat stopped by
The boatman said to me ♪
"Pretty girls don't have to pay" ♪
I'm not pretty, and I don't want to be ♪
I'll pay my money like any other woman ♪
As the boat stopped by
The boatman said to me ♪
Gather everyone and get them
out of the club. And close it.
Why's that?
Because they wanna fucking kill me!
Is that reason enough?
I want all of us right here,
keeping watch.
- Turn off the light.
- What is it, Coral?
Turn it off.
It's the sun. It's getting light.
My whole body hurts.
I can't move. My bones are cold.
I can't feel my arms.
Don't worry. That's normal.
I've prepared a bath of hot water.
It'll help with the pain. You'll see.
Give me diazepam.
Or ibuprofen. Give me Give me anything.
Yeah, I flushed it all down the toilet.
Give me whatever is left
floating there. Would you, please?
- Please.
- Let's go.
Beefcake, I found the car.
Transmitting location.
Don't move
or I'll blow your brains out.
You're gonna take out your gun slowly,
and then you're gonna drop it.
Then you're gonna
get in the trunk of the car.
It's better for you
that I don't get in that car.
'Cause if I do,
I'll create a little jar
of souvenirs that's just for me,
with your little nipples,
your pubic hair
and your clitoris.
Cut off with my knife.
And when will you
create that little jar of relics?
After or before your workout?
What a pity.
You won't be able to do your workout.
The longer you choose
to stay out of that trunk,
the more holes you're going to get.
And the quicker
you're gonna bleed to death.
You okay?
Am I okay?
You just shot him in cold blood.
You can't even claim self-defense.
You're just like them.
That guy's a professional.
You know, Greta?
I don't care. You still get sent to jail
whether you shot
an assassin or you shoot the King.
You know? And what about that man?
To get him out the car, you pulled
a pistol on him. Then you left him
- I was saving our lives if you wanna know.
- Wendy.
Give me the pistol.
I said give me the pistol!
That guy just sent
our location to Beefcake.
Understand this?
We have to get out of here.
Yeah, but without pistols.
You can't go around shooting people.
We could go to jail.
We have to think about the baby.
Don't you see?
Thank you.
The bag.
And all that stuff about workouts
I'm baffled.
Like gangsters.
Suddenly, this is The Godfather.
Follow my lead now.
Drag your leg. Come.
Everything okay, girls?
No. We just came
from Gomera. We were hiking.
And she twisted her ankle.
So we need ice for it.
Hiking? But
I live near here. I can take you there,
or if it really hurts,
I can take you to the hospital.
- No. No.
- No. I mean, no need.
- She can rest it.
- I can put weight on it.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Yeah, yeah.
If we can go to your house,
that would be great.
You know, maybe then
we can also change the baby.
'Cause he did caca,
and we can't change him here.
Please hop in.
- Careful. It's tight.
- Oh. Greta. Pleased to meet you.
Pleasure. I'm Diego.
Wendy. Yeah.
You've been in there for six hours.
You should get out of the bathtub.
Fill it again.
Come on.
Give me alcohol, please.
It will be good for me.
There's none.
What about cooking wine?
Vinegar? Cologne?
Forget it, Coral. I threw it out.
Well, fucking talk to me.
Because I can't stand
to hear my own voice.
I can hear the inside
of my head grinding. Please.
And what should I say?
Something beautiful.
I don't know. About you.
A beautiful thing in my life?
Well, tough shit.
There's nothing I feel proud of, actually.
Nothing I would want to
do over again.
Do you wanna hear
about a life down the drain?
Well, that's my life.
What you told me
that we murdered a pregnant woman,
it made me think of what you said to me.
You were right, Coral.
I'm scum.
And I'm the one who should die.
That would make someone happy
someone I don't know yet.
Someone I hurt in the future.
So getting rid of myself is a favor.
And one to me.
I need to rest now.
Well, when I saw you
crossing the road, I thought,
"Those chicks were at an after-party."
But when I saw the baby
I thought,
"It's way more weird than that."
Weird? Why?
Well, you said
you came from another island.
What time was the ferry from Gomera?
At three in the morning?
Early. Early, yeah.
And you've been hiking
with a baby and wearing latex?
- You must be sweating like hell, huh?
- Yeah.
Well, the general idea was for us to
to fucking sweat.
Yeah, you know? Working out and sweating.
Sweating a lot. The more, the better.
Well, yes, of course, sweating.
Fuck me.
What's wrong?
I think it's the carburetor.
It's broken. I have to check it.
So now? Now you have to check it?
This carburetor is from Texas.
Made in 1954.
So imagine the shape it's in.
I buy classic cars.
I repair the old parts
and restore the cars.
I give them new life.
I consider myself, um,
an environmentalist. I recycle.
That's interesting.
Yep, the state of this one is
So how long do you think
it will take for you to fix it?
I don't know.
About 10, 15 minutes more or less.
Okay, great! Then we have time to go pee.
Come on.
Come on. Hurry up.
He's gone.
He's gone. He's gone. He's gone.
- Is he okay?
- Yeah.
Oh, fuck.
Moisés! Please come.
What's wrong?
When was the last time I ate?
I feel very weak.
What do you want, pizza or lobster?
Let go! Let go of me! Let go of me!
I brought some friends.
They've just been hiking on Gomera,
and they had an accident.
They need ice. Well, just one of them.
- Me.
- But you can stand though, yeah?
- Yes, I can.
- It's okay. It's okay.
I mean, hiking is hope.
- Oh.
- Oh. Mm, yeah.
Why don't you take
a look around while we get some ice?
Diego really is an artist.
- Ladies.
- Well, if I may.
Why didn't they wanna go to a hospital?
- Well, they preferred to come here.
- Come here?
That's weird though.
Weird why? A lot of people
go hiking and twist their ankles.
Hiking in latex pants and with a baby?
And when did they catch the ferry?
It's weird, dammit.
Can't you see they're lying?
Why did they wanna come here?
To rob and decapitate us, to murder
You need to get serious soon.
Because all of this is worth way too much.
That girl doesn't trust us.
So let's get a taxi and find a hotel.
Romeo's thugs must be looking
for two girls with a baby.
Or maybe they want to steal a car
or two and sell them to the Russians.
If we leave here, they'll kill us.
If you hurt your foot,
you go to a hospital, not to a stranger.
So what do we do?
So don't you sweat profusely
in that latex?
I don't know, but I may try them someday.
Just play along.
Diego, in a fight between David Carradine
and Bruce Lee, who wins?
Hah, hah!
Okay, okay.
Hah, hah!
Hah. Hah!
Great. Now we can all
go together to the kung fu festival.
Hey, sweetheart.
Tell me.
Can I ask you for a favor?
Go to the pharmacy
and get me a little codeine.
I think I cracked a rib when I fell,
and it's really hurting now.
I'm not going to any pharmacy.
You're going to sit on that chair.
And I'll finish tying you up.
You have to be strong.
Hold tight.
Hold tight?
I'm not like you.
Some trash who holds tight.
Your mother was
frozen solid because of you.
And you held tight.
Your mother and brother,
they were killed because of you.
And you held tight. And your papa? Huh?
You took out your whole family.
And you're still holding on tight.
The man that was
inside you has disappeared.
And you dare to say you're not
bringing me codeine, you piece of shit!
Bring me some codeine! Now!
Bring it to me.
Better bring a lot.
Have you ever wished
you were dead?
If so, let me tell you,
you don't wanna do it slowly.
The biggest fuckup
you can make is to have to wait for death.
I couldn't spend all morning
inhaling carbon monoxide,
enduring a long, drawn-out death.
I needed something sudden and fatal.
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