Ben 10: Omniverse (2012) s03e08 Episode Script

The Vampire Strikes Back

3x08 the vampire strikes back.
- So, all done? Great work.
- Do not talk.
Come on.
What did I do? Well, you broke the variable- G offset modulator, spent more time worrying about a pimple than defeating a sorceress, and you turned the planet's entire population against you.
I was talking to Rad.
Well, of course you'd take his side, Pyxi.
Well, I, for one, am glad to leave Anur Transyl.
I hope to never see it again.
- Any more seats? - What did I say about talking? Soon, Lord Transyl, the Alpha rune's power will resurrect you.
You have an objection, Dr.
Viktor? Transyl and the other Vladats used my people as slaves.
We were nothing more than beasts of burden, and ultimately, we were food! Fear not.
He will bend to my will.
Kuphulu! At your command, my Lord.
I cannot stand the light, but I do like the result.
Ben 10 he's a kid, and he wants to have fun but when you need a superhero, he gets the job done Ben 10 with a device that he wears on his arm he can change his shape and save the world from harm when trouble's taking place he gets right in its face Ben 10 when lives are on the line it's hero time Ben 10 {Creaking.]
Yeah, you may want to get that fixed! Better? - New life-form identified.
- Where? Subject on planet surface.
Attempting DNA analysis and code acquisition.
Acquisition failed due to distance from subject.
Omnitrix functions will be disabled in 30 seconds.
292827 Turn around! No way yeah way! If we don't, I'm locked out of the Omnitrix! You go back.
Aah! Aah! Aaaaaaah! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Come on! Give me something with wings! Of course you will now turn the ship around, knowing that such contrary behavior is merely to conceal your true sensitive nature.
Let me rephrase that.
Of course you will now turn the ship around, knowing that if you do not, you will not be paid.
"Will not be paid.
" No! Master! This is madness! Lord Transyl, welcome back to the world of the living.
I must feed.
Aaaaaah! I brought you back from extinction, Transyl.
I possess you to whatever extent I choose.
You'd do well to cooperate.
After all, we have much in common Our aversion to sunlight I do not cooperate with my inferiors.
Light may hurt me, but it destroys you, Ectonurite.
You and I are much alike.
We both have the power to control other creatures.
I inhabit their bodies.
You do so with Whatever you spat at me.
Now, we can be adversaries or allies.
What do you want? - To rule the universe.
- I am listening.
How'd you get him to turn around? I appealed to his better nature.
Getting warm.
So, how about you go on and the rest of us wait in the ship? You're scared.
Actually, right now I'm working on "jumpy.
" I may move up to "scared" or just go straight for "panic.
" Relax, Hobble.
As soon as we're close enough to lock onto that DNA signal Ben Tennyson! We are in big trouble! Why is that? I see.
It's like the cereal aisle came to life.
Okay, now I panic! Aah! Guys? Guys?! Why didn't that thing stick to you? Eh, funny thing about my species Our skin secretes a protective coating of mucus.
A snot barrier? Yeah.
Great, right? That "thing" is a Corruptura.
It allows Lord Transyl here to control the bodies of his victims.
I noticed.
You needn't feel left out, Tennyson.
You are next.
New life-form DNA analyzed.
Acquisition complete.
Stand back, Hobble! Don't eat me! Aaaaaah! Hobble! Sorry.
I This is the human that has given you so much trouble? More of a nuisance, really.
You see, Tennyson? Your friends are now puppets, and only Lord Transyl can pull the strings.
Yeah, well, two can play that game.
I hope.
Aaaaah! - Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! - Get 'em, boys! We are at your command curse you! What do you know? Ordering henchmen around is kind of fun.
Aah! This is futile, Tennyson.
We control the populace.
- You have only three on your side.
- Well technically, four.
Besides, what will you do Fight your friends to the death? No.
That's not it.
Aah! You three with me! We have to get out of here! Forgive me.
I got a planet full of monsters after me, an alien vampire just turned my friends into puppets and my appetite is really weird.
I noticed that when you were about to eat me! - More like I was gonna drain your energy.
- Oh, yeah.
So much better.
I'm sorry, okay? Becoming a "Vladatian" Or whatever messes with your head.
All this looking up is killing me.
In this body, I do my best thinking upside down.
We need to find Zs'skayr's castle.
The castle vanished, remember? Who's going to show me the way to Z'castle Zs'skayr? Ha! Sweet! Accursed human! Guys, I'm trying to help you here.
You? Ever since you came, all you've brought is trouble.
Why should we trust you now? Okay.
Then how about this Why did Zs'skayr bring Transyl back to life? What's his plan? It's simple, really.
Using your DNA as a template, I shall revive your entire species.
Then, I shall once again rule Anur Transyl.
Oh, dear.
Such limited thinking.
What do you mean? With my strategic skills and your army of Vladats, we shall be unstoppable as we roam from planet to planet, gathering new subjects.
- And fresh food.
- Yes, if you must.
However, completing the cloning process will be complex.
I shall put our brash young converts to work as assistants.
We object.
You jerks! Object all you like, but you cannot resist.
Ben will stop you.
Lord Transyl has surrounded the castle with Anur Transyl's deadliest creatures.
Even if Tennyson finds us, he will never get inside.
Nobody move! Right, because I'm a crack shot.
Aah! Sorry.
Guys! Oh! Ben! It's a cloning scheme! Smash those tubes before we're up to our necks in Vladats! Ahh That wasn't a suggestion! Hobble, I'll handle this freak.
You stop Zs'skayr! With what?! Do I have to do everything my unh! You are not a true Vladat.
You are a pitiful imitation, fit only to serve as my slave.
Your slave.
Huh? Huh? Huh? Hmm? Heh.
- Oh, no! - Oh, yes! Yessss yes yes.
No one is immune to my power.
I don't go in for the whole mind-slave thing.
Your will is strong, but your flesh is weak.
Not even.
Just call me Whampire! Ohhh! We are free! What creature is this? That is Tennyson! His Omnitrix has failed, and he is surrounded.
But you have to admit Whampire's a really great name.
My children, make it painful! Ben! Run! Please.
I still have Hobble, and Transyl can't control him.
Right, Hobble? Hobble? Aw, man! Wait! Would he not make a more fitting slave, Lord Transyl? Hmm.
Probobly so.
- "Probobly"? Really? - Dr.
Viktor! I wouldn't want Lord Transyl to miss his target.
Don't move! For good this time goodbye! Ahh! Huh? I hate the Vladats even more than I hate you.
They must never rule again.
Do something! Take that! And another one! Whoo-hoo! N-o-o-o-o-o-o! Come on, Omnitrix.
Time out's over.
The taste of your energy will be sweet.
Do I look like a snack?! Haaa-meena-meena- meena-meena-meena! Try a little fusion cuisine, catered by Atomix! Unh! Ah! W-we can move again! Yeah! Zs'skayr Where did he go where all good spooks go once they're shredded to atoms.
It'll be a while before we see him again.
Ah, Vladat.
The only thing you will taste is bitter defeat.
What are you going to do to him? Put him somewhere safe.
And I'll keep this little fella floating here in the lab, so if Zs'skayr ever shows up again, he won't be able to get in the door.
Wow! That is bright! So, problem solved.
Everybody's happy, right? Yunh! Never mess with my ship is he still under Transyl's control? Thank you, fellow plumbers, on behalf of my entire planet.
Um is everyone okay? Swell.
Pyxi, get us the heck out of here.
You could be worse off.
You could be him.

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