Bloodline (2015) s03e08 Episode Script

Part 31

1 [.]
Young man goes out Looking for the diamond in the sea Old man rows his boat to shore And falls on twisted knees And you'll drown Before the water lets you in And you'll drown Before the water lets you in [.]
Can't believe it.
You're a big flower lover, aren't you? Hey, have you ever grown butterfly lilies? Oh, they're amazing.
Because, see, they They're really about rebirth and transformation.
But here's the thing: They only bloom year after year if you're good to them.
Huh? How about that? It's late, Mr.
Yeah, I know.
I know it's late.
I know.
It's almost too late, huh, Sally? I don't have anything to say to you, except that I would appreciate it if you would leave this property right now.
You know what? You were great up there.
On the stand.
Real good.
Or so I hear.
Okay, come on, let's Let's cut to the chase, okay? Eric is not the killing type.
We both know that.
He's not like me.
Or the way I was anyway.
And you know what? It's okay, because he's done plenty of shit that he never got busted for.
Eric has been walking around life weighted down by all the shit he's done, it's finally caught up with him, and it's about time.
But it's gonna catch up with you too, Sally.
I know you know this, I know you do, because you're a smart broad.
Thing is, I don't know if you're smart enough to know you're running out of time.
- I'm calling the police.
- Sally, come on.
Come on, Sally.
You're in danger, okay? Just call him.
- Who? - Mr.
Father Lopez.
Call him, will you? I've seen you and him in that confessional thing.
Come on, before it's too late, before you run out of time.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- I'm not leaving until I know that you heard what I'm saying.
- I'm listening.
- I know.
But listening is different that hearing, Sally.
Which one did you do? I heard you.
- I heard you.
- Well, good.
Good, that's all I wanted.
Is that so hard? Okay? That's all I wanted.
I don't know how to start.
It's very simple.
You say what you have done and through me, the Lord will forgive you.
That's it? Anything can be forgiven.
John Rayburn, open up.
Boston PD.
Come on, Rayburn.
I know you're in there.
Come on, Rayburn.
You're charged with breaking a promise to visit during the year.
- What are you doing? - You don't return my calls.
We figured it was time for an intervention.
From the looks of things, not a moment too soon.
- Jeez, it smells in here.
- What the fuck are you doing here? What are you doing here? That's more the question.
So anyway, I followed the case.
O'Bannon took a plea.
That's gotta be a kick in the fucking cojones, huh? Don't know, thought the department would've pushed for a max sentence.
- It's a complicated case.
Is Vonnie here? - I bet it was a complicated case.
So, what do you think? - O'Bannon good for it? - What the fuck you talking about? - I don't know.
Talk about it over dinner.
- I'm not going to fucking dinner, Mike.
I don't give a fuck that you and Diana are having some troubles, all right? It's called a marriage.
You You put your pants on, act like an adult, - have dinner with your friends.
- I'm not going to dinner with Diana.
- Yeah, you are.
- No, I'm not.
Did you ever come to visit me? No.
Do I got a problem with that? No.
But if you ever found me in a place like this, some lonely as fuck motel, would you just leave me there? No, you wouldn't, because that would be a shitty thing to do to a friend.
Look, I'm gonna come and pick you up.
Gonna drag you out, we're gonna have dinner.
And we skipped the 24th, but let's stay on point.
It's our 25th year of friendship, all right? Clean yourself up.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Mike, what the fuck did that mean? What did what mean? "O'Bannon, is he good for it?" What does that mean? He was guilty.
What do I know? I'm retired.
Sure he was, Johnny.
Sure he was.
See you tomorrow.
What do you see, Kevin? [KEVIN.]
uh I don't know.
It looks pretty run down.
You know what I see? I see the future, son.
Your future.
Knock that shed down.
Clean it all up.
This is gonna be a prime site for a mixed-use marina.
I heard you had that idea one time for the boatyard.
- Yes, I did.
- Now you can help me make it happen.
I want you to manage the project for me.
- Are you fucking kidding me? - [CHUCKLES.]
- Wow.
Yes, thank you.
- Yeah.
I think we should start looking at some real estate for yourself and Belle.
I mean, it feels good to buy things.
You know, it's funny.
The last thing I ever wanted turned out to be, like the best thing that ever could have happened to me.
- Except for having Rocky, you know? - Sometimes things need to break, so you can repair them.
But here's the thing: Sometimes you also need to take a risk in order to achieve your dreams.
Yeah? Yeah, I get that.
Remember our Cuban friends? [CHUCKLES.]
Hard to forget.
I'm involved with them in something big.
I need it to go through in order to finance this project.
But, uh there have been some hitches in the deal.
I need you to help.
I don't know, Roy.
Ah I'm finally free of all that shit, you know? Well, of course.
You wouldn't have to do anything you're uncomfortable about.
I mean, I wouldn't put you in that position.
But this project here could be worth millions.
And you'd have a substantial piece of that.
The Cubans loved you, Kevin.
They're coming in tomorrow.
Go over this file, see if there's a connection to that missing person.
Hey, excuse me, excuse me.
You got a Sharpie on you? - Why? - [OZZY CHUCKLES.]
I know who did the Winn Dixie jobs.
He don't look like that.
- You're here to make a report? - Oh, no, sir.
But I am here to talk to Detective Rayburn.
John Rayburn? Well, he's not handling that case.
I still gotta talk to him.
He's off for a couple days.
Why don't you talk to another detective? - What's your name? - Oh, man.
You know what, um I forgot that I had this other appointment.
Um Know what, I'll see him when I see him.
Hey, babe.
Hi, hon.
I got lobsters for dinner.
Check these babies out.
Look at this.
Huh? Huh? Beautiful.
I, uh I have some news.
I saw Roy Gilbert today.
And he made me a proposition.
He wants me to manage this brand-new project that he has going on.
A mixed-use marina.
Ton of money.
Honey, this could change everything for us.
How? Bigger house, for starters.
We were talking about having another baby.
This could make that happen.
I mean, it's huge, hon.
How was your day? [REFRIGERATOR DOOR OPENS.]
Belle? I've been thinking I've been thinking about [REFRIGERATOR DOOR CLOSES.]
The day my father died.
What's going on? I was six.
- I know.
You told me this.
- I didn't tell you this part.
We were so happy.
We were about to fly for the first time for a family vacation.
We were going to Arizona.
And me and my sisters were out in the front yard, playing tag and running through the sprinklers.
And my mom called us in, and she told us that he had been killed in a truck accident.
Honey, you okay? Ever since, I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop.
It's like I can't trust happiness because I know it could be taken away any second.
Hey, hey.
What's going on with you? I've been so happy with you and Rocky.
Do you love me? What kind of question is that? You know I love you.
Of course I love you.
What would I have to do for you to leave me? I don't know what you're asking me.
I'm not gonna leave you.
I love you, you can trust me.
Look, Belle, I'm not gonna take your happiness away.
You're hungry.
Let me get dinner started, okay? Did you kill Marco? - What? - You lied on the stand.
I found the papers with your - made-up testimony that you memorized.
- Belle.
That's all over now, okay? It's not over for me, Kevin.
I'm leaving you unless you tell me the truth.
I don't wanna end up like John and Diana.
But you've gotta tell me.
Did you do it? Tell me.
Did you? Okay.
It all started when Danny came home.
No, DeGrasse, everything's fine.
Taking a couple days off to let things Just catching my breath.
I'll see you tomorrow.
All right.
You know, we hate you guys so much [MIKE LAUGHS.]
That we invite you down here every 12 months just to make us remember, "Why is it we hate them so much?" [ALL LAUGHING.]
And ever since graduation, which, mind you, has been how far now? - Twenty-three years.
- What is it, 20? Twenty-three years.
- God.
- God, we're old.
I can honestly say - this is the highlight of our year.
- It is.
- Seriously, we love you guys.
We love you.
- I wish you could be closer.
Maybe you can be.
What's your answer? Well, one of these days.
- One of these days, we may.
- No.
This guy's never leaving.
Think he's leaving while Robert's around? [MIKE.]
I think Sally captains the ship now.
- A mama's boy? - [MIKE.]
He's terrified of his mother.
You'd be terrified of her too if you lived under her thumb.
- [MIKE.]
I am terrified of her.
Come work with me for six months.
Worst thing that could happen is you come back to Camelot.
- Why don't we just start with a visit? - Done.
When? Well, I'll tell you what.
Next year there's a pier dedication for Mom and Dad.
- [MIKE.]
Oh, fancy.
- [JOHN.]
How's that? Think Danny will show? Oh, I hope not.
Don't you miss actual police work? I know this is gonna sound like blasphemy, but there's more to life.
- Do tell.
- All right.
Here it goes.
Private security business, triple the pay.
If you two left now, you would not regret it.
Trust me.
Believe he's right.
- I'll make you a pledge now.
Within A year.
Within a year, we'll come visit you.
- There we go.
- [MIKE.]
Want a date, in stone.
- In blood.
- I want a date too.
Telling you, not gonna give you that, just gonna say, "one year.
" All right then.
Enough shop talk.
Let's make a toast to tomorrow.
To tomorrows.
And to you guys for having us back here every single year and to the first day - of lobster season.
- [ALL.]
Of lobster season.
- [JOHN.]
There we go.
- Hear, hear.
Okay, honey.
We're just finishing dinner with Mike and Vonnie.
Love you too.
See you in the morning.
Table's ready.
So how's my one and only goddaughter? She's good.
She locked herself out tonight.
Oh, no.
Ferris, party of four.
You are a lucky girl.
- "Girl?" - Oh, jeez.
Twenty-three years, I still can't get away with anything with you.
You guys seem like you're doing good.
Good decision to move away, huh? I know I make it sound like it was my decision, but, I mean, it was Vonnie.
She pretty much gave me an ultimatum.
She's like, "We're gonna move or you're gonna find a new wife.
" So, uh But she told me.
She said, "Job's not for you.
" You guys are wasting your lives down here.
Especially you.
- Oh, really? Okay.
- Yes.
You know this family's never gonna let you on the inside.
- They're my family too at this point.
- Oh, come on.
Best thing you can do for John is for you guys to get as far away from here as possible.
You're a beautiful woman.
Thank you.
Don't mention it.
- What's up with you tonight? - I don't know.
Every time I see you, you just look better and better.
- We should get back inside.
- Yeah.
I can't, Mike.
We had no clue you guys were having such troubles.
Uh - Do you want coffee? - Sure.
It's been a tough year.
I mean, first Danny then Marco and Kevin.
Right, but you and John will pull through.
I mean, the dark cloud's lifted.
The trial's over, right? Maybe you guys just need to mix things up, break out of your patterns.
When's the last time you guys had fun? [EXHALES SHARPLY.]
Can't even remember.
But John's not gonna come.
- Milk? - Sure.
Mike will work on him.
- He's good at that.
- We'll see.
Leave me a message.
Please call me back.
I really need you to call me back.
All right.
Okay, here's the situation.
I cannot reach Roy, but I'm telling you, I cannot go any lower than that.
I just can't.
Okay? - My hands are tied.
- Why don't you cut them off? - Wow.
- You talk with your mouth.
- Mateo.
That means "whore.
" I know that.
- I fucking know that.
- It is an old joke.
- He is angry like a child.
- Yeah, no shit.
Yeah, but he has a point, Kevin.
- Maybe we should talk to Roy.
- What's the mystery? You're wasting your time.
You're wasting my time.
You're wasting Roy's time.
If we go any lower, we don't make a profit.
Why should Roy even bother? This is twice what we paid last time.
You paid that last time because we took a total loss last time.
- We did that to show good faith to you.
- Okay, okay.
Okay, here's what I can offer you.
And this is my final offer.
We'll lock that price in for ten runs.
- That's the best I can do.
- No.
Mateo was right.
We came for nothing.
Fuck you.
Vámonos, Nicolas.
You think this is a game, Kevin? What the fuck does that mean? [NICOLAS.]
This is my daughter.
Eighteen months.
- [KEVIN.]
She's very cute.
- Mm.
This is my son.
- There's my boy.
- Rocky, right? - Yeah.
We could arrange a marriage.
Sounds good.
You pay.
I'm still not gonna lower my price, though.
We have a boss too, you know? Okay.
Who do you think he will blame for this? Look, Nic, I can Forget these two fucking guys.
I trust you - and I know you trust me.
And I'm telling you, straight up, I'm up against a bottom line here.
There's I have no wiggle room here.
Lock the price for 20 runs.
Oh, fuck.
Okay, it's a good deal.
I will sell it to my people.
Your boss will be happy and my boss is happy.
We provide for our families.
I don't know, man.
I just I don't know.
It's good, man.
I'll go talk to them.
Don't worry.
It's gotta be It's gotta be in person, okay? And it's gotta be a public place.
And why would I wanna do that? Well, I don't know.
Like, to clear the past.
Make way for the future.
You know.
Hey, look, I don't have anything against you, sir, okay? I don't.
You thought you were doing the right thing last time and you probably were.
- Where are you? - Well, I have lunch at the Latin Cafe every day pretty much about two p.
I know it.
- I'll be there tomorrow.
- I'll see you there.
What the hell is that? [NOLAN.]
Cold cut combo.
A cold cut what? It's a sandwich.
It's Dude, that's too much meat.
Look at that.
You got You got shit You got ham, salami, baloney.
Roast beef.
Christ, it's gonna clog up your body and your mind.
You gotta stay focused, little brother.
Focus, man.
You see anything today? Anything for me? I don't know.
Like what? What the fuck I should do with my fucking family now? No.
Nothing about you.
But, look, it'll probably come through.
Just gotta give it time.
Look, I don't choose the things I see.
Okay? They choose me and, uh If I could make requests I'd be doing that, but that's not how it works.
What about me and Sally? Oh, God.
I don't know.
She's been calling me.
- She wants to see me.
- All right, then go.
Go see her.
Go, man.
I'm fucking failing here.
I'm failing and I can't fucking I can't reach them.
I can't get through to them.
Any of them, I can't I just can't.
Maybe you can.
I don't know.
You're connected to them.
Hey, what are you doing? - [ENGINE STARTS.]
- Ozzy, what are you doing? Come on, you should just talk to Sally.
Call that judge we were talking about.
The one To give us the warrant.
The one we know.
He'll give it to us.
By this afternoon would be good.
Let me call you back.
Come on.
- Hey.
- Sorry about that.
Uh I wanted to say thank you for the support you gave me during the trial.
Sometimes things turn out the way they should.
- Thought you were taking personal days.
- DeGrasse wanted me to give her a hand.
You need a break.
Hey, you know who's in town, don't you? Who? Mike Gallagher.
- No shit.
- Yeah.
- How's he doing? - He's doing great.
He, uh You know Mike.
Every day's a fucking party with the guy.
Well, he's a damned good detective, though.
He was.
- Tell him I say hello.
- I will.
Front door was open.
Oh, we don't lock it.
Ever? Not during business hours.
I wasn't sure you'd come.
Why? Oh, I I saw you at the courthouse.
You looked friendly with Chelsea O'Bannon.
Is that a problem? No.
You're an adult, Nolan.
You can do whatever you want.
- Gee, thanks.
- But you're a Rayburn.
Remember that.
What the fuck does that mean? What really happened, Sally? Do you think Eric's innocent? Doesn't matter what I think.
It's a real tragedy.
I wanna hear it from you.
Hear what from me? What happened? For a second, you looked just like your dad.
And you both remind me of my grandfather, that way you smile, that slow, mischievous smile.
You know how to drive? Come on.
We kept going back and forth and I tried to stick with what we had talked about, but then I started second-guessing myself.
Maybe I should've held out for more You followed your gut, son.
Your instincts.
That's all it is in business.
Anyone can type numbers in a spreadsheet, but - spreadsheets can't tell you who to trust.
- True.
So you're okay with it? More than okay.
- We'll take it from here.
- Okay.
- I wanna show you something.
- Sure.
Take a look at that.
- What is it? Preliminary site plan for the marina.
- Things move fast here.
- You gotta be shitting me.
I want your input.
Holy shit.
Oh, my God.
Roy, this looks incredible.
How many square feet? [GROANING.]
Roy? What's up? Roy.
Hey, hey, hey.
Okay, um Oh, fuck.
Um Hang in there.
Gonna call an ambulance.
- Okay? - No hospital.
Oh, shit.
I need an ambulance please.
Think my friend is having a heart attack.
It's mile marker 89, Old Highway.
Yes, thank you.
Thank you.
Hurry, please.
Roy It's gonna be okay, buddy.
Hang in there.
Roy? Shit.
These are the worst magazines in the world.
Thank you so much.
- You heard from your mother? - Yeah, she's up in Orlando.
Said some dude was gonna record her stuff.
- Oh, that's good.
- Yeah, if you believe her.
I don't.
Probably wants to get in bed with her.
Hi, Mrs.
Take a seat.
He'll be with you in just a minute, all right? So you got cancer or what? No.
Because if this is some kind of weird-ass sympathy play - It isn't.
- I want you to know it's not gonna work.
I got my own problems.
- [MAN.]
Sally? Oh, hey.
I'll be back.
- Nice to meet you.
- Hi, nice to see you.
Hi, Mrs.
Pearson, this is Kimberly calling from the doctor's office.
Wanted to leave a message confirming your appointment next Friday at two p.
We'll see you then.
Call to cancel or with any questions.
Thank you.
Tell me how I can help.
Father Lopez, I don't I don't know how to begin.
You say what you have done, and through me, the Lord will forgive you.
Anything can be forgiven.
I think my family's cursed.
He had two choices: destroy them or die for them.
My son.
Father, I'm so glad you're here.
I Wait, you're not You're not Father Lopez.
No, I'm Father Morrison.
Where Where is he? [.]
I don't know any Father Lopez.
- I'm sorry.
- I mean, is he not working here anymore? It's just me, Father Sturgess and Father Barton.
Can one of us help you? Well, I I gotta tell him something.
I gotta I gotta tell him that I'm sorry.
For what? I can't.
I just can't.
I can't, man.
I can't.
I can't get them to hear me, I just can't.
Who's not hearing you? Doesn't matter.
Forget it.
- There's no point anymore.
- I'm sorry there's no Father Lopez.
Hey, Roy.
How you doing? They said I could only stay in here for a few minutes.
You scared the shit out of me.
I'm okay.
But listen - the Cuban deal - We're gonna cancel it, okay? I'll call Esteban and we'll reschedule it, okay? - They'll understand.
- No.
- You're gonna be in here - Too much planning.
Too much at stake.
I want you to be there.
I c I can't.
Roy, I can't do that.
I don't know what's going down.
You don't have to.
My guys will take care of everything.
- You just take care of the Cubans.
- Okay.
- They trust you.
- Calm down.
I can't afford for this to go bad.
You're gonna have another heart attack.
Promise me.
You're going to have to leave now.
You've been like a son to me.
Take care.
Gonna tell me what the doctor said? I thought you didn't care if I was sick.
I don't.
What would you do if you had money, Nolan? I'd go to Disney World.
Ride all the rides twice.
I'm serious.
I don't know.
I'd buy a cool car or something.
Let's say it was a lot more than that.
Oh, I'd probably buy a small house.
Why? Good.
Maybe I'd get a dog too.
I'd go to school.
Oh, that sounds like a great idea.
What would you study? Cooking.
- Maybe.
- Mm.
I liked cooking with my dad.
So I have something for you.
Belonged to my grandfather.
His name is inscribed on the back.
I've given Ben and Janey things over the years.
Want you to have that.
How much is it worth? Oh, I don't know.
So I could sell it? - Well, I'd hope that you wouldn't, but - This make you feel less guilty? You could do whatever you want with it, Nolan.
It's yours.
If you wanna sell it, that's fine.
No strings attached.
There are always strings in this family.
Look, it I'm your grandmother, Nolan, like it or not.
You're stuck with me.
And this is what families do.
They hand things down.
Rayburn House Inn.
Hey, Mom.
Roy had a heart attack.
He's in the hospital.
He wanted me to tell you.
- When? - A few hours ago.
I was with him when it happened.
- [SALLY.]
Where is he now? - He's over at Island Village.
I'm sorry.
You all set? Yep.
- We're in this together now.
- [SIGHS.]
Everything's gonna be fine.
Just be careful.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Where the fuck are you? [PLANE ENGINE DRONING.]
Let's go.
Ready? Hurry up.
Let's go.
Give it to me.
Hey, hola, Rayburn.
- You have cerveza? - Come on.
Let's just get this over with.
Can you check the money? Where is Roy? He's in the hospital.
Oh, I am sorry.
You will send him our best? - Wait, where's Nicolas? - He is in Cuba, preparing for our arrival.
- But we must go, no? - [MAN 1.]
It's all here.
- Yeah.
- We'll call you when we're safe in Havana.
- [MAN 2.]
Let's go.
John Rayburn, open up! Boston PD, you're under arrest.
Come on, Rayburn, I know you're in there.
Open up right now.
You know this never gets old for me.
Oh, hey.
I'm just messing with a friend of mine.
Is he here? Señor Rayburn? No more here.
Check out.
Thank you.
I'll be right with you.
This is a surprise.
Well, I had to come down this way, thought I'd stop by.
Well, come in, Dr.
You know, my wife and I, we stayed here once.
Never forgot the place.
Can I get you something to drink? No, I'm fine.
Can we take a walk? Sure.
Follow me.
You know, I saw our friend today.
He's very sick.
But that's not why I'm here.
I wanted to talk to you.
You have a price in mind? I do.
Well, we should get the lawyers together, then.
No, no.
No, this is not what I agreed upon, okay? I told Mr.
Gilbert I wanted to talk to him face to face.
That's [MAN 1.]
Gilbert got delayed.
- Easier if you meet him south.
- He changes the time, - now he changes the place? - Yeah.
Come with us.
Would you go with you? Okay, come on, come on.
Give me the address and I'll drive myself over there.
We'll drive and then bring you back here.
Yeah, great.
- That works out.
- Okay.
- Can you give me a minute, please? - [MAN 1.]
Not really.
Is the bathroom still busted? - [MAN 2.]
- Still? We'll stop along the way.
Don't worry.
- Thank you.
- [MAN 1.]
You're welcome.
That'll work.
You know, Roy was, uh surprised you were thinking of selling.
Well, it's a It's a big decision.
My wife loves this view.
- Yeah.
- And the things you're doing with landscaping, I mean Yeah, I'm thinking of putting in some, uh butterfly lilies.
Before I go.
They come back year after year if you're good to them.
He had two choices, destroy them or die for them.
You know, the parking lot here closes at ten, man.
Get in.
- You know, and then there's no loitering.
- Yeah.
Come on.
Hey, you don't think they'll tow my car, do you? [MAN.]
No one's gonna tow you.
Okay, good.
Destroy them or die for them.
- Hello? - [NICOLAS.]
Did you fuck us, Kevin? Nicolas, is that you? Did you fuck us? What are you talking about? Where are you? Where the fuck are you, pendejo? We trust you.
What? What the fuck are you talking about? You tell us.
The plane never made it to Cuba.
They were onto us.
Who? The feds.
They forced the plane down.
- What? - They nailed Mateo.
Esteban got away.
I'm in Cuba.
The shipment is gone.
They knew.
Someone in your organization talked.
No, no, no, man.
Listen to me, it is not my organization.
Okay? You said you and Roy were partners.
In a fucking boatyard, dude.
Not in this.
You made the deal for the shipment.
You knew everything.
Unless it was Gilbert.
Gilbert didn't have anything to do with it.
He had a heart attack.
- He's here in a hospital.
- What hospital? What the fuck, what hospital? There's only one hospital! Island Village.
And if I call, they will tell me Roy Gilbert is there? And don't lie to me, Kevin.
I know where you live.
I'm not lying.
He's right here.
The feds got They got Mateo? - Yes.
- Oh, fuck.
We are so fucked, man.
- Oh, shit.
- Kevin.
- Listen to me.
- Oh, shit.
- He won't talk.
- How do you know that? You are telling me the truth, no? Yes, it is the truth.
I swear to God.
I swear to God.
Do nothing.
Don't call attention to yourself.
Go about your day.
And tell Roy what happened.
- I'll be in touch.
- Wait a minute.
How do I know what? Fuck.
We're almost there.
He'll give us Gilbert.
Then we'll arrest both of them.
- [DIANA.]
Yeah, she's really sweet.
- [MIKE.]
Well, mission incomplete, I'm afraid.
No John.
- You couldn't find him? - No.
I checked the motel, the inn.
Twenty years on the job, you couldn't find a guy that wasn't hiding from you.
- Imagine that.
- Mike.
He's alive.
I'm so happy we're all here.
- [DIANA.]
Twenty-five years.
Hey, Roy.
Hey, hey.
How you feeling? - Too mean to die.
And when I go, they won't be naming any piers after me.
- Probably not.
Remember Hearst? He ran an empire.
When he died, everybody wanted to know how much he left behind.
The answer was all of it.
Who you got to take care of you? Kevin's been here.
I've been thinking a lot about Robert lately.
He knew exactly what he wanted.
He found you and he built it.
Yeah, he did.
I only knew what I didn't want.
There's nothing wrong with that, Roy.
Everybody changes.
Never changed for me.
I didn't wanna be responsible for anyone.
I didn't want it.
In some ways I envy you, Sally.
The only thing you ever cared about was your family.
For you it was simple.
Well whatever it was, Roy it wasn't simple.
Three of us went out on that boat.
- No, no, no.
I don't I don't - Only two came back.
My fault.
- Robert didn't have anything to do with - I know that.
- And you didn't need to do what you did.
- I had no choice.
- You could have turned me in.
- Robert was with you.
No, we did what we had to do, Roy.
- Yeah, you were wrong.
- Fuck you.
Fuck you.
You've forgotten who you were, Roy.
You've forgotten who you were.
I just wanted to see Eric take the stand.
I mean, he just looked like he was gonna kill himself.
Or implode or something.
You guys don't wanna talk about it? - Let's order something to eat.
- Yeah.
Yeah, I'm not I'm not, uh I'm not gonna be staying for dinner.
How's your mom? How's she doing? She's good.
Can I talk to you for a minute? Yeah.
- Alone.
- [MIKE.]
Excuse me.
What's that about? Don't know.
Okay, wait.
There's something I gotta tell you.
I was hoping we'd be a little bit more drunk, but Could you have a seat, John? Okay, listen, there There's just no excuse.
- What's going on, Mike? - Okay, I crossed the line.
I did something I shouldn't I said Well, I definitely said - something I shouldn't have.
- What? John, listen to me, okay? I'm coming clean, and I'm sorry.
I am sorry from the bottom of my fucking heart, but the last time we were here, I kissed Diana.
I know, I know.
That's why we didn't come back, - that's why I can't face you - Fuck you.
She told me about that.
You knew about it? What the fuck are you doing down here, Mike? What do you mean? What the fuck is it you're not telling me? - Don't know what you're talking about.
- Aguirre.
- Okay.
- Saw you in the parking lot with Aguirre.
- Okay.
You're overreacting.
- Is this about O'Bannon? What's with you and the case? Guy's doing 30 years.
It's over.
- Why are you fucking asking questions? - You're acting really paranoid right now.
Then what was in the file, Mike? - Why did he give you a file? - What file? What was in it? Why are you asking questions? - I'm not.
- You looking into this case? - I'm not looking into it.
- Why did Aguirre lie to me when I said, "Mike Gallagher.
He's in fucking town.
" He lies about it.
Why would he do that, Mike? - Why the fuck did he lie about that? - Okay.
Hold on, hold on, okay? Okay, just calm down a little bit here.
There is something that I I didn't tell you.
You've been turning me down, like, non-stop.
I got a shit ton of work in Boston, and I'm looking for a partner, somebody I can trust.
So I approach Aguirre.
He says, "Sure, I'll consider it.
" He gives me his résumé, his financials, but I tell him, listen, "Don't tell John until you've made up your mind.
" Now, look you're going through something.
I don't know what it is.
Only thing I'm doing, I wanna help you climb out of it.
All right? I just wanna go diving.
For a long, long time For a long, long time Will waves offshore Fall on the ocean floor? They have the same song The beat goes on and on
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