Brotherhood s03e08 Episode Script

Birnam Wood Comes To Dunsinane

Brotherhood Team presents Birnam Wood Comes to Dunsinane Series Finale Keep an eye on that window.
Watch that door! - Michael, what's going on? - Nothin'.
Sorry for the intrusion.
You tell me what is going on, right now! Nothin' to worry about.
Just a little disagreement with some business colleagues.
Johnny got a call from some E.
nurse he's bangin'.
Nozzoli just got out of surgery.
Looks like he's gonna live.
Don't worry.
Everything is fine.
All right? I'll be back.
I wanna find you here when I get here.
You understand? He knows about Colin.
What about Colin? Don't be a stupid cunt! This is the only warning you're gonna get.
I want you to go find Colin, bring him to the flophouse on Elmwood.
We should be reaching outthrough New York to make a deal for peace.
- You do what I tell you.
- I'm just sayin', first things first.
This is first for me.
He had another small stroke last night.
I've been keepin' the strokes from press and membership.
Told 'em he didn't want any visitors.
I'm right here.
I don't want you to worry about anything.
I've taken care of the budget, everything.
It's all It's all fine.
That too.
That's good right there.
That's good.
Get anything from Nozzoli at the hospital? The mutt claims it was random negroes.
You think the shooters knew Bob Meara was workin' with us? If it was an execution, why'd they go after Nozzoli too? Help? He needs a fucking shrink, and you know it.
He's a fucking menace I think I just sprouted wood.
We need to talk.
Little things matter.
Every day, things like potholes and street paving.
That's why Carter Road is so important.
It lays there right through the center of town.
It's not like a baseball stadium or a highway.
It's a hundred yards of paving.
In the overall scope of the budget, that's a tiny item.
It's really Donald's call when it comes to the budget.
I'm just keeping things on the rails till he gets back.
If he gets back.
Thanks for your support.
I appreciate it.
I'll pass on my regards to Donald when I see him.
Take care.
You wanna grab a doughnut or coffee before you go? It's good to see you.
How are you? Thanks for stoppin' by.
We got a bit to talk about.
She's back in here.
- Kath's in there.
- All right, thanks.
We okay here? Eddie would never call Michael.
Devoted ex? God, we are in so much trouble.
Tell me exactly what it is Michael thinks is going on.
He thinks we're fuckin'.
But we're not.
Michael comes to the house.
And he gets all of these guns.
And then Freddie comes and whispers in my ear "Michael knows," and this is the only warning I'm gonna get.
What are we gonna do? We God, this is so fucked up.
We run.
Get in my car and leave Rhode Island.
I can't.
What about Abby - and Eddie Jr? - We'd take them with us.
Not straightaway, of course.
We leave them with Eddie until further down the line.
Maybe six or eight weeks.
When we're settled.
We organize to meet Eddie somewhere we take the kids with us.
Start a family of our own.
A family? Where? Pittsburgh.
- Pittsburgh.
- Anywhere.
- Missoula? - Where is that? - Montana.
- Right, Montana.
We really gonna do this? What are you doin'? Highlightin' the dirty parts.
Go check the windows.
- Where you been? - Drivin' around, makin' sure there wasn't some dago hit squad following me.
So? - Any news? - Nothin' on Nozzoli, may the fuckin' cocksucker get an abscess and die.
The other guy you clipped was a state rep.
I know.
- You knew? - What about Colin? Anybody got a line on Colin? You blow away a public servant Whatever.
We're all dead.
Don't get your mitts in balo, we're sharin' it! Somethin' about Colin.
He's a thief! He was skimmin' from us from the day he arrived.
My cousin Colin's probably makin' deal with Nozzoli as we speak.
You want some fuckin' cheese with that too? They're goin' about this all wrong.
The waterfront is Kilpatrick's baby.
They should be offerin' to help him save it, not stompin' all over it.
Textbook fed.
Make sure the suspect knows just how clever you are.
But you don't get a guy to flip by threatenin' to burn his house down.
You offer him a pail of water, help him put the fire out.
At least he looks scared.
You got a second there, Mr.
Majority Leader? What are you doin' here? I followed you from your house.
Wanna have a conversation with you.
About your brother.
Whatever you and Michael got goin' on, it's got nothin' to do with me.
Tommy, we should be friends.
When we were runnin' things, things on the hill were really good.
I gotta go.
I know about your waterfront business with Kilpatrick.
- I also know your tit's in a wringer.
- What waterfront business? Jack Boyle's secretary called me this mornin'.
The F.
's been grillin' Kilpatrick all mornin'.
I figure you got about 72 hours before he tries to throw you under a bus.
You need a friend to help you with this.
- I don't need you.
- I'm not askin' for permission.
I'm not askin' for anything.
You just go home, be with Eileen and the kids.
Couple of days, you'll realize Kilpatrick's no longer a threat to you.
No what? - I didn't say anything.
- You didn't say anything.
What happens is not in your hands.
You got a better way of stayin' out of jail? Take a day.
Take two.
You feel the same way no blood, no foul.
Think about it.
It's good to see you.
I need a short-term loan for like 20,000.
Me can't do it.
Ten grand then.
Mikey look for ya.
Him say you persona non grata.
And mikey a fearsome cat.
Five grand.
That's all I need.
What you need the money for? - I got this chick knocked up - You lie.
I'll pay you back.
You hotter than Osama Bin Laden.
What are you talkin' about? What Mikey vexed with you for then? - It's nothin'.
- You're thievin' weed? - No, I'm not thievin' weed.
- You usin' the hard junk? Me can't do it.
I'll remember this.
I'll remember this, Rene.
Where'd you meet that E.
broad? That nurse? That one with the big fake tits? How come you never tell me where you meet these broads? - What are you marys cluckin' about? - Nothin'! I got the word out.
If Colin shows his face, I get a call.
Get your shit together.
- We're out of here.
- I thought we were gonna lay low.
Fuck that.
Is it me, or are you gettin' a distinct custer and the Indians feel right now? This ain't good, bro.
They had all of my tax returns.
Every credit card bill, every phone bill.
Did they find anything? They had boxes of paper up to the ceiling.
They pointin' 'em out, because that's all they were, boxes of paper.
They found a receipt from 6 years ago when I was on a business trip, and I paid for a lap dance with my Amex.
- Which is nothing.
- Not if they fax it to my wife! How long have you wanted to build the waterfront? - This is not just a project for you.
- I am not goin' to jail! And you won't.
But this This is what you and I are gonna build together if we stick to our guns.
There's supposed to be maple trees along the south walkway.
But they They left 'em out of the drawing.
The F.
have nothing, Martin.
If they did, they would've hit you with it already.
We're gonna be fine.
We're gonna be fine.
Go ahead.
Eat fuckin' onion rings in front of a guy with a perforated bowel.
Inconsiderate fuck.
You got everything? I think so.
I need to stop at a drugstore along the way for a few things, but It's gonna be good.
What did you do to Colin? What did I do? You don't know what you're talkin' about.
Trust me.
You couldn't stand that I liked havin' him here with me.
Just tell me where he is.
"Where is he? Where is he?" He's gone.
He left.
Did he say where he might be goin'? - You don't care.
- Then why would I be askin'? Make him come home.
I don't know where he is! He is as much a son to me as you or Tommy.
And if you hadn't driven him away God, you are a selfish, selfish, selfish little boy.
- You should try drinkin' a bit less.
- Go on! Get out of here! Leave your mother all alone! I'm gonna tell you somethin' about Colin.
He's sleepin' with Kath.
That's who your blessed nephew is.
He's fuckin' your son's girlfriend.
That's St.
Colin for you? Kath was always a tramp.
It's your own fault for takin' up with her.
Goddamn Nozzoli.
You all right, Johnny? What a fuckin' bastard.
Is there any news? No, there's no No news.
The kids okay? - The kids Were they okay? - Did you try Colin again? I did.
He's still not picking up his phone.
The kids are fine.
In a few weeks this'll just be some big dramatic story to entertain their friends.
Then why don't you go home and get some sleep? This used to be such a lovely street.
Now with you buildin' your big fancy house I'll be the only one left.
Good night, ma.
You okay? No, I'm not okay.
- This is fucking insane.
- I know.
One stray bullet through our living room window - It's not always gonna be like this.
- When? When we move into our big house with soapstone counters and big entryway? I don't know.
- Never.
- Fine Never.
We're not really gonna build that house? Things are up in the air.
You want me to lie? Tell me the truth.
We're not gonna build a house.
That's what you I just wish you sounded more upset about it.
- That's not fair.
- You always wanted to be Speaker.
I'm just tryin' to stay out of prison.
You wanted off the hill, I wanted off the hill.
I did what I did to make it happen.
I'm gonna take a shower.
Good morning.
Wanna do that in the car? We should go.
Get a cup of coffee or somethin'.
This is not something I come to easily.
As majority leader, it's my job to live, breathe and die to enforce the Speaker's will, so So when Speaker Donatello first asked me to meet with Martin Kilpatrick, I did what I was told.
Later, as I as I realized how determined he was to push the funding for the waterfront through the General Assembly, I became suspicious and ultimately convinced that he was accepting bribes from Mr.
Did you confront the Speaker? Never directly.
We had a number of veiled conversations, and my suspicions were confirmed.
What about you? What was your piece of the action? I pushed because I thought it was a good idea for Providence.
And I still do.
Tom Caffee is up to his eyeballs in all of this.
If the Speaker of the House is gettin' 5 dollars, that man's gettin' 10.
Do you have proof? It's Rhode Island.
We're talkin' about Tom Caffee.
He knows that we wanted Kilpatrick to come in and flip.
So he comes in here and he throws Kilpatrick to the wolves.
That way, whatever Kilpatrick says, he's already poisoned the well.
Kilpatrick had his chance to cooperate.
- You're sidin' with the wrong guy.
- We're sidin' with a man who just handed us a major scalp in the war on public corruption.
Are you fuckin' kiddin' me? He's handin' us a two-bit developer and a guy that's in a coma! And he's doin' it usin' hearsay evidence so that he doesn't even have to testify in court! If Mr.
Caffee lied about his involvement in the waterfront, we'll happily indict him on perjury.
How could you be so fuckin' stupid? This guy comes to me and he asks me if I have an informant inside the waterfront.
Two days later my informant is murdered by his fuckin' brother! Can you prove causal linkage? I never said he was a saint but he was the first one in, and the first one gets the best deal.
Did you give Colin money? Did you give him fuckin' money? Me do what Freddie say.
Me tell Colin you pissed at him - and me can't give him none.
- Did you warn him? - Fuck you.
- Did you warn him, you Judas? You're got us chasin' our tail when we're at war with Nozzoli.
- A war which you started.
- You think this is your call? I think you're off your fuckin' nut.
Fuckin' piece of shit! Hey, enough.
Let him go.
He's gonna get us all fuckin' killed anyway! You all right? Fuckin' piece of shit! Fine joke! Relax.
Mike! Mike, come on.
We're better off without him.
He's a fuckin' liability.
You hungry? Not really.
Do we still wanna stay the night? Do you? I'm fine.
Let's go.
If we push on we can make Ohio.
Your wife let me in.
Talk to my lawyer.
You buildin' this for your granddaughter? You got no respect, do you? Just barge into a man's house.
Do you have the stove in the livin' room? I'll put the furniture where I damn well please.
Tommy's makin' a deal.
Speaker goes down you go down he walks away untouched.
Now you've really gotta be talking to my lawyer.
See, the thing is, with the Speaker out of commission it's Tommy's word against yours.
And in his version he's the angel of goodness, and you're the black-handed devil.
Is that all you got to say? Is it the truth? I know that you think that you're supposed to go down with the ship, but that is bullshit.
'Cause there's only four honest motives in this world.
It's sex, money, power and self-preservation.
Any other reason that you have for not talkin' is either stupidity, or it's a lie that someone sold ya.
You wanna split a blooming onion? No.
My stomach, it can't take the grease.
How about the nachos? OK, but no chili.
Without chili, it's just velveeta and chips.
OK, so get the onion.
Kilpatrick's agreed to talk.
He says that Tom Caffee has had a piece of the waterfront from the very beginning, and he can prove it.
Have his lawyer give a call, set up a time so he can come by the office.
If he's got the goods, we'll make a deal.
- Maybe I'll get the potato skins.
- You know you want the onion.
I know, but you're right about the grease.
I'd be happy with a couple of things.
What if we spilt jalapeño poppers, wings This is not fuckin' smart.
If I was Nozzoli, I'd have a couple guys with mac-10s just waitin' for us to show up here.
Johnny, we should call Nozzoli, make our own peace.
In return, we give him Mike.
Look, the guy brought it on himself.
It's not like he deserves our fuckin' loyalty.
The ship be sinkin', Johnny.
Johnny, what are you doin'? What the fuck? Fuck me.
What are you doin' wavin' that thing around? Put it away! - Where's John? - He jackrabbited.
He's fucking gone.
Get in the car.
Are you fuckin' goin' too? Are ya? Well, get in the fuckin' car! Representative Tom Caffee's on line two.
He says you were supposed to call him.
Kilpatrick's due in tomorrow with his lawyer at 10:00.
Tell Mr.
Caffee I'm not available.
I can't seem to get ahold of him.
Would you like to leave a message? Tell him Tell him I'm still waiting to hear from him.
What's up? What time are you pickin' the kids up? About 30 minutes.
They're with your mother? Good.
They'll be fine.
Come on.
Let's go for a ride.
- What for? - Get you a lollipop.
What do you think? 'Cause we need to talk.
I'll get you somethin' to eat.
I was gonna eat with the kids.
This is about the kids, all right? This is about their future, about what's best for them.
Put that stuff down.
Let's go.
You'll be all right.
So, tell me more about Missoula.
I don't know.
Never been there.
What do you mean? I thought you said you'd been there.
No, I saw a a thing on the travel channel.
And there were these mountains.
And, I remember this really nice-looking bookstore.
So we buy books.
No, I mean, if we don't like it, then we don't have to stay.
I know.
There are lots of places we could go.
Right? - The important thing is we're going.
- You're right.
And it's gonna be good.
More coffee? No, thanks.
- Just the check, please.
- Pay the cashier up front.
You want my pie? You don't like it? No, I just don't want it.
Let me pay for this.
Don't let 'em take that pie.
- Keep the change.
- Thanks.
Give this envelope to the lady at the table.
I don't wanna do this, Eddie.
I don't like doin' it.
But understand somethin'.
I will do it all day if I have to.
I don't know where Kath is.
Look I'm not gonna hurt her, all right? I just wanna know where she is.
I wanna know where that piece of shit that's with her is.
Let's face it, Eddie.
She's a whore.
She fucked me over.
She fucked you over.
Why would you protect her? She's gone.
No, see She loves those kids.
There's no way she leaves those kids behind.
She's comin' back.
And you Why are you makin' me do this to you? Just tell me.
I don't know where she Where the fuck is she? Jesus! - Tell me where she is! - I don't know! Where the fuck is she? - Where the fuck is she? - I don't know! I need you to get Hi, dad.
Come on.
We're gonna miss it.
What are you doin' out of bed? If I can get up to pee, I can get up to get a glass of water.
No, you don't.
I'll get it for you.
Mary-Rose, is your father's dinner in the oven? It's at 375.
So how bad is this fix you're in? None of the options are good.
If it comes to you pushin' for speaker It's beyond that.
You'd be a good speaker.
I'm sorry about the house.
It was a good house.
I'm a good man.
Everything I do, I do for a reason.
There's a code.
You don't deserve this.
It's not your fault.
I don't deserve it.
It's all fucked up.
I don't know what's happened to the world.
Fuck it.
You're gonna tell me where she is right now or I swear to god, I'm gonna shoot your fuckin' eyes out! I don't know.
Jesus Fuck, Tommy.
What are you doin' here? This has got nothin' to do with you.
How'd you find me anyway? Moe told Freddie, and Freddie told me.
Fuckin' rats.
What are you gonna do? You gonna kill your own cousin? He's your cousin.
He's my right fuckin' hand.
Ma will never forgive you.
- She loves Colin.
- Of course.
Ma loves Colin.
You love Colin.
Everyone loves fuckin' Colin.
He's family.
Then it's all the more shame for what he's done to me.
This has nothin' to do with you, OK? You gotta get out of here.
It's not safe, all right? There's people lookin' for me.
I'm gonna be Speaker of the House.
I cut a deal to make it happen.
For real? You know, I always knew You know what, kiddo? I'm proud of you.
- I'm really proud.
- I know.
But if you're on trial for killing one of my reps, how long am I gonna last? Maybe a week? It doesn't matter if you beat the rap.
It's the trial.
It's the press.
It's you and me.
It's us.
What are you saying? I get it.
You have no idea what you're asking me, do you? - Tomorrow, you'll be dead or in jail.
- I'm not goin' to jail.
I know.
I love you.
I don't wanna see you die.
Be my brother.
Both of our lives are in your hands.
Come here.
I'm not gonna kill ya.
Open your mouth.
It's gonna be all right.
Put your hands on top of mine.
Go ahead.
Put your hands on top of mine.
Put your hands on top of mine.
It's okay.
Cappuccino? It's just a job.
Sometimes the chips don't fall where we like 'em.
District 71.
Representative De Luca.
Tommy Caffee.
District 72.
Representative Williams.
Thomas Caffee.
District 73.
Representative Silk.
My good friend Tom Caffee.
District 74.
Representative Tantino.
Tommy Caffee.
District 75.
Representative Pastorelli.
Thomas Caffee.
The vote is 63-12 in favor of Thomas Caffee.
It is my honor and pleasure to announce that representative Thomas Caffee has been elected Speaker of the House of Representatives of the state of Rhode Island.
Please raise your right hand.
Place your left hand on the Bible, and repeat after me.
I, Thomas Robert Caffee do solemnly swear to discharge the duties of Speaker with fairness to all and to uphold the honor and prerogatives of this house and its members to the best of my ability So help me God.
- Congratulations, Mr.
- Thank you.
OK, the House will come to order.
I just wanted to let you know that I'm okay, ma, and I love you.
I guess that's it.

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