Roswell s03e08 Episode Script

Behind the Music

NARRATOR: Previously on Roswell: MINISTER: By the authority committed unto me I now proclaim that Jesse and Isabel are husband and wife.
You may kiss the bride.
You wanted to get down those stairs into that room.
And I need you to tell me why.
MAX: I can 't ever tell you the truth.
PHILIP: Silence is not acceptable.
LIZ: He's been asking questions around town.
- About what? LIZ: About you and Tess.
MAX: Find out what he's after.
You okay? I can't believe this.
My whole life is up here.
LIZ: Yeah, so is mine.
He knows that I'm a part of this.
MAX: My own father Tess.
He's got cards up here for everything.
Los Angeles, Utah the jeep.
I got rid of it.
LIZ: Yeah, because you thought you'd never need it again.
MAX: I was going home.
Max, maybe you should tell your father.
- You know, let him in on the secret.
- No, no, I can't.
Not ever.
These are my parents.
I can't put them in this kind of danger.
They can't ever know the truth.
So, what are you gonna do? The necklace I gave you when I thought I was leaving.
LIZ: Yeah, what about it? I need it back.
- So he didn't take it well, huh? - Alien DEFCON 5.
It'll be okay, I hope.
Let Max talk to Michael.
- So when does Billy get here? MARIA: I don't know.
I thought he'd be here by now.
- Billy who? - Billy Darden.
- "First kiss" Billy? He's coming here? - Yes.
He's on his way to New York.
Wait, your ex-boyfriend's coming to visit? That's not legal.
He's not my ex-boyfriend.
We kissed once, four years ago.
I was 13.
And Michael knows all about it.
Yeah, we're all going to dinner.
No, no mayo on that one.
Um, so where's he gonna stay? - At my house.
- Your mom's okay with this? - My mom's out of town.
- What? - Michael! - It's fine.
There's your no mayo.
Michael, Michael, Michael.
Let me explain something to you.
On Earth, we have this thing called jealousy.
Kyle, relax.
I have nothing to be jealous about.
They were 13-year-old geeks at band camp.
Okay, first of all, it was a songwriters workshop.
And Billy wasn't a geek.
He was just a little skinny.
- Had a little acne on the face - And braces.
We all had braces.
Fine, he was a little bit of a geek.
KYLE: And you kissed him? MARIA: Would you shut up? Hello, table or booth? - It's me.
- Billy? - Yeah.
- No.
BILLY: Yeah, come here.
- Oh, my God.
BILLY: Oh, God, look at you.
- Oh, let's go this way.
- Sounds fine.
I guess the braces worked.
Behind the Music BILLY: God, the last time I saw you, you were, like, 13 going on 30.
And you were, like, 98 pounds, going on this.
You look great.
Don't take this the wrong way, but have you looked in a mirror? You went from the girl no one wanted to dance with to the prom queen.
How am I supposed to take that the wrong way? And shut up.
I'm serious, really.
You look great, Maria.
So, uh, how long are you staying? Oh, just a couple days.
Is it cool with your mom, me staying over? Oh, sure, yeah.
And anyway, she's She's actually gonna be out of town for a couple of days.
Well, I can't wait to hear what you've been working on.
- Working on? - Your music.
God, I can still remember some of the lyrics you wrote back in band camp.
- Yeah, most of it was crap anyway.
- Oh, come on.
If anyone asks, though, it was a songwriters workshop.
: Michael? What are you doing in here? - When do you get off work? - Ten minutes.
But I got plans with Maria and Billy Bob Thornton out there.
Well, something came up.
Cancel them.
That is so funny.
- Hey, I'm the boyfriend.
- Hey.
- Billy.
MICHAEL: Nice to meet you.
- Ready to go? - Gotta cancel.
Wait a minute, I was gonna cook.
- Something came up.
MARIA: What? - It's work-related.
- Oh, of course.
Steve's wife, Cheryl, she got the flu at my other job so I gotta to cover for him.
Yeah, sorry, Billy.
Oh, no.
You gotta do what you gotta do, you know.
I'll make it up to you, I promise.
- Nice meeting you.
- Yeah.
- He seems nice.
- Oh, yeah.
He's a peach.
Oh, no, those go in the bedroom.
- Those boxes go in the bedroom.
JESSE: A-ha.
Oh, you know what? I'm sorry, you were right, kitchen.
I just remembered.
We forgot something.
Oh, jeez! - Wow, you're getting really strong.
- Okay, it's tradition.
Ramirez, welcome to your new home.
Thank you, Mr.
I love you so much.
I love you too.
- I should get that.
- And I should get more boxes.
- But we should - Continue this later.
- Hello? - Did you find your healing stone? Yes, I did.
It was in the box that I said it was gonna be in.
You were way overreacting to this whole thing.
No, I'm not, Isabel.
Dad is on the warpath.
He's our father, not the enemy.
MAX: Listen to me.
PHILIP: Isabel? Oh, my God! Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
The door was open.
Can I call you back? I'll call you back.
Hi, Dad.
What's up? I just wanted to see your new place.
It's nice.
- From your mother and me.
- Oh, thank you so much.
Thank you.
You really should have waited, though until we got a little more unpacked and situated.
No, that's all right.
Where's Jesse? - He's outside by the truck, I think.
- Oh.
I can't believe how grown-up my kids are.
You with your new house, Max with his new car.
Growing up.
I have to get used to my new role.
I didn't get to help you find this place.
I didn't know Max was getting a car.
Yeah, it all just happened really fast, you know.
Do you even know when he got rid of the jeep? I can't believe you're doing it.
Moving to New York, huh? Greenwich Village.
Playing seedy bars and coffee shops.
Well, that was the plan.
Well, there are plans, and then there are plans.
- Well, I guess this was the plan.
- Yeah, I guess so.
What are you gonna do for money? As long as I make enough to get by, I'm fine.
Oh, God, that is so romantic, I could just scream.
Oh, come on, it was your idea.
I know.
But I was 13, and talk about going to the big city.
Even then I knew it was just talk.
- Here, taste.
- Oh, come That's pretty good.
That's not how I remember it.
I mean, even back then, you were pretty dead serious about your music.
I mean, you're the one that gave me the bug.
If I hadn't met you I'd be playing "Stairway to Heaven" in my garage.
Well, I guess, for me, music was just more of a passing thing.
Well, I find that very hard to believe.
- What are you doing? - The sauce is just a little thin.
- I'm gonna show you a family secret.
- In my sauce, you're putting creamer? Shh.
Come on, try it.
Try it.
Try it.
- Okay.
- Mm-hm.
Not bad.
JESSE: Your dad introduced me to some new clients as his son-in-law.
This floor is way too hard.
You think I should start calling him "Dad"? That's too weird.
I won't do it.
We could use a blanket.
I'll be right back.
- Where are you going? - To get a blanket.
- Why? - So we can have sex.
- In here? - Yes.
It's tradition that when a couple moves they make love in every room in the house.
Can I finish flossing my teeth? Oh, before I forget, your dad Please, can we just not talk about my dad for a second here? Yeah, sure.
Oh, okay, what did he say? - He keeps bringing up Utah.
- Utah? Yeah.
Max's little crime spree.
He keeps asking me what I think really happened.
- What did you say? - That I think Max is hiding something.
Damned if I know what it is.
What do you think? You want to know what I think? I think that as long as my father and Max continue to invade my life with you tradition is gonna have to wait.
JESSE: What did I just do? - No Oh, my God, no.
- Yeah.
There she is, right there.
Look at my hair and my eyes.
Come on.
It was your late-'90s, retro, Annie Lennox phase.
You were experimenting.
I think it was cute.
- Right.
Burn those now.
- Oh, no.
These are going to the Big Apple.
They'll be prominently displayed in my guitar case where people will be throwing money.
Look at that.
Look at This hair spray alone could choke a horse.
Okay, well, look past the somewhat flammable hair and see what I see.
Which is what? Bad eyeliner? No, dreams.
Look, this girl has beautiful dreams.
And she makes beautiful music.
So, what happened to her? Nothing.
She just grew up.
Right, right.
- Is this deep enough? MAX: Almost.
Max, we've been up all night, collecting every alien artifact that ever crashed into this planet including all of Tess' stuff.
I'm tired.
All right.
It's deep enough.
We still need your healing stone.
- I think it's at Maria's.
- You think it's at Maria's? I don't know.
Most likely.
I bet if it was your Metallica CD, you'd know where it was.
MICHAEL: You wanna bring that up? I got pissed because you put And Justice for All before Master of Puppets.
- Alphabetically.
They go in order of the release date.
You don't know where your healing stone is? Do you still want to sleep on my couch? [CELL PHONE RINGS.]
- Hello? - Jesse is asking questions about you.
Dad's out of control.
We have to do something.
- Calm down.
Tell me what happened.
- What's going on? My dad's recruited Jesse into his crusade.
Max, talk to your father.
Keep your friends close - And your enemies closer.
- Our father is not the enemy.
Talk to him.
Make nice.
Get close.
Find out what he [CAMERA CLICKS.]
- You haven't left yet? - Oh, no, man.
Late night, sorry.
I'm leaving later today.
- How was dinner? BILLY: It was good.
- It was good.
How's Steve's wife? MICHAEL: Who? Steve's wife.
With the flu.
You covered for him.
Yeah, she's great, she's fine.
Is Maria around? No, man.
You just missed her.
Can I leave a note or message or something? No, I'm here to pick something up.
BILLY: Can I help you look? [GRUNTING.]
No, that's okay.
What you looking for? Something I need.
Hey, when did Maria stop writing music? She messes around with it once in a while.
Well, how often does she mess around with it? - Is this going somewhere? - No.
I mean, maybe.
I don't know.
I'm just wondering if she's given up on writing and singing altogether.
I really wouldn't know.
Well, listen, man, she's really good.
I mean, she's really good.
I'll keep that in mind.
I guess what I'm looking for isn't here.
Well, I'd tell her you stopped by, but I've got a bus to catch.
MARIA: Oh, that sauce looks a little thin.
You know what you should put half-and-half in there.
- It's not coffee.
MARIA: It works.
Billy showed me.
It gives it heft.
I don't put dairy products in my meat sauce.
It's not kosher.
I said, no cheese in the Nebula Salad.
I was thinking about skipping bowling.
Maybe we could make up for last night.
That is so sweet, but I kind of had plans, just - Plans with who? - It's nothing big.
- Me and Billy were going to go and - Billy? Isn't he on the bus? He missed it.
He's staying another night.
Another night? What did you do that for? You could have hurt me.
I'm not sure what happened.
- Hey, Dad.
- What are you doing here? - I think we need to talk.
- I agree completely.
WOMAN: Your 11:30 is here.
Give me 10 seconds.
- I'm sorry.
I've got a meeting waiting.
- No, it's okay.
Look, why don't we go fishing.
Like we used to.
- Away from all these interruptions.
- Sounds good.
- When? - Tomorrow.
I'll pick you up early.
- Gotta get a jump on those fish.
- Get a jump on those fish.
Excuse me.
I saw him and that friend of his out in the desert.
What were they doing? I couldn't tell from where I was standing.
But I got some pictures.
What else you got for me? A receipt from the last time your son filled up his jeep.
First week in May.
That's when Tess disappeared.
Do you think these two events are connected? There's only three reasons a person gets rid of a vehicle.
One, they sell it.
Two they ruin it to bilk the insurance company.
Or three, they destroy it to hide something.
What do you think my son is trying to hide? We better find that jeep, Mr.
Billy, I hope you're okay with hamburgers because that's what you get.
Oh, hamburgers are fine.
Why is that out? Michael stopped by today, and this ended up on the bed so I am tuning it for you.
MARIA: Why? Because it's out of tune, darling.
MARIA: Put it back.
- All right, give me just a second.
- Forget it.
I'll put it back.
- Hey, what's wrong? I invite you into my house, and you go through my stuff? Where's this coming from? It's a guitar, baby.
No, it's not! - It's a pretty busy night, huh? - Mm-hm.
How much money do you think we pull in on a night like tonight? Do you know that you really suck at small talk? Why don't you just tell Dr.
Parker what's on your mind.
Okay, tell me, do I need to be worried about this Billy guy? No, you don't.
He's completely harmless.
But you think he's good-Iooking? Well, yeah, if you like that sort of thing, I guess.
The good-Iooking sort of thing? Michael.
- Do you really think he missed his bus? - Yes, I do.
- Haven't you ever missed a bus before? - No, because I don't take the bus.
And I don't write songs.
And I don't cook with freaking half-and-half! Hey, Michael! - Sorry, my powers are out of control.
- Look at this mess! My dad will freak! - Relax, I'll fix it.
- Michael, you need to calm down.
Everything is gonna be fine between you and Maria.
Trust me.
She cooked him Italian food last night.
- I knew it.
It's a problem.
- No, it's not a problem.
It's just, um - It's food.
- No, Liz.
It's Italian food.
Michael, please don't do anything stupid.
Or alien! Or both! Please! [GUITAR PLAYING.]
Try going on F major seventh, please.
I can't listen to you anymore.
Just try going on F major seventh.
- Not bad.
MARIA: Oh, please.
I totally fixed it for you.
Now, let's see if you remember this one.
So, what about earlier? Yeah, I'm sorry that I went off on you like that.
You want to tell me about it? That guitar belonged to a friend of mine.
His name was Alex.
He died last year.
I am so sorry.
I am so sorry.
I had no idea.
His parents wanted me to have this guitar but I couldn't bring myself to play it.
Bad memories.
He was only 17.
He had his whole life.
His whole life.
Did you and Alex write songs together? Not really.
We tried once, but I just don't partner well.
I don't know, you're the only person that I've ever trusted in that way.
So if you guys were writing songs that means you were singing until - Until his funeral.
Yeah, that was the last time.
Well then I guess tonight is a special night.
MAX: What happened? - It's over.
- What? My dad found something, what? No, it's not that.
I saw Maria and what's-his-name Billy, together.
Together as in together? - Worse.
- What could be worse? They were singing together.
- So you're jealous? - I'm not jealous! My powers are slightly out of whack.
Out of whack? I've been blowing things up all day.
- Get them under control.
- I can't.
What if this happens in front of my father? I don't care about your father or his investigation.
All right, all right, look I'm sorry.
We're part human, right? We're supposed to have feelings.
You keep them bottled up, they're gonna get out somehow.
What should I do? Talk to her.
- That's it? Just talk to her? - Yeah.
Okay, sure.
I've missed this.
Yeah, me too.
So why did you get rid of the jeep? Got sick of it.
The plastic doors, the roof took forever to get on and off.
I hope you got a good price for it.
MAX: Blue Book.
- Huh.
So who bought it? This guy at school.
Drove it cross-country to college.
Cornell, I think.
It was a fun car.
Remember the guy we bought it from? - Yeah.
Now, he was scary.
- I thought he was gonna shoot us.
Yeah, you wouldn't meet his price.
I did when the gun fell out of his boot.
How old were you? - Fifteen.
- Yeah.
I'm just surprised that you would sell it without telling me first.
It was sort of spontaneous.
And you say this guy who bought it he was gonna drive it all the way to Cornell? Yeah.
He was planning on fixing it up first.
I saw the board in your office.
I know what you're doing.
- What am I doing? - It isn't right to spy on your own son.
I'm not spying.
I'm trying to figure out what's going on.
- Is my concern for you a threat? - Do I threaten you? You frighten me, Max.
I don't know who you are anymore.
I'm beginning to think I've never known.
- I'm your son.
- With secrets.
My biggest fear is that you're in trouble, and I can't help.
- You can't help.
I'm not in trouble.
- Not in trouble? Max If it weren't for me, you'd be in jail right now.
I put my reputation on the line for you, and I still don't know why.
What? Yeah, wait there.
- We're done.
Let's head in.
- Dad.
We're done.
- Hey.
- Hey, back.
- Can I say something? - Backroom.
- Do we have a problem? - No, we don't.
- I do.
- How can I help? - Be patient with me.
- Always.
- Don't say it like that, like I'm a kid.
- That's not what I meant.
What are you worried about? Really.
What can I do? Tell your friend to leave.
He shouldn't be here.
It's not a good time.
Not a good time? - Let me ask you a question.
- Here we go.
No, don't do that.
You ask, "What can I do?" And I tell you.
- When is it a good time? - To step out with an old boyfriend? - He is not an old Would you just? - Where's your patience now? When is it a good time for me to take a small step back from this nonstop alien hootenanny? We're in danger.
Max's father - I know.
- You don't care, because that Billy guy! [GASPING.]
You're gonna leave me for him.
Okay, I'll tell him.
- Thank you.
- Hey, it's what I do.
It's what I always do.
Max, I think we've got a problem.
- What is it? - Your dad just called for a tow truck.
Where? Mile-marker 16, out on Route 7.
They found the jeep.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- I have to tell you something.
- What? You have to go.
Right this second? Yeah.
I'll get my stuff.
Is this about Michael? Am I in the middle of something? No, it's complicated.
It's just my life I can't have more than one thing going on.
It's not you.
It has nothing to do with you.
That's too bad.
What's that supposed to mean? Truth? Maria, I missed my bus on purpose.
Why? Because I was given some advice one time: "Decide what you want in life and live it.
" - That's terrible advice.
- You gave it to me.
- That explains it.
- Four years ago.
- Our last night of camp.
- I was 13.
Well, you know what? That night stuck with me.
You stuck with me.
That kiss stuck with me.
It was my first one.
- You told me you'd kissed tons of girls.
- I lied.
I don't know I was just - I was hoping that - I'm with someone.
- Yeah, I met him.
- Look, you don't understand.
- Michael is just - Stopping you? - Stopping me? From what? - From I don't know.
From From life.
From this.
This is bad.
- What are you gonna tell your father? - Nothing.
- He doesn't trust me anymore.
- Who does he trust? - And then you kissed him? - Yes, I did.
- Where is he right now? - At my house.
- What were you thinking? - I don't know.
- And that's all that it was? Just a kiss? - Maybe, you know.
Maybe not.
Okay, let's talk about the kiss for one second.
Was there any passion? - Tons.
- Oh.
I know.
But it's not that kind of passion.
It was like it woke me up.
- Like Sleeping Beauty.
- Yeah, I guess.
Do you think I've been asleep this whole time? Well, I think that you've been trying to remember who you used to be for a long time.
- Say it.
- It's just sometimes I feel like I've paid this huge price for knowing Michael knowing these aliens.
It's like God, I didn't think I'd end up here, dealing with this crap every day.
I mean, I love Michael, and I do sort of love this ridiculous soap opera.
But I just can't take it anymore.
I feel like I'm trapped, and I'm never gonna get out.
I know.
I mean, l I didn't sign up for this.
- Yes, you did.
We all did.
- I know.
It's just I had this dream once.
I mean, maybe I still do, I don't know.
Maybe sometimes you have to go after your dreams.
But who am I to tell you to just give them up? Because without your dreams, you're just me.
- Liz? - I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
That sounded way too self-pitying.
This isn't about me.
It's just that You know, I'm committed to going down this road with Max.
You know, good, bad, indifferent, I'm committed.
And I've given up a lot.
So unless you're sure that's what you want don't be so quick to give up your dreams.
- Hey, I had this insane idea.
- What? That we'd do what we planned.
That I'd go to New York with you.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
What about your mom? Well, I know that she'll want me to finish high school.
- Not a bad idea.
- No, so after I graduate.
- Maybe.
- Maybe.
- I don't just know if this is what l - Hey, hey.
You don't owe me an explanation.
I screwed things up.
- No, you didn't.
- Yes, I did.
I should have known better.
I changed the whole flow between us.
But I've been wanting to kiss you for about four years and I'm a guy, so I took a shot.
- I think I gave you the wrong impression.
- No, you didn't.
We're fine.
Okay? And if I did anything to make you feel bad, I'm sorry.
I just wish you hadn't What? I wish you hadn't hidden yourself away with that guitar.
You gonna come see me in the Village? Yes.
- I'll get you front row seats.
- And I will throw my underwear at you.
Goodbye, Maria.
It's newly upholstered.
It has a dark print with big, pink cabbage roses.
- Wow, I don't know if that would really - Hey, hey, you can't beat the price.
MAX: They trust you, Isabel.
ISABEL: I'm sick of lying to our parents.
MAX: There's no other choice.
ISABEL: Yes, there is.
Tell them the truth.
They love us.
They'll accept us for who we are.
MAX: Or they'll turn us in.
ISABEL: They would never do that.
MAX: Just like Dad would never spy on me? It's too dangerous, for them and for us.
ISABEL: You're wrong, Max.
I want to tell them - The truth.
DIANE: What, hon? What? Did you say something? The truth.
I I want to tell you the truth about what's been going on with Max.
It's about Tess.
Max got Tess pregnant.
But she left before the baby was born.
So Max may have a child out there somewhere.
Oh, my.
ISABEL: When she left, he was so angry, he drove all night and he pushed his jeep off a cliff because he was so crazy.
God, Isabel, I'm so sorry.
If I'd have known, I wouldn't have I'm sorry too, Isabel, for asking you those questions.
For putting Jesse in the middle.
He would have told you himself.
He was just so afraid to disappoint you.
Thank you for finally telling us the truth.
MAX: Did they buy it? ISABEL: Yeah.
They bought everything.
You're safe for another day.
MAX: Thanks, Is.
I owe you.
ISABEL: Maybe now we can get back to normal.
MICHAEL: You wanted to talk which usually means you're gonna kick my ass, so I brought friends.
Thank you, I guess.
Is he gone yet? - Yeah.
- Good.
Feel better? Getting there.
What are we talking about? I want to break up.
I want out because I love you so much.
I love you more than you could possibly know.
- I'm lost.
- No, I'm lost.
And you've been there the whole time to help me through all of it.
All of what? This whole thing.
Alien, human, the scary stuff, the bad stuff.
There was fun stuff too.
Yeah, but I haven't been honest through any of it.
Listen, if you're trying to tell me you're a bisexual or something I'm cool with that.
I'm Why do you want out? Because, Michael, I don't think I've ever been in.
I mean, this girl you've known for the past three years this Maria, it's just not me.
- Of course it's you.
No, it's not the me I used to be.
Things change.
Yeah, things change.
Just like that? Will you come back to me? I don't know.

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