Bloodline (2015) s03e10 Episode Script

Part 33

1 [.]
Young man goes out Looking for the diamond in the sea Old man rows his boat to shore And falls on twisted knees And you'll drown Before the water lets you in And you'll drown Before the water lets you in [JOHN.]
I used to think the greatest thing that ever happened to me was being born a Rayburn.
It's what I thought since I was a kid.
Welcome, welcome.
We're so happy to have you honeymooning with us.
- We have the matching set.
- Don't worry about a thing.
Oh, I see you brought your diving gear all the way from Stockholm.
I've been waiting three years for my brother to turn 40.
Happy birthday.
Would you like a mimosa or a glass of champagne? Two mimosas.
Thank you.
That never changed Bungalow two and six.
I will give you till now.
We'll take the scenic route.
Now I know it was a lie we were taught to believe.
Two guys were nosing around asking questions, checking out the boats that we worked on for him.
- So? - I think it was the Feds.
- You don't know it was Feds.
- I know what Feds look like.
They were asking questions about Gilbert.
What kind of questions? [JOHN.]
A lie that bonded us when we didn't know any different.
What was here before you built the inn? Oh, nothing.
It was just nature.
- May I ask how you found it? - Oh Years ago, my husband was in the Navy.
He was stationed off the coast of Key West.
We were flying up to Miami Beach in a friend's seaplane.
And Robert looked out the window and he said, "Wait, wait.
Circle back.
Right there.
Right there, that's where we're gonna live our lives.
" And we've been here for some 40-something years.
All right.
We're never leaving.
I know the feeling.
A lie that became our truth.
And it would eventually break us apart.
Jake, just wait.
Don't quit.
Jake, Jake, Jake.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
- Please.
- Kevin.
You're smart.
Get you a lawyer, man.
There was a time when we were innocent, my siblings and me.
But that's long past.
I asked you here because nothing matters to me more than the truth.
And I'm gonna tell it.
I don't need to be read my rights.
I'm here to confess.
Jesus fucking Christ.
I'll do everything that I can to make things better.
Go fuck yourself in hell, please.
I wanna do everything that I can to help make things right.
So, you can sleep? Is that why? - I was wrong.
- I don't really want you to do anything.
Okay, because I get it now.
Your fucking brother, your mother, your sister, you all have to live with what you did, you know? You're pathetic.
- I'm over it.
Yes, sir.
- Back to work.
Know what you can fucking do? Just keep Danny's kid out of it.
- Do that.
- Out of what? "Out of what?" I didn't fucking tell him what you did.
He doesn't need to know the truth.
About who killed his dad, he doesn't fucking need that.
I said back to work.
Yes, sir.
Oh, and may I suggest that you all take your shoes off and walk barefoot on the warm sand.
- It's lovely.
- Come on, Worsham.
Such a pleasure to watch and learn from you.
Thank you.
Did your lawyers receive the contracts? - Reviewing them as we speak.
- Oh, good.
- I wanted you to meet my wife Nancy.
- Hi, Nancy.
Sally Rayburn.
- [NANCY.]
Such a pleasure.
- Thank you.
I know I shouldn't say anything, but are you sure you wanna sell this? I know.
It's, um It's bittersweet.
You know, our doors will always be open to you, Sally.
Thank you.
I appreciate that.
- Drive.
- All right.
Just Drive, cabrón.
Listen, I told Nicolas I didn't tell anybody anything.
I didn't say shit to anybody.
I don't even know what is going on.
Roy had a heart attack.
I got him to the hospital.
- I was trying to help.
- What else did you tell Nicolas? I didn't tell him anything.
I don't know anything.
If he calls again, you do not tell him about me, you understand? Yes, yes.
Can you tell me what is going on here? - Nicolas is a Fed.
- What? - DEA, FBI, I don't fucking know.
- What are you talking about? That's probably not his real name.
Hijo de puta told them everything.
- Fuck, we are so fucked.
- I have to get to Havana.
You're gonna help me.
How am I to do that? These guys have been in my boatyard, man.
- They're looking for me now.
- Get me a boat.
I can't get you a boat.
That's what I'm telling you.
- All right.
All right.
Just calm down.
- Think I give a shit about your family? - Hmm? - Just - You wanna see your Rocky grow up, huh? - Calm down.
Calm down.
I'm gonna need a little time.
I have to find a captain.
Pull over.
Twenty-four hours.
And if you fuck me, Kevin, I will come back and kill you and all your family.
- You understand? - Yes.
I'll be in touch.
Sometimes I feel like I'm gonna pass out.
Don't talk for a second.
Just breathe normally.
Your pressure's fine, John.
Sometimes there's a word that I wanna say and I can't think of the word.
I can't get it to come out.
Well, your bloodwork is completely normal.
And your EKG is good.
I don't see anything wrong with you.
Shortness of breath? That's not normal.
John, you've been under a lot of stress lately, okay? You had a major event with that diving accident.
Take it easy.
- It's my heart.
- It's not your heart.
- What else could it be? - What do you think? - You missed some - You don't have cancer.
- There's other tests.
There's other scans.
- John, you are perfectly fine.
Just breathe, okay? Just take a deep breath for me.
There is one thing I'd like you to try.
I want you to stop taking your medication.
- My blood pressure pills? - Yes.
Why would I do that? On rare occasions, there could be side effects.
- All right.
- Okay.
Thank you.
And you need to take it easy.
Listen to music.
See me in a month.
I made extra salad.
What'd the doctor say? Oh, he's not worried, Mom.
He just says I need rest is all.
Nolan stopped by.
He wants to see you.
- About what? - Danny.
He wants to ask you some questions.
Come sit with me.
I told him you'd be happy to talk, but to give you a few days when you're feeling better.
What's wrong? You're not feeling well? What're you doing here? I was invited for lunch.
How do you know each other? [DANNY.]
John, John, John.
She's a friend of mine.
- So, you're just friends? - Oh, come on, now.
Don't Please don't start that again.
We're friends.
She can sit at the family table.
So, she's family then? Mm She is what family should be.
We look out for each other.
- We have fun together.
- No agendas.
You're You're not related to us? What're you talking about? Tell her, John.
He thinks that Dad had an affair.
That woman had a kid.
Mom found out, which is why she was leaving on the day that Sarah and I went out on the boat.
Sarah drowned, and on, and on, and on.
I don't know anything about that.
Yeah, I've told him it's not true, but he doesn't believe me.
Thirty-five years later, he's still just a kid.
Trying to make sense of things that don't always make sense.
It's okay.
It's time to let it go.
Come sit with us.
You know what you gotta do.
You can't keep avoiding him.
Hey, Kev? Honey, can you bring me some water? [SIGHS.]
Kev? Kevin, are you okay? Honey? [KNOCKING.]
Honey? Kevin, open the door.
Kevin, tell me you're okay.
Kevin? Kevin?! - Kevin? - Don't look at me.
Just don't look at me.
- What are you doing? - Don't That's far enough.
- Are you okay? - Go back.
Don't come any closer.
Ke - Please go.
Please go.
- Kevin.
Oh, Kevin.
- Put the gun down.
- Go.
Just go.
- Kevin.
- Go.
Get the fuck out of here! Oh, sweetheart.
Put the gun down.
Kevin, put the gun down.
We have a baby, Kevin.
I love you.
Kevin, put the gun down.
They They know everything.
That fucking douchebag Nicolas, he's DEA.
He's DEA.
Put the gun down.
Kevin, put the gun down, okay? And now I am fucked.
Do you understand that? - You're not fucked.
- This is the only thing left for me to do.
Just put the gun down.
Just put it down.
We have a baby.
Kevin, does the DEA know about the Cubans? - Yes.
- Do they know about Roy? - Yes.
- Okay.
You listen to me.
You're gonna go, and you're gonna tell John to fix this.
- He started all of this.
- He can't fix it, Belle.
This is what I'm trying to tell you.
No one can fix this.
You're better off without me.
Rocky, he's better if I'm gone.
This is the only thing that I can do to help.
You shut up.
You listen to me.
You listen to me.
If anyone deserves to go, it's John.
He's not gonna take you away from me.
You understand that? - I can't.
- You're gonna go to him.
And you're gonna make him fix this.
And he's gonna save you, and he's gonna save your family.
And I don't care what he has to do or who he has to fuck over.
The Cubans, or Roy, Diana, his own fucking children.
Do you understand me? He's gonna fix this, and he's gonna save you, and he's gonna save me and our baby.
Okay? Yeah.
Chelsea, it's John.
Listen, I'm looking for Nolan.
I need a number on him.
Can you give me a call, please? Thank you.
Did he leave? - Yeah, he's gone.
He's still coming around.
I gotta get to work.
What do you want me to do, Kevin? Nothing, John.
I knew this was a bad idea.
I told Belle this was a mistake to talk to you.
I knew you were gonna give me that judgment.
That thing you do.
That "you're such a fuckup" stare.
I knew it.
Why do you do that? I mean, I'm seriously asking you.
Why? Why is it so important for you to be superior to me? Me? I mean, I'm a fucking I'm an asshole.
Everybody knows it.
I've fucked up my whole life.
But why do you get so much satisfaction by feeling superior to me? - I don't.
- Yes, you do, John.
You've done it my whole life.
I shouldn't take it personally.
You've done it to me, to Meg.
- You did it to Danny.
- I don't feel like I'm better than you.
Nolan came by to see me earlier.
He wanted to talk about Danny.
- Did you talk to him? - Fuck no.
You know he was talking to Chelsea at the trial, right? Did you see that? What do you think he knows, John? I'm not sure.
- You don't have a number on him, do you? - Fuck no.
I don't know shit about that kid.
What exactly is it that you want me to do for you? [DUCK QUACKING.]
I know.
I'm sorry.
I didn't know how to tell you at first.
And then you had your accident and I It's horrible timing.
You can say so.
- Where's Janey? - She's at the new place.
Where is the new place? It's north of Marathon, on the ocean side.
I tried to leave you half of everything and If there's anything you still want, you just come and take it.
I don't want any of it.
Take it all.
I don't need it.
I was thinking about the first time I came to dinner at the inn.
I was 16.
We'd been going out for a few months, but that was the first time that I met everybody.
And I was really excited.
But you kept checking on me the whole night because you'd warned me that Danny was a loose cannon, and your dad can run hot and cold.
Do you remember that? And I remember when I went home that night, my mom asked how it went, and I said Before I even understood what it meant, I said that, "Everybody seemed so sad.
" What? What are you talking about? I remember that dinner.
Everyone was happy at that dinner.
We were all laughing 'cause Kevin was trying to breakdance or something.
- We were all happy.
- I know.
You're right.
You never say You never say.
You never said we were sad, ever.
It wasn't like anybody said anything or anybody did anything.
It was just a feeling.
I couldn't have even told you then what it meant.
But there was a heaviness in the air.
And I tried.
I really tried to put it out of my mind for years.
But I was right.
You are, all of you.
But you more than anybody.
You've never really been happy.
I could feel that.
And I guess I just thought that I I was so in love with you that maybe maybe I could help change that.
I waited for you.
I tried to show you in a thousand different ways that I was here waiting.
That when you were done with it, with all that your family does to you, that I would still be here for you.
But that sorrow, that torment in you, it's never changed.
I love you.
God, I love you.
You're the only man that I have That I've ever loved.
It's not enough.
I'm sorry.
God, I know you are.
I never meant it to be like this.
Of course you didn't.
- [BEN.]
He's just like his dad.
- How do you know? He's not coming.
- [JANEY.]
You don't know anything.
- [BEN.]
I don't know anything? - [JANEY.]
- I get it.
You're buddies with him now.
- You guys are pals? - Look, Nolan is your cousin.
He's part of the family.
You can't blame him for not being as comfortable around all this as you are.
It's no surprise he's not as well adjusted to this as you.
He's better adjusted than everyone thinks.
Yeah, right.
I wanted to talk to the three of you together, but I'll just have to talk to Nolan another time.
So, I'm selling the inn.
- Why? - What? Well, this house, this home.
All these years, whenever I thought about my family or the blessings I've been given, I I saw this house, not the people.
Not your parents or your aunt and uncles, not even me or your grandfather.
I saw a building.
Not the family.
I saw a symbol of the Rayburn family.
And that's wrong.
I don't want you all to try to hold on to it.
Or all the sorrow that it's brought on.
You're free of all that.
So I'm selling the inn, and I'm giving the money to my grandchildren.
- But what about you? - What are you gonna do? Oh I don't know.
I'll be fine.
Maybe I'll travel.
I can see some of the places your grandfather and I wanted to see.
You can't leave.
Maybe things feel like too much is moving too fast.
And maybe it is, but we'll be okay.
- Does Dad know you're doing this? - Not yet.
No, I didn't want him to try to talk me out of it.
But I'll tell him.
I'll tell him.
And I won't change my mind.
This money belongs to you, just you.
This is your inheritance.
More coffee? - [WOMAN.]
Yeah, please.
Detective Rayburn.
Agent Kimball.
Thank you for coming.
- Do you want something to eat? - I'm good.
- My brother Kevin.
- What about him? I know you've got an ongoing investigation.
- You can't talk about it.
- That's right.
Kevin feels that he's the target of the investigation because of possibly his association with Roy Gilbert.
As you said, I can't comment on that.
I'm not asking for any special favors, believe me.
I do think it's possible that you and I could help each other out here.
I know you've had a rough year.
I don't wanna make it worse.
But your brother Kevin is in a whole world of trouble.
Whatever my brother has done, you have to know that he's entry level at best.
We know that.
So, we can talk then? You think he'd turn State's Witness? I can't be positive, but I'm pretty damn sure.
Our primary interest is Gilbert.
His networks, his associates, his international connections.
Kevin and his family, they are not safe down here.
If he testifies, he'll need witness protection.
If he's helpful, we'll figure it out, but things are moving really fast, Detective.
It always does, doesn't it? - "Moving fast"? What does that mean? - We're running out of time.
So, they'd put us like in witness protection? - Where? Where would we go? - It doesn't matter.
- That's not gonna work.
- Why? Kevin, if you turn on Gilbert, he's gonna use Marco's murder as leverage to protect himself.
He won't do that.
He's not gonna do that.
He said I'm like a son to him.
He wouldn't do that.
Have you ever wondered where the murder weapon is? The night everything happened, Shakowski tells you to go out and bring it back to him.
Why would he do that, Kevin? 'Cause Roy has it now.
That's why.
I'm telling you because you need to know where the investigation is.
You need to know how much investment they have in you.
You need to understand that there is another option.
Prison, that's the other option? The only thing left.
That's the best.
They'd get me for trafficking.
They don't have anything else on me.
I'll be Fuck.
Fuck, I don't know what to do.
I'm telling you what to do.
Turn yourself in.
Yeah? I'm gonna need, uh I'm gonna need some more time.
Um, a few more hours.
It's not easy to find someone.
Fuck your family Shut the fuck up.
Don't you fucking say that! Listen, just Okay, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Just give me a couple more hours.
- I'll call you back in two hours.
- That's the Cuban guy.
- You gotta listen to me.
He says he's gonna kill my family if I don't help him.
- Listen - I'm gonna see Roy.
- I gotta talk to Roy one more time.
- You can't fucking do that.
You can't Kevin, that's the wrong decision.
You can't do that! - [KNOCKING ON DOOR.]
- Roy? Um Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Did Mr.
Gilbert get moved? - I'm sorry.
You are? - I'm Kevin Rayburn.
I'm his business associate.
I just was here with him last night.
You're not family.
Only next of kin gets notified.
"Gets notified"? For what? What're you talking about? Mr.
Rayburn, you should speak to the family.
You can tell me.
I'm like family to him.
- I'm sorry.
- Com [.]
Um Excuse me.
The gentleman that was in here last night, did he pass away? Did he die? Come on.
Fucking hell.
Hello, Rayburn House.
How may I help you? [LORENZ.]
Hi, Sally.
It's Dr.
Lorenz calling about the purchase of the inn.
All right, boys.
Two Buds.
Conch fritters.
You boys having a good night? Could be doing better if you sit on my lap.
- I would pay to see that.
- I'd pay to avoid that.
- Hey, cop in the house.
Chelsea, I'm looking for Nolan.
- Go fuck yourself.
- Hey, listen to me.
Chelsea, you okay? - I'm a detective.
- I don't give a fuck who you are.
- Are you okay? - Yeah, it's fine.
I got it.
- If you want a drink, go to the bar.
- Do you have his number? - Leave him alone.
- It's important.
To who, huh? You're all such pathetic pieces of shit.
Whatever you have to tell him is lies.
You just want to tell him something to make yourself feel better.
He doesn't need to hear that.
He doesn't need you in his life.
What's that all about? Mom is drunk as shit.
- Why? - I don't know, John.
Maybe because two of her kids are dead, one's run away, and you and I are all she has left.
Roy's dead.
- Did Mom tell you? - Nope, I told Mom.
- What'd you expect? - I don't know.
I didn't expect anything.
I didn't expect her to lose her fucking mind.
She hated the guy.
Roy and Mom were having an affair when we were kids.
I mean What the fuck did you say? - You know what I'm talking about.
- You're crazy.
You're fucking paranoid.
The shit that comes out of your mouth.
That's not their story.
- And you'd know their story? - I know their story.
Roy told me.
- Roy was a liar.
- He was on a boat.
He got drunk.
He stabbed a guy.
It was an accident.
Dad saw it.
Mom and Dad helped him to cover it up because he lent them the money to buy the property for the inn.
That's the story.
- No.
- Shut up.
Just shut your fucking mouth.
Roy's dead.
The Feds, Nicolas, there's nothing to stop them.
They're gonna come for me now.
You came back to the house to get help from Mom, and she was drunk.
I didn't come to get help, John.
I came to say goodbye.
Just let me know Mom? Stop waiting around Hey - [TURNS OFF MUSIC.]
What the fuck? Mom? [JOHN.]
Mom, you all right? There are parts of Miami when there's a super moon the water rises up through the storm drains in the streets.
It just rises up.
Can't stop it.
The water.
It's gonna keep coming.
And there's nothing we can do about it.
- It takes whatever it wants.
- What are you talking about? The sea, it takes everything.
My children.
My home.
I can't even sell it now.
- No one's selling the inn.
- Oh, yeah.
I am.
I was.
All the papers were ready to sign.
Real nice couple.
Lovely couple.
Ready to sign on the dotted line.
Mom, what are you talking about? You were going to sell the inn? - Did you know about this? - What does it matter now? They had experts here poking in every corner, measuring this and that.
They said it's gonna be underwater in ten years.
Maybe less.
It's worthless.
I don't even have this left.
I wasted my life.
That's it.
You need some sleep.
You're done.
Sit down.
I'm done, all right? Oh, I was done the moment I had you boys.
When Danny was born I mean, you hardly know what's going on with the first one, but even then I could I could see he was lost.
He was so beautiful.
Like Robert.
Long and lean.
But I could see he'd never find his way.
So, I held him close.
As close as I could.
I thought maybe if I loved him enough, he'd be okay.
- [KEVIN.]
- Wouldn't he? Listen to me, Mom.
Danny wasted his own life.
And then he blamed everyone else for it, okay? That is his fault.
That is not your fault.
And you.
You didn't even have the strength to be born.
They thought you were gonna die inside of me.
I was in so much pain, so they cut you out.
But I shouldn't have let them.
I should have made you fight your way out.
Find your strength.
Prove yourself.
- [SIGHS.]
- But I didn't.
I didn't.
You know what, I don't need to listen to this shit anymore.
I'm done.
I let you be weak.
Let's just get the fuck out of here, okay? Please, let's just go.
Sweet, sweet Sarah.
And Meg.
Sarah was so delicate.
So tiny.
And Meg came out so fast.
I hardly knew she was there.
My sweet girls.
- Please, let's just go.
- But you.
You tore me when you came out.
You were covered in blood when they put you on my chest.
I screamed for them to take you! But the blood stayed.
The stain smeared red on my On my white gown.
You did this.
You did this, John.
Sarah and Danny.
It's your fault! [KEVIN.]
You don't have to listen to this.
- Oh, yes, he does.
- Get the fuck out of here.
Don't you, John? Don't you? - [KEVIN.]
- The good one.
Let's go.
You had no idea what family was.
You never have.
I guess not.
Let's go.
There's nothing here for us, man.
There's nothing left here.
Come on.
You okay? Hey, whatever it is, you can tell me.
You don't have to suck it up all alone.
Here, it's a shitty habit, but So, you talk to her? What'd she say? - It's stupid.
- Of course it's stupid.
What happened? [DANNY.]
I was a bad kid from the start, right, John? How did you see me? I don't remember.
How did you see me? Gun to your head, how did you see me growing up? Who was I? I don't remember.
Sure you do.
You remember.
See that over there? - [YOUNG DANNY.]
Did you ask her out? - [YOUNG JOHN.]
- And? - She said no.
That's her loss, bro.
She asked me if you were my brother.
- Why? - Maybe she likes you instead.
Come on.
Hey, I would not do that to you.
Okay? You're my fucking brother.
And her friend said that she wants you to ask her out, right? - Yeah.
- Okay, so she's playing hard to get.
That's good.
That's a good thing.
That means this girl Dana really likes you.
It's Diana.
That was the start of your whole life then.
And over there.
Tell me about him.
How'd it happen? [.]
Just tell him I was a bad kid right from the start.
Right, John? [.]
How did it happen? He wants the truth.
He does not wanna know that.
'Cause that's all he's asking.
He just wants to know what happened.
Our whole lives you couldn't trust Mom and Dad.
They lied.
Change the family.
You can help him right now.
And that's what he's asking you.
One more time.
Special Agent Frank Torres.
He's been working UC on the case with us.
Pleasure to meet you.
So, where are we at? - I've talked to Kevin.
And? - He'll turn himself in.
Okay, but is he gonna testify? Look, I don't know exactly what he's gonna do but that's between you and Kevin now.
Your brother's facing some heavy time.
I'm just glad to see him turn himself in safely.
When do you wanna do the handoff? Tomorrow, nine o'clock, his place.
And I've talked to him.
He promises me he'll be ready.
I know this is hard for you.
Kevin's doing the right thing here.
Yeah, I know.
He's a good person.
Anyway I'll see you tomorrow.
You're sure? Are you sure this is the right thing? You feel okay about it? I don't see any other way through it, Belle.
- And John? - He agrees.
I never wanted to hurt you or Rocky.
I know that.
Sometimes it feels like I just let life just take me wherever it wanted.
I didn't take any responsibility, you know? I just kind of coasted.
I should've done things different.
- He inside? - I assume so.
- I was waiting on you guys.
- Let's go.
Kevin, it's time.
Check around the back.
Kevin, let's go.
Open up.
What's going on, John? Hey, Kev [PHONE KEYPAD BEEPING.]
- [MAN.]
They emptied their closets.
- They're in the wind.
Hey, where the hell are you? Give me a call.
- I can't control what happens now.
- I know this guy.
He's no fucking genius.
Any idea where he could've gone? - No, I - [CELL PHONE RINGING.]
What? - Kevin, what the hell are you doing? - I'm sorry.
I just couldn't do it.
I couldn't go to prison.
I couldn't do that to Belle and Rocky.
You have no idea how much trouble you're getting yourself in.
- You need to get back here now.
- I can't.
Me and Belle, we're gonna start a new life, John.
"New life"? What the hell are you talking about? In Cuba.
They can't extradite us there.
Kevin, where are you right now? About a mile past Marathon.
Smooth sailing.
- You took the inn boat? - It's too slow.
I got a guy.
You're not gonna make it.
The Coast Guard's gonna pick you up.
Get back to Marathon before it's too late.
I'll call you.
- I'll see you when I see you, bro.
- Look, Kevin, you have no I Alert CG.
Let's go pick him up.
I'm sorry, John.
Cut your engine! - [HORN BLARING.]
- Shit! [MAN.]
Now! - Shut it down! - Gentlemen, what seems to be the problem? - [KIMBALL.]
Where is he? - [FREDDIE.]
Who? - Do you have any passengers on board? - You got a warrant? Yeah, we got a warrant.
I'm just a captain, man.
He paid me.
I didn't ask no questions.
Yeah, okay, Captain.
DEA, Rayburn.
Open the hatch.
Come out slowly with your hands in the air.
Hola, Nicolas.
You motherfucker.
How much longer? Fifty miles to Bimini.
- You gonna miss it? - Yes.
Well, there it is.
I can't believe you've never seen it before.
I always heard it was beautiful, but didn't imagine anything like this.
Your mom never showed it to you? Your dad had a couple of photos.
So, you don't think I should ask John? [.]
I know it's difficult.
You've gotta try to separate yourself from all of them.
I will after I talk to him.
You don't need to talk to him to save yourself, to cut your ties.
I'm gonna ask him and that's it.
Whatever he says.
And then I'll leave, and I'm never coming back.
Your dad, he couldn't let go, but you can.
And now's your chance.
Maybe you're right.
Maybe it's not worth knowing.
John Rayburn.
You alone? Yeah.
We made it.
John, I don't know how to say thank you, man.
I mean, I I don't know what to say.
You want to pay me back? Just live your life, Kevin.
And forget this place.
Hey, listen, maybe sometime you, and Mom and Meg could come see us? - I don't think so.
- Why not? - John? - Someone's gotta do it.
What're you talking about? Do what? End it.
It's gotta end.
John? John? [JOHN.]
I don't need to be read my rights.
I'm here to confess.
You and I have got a lot of years between the two of us.
A lot of water under the bridge, so to speak, Franco.
I'm so fucking sorry to pull you into this.
- But I'm responsible.
- John, don't do this - I'm responsible for my brother's death.
- John I am responsible for framing Eric O'Bannon for Marco's murder.
I'm John.
You called me 'cause you needed help.
And that's a big step.
And I'm here for you.
Thank you.
When you're paranoid, you don't know it.
Other people know it.
I know it.
You've been through a lot, John.
A lot of stress.
Trust me on this.
I'm telling you the truth.
- I know you are.
I know.
- Don't do that.
Don't do that.
- I'm not paranoid.
Don't fucking do that.
- Okay.
I understand.
What happens next? Well, I have some news for you.
I'm hanging it up.
- You're what? - This, hanging it up.
I took the job in Boston with Mike Gallagher.
No, that What the fuck are you talking about? - I'm turning myself in for everything.
- No, you're not.
You're not gonna do that.
You're not gonna take the hit for the mess that Roy Gilbert and Kevin made for themselves.
The DEA has been updating me.
I know you tried to help them bring Kevin in.
Don't blame yourself.
You did all you could.
Kevin made his bed, and now he's gotta sleep in it.
It'll all be over soon.
Belle forgot to turn off her GPS on her cell phone.
They'll be in the States tomorrow.
Go home.
Get some sleep.
Some sleep.
- You need it.
Good man.
I'll miss you, John.
Mom! Help! [LAUGHTER.]
- [KEVIN.]
Rayburn family photo.
Line up.
Under the Banyan tree.
All right.
Come on.
Come on, everyone.
Let's take this seriously.
One, two, three.
Rayburn! [ROBERT.]
I think you three should make the decision about Danny.
You don't give up on family.
Go do it, John.
It doesn't have to end like this, John.
He doesn't need to know.
Just breathe through it.
You got this.
You got this.
You are my sunshine [UKULELE PLAYING.]
My only sunshine You make me happy When skies are gray You'll never, ever know How much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away [SHEPARD LAUGHING.]
That was written in prison.
- That's a prison song.
I only know two verses of it.
Who's the prisoner that wrote it? [SHEPARD.]
It was an ex-governor - of Louisiana.
Whoo-ee! - [SHEPARD.]
I'm not kidding.
How appropriate.
- [MAN.]
"A" mark.
- [WOMAN.]
I think embezzlement or something.
I mean - A New Orleans thing.
He wasn't the first.
- [MAN.]
Isn't that where - [SPACEK.]
I need some more wine!
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