Rescue Me s03e10 Episode Script


Previously on rescue me Stack! I'm gonna get you out of here.
Stay with me, ok? how you doing? not so good.
Look at him.
He's half a man.
You might want to get a little alzheimer's of your own.
excuse me? Jeannie's happy here.
Now you have to be happy, too.
you telling me forget about my wife? survivor's guilt.
you're like the second person, like, recently that's mentioned that to me.
how's it going with Natalie? I don't know, man.
I think she might have another guy on the hook.
Guy she could be living with.
this is my big brother, rich.
Rich, this is Franco.
how's it going? if you want to run, do it now and get it over with.
no, sweetheart, not me.
I'm sticking.
this is a transfer.
What is this, a joke? You work day in and day out with a guy, you think you know him.
there's some other things about Mike you don't know.
oh, yeah, like what? he's playing for the other team, dude.
Mike's gay.
yeah, tell me something I don't know.
Oh, you mean gay gay.
I got this cousin down in Florida.
He's got this fishing boat.
Charter boat.
Makes a whole boat load of money.
Got a first mate, the guy got married, he's not coming back.
He asked me if I was interested, I said no.
Now I'm thinking yes.
I think the crew might be breaking up.
what? yeah.
that's why I'm here, Mr.
Gavin, to ask you, most sincerely, for your daughter Maggie's hand in marriage.
are you retarded? let me help you.
I can do that.
I can make a better life for the both of us.
I have all that widow money just sitting in the bank.
All I have to do is call the bank, and the next day, I would have a check for $3.
1 million.
I didn't want you finding out from somebody else.
Janet's pregnant.
Sony pictures television.]
Stack? Stack? Listen to me.
Think about the cabin.
Up at the cabin with deb and the kids.
what? hey.
How's he doing? how are you? how is he? he's good.
He's good.
here, I brought you some coffee.
here, let me give you a hand.
thank you.
how are the kids doing? I don't want them to see him like this.
You know, the older ones, they're gonna get upset.
The younger ones, I don't know the mental damage it's gonna do.
You know I'm right, right? yes.
the yankees, they beat boston last night, and the boys, they were all excited.
Like I could really give a shit.
It reminded me of him, you know.
how much he hates the red sox.
When they came back and won that four and then won the world series, remember? yeah.
such a softie.
He rooted for the red sox in that world series because he felt bad for the fans.
You know, for all the years they lost.
oh that's what I love about him.
He had this, um, this survival thing.
This, uh this guilt.
You heard of it? a couple guys in the firehouse were talking about it, yeah.
yeah? Oh, that's better.
You look exhausted.
you sure? yeah.
My sister's coming.
His mom and dad.
I'm gonna be fine.
Really, go.
'cause I can stay until they get it's fine.
Thank you.
Honestly, you have been amazing.
You've been a rock.
Through all this.
Thank you.
Really, thank you for taking, taking time off from your kids and your family.
Thank you.
just doing what he would've done for me.
you are amazing.
Thank you.
And please tell Janet I said I really appreciate her letting you do this for us.
see you.
hello? hey.
I, uh I gotta see you.
For what? You already know the news.
I want to see you face to face, ok? You owe me that, at least don't you think? it's not gonna change anything.
ok, I need to To what? I want to set up some rules.
Figure out how we're gonna explain everything to everybody.
Including him, ok? I mean, this family's screwed up, and it's about to get more screwed up.
I think you and I should have, you know, our stories straight, don't you think? ok.
When? how about tomorrow.
Like 6? He gets home at 6:30.
Do not be late.
* on another day, come on, come on, with these ropes I tied, can we do no wrong? Now we grieve 'cause now is gone, things were good when we were young, with my teeth locked down I can see the blood of a thousand men who have come and gone, now we grieve 'cause now is gone, things were good when we were young, is it safe to say? Come on, come on, was it right to leave? Come on, come on, will I ever learn? Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on * what are you doing? well, I know this is your regular schedule nowadays, and I didn't want to go up and see Stack or deb.
I just wouldn't know what to say to either one of them, so yeah.
Brutal up there.
I know.
what's this? oh, well, so Damian has been after me to get him a car 'cause, you know, he wants a ride, he wants his freedom, and so, I came up with this.
You need some cheering up, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let him bash around town in a brand-new vehicle, so I will trade you this for that piece of shit, and he can do whatever the hell he wants to with it.
this is mine.
it's a cadillac.
Take it.
Take it, take it, take it, take it.
I smell a rat.
no, no, no.
No rat.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with what we talked about before? you can take the truck.
And believe me, if you decide that you don't want to run away with me and retire and go get a house by the beach and all that junk, then it's ok.
It's really ok.
You can keep the truck.
Yay! well it's nice.
it's fully loaded.
It's a cadillac.
it's a pick-up truck.
and you know, you giving him something like this, that's sending completely the wrong message.
Not to mention totally dangerous.
It's got a v-10 in it.
that's a deathtrap.
For a teenager.
I know.
oh, yeah.
let me see a minute.
it's big, huh? yeah.
big shit.
it smells pretty, right? it still has the paper stuff on the floor.
I know.
let's see what it sounds like.
no, wait, wait, wait.
Don't you want to go, like, have breaky or something? I can't, sweetheart.
I'm late for work as it is.
all right, ok.
all right.
See you.
see you.
he's retarded? kind of.
well, like, rainman retarded, or, you know, Paris hilton retarded? he's functional, all right, like Paris.
He can go to the bathroom on his own, which I'm assuming Paris can do.
He's pretty good with numbers.
I mean, I'm not saying the guy can count toothpicks off the floor or anything.
But, uh, you know, then he eats things.
well, hey, hey, hey, now.
There's nothing retarded about that.
no, I'm not talking about food things, Lou, I'm talking about actual things.
All right, shit that's laying around the room.
Checkers, paper clips.
Erasers, pen caps.
Guy's lower intestine must have a steel lining.
well, you know how they talk about retards having, what is it called, retard strength? what are you looking at me for? you know, maybe that's what Richie the retard has.
I mean, he's got all of his powers concentrated in his digestive tract.
yeah, man, the thing is, I really want to make a good impression with nat.
I was thinking maybe I'd take the guy to a ballgame or something.
oh, yeah, hey.
That's a nice gesture.
Give you a chance to bond, you know.
That would be a good idea.
should work out real nice.
Assuming, you know, he doesn't eat the tickets before you reach the gate.
not today, asshole.
it's incredible.
what is it, an escalade? it's an escalade pick-up.
Cadillac goes white trash.
What? Nothing.
How'd you get it? I decided to treat myself.
Listen, it came with everything.
It came with a v-10, which is unheard of.
They only made like came with bucket seats, it came with AC.
did it come with a chauffeur? hey, hey, wait a minute, goddammit! That's my truck! Hey! Shit! well, it looks awfully nice from the back.
ok, yeah.
Thank you.
Cops are on the case.
What's the city coming to? I mean, 12 minutes, I owned that vehicle.
need I remind you how far uptown our house is located.
nice to know you haven't lost touch with your inner racist, Lou.
Franco, I'm just stating a geographical fact.
I gave my other piece of shit to Damian.
So it's gonna be at least 3 days before the cops find the escalade, or what's left of it.
you're worried about getting to work, you can always take the bus.
yeah, or the subway.
yeah, yeah.
I'm gonna take the subway.
I live in Brooklyn, ok, I can't be stuck on the train for 45 minutes in between dom deluise and ruben studdard.
I'll take a hostage.
wait, ruben studdard, that's the gay guy, right? no, no, no.
Ruben studdard was the fat guy.
Clay aiken's the fag.
clay aiken ain't a fag.
He's just not talented.
I should know, I voted for the guy.
Mike, they didn't mean anything by it.
sorry, Mike.
I forgot you were gay.
you know, I just got finished being ragged on for being the probie, now I got to deal with this shit.
It sucks.
did he just wink at me? daddy knows what his dirty little girl likes.
Right, baby, right? yeah.
Yeah, honey.
Yeah, your dirty, little girl.
God, those drapes are awful.
hey, hey, hey.
Get your game face on.
We only got this room is so drab.
I wonder if they'd let me spruce this up a little bit, you know? hey, hello.
flowers, I don't know, burn some sage.
Jesus Christ.
I think it would help the mood.
sweetheart, check the hardware.
The mood's never been better.
I mean, look at this place.
I'm serious.
This is depressing, theodore.
I guess you're right.
goddammit, probie.
How about knocking.
here's my transfer form, Chief.
I want out.
from what I hear, you're already out.
thanks for the insurance policy, now put my transfer through, or I dial up my union rep and tell him what you just said.
hey, nat.
Are you doing ok? I am now.
You? I miss you.
you're sweet.
listen, uh, nat, I was thinking, if you need to get a little work done tomorrow, I could maybe take Richard out.
Watch him for a little bit.
really? yeah, yeah.
I could take a sick day.
Friend of mine's got box seats at yankee stadium.
oh, that's so nice, but, um, Richard's kind of banned from yankee stadium.
really? yeah, he's apparently the only one in new York to ever toss racial slurs at derek jeter.
well, what about a, I don't know, a tour of the firehouse? Richard might like that.
oh, he would love that.
uh, so, I don't know.
Maybe I'll pick him up tomorrow around lunchtime? that sounds great.
I'll see you then.
all right, sweetheart, bye.
Hey, uh, Chief.
You wouldn't have any problem with me bringing a retard to the house tomorrow, would you? we got two here as it is.
I don't see how another one would hurt.
goddamn, it's 5:30.
you're not going near Queens, are you? nah, I gotta go home.
you're still gonna take the exam? oh, yeah.
I thought that was all about Keela, and now that she's gone, you'd, you know.
thanks for the reminder, captain obvious.
you know what I'm saying.
Is it, what is it, because of the money, you want the money? maybe I got my own reasons, Tommy.
like what? That's what I'm asking.
like this conversation for starters.
frankie, that's not what Yeah, yeah.
give you a lift? not on that goddamn deathtrap.
well, suit yourself.
hey, let me ask you something.
You, uh you still thinking about that thing with your cousin, the boat thing? yeah, yeah.
I got a couple weeks to let him know.
Been thinking about making a trip out there maybe next week or something like that.
Check it out.
It's a pretty sweet deal.
look, you think I haven't thought about things like that? I have.
Many, many, many times.
Ok, but then you think a little bit further, and you realize, you know, we may walk amongst normal people.
We can't be out there with them full time.
You know, we gotta be in firehouses.
That's where we're meant to be.
And especially you and me, our personal lives, man, it's all the family we got left.
probie's transferring.
call Dr.
Maybe he can help.
jackson heights, please.
huh? jackson heights.
hey, pal, can you, uh can you speed it up, please, a little bit.
You got you can go here.
Holy shit! hey, you pay fare! move over.
Move over.
what the hell? goddammit, move over.
this guy up ahead, he stole my truck, ok? I'll give you catch him, I'll give you 75, all right? you son of a bitch! goddammit.
so, uh, what are you? You a, uh, muslim? yeah.
So you believe in, in what, like you die, and you go to heaven, and you get, what I mean what's the point of that, really, when you think about it, I mean, virgins? I mean, you think, when you go to heaven, wouldn't you rather have, you know, like, whores.
you think there are whores in heaven? There are no whores in heaven.
you know, I would prefer, if I went to heaven, that I would get 77 ok, 72 whores.
Chicks who know something.
Chicks who know how to blow you.
Chicks who know tricks.
let me ask you a question.
what? what are you, religion-wise? I'm nothing.
I'm a lapsed catholic, but if l well, my friend, you are going to hell, ok? I'd rather go to hell with whores.
And babe Ruth, and John lennon, and elvis presley.
Take me to hell.
Move! hey, uh, you wouldn't mind waiting like an extra 5, 10 minutes? yeah, good luck with your virgins, asshole! I'm not even gonna ask.
Ok, let's get inside.
He'll be here any minute.
so? I don't even know where to start.
ok, I do.
I had an abortion the last time that you knocked me up, and I don't regret it.
At the time, we were both in the wrong place, but now, I want this.
Whether it's his or yours.
I want this child to replace what we lost.
we? I was being kind.
To replace what I lost.
'Cause I'm doing this for me.
And for the girls.
I think it'll help them heal.
Especially if it's a boy.
Actually, a boy would solve a lot of problems for this family, don't you think? It's not like you have a shot.
I mean, where are you gonna find a co-conspirator, huh? You tell me.
Who? Angie? Who? Look, you can freeze all the sperm you want.
You can jerk off into the goddamn freezer for the next 9 months and still not have the extra added ingredient.
A woman who wants to have your baby.
Why didn't you listen to me? when? to spend more time with the kids.
To spend more time at home, to spend more time with me.
ok, wait, wait, wait.
all you had to do was listen to me.
All that was required was for you to hear the words.
I heard the words, ok? I quit drinking, I quit my third job.
I was home every Saturday.
you were always playing softball every Saturday during the summer and all winter, you played hockey.
All spring, all fall that's not true.
and the only reason that you quit drinking was because Lou told you that the Chief said something to him.
that wasn't the only reason.
not because of me, not the kids, goddamn you, Tommy.
All you had to do was listen and none of this would've happened.
None of it! goddamn it, stop! You're gonna tell me that simply because I didn't listen well enough, that you then ruined my life so far beyond what I could ever imagine.
That that's why, because I didn't listen hard enough.
That's why you're sucking my brother's cock.
goddammit, Tommy.
I was so lonely, and I was scared shitless.
I had just buried my only son.
so did I.
what did you need, Tommy? goddammit.
Ahh I needed you.
The old you.
I needed someone to hold me in my bed at night when I cry.
I needed someone to help me.
After I was done helping the girls dry their goddamn tears.
But the old you, he's gone.
He's buried.
With all of your lost brothers.
And you know what? You can tell all your lost brothers to go to hell.
Because we're here, and they're not.
let her go, asshole.
stop it! Stop it! Stop it! you all right? yes.
you ever lay a hand on her again, I swear to Christ on our mother's grave, I will kill you.
As I live and as I breathe, Tommy.
I will kill you.
wasn't what you thought.
get out of here, Tommy.
Goddammit, get out of here now.
you ok? Huh? I'm sorry.
I, uh, need to borrow some money for a cab.
you got anything, I'm a little short.
a lot of your guys took their last ride across that bridge that morning.
You gotta get out, brother.
what do you mean? you know what I mean.
Tommy, the moment you start having doubts about whether to stay in or not, or whether the new cocky-assed sons of bitches behind you are incapable of watching your back, Tommy, that's the moment you're gonna screw up.
Kill yourself and maybe even take some of them with you.
Damn right.
Just get out, Tommy.
Just take Sheila's deal.
I thought you were against the idea of me and her being together.
And, you know, especially in this circumstance where she's talking about, you know, a final kind of thing.
She's talking about me and her being together forever.
You understand that, right? I do.
And I was against it.
Tommy, this is now.
Man, it's 5 years later.
Things change.
I've changed, all right.
I just want her happy.
That would make me happy.
who are you talking to? never mind who I'm talking to, who are you talking to, huh? not you.
huh? Just drive.
You wouldn't believe the difference in Jeannie from yesterday.
I played her some reggae music.
She was very responsive.
yeah? yeah.
Bob marley and the wailers.
You know, we honeymooned in negril.
Spent every night in the reggae clubs.
Drinking rum punches and dancing up a storm.
there's a great place in my neighborhood.
I'll take you there if you like.
um, I'll let you know.
Yeah, yeah.
Go back to your goddamn sleeper cell.
Shut up.
I'll tell you, man, if they want to find the next group of suicide bombers in this country, all you do is bust all the cab drivers in new York city.
how you guys doing? good.
is needles around? needles? Chief nelson.
oh, yes, sir.
I'll get him for you, sir.
Hey, guys.
How are you? hey.
You knew a bunch of these guys, right? yeah.
I did.
Davey Smith.
Ricky daniels.
Murph was in my class.
12 years of catholic prison.
He was an usher in jimmy Keith's wedding.
hey, I miss jimmy.
that guy was a firefighter's fire.
yeah, I know.
I mean, the guys you got now.
The oldest one in there now is 27.
can you believe this shit? When we were coming up, you had to be, what, made you Chief.
at least.
look at me.
It's a different job, Tommy.
It is.
different job.
speaking of which, uh I wanted to talk to you a sec.
about? I wanted to give you a a heads up about, uh, my probie.
yeah, he called.
He said he applied.
It's a done deal.
I just gotta sign some papers.
he's gay.
what, like like lotions, maybe a manicure now and again gay or actually blowing other guys gay? blowing other guys gay.
All right, look, t, this day and age, I can't justify saying no to a guy based on the fact he likes cock.
He goes to the union rep, the next thing you know I got you.
I got you.
he's also a coward.
I feel so guilty.
I know, gay-wise, I used to work with harry over in Brooklyn.
before he came out of the closet.
That guy was the best firefighter I ever saw.
that's what they say.
he's a Chief now.
I know.
the guys are afraid to make gay jokes 'cause they're afraid he'll beat his goddamn ass in.
and it's true.
but a coward? Not in this house or any other house.
it's up to you.
all right.
I'll spread the word.
Thanks, pal.
hey, is your house doing something special for the fifth anniversary? I'm sure we are.
We just haven't figured it out yet, you know.
all right.
Let me know.
all right.
take care, brother.
how is harry anyways? gorgeous.
what can I get you? um sir? it's, uh, Tom.
Um, what's your high-end Irish whiskey? middleton's.
25 bucks a shot.
give me 8 fingers of that.
that's about 100 bucks worth of whiskey there Tom.
bring it on.
for a glass that's gonna cost about a c-note, you're certainly drinking it pretty fast there, pal.
yeah, you would, too, if you only had about $2.
75 in your pocket.
give me the glass.
ooh you better be bullshitting me.
I ain't bullshitting, pal.
you lied, Tommy.
come on, pal, it's just some booze.
I'm calling the cops.
get off me.
M bullshit.
Prove it, huh? Prove it.
see that? Huh? You like that, huh? See that? Huh? See that? I got that about 12 stories up.
Raging inferno up in harlem.
In the apartment looking around, lost my helmet, I couldn't find it, but I found somebody's grandmother.
I had to hand her out in a bucket to save her, and punched my way through a window.
She died about an hour later at the hospital.
hey, uh see that one? Look at that, huh? See? See that one? Huh? That was the drunken asshole in the bronx.
He fell asleep while he was smoking in bed.
He started the fire.
Woke up, he was trying to crawl out.
I got to bring him down, pried my mask off with him coming down the stairs, the stairs give way, we go right through half a story.
Onto these metal spikes.
He lived.
Yeah, I knew 60 guys who died on 9/11.
and then what the funny part is, I betcha, all the people in this bar, you could name 5 finalists from American idol, before they could name one, one name of the from the FDNY on 9/11.
Huh? Anybody know a name? One name? Huh? Anybody know a name? Of a dead fireman, huh? No, nobody.
I didn't think so.
I don't have any money because my wallet and my badge were in my new truck which got stolen this morning, and my wife's pregnant.
She's she's gonna have a baby, but we don't know whose it is 'cause she's having sex with me and my brother.
My uncle's in the joint 'cause last year he shot my, uh, this drunk driver who killed my only son, and I just saw my son on a cross-town bus out in front of this place about Thanks.
Sweetheart believe me, this is way, way more bad boy than you're ever gonna be able to handle.
So do yourself a favor what? go blow a drummer.
I was over at needles nelson's firehouse, he's nearby, he's Chief now, and, you know, they got that murph plaque.
I had never seen it before, and I started thinking about timmy higgins and paddy brown, and all the guys, and you know, then I thought I saw kyle on this bus.
you think this honors them? You think this honors them, paddy and jimmy and the other the survivor guilt, huh? This shit's not going away, pal.
It's not going away, shithead.
You want a drink? Here, you want a drink? Drink it, drink it, let's drink it.
Come on.
You want it? Huh? dude, don't do this, man.
you want to drink it, huh, huh? Every time you do this, ok, every time you come here, it's gonna start all over again, ok? It's gonna start all over again.
It's a vicious cycle, pal.
You follow? yeah, I follow.
do you follow!? I follow.
all right, good.
Get yourself in the goddamn car.
Put some goddamn coffee in you and get you to a meeting so we can start this shit all over again.
Jesus Christ.
uh-uh-uh, give me the lighter.
I guarantee you, this is gonna taste a whole lot better.
You know, um I'm really digging your sister.
A lot.
So it's really important to me that we be pals, you know? best friends forever.
If you let me go down the fire pole.
oh, yeah, yeah.
and I talked to my buddy over there, and he says someone told him I was gay.
it wasn't me.
it had to be someone from this house.
well, maybe it was your boyfriend.
he's not my boyfriend.
sorry, sorry.
I meant, you know, your suck buddy.
frank, you tell someone from uh, guys, this is Natalie's brother.
Say hi, Richie.
Hi, Richie.
Guys, come here for a second.
what? I need you guys to be solid, ok.
Just look after him for a second.
I gotta go make a phone call and make sure it's cool with Natalie that he slides down the fire pole.
he's not dangerous, is he? don't be a dipshit, Sean.
No, he's not dangerous.
Just, you know, talk to him, make nice.
Make sure he doesn't put anything in his mouth except that sandwich.
all right.
I'll be back, rich.
So, Richie.
you gay? no.
he said you had a boyfriend.
I-I had a roommate, and, um, he used to blow you.
A little.
but you're not gay.
I'm not.
And they call me a retard.
that's funny.
what the hell, Sean? what, it was funny.
no, it wasn't.
Now I know it was you.
it wasn't me, what are you talking about? you think this is a big joke? no.
Come on, an actual retarded person says that you're gay, I mean, come on.
This is a really good peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
It's a double decker, too.
hey, guys.
Where's Richie? he was here a second ago.
I don't care where he was a second ago, mikey.
Where is he now? Huh? You know what? You two are unbelievable.
Can't even look after one of your own.
Thanks for nothing.
Richard! Hey, Richie! Where you hiding, man? Richie rich.
Richie! Shit.
time's a-wasting.
We'll have to multl-task.
I've got some candles, some flowers, some music.
how'd you get all this stuff in? two bottles of French wine.
Let's knock some boots.
you're gonna have to be patient, theodore.
Enjoy your chicken.
I'm gonna spruce this place up a little bit.
This is he.
Oh, that's great.
I will.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
That's the cops.
They found the guy.
Drunk, passed out behind the wheel with the truck parked up on riverside drive.
Jesus Christ.
Nobody knows how to drink and drive anymore.
ok, these are my three favorite in terms of table settings, but I'm kind of partial to the cobalt gold bands, you know, just 'cause it sounds cool.
hey, when is this happening anyway? um, we haven't really discussed that yet, so you know what, sooner the better.
One less thing to worry about.
So how about sooner? ok, like when? well, soon, really soon.
ok, where? ok, well, how about, what if we did it on the beach? You know, it would be really beautiful.
ok, um I got an idea.
Why don't we get scuba licenses, and we'll get married underwater.
That would be so cool.
see, but now you're being a complete idiot, Sean.
you know what, instead of shooting down all my ideas, why don't you come up with some ideas on your own, Maggie? Where would you like to get married? I don't care.
How about, like, right here.
here is a bar.
But it's my bar.
ok, but don't you want to get married someplace special? this is special to me.
See, this is all about you and what you want, and what you need.
Do you ever consider my needs? yeah, you're right.
You're totally right.
It's not about, you know, family, or friends, it's just about you and me, right, so you want to get married in a bar room or the back of a taxi or a friggin' rest stop, that's fine.
Just tell me where and I'll meet you, ok? God I knew you'd come around.
Here's to us.
to romance.
hey, um, nat.
I, uh nigger! he's here? Oh, thank God.
Jesus, I thought I lost him.
you did.
The cops just dropped him off, like 10 minutes ago.
They found him wandering the streets of harlem.
Not a good place to be considering his outbursts.
I know, look, I'm sorry, but he's ok, right? yeah, he's fine.
I just, I left him alone for, like, 2 minutes with a couple of the guys, and he slipped away.
Richard has special needs, Franco.
You can't ask to spend time with him and then just pawn him off on your buddies.
look, I know, all right.
I wasn't doing that.
I just, you know, I didn't want to embarrass him by asking you about the fire pole right in front of him.
Ok, we were doing really good for awhile there.
that's not what he says.
what? he says you guys were making fun of him, that you called him a retard.
nobody called him a retard.
That's ridiculous.
I'm not saying that he's a liar, all right? He's probably just confused is all.
I think you should go.
holy shit.
I forgot what that music does to me.
It's like a drug.
Gary, whoo, two more rums, please.
listen, jer, you can't let anyone at my job know about this.
I got it.
I'm dead serious.
First of all, it's against the rules, obviously.
Second of all, I'm an illegal.
I'm under the table over there.
Friend of mine set it up, and if I get in any kind of trouble, so does she.
The ins, we don't want them sniffing around.
don't worry, sweetheart.
Come on.
Let's get back on the dance floor.
oh, what you got, man.
I got a lot, baby.
What's going on? How's he doing? they want to take his hands.
You're kidding me.
Oh, God, oh Stack.
Listen, man you gotta let go, ok? I know you're a bull, everybody knows.
You've always been a bull.
Even when we were in probie school together, man, you was me and my cousin jimmy thought we were gonna be the hotshots of that class.
Kicked our ass in every part of that physical exam.
You brought that dummy down 7 flights in a goddamn flash.
Son of a bitch.
You gotta think of deb.
The kids, you know? Christ, she can't be wheeling you around, man, and you don't want that.
Spoon fed like a baby.
I'll take care of deb.
And the kids.
All 5 of them.
She'll meet somebody else.
I'll make sure the guy's not a scumbag, you know what I mean? You're not gonna win this fight.
Stack, you're not.
You gotta go.
Goddammit, you gotta go.
he's asystolic.
Call code.
Go get a cart.

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