Roswell s03e12 Episode Script


NARRATOR: Previously on Roswell: Liz.
Liz, you have to look at me.
If I find out that you've so much as sat next to her in class she'll be on the next plane to Vermont.
- Vermont? The Winnaman Academy, an all-girls boarding school.
- You would do that just to? - Just to keep her away from you.
And I will.
I wanna break up.
Am I the only one who sees the creepiness in this? LIZ: Get a grip.
They sound amazing.
- Where is everybody? - There's so many other duets out there.
Clean duets.
Aaron Neville and Linda Ronstadt can keep their hands off each other.
- So could Elton John and Kiki Dee.
- Elton John likes boys.
Yeah, well, did the Captain ever grind on Tennille? What? Who? Oh, in the name of all that is holy, stay off each other! [SINGING.]
I gotta wash my eyes.
Hi, you missed half the set.
Yeah, I got held up at the library.
Well, are Isabel and Jesse coming? They're in Santa Fe tonight.
What about Michael? This was a big thing for Maria.
She's been practicing for, like, over a week.
None of her friends showed up.
I don't think she's gonna notice.
Come on.
I'm sorry.
I'm not the one you should be apologizing to.
What's wrong? Nothing.
I think I'm coming down with something.
- Well, there is a bad flu going around.
- Ah, perfect.
Yeah, it's terrible.
Sore throat.
- And an uncontrollable urge to dance.
- No, Max.
- Please, Max.
MAX: Come on.
LIZ: Please, I don't Aah! [LAUGHING.]
Ch-Ch-Changes Pluto potato skins, on the house.
- Thank you.
- Congratulations.
- I'm gonna call it a night, okay? MARIA: Okay.
- Bye.
Maria, before I forget, here's your cut from Cow Patty's.
- It's not much.
- Come on, it's all for the love of the loaf.
Hey, the guys and I have been talking, and we put it to a unanimous vote.
How would you like to sit in with the Kit-Shickers more permanently? No Shick? I mean, you wouldn't just be singing backup either.
You'd sing a few solo numbers.
We'd sing together, of course.
I've been working on a set list.
- "Baby, It's Cold Outside" done rockabilly.
- Nice.
- "Stop - Dragging My Heart Around.
" - Classy.
- "Islands in the Stream.
" - Not so much.
- "Islands in the Stream.
" - Not so much.
Forget that one.
What do you say? - Sure.
- Great.
- Practice is tomorrow.
MARIA: Okay.
I am loving you.
Dominique Lazar.
Medusa Records.
I was at your show.
Oh, thank you.
Jim Valenti.
Nice to meet you.
You were really, really good.
, I never say that.
Well, thanks.
Maria's a nice addition, don't you think? Oh, were you there too? - Lead singer.
- Oh.
Oh, yeah.
It's a good job.
- Maria.
Maria what? - De Luca.
Maria De Luca.
I can work with that.
Earth to the lady with the really great boots, by the way.
DOMINIQUE: Thank you.
- I don't know who you think I am but I can just I can guarantee you've got the wrong gal.
I am an A and R executive.
I've been scouting the Southwest for talent.
Anyone with a voice like that who can work an outfit like this Anyone with a voice like that who can work an outfit like this definitely not the wrong girl.
You got a minute? - Yeah, sure.
Oh, here.
How was the show? It was good.
Good night.
A little early for bed.
Don't you have homework? LIZ: Yeah, I did it already.
Flescher called from the guidance office.
Two C's? In Spanish and AP history? It's because I had two pop quizzes on the same day an English paper was due.
- Everybody bombed.
- Right.
That the excuse you'll use at your Harvard interview? I have a headache, can we talk tomorrow? I backed off boarding school because you promised to get your life together.
Harvard's been your dream since you were, what, 6? Five.
And that's because you put a poster of Cambridge over my bed.
You've got more brains in your little finger than all the kids at Roswell have in their entire bodies.
- Dad, please.
- I am serious.
How many of them are even thinking about going to college? They're just hanging around, watching MTV dreaming about becoming rock stars.
MARIA: Woo-hoo! A label wants to sign me.
I'm gonna be a rock star.
We will use the fruit fly to discover genetic hierarchies.
How traits change within a population - Liz.
and why.
- You were sleeping.
- No, I wasn't.
You have a little bit of drool on your Oh, that's so disgusting.
Evans, Miss Parker.
Is there a problem in your corner of teen angst? - No.
- No.
Well, then, let's please get back to AP bio.
MAX: Are you feeling worse? LIZ: Yeah, it's like my head is fogged in and my body's just being dragged along for the ride.
and my body's just being dragged along for the ride.
- Maybe it's mono.
LIZ: Shut up.
I would've stayed home from school today if my dad wasn't on my case about this interview.
- What interview? - I have an appointment with the admissions person from Harvard in two days.
Nothing's set in stone, there were just these deadlines and if I want to keep the possibility of going there alive this interview is something I have to do.
Oh, okay.
- We should probably get started.
- Right.
Liz, your white blood cell count is normal which eliminates any bacterial infection.
You may have a virus.
Are you experiencing any dizziness? - No.
- Coughing? - No.
- Are you sexually active, Liz? - No.
Frank, no I can't help you protect yourself unless you're completely honest with me.
Protect me from what? When you're young, sometimes you overlook the consequences of knowing someone intimately.
And there's a possibility that you may catch something even from someone you love.
KYLE: Strange symptoms.
- Um Well, fatigue, and the total inability to concentrate.
Me, everyday.
I've been having some hallucinations.
Yeah? Like what? Well, like yesterday I looked in a mirror at school and my face totally disappeared.
I mean No, for real.
This is serious, Kyle.
Something strange is happening to me.
Okay, why are you telling me this? What makes me different from everybody else is the fact that I was brought back from the dead by an alien.
Yeah, and so was I.
Now that you've touched on one of my deepest fears let's just assume that what you're going through is stress.
Buddha, Take Me Away.
This book had gotten me through some tough times.
Here, young grasshopper.
Did? Did you just? You You did.
Kyle, I think I'm changing.
No, I don't want to tell Max.
Not yet.
But he's the one who healed us.
He needs to know.
- I'm scared to tell him.
- Why? You go to him for everything.
No, he risked so much when he healed me.
It's what made me fall in love with him.
- Yeah, me too.
- Kyle! Look, what's going on here is really scary.
If I don't lighten the mood, I might lose it.
I know.
- Lf it's too difficult, I'll go talk to him.
- No.
No Could you just please respect my feelings? Let the record show, I think this is a bad idea.
I have to go.
KYLE: Liz.
You're not alone in this.
If you need anything, call me.
Thank you.
I missed that thing last night because I had to pick up a shift.
- Michael - And sitting in bars listening to music doesn't put Snapple on the table.
- Michael, we need to talk.
- Later.
The Daily Show is on in five minutes.
- Your existence frightens me.
- Good night.
A woman saw me perform last night and offered me a demo deal.
- A what? - A demo deal.
It's a test run for an artist.
They're gonna record three or four songs.
- Can you believe it? - No.
God, stuff like this happens to Alicia Keys or, I don't know Fiona Apple or something.
Not me.
Not in Roswell.
- I'm still freaking out! - I got potato salad in here.
Wanna hear something really stupid, Michael? When Dominique, the label chick, told me about the news the first thing I thought was, "I can't wait to tell Michael.
" - That's stupid, thanks.
- Wrong choice of words.
You're the first person I wanted to share this with.
I've been waiting out there for two hours.
I am really happy for you, Maria.
MTV, here I come.
This so does not mean we're back together.
LIZ: Does Michael know that? He knows I'm not interested in having what we used to have.
- It's a boy-girl friendship with a twist.
- Sounds so romantic.
Why don't you try that black pantsuit on? The black pantsuit? Who are you, my Aunt Maude? [SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY.]
Right? Definitely.
Come on.
- I have to tell you something.
- Know what else I've been thinking? It's not a coincidence that my life has started when Michael and I broke up.
You don't know how liberating it is to be freed from all this alien chaos.
It's like suddenly my life is like a life.
Why don't you try the boots on? [SINGING MAJANDRA DELFINO'S "BEHAVIOR".]
So, Maria, do you drink? - No.
- Drugs? - No way.
- Me, personally, I couldn't care less.
But the boys upstairs, they make me ask these questions.
- Why? - You know just millions of teenage girls and their allowances.
- How old are you again? - I just turned 18.
Oh, great.
That's what you'll tell people for the next three years.
- Michael.
- Hi.
Just wanted to stop by and see how things were going.
- Hey, Michael.
- Hi, Dominique Lazar.
- Michael's just, he's - A friend of the band.
We're in the middle of something here.
- This is a nice space.
- Yeah, it's passable in a pinch.
Maria, sweetie, you need to tell me when you can travel.
- Okay, where are we going? - New York.
- City? - Lf my people love what we did here then we'll record the demo over there.
- How long will she be gone? - Best-case scenario? Forever.
She can buzz back through this town when the mayor's gonna cut a ribbon for something.
- New York.
- Is that a problem? Oh, no, no.
Not at all.
MAN: Five, six, seven, eight.
And one, two, three, four five, six, seven, eight.
That's it, folks.
LIZ: College Interviewing for Morons? MAX: I'm gonna help you get into Harvard.
Why Harvard University? Um When I was in ninth grade, I read this really amazing article by Dr.
Laura Holt.
She's a professor in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology.
And it just gave me a totally different perspective on science.
It really changed my life.
"What are your three greatest strengths?" Why are you helping me? Because if I get in Cambridge is really far away, Max.
I know that.
But this is really important to you.
"What is your greatest regret?" What's wrong? You still feeling sick? Just a little bit.
Just a little bit.
I don't know.
I'm kind of worried about all this school stuff, you know.
You know what, I should be going.
My dad's expecting me at the Crashdown.
- Thanks for your help, Max.
MAX: Liz, wait.
- You okay? LIZ: Yeah.
Yeah, I'm fine.
I just think that this flu is hitting me.
I should go home and get into bed.
Ow! Aah! I didn't do that.
I did.
That's not possible.
Yes, it is.
You healed me, and now I'm different.
You guys always give me crap about being impulsive and stupid.
What's stupid is sneaking around the desert while your father's watching every move.
- Shut up.
Whose idea was it to bury the alien stuff anyway? - It's called a safety deposit box.
- I need the book translation.
It might have something on Liz's change.
- You've read it, like, 10 times.
- Well, maybe I missed something.
- What if there's nothing in there? - Well, then I'll find someone who knows.
Even if I have to contact the FBI.
Hey, Max, I know this is a big deal, but you gotta keep calm.
All right, don't kick up any dust.
If we get exposed, we can't help her.
It's a risk I'm willing to take.
Do I got to smack some sense into you? I got a shovel here, I'll do it.
There's something wrong, and I don't know how to fix it.
- We'll figure it out.
- And what if we can't? What if it gets worse? I've screwed up hundreds of times since we found out what we are.
Do you know how many times Liz has? Never.
And this is what she gets in return.
I'll do whatever it takes to help her.
You got a problem, you leave right now.
So, Miss Parker, why Harvard? Well, ever since I was 14, and I read Dr.
Laura Holt's work I knew I wanted to learn from her in person.
Laura is an amazing professor.
I think you two would really hit it off.
Do you see yourself returning to [SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY.]
I'm sorry, what? Liz? I'm sorry.
Could you just repeat the question? Do you intend? [SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY.]
I guess.
I I'm not quite sure.
Now, obviously Harvard [SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY.]
Liz, what are you doing? I'm sorry.
I'm I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
You look nice.
Got a date? No.
It's just a reception thing that Dominique set up.
- Right.
- Listen, I never got to thank you.
Had you not invited me to sing with the band, this would've never happened.
You don't have to thank me.
Come on, you were great.
- Yeah, but so were you.
- Well, thanks.
I thought so too.
I just feel like I took something from you.
You didn't take anything.
Look, how often does something like this come along? You have to go with it.
I would if it happened to me.
You have to go with it.
I would if it happened to me.
I know.
Listen, I'm gonna be late for sound check.
- Well, will you tell the guys I say hi? - Sure.
- Break a leg.
- Thank you.
- Hey.
- Oh, thanks for coming by.
- I'm late, so you only got one minute.
- It'll take a little longer than that.
- Jesse's on his way.
- Excuse me? - I asked him to look at your contract.
- What'd you do that for? You're talking about picking up and moving to New York.
- Jesse does not - I wanna make sure you're protected.
Okay, Michael, hold on.
I see what's going on here.
You're turning down free legal advice.
I mean with us.
I really appreciate the interest, but you don't have to look after me.
Our lives are no longer linked.
Didn't we just sleep together? We did.
- But it doesn't mean anything.
- It was great It's just, it doesn't mean that It was a spontaneous thing.
You were feeling good, I was feeling good.
It's a capper to an already-great day.
I get it.
- Michael.
- Crossed signals.
It's no big deal.
Wish me luck? I'm sorry.
I'm sure you have somewhere else to be.
No, look, I offered.
I just didn't have anyone else to call.
- Maria doesn't know? - Not yet.
This record deal is, like, a really huge thing for her.
She's given up so much of her life for all this.
How are you doing? No symptoms yet.
But, you know Max healed me, like, a year after he healed you so maybe I've just got this cool window of time to obsess about it.
Lucky you.
What happened? Show him.
Does it hurt? It comes and goes.
Am I gonna die? So Adam Chase is on his way.
He is a legendary producer, and if he likes your stuff you can clear off the mantel and hire a maid to dust of your Grammys.
- What are you doing? - It's just eucalyptus.
- It's to help me keep calm.
- Well, sweetie, enough.
You smell like J.
- Chasey.
- Dominique.
- What's happening, baby? DOMINIQUE: Clearly you Iooking all hottie-tottie.
- Likewise.
Here's our find.
Adam Chase, Maria De Luca.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
So? - It's a single.
- I knew it.
It's called "Behavior.
" It's about me and my boyfriend breaking up.
I've been messing with it.
Wanna listen? MARIA: Yes, I would love to listen to it.
Hi, yeah.
Adam Chase, all over it.
Oh, yeah.
The girl's gonna be huge.
Okay, bye-bye.
- Slamming, isn't it? - That's me? Yeah, I remixed the vocals.
Then I laid a few samples in underneath.
It's a little rough around the edges, but you get the point.
- Wow, it's a number one, isn't it? - You know it.
It used to be a love song.
Yeah, well now it's one people can dance to.
- So you hate it? - No.
No, I was just going for more of a PJ Harvey No, I was just going for more of a PJ Harvey and that sounded like Britney Spears.
I completely disagree.
My music is personal to me, Dominique.
Okay, Maria, it is my job to find artists who can sell records, right? Now, honey, you've got the looks and the chutzpah to do that.
But when it comes to the music, baby, you gotta leave that to the pros.
- So I'm just a commodity? - No.
No, you're very talented.
But this label is prepared to invest a lot of money in you.
And, you know, they pay the bills.
They have a say.
That's just kind of the way it's always been.
Look, maybe you need to ask yourself if you really wanna do this.
Let me guess, you bumped into George Lucas at the video store and he wants you in his next movie.
You were right about me being cautious.
Those label people are bogus.
They wanna turn me into some bubblegum pop princess.
That's too bad.
They turned one of my songs into complete crap.
- It was so humiliating.
- Why are you here? I may be turning down a huge opportunity.
- I need someone to talk to.
- Let me get this straight.
You dumped me to go live your dream and now you're dropping that too? I'm sorry, I just really need some advice.
It's like you said, we're not linked anymore.
I could invite you in, tell you to stay in Roswell because that's what I want.
But I won't be the guy you blame for ruining your life.
- Michael - You should leave now.
I have nowhere else to go.
- You got plenty of other friends.
- Like who? Liz? I've tried to talk to her.
She hasn't been around.
Do you even know what's going on with her? Yeah, she's pissy and preoccupied and doesn't return my phone calls.
- She might be dying, Maria.
- What? Okay, what are we doing again? MAX: The book says I can use the healing stones to amplify my powers.
If we do that, it might wipe out whatever's happening inside of her.
What can I do? Just stay back.
- It hurts.
- Take a deep breath.
- It won't be much longer.
- Max, please.
I can't.
No! Stop! - It's working.
I can feel it.
- No! - Max! - Just a little bit more.
- Liz, you have to trust me.
- I can't! - Just stop hurting me.
- I wasn't trying to.
No, but, Max, you do.
You always do.
Why did you sleep with her? Why? - Liz.
- Every single time you mention your son I am reminded of what you did to me.
How you were unfaithful to us.
How can you not know that? - Liz, please.
LIZ: Stay away! - You're doing this.
- No, I'm not.
Liz, please.
Max! Max! Max! Stop, stop! Listen to her.
Do you want to kill her? - I'll help you get upstairs.
- I can do it myself.
I really said all of those things to Max, didn't I? Yeah.
I couldn't help it.
It's Everything just Exploded.
How am I gonna face him? Look, he understands that something went wrong out there.
You weren't in control of what you were saying.
But I was.
And that's how I feel deep down.
- And now he knows, Kyle.
- So what? - I can't take it back.
- Liz, look you can't worry about Max right now.
You have to take care of you.
You understand? Yeah.
Okay, now try to get some sleep.
I'm here.
- I am so sorry.
- Maria, stop apologizing.
You've been going through hell.
This is exactly what I didn't want, for you to come along on the ride.
Don't ever.
We're best friends, Liz Parker.
- So just Don't ever, okay? - Okay.
You really shouldn't let this music thing go.
MARIA: I told you - So what? So you have to So you have to compromise.
- So what? - I'm not a sellout.
That's great.
Tell that to all your coworkers at the cheese factory.
- I'm sure they'll be very impressed.
- Okay.
Maria you have more talent in your little finger than anyone else in this town.
- Which one? Serious.
Find a way to compromise without losing what's important to you.
Because if you don't do this, you'll always be miserable.
I'd have to go to New York.
And I'm not gonna leave you.
- Sorry.
- I'm gonna be fine, really.
Tomorrow I will invite Dominique to my all-you-can-eat crow buffet.
God, could life be any more complicated right now? Sometimes I just wish you could close your eyes and be somewhere else.
A café in Paris.
No, Jamaica.
The beach.
The blue ocean.
The warm sand between our toes.
- Feel any better? - Yeah.
Me too.
Max, what are you doing? You can't be here.
- I've been calling.
- I was out with Maria.
- I thought something happened.
- No, it didn't.
Look, my dad's gonna be up here in a few minutes.
You really Max, you have to go.
Look, we'll drive to L.
Langley will know what to do.
- Max.
- Maria can cover for you.
- No.
- Liz.
Everything you said in the desert.
We can't just pretend it didn't happen.
We have to talk about it.
Liz, please don't shut me out.
What are we gonna do? I have to figure it out.
By myself.
I love you.
Sweetie, what's wrong? My life is out of control.
I want to go to boarding school.
LIZ: Dear Max: "What's so great about normal?" Do you remember when you asked me that? Back then, the answer was, "Nothing.
" Because of you, Max.
Because of how much you love me.
Now, though, the answer is different.
Normal is something I need, and that's why I have to leave.
I have to figure out what my life means I have to figure out what my life means away from Roswell and away from you.
Don't hate me for doing this.
I love you more than you can ever know.

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