Friday Night Lights s03e13 Episode Script

Tomorrow Blues

I don't want to hold him back.
I can't stand the thought of losing him.
I know.
Me neither.
I spent all this time trying to go to college.
It's seeming more and more impossible.
You are gonna have everything you are dreaming of.
The Vanderbilt thing not working out was fate.
I'm going to San Antonio with Tim.
- You liked calling the cops on my dad.
- That's not true.
- Katie, I had no choice.
- I want nothing to do with you.
Redistricting, try to open up East Dillon High It's never gonna happen.
No one is gonna stand by and let the Dillon Panthers get dismantled because of some dang politics! And Panther wide receiver and quarterback Matt Saracen will be going to the prestigious Art Institute of Chicago next year.
And Panther tailback Tim Riggins will be going to San Antonio State University.
Congratulations, Tim.
We're all so proud of you.
And Lyla Garrity, number two in her class, will be attending San Antonio State University next year.
That's great, Lyla.
And Tyra Collette, who's done such a great job this year as student council president let's give her a big hand for that! And she is still in the process of making a decision between some real exciting possibilities for next year.
She's been wait-listed at UT! She's gonna get in.
- Mama, seriously Stop.
- She's gonna get in! Very exciting, very exciting.
Congratulations on all your great, hard work All right, here we go, listen up! You are now officially released until August 1st.
What do you say? Final note.
! I want everyone to know that J.
has been named Dave Campbell's High School Quarterback of the Year.
Let's give him a hand.
, why don't you break 'em down? Let's go.
Y'all have a good summer, now.
Bring it in! One now 2, 3! - Panther pride! - J.
! Way to go, 12! Way to go! You know that Coach Taylor's contract is up for discussion - at the board meeting this Saturday.
- Yes, I do.
And I want to give you the option to recuse yourself.
- Why would I want to do that? - Well, Tami, he is your husband.
Yeah, he is, and These contract negotiations can get heated.
It might be difficult to stay objective under the current circumstances.
I actually have a lot of confidence in my ability to stay objective, and professional, and and do my job as principal, so OK.
Hey, Paul.
Is there Is there a question about Eric's contract for next year? Like I said, Tami, these matters are complicated.
Right, well The Aveo 5 is a beautiful car.
Besides that, you got side airbags, and that's the whole reason I want Look, enough about the damn car, would you please! - What the hell am I doing? - You know what we're doing.
It's recruitment, everybody does it, I understand.
It is not recruitment.
If it were recruitment, it would be illegal.
- Whatever you wanna call it, all right.
- It's simply a visit.
I want you to meet the parents.
We got to get there before Smith, from Arnett Mead.
That's the whole point.
When we get there, you can do the talking, that's what you do best.
- He may offer him something, we're not.
- It's this right, right up here.
So I don't have to tell y'all about the tradition of Dillon Panther football.
I mean, you see what Smash Williams is doing this year over at A&M.
And he's just the last player that we've had go into college.
And so many players have gone into the pros.
So Shane going to Dillon means that he's gonna - probably be with the best coach - Mr.
Garrity! I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I might as well just tell you.
We've already made our decision.
Shane's gonna go to Dillon High.
Right, son? Yes, sir.
Well, that's That's excellent.
- That's a good decision.
- I just have one question, though.
Who's the head coach? Well, Eric's the head coach.
It's not Wade Aikmen? No, sir.
Wade Aikmen's been helping us out with our offense, but no Eric's the head coach.
When they come by last week, I sure got the impression that Who came by? Wade Aikmen.
Him and that other fellow, what was his name? - McCoy.
- Yeah, McCoy.
They sure made it sound like they were the ones making the decisions.
(Season Finale) With the participation of: benj!, Collioure, DarKsh, GillesSilb, Ju, Lemonhead, ouazo, tactactac, TVnut Eat that one.
I think I know why they want you to recuse yourself.
I think it's a negotiating thing, you know? They're trying to get you to take less money, or something.
A scare tactic.
Joe McCoy, Wade Aikmen, over at the Dubuque house acting like they're running the team? Joe McCoy's trying to get me fired.
I don't think so.
I mean, that's, that's pretty low.
They're mad at us, but I can't believe that they would do that.
I know, baby.
Eat those, eat those! I can.
- Lorraine, you need all these dresses? - Yes, ma'am, we do.
Please, just put them in that suitcase.
I got 'em all out for that reason.
Grandma! It's only 15 minutes away.
You don't need to bring everything.
Well, I need my dresses, though.
If you were a woman, you'd understand.
I understand you need your clothes, you just don't need all of 'em.
Right, Julie? You understand.
I need my clothes.
- She needs her clothes.
Yes, ma'am.
- Thanks, Julie.
Maybe just leave some here, you know, for when you come back.
What about the magazines from the 70s? Can we just pitch them? No, I'm not through.
There's a recipe in there, in one of those.
I still need them.
If you'd just put them in that box, - that'd be great.
Do you remember this? - Oh, my gosh! - Shelby, did you see this? - What? - Just leave it in the box.
- Look at how cute it is.
Oh, my God.
- Look at your hair! - OK, 7th grade was a bad year.
No, it's cute.
Well, I want this picture, and that's why I packed it, I'm taking it.
Look, Grandma, either way, you can take the picture, but you don't have to take everything.
That's right, I don't.
But I darn sure am gonna take this picture! Let's suppose you're at college, I wake up one morning, I have one my spells, and I can't can't remember you You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna look right up on my wall, and there you're gonna be, with that smile that precious, precious boy.
That's my concern.
- Just go in? - I know, I see I see your point.
Well, I do see your point.
Now I do Hey! - Thanks for coming.
Come on in.
- Hey, baby.
What's going on? Well Go ahead.
We just wanted to talk to you about going to San Antonio State.
What about it? Well, I think your dad has some concerns about the quality of the school, for you, and I frankly agree that it may not be the best fit.
I'm already going.
I mean I was already there, I paid the tuition, and I'm enrolled.
- It's done.
- Yeah, but honey, it's a party school.
It's not a party school, Dad.
It's a good school.
It's a crap-ass party school, and Tim Riggins is going there, - and that's the reason you're going.
- You know what, Dad? Maybe you shouldn't have blown my college fund on tearing up a strip club! - Listen, honey.
I - You see what I'm up against.
If you'll excuse me, please.
I do not mean to interfere in any way, but I did want you to know that at your dad's request, I called Vanderbilt.
They actually are willing to extend the decision until Monday.
If you choose to go, they would like to have you.
How're we gonna pay for it? Well I thought maybe we could call your uncle Gary.
- He hates you.
- Well, I'm not really fond of him either, but I'm the one who did this to you, and I feel like I I'll do anything, honey, for you to be able to go to Vanderbilt.
Even call Uncle Gary, so It's a big decision.
It's an important decision.
And I think Tim will understand.
How you doing? What's up? - Doing OK? - Ginnie Warwick! She got into Brown.
- I know that.
- She came to celebrate with her family and I got to serve her.
Which is pretty much the metaphor for my future.
Oh, and, you know, Vickie Savo? She's going to Rice.
So that's awesome.
What, now, you are going to UT.
- You sound like my mother.
- You are.
Well, no, I'm on the wait list, OK? And there's nothing you can do when you're on the wait list, except wait! - Why don't you just go to UT, then? - UT? Yeah, why don't you find the admissions officer who sent the letter, and just talk to him directly? It's a lot better than just sitting around here and beating on my car.
Well, it's a bit desperate.
You are desperate.
What can I do for you, Eric? Buddy Garrity and I went over to Shane Dubuque's yesterday.
That kid's an animal.
- Like a water? - No.
As I understand it, you and Wade were over there last week.
Yeah, that's right.
You might be able to imagine how that makes me feel.
Hey, if we lost Shane Dubuque to Arnett Mead, we'd be dead next year.
So I figure, we need him, let's go get him.
Hey, Joe, I don't want you and Wade running around making house calls, acting like you represent this team.
I didn't see you moving aggressively on him, and I did not wanna miss - that opportunity.
- Joe, you do not represent this team.
I backed up a truckload of cash for this team, this year.
Without my son, there is no team.
So as far as I'm concerned, I represent this team - as much as anybody else in this town.
- You trying to replace me? If you would like to continue, I need your guarantee that, barring injury, of course, my son starts every game next season.
I also need your guarantee - that Wade Aikmen calls all the plays.
- Mac calls my plays.
Yeah, I know.
Joe, I don't give a damn how much money you got, and I don't care how well you think that boy of yours can throw a football.
But you're not just messing with my livelihood now, - you are threatening my family.
- I'm not threatening anybody.
Against my better judgment, I'm offering you an opportunity to continue with this team.
I'm sure you know what you can do with that opportunity.
- I'm pushing down on the broom! - You're not pushing hard enough.
I'm putting pressure on the broom.
You push so fast, it won't pick up the dirt! Hi, guys.
- So, what do you think? - I think it's amazing.
- Really? - It looks good, doesn't it? Yeah, it does.
I can't believe you guys actually pulled it off.
It looks great.
Good job.
So, you hungry? Kinda.
Wanna go get something to eat, work on our schedules? I do bad.
But Billy and I, we're gonna head out of town to We gotta go pick up a hydraulic lift at auction.
It's kind of a big deal, so - OK.
- Really, OK? Hey, how'd it go with Mrs.
Taylor today, your meeting? It went fine.
- Sweet.
What'd she want? - Just wanted to talk about my schedule.
Did she? Perfect.
- Mr.
Garth? - Dr.
- Can I help you? - Hi, I'm Tyra Collette.
I'm on the wait list.
I just I wanted to tell you how much how much I appreciate being on the list, and how much I respect the process.
And I don't wanna rush it, but I just wanted to tell you that going to UT has been a dream of mine pretty much my entire life.
It's the dream.
And if there's anything I can do to help my chances Do you have your letter with you? - I do, it's it's right here.
- Thanks.
Let's see.
Miss Collette, I need you to understand, we get over 35,000 applications each year.
And we put about a thousand on the wait list.
A thousand? So, a thousand people got that letter? Unfortunately, yeah.
That's the way the system works.
- You need to come to that meeting.
- Why? To stand up for your job.
There's nothing I could, should, or need to say at that meeting.
They can see what I've done and decide.
If they want Joe McCoy to take over this team that's their damn funeral! I don't think that's a good strategy.
- That's because it's not a strategy.
- I know.
But I'm starting to think that we're gonna need a strategy.
I can't outtalk nor outspend, that's for damn sure, Joe McCoy.
I know.
I have given everything I've got for this team.
I've still got that, I still got my pride, I'm not giving that up.
Uh-uh, honey, you're never gonna give up your pride.
But if you don't fight for this, I think we're gonna regret it.
All right, we got several good items here.
You can take a look around and see there are things you cannot buy in a store, 'cause they just would not sell 'em.
Right now, item #42 over here, we got the Lincoln arc welding machine.
We got this barber chair That's stupid.
item #28, that's an owl head, which is made from a deer's rear end.
Who'll give me $25 on the owl head taxidermy? That's a big owl, sitting there, staring at you.
It's cool but no.
What do we got up next? We got item #27, we got this two-post hydraulic lift, model NT9 All right, let's get ready.
You ready? Who'll give me 950? 950 over here, now 1000.
1000 over here, we got 1000.
Now 1100.
- Go, go! - 1100, we got 1100, who'll go 1150? - 1150 over here.
Now 12.
12 over here.
- Get him, get him.
Anybody go 13? You know they go for twice this.
Sold for $1200 to the man from Dillon! And sir, you stole that item, there.
Got it, Billy! - We're gonna bring our next item - That was huge! Take a gander to your left, my right, friends, and we have got a Texas longhorn steer.
You could be riding Beevo home tonight.
We have money left, don't we? I defy anyone to pass through Riggins' Rigs with that steer in front of it, and not go inside.
If you get that, you're making clients for life.
Listen to me.
Hey, listen to me.
Things happen for a reason, Billy.
And this guy right here, he's one of 'em.
No regrets.
- All right.
- Look at that! Who's gonna give me $1500? OK, this is for great report card, all your help around the house, all your help with Gracie Belle, I could not have done without you So for all that, and for being the most beautiful, amazing daughter anyone could ever dream of Are you guys kidding me? - It's mine? - Yeah.
- It's not like a family shared, no? - No.
We got the first payment, we split the rest of the payments and the insurance.
Oh, my God, that's so rad! - Honey! - That'll do.
I didn't think about her driving it.
You hold her.
I'm getting in there, you're not going anywhere without me.
- You and I are staying safe right here.
- Wait for me, wait for me! Plastic still on the floor! Look at this! I like it, I like it, I like it! What? - Is this not what you wanted? - No, no, this is perfect.
This is perfect.
I don't know, it's stupid, I just I don't know.
I just I never thought that Matt would actually move away to school, and all my friends would be leaving high school, and Just kinda feeling left behind.
It's a lotta change.
And and a lot of it's really, you know, really good.
And I'm really proud of him, and he's done a really, really good job, and It's stupid.
- It's not stupid, honey.
- So stupid.
It's a hard, hard thing.
And y'all have had a really nice relationship.
And you don't know what's gonna happen after that.
If you are meant to be together, you'll be together, and if you're not there's gonna be somebody else special for you.
But it's not Matt.
I know it's hard to say goodbye.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
This is my grandson.
Morning, good to see you.
He's a quarterback.
Or used to be.
Yeah, I'm Matthew.
Bye, we'll see y'all in a bit.
Which hall is it? It's this one.
All right, put these there, too.
- Matthew, you've gotta be exhausted.
- No, no, I'm good, I just I just want to help you get all this stuff you know, put away.
- That can go on that shelf, there.
- Matthew.
- What? - Go home.
Honey Go, I I'll be fine.
You got your chair, so - All set? I'll talk to you later.
- OK.
All right.
One in a thousand! One in a thousand They should just tell you on the application, "Do not apply.
" I mean, what the hell? You know what? It's fine, 'cause I have a great job at Applebee's, and my sister can get me a job at the Landing Strip in no time.
And you and I, why don't we just get married and start popping 'em out? 'Cause I'm gonna be here forever, it seems.
- OK, that's it, I can't take this - One in a thousand! one second longer.
- What are you doing? - I cannot take you talking for another two hours with this! What the hell are you doing? We're in the middle of nowhere! I cannot take you feeling sorry for yourself, Tyra! You care so much about what everyone else thinks about you! And what some idiot in some college thinks about you.
Landry, it's not just one idiot, OK? - I coulda sworn we'd been - No.
When so many people tell you one thing about yourself, you start to believe it, OK? So you know what? Screw you! Screw you, Mr.
2-GPA-can-go- wherever-the-hell-you-want! Yeah, screw you.
You don't have a clue what my life's like, or how hard this has been, how hard I've worked! I've worked since I was 13 to frikking get here! - You don't understand! - Don't you just stop it for one second? OK, I don't care what anyone else thinks about you.
I don't care what a counselor thinks about you.
I don't care what you think about yourself, but I believe in you, OK? I could care less what anyone else thinks.
I believe in you.
And I want this for you more than anything.
But you just gotta start believe in yourself, Tyra.
You know, maybe we shoulda got that steer towed, because I think it taxed - the engine too much.
- No kidding, dumbass! You know what else? I hate San Antonio State! - Who cares, Tim? - Bars are junk.
They don't even have a place like Smitty's where I can just go relax, - you know, and just be me.
- Maybe that's good for you, Tim.
I got 4 classes all in a row.
There's no "me" time, Billy.
I'm getting these books, they are like 800 pages long! - Where's the "me" time, Billy? - What are you talking about? Would you shut up for 2 seconds, and try and crank the engine.
Please! - Thank you! - I'm telling you my deal.
I don't care about your deal! - Crank it! - I'm cranking! - I ask you a question? - What? - Why mess with the alternator? - It's not generating enough juice.
Yeah, it is, man.
It's the timing.
How would you know? Oh, you gotta listen to this baby.
She'll talk to you, man.
Really? What are you, the car whisperer, Tim? Seriously, I just put a new distributor in there a week ago.
Serious, give her a whirl now.
Just try it.
Billy, we got it started, what are you pouting about? I just bought a frikking repair shop, Tim, and I can't even fix my own damn car! Shoulda never bought that damn garage, man! Seriously! If I don't start making money like right now, I'm gonna lose that property, I'm gonna lose everything.
Be back down to zero! You know what, Billy? You buying that garage was the best damn thing you've done your entire life.
You're living the American dream.
- Please! - You have your own business, you're gonna have your own employees.
You'll be able to go home, hang with the wife, have a beer here and there, and watch your kids grow up in front of you.
It's pretty darn cool, man.
You don't believe a word that you're saying, do you? Funny thing is, I wish I was in your shoes, man.
It'd be pretty cool, huh? The Riggins brothers sitting around all day, fixing cars, drinking beer.
Anyway it better work.
Mindy's pregnant.
What? Say that again.
Mindy's pregnant! - For real? - Yeah, hundred percent! Don't go telling everybody about this, either.
Hundred percent, we have a little football coming our way? - Something like that.
- You're kidding me! Are you kidding me? Congratulations, Billy! You got a kid and your own business? - That's incredible! - Get off of me! It's a beautiful car, great gas mileage.
Like I say, it's a family car now.
You know, when we were kids, it was it was all about sporty, but this is Look at this! - Hey, baby! - Hi, Daddy.
Excuse me just a minute.
Go ahead, take a seat.
- Sorry.
- That's all right.
- What? - I think we should talk to Uncle Gary.
Mama, we don't show her the letter till tomorrow, after the wedding.
I know how you feel, but I just don't think that's right.
{\- It's unethical! I can't have her being all mopey - and Tyra-ish the whole time.
- I know, but it's not right.
- And not ethical! - It is uneth What's not right? What're you talking about? What is that? - What is it? - It's from UT.
- Oh, my God! - Just a first receipt! Just wait like a couple days! It came! - Is that the letter? - It came! - It's thin.
I wonder what that means.
- That doesn't mean anything All letters are thin.
Are you gonna open it? I'm afraid.
Look at me.
You deserve this, OK? I can honestly say you have worked harder than anyone could have worked for this, OK? - You'll love me no matter what? - No matter what, I promise.
All right.
I'm obviously shaking.
- What did I tell you? - I got in.
Oh, my baby's going to college! My baby's going to college! I'm so proud of you! - I love you.
- I love you.
Oh, my God! I'm proud of you.
Now it's time to move on to our final piece of business today.
McCoy! Have you had a chance to speak with Wade about his interest in coming in as head coach? Yes, Mr.
Superintendent, I have.
Wade is ready and eager to take on the position.
All right.
Now, as far as salary goes He'll take whatever we give him, or I will personally kick his ass.
All kidding aside, Wade understands that this is a first-year coaching position.
He knows the range.
Bottom line is, he gets it.
Thank you.
All right, then.
Now, before we put this to a vote, let me ask if anyone else would like to speak on behalf of Coach Aikmen or Coach Taylor.
I did not want to be here today.
Here I am.
I love my job, I'm good at it, and I'd like to keep it.
I love this school, I love the kids.
And I feel like I've just gotten started here.
There's some people here who want to replace me for a man with an awful lot of money and a boy with a good arm.
To those people I would say, you're wrong.
You are dead wrong.
You all have a good Saturday.
Stay still, stay still.
You gotta be kidding me.
They offered the job to Wade Aikmen.
All right, now we know.
And, hon the board would like to offer you the position of head coach at East Dillon High.
Well, hello, gorgeous! This is for you.
I gotta tell you something.
Yesterday when you were at the auction? I had this crazy idea in my head that Principal Taylor and my dad put in just about me going to Vanderbilt, and that I can still go and So we went to my uncle and got the money so that I could go, and I'm not gonna go, and I don't wanna go.
I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that I would even think of doing that without talking to you first Go.
What? You need to go to Vanderbilt.
- I don't want to.
- Is that what you want? - No.
What I want is to be with you.
- Listen to me.
- I love you.
- I love you, too.
So much.
And this San Antonio State You're so much better than that.
So much.
We know this, we know this.
And these opportunities happen for a reason.
I'm not gonna be that guy that stopped you from achieving your dreams.
- Look, we - Don't let me be that guy.
You don't wanna dance? Not really.
So I don't wanna be all Debbie Downer at the wedding or anything, but I've been thinking.
Look, you're going away to college.
You're gonna meet new people and have new experiences, and take different classes, and meet a lot of new girls, and I don't wanna be that high school couple that has to stay together just to prove everybody wrong, and gets in fights all the time over the phone, and never sees each other And I love you I just think we should break up.
- It's not really a yes or no question.
- Too bad, 'cause we're not breaking up.
Julie, I love you.
We're gonna be fine.
Come here.
It's gonna be OK.
All right? Your grandma would've really liked this wedding.
Yeah, she would.
Hey, Grandma! Matthew! What are you doing here, honey? Get up, take the curlers out of your hair, and we're gonna go to a wedding, OK? - That's crazy, sweetie.
- No.
We're gonna go to a wedding, and then I'm gonna take you home.
For good.
No, you can't do that No, I can't Listen.
You're the only person who's never left me.
I'm not gonna leave you.
You mean go back home? I'm gonna stay here.
My chair! I'm gonna need my chair.
It's kind of a sucky day, hon.
Well, the rib eye was good.
I don't even know what the hell we're doing here.
I don't even know Billy Riggins that well.
I think they think very highly of us.
- Hi.
- Hi.
You know what? No matter what happens, no matter where you go, no matter what you do, I'm always gonna be behind you.
Always, and always, and always.
I know that.
I know that.
Look, everybody's all lined up.
Come on, there's some place I wanna go.
- Gimme the keys, I'm driving.
- Don't worry about the keys.
- Hey, I need a minute.
- You're kidding me! - No, I need a minute.
Gimme a minute.
- You're an ass.
- What? - Lyla's going to Vanderbilt.
- So what? - So everything! She was the sole purpose of me going to college.
Now, I don't have to go, I'm staying in Dillon, is what it means.
Riggins' Rigs! We're in it together now! We're gonna be popping beer, making money, getting off early! I'm telling you! You're not getting it, Billy! Come here! You listen to me, you little idiot.
You're not gonna wuss out on this.
You're gonna go to college get a degree.
And I don't care if it takes you seven years, all right? And when you start thinking that it's too hard, or that you can't handle it, remember one thing.
I want you to think about the kids that you don't have yet, and I want you to think about my kids, me and Mindy's kids, that we don't have yet.
And you'll get the job done, so that I can tell them that they don't have to settle for second best, that they can be whoever they want to be, because their uncle Timmy went to college.
God bless our mom and dad, wherever the hell they are.
But we gotta do better by our kids.
Do you hear me? - Tim! - I thought Do you hear me? All right.
I gotta get out of here and go to Portico.
So don't torch the house.
No promises.
Have fun.
Love you!
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