Rescue Me s03e13 Episode Script


Previously, on rescue me hey, kid.
What are you doing here? You're in the hospital.
You had a heart attack but You're fine.
You're in really good hands.
Janet's pregnant.
It wasn't planned.
You know? It just happened.
I want this, whether it's his Or yours.
I want this child to replace What we lost.
Dispatch, dispatch.
Dispatch over the down.
We need an ambulance.
Johnny's dead.
They shot him.
Wow! Oh! Oh, friend of Lou's.
I'll Just be a minute.
Yeah, she's cute, huh? Yeah.
I have one boundary, Lou.
One boundary and one boundary Only.
No sex with nuns in the place This is gonna sound kind of Sty a retard.
You want me to sing about Power, aren't you? It's about both of us loving Nils.
I think we got some stuff in Common.
Like what? We're both smarter than we Look.
Let's just take this 3 And turn it into a big what if Stack.
We totally picked it in the Same order.
I'm actually Interested in this one Specifically.
I'll take it! Mike's gay.
Yeah, tell me something I Don't know.
Oh, you mean, gay, gay.
I'm getting married! Ladies and gentlemen, I Present to you Mr.
And Mrs gavity.
Did you give any more Thought to, you know, the boat? Yes.
Yes, I did.
And? I'm in.
God damn! Sorry.
I made my decision.
I'm gonna leave the FDNY.
Oh, Christ.
Oh, God damn it.
Whoa! Good morning, grouchy.
God damn it.
You made me spill my coffee.
It's all over the side of the Truck.
What kind of a flavor Is it? My favorite flavor brown.
OK? What's up? I was just wondering if you Were putting in your papers Today? What? Well, you told me that you Were quitting.
I thought maybe you were Putting your papers in.
Look, first of all, I'm not quitting, OK? I'm retiring.
All right? Baby, look, you've been on The job for 20 years.
All you got to do is go down to Headquarters and just do it.
You don't got to go through Lou Or Jerry or yeah.
You're not getting cold feet, Are you? Look, I told you I was Quitting.
I'm quitting, all right? OK, OK.
Look, I have this great idea.
I think this weekend, you and Me at the house.
At our house.
I'm gonna go get furniture.
It's not gonna be perfect but I'm gonna bust my ass and make Sure it's really nice.
Does that sound good? Yeah.
I got to go.
Yeah, me, too.
Hey, Tommy.
That coffee? Yeah.
Is it brown? Yeah.
Hey, what'd you spill on your Pants.
When I tell you to check on The tanks, I want you to check On the goddamn tanks, probie.
This is a job, not a hobby.
Sorry, Chief.
What? Sorry, Chief, I'll get right On it.
Goddamn probies.
They're killing me.
Are you out of your mind? Kenny, never say never.
You ever hear that expression? Yeah, I've heard it and I'm Saying never.
But listen, man, they have Really good pitching this Season Hold up.
Stay out of this, Will you, probie? Go pick your ass or something.
Listen, to me for a Second.
Wait a minute.
Listen, You're actually saying that It will never happen.
You're saying that With all certainty and an Unclouded mind.
Yes, I'm Saying the boston red sox will Never win a world series.
Not in Our lifetimes, not in our Children's lifetimes, not in Their children's lifetimes.
I Mean, if there's even a world Around to have series in.
OK? What?! I'm betting you 10 Grand it happens.
Way to go, Tommy boy! Still knocking out them Cabbage, huh? All right! This is for the little Beautiful little baby katy.
I like that name.
I have an aunt named kate.
Be serious.
What? Because your lovely bride is Gonna be up all night too Exhausted to give you the good Loving, we got you a doll, too.
Kenny! Her name is Jennifer, And she enjoys Long walks on the beach, Sunsets, and fondue.
Her turn-Offs are static Electricity and pins.
Hey, care to join us, Tom? It's a fire.
We're all invited.
* on another day, Come on, come on, With these ropes I tied, Can we do no wrong? Now we grieve 'Cause now is gone, Things were good When we were young, With my teeth locked down I can see the blood Of a thousand men Who have come and gone, Now we grieve 'Cause now is gone, Things were good When we were young, Is it safe to say? Come on, come on, Was it right to leave? Come on, come on, Will I ever learn? Come on, come on, Come on, come on, Come on, come on * Yes, well, thank you anyway.
You're amazingly helpful as Always.
Jesus Christ! Who's that? It's h.
I call 'em up.
I tell 'em we don't have a Chief.
And they tell me, "No, we sent somebody over.
" Must have been izzy, right? No, it's not izzy.
He's got his own crew to deal With.
Same thing with needles.
They tell me this guy how do You pronounce this? P-E-C-H-E you got to be kidding me.
This is gold.
It's pecker.
I mean it's like shooting Fish in a goddamn barrel.
You got so many options.
I mean, if he's an asshole, You got peckerwood, pecker head.
If he's good looking, gregory Pecker.
If he's black yeah? Black and pepper.
There you go.
I just got to find the guy.
That's all now.
Oh, by the way, dennis and I, You and me, special place I'm Taking you to, all right? Oh, cool.
And, you know, dress up a Little bit, all right? I'm gonna be wearing something Off the shoulder.
Studying? I'm trying.
When's the test? Day after next.
That came up fast, huh? I'll be fine.
You feel good? Feeling good.
Good luck with it, man.
Jesus Christ! Enough with the goddamn chips Already! I'm trying to Study here, asshole! Hello.
Hello? Excuse me.
Just grabbed a drink.
You got chips on the floor here.
I've been waiting my whole Career to ask this question.
Are you Chief pecker? Pechere.
It's French.
French for pecker by any Chance? OK, I've heard the pecker Jokes before.
You're not the first person to Come up with that.
I went through grade school.
I went through the third grade Twice.
What's your name, hot shot? My name's Tommy Gavin.
What if I made a little funny Name for you? What if I called you a let's get these chips cleaned Up, all right? Yeah.
It's pechere.
Pechere with a puh.
What's this? What's his name again? Far as I'm concerned, Chief Pussy.
OK? That's c with a puh in front of It.
Holy shit! Nobody knocks anymore.
Get out of here, you perv.
I'm sorry.
I thought this was my office.
OK, you must be the new we Just got married so it's very can you get out? I had a magazine.
A magazine? OK.
Honey, have you seen a Magazine anywhere? Yes.
Here you go.
You got it? Yeah, thank you.
Get out! Congratulations.
What the hell kind of joint Is this? It's kind of a Japanese Tarzan fusion.
Great review in the paper.
Yeah? Are these live fish? Yep.
These aren't the fish that You order off the menu and eat.
Yeah, they are.
You didn't pick this place.
I did.
No, you didn't I did.
There's no way you picked This place.
All right.
I didn't pick this place.
Theresa picked the place.
Theresa the nun? The seml-Nun.
Are you crazy? What? She's gonna meet us Here for dinner.
You got to give me a week's Notice before I can have dinner With a religious figure.
She's not a religious Figure, first of all, it's Theresa, it's not mother Theresa.
What are you? A little jealous? Yeah, I'm jealous.
Come On.
I'm worried.
OK? What Am I gonna talk to her about? Vatican 2? The holy ghost? I don't even know if it's Called the holy ghost anymore.
Look, just think clean Thoughts.
There she is.
God damn it.
Maybe you better go outside And get tell her I got a cell phone Call.
Hello? Yeah, she'll buy that.
That looks real good.
All right.
You know, just Read the questions.
If I got an Answer wrong, correct me.
OK? You ready? Go.
How many bolts of current run Through the air train at Kennedy airport? Nigger! Correct.
What's the flash point Temperature of methanol? Methanol, methanol.
Give me a second.
It's 64 Degrees fahrenheit.
This is what I like to see.
My 2 boys playing nice together.
I'm helping him study.
Really? Yeah, yeah.
He's, you know, firing Questions, trying to get me In the zone which I'm having a Tough time doing myself.
At what point will an Aluminum transport tank bleve And what does that stand for? Bleve.
That's boiling liquid expansion Vapor explode and aluminum Bleves it it won't.
Steel will.
Aluminum melts at 1,200 degrees.
Where are you reading that From, rich? I read it when I looked Through the book and now I know It.
I'm hungry.
That bleve thing is on page 144 If you want to look.
Second paragraph.
He memorized the textbook? Yeah, he's good at that kind Of shit.
It's spooky.
Hey, how you doing? It's Mike Siletti from the Club the other night.
I'm a firefighter.
Hi, Sarah.
Listen, I was thinking maybe Like we could hang out or Something this week.
Yeah, I was thinking just me And you, but if you want your Brother to come along, yeah, That's cool.
He seems like a really nice guy So, yeah, that would be cool.
Sorry, guys.
I had to make a cell phone call.
Yeah, that's what ken said.
Well, he was telling the Truth I mean, why would he lie? I had a cell phone call.
Lying Is you're in that business.
The sin business, right? You seem a little Nervous, Tommy.
No, not me.
Yeah, you're drinking my Water.
Oh, shit.
Sorry, sorry.
It's OK.
So, ken told me about your Brother.
I'm sorry.
How's your family doing? You know, it's not a great Time.
You know? Yeah.
Johnny was a good man.
Well, they're all good men.
I mean, police and firefighters.
I don't know how you manage With the specter of death Hanging over you so presently On a a daily basis.
How do you do that, Tommy? With that old specter hanging up There? Yeah, I guess I'm Being selfish but sorry.
It's OK.
I want, you know, ken to retire.
Did you tell him about the boat? Oh, I did, I did.
He's a 100 percent behind it.
You are? Huge boat fan.
Oh, good.
Big fan of the boat.
We're gonna go to montauk on Thursday.
Ken's cousin is Gonna bring up the boat.
We're gonna spend the whole day On the ocean.
I can't wait.
That'll be I mean, I wish I could go with You guys.
I just don't want to feel like A third wheel.
Here's the salad.
Boats don't have wheels, Tom, except for steering.
Steering, yeah.
Thank you.
No meat? Amen.
So, the holy ghost, he's the Holy spirit now, right? The holy spirit, same.
It's better.
Take the whole horror movie Aspect out of it.
Yeah, the curse right out of It.
Hiya, guys.
Sorry I'm late.
It's cool.
It's fine, it's fine.
We're happy that you called.
We were just sitting around Wondering what we're gonna do Tonight.
So you guys live together? Yeah, to save money.
So, should we get a drink or You want to just skip it and go Back to our place for some fun.
I'm up for whatever but when You say fun I mean sex.
Wow, cool.
We play together if that freaks you out.
Not at all.
We don't mess around with Each other.
That would be weird.
But we like to put somebody In the middle and things happen.
You're bi, right? Yeah.
Bi guys are the best.
I hear that a lot.
Let's go.
That's what I like, dropping Your date off at the convent.
Dropping off who at the Convent? Hey.
Lou has a friend who's a Nun.
Oh! Dad! Hey, baby.
What's going on? Colleen, say hello to your Dad.
That's great.
What's up? Can we talk? I'll watch the girls.
Hi, sweetie.
How ya doing? What are we gonna do? About what? The baby.
What's wrong with the baby? Nothing.
But have you told Anyone about it? No, I didn't tell anybody About the baby.
Why would I tell Someone about the baby? Did you Tell anybody about the baby? No.
Well, then don't accuse me.
So it's just you and me and the Doctor.
OK, so we need to have a Plan.
We have to come up with A plan.
OK, and you're the Master liar so just come up with Something.
I'm the master liar? Based on what? Oh, based on angie and Sheila And based on that blonde Bimbo from across the street.
And the volvo.
Oh, it's the safest car on The road.
The ugliest car on the road.
Jesus! What? What are you guys talking About? Nothing.
I want to watch curb and Katie wants to watch big love.
Big love, big love.
Nobody's watching big love, Lou.
I'm on it.
What? Lou took off his shoes.
We're dying.
OK, you know what? If he takes off his pants, then Give us a call.
Get out of here.
Go, go, go.
Watch your fingers.
OK, where were we? You were coming up with a Plan.
And the plan is? I'm thinking.
All right.
So you know what we do? We pretend we're together.
When the baby's born, I'll help You raise it and if it's a boy, It's a grand slam 'cause that Solves my dad's problem with The male heir thing.
What if the baby looks like Johnny? What? Like that's a possibility? Yeah.
Both angie's kids look just Like angie, nothing like Johnny.
All right? My sperm versus Johnny's sperm.
Are you kidding Me? Oh, my gosh.
My sperm they have Ant strength.
OK? My sperm can lift the other Sperm out of the way.
What? Who's hitler? What are you talking about? Uncle Lou's making us watch The show about him and the Jews.
Lou! It's educational.
These kids need some learning.
They don't want to watch it.
Wait, what's sperm? It's a food.
It's like spam except it's got, You know, more protein and it's Hard to find in the store.
Get out of here.
OK? Oh, well, I thought it was The stuff which comes out of a Man's penis during intercourse.
Go learn about the Jews.
Go, go, go, go, go.
This has nothing to do with Me, Tommy.
Where'd she get it then? I don't know.
In school.
They're teaching sperm in School? OK.
Can we just get back to The subject? Tommy, back to the subject.
If we're gonna sell this idea, Then maybe the girls and I Ought to move back in here with You.
That's not gonna work.
Why? Because I am thinking of Moving.
You are about to lie.
I am not about to lie.
I know you.
You know me? I smell a lie.
It's probably Lou's feet From the other room.
OK? This place is too big, too many Bedrooms, not near the Firehouse.
OK, listen to me.
All right? I promise you I'm gonna take Care of you money-Wise, Whatever else you need, You know, during this Pregnancy, I will be there for You.
And I love you, And I always will.
You know all the times I Wanted to hear that and now it Doesn't change anything.
Ooh! You guys making out? No.
We got any more pop tarts? No, we haven't.
Guys? Oh! Guys, I don't think I'm bi Anymore.
Hey, can we not talk about This, guys? It's embarrassing.
Why did you have to tell Everybody, asshole? It's not my fault, asshole.
It's your fault.
You went out of bounds, all Right.
You banging some chick, That's fine, But you bang a brother- Sister combo deal, I am required By law to share that.
By law.
Geneva convention.
Go ahead.
Bust my balls.
I'd love to, I just Don't know where they've been.
Yeah, it's funny.
I'm transferring out.
I don't give a shit.
You're not transferring out, Asshole.
Yes, I am, asshole.
Who are you calling an Asshole, asshole? All right.
Can we stop with the mad libs Here for a minute, OK? Asshole.
Hey, I would like to say Something in the lad's defense If I could.
Oh, boy.
No, Mike, stay.
OK? I want to defend your right to Bang hansel and gretel and not Be judged too harshly by your Peers.
It was Sarah and greg.
Yeah, I'll press on.
What's with the double Standard, gentlemen? I mean, a chick bangs guys and Decides all of a sudden she Wants, you know, to have a Lesbian experience, Should she be pissed on for That? Wait a second, it's a lesbian Thing when a chick gets pissed On? Ooh, that's hot.
Yeah, look, that's not what I'm talking about, dipshit.
What I'm saying.
Think about it.
Actually, it's a little Hot, isn't it? Yeah.
Let me think about that for a Minute.
I don't think it's hot at All.
OK? But we don't judge women when They experiment sexually.
No, we encourage it.
Sure we do.
But if a guy decides he wants To change things up a little Bit, change his stripes a Little bit, I mean, all of a Sudden he becomes an object of Ridicule, which, you know, you Do really well, Mike.
And in conclusion, gentlemen, I say we should not bust Michael's balls, we should Applaud Michael's balls for Having the courage to lead the Charge against this terrible Injustice.
So what you're saying by that Logic is we should all be able To bang guys.
That's right, yeah.
Hello? Who's actually gonna Want to do that? Oh, probably just this little Queer.
Oh! Mikey.
* poor wandering one * Oh, sorry.
Hey! Um was just looking for my Overtime forms.
The, you know, the regular Chief just let's me come in.
Did you find them? Nope.
They must be downstairs In the kitchen or something.
Are you in here alone? As far as I know.
Why? Just asking.
Hey, Tom? Yeah.
Listen, you got to come Downstairs, man.
We got an Issue.
You need to check it out.
Got an issue, got an issue.
Got to go.
Look, I don't ask questions.
All I do is drive.
I picked him up, he tells me to Bring him here.
Somebody needs to give me $17 Plus tip.
Franco, give him some Money, will ya? What's going on? Cab driver Found him down the street from The hospital.
How about taking him Back to the hospital? It's new York.
There's a guy in a hospital Gown on every corner.
Chief, what are you doing? I'm back, Tom.
Well, you're not supposed to Be back.
Does your son know you're here? No.
Put him in the suburban.
No, I don't want to go back.
Jerry, you got to get back to The hospital.
No, I belong here with you Guys.
This is where I belong.
Just here.
I belong here with you.
Come on.
It will be all right.
Don't let me end up like That, huh? Like what? That guy doesn't know when It's time to walk away.
Oh, he can walk away.
He just needs a little help Doing it.
So she must be down here, Right? I mean, they call all boats she? That's right, kenny.
They're called shes.
That's 'cause they're such Filthy whores they keep up.
I hope you don't mind I kind of Joke and it's boat humor.
I get it.
Very comical.
Maybe we can keep the bad Language down to a Minimum, mikey.
My friend Happens to be a nun.
Oh, that's one habit I wouldn't mind Keeping up.
Let me show you This, sweetheart.
Come here.
Goddamn cousins.
Finally get a chance to feast Your eyes on the old barbi anne.
Barbi anne, nice name.
Barbie was my first wife.
Anne was my second.
I'd get married again but I Can't fit another name on the Boat.
Jesus! What's the matter? Is this thing moving? What do you think? It's connected to the docks.
The docks are floating on the Water.
Do the math.
Is the water moving? It's been known to.
Come on, ken.
Cut it the hell out! You're doing it.
What? You're making it move.
Just stop it, all right? I got to get my bearings here.
OK? Fine.
Oh, shit! Oh! Oh, shit! You all right? Yeah, yeah.
I'm good.
Oh, God.
Whoo! Nellie, that was Fantastic.
Yeah? Yeah, you think? What? It was no good.
No, it was fine.
Fine, just fine? Fine is OK.
Jesus, Maggie, we've been Married 3 days.
Already the sex has gone down The shitter? It was better at work.
What? You know, like at the Firehouse when you did me on That guy's table? That was amazing.
Except the Chief walked in on Us and there was that pen and Pencil thing that was poking me In the thigh the whole time.
No, but that's what made it So steamy.
The pen and pencil set.
That it was so wrong and all.
You know what? Let's take a walk over there and Maybe like clean out your locker Or something.
Maggie, I'm not on duty.
Plus, there's a whole 'nother Crew of guys over there right Now.
Actually, you know what? It's against regulation to have Women in the firehouse and it's Definitely against regulation To bang them there.
Even if they're your wife? Um, I don't know.
I might Have to look at the manual again But I'm pretty sure no.
I don't know, Sean.
I just got to thinking about the Desk and it creaking and the Papers falling on the floor and The feeling of that blotter on My cool bare ass.
Maybe they're out on a call.
Let's go.
I hope not.
Ken, stay up there much Longer, we're gonna lose the Light.
I'm good.
I'm fine.
Just give me a minute.
I think I got it, all right? Good, because the boat's over Here in the water.
I can't bring it down to you.
I know that, Mike.
Just you OK? That's good.
I'm good.
All right.
All right.
Yeah? OK.
You OK? I got it.
I got it.
I got it.
I got a plan.
Stay steady.
I got a plan, all right? Yeah? I got a plan, yeah.
All right.
That's better.
That's better.
Where the hell did he come From? Jesus Christ! Can I help you? Yeah, I was just wondering Where you might go if you Were thinking of putting your Papers in.
You're putting your Papers in? No, he's a friend Of mine and he's thinking about Maybe, you know, doing it some Years from now.
Well, some Years from now, I couldn't tell You.
But today it's on the Second floor, second window down The hall.
Oh, right.
I tanked.
It was a total crash and burn.
You don't know that.
Didn't you tell me it takes a Couple of months to find out How you did.
I didn't finish.
I was doing OK, you know, An hour left, I just put my Pencil down, you know, I Stopped.
I could have finished.
I didn't want to.
Why not? I was only taking the thing For one reason.
You know, for my kid and now She's gone.
What's the point? I failed her, I failed the test.
I'm batting 1,000.
Stop feeling sorry for Yourself.
Thanks for the comfort.
You don't need comfort.
You need a big ole slap upside Your head.
Be honest with yourself.
You could have gotten Keela Back if you wanted to but you Didn't.
She's better off.
But the truth is you didn't Want her enough.
Did you? I wasn't ready to be a Father, OK? What do you want from me? I tried.
I'm sure you did.
And she is better off.
It's just I keep thinking About her.
I don't know why.
Maybe because you always knew You didn't want her.
Maybe now you're worried she Knew, too.
I got to see her.
Call Alicia.
Set it up.
Come on.
I'll take you for a coffee, Loser.
You know you should have Taken that test.
Yeah, why's that? You're a hell of a lot Smarter than I am.
Tommy Gavin, you cock Knocker.
Get your skinny Irish Ass the hell out of my sight.
How you doing? Tell me that wasn't your kid Brother in the news last week, Was it? Yeah, it was.
That's a tragedy.
Everybody doing OK? You know best can be Expected.
When did you start Working here? Big fire.
Spanish harlem.
Trying to get Some 9-Foot tall Spick out of his apartment.
Slams the goddamn door on my Hand.
I can't bend these 2 fingers so They gave me a choice.
Desk job or retirement.
Yeah, I'm going to retire like Some fag.
What are you doing down here? Me, I was just checking some Pension bullshit downstairs and Now I'm just looking for the Can actually.
Can's that way.
Pension department must have Moved because it was upstairs About an hour ago.
Get your head out of your Ass, scout.
All right, pal.
See ya.
Yeah? Hi.
It's me.
Are you excited for tomorrow Night? First night of your great new Life.
Well, you better be Because it's gonna be fabulous.
I got everything.
I got linens and pots and pans And dishes and silverware and I Got a couch and a massive Television coming.
They're all going to be Delivered today or tomorrow.
And I got these really gorgeous Pasta bowls because that's what I'm gonna make for dinner Tomorrow night because, you Know, it's the beach.
Keep it simple.
Did you put in your paper? Guess where I am right now? I don't know.
I'm down at headquarters.
I'm so happy.
Oh, my, I got to go because I Got to wait for the doorbell Because they're going to Deliver something.
The couch or the table or the TV or the something.
I don't know.
You know, I can't believe it.
I'm here and I can't believe It.
It's gonna be our Big future together.
Love you.
Bye! Hey, baby.
Daddy! Daddy! I missed you.
Oh, I missed you, too, honey.
Wow! Look at you.
You look incredible.
Check out these new clothes, Huh? Mommy bought them for me.
Mommy, huh? So where is Alicia? Upstairs finishing an Important call.
Yeah? Who are you? This is donald.
He's my nanny.
He looks like more of a Manny.
Not funny, brother.
Miss Keela has to travel in About 10.
I'll step over there and give You a moment but I'm watching.
Donald, take muffin.
Take muffin, donald.
Yes, miss Keela.
Miss Keela, huh? It's silly.
So, baby, I just can't get Over you looking so pretty.
You look pretty, too.
Oh, yeah? I try, baby.
I try.
So, I hope you're not, um I wanted you to stay With me, angel.
I did and maybe when you're Older, I can explain, but it's Just it got complicated Because of a lot of stuff and, Um God, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that I wasn't the Best daddy ever.
Are you hearing me? Mommy says I have to eat Vegetables and drink milk and I Don't want to.
So sometimes I don't finish.
She says do the best you can And when I do that, she still Loves me the same.
You did your best, right? Yeah.
The car's here, miss Keela.
Mommy says we mustn't miss our Flight.
Where you going? School.
School? Where? L'ecole de St.
Andres, One of the best girl's schools In Europe.
That's in France.
That's near Paris, daddy.
Well, wait a second.
Why didn't Alicia tell me.
Baby, when am I going to see You again? I'll come back.
Are you sure? I'll do the best I can.
I love you, daddy.
I love you, too, angel.
You know, if I hear anything, I'll put my transfer in by the End of the day.
You're not transferring Anywhere, douche bag.
Who's going where? Nobody's going anywhere.
Hey, Franco, or should I Say lieutenant of the future, How did the test go? Tell us you nailed it.
You know, I did all right.
Not a home run or anything, but I think I should be getting some Good news in a couple of months.
They grow up so fast.
How about you? How was the boat? Oh, I forgot to ask about the Boat.
Yeah, well, that surprises Me because, you know, you've Been so strongly behind the Idea.
It was great.
It was amazing.
I mean, the water, the air, the Sunshine, it really cleared Things up for me, you know, in My mind.
I think it's the right move for Me.
So you're gonna do it then? When? Well, I'm kind of working Around Theresa's schedule right Now but I think it might be Sooner than everyone thinks.
Really? Yeah.
I think you might be The only one around here Before long, pal.
Hey, who's Theresa? Interesting story.
Oh, boy.
Shit! Bet you it's that headline I Heard riding in.
Fire over in staten island.
Every company in lower Manhattan out there.
What's the good word? We're getting relocated.
They want us to cover Fritzy weiss' house down near Battery park.
God damn! All right, boys.
We've been relocated downtown For the day.
I need you to get changed.
Get your gear.
Get on the rig.
All right? Frank, go find Garrity for me, Will you please? Move, move, move! Garrity! Yeah? Yo, man, what the hell are You doing? What? I'm just taking a Shower.
OK, well, we haven't Been out on a call yet.
Yeah, I know, I had a Breakfast burrito this morning.
It was messy.
It was really messy.
Well, look, man, dry your ass Off and get moving.
We've been relocated downtown For the day.
Yeah, just give me Like 2 seconds.
OK, yeah, hurry up.
Why'd you say 2 seconds? It's gonna take longer than That.
Maggie, just use a little More soap, OK? It will be over Before you know it.
Oy! The next time you guys get Your shit together, we'll send Out announcements have a big Goddamn party.
Turn her around, nils, we're Going back home.
What happened? Turns out they don't need us Anyway.
You know what, nils? Take a left up here.
Let's go over a couple blocks.
I want to show you guys Something.
What? You'll see.
Hey, there's Jimmy's name and Bobby's.
Dennis sternberg.
Vincent giamono Jimmy richy's kid.
Hard to believe it's been 5 Years, man.
I saw a thing about this In the times.
Picture Didn't do it justice.
You realize the only reason This is here is because Firefighters are regular people.
They wanted to honor the guys We've lost.
There were no politicians Involved.
Chief of the Department that day, when They did the unveiling.
In the Speech he said about the Politicians, all we got was Empty promises from empty suits.
You know, I feel for those Families over there waiting for A memorial for their loved ones.
We already got ours.
You know, the guys Form this house, they lost a lot Of brothers that day.
They wrote on the back of this Thing they put personal Prayers, personal notes, and Remembrances to all the Brothers they lost that day and Then they sealed it up so Nobody will ever be able to Read what they wrote.
It's the way it should be.
Stays between brothers.
Each other is all we got, Right? The boat was a disaster.
Turns out I don't have what You call sea legs exactly.
I couldn't even stay on the Dock.
Looks like you guys are Stuck with me for another Couple years.
Well, since we're doing Some truth telling, I took the goddamn Pipe on that exam.
Didn't even Like I won't bg anywhere Anytime soon either, fellas.
I don't care about you guys.
I'm transferring out.
I'm going to a house where I Get some respect and be treated As an equal.
Mikey, you're not Transferring out.
I know.
Church is over, kids.
Everybody back on the truck.
Maybe I'll buy you some ice Cream on the way home.
Oh, God.
This smells so good! Yeah.
But it's really hot, huh? Maybe I should have made a Salad.
No, no.
This is I love this kitchen.
It is so cozy and so cute.
Oh, I forgot the parmesan.
> You sit.
You start.
We don't OK.
Look at this.
We're gonna swim, we're gonna Snorkel.
We're gonna do the thing what's The thing with you stand on the Surfboard with the sail and wind surfing.
No, but we're gonna do that, Too.
Tommy, this this is the smartest thing you Ever did other than rachel Klein.
I never slept with rachel Klein.
You told me you did.
No, no.
It was a bullshit thing.
I slept with her cousin.
The midget? She wasn't a midget.
OK? She's 5'2".
Number one, blow me.
Yeah? Number two.
What? This officially makes this the Smartest thing you ever did.
Oh, smell that air.
That is the salt from the Ocean.
Most people like it but I'm Still trying to figure out if I Do.
Good thing it's not pepper, Right? Ha ha ha ha! So, I was thinking a couple of Things like that jacuzzi over There.
Yeah? I'm gonna keep that because I Think we'd have a lot of fun in It.
Then the bar and the grill And some of that, I may rip That out.
Oh, OK.
Yeah, and then this tiki Thing.
Yeah, this has got to go.
No, no.
I want to keep This with the thing and The fan with the Leaves and these torch things I don't really know what They do but I think they look Cool.
They're for bugs.
I think they're for bugs.
Right? Yeah.
So I, uh I didn't put my papers in.
What? I didn't put my papers in.
Hmm? The boat thing didn't work Out for Lou.
He's staying.
Franco screwed up on the Lieutenant's exam.
Things changed.
Things stayed the same but they Changed so I just feel like I Need to be there for the guys.
You don't need to work.
You don't got to stay.
Oh, Jesus Christ! What? Take off your sunglasses.
You were at least planning on Spending the night with me here? I needs me a glass of wine.
Want me to refresh your drink? Yes.
What's a matter? A little flat.
Want to go watch mare cat Manor? Yeah.
Taxpayer's money.
Well, Mr.
Lagona kind of Runs things.
I guess that's no asshole! He must think I am a fool.
You think that I bought all This for me? I bought this for us.
You think I wanted this? You think that I wanted that? You think that you think I picked this piece of shit out For myself? Huh? Is that what you think, you son Of a bitch? Shit! Tommy! Tommy! Wake up.
Please, Tommy! Wake up! Wake up! Aah! There's a fire At 15 seabee avenue.
And there's a fire.
Tommy! Tommy! Sheila? Tommy! Sheila! Sheila! Tommy! Tommy! Tommy! Tommy! Tommy! Tommy! Somebody! Somebody! Somebody! Somebody, help me! Somebody, help me!
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