Roswell s03e13 Episode Script


NARRATOR: Previously on Roswell: Congratulations.
MAN: You are now Meta-Chem Pharmaceutical's newest security guard.
- Where are we going? - New York.
- City? - Lf my people love what we did here then we'll record the demo over there.
Liz, when I saved you, it was because you were shot.
Something was happening to you that wasn't supposed to happen.
LIZ: You healed me, and now I'm different.
My life is out of control.
I want to go to boarding school.
MONK: Mike.
Wake up.
MICHAEL: What? Check this out.
You You woke me up for that? I had it a second ago.
Man, I miss those other guys.
These two-man shifts are boring as hell.
Harsh economic times.
What happened to your hand? Put it through a window.
On purpose? Maria issues.
- Man, no chick is worth that.
- Nope.
So you wanna hang out this weekend? I need an opponent.
I just got "Madden 2002.
" - And the computer keeps kicking my ass.
- All right, but I get to be the Ravens.
- Fine, but you can't have Jamal Lewis.
- I don't need him, I got Ray Lewis.
Well, whatever.
You're going down, sucker.
All right, it's on.
Time for the rounds.
Let's go.
Panacea LIZ: Dear Maria spending a week on a cramped, smelly bus was one of most liberating experiences of my entire life.
The further away I got from Roswell, the more I felt like myself again.
You know, like a normal teenager.
In fact, when I finally got to the Winnaman Academy it was like coming home.
WOMAN: We have very strict rules here at Winnaman.
Probably a much more disciplined atmosphere than you're used to.
That's exactly what I want right now.
Good, because we do have rules and we expect them to be followed.
Curfew's at nine.
No boys allowed on campus.
There will be no smoking, no drinking and drugs will not be tolerated.
LIZ: I guess the other girls feel like this is some kind of prison.
But I'm actually grateful to have some boundaries clearly laid out for me.
With a little discipline, maybe I'll make it to Harvard after all.
I think this is supposed to be my room.
You think.
Well, yeah.
It is.
I knew my single was too good to last.
Are you Eileen Burrows? Yeah, I'm the welcoming committee.
You must be Elizabeth Parker.
- Did they not tell you that I was coming? - No.
But you might want to lose the name tag because you're an inmate now.
So Elizabeth, Liz, I mean, what? What should I call you? Beth.
I just I go by Beth.
Where are you from, Beth? California.
- What part? - Not too far from Disneyland.
Lucky you.
You leave a boyfriend back there? No, no boyfriend.
Lesbian? - Sorry.
- Oh.
No, I wasn't asking for a date.
I mean, there are plenty of girls here who dabble with the whole thing.
Is this making you uncomfortable? You know, to tell you the truth, it is.
I just got read a riot act by the dean and I don't feel like getting in trouble minutes after I get here.
It was a rhetorical question.
I'm not putting it out.
- Then why did you ask? - I was being polite.
Who is it? HACKETT: Dean Hackett.
- Crap.
Um Um One second, one second, I'm just changing my clothes.
I'll be right there.
I'm coming.
Hi, sorry, I just wanted to change and get into my uniform.
- Do I smell smoke? - No, I just lit a candle.
Is that allowed? Of course.
I forgot to give you these earlier.
Fill them out, return them to me in the morning.
I will.
Thank you, ma'am.
Quick thinker.
MARIA: Dear Liz, you know, they say New York can be overwhelming at first.
The crowds, the noise, the restless energy and it's supposed to be intimidating to first-timers.
Not me, I love it.
I am never leaving.
This is my kind of town.
In fact, I feel like I don't know, I feel like I've come home.
BILLY: Maria, what in the world? - I'm a rock star.
Come on, don't look so shocked, I told you I was coming.
You didn't tell me you were coming in a limo.
- Well, what can I say.
My label loves me.
- Obviously, they gave you a limousine.
"Gave" is a little strong.
I borrowed it from Dominique.
The A and R chick.
You gotta meet her.
A real talent scout.
I gotta introduce you guys.
I mean, I know she'll love your stuff.
That's cool, really.
You don't have to do that.
Come on, it's nothing.
Get in here.
We're gonna be late to my recording session.
What do they have behind these secret doors? Can't say I think about it.
Or give a damn.
Well, I do.
Of course you do.
Meta-Chem's too secretive.
I'm telling you, they have some crashed alien spaceship and they're using reverse engineering to steal the technology.
Like, where do you think remote controls came from? Or microwave ovens or cell phones? Monk, Meta-Chem is a pharmaceutical company.
All they have in those classified labs is some top-secret formula for a new cough syrup.
All right.
Come on, let's go.
Are you sure about this? Do it.
When am I gonna get my 40 bucks? I'm not paying you.
- You can't welsh.
- Watch me.
Playing an all-star team against the Ravens, minus Jamal Lewis.
Not fair.
Whatever, take it up with the league, man.
I spent all my cash on Valentine's Day.
You don't have a girlfriend, Monk.
Yeah, l I spent it on myself.
You're weird, you know that.
Hey, we got a code blue in sector five.
Pull it up.
- We got a breach.
- A real one? Yeah, this one ain't a drill.
All right, call 911.
I'll head down and secure the area.
This exit is secure, I don't see anyone.
: Police are on their way.
I'm gonna come down.
Hey, Monk, what's going on? MONK: It wasn't me, I'm already out of the control center.
The atrium, I see somebody.
All right, wait there.
I'm on my way.
Monk! Monk.
Monk, look at me.
Monk, look at me.
Don't Monk.
Monk, come on.
Come on, Monk.
Come on.
You can't die.
Now, let me just get this straight.
What happened immediately after the alarm was tripped? - We found a breach - I can't hear you.
Could you speak up? [CLEARS THROAT.]
We found a breach in sector five and I went down to seal the exit.
And Mr.
Pyle stayed behind? Yeah, he phoned the authorities.
And then the power cut.
And he walkied me over the radio saying that he saw somebody.
And And then I heard the gunshots.
Well, I think that about wraps it up.
Don't you, gentlemen? Anybody have any other questions? Good.
Guerin, you're free to go.
So that's it? Don't the police want to talk to me? No, no, no.
That's fine.
We're going to send our notes from the inquiry over to them.
No, but I should go down to the station.
I'm the only eyewitness.
That really won't be necessary, Mr.
You know, you've clearly been through a lot.
Why don't you take a couple of days off.
Michael, I'm sorry to hear about MICHAEL: Valenti, I need your advice.
- With what? Trying to catch the guy who killed my friend.
Aren't the police investigating? That's the problem.
Meta-Chem doesn't want me talking to the cops.
Michael, calm down.
You're gonna have to bring me up to speed.
Yeah, come on, sit down.
Tell me what you saw.
I caught a glimpse of a figure, but it was dark.
Can you give me any help at all? Was he tall, or short, or fat, thin? He was pretty tall, I guess, l It was just so quick, I was just trying to help Monk.
All right, what about video surveillance? Aren't there cameras in all those hallways? Yeah, but the power went out, the cameras shut down.
Doesn't sound like there's a lot to go on.
VALENTl: I'll tell you what.
Maybe there is a way I can help you.
Okay, there is no Liz Parker on this floor.
Oh, hey, Liz there's somebody on the phone for you.
- Hello? - Liz, it's me.
- Hi, Max.
- I miss you.
I'm sorry that I didn't call.
It's just that I didn't know what to say after all those horrible things I said.
I don't even care about that.
I just want to know that you're okay.
I am.
I'm really good, l This place, it's really good for me.
You know, they have a biology club here and I'm gonna go on a ski trip this weekend.
So you haven't had any more symptoms? Um, no.
Not since I've been here.
That's great.
So maybe you can come home soon.
I know all that stuff you said in your letter about wanting to leave Roswell and get away from it, but I know we can work everything out.
Oh, my God.
What? What happened? - Nothing.
- Liz, are you okay? Yeah, Max, I'm fine.
I really can't talk.
- Can you call me later? - Yeah, I'll try, l I really have to get off the phone now, Max.
The phone doesn't work.
It's it's out of order.
All right, well, come on.
This is so working.
Dominique, this is my good friend, Billy Darden.
He's an excellent songwriter.
Oh, great.
Well, get me a demo, I'd love to hear it.
If you're interested, I could play something.
No, actually, a demo's best.
- All right.
DOMINIQUE: Yeah, thanks.
Okay, sugar.
This song it's good.
I mean, it's really good, you know.
I'm just not quite sure that it's a home run.
Do you know what I mean? So you don't wanna use this song anymore? Okay, I love it.
But the label, I think, might wanna go with something a little lighter.
Okay, if they want a different song, I mean Actually, I've got the song, honey, right here.
I don't understand.
I thought you wanted me because I was a songwriter.
Oh, well, baby, we want you you know, for your voice, your look.
Everything, everything, the whole DeLuca package.
- Yeah, but I didn't write this.
- Yeah, but professionals did.
I mean, no offense, my God, I mean, you're You're just new.
You're raw.
I mean, I don't even think like this.
Please try it.
All right, and trust me.
I'll tell you what.
You record this song and then at the end of the day if you don't like it and you wanna go with your song, then we'Il We'll go with your song.
All right? Okay, because I want us to have options.
- Okay.
- All right, then.
- Okay.
Is it Liz or is it Beth? I've always gone by Liz.
And I'm not from California.
I'm from New Mexico.
And the part about not having a boyfriend? Uh That guy that was on the phone, he's actually the reason I'm here.
See? Just be yourself.
We'll get along just fine.
Guess the interview went well.
Piece of cake.
You drop my name? I didn't really have to, Michael.
She seemed pretty impressed with my résumé.
You know, being a sheriff and all.
Must feel good to be back in uniform.
Not really.
You wanna show me that crime scene? Yeah.
This is the door they broke in.
Good, they haven't fixed it yet.
No, I delayed the maintenance request.
Figured you'd wanna see it.
Good thinking.
All right.
If you reach your hand through that hole you'd still have trouble reaching the handle to unlock it, right? You think they had a tool? Anything like that turn up? Not that I know of.
Now, look at that.
See the shards of glass, how they're pushed out? Yeah, what do you think that means? It means that whatever broke this window, hit it from the inside.
Nobody broke into Meta-Chem that night, Michael.
They just wanted it to look that way.
: You saying the guy who killed Monk works here? VALENTI [ON TV.]
: I'm saying it's a possibility.
I'd still like to check a few things.
Brought that autopsy report that you wanted.
The company needs that for the insurance, you know.
Yeah, yeah.
Shame about that kid.
So any leads? Jim, I'm sorry.
I can't discuss an active investigation with you.
I know you can't, of course you can't.
I taught you.
I just figured that, well, you know, this being your first homicide and all maybe I could help.
Well, there is something.
We found this shoe print at the scene.
I've been waiting for a report back from the FBI lab.
But they're so backed up, it could take weeks.
I know a guy who might be able to help.
I have to borrow this.
Actually, I, uh, made you a copy.
This footprint is useless.
The floor's already been scrubbed.
Not completely useless.
MICHAEL: That's very cool.
VALENTl: Here, let me see the Polaroid.
- That's our shooter then, right? - Yeah.
Let's see where they lead.
Think you can open that door? Yeah, no problem.
VALENTl: The hell are they doing back here? No one knows.
- Valenti.
VALENTl: What is it? That's my blood.
They've been studying me.
You think they know you're an alien? They definitely know.
That's Liz's dress.
- When she was shot? - And Max healed her.
We gotta get this stuff out of here.
Yeah, I'm not a fan of horseradish either.
I mean, if I get a roast beef sandwich, mayo is fine.
All right, take a look at this here.
How you fellas doing this evening? Mind if I take a look at your ID badges? Well, I don't think We don't usually have to carry them.
VALENTl: It's a new policy we've instituted since the recent break-in.
SCIENTIST: Well, I left mine in my car.
- Do you want me to go get it? VALENTl: No, no.
That's all right.
I'll tell you what, in the future why don't you keep it on you at all times.
Okay, sir.
I'll be sure to do that.
Company's clamping down on everybody since this thing happened.
Makes my job a lot tougher, I'll tell you.
Hello, Mr.
Okay, can we cut it? I'm sorry.
Okay, darling.
You don't say cut.
I say cut.
Okay? Okay, so we're gonna do it again and from the second verse.
- All right? - Okay.
Wait, you know what, just I'm sorry, this isn't working for me.
What's wrong? I don't know.
It's just It's not me.
I'm not feeling it or whatever.
Okay, but, honey.
I know what these label boys want.
So just trust me on this.
No, I do, but these aren't my lyrics.
I feel really weird singing them.
All right, well, fight your way through it, because you sound great.
I know, but I mean my songs are, you know, what I am.
Well, this is business.
This isn't personal.
Well, yeah, it's personal to me.
If it's not personal, it's just karaoke.
I could just do that at home back at the Pizza Pan.
The Are you gonna sing the song or not? No, I wanna sing the other song.
I wanna sing my song.
Well, Maria, sweetie, the other song isn't gonna work, okay? So we're gonna need this song.
But we had a deal.
You're not giving me a choice, are you? Oh, no, no, honey.
You always have a choice.
See, you can finish recording this demo, or you can head back to Roswell.
Then I will head back home to Roswell.
Let's go get that limo before they take it away.
And you were really arrested? Yeah, I was thrown against the car and cuffed and everything.
When you first walked through the door, I never would've guessed that.
I know, it's so weird saying it.
It's like I'm talking about another person, you know? But, yeah, it's me.
You know, I guess it's what I've become.
So, what was it like? I mean, in prison and everything? Um Well, it's, like, not much different than being here.
This place isn't so bad.
You just haven't been to The Rat.
What's The Rat? It's a place we go to get away.
I'll take you there tomorrow.
Why don't we go right now.
Liz, it's way past curfew.
You said if I was just myself, we'd get along fine, right? Right? Well this is me.
- What? - Shh.
I hear someone.
That was really good.
Why do they call this place The Rat? Are there rats here? No.
It's short for rathskeller.
Kind of like a bar.
- See.
LIZ: Oh.
Now, some of the girls like to drink straight from the bottle.
But personally I think a flask has a little more class.
Don't you? Cheers.
Valenti's still not answering.
It's been two hours.
He should've been home.
Maybe he's on his way over.
How much do these people know about us? - Everything.
- We don't know how much.
- They know enough to expose us.
- I say we go back in there.
MICHAEL: Valenti.
Were you working with my dad last night? He never came home.
MICHAEL: Did he call? - No, he never called.
- What's going on? - We need to go in now.
We can't go now.
It's the middle of a working day.
Max, there's millions of people.
Millions of people, what are you talking about? ISABEL: Kyle.
We think your dad's in trouble.
EILEEN: So tell me about this Max guy.
Boyfriend? Boyfriend.
I don't know.
It's so weird you don't know who Max Evans is.
He's like He's like such a big part of my life, you don't even understand.
You wanna talk about it? I don't know.
It's like It's complicated.
Yeah, it's always complicated.
Okay, just, here.
Try me.
Well, he He was with this other girl.
- He stepped out? - And she got pregnant.
What? It's been really rocky since then.
I can't believe you're even with him.
Once a cheater, always a cheater.
But see he didn't cheat on me because technically, we weren't together.
Who cares about technically.
Did you love him? Yeah, definitely.
- I still do.
- And he hurt you.
Well, then he's a cheater.
I wish it was that simple.
You know, but there's like all this There's, like, all this stuff that you don't even, like, know about.
It is that simple.
Okay, there's always extra stuff.
And it's all just excuses that we make for them.
Because we're afraid to leave them.
And we rationalize and rationalize and let them walk on us.
But why are we so afraid? Tell me, what is so scary? I don't know.
Well, I'm not afraid.
I am not afraid! - You are gonna get us caught.
- Come on, Liz.
Tell the world.
Screw guys who cheat! Yeah! - Yeah, screw them! - We don't need you! I am fine on my own! LIZ: Woo-hoo! EILEEN: Yeah, take that! Okay, this is how it works.
I'm gonna go in first, alone.
- Where's my walkie-talkie? - You don't get one.
You're not coming.
- But my father's in there.
- Kyle.
- It's too dangerous.
- Don't give me that aliens-only crap.
Kyle, look, you are the only one other than us who knows what's going on.
If something goes wrong, we could get trapped.
Or worse.
We need someone on the outside.
- What do I do? - Lf we're not back by dawn, call Hanson.
KYLE: What do I tell him? Tell him your father and three aliens got kidnapped by Meta-Chem.
MAX: At that point, it won't matter what you tell him.
Just get help.
All right.
Just get him and get out.
Maxwell, you're gonna pick up Isabel and bring her to the plant.
I want you there for the 3 a.
Shift change.
When nobody's around, I'll bypass the system and get you both in undetected.
You and Isabel will have to split up to cover as much ground as possible.
The place is big and Valenti could be anywhere.
I'll watch you from the security center.
I'll be your eyes and ears.
And we will find Valenti.
- Who is that? - It's me, Max.
You wanna get that light out of my eyes? Sorry.
Are you okay? Yeah.
I could use a bathroom.
- Did they hurt you? - No.
That woman just threw me in here and left.
Michael, I got him.
He's okay.
Good, now get out of there.
Let's go.
Max has Valenti.
Get back up here.
Copy that.
Oh, God.
- Can you move? - No.
I don't know.
It's okay, it's okay.
Valenti, look at me.
Look at me.
Thank you.
Come on.
So you're the healer.
You have no idea how long we've been looking for you.
Where are they? Last time I saw them, they were in corridor three.
Let's go.
- What do you want from us? - Not us.
Just you.
The healer.
What the hell is in here? I don't know.
Let's go.
Eileen, did you lock yourself out again? Guess who.
LIZ: Oh, my God.
Hi, what are you doing here? - Do I smell alcohol? - Why, do I smell? I should get some gum.
What, do you drink now? No, l A little bit.
I leave you for five minutes You know what, they have this place that I have got to show you.
You know I was scared to come here and I didn't know if I was doing the right thing.
But just in the past few days it's like the first time in years I've felt like a normal teenager.
Yeah, it is nice to get away from the alien chaos, isn't it.
God, I don't know if I can go back yet.
- Then why don't you stay here? - What? Eileen and I have this whole place figured out, we can get you anything you need.
And plus, spring break is It's coming up.
No one's gonna be around.
MERIS: Bring him in.
Heal him.
Who is he? My husband.
Clayton Wheeler.
He owns all of this.
So you're what, a few days away from inheriting his millions? - I don't care about that.
VALENTl: Right.
You happened to fall in love with a man twice your age.
Who just happens to be a multimillionaire.
Quiet! You don't know anything about me.
Have you ever been married, Mr.
Valenti? Once.
Didn't stick.
Well, I've been married for 22 years.
That is a long time to be with someone.
Things change.
Feelings change.
Motives change.
He is my husband now and I am not gonna lose him.
What's wrong with him? MERIS: He's old.
Unfortunately, all the money in the world can't stop the aging process.
Believe me.
We tried.
And then we heard a story about a girl in Roswell who was shot with no ill effects.
- That's why you have her dress.
- We analyzed that thing for two years.
The best scientists in the world couldn't figure that out.
And then we got another little tip.
Several children with terminal cancer mysteriously healed.
In Phoenix.
That surveillance picture of Michael from the hospital.
You thought he was the healer.
Well, until he couldn't heal his friend.
Then we knew we had the wrong guy.
You killed Monk as a test? My husband is dying.
We're desperate.
That's no excuse to kill someone.
What's done is done.
Now heal him.
It doesn't work like that.
I can't save someone from a natural death.
I think you can.
And you will.
Where are they? MICHAEL: This place is huge.
They could be anywhere.
Max! Max, stop! No, don't [SCREAMS.]
Max! Max! [GASPS.]
MARIA: What happened? Max is dead.

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