Six Feet Under s03e13 Episode Script

I'm Sorry, I'm Lost

OK, sweetheart, time to say goodbye.
- I don't want to.
- We have to.
God has other plans for her.
- I'll miss you, birdie.
- I know, sweetheart.
But by rescuing her, nursing her back to health and now setting her free, we are doing a good deed.
Good deed.
When we do something kind, even for a little lost bird, we give a gift that resonates throughout all humanity.
- Humanity.
- Say bye-bye.
- Bye-bye.
- Be free, little lost bird.
Be free.
Fuck you, motherfucker.
Fuck you.
You motherfucker.
Fuck me! It's broken.
A bird crapped on my hat.
I need to wash it.
All right.
Just use the sink.
Toilet broken.
And hurry up.
I'm going to close.
Fuck you, motherfucker.
Fuck you, motherfucker.
Fuck you, motherfucker.
Fuck you, motherfucker.
- I told you it's broken.
- Fuck you, motherfucker.
- Excellent.
- Fuck off, you! - What are you saying? You wanna leave? - Leave? I'd have to leave because I moved my life to this shithole city.
- Not for me, you didn't.
- You wanna split up? Maybe, yeah.
Who would leave a child alone like that? Don't be too hard on him.
He's not himself right now.
Besides, Maya's far from alone.
Aren't you, little lady? - You wanna go to Grandma? - There you go.
So is Nate a total alkie now? Shall we do something? He's just numbing the pain.
He has to.
Sometimes he goes outside to smoke and he paces underneath my window.
- He talks to himself.
- I know.
Seriously, like whole conversations.
Why is everyone in my house? Maya was crying her little heart out.
- Where would you go at 4.
30am? - I was having a cigarette.
- In Pomona? - We heard her crying all the way in the house.
Poor little baby, you thought no one loved you.
Mom, I can take her.
- Where's her blankie? - I have it.
- Are you living here now? - Nate.
Tell you what, I'm gonna make a big pot of coffee and then we'd like to talk to you guys.
In the kitchen in, say, about ten minutes? You're getting married? When? The day after tomorrow.
A small ceremony.
Just me and George and all of you.
- You guys met last week.
- Six and a half weeks ago, actually.
- Mom.
- When were you planning on telling us? - We booked the wedding chapel last night.
- I can't believe this.
Nate, I love your mother and she loves me.
Yeah, it's so fucking moving I can hardly stand it.
Do whatever you want.
What do I care? - Mom, maybe with Lisa and everything - Life doesn't stop, all right? We didn't die.
We have this precious gift of life and it's so terribly fleeting and that is why it's important to keep on living, to not give up hope.
Fine, don't come.
If no one's going to celebrate this with us, I don't want any of you there.
Let's go back to bed.
It's upsetting to you that your kids don't approve, isn't it? Do your children approve? They're supportive.
Maggie says to just send pictures.
Brian said six and he's done.
I don't need their approval.
Not one of them has ever had a relationship I'd want.
George, I don't wanna wait.
I feel like I've spent my entire life waiting.
Then let's not wait.
The day after tomorrow? They don't even know each other.
Maybe that's the best time to marry someone, otherwise you'd never do it.
How are you holding up through all this? Not that good.
You wanna talk about it? How can I? With Lisa just gone and Nate's like totally losing it.
I feel I don't have a right to have my own problems.
Of course you have a right.
- Is it Russell? - God, it's so much more than that.
A year ago I was like, if I can just get into art school, then maybe finally my life will start to be about something.
And then I do and it's just so sickly political and dumb and full of evil, hateful freaks.
Now I just despise the one thing that was my only hope.
Your whole relationship fell apart too, huh? No, I wouldn't say Yeah.
Don't forget to bring back your coffee cup.
We're running out of coffee cups in this kitchen.
People keep leaving with them.
A plane.
A plane going to Burbank airport.
Just before landing They call it blue ice.
A ball of chemicals for toilet of aeroplane.
It come off.
Right down to Anahid.
In our own yard.
One minute I am talking to her on telephone, next minute You believe this? And now I find out it happens all the time.
Big companies are keeping it quiet so people like me and you don't realise that blue ice is a killer.
Are you not listening to me? You are here just to take my money? You take it from people when they are vulnerable.
What is this, some kind of fucking business? Goddamn right, it's a business.
You think I'm here for the love of humanity? You think I wanna be with people on the worst day of their lives? - I want to talk to your boss, please.
- I am the boss and I want you out now.
- Come on.
- Go on, get the fuck out.
I'll have your wife brought to wherever you end up.
Free of fucking charge.
Out of the goodness of my heart.
I'm in this business because I love people.
And I love helping people! I felt so free for a week, but then within days I went from, "Yay, I'm independent," to, "Holy fuck, I'm gonna die alone.
" I keep switching between, "We're meant to be together "and we can grow together into who we fully are together " - Know what I mean? - Not really.
And then I completely flip over to, "We're poison for each other.
This is abuse.
" You always go through tough patches, David.
You just have to work through them.
Have you and Vanessa gone through a time where you felt that by staying with her your sense of self would be obliterated? - No.
- I didn't think so.
Vanessa and I have our issues.
Mainly because other people try to come between us.
Would that be Angelica? I swear, David, I wish I could just kick her sorry ass out.
Vanessa always takes her side.
It's like I have a two-headed wife.
- As opposed to a no-headed wife? - That's good.
That's really - Unhook her.
- Excuse me? - Just fucking unhook her.
- What's wrong with you? The husband changed his mind.
Wait until I get the cannula out of her.
I should aspirate before we move her.
Did we get outbid again? Yeah, the priest or pastor from their church wanted to use a different place.
Armenian place.
It's no big deal.
Make sure we charge them extra for embalming.
- It's gonna be free.
- Why did you do that? - You just lost us $500, Nate.
- I made a mistake, all right? I made a fucking mistake.
You wanna take it out of my fucking pay cheque? Fuck you guys.
- I'm so alone.
- You're not alone.
You have me.
But do I, Philip? Do I really? - How can I ever trust you after Budapest? - I had amnesia.
I need you to watch Maya for me.
I'll be right back.
Nate, I wanna help you.
I can't imagine what you're dealing with.
But I am as out of it as you are.
I don't think my energy would be good for Maya.
No, you're better than me.
Maybe it's just too much to ever forgive.
Or maybe when it comes to forgiving, you need to start with yourself.
- One more? - Yeah.
Do you guys sell any food here? Peanuts.
Some eggs over there.
I could order you a pizza.
No, I can't eat a whole pizza.
I'll have a slice with you.
Hawaiian? Ham and pineapple? Sorry, I'm not a pineapple-on-pizza kind of guy.
Oh, yeah? What kind of guy are you? The kind of guy who wants to fuck you senseless.
- Am I too loud? - No, I was just curious what the sound was.
French horn.
Nobody ever knows what it is.
- It's beautiful.
- Don't lie.
There's no need.
It's not one of those instruments that's meant to be heard alone.
I'm Brenda.
I just moved in a month and a half ago.
I've been here for about eight years.
- It seems like a nice enough place.
- Yeah, I like it.
It's cheap, so I don't have to work a lot.
I do session work mostly.
These days people prefer the synthesised pseudo-horn to that of an actual human.
- Do I sound angry? I'm not angry.
- No.
It's fine.
It's nice to talk to someone.
You just get out of prison? Something like that.
Have you checked out the neighbourhood, figured out where stuff is? - No.
- No? No, I just mostly stay at home.
If you want, I'll walk you down.
I know the area looks dicey, but there are some great places.
There's a great Cuban bakery that makes a really good cafe con leche.
- I'm not gonna have sex with you.
- OK.
- Just to get that out in the open.
- I didn't realise that was an option.
- It's not an option.
- I got it.
Sorry to be so blunt.
It's just I've been celibate kind of a long time and it's been kind of a good thing for me.
You're really attractive.
But you know that, right? So yeah, I'll have coffee with you but I don't drink or smoke pot.
I'm pretty boring, actually.
Somehow I find that hard to believe.
Well, then, it's nice meeting you.
And your horn.
- .
taking some punishing blows.
- What is keeping these guys up? I can't figure.
Oh, and that hurts very bad.
That hurts.
- He's wobbling now.
- He's certainly wobbling.
Travis, clear out.
Momma's got company.
I'm ready.
I don't know if this kid's gonna have his title before this night is over It's two in the morning.
- You left at dinner time.
- Just go back to sleep.
God, you're so fucking sad.
I know.
- What? - Nothing.
I'm just happy to see you.
- You are? - Yeah.
I'm happy to see you too.
Call him.
You know you want to.
Yeah, but should I? Why not? You miss him.
I miss a lot of people.
I miss you.
But you really miss him.
- I miss having sex with him.
- You can have sex with anybody.
- Yeah, I did that.
- I saw.
So what if I shut the door on Keith like he's dead to me? I'll end up replacing him with someone else like Mom is replacing you with George.
- Is that all life is, replacing people? - Pretty much.
Some people do it faster and more often than others.
Don't touch those.
George reminds me of you, you know.
I don't really see that.
Just enough to make me sad.
Enough to make me wish I could see you and Mom together again.
That man is alive and I'm dead.
I think that means he wins.
Hey, it's me.
Listen, I Would you like to come to church with me this morning? You have to be real quiet so we can sneak up on him.
- I don't think he's gonna like that.
- Me neither.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Got another beer? - Fridge.
You gotta stay real close and keep quiet.
Really quiet.
- What you doing? - Watching the baby.
The little ones.
There's a reason to hold it together.
We forget our own reasons.
You're not gonna try and lay some instant bonding horseshit on me, are you? Cos that'd be seriously obnoxious.
- We're all very worried about you.
- We who? Your mother, your family, which, like it or not, I'm gonna be part of.
- Fuck you.
- You need your family now, more than ever.
George, you can sit in our TV room and rent movies, you can bone my mother day and night, but don't you dare come in here and act like you're my fucking father, cos you're not, you never will be.
It's time for Maya's nap.
- I only wanted to - Just leave me the fuck alone, all right? Sorry, babe.
I remember the first time I saw you, out there in the parking lot.
Really? I thought we met downstairs at that buffet thing.
Yeah, that's where we met, but I'd already seen you a couple of times, getting out of your car, all studly.
You looked so intense, the way you pointed your alarm thingy at your car.
"Fuck you, car.
Now you're locked.
" - Please.
- Somebody told me you were a cop.
And for the next couple of Sundays I timed it so I'd pull in next to you.
You were watching me? Stalker.
I loved that you were a cop.
The thought of being with you made me feel safe.
I can't imagine what I thought I needed protection from.
I just liked knowing you were strapped to a gun all day.
- I saw you before we talked too.
- Really? - You were checking me out? - Yeah.
I saw you and I thought, "Who is that beautiful new white boy?" - Stop.
- I did.
I couldn't stop looking at you.
- It's funny.
- Why is that funny? Don't you know I think you're beautiful? No.
And kind and smart and loving.
You didn't know that? No.
Well, I do.
- You looking for me? - Yeah.
Where the fuck is your grave? You're not even close.
It's way over there.
Come on, I'll take you to it.
So how's life? - How's death? - It's good.
Made some new friends, joined the chess team.
Glad you came today.
- Is it some kind of special occasion? - No, it's like this every day.
Hello, precious girl.
Mom, I've got to tell you I think you're making a big mistake marrying George.
You don't know him.
I know he's a presumptuous fool and a know-it-all, OK? - Plus, he's selfish.
It's so obvious.
- How is he selfish? Mom, he wants you to take care of him.
He's not thinking of how much Maya will need you.
Maya's going to need strong, happy people in her life, and I love George and I feel strong and happy with him.
That helps Maya.
It's a help to go off with some stranger and leave Maya with no family at all? Jesus Christ, her mother is fucking missing.
Maya still has one parent.
A lot of kids don't even have that.
- You didn't come home until 2.
30 last night.
- I had a sitter.
You had Claire.
You can't expect us to be there every time you wanna check out.
Why the fuck not? I stuck around after Dad died.
I had a life.
I was ready to go back to Seattle.
- I never asked you - Yes, you did.
Yes, you did.
You asked me to stick around.
"Just for a few fucking days.
" But that's only because nobody in this family can say what they really mean.
You know you wanted me to stay for good.
Don't you dare fucking act like you didn't.
Goddammit! I've changed everything in my fucking life because of you.
Maybe if I hadn't, none of this shit would have happened.
Please! And now, when I need you, you refuse to fucking help me.
How can I help you? I'm trying to pull you out of the water and you're strapping on lead boots.
I don't know what to do.
Watch you self-destruct? I can't do that.
I won't do that.
Thanks, Mom.
Thanks for fucking everything.
So those are all your cats? No, they're the building's.
But if I don't feed them they're gonna eat dead diseased birds or something.
- So you're a giver? - Yeah, I'm so fucking noble.
Not enough to catch them, get them spayed, find them homes.
- Why don't you take them in yourself? - I'm allergic.
Sorry if I unloaded too much personal stuff on you yesterday.
- No problem.
- So is the coffee thing still an option? Sure, if you want it to be.
- Yeah, I do.
- OK.
- Now? - Yeah, I could.
No, they're closed Sunday.
And I have to do laundry today.
OK, it's fine.
Well, we could do dinner later tonight.
- There's a Korean barbecue nearby.
- I don't think Think of it as lunch in another time zone.
I already know sex is not an option.
- Sure.
Why not? - Good.
- Monkeys? - You think monkeys don't die? Yeah, Anthony, good catch, man.
Over here.
- He's dead? - Don't ask me.
This is your thing.
Man, I was just so constantly aggro.
Know what my problem was? I couldn't relax.
- I wish I could have helped you more.
- Claire, there was nothing anybody could do.
Life just wasn't the right environment for me.
But don't you miss it? No, not really.
Actually, I like it better here.
I'm taking care of Anthony and I'm doing the whole home-school thing.
I feel like I have a purpose for the first time.
I never could have done that when I was alive.
I was just so fucking selfish.
When I hang out with my niece sometimes it's like just by spending time with her I get to re-experience the sort of eternal youngness of things.
But then I think about it and it just goes away.
So, you seeing anybody? No.
I gotta go to the bathroom.
All right, let's go to the bathroom.
Come on.
Well, I've got to run.
Come here.
I love you.
I love you too.
Come on.
It was always more like I had no choice.
My belief was all fear.
The whole Catholic thing, even though I'm Episcopalian.
"You have to do right or you'll be punished.
" I got that too, only not from my religion, from my dad.
I believe we should do the right thing but not because we'll be rewarded in heaven.
No, we should do the right thing because we can and we choose to, even if it's gonna make life harder, which it often does.
I just don't know if it's right for us to be together.
I don't know if it's wrong, either.
I've just been so unhappy for such a long time.
I slept with Patrick.
OK, look.
Listen to me.
I love you with all my heart and I'll do anything to work through this because I don't wanna lose you.
I can't promise you anything.
Just don't give up.
Not yet.
Where are you going? I don't want to sit around like a pig in my own filth for one Sunday, if nobody minds.
Sweetie, why don't we go to church? Why don't we do something? Baby, Angie just rented the kids a bunch of movies.
Whoa, Angie, that's not for kids.
Put on something else.
What they get they get.
What they don't get goes over their heads.
- That doesn't make any sense.
- It does.
I have to go to the potty.
Will you put it on pause? - That's my shirt.
- Sorry.
I just slept in it.
I'll wash it.
That's it.
That's it.
Your sister has got to go for good.
She's been looking.
She needs to find a roommate first.
She hasn't been looking.
She's in hog heaven over here.
- Rico, that is my sister.
- And I am your husband.
We wouldn't be in this house if it weren't for her.
- We paid her that money back.
- We needed help.
Now she needs help.
You better not slam that door.
I'll wait for you out here.
You're not allowed to smoke in there.
Oh, my God.
- Please tell me you're just visiting.
- Yeah.
- So you're - Couldn't be better.
OK, I'm so not getting this.
There's nothing to get.
Lisa, if I'd known you were gonna die I'd have hung out with you more.
You're so sweet.
Isn't he beautiful? Don't worry.
I'll take good care of him.
And you take care of Maya for me, OK? You know, I miss you and I think about you all the time.
Right back at you.
It's so weird that Mom's getting married.
It's like you're being erased or something.
Aren't you pissed off? No.
That's you.
I think this is what you're looking for.
- Yeah? - Mr Fisher? - Yeah? - This is Deputy Wheeler.
I'm afraid I've got some bad news for you, sir.
You might want to sit down.
We found a body, sir, and it matches with your wife's dental records.
I'm so sorry.
Three basics.
And turn.
You read all these articles, how Austin's supposed to be this hot enclave of artists, but it was more than just hot.
A million degrees at all times.
I'd be laying around my apartment going, "I know to I need to experience that edgy local songwriter at the fabulous new club, "but I'm just so damn hot.
" - Is that why you came back to LA? - My dad got sick.
I'm sorry.
- He died, actually.
- I'm really sorry.
Thank you.
It's OK.
The oddest part is that I actually returned with the intention of reconnecting with my family, and then within a matter of months I'm in this place where, without saying too much and scaring you Say whatever you want.
I actually have no one.
I don't think I've ever been so by myself.
But, believe it or not, I'm not lonely.
I know that one day I need to start well, I want to start dating again Fuck dating.
Dating is stupid.
But this is a date, isn't it, kind of? Well, it is if we want it to be.
Do you want it to be? - Can I get back to you on that? - Take your time.
- See you next time.
- Bye-bye.
I know the woman that teaches salsa on Tuesdays.
She's delightful.
- Cool, I'll check it out.
- I'm taking off.
I think they're having a private party here tonight.
- We probably should clear out.
- OK.
Would you like to get a drink? You look like you have some time.
I've got nothing but time.
Thank you.
- Where's your car? - In the lot.
- Why don't you follow me? - OK.
So what'll it be? A shot of tequila.
- You wanna get to your sister's before dark.
- You wanna get rid of me.
Keep it coming.
- Hi, Mom.
- Hello, dear.
- You look beautiful.
- Thank you.
How long before we leave? - A couple of hours.
- Good.
I was afraid I was gonna be late.
- Want me to bag up the video camera? - No, they provide that at the chapel.
Maybe you could take care of Maya tonight at the wedding.
George has her right now.
- Where's Nate? - I have no idea.
I've tried calling his cellphone all afternoon but there's no answer.
I have something for you.
They're antique, so they're old, but I just bought them, so they're also new.
Technically I'm giving them to you rather than letting you borrow them but they're blue, right? I love you, Mom.
I'm so happy that you've found your soul mate.
Thank you, my sweet darling Claire.
You don't know how much this means to me from you.
- Do you like them? - They're beautiful.
Nothing to worry about, kid.
Just a place to get a drink.
I know.
I just normally don't do this.
These ladies, they're very nice.
That wasn't a kiss.
But it was close.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Hi.
- Hey.
- I'm Infinity.
- I'm Rico.
- This is a great song.
- Yeah.
When are you gonna dance again? I thought you were a great dancer.
Soon, don't worry.
My real name is Sophia.
But you gotta call me Infinity.
- How come? - I don't know.
It's the rules.
I'm sorry, I've never been to a place like this before.
When are you gonna dance again? Would you please stop doing that? If you can give me a good reason to.
Because it's driving me fucking crazy.
Not a good enough reason.
- What the fuck is your problem, asshole? - You're my problem, you dumb piece of shit.
How's your problem now, asshole? Don't you call me a fucking piece of shit.
Come on.
Come on, do it.
Do it.
Come on, you fucking dipshit.
I can still fucking stand up.
Come on! Come on and finish what you started! Come on! Fight, you fucking pussy! Come on! I stand before you with only myself and my time to give.
I wanna be with you for the rest of my life.
To see joy through your eyes.
To feel sorrow through your heart.
To share all the wonders of existence with you.
Dearest Ruth.
My constant companion, lover, friend.
George, I have fun with you.
I wanna belong to you, my darling.
I wanna be yours.
And so Today I promise myself to you for ever.
- I'm sorry.
- I now pronounce you man and wife.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Man! How much do I owe you? What, are you crazy? I'm not a prostitute.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I thought Shit.
I didn't mean it about you, I meant it about me.
I don't know how people Cutie, don't you know? I wanna be your friend.
I like you, dum-dum.
So is there anyplace that you want me to take you? Because I'm done, if that's OK.
- Hello, David.
- Hi.
Congratulations on the joyous event.
That's a gift that I bought.
For them.
That's so nice.
Here, have some cake.
- I didn't want to help myself.
- Please.
If no one minds, I think I'll enjoy this in my room.
Of course.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Sad guy, huh? I mean, you were born in this business.
He actually chose it.
- See, you're picking on me again.
- No, I was picking on him.
- And me, adjacently.
- Adjacently is not a word.
- See, that's picking.
- I was not picking, I was teasing.
It's my style.
You're picking on my style.
This cake is pretty good.
Not really.
Take a right up ahead.
Go straight up to 5 North.
There's a path that goes over the canyon and you can hurl yourself and the car right off.
- Fuck you.
- What are you waiting for? - Quit grandstanding.
Do it.
- Shut the fuck up.
Look at you.
You're such a mess.
You'll take anyone if they'll fuck you or fight you.
Let me tell you, buddy boy, those are just wisps of nothing compared to the nut you'll bust when this car rips through you, tears your ass in half.
You'll shit a million stars.
I don't wanna die.
Go ahead, honey.
It's the least you can do for me.
You fantasised about me being gone.
You've got what you wanted.
Oh, my God.
There's a very simple way you can make it up to me.
- I don't wanna die.
- Coming up on the right.
Then we can be together for ever.
I don't wanna die.
I don't wanna die.

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