Roswell s03e14 Episode Script

Chant Down Babylon

NARRATOR: Previously on Roswell: LIZ: You know I was scared to come here and I didn 't know if I was doing the right thing.
But just in the past few days it's like the first time in years I've felt like a normal teenager.
I don't know, every once in a while, something weird happens.
I feel like there's a part of her life she doesn 't want to share.
- Heal him.
- It doesn't work like that.
I can't save someone from a natural death.
I think you can.
MARIA: What happened? - Max is dead.
What? - We got a fire in section 15.
- That must be where they are.
Let's go this way, here.
That's it.
Ah! I can't put it out! Valenti, Max! Are you in there? [YELLING.]
Where's Max? Jim, where's my brother? He's dead.
What? - No.
No! - Come on, this place is gonna go up.
ISABEL: No, I'm not going without him! - He's dead! I saw it with my own eyes! - No, no! - No! - Michael, no! - Come on! ISABEL: Michael, no! VALENTl: Let's go! [COUGHING.]
When he hit the floor, flames roared out from his body.
- It started the fire.
- No.
He can't be dead.
- He can't be dead.
- I tried to get to him and his body collapsed into dust.
There they are.
- Is that them? - Yeah, but they're armed.
Wait! Damn it! Take care of them.
VALENTl: It's bad.
Give me your shirt.
- I I think I've been shot.
VALENTl: You're gonna be all right.
Just hang on.
JESSE: Isabel! - Max.
VALENTl: Just stay awake.
- Isabel! - Oh, my God.
- She's shot.
I don't know how bad it is.
- Please hurry.
JESSE: Oh, my God.
- Have you called an ambulance? - No, no! - What's wrong with you? - No ambulance, no hospital! She'll die, you idiot! MICHAEL: No! - The hell is wrong with you? - You can't take her to the hospital! JESSE: Why?! Tell me why! Because your wife isn't human.
Okay, understand that? Your wife is not human.
- Stop the crap! VALENTl: Ramirez! Look.
It's true, Jesse.
I know you don't want to accept it, but it's true.
She's not human.
What? She's alien.
We both are.
Chant Down Babylon Michael, it's Maria.
Pick up, because Liz has this wrong idea that something's happened to Max and I need someone in Roswell to pick up the phone.
Maybe I should try Isabel and Jesse.
They might all be at the movies or something.
- Max is dead, I know it.
- We don't know anything yet, okay? Just because you had a feeling, and I respect the connection you and Max have, but we don't know anything yet, okay? I need some time.
Okay, but when I get in touch with someone and this turns out to be whatever it turns out to be, I'm gonna find you.
Oh, Michael, Michael, Michael.
Pick up the phone, please.
Paul, man.
It's me, Jesse.
Yeah, can you hear me? Paul? Look, will you turn that thing off! We're okay.
It's Jesse, can you hear me? I can barely hear you.
- Can you hear me? - Jesse.
JESSE: Just hang on, okay, just hang on.
Look, yeah, I got an emergency here.
My wife's been shot.
If I could go to a hospital, I wouldn't be calling you.
Hello? The shirt's soaked through.
What do I do? Keep the pressure on, we can't do anything about it now.
- Max.
- No, Max isn't here.
We're gonna take care of this.
Wake up.
Wake up, don't leave us.
Are you sure about this doctor? He's not a doctor anymore, he's an old friend.
- What the hell does that mean? - It means shut up and let me Paul, yes.
One shot to the abdomen.
A handgun, probably - Sig, 9 mil.
- A 9 mm.
Look, just meet me at my apartment, okay? The address is 126 We're going to my house, it's closer.
Get her on the couch.
Got her, got her.
What's going on? My God.
What happened? She's been shot.
Kyle, there's a trauma kit in the garage, get it.
Go! Everything's gonna be okay.
I don't wanna die, please.
- Please, I don't wanna die.
JESSE: You won't.
You won't.
I promise, okay? Look, just do something, please! - I'm doing all I can.
- Where's the doctor? - Kyle! - He'll be here! VALENTl: Kyle! She needs Max.
Where's Max? - Max is dead.
- What? - Max is dead, all right? - Max, no.
Hold this.
- You the doctor? - Yeah.
Clear out, give me some room.
JESSE: Paul, thank God.
- I got it.
- Let's take a look here.
JESSE: The doctor's here, okay? I'm gonna find the bleeder, see what damage we're dealing with.
Clear that table.
In my car, there's a tank, a monitor a ventilator bag and a blanket tied with a cord, okay? I can't make you any promises, Jesse, she's lost a lot of blood.
JESSE: Do everything you can, okay? Everything you can.
Okay, everything's gonna be okay.
Everything's gonna be all right.
All right, let's get her on the table.
Brace her.
Get her neck.
One, two, three, ready, lift.
Easy does it.
Get her middle.
Let her down easy, let her down easy.
Tank right here, monitor there, bag on the counter, give me the blanket here.
She needs a transfusion.
Anyone know her blood type? I'm her type.
- Who can tap this kid's vein? - I can.
All right.
Let's get to work, guys.
Clayton, can you hear me? CLAYTON [IN STRANGE VOICE.]
: Where am I? Clayton? CLAYTON: Meris? Meris, is that you? Oh, my God.
I feel like someone walked over my grave.
What? What? Oh, my God.
Look at my hand.
Meris, look at my hand.
Clayton, you really should look at this.
That's not me.
This can't be me.
I'm not him.
I It's all right.
Clayton, it's all right.
This is impossible.
He was trying to heal you.
I saw him.
He was He was trying to rejuvenate you, to oh, God, to make you young again.
But why? Why make me look like Like him? Where is he? I wanna talk with him.
He's a pile of ash.
Just like the rest of the Meta-Chem plant by now.
So this is me now? This is my body.
You know, it's not a bad one.
That alien boy must have worked out.
You know I have always loved you just the way you were but this does open up a whole new set of possibilities for our relationship.
I got in touch with Michael.
I'm so sorry.
I knew it.
How? Uh He died in a fire, trying to save Valenti's life.
Michael said that he was really heroic.
I'm so sorry.
Oh, my God, Clayton.
Don't stop.
Something Something's wrong.
Liz! Clayton, what happened? I saw this This girl.
- A girl? - Yes.
Brown hair.
Brown eyes.
About 18 years old.
This is serious.
She's somebody Max Evans knows.
Someone from his life.
You must have gotten some of his memories.
Clayton, come back to bed.
He's in there.
He's inside my head.
Who? Max Evans.
He's still alive.
He's in my head.
His head.
This head.
I know you're in there, Max.
I know you are.
You want something, don't you? What is it you want? Liz.
What was that? Clayton, are you all right? - Is the Gulfstream fueled and ready? - Always.
Where are we going? Vermont.
We're going to Vermont.
She's far from okay.
I removed her spleen and tried to repair the liver but it's meatball surgery at best.
The real question is whether infection sets in.
If that happens What? To have a fighting chance, she'll need more than I can do in your dining room.
She'll need a hospital.
That's not an option.
- Neither is letting her die.
- No one's dying yet.
We don't have to face that decision right now.
Let's just wait and see what happens, okay? She's She's still sleeping.
You and me, outside.
PAUL: You mind if I smoke? No, go ahead.
Can't imagine why you lost your license.
EILEEN: Are you sure you won't change your mind? I mean, spending spring break in this place? You'll be the only one here.
Even the faculty heads for the hills.
The fewer people around here right now, the better.
I'm Maria.
I'm the best friend.
I'm Eileen, the roommate.
I'm out of here.
What's going on with Liz? Did something happen with her ex? Yeah, he's He's dead.
- Do it again.
- Jesse Look, just do it again.
- Son of a - How many times do I have to do this? I don't know.
You know, you tell me this crazy story about another planet and kings and shape-shifters, pod chambers Every time I come close to believing I start worrying I'm strapped down in a room because I've lost my mind.
Okay? So just keep doing it until I can accept that I'm seeing it and that I am really here.
- Okay, what the hell's going on here? JESSE: What're you talking about? - Isabel has a temperature of 112.
- 112? And rising.
How high before it gets dangerous? Dangerous? Let me tell you something, I've never even heard of a temperature of 108.
Obviously I'm not supposed to ask, but if there's something that I should know something that could help me, you might wanna consider telling me.
There's nothing we could tell you that would be of any use.
You know, I was I was thinking See, you're supposed to say, "There's a first time for everything.
" Anyway, I was thinking that since Liz got some alien powers when Max saved her life that you know, maybe I've got some alien juice too.
Maybe I've got the power to heal.
So let's just give it a try.
It was worth a shot.
You know me.
I'll try anything once.
How's Isabel? Not good.
Michael says that her fever's up to 115 now.
That's really high.
That's really high.
That's a really, really long way down.
Could you not be by the window right now, please.
Oh, don't worry.
I'm not gonna jump.
And now what happened over here? Oh, that? My powers are back.
- Powers, I thought that - They would go away because Max died? Guess not.
All right.
No, you're right, you're right.
- Damn it, Liz.
- Damn it, Maria.
I understand what you're going through, but getting drunk is not gonna help.
Really, you do? You understand what I'm going through? Is Michael dead? Because Max is.
And all those things I have been dreaming about for the past three years? They are now gone.
So why don't you explain to me how you understand what I am going through.
You know what? I'm just not gonna talk to you when you're like this.
Why, because I'm an angry drunk? Well, that's just You know what? That's That's too bad.
I'm gonna go get some air.
You're not here.
You're a dream.
Okay, this This isn't funny anymore.
I just I need to wake up, you need to go away, okay? Just go away.
Oh, my God, Max.
What? What's the matter, Max? Are you okay? Max? Are you all right? What's the matter, Max? Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Max? No.
- No! - Max.
Max, come back.
MICHAEL: First day of school, third grade.
I'm standing by the lunch line arguing with that ass, Mr.
He tells me that the cafeteria won't take my food stamps.
I say, "They're for food, aren't they?" He looks down on me.
And he says, with that scraggly mustache and that stupid comb-over he says, "I don't take lip from welfare punks.
" I'm about to kick his balls up into his throat.
But then I feel someone watching me.
And it feels like a heat lamp turned on the back of my neck.
And I turn around and there you are sitting at a table all by yourself.
And you're just staring right at me.
So I walk over and I sit down.
You're still staring at me with those big eyes.
And you pushed your tray of food over to me and said, "You can have my lunch.
" Right then I knew you were different.
You know, but you were different like I was different.
Only, people liked you and they wanted you around.
I want you around.
I want you around, so please don't go.
You still owe me for that lunch.
Hey, guys.
Guys, come on, get in here, quick! - Jesse.
JESSE: How are you? How is she? PAUL: Her vitals are steady.
Her temperature's down to 102.
God, I need a cigarette.
- What happened? - I heard Michael.
I heard you.
I was somewhere else, but I followed your voice back.
Clayton, listen.
You have got to take control of this.
I can't.
I have to go to her.
I have to.
She's the love of my life.
Look at me.
Listen to me.
I have spent the last 10 years of my life trying to find a cure for you.
Clayton, I have stolen patents for you.
God, Clayton, I've even killed people for you.
I didn't come this far to see you just throw it all away on some adolescent crush.
It's more than that.
It's Max.
He wants to take over.
I can feel him fighting for control.
He wants to be with Liz.
Be with Liz.
All right, here's what we're gonna do.
We're gonna get rid of that girl.
Liz? No, no, I love her.
No, Clayton, you are not thinking clearly.
Look, you don't love her.
Max does.
And as long as she's alive, he has something to hold onto something to fight for.
But see, if she were dead, he would have to give up.
Then all those voices in your head would stop.
But I No, I love her.
Don't say that, just forget about that.
You have to kill her.
You have to kill the thing you love to be free.
You have to kill the one you love to be free.
Clayton, you have to kill her.
Do you understand what I'm saying? Clayton.
Damn it, Clayton, listen to me.
Strap on a pair and take control here.
You have to kill the one you love to be free.
You have to kill [CRACKING.]
Here you go.
You can count it if you want.
You're the last person I'm worried is gonna stiff me, Jesse.
You're the guy Diogenes was looking for.
You know, Diogenes walked around Athens looking for Looking for an honest man, yeah.
I went to college.
So did I.
Now look at me.
Unlicensed, unwanted and unloved.
All because I wrote some prescriptions for a few friends.
They weren't your friends, Paul.
Especially not the one that turned out to be a fed.
- True.
But you know what the truth is? Ultimately, I lost my license because Because I'm not an honest guy.
- Neither are your friends in there.
- Goodbye, Paul.
You're involved in something.
I don't know what and I don't want to.
It's wrapped up in lies and that's not what you're about.
- You're one of the good guys.
- So are my friends.
They're liars.
You can't trust them.
Not when it counts.
Not when it comes time to chant down Babylon and destroy the plans of wicked men.
- Bob Marley, remember? - Yeah, I got the reference.
Good luck, Jesse.
Where am I? I brought you back to your room.
- Oh, you brought me Ow! - Yes, "ow!" Ah! Here you go, come on.
Take this.
It's what my mom drinks for hangovers, come on.
- It's so cold.
- Yes, you're so cold.
You were lying out on the frozen tundra for about a half-hour before I found you.
You're lucky you didn't freeze to death.
Thanks, Maria.
No problem.
That's what I'm here for.
Now, do me a favor.
Repeat after me.
"I'm sorry, Maria.
" I'm sorry, Maria.
You're forgiven.
Do I wanna know what I did that I'm sorry for? Let it go.
I have.
Max, he's here, I saw him.
- What? Wait - No, Maria, I saw him today.
I fell down or something and he was standing over me.
And then he kissed me, I think.
No, pumpkin, you were dreaming.
I guess I must have been.
Yeah, you had a lot to drink.
- I should probably go take a shower.
- I'm forced to agree.
You are, like, the most special person in the world to me.
Right back at you.
Max? What's going on, Max? Clayton.
Stay away from me! Whatever you are, just stay away! [SCREAMS.]
Liz? Max? - Max.
- No.
No, you're in danger.
Max, what? What happened to you? I don't know, Liz.
I'm in this body, but it's not really me.
Oh, my God.
- Let me help you.
- Shut up.
There's no time.
I can't hold out much longer, l You have to kill this body.
You have to stop Clayton.
- No.
- You have to.
He'll kill you if you don't.
Take the club, do it.
- Max - Do it! Do it.
I'm so sorry, Max.
I love you.
No! Are we okay? I don't know.
I mean, I look at you and I know that I love you.
But I lied to you.
I always knew in my heart that you would never forgive me for that.
That's not it.
I mean, yeah, I'm hurt that you lied to me.
But I can get past that.
- You can? - Yeah.
Yeah, eventually.
I mean, look, I'm not perfect, I've told a lie or two.
And you, I mean, hell, you had to grow up lying to everyone around you.
It just became second nature.
Baby, it was never, never about you.
It's just that lying about who I am is a given.
And you were really good at it.
Isabel, you were really good.
That's what the real problem is, isn't it? Not that I lied, but that I'm good at it.
I believed you completely.
And these strange things would happen and I never doubted that I knew you.
That I knew who my wife really was.
I mean, I married Isabel Evans.
There is no Isabel Evans.
Isabel is this person you hide behind.
And I just You're right.
You're right about everything.
And even though I'm a really good liar I want you to know that I'm telling the truth when I say I love you.
And I love being your wife.
Where do we go from here? I have no idea.
Max? Liz.
You brought me back.
I guess that makes us even.
What happened? Let's go home.

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